Tag Archives: animals deserve respect

Report 243 | John Oberg, Animal Advocate | Expanding Our Circle of Compassion to Include Animals

Video Post & Link | Ramola D | April 13, 2021

Animals suffer all around us, everyday, on a routine basis. The phenomenon of factory farming which has been brought to people’s attention for decades now, still continues. Other forms of ill-treatment to animals inhere in the use of animals in biomedical research, clinical trials, military weapons-testing, military experimentation, cosmetics and commercial technology research, zoos, aquariums, entertainment centers, circuses, temples, breeding facilities, dairy farms.

Yet we learn more and more each day about the emotional lives of animals, about the suffering and sentience of the smallest creatures, even fish, moths, butterflies, ants; on farms and in homes, people are aware of the personalities and moods of their animal companions.

John Oberg, an animal advocate and social media activist who has become a powerful voice for animals online in the simplest of ways, through speaking for animals in tweets and posts, offers others online a means to raise consciousness and act humanely for animals. “All animals deserve our respect, ” he says, and even without making huge lifestyle changes, everyone can take small actions to end cruelty to animals on this planet.

John explains that factory farming in itself comprises over 90% of the use of animals in inhumane ways and notes that this is one area where every individual on the planet has an opportunity to make a difference, to end cruelty to animals on factory farms, by making simple food choices, whether for a day or a week.

“Meatless Mondays,” he suggests offers a way to take action against cruelty on your dinner plate; the way the food-animal industry is structured, every small action such as that can have a ripple effect to save the lives of a few unborn animals by affecting the supply-demand cycle.

These and other aspects of the whole phenomenon of veganism, acting for animals, thinking of animals in more compassionate ways, as well as the wrongful targeting of compassionate and peaceful animal rights activists by the FBI (a subject to be covered further by this writer), some common negative responses to veganism, including from contemporary linkages to Agenda 21/2030 and the hijacked “sustainable development” and climate-change movements were discussed in a candid conversation in Report 243.

Those who are unaware that milk and meat on the dinner table means factory farming and the confinement of animals in often horrific conditions may want to explore some of the footage online at Youtube. Type in “happy farm animals” after that to see a contrasting picture of gamboling piglets, happy cows, and perky chickens–it is fairly easy to see these are loving, sentient creatures with their own lives, who have life-force in them, just as you and I, and would appreciate being left alone to live out their lives in peace.

As we speak about, each of us has a choice, all the time, to support cruelty to animals or to exercise kindness, through the food on our dinner plate–and today, as John Oberg points out, there are many sites online to help with vegan recipes: kindness to animals via vegan meals, occasionally or forever, has never been easier.

As a long-practicing vegan and animal rights activist and advocate myself who has handed out flyers, baked vegan goods, and spoken with people at county fair and bake sale tabling events, holding up signs at animal protests at hunts and in front of animal research labs, covering events and environmental/animal protection organizations as a journalist, volunteering for various animal rights groups, and speaking to children in kindergarten and elementary schools about saving endangered tigers and lions, it was a joy to have this conversation with a young animal protection advocate and discuss freely some of the many issues surrounding veganism and animal rights activism.

Report 243 | John Oberg, Animal Advocate | Expanding Our Circle of Compassion to Include Animals

WATCH AT BITCHUTE: Report 243/Bitchute

WATCH AT LBRY/ODYSEE: Report 243/Odysee


Note: Photos used in this video as illustration have been taken from factory farming and rescued animals footage from various videos on Youtube from the Humane Society, Mercy for Animals and other groups: many thanks to all content creators and filmmakers who have taken this footage and posted these videos.

John Oberg’s work can be seen online at Twitter @JohnOberg. Visit his website at JohnOberg.org, Instagram at : Instagram.com/JohnOberg, Facebook at Facebook.com/JohnObergOfficial, YouTube.com/user/JohnOberg. Support his work at Patreon or Donorbox: Patreon.com/JohnOberg, Donorbox.org/JohnOberg

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