Tag Archives: Halt the Vaccines

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: Thousands of Doctors Worldwide Convene to Declare International Medical Crisis & Call for Immediate Suspension of All COVID Vaccines

Report & Links | Ramola D | October 4, 2022

Thousands of doctors worldwide have rallied in the last few weeks to meet, hold press conferences, publish or sign a Medical Crisis Declaration, and call on their colleagues in the medical profession to examine the evidence with them and join their call for an immediate suspension or halt to the COVID vaccines–referred to by many as gene-therapy injections, not really vaccines.

These doctors join the thousands who have spoken out earlier in 2021, made videos, appeared in podcasts, interviews, and conferences calling early for a halt as Vaccine Injury databases began to record deaths, heart attacks, and strokes, and blood clotting damages began to be scrutinized with intent by cardiologists, pathologists, and research scientists.

Today these databases are recording the deaths of children, the young, sudden deaths across age-groups, and the deaths of athletes, while many analysts speculate it’s millions currently dead from the vaccines, not thousands, as the VAERS/MHRA Yellow Card/EudraVigilance databases suggest.

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs/Oct 25, 2021

Screenshot from article: https://www.europereloaded.com/experts-estimate-20-million-are-already-dead-due-to-covid-vaccination-over-2-billion-injured/

Medical Crisis Declaration

The doctors and scientists who have come together to formulate this statement declaring an unprecedented international medical crisis cite the many alarming facets now seen to be associated with the COVID vaccine such as excess mortality in all countries where the majority of the population have been vaccinated, sudden rise in deaths among young people, rise in miscarriages and perinatal deaths, and adverse side effects which include permanent disability.

The declaration calls for thorough investigations of the deaths post-vaccine and of interactions between ingredients of the vaccines as well as molecular, cellular and biological vaccine-effects. Recommendations include compensation and psychological help for the afflicted, early detection programs to address cardiovascular issues, as well as research and treatment for all who have experienced adverse side effects.

The Medical Crisis Declaration can be found here; as of date, 22,628 people have signed, thousands of these being doctors and scientists from the world over.

Several doctors have made videos, posted here and at Odysee and Rumble.

Indian Doctors Conference Discussed Vaccine Damages and Called to Stop the Shots

A group of Indian doctors recently held a conference online on Sep 10, 2022, to publicize the Medical Crisis Declaration then signed by physicians from 34 countries, alerting India and the world to vaccine injury from the COVID injections as they called for all authorities to stop the shots, covered at the Universal Health Organization and Awaken India Movement.

Their press release announcing the conference — with more information — is here.

The livestreamed conference is at Facebook and posted below.

World Council for Health Press Conference/Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, Says the Vaccine Must be Suspended

Link to Newsroom link at WCH: Newsroom (worldcouncilforhealth.org)

The World Council for Health held a press conference recently where Dr. Malhotra, a UK consultant cardiologist, presented his experience and findings encapsulated in a recent peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, where he was joined by Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist from the United States, and Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director of E-BMC Ltd and EbMCsquared CiC and member of the WCH Steering Committee.

The WCH press release for this event with links to much information is here.

Dr. Malhotra’s call for a suspension of the mRNA vaccine until serious side-effects are fully investigated comes after an initial support for the vaccine when it was first rolled out and a current turnaround after his very healthy father (72) died suddenly with clogged arteries after the shot.

Dr. Malhotra does not seem to be against all vaccines–indeed, his comments during the conference suggest he has not explored the entire subject of vaccines very deeply–but he does critique the base set-up of the pharmaceutical industry which is fixated on delivering profits to its shareholders and not on anyone’s health, and reports the recent admissions from Lancet and other medical journal editors that a whole lot of scientific fraud pervades the medical journal (propped up by Pharma) landscape, with over 50% of what’s published being false.

““We must use this as an opportunity to transform the system to produce better doctors, better decision making, healthier patients and restore trust in medicine and public health. Until all the raw data on the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines have been independently analysed, any claims purporting that they confer a net benefit to humankind cannot be considered to be evidence based.”

Dr. Ryan Cole presents some rather compelling slides with his presentation, sharing his analysis that the spike protein is found all over cells in the body while displaying samples of the very long and rubbery amyloid clots found in deceased people who were vaccinated.

Unfortunately, Dr. Cole, like various other prominent physicians currently speaking out does not make reference to the graphene findings and other metallic and parasite findings in the vaccines and vaccinated blood, which have been covered extensively here (list of most articles/podcasts at Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs) and will continue to be covered.

The only reason the shots are not being stopped worldwide yet is that we continue to live in an inverted world where corporations keen on profit run governments–as noted here, it’s people now who need to rise and stop their families and communities from being harmed by these non-vaccines: All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Please share this information widely.

Bombshell: Thermal Imaging and Microscopy from Dr. Felipe Reitz Show Terrifying Blood Clots in Vaccinated | Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea calls on All Doctors to Immediately Stop Administering the COVID Shots

Video Repost/Links and Note | Ramola D | September 2, 2022

A recent interview posted on August 22, 2022 between a physician/researcher and medical diagnostics expert reveals terrifying new images in the blood of COVID-vaccinated people, both through microscopy and infra-red thermographic imaging of extensive blood clots clogging veins and capillaries, rouleaux of blood cells, fungoid infections overwhelming neutrophils, red blood cells stripped of hemoglobin, clusters of graphene nanoparticles clogging blood vessels, and shards of nano graphene hydroxide “razorblades” all over the vascular system.

This information comes on top of numerous discoveries made worldwide by teams of researchers, scientists, physicians, pathologists finding huge amounts of nanographene and other metallic substances in the vaccine vials and blood of the vaccinated, as well as finding self-assembling structures and long stringy blood clots in the blood of the vaccinated and the deceased-post-COVID-vaccine.

Deaths post-vaccine continue to mount, as a simple look at just the CDC VAERS database–only one of numerous databases now recording post-COVID-vaccine deaths–shows.

The fact that the COVID shots have still not been stopped continues to be of enormous alarm to an awakened and educated populace–which includes this writer–and necessitates continued coverage on this subject; thankfully, it seems thousands of doctors are waking up to this medical catastrophe and sounding the alarm for an immediate halt. (Thousands more however are holding on to their jobs by supporting the false Big Harma narrative which Google et al also support of a supposed “medical consensus” encouraging the shots.)

Screenshot, Dr. Ana & Dr. Felipe Reitz, Video Link below/ Fungal Infections, Fibrin threads, Stacked proteins, Blood Rouleaux, and long blood clots found in blood of the vaccinated

In the video posted below — a must-watch for everyone worldwide and especially for all doctors, pharmacists, nurses pushing the profiteering-and-transhumanizing COVID vaccine on people while these doctors report it is not really a vaccine (but an experimental gene-therapy injection) which as many know is causing hundreds of thousands of deaths–Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD, Author of Light Medicine: A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit, and Longevity (www.ammedicalmd.comhttps://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com), interviews Felipe Reitz, Biologist, Inventor, Medical Researcher in Brazil regarding his findings in C-19 injected people.

Below the video Dr. Ana Maria Mihaelcea notes that the thermal imaging reveals “extensive asymptomatic blood clotting in the entire vascular system” while the live blood images show Graphene Oxide nanoparticles “and other blood abnormalities.”

Their discussion through the presentation of the images by Dr. Reitz raises numerous causes for alarm.

While some of the evidence in the blood of the vaccinated — of hemoglobin-depleted red blood cells, the blood rouleaux’ing, and clusters of nanographene overwhelming neutrophils, a sign of increased acidity and decreased immune function — seems to match with reported symptoms they say of coughing, shortness of breath, inability to breathe, itching, weakness, fatigue, there are other signs from thermo imaging including the formation of blood clots in long fibrous strands, the nano razor blades, and areas of increased heat or redness which do not seem to register with symptoms.

Meaning there are many alarming things going on inside the blood of the vaccinated very often, including the formation of long stringy clots not giving immediate sign of alarm then leading to sudden death as witnessed in the sudden deaths of athletes around the world or sudden deaths of just anyone who’s been vaccinated.

“The blood stops going to the brain,” Dr. Reitz notes when clots clog the veins and capillaries, and when hemoglobin is depleted, stripping red blood cells of the ability to absorb and exchange oxygen.

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea makes an impassioned plea at the end of the video to doctors to wake up and recognize that these conditions of extreme clotting are related to the vaccines, and to do their due diligence and lose their jobs rather than do their patients the extreme harm of administering the highly poisonous vaccines or injections.

“It has been so challenging to get a broader picture,” says Dr. Mihalcea as she thanks Dr. Reitz for exposing these images to the world and offering a diagnostic tool which doctors should not ignore. “I was beyond shocked” when first seeing the images. “”It’s unbelievable,” they both agree. Dr. Reitz describes how people learn of this yet return to their doctors who keep recommending the shots.

Dr. Mihalcea especially acknowledges Dr. Reitz for helping bring forward this information “to potentially a new diagnostic mode which other doctors and health practitioners can use — first of all they need to get out of denial…it’s like look, since the injections were rolled out — when the sudden death syndrome started, the myocarditis, and the people dropping dead–Stop denying this! and start looking at this! and remember your oath as a doctor and take care of the people–stop the shots, it doesn’t matter if you lose your job: you cannot do this to people, and you will be held accountable and be prosecuted. And if you know about this and you continue to give the shots, you deserve to be prosecuted.”

Dr. Felipe Reitz says he hopes to examine the blood of the vaccinated and will continue his diagnostic work, and offers his email as a means to contact him to help share the word: freitz72@gmail.com

Unvaccinated Blood Also Showing Blood Clots Through Vaccine Shedding

At her Substack posts covering the vaccine catastrophe, Dr. Mihaelcea reports also that she is an expert in chelation and has been helping her unvaccinated patients recover from vaccine shedding through chelation and Vitamin C therapy after discovering numerous blood clots in their blood via D-Dimer tests, which Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi early reported were good tests to determine the presence of nano and micro bloodclots.

“I tested a blood marker for micro clotting, called a D-Dimer, and it was elevated in an alarming amount of my unvaccinated patients who were concerned about vaccine shedding. I successfully reversed the elevated D-Dimers with Vitamin C infusion (Dose 20.000mg), intravenous Glutathione and the peptide Epithalon. In my practice, the Vitamin C infusions are more effective in reversing D-Dimer elevation faster than Chelation, even though I use both. It takes an average of 4 infusions. Sometimes, when people are re-exposed or have a particularly high D-Dimer, it may take longer.

I discuss my findings in this video that was recorded in May 2022:

D-Dimer elevation in the Unvaccinated. A Marker of Shedding?

–Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding (substack.com)

Vaccine Shedding Theorized Earlier

Dr. Philippe van Welbergen has revealed that the nanoparticles found in the vials are causing alarming self-assembling structures to form inside the blood of the vaccinated, while graphene is being found inside the blood of the unvaccinated as well, suggesting vaccine shedding, covered by Daily Expose UK here:

Doctors discover Graphene is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Blood Clots

Detox Advice and Chelation from Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

The following detox advice and information for all vaccinated and unvaccinated to consider comes from Dr. Mihalcea’s Substack:

Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding | And with Truth, comes Hope

“These are exciting times. When we have the courage to question everything, that we think we know and have been told, we will find answers and solutions. We can detox people from metal nanostructures.

EDTA Chelation can take care of all of those listed metals, it also binds to Graphene. High dose Vitamin C infusions also work as a Chelator and have excellent electrical regenerating effects. If we understand that metal poisons interfere with electrical cellular processes, using high electron donors like ascorbic acid can regenerate and detoxify the problem.

Glutathione, NAC, DMG, Zeolite. Nutritional support to enhance immune function and reduce inflammation with Nitric Oxide supplements ( Neo 40 Professional in my testing is best), Vitamin D3 +K to reach a blood level greater than 75 and less than 100. Blood thinning supplements like Plasmanex, Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase. Reversal of immune system aging with low dose twice a week Ivermectin 0.2mg/kg and Hydroxychloroquine 200mg 3 times a week. Giving high level electrons bypassing mitochondrial dysfunction and increasing cellular oxygen delivery between 37-70% with Methylene Blue. Anti-inflammatory supplements like Thymoquinone (bioactive extract from Black Cumin Seed Oil), Curcumin, ECGC, Resveratrol, polyphenols, Skutellaria, Baicalein, redox molecules. When we lower inflammation we increase electricity. Peptides that help reverse the accelerated inflammatory aging cascade like GHK Copper and Epithalon.

Combine that with organic nutrition, juicing, turning your TV and Wifi off, loving your life, connecting spiritually to your divine essence, refusing to buy into life shortening fear and depression. Go out in nature, let the wind caress your hair, hug a tree that has lived for hundreds of years, listed to a brook in the forest, and the birds sing. Believe in life, not in death.

Nature provides so many possibilities of healing. We certainly need more research and more answers. But in the meantime, we can start healing the injured.

There is hope.”–Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

Please share widely.

BREAKING | Australian and New Zealand Scientists Confirm Toxic Nanotechnology, Graphene in COVID-19 Vaccines and Vaccinated Blood | Medical Tyranny in OZ, NZ Clarified as Forced Genocide, Politicians Responsible & Must Be Questioned, Vaccines Halted

Report and Links | Ramola D | April 5, 2022

Major breaking news from Australia as Australian journalist Maria Zee shares video and graphics of nanotechnology and graphene oxide in form of jagged bits, ribbons, and flourescing elements in presence of mobile phones as well as self-assembling elements, in a video posted recently online (linked below) showing electron microscopy conducted by Australian scientists. (Her video at Rumble was published on April 3, 2022.)

The Australian scientists responsible for examining the contents of the Pfizer vial and providing the images and videos she presents, she reports, are currently staying anonymous but have additional images and video to report, after examination of other vaccine vials.

The images are very similar to that reported since June 2021 by a number of scientists from Spain, Chile, Argentina, Germany, USA, UK, and New Zealand, and are confirmed by Raman spectroscopy to be graphene oxide, a highly toxic nano form of graphite, which–from extant scientific literature in the public domain–has found extensive use in nanobioelectronics over the past 20 years despite its toxicity–and apparently has been rolled out covertly in these vaccines funded by DARPA and the Gates Foundation–thanks to very dark military, globalist, and transhumanist intent in making human bodies remotely-accessible by wireless radiation (under cover of benefit for tele-medicine) for remote bio-sensing, remote modification, and remote control, as suggested early here:

Red Alert! Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer/AstraZeneca Vaccines–Used in Biosensors and Neural Interfaces–Could Be the Secret Link to Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Human-Machine Convergence for AI Singularity & Full Spectrum Brain/Bio Control Intended by Anti-Human Transhumanists, Globalists, Governments

Damning Evidence of Self-Assembling Wireless Nanosensor Networks using Graphene Quantum Dots, Nanorouters, Nanoantennas Found by Dr. Pablo Campra in 4 COVID Vaccines Revealed by Researcher Mik Anderson/Corona2Inspect

Reporting that the World Council for Health headed by Dr. Tess Lawrie has published a report on the toxicity of graphene, as also a group of UK doctors she heads as reported here earlier, Maria raises the question of “health authorities” around the world still ignoring this scientific evidence, needing to conduct their own studies, and for politicians and regulators who approved this vaccine to be questioned.

The state of medical tyranny being maintained in Australia and New Zealand, she notes, seems to be prelude to forced genocide, as the dangerous toxification of people’s blood is revealed to lead to overactive immune systems, now being seen as VAIDs–Vaccine Induced AIDS worldwide.

The Vaccines MUST be Halted Immediately

As often underscored here at ECC, the vaccines’ toxicity at this point is undeniable–and every scientist, physician, parent, and concerned citizen on the planet needs to be making a very loud noise about needing to immediately halt these noxious injections found by microscopy and spectroscopy to be filled with nanocircuitry, graphene and ferromagnetic elements, as well as parasites of various kinds.

Images and Video from Australian Scientists

The following images are screenshots taken from her video presentation; the last two show graphene nanocircuitry elements from videos flourescing on proximity to mobile phones–a state of energized activation, the scientists report, which continues for days–and moving in self-assembly formations. The video presentation is linked below all images.

VIDEO PRESENTATION BY MARIA ZEE: EXCLUSIVE: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide/FROM RUMBLE/Maria Zee

Urgent Call to Halt Vaccines and Especially Stop Rollout in British Schools and for Children Worldwide

In their article reporting this news, Not on the Beeb reposts Dr. T’s urgent call to people worldwide from July 2021 to heed the information being revealed about what is in the vaccines and the nature of the magnetism being displayed by vaccinated people, launch an investigation, document all side-effects, and end the harms being enacted now by the vaccines worldwide.


Not on the Beeb also posts links there to an ongoing petition for health professionals to send to the British Police to “request the British police seize samples of the vaccine and instigate an urgent public scientific review, regarding the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and the biotechnology that are causing widespread serious adverse reactions post-COVID-19 vaccination.”

New Zealand Microbiologist and Nanotechnologist Reports Nanographene and Nanotechnology in the Pfizer Vaccine

Earlier, in a video posted March 22, 2022, Dr. Sam Bailey and Dr. Mark Bailey introduced Dr. Robin Wakeling, a New Zealand microbiologist with a background and expertise in nano-emulsion delivery technology, who presented his findings in phase contrast microscopy of nanoparticles, lipids, graphene, and self-assembling elements found in the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

Very similar to findings from scientists worldwide named above, his images also show jagged bits of nano circuitry, lipid colloidal structures, self-assembling strings of beads and loops. Self-assembly occurred with heat, light and time he reports, showing plate-like structures, wires, and loops and complex shapes developing over time. Dr. Wakeling also experimented with a magnet over the plate and reports self-assembly and movement of the nanographene into seeming circuitry structures.

Dr. Sam Bailey reports that four teams of New Zealand researchers are now working to explore the contents of the vaccine vials.

Images and Video from New Zealand Scientists

The images below are from Dr. Robin Wakeling’s presentation of his findings; the last few images show self-assembly into loops, wires, strings under influence of time, and some under magnetism. The video presentation, which also shows comparisons with other doctors’ previously-published findings including from Dr. Campra and Life of the Blood, is linked below. Dr. Wakeling plans to study the contents further under influence of EMF.

Please share this information widely, and especially with all health professionals and government employees you know, so all can be informed about the absolute proof of self-assembling nano-circuitry colloidal and graphene elements in the vaccines, causing the kinds of pathologies of stringy blood, clotted blood, swarms of leukocytes, and sudden death or serious injury, as previously reported here and worldwide.


COVID Vaccine Toxicity Now Undeniable: UK Lab Finds Toxic Graphene in Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca Vaccines While UK Govt “Vaccine Surveillance” Report Finds Double and Triple-Vaccinated Dying in Droves | Pfizer’s Hidden Reports with 9 Pages of Side Effects Surface

Crime Scene Vaccine: Nano Graphene Oxide in High Amounts Now Found in Moderna, Other Vaccines, also Sanofi Flu Vaccine, & Saline Solution Point to COVID-19 (& All Professed Variants) Being Graphene & 4G/5G Poisoning, Not a Virus

Explosive News–Irrefutable Scientific Evidence All COVID Vaccines are Causing Massive Death: Top Immunologist & Top Pathologist, Dr. Bhakdi & Dr. Burkhardt Reveal Killer Lymphocytes Have Caused Auto-Immune Death in All Dead-Vaccinated Studied & Call for IMMEDIATE VACCINE HALT Worldwide

Newsbreak 135 | Breaking News: Dutch Pathologist’s Concerns Addressed by Dr. Young: Graphene Poisoning, Blood Coagulation, & Immense Harm from Crystallizing Blood Cells Post-Vaccine

Press Conference by Pathology Institute in Reutlingen, Germany Reveals Deadly Ingredients in COVID Vaccines & Unusual Tissue, Blood Damage: “Death by Vaccination–Undeclared Components of COVID-19 Vaccines”

News Report 7 | All Vaccines Carry Poisons, COVID Vaccines Found to Carry Mega Poisons

Toxins From Spilled Coronavac Vial In Thailand Induce Eye Damage, Skin Rashes | Argentine Researchers Find Self-Assembling Microcircuit Elements in Sinopharm, Sputnik, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Cansino | German Chemists Question Discoloration in BioNTech Vials

Dr. Mark Bailey & Dr. John Bevan-Smith | The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity

Train-Wreck of COVID Vaccine Insanely Jolts On: Sudden Deaths as Children Die, Babies Die, Adults Die, Athletes Die, While Govts & Pharma Sign New Deals

Dangers of Vaccines & Dangers of the COVID Vaccine Whited-Out by Google (as well as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram) in Service to the False Narrative that Vaccines are Safe: It’s a Pfizer-DARPA Narrative, Finally

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Video Report & Links | Ramola D | October 30, 2021

Summary news report highlighting the vitally important statements and declarations of large groups of doctors and scientists worldwide demanding a halt to the COVID injections and vaccine mandates causing high numbers of deaths and very severe adverse events or vaccine damage worldwide.

Reporting on video the news contained in this article:

Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs

Watch here or at Screen-Cast-o-Matic | To be uploaded at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee shortly

Please share on all social media platforms so this story gets the largest possible reach, since mainstream media is striving to maintain a fraudulent one-focus narrative on physician and scientist opinion regarding the “pandemic” and the experimental injections.

Now posted on Bitchute & Odysee & Brighteon:




Thousands of Doctors & Scientists Worldwide Call for a Halt to the Unsafe & Toxic COVID Vaccines, for a Halt to Vaccine Mandates, & for Freedom to Practice Medicine & Share Research Without Fear of Censorship–As Medical Boards Issue Unscientific Edicts & Censor Truthtelling Docs

Report & Op-Ed | Ramola D | October 25 , 2021

Tens of thousands of physicians and scientists are rising up all over the world to demand an end to the experimental COVID vaccine clinical-trials rollout in light of the mounting numbers of deaths (possibly millions, as the Sorensen/Zelenko Vaccine Death Report demonstrates) and millions of vaccine injuries, a high percentage of these serious and disabling, and in light of the new scientific discoveries of cytotoxic graphene oxide and other nanometallics, such as aluminium, bismuth, and stainless steel as well as parasites and microorganisms found by numerous international researchers in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Increased Deaths Worldwide Post Vaccine Rollouts (Wrongfully Attributed to COVID in Light of Reported Vaccine Deaths)

Dramatically mounting deaths in 40 countries post the vaccine rollout, being attributed to a COVID spike, but clearly related to the vaccines, has been reported by Joel Smalley, a quantitative data analyst studying the data from Johns Hopkins: Data Analyst proves Covid-19 Deaths increased dramatically AFTER the Vaccine roll-out in over 40 countries/Daily Expose UK, Oct 18, 2021

COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs/Joel Smalley

Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots/Alex Berenson speaks to Tucker Carlson, Fox News

Doctors Raise the Alarm on Blood Clotting From Vaccine Ingredients and Effects Causing Deaths and Disability

Many doctors have spoken out about the blood clotting and micro blood clotting they have found through D-Dimer tests and optical microscopy in their vaccinated patients, including Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Robert Young.

Dr. Young has also spoken about the D-Dimer test on this podcast, linked in his October 21 article: The Significance of the D-dimer Blood Test in Covid -19 Dis-ease/Dr. Young, Oct 21, 2021

Blood clotting in the presence of nanoparticulates invading cells is a natural bodily reaction to foreign material inclusions, explains Dr. Antoinetta Gatti, an Italian scientist whose deep studies of nanotoxins in 44 vaccines–including flu, meningitis, Gardasil vaccines, published in her well-known 2017 paper, New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nanocontamination, revealed that deadly contaminants were being included in vaccines by pharmaceutical companies and not being disclosed. (The question of why pharma companies would do this is a separate subject, to be examined further in both medical and legal contexts; the fact is, these nano and microtoxins have been found in vaccines.)

Blood clotting all over the body in numerous organs due to the creation of spike proteins by the mRNA and viral-vector COVID vaccines being responsible for neurodamage, neuroinflammation, and succeeding vaccine injury as evinced in paralysis, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, convulsions, seizures reported widely now was explained by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in several interviews and lectures, including as reported here in April.

Pathological blood coagulation in the presence of foreign particulates, especially nanometallics and parasites, has been explained by Dr. Robert Young in several interviews, including Report 255, Newsbreak 133, and Newsbreak 134 at Ramola D Reports with illustrative micrographs from electron and optical phase contrast microscopy showing fibrin networks overwhelming healthy red blood platelets, and clumps of graphene causing platelets to “rouleaux” into dense clusters which inhibit circulation and oxygenation.

Blood Cells Crystallizing in Presence of Nano Graphene: On October 21, Dr. Young responded to a Dutch pathologist’s concerns, posted online, of finding impeded blood flow in deceased persons, explaining that the graphene load in the vaccines was causing vaccinated people to experience pathological blood coagulation and crystallizing blood leading to death.

Newsbreak 135 | Breaking News: Dutch Pathologist’s Concerns Addressed by Dr. Young: Graphene Poisoning, Blood Coagulation, & Immense Harm from Crystallizing Blood Cells Post-Vaccine/Oct 21, 2021

Macro blood clots have been found in the brains, throat, lungs, arms, legs, hands, feet of deceased patients who suffered extreme vaccine injury succeeding the COVID vaccinations, including some whose limbs were amputated in attempts to try to save their lives.

A 12-year-old girl whose parents, themselves choosing not to vaccinate, who let their child choose to be vaccinated herself, had an arm cut off and suffered intensely with blood clots all over her body before she died:


Post from a repost by British Nurses Alliance, Telegram

A Minnesota woman has had both her hands and feet amputated after serious blood clotting in her extremities, post-vaccine.

An Italian neuroscientist revealed blood clots clogging the capillaries and venous sinuses of the brain of a teenager who died June 10 post-vaccine. This is Camille Canepa, an 18-year-old who took the vaccine at an open day for youths in the town of Sestri Levante in Liguria on May 25, suffering extreme headaches and showing up at the Lavagne Hospital ER a week after on June 3, CT-scanned and then operated on after return to ER and paralysis in one leg two days later by a neuroscientist who revealed that her brain was filled with thrombi or blood clots. Italy halted the AstraZeneca vaccine for people under-60 after she died.The story was covered here at the COVID Blog.

(Sadly, no spotlight was thrown on the other vaccines which also show massive blood clotting injuries and deaths in 1000s of reported cases. From what we learn today, ALL the mRNA & viral-vector vaccines are producing blood clots in people; which are not “rare clotting disorders” as mainstream media whitewashes. Readers can check this for themselves at the CDC VAERS and MHRA UK and EudraVigilance databases.) Also see: https://828cloud.wordpress.com/2021/05/15/vaers-data-show-reports-of-blood-clotting-disorders-after-all-three-emergency-use-authorization-vaccines/, a repost of a Defender article in April.)

Barbara Buchanan, a 63-year-old Oregonian was found to have blood clots in her stomach, lungs, throat and brain after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

A young woman revealed on video recently that her 41-year-old brother Orlando Ferreira who died post-vaccine after suffering a heart attack and a coma had been found to suffer multi-organ failure, kidney failure, and seen to have large blood clots in his throat and all over his body (which she was shown by the nurses) (See the HATS video clip below, posted on Telegram) “We need to encourage and inspire people to speak up and speak the truth…I will continue to repeat my brother’s story to help as many people as I can.”

Impassioned Pleas from Concerned Doctors & Science Journalists Include 32 Doctors and Journalists Who Spoke Out Early to Warn People Against the Experimental Genetic-Modification Immune-System-Destroying Injections

Dr. Robert Young has made an impassioned plea for governments, Public Health departments, and health organizations such as the WHO, CDC, FDA to immediately halt the rollout of the COVID vaccines — because they are clearly harming humanity, not “protecting from COVID.” on Ramola D Reports and on the Laura Loomer show.

Dr. Ryan Cole has made an impassioned call to America and the world saying “this is a poisonous attack on our population and needs to stop now!”

Dr. Ryan Cole at the AFLDS White Coat Summit, video at link above.

Dr. Roger Hodgkinson has called for the experimental injections to be halted immediately, on account of the disturbing complications, adverse events, and deaths, as reported by ex-BBC reporter Anna Brees.

Dr. Roger Hodgkinson with Anna Brees

Dr. Michael Yeadon has spoken repeatedly of the harms accruing from the vaccine and issued early calls to halt the vaccine rollout:

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP Sounds an Impassioned Alarm Call to the World, Warns of Mass Depopulation and Extreme Totalitarianism if mRNA Vaccines, Vaccine Passports, Top-Up Vaccines, Digital IDs & a One-World Database Are Not Stopped

Dr. Michael Yeadon/video at link above

DR. CARRIE MADEJ made an early plea at Ramola D Reports in January to to put a moratorium on the experimental injections:

Dr. Anne McCloskey of Ireland has issued a passionate call to stop the experimental gene-therapy injection which she has seen to cause immense harm to her vaccinated ER patients who include children, and called for all to step forward to save our children:

Dr. Anne McCloskey/Video on Bitchute

Dr. McCloskey is not exaggerating. Many teens and children have already been injured or killed by the vaccines–and of course, adults.


Image from UNCENSORED: A Review of the First 8 Months of the COVID-19 Injections – A Memorial for Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price/Health Impact News, August 2, 2021

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has published an informative video update to a rabbinical court in Israel where he describes the dark, sinister, almost unbelievable agenda of Satanic child-sacrifice and World Reset genocide behind the Pharma-Government push to thrust the deadly death-and-disability-producing COVID Injection on children, healthy humans and others–and explains “the Number One cause of death post-vaccine is Blood Clots”:

Dr. Rochagne Kilian of Canada quit her job as an ER doctor noting that 80% of ER patients were double-jabbed–a contingency being hidden by her hospital management and the Board which demanded fealty to the false-narrative they are posting (of 80% being unvaccinated and expressing a variant of the mythical COVID-19):

Canadian ER Doctor: At Least 80% of Patients Double Vaxxed – Quits Job Over Vaccine Mandate/Oct 10, 2021

“How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative”, asks Ontario ER doctor/The Strong and Free Truthcast/Sep 16, 2021

Nichole Belland, a SafeWAY PHARMACY MANAGER in Cortez, Colorado has quit her job publicly saying she “will Not give this poison to people–Wake up everybody! I have seen customers die. Wake Up. Do NOT take it!”

Nichole Belland: Bitchute

The news site LifeSite hosted a townhall conference with The Truth For Health Foundation, “Stop the Shot… The Rest of the Story” featuring Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Sister Deidre Byrne, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Jose Trasancos, and other prominent physicians, scientists, attorneys, and religious leaders:

32 Doctors, Scientists, and Medical Journalists spoke out early to warn people from taking the experimental spike-protein-creation injections which are now proving to be a death-and-disability-making injection:

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

New Zealand Doctors Group Demands a Recall of Several Pfizer Vaccine Vials; 38,000 Doctors and Concerned Citizens Call for a Halt to all Vaccine Mandates without Informed Consent

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science have called for a halt to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccines, in an article where they discuss the recent findings of cytotoxic nano graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccine vials, the whistleblowing of Karen Kingston a Pfizer patent analyst (reported here earlier after her Infowars interview with Dr. Andy Kaufman), and her findings of “trade secrets” in the Pfizer vaccines with undisclosed ingredients ALC-0315 and ALC-0159, found to be PEGylated lipids with no published safety data, found to be manufactured by the company Sinopeg, which is found to have published its PEGylated processes to create functionalized graphene and thereby indicated its known use of graphene in the Pfizer vaccine.

Image: Screenshot, https://www.elocal.co.nz/Articles/4096#fn:28/October 5, 2021

NZDSOS call for halt of vaccine rollout while quality control issues are investigated

Information on the Pfizer vaccine ingredients is taken from the EUA application made to the FDA, as disclosed by Karen Kingston; the New Zealand Government has rolled out the Pfizer-Comirnaty vaccine in New Zealand based on that Emergency Use Authorization.

Noting the multiple reports of magnetism in people’s bodies from North and South Island, and relating their vaccinations to a Spanish shipment of 11 suspect batches, the doctors surmise improper safety practices or contamination has caused the nano graphene to escape their lipid coatings and roam freely inside bodies, causing organ and blood damage. “New Zealanders are experiencing magnetism as a result of vaccination from at least 11 batches of Pfizer–BioNTech Comirnaty mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, distributed at least throughout the North and top half of the South Island.” Given the toxicity of graphene and its propensity to cause thrombi or blood clots, the NZDSOS physicians are calling for a halt to the vaccine rollout.

This report also notes that the New Zealand Ministry of Health has failed to respond to all expressions of concern about the vaccines and about the deaths and injuries reported. This comes at a time when PM Jacinda Adhern, ignoring all information on vaccine deaths and disability, has demanded that all doctors and teachers get vaccinated, and has extended the lockdown for Auckland, the country’s largest city, saying Delta (another name for Vaccine Injury, as many, including UK Funeral Director John O’Looney testify) needs to be controlled.

While it is commendable that NZDSOS has called for a recall of certain Pfizer vaccine batches, it is not clear why they did not issue a more definitive call for halt of all the vaccines.

However they have also issued a declaration now signed by 38,000 New Zealanders inclusive of about 3000 scientists and physicians seeking a halt to all vaccine mandates and promoting the guidance of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics, New Zealand Bill of Rights, and Informed Consent.

In a letter encouraging doctors to ask critical questions and speak up, Rene de Monchy, MD with NZDSOS reports that the Medical Council of New Zealand has put him under scrutiny for daring to question the COVID-19 jab, while not permitting any medical practitioner to deviate from the “safe and effective” vaccine mantra now being repeated by governments worldwide, none of whom provide information on the vaccine deaths and injuries piling up at Adverse Event databases in US, UK, Europe and elsewhere.

My name is René de Monchy, and I have been working in full-time medical practice for a
long time, first 28 years as a GP, then 4 years as a tropical doctor in rural Africa and as a
psychiatrist in mixed public mental health and private practice. My practice of almost 50
years has always been to the highest ethical standards and fortunately I have never had
a complaint against me. That is, until earlier this year.

A complaint, not from any patient, or otherwise having practiced against the code of
practice, or having transgressed the ethical guidelines of appropriate professional
conduct to the highest standards. No, this complaint came from the MCNZ itself for
having a questioning and possibly different view towards one aspect of medical practice,
the Covid 19 jab, and having associated with colleagues who voice the same concerns,
out of deeply held ethical principles and our own conscience as medical doctors.
This is extra-ordinary, as the Medical Council says to promote best practice in the
provision of health-care, which implies informed consent as one of the pillars. I am one
of a now large group of New Zealand doctors, named New Zealand Doctors Speaking
out With Science. We are conscientious medical practitioners, not anti-vaxxers, who are
standing up for open discussion, freedom of information-channels, enabling informed
consent for our patients and freedom of choice in regard of Covid ‘vaccination’. We do
question the one-sided information about this Covid-19 ‘so called vaccine’, that actually
isn’t a vaccine at all, but a genetically modulated spike protein with completely unknown

Excerpt, NZDSOS Statement for Doctors, https://nzdsos.com/statement-for-doctors/

Currently, as of 10/24/21, it’s clear the New Zealand government is simply ignoring all data, all scientists’ calls to provide Informed Consent and halt the vaccines, and working hard to build apartheid and medical tyranny in New Zealand instead.

Jacinda “I’m helping Wizard Klaus roll in the New World Ghetto for Full-Compliance from all Humans, but let’s keep calling me a Head of State for the People-Being-Enslaved in New Zealand” Adhern


57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations | enVolve, May 2021

This story is from May 2021 and features a report published originally at EnVolve by a group of 57 international physicians and scientists– including Professor Peter McCullough–from all over the world including, USA, France, Spain, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile discussing the great risks to health posed by the COVID vaccine, the plethora of adverse reactions already reported, the legal rights of patients, and the great dangers to natural immunity posed by the inadequately tested and antibody-dependent enhancement(ADE)-provoking coronavirus vaccines.

57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations/EnVolve, May 2021

The report calls for a halt to all mass vaccination programs and recommends open scientific discourse. Notably, this report was released before the La Quinta Columna findings of graphene oxide in the vaccines, which could account for the very same profile of symptoms being attributed here (and in mainstream media) to COVID-19, the flu-like disease arising from graphene inclusions in previous flu vaccines and the switching-on of 5G (not a deadly pandemic issuing forth from the mythical and elusive SARS-COV-2, a putative virus never-isolated), as many scientists including Dr. Ricardo Delgado, Dr. Jose Sevillano, and Dr. Robert Young have surmised.

23,000 German Doctors Quit Administering Vaccines, 11 out of 15 federal vaccine centers closed by Sep 30, 2021

The “educated class” refuses to believe this report, but here is the information:

“In an August 17, 2021 article published in News in 24, over 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign to inoculate entire populations with COVID “vaccines.”

Robert Koch Institut shared the report in a German newspaper Welt Am Sonntag[1], 52,600 healthcare professionals initially participated in the inoculation campaign in Germany. However, from August 2 to 8, 2021, only 29,300 practitioners were left offering the COVID injection. That is a decline of 44% (23,300) among those doctors who partook in the campaign.

The report stated that on September 30, 2021, 11 out of 16 federal states will close vaccination centers.”

–Germany: More than 23,000 Doctors Have Quit the Inoculation Roll-out/https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/09/10/germany-more-than-23000-doctors-have-quit-the-inoculation-roll-out/

It appears that what has happened is that nearly half the number of doctors and medical professionals administering the death-producing injections in Germany have stopped administering them. This is commendable, but given the vacuum of information surrounding this situation, it would be powerfully significant if some or all of these German doctors came forward to tell their story.

It would be further useful if these doctors joined their international colleagues and called openly for a halt to the injections, that is, to the experimental clinical trials which are destroying people’s lives both in Germany and worldwide.

German Chief Pathologist, Other Pathologists, Researchers Raise Alarm Over Vaccine Deaths and Injuries

Pathologists and researchers in Germany have been raising the alarm over the vaccines and what they contain as well as over what they are finding in the bodies of the deceased post-vaccine (blood clots and explosions of leukocytes):

German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries/August 3, 2021

Press Conference by Pathology Institute in Reutlingen, Germany Reveals Deadly Ingredients in COVID Vaccines & Unusual Tissue, Blood Damage: “Death by Vaccination–Undeclared Components of COVID-19 Vaccines”/Sep 27, 2021

Over 12, 700 Physicians and Scientists Worldwide have Signed the Global Rome Declaration Against Censorship & Reprisal Against Doctors, Suppression of Open Research and Lifesaving Early Treatment Protocols

The numbers of doctors and scientists testifying to being stopped, censored, retaliated against with character-assassination campaigns, deplatforming from social media, mislabeling as disinformation-pushers worldwide is steadily increasing.

Now as of October 22, over 12, 700 medical professionals have signed the Rome Declaration, penned at the Rome Covid Summit in September, 2021, which calls for an end to the authoritarian push by governments, pharmacies, and hospital management to stop doctors from practicing medicine.

Firm in its tone and unequivocal in its intent, the Declaration states:

WHEREAS, thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease.  Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home (allowing the virus to replicate) and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-treat;

WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.


RESOLVED, that the physician-patient relationship must be restored. The very heart of medicine is this relationship, which allows physicians to best understand their patients and their illnesses, to formulate treatments that give the best chance for success, while the patient is an active participant in their care.”Excerpt, Rome Declaration/Full Text Here

12,000 scientists signed the Rome Declaration by Oct 14: https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/welcome-to-the-global-covid-summit

Truly Bombshell: US Aviation Brigade Surgeon Has Filed Affidavit Seeking Injunction to Halt Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for the Military & Grounds all Vaccinated Military Pilots and Crew in Light of Myocardial & Blood Clot/Embolism Risk

American military surgeon and Aviation Medicine Specialist Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD has filed a groundbreaking affidavit seeking an injunction to halt the Vaccine Mandate issued by Biden, explaining that the risk of adverse events in particular myocarditis outweighs any hoped-for benefit from the vaccine–which is not successful in curbing the disease or symptom-cluster of Covid-19–and poses great danger especially to aviation flight personnel. She seeks also to ground all vaccinated pilots and crew and to subject all vaccinated soldiers and airmen to stringent MRI checks, standard procedure which is not being followed, she says.

A powerful and forthright document, Lt. Col. Dr. Long’s document offers an incisive picture of what is transpiring among the soldiers forced to take the death-dealing experimental nano-graphene nano-lipid mRNA and viral-vector injections:


“36. I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated.

Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.

38. I can report of knowing over fifteen military physicians and healthcare providers who have
shared experiences of having their safety concerns ignored and being ostracized for expressing or reporting safety concerns as they relate to COVID vaccinations. The politicization of SARs-CoV-2, treatments and vaccination strategies have completely compromised long-standing safety mechanisms, open and honest dialogue, and the trust of our service members in their health system and healthcare providers…..

7. h) That, by virtue of their occupations, said flight crews present extraordinary risks to themselves and others given the equipment they operate, munitions carried thereon and areas of operation in close proximity to populated areas.
8. i) That, without any current screening procedures in place, including any Aero Message (flight surgeon notice) relating to this demonstrable and identifiable risk, I must and will therefore ground all active flight personnel who received the vaccinations until such time as the causation of these serious systemic health risks can be more fully and adequately assessed.
9. j) That, based on the DOD’s own protocols and studies, the only two valuable methodologies to adequately assess this risk are through MRI imaging or cardio biopsy which must be carried-out.
10. k) That, in accordance with the foregoing, I hereby recommend to the Secretary of Defense that all pilots, crew and flight personnel in the military service who required hospitalization from injection or received any Covid 19 vaccination be grounded
similarly for further dispositive assessment.
11. l) That this Court should grant an immediate injunction to stop the further harm to all military personnel to protect the health and safety of our active duty, reservists and National Guard troops.”


Dr. Long also discusses some of the poisonous, allergenic, and medically untested ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines including the PEG lipids and SM-102 and makes reference to Dr. Peter McCullough’s affidavit and Dr. Bart Classen’s paper assessing risks. “25. Other journals and scientific papers also denote that this particular ingredient has never been used in humans before.4 To be abundantly clear, one of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is a derivative of ethylene oxide. Polyethylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze. While it is hard to believe this is a key ingredient in these vaccines, it would explain the increased cardiovascular risk to users of the BioNTech or Comirnaty shots. I cannot discern what form of alchemy Pfizer and the FDA have discovered that would make antifreeze into a healthful cure to the human body. Others seem to agree my point per recent scientific studies that caused a group of 57 doctors and scientists to call for an immediate halt to the vaccination program.5 In short, this antifreeze ingredient is being studied for the first time in human injectables.”

Dr. Long also questions the Secretary of Defense Austin’s casual recommendation of use of force in administering vaccines to soldiers. “The use of force to administer a medical treatment or therapy against the will of a mentally competent individual constitutes medical battery and universally violates medical ethics.”

It is clear she has conducted a deep analysis of the content of the vaccines, the outcomes in soldiers, and the relative risk-benefit profile of taking the vaccine. Her affidavit stands as a towering affirmation of other analyses of this vaccine published by many prominent doctors’ and lawyers’ groups, and offers a realistic view of what needs to be done: the vaccine is not safe, the vaccine causes debilitating injury, and the vaccine is not appropriate for military airmen and crew who need to be in top shape health-wise for their jobs.

The full affidavit is posted below, and it is recommended that this document is read, shared, and posted widely, to inform all militaries and all governments, all over the world. Giving the vaccine to soldiers is like ringing the death knell for Departments of Defense; this affidavit, coupled with the Vaccine Death Report and all other documents referenced in this article–plus many more covered elsewhere online, including the Summary of Findings from Reiner Fuelmich’s team–clearly demonstrates that the COVID vaccines are extremely dangerous, clearly ineffective, should never be mandated for any demographic let alone military personnel, and should be halted.

It is profoundly significant that a scholarly and conscientious US military doctor and surgeon has issued this affidavit and motion to halt the vaccine mandate for US DOD, while the US Secretary of Defense has permitted this travesty; her intent is to save American soldiers from death and disability while his appears to intend the opposite.


Also See:

U.S. Army Flight Surgeon Moves To Stop Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate Citing Potential For Side Effects/Lt. Col. Theresa Long cited the potential for heart-related side effects in the affidavit

BREAKING: America’s Frontline Doctors Sue DOD For Military Vaccine Mandate

American Physicians Cite Serious Harm from COVID Vaccines, Power of Natural Immunity, and Call Out CDC and FDA for Ignoring Major Risks While Pushing “Vaccine Fanaticism” and Mandates

California Dr. Patricia Lee, an ICU Physician for 20 years has written to the FDA regarding the serious harm accruing from the COVID vaccines, as witnessed in her patients, and sought serious evaluation of the risks and dropping of mandates, encouraging a return to Informed Consent and private doctor-patient decisions, also noting she is in danger of losing medical staff because of the healthcare worker mandates. This was covered at Children’s Health Defense, and her letter which has not received a response can be read here.

Dr. Marty Makery, a Johns Hopkins professor of medicine questioned the unscientific nature of the vaccine mandates and emphasized that children and youth have natural immunity and do not need this vaccine, even though he belongs in the camp of believing in the existence of viruses (not one of which has been proven to exist in isolate) and the efficacy of vaccines in general (although there is a mountain of statistical data online pointing to disease burden and harm from pretty much every vaccine–facts suppressed by Pharma-run Media), and in fact advises ignoring the faulty CDC guidance on the vaccine in the face of myocarditis and other risks, as evinced in the death of teenager Simone Scott and other youth, information the CDC suppresses: Physician Speaks Out Against ‘Vaccine Mandates for All’ — Especially Children and Those With Natural Immunity

Dr. Jessica Rose, who presented information to the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee, advising against authorizing the Pfizer booster shots, along with others presenting such as Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund showed that the risks of the Pfizer booster vaccines outweighed any putative benefit.

Dr. Peter McCullough, former Vice-Chair of Internal Medicine at Baylor University–whose contract was cancelled after he testified in front of the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee–has said Americans will suffer for decades from what he calls the “most deadly, most injurious, most costly” vaccination program in human history, reported here at the Daily Expose UK.

Doctors and Scientists Calling for a Halt to the Unsafe COVID Vaccines, Promoting Lifesaving Early Treatment, & Opposing Vaccine Mandates Are Being Deplatformed on Social Media, Terminated from Jobs, Accused of Misinformation by Media, & Threatened With Delicensing–While Deaths & Injuries Post-Vaccine Mount

In this podcast with Offbeat Business TV reported here, Dr. McCullough, cardiologist and kidney specialist, editor of two medical journals, author of over 45 publications on COVID-19 and 600 peer-reviewed papers, points to the wrongful information and directives being put out by the CDC and FDA–people who are not even Board-certified doctors, he says, not experts in the fields they are speaking for, and not working in teams of doctors as he is–and says people are not hearing from the doctors and scientists like himself who are calling attention to the dangers of the vaccines and powers of early lifesaving treatments instead.

Dr. Peter McCullough: “The Vaccine Is Failing In The UK & Israel” – OffBeat Business TV – Must Video

The reason of course that Americans and people worldwide are being kept from the testimonial and analyses of these doctors–although hundreds of doctors are speaking out today–is that they are being deplatformed from social media, accused of being “anti-vaxxers” and “disinformation-pushers” while many are being censored by Medical Boards and Councils where they live and work, as noted by many doctors featured here.

Meanwhile, the mounting numbers of deaths and injuries as recorded at the CDC VAERS database, Eudravigilance, MHRA UK Yellow Card and other databases, as well as reports of vaccine injuries on social media are being ignored or taken down.

Clearly, the work that media is doing to cover up the dangers, risks, deaths, and disabilities associated with the COVID vaccines–which seem to be key to the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Biodigital Convergence the Great Reset of the Pharma-Banking cartel wants–is a strategized ploy, designed to keep people in the dark, lied to and lulled into a false-reality-construct of belief in “safe and effective” gene-modifying non-vaccine chemicals filled with self-assembling nanotechnology, aborted-fetus cells, parasites, and nanographene supposedly “protecting” people from the deadly “COVID Pandemic”–for which no virus has been isolated, and which can only be concluded to be a gigantic Psy Op designed to bring in the New World Enslavement of Body and Soul envisioned by the very sinister anti-human cartel who own Governments, Pharma, and Media.


Using the cover of “Anti-Vaxx” labeling and “dangerous groups,” “conspiracy theories,” “domestic terrorism,” “hate speech,” and other such language, Facebook and Youtube and other Big Tech are very transparently attacking anyone who speaks against these dangerous vaccines which many scientists assure us are “non-vaccines”: gene-therapy, genetic-engineering, spike-protein factory-makers, nanotechnology-infusers, chemical injections–but not vaccines in the traditional sense of that word and concept. Notably, Pharma-run mainstream media never questions that concept and calls the injections vaccines, while the CDC and Merriam-Webster rushed, absurdly, to change the definition of “vaccine.”

Evidence of deliberate removal of information online from people witnessing to terrible injury and death post-vaccine–and thereby clear maintenance of a false-narrative that the vaccines are safe–can be found here:

In November 2020, a Stop Mandatory Vaccination Group with 195,000 members run by Dr. Larry Cook was taken down from Facebook: https://www.newsweek.com/facebook-bans-anti-vaccine-group-violating-qanon-rules-1548408

In March 2021, Facebook and Instagram de-platformed Barbara Loe Fisher’s National Vaccine Information Center site, with its plethora of information on vaccines in general and on the COVID vaccine, thereby disconnecting 300, 000 followers: https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/05/vaccine-info-site-censored/

In April 2021, Facebook removed a 120,000 member group titled Covid-19 Vaccine Victims and Families sharing information on vaccine injuries and growing at the rate of 10,000 a week: https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-removes-covid-19-vaccine-victims-group/

A stream of media reports demonizing doctors who challenge the Government-Pharma-Media false-narrative of Covid being a deadly disease which supposedly has now killed over 700, 000 people while ignoring all reports of vaccine injuries and deaths (which the Vaccine Death Report estimates to be in the millions) continues to pour out, as illustrated by this latest gem from CNN, featuring a studiedly skeptical reporter, a skewed narrative of the vaccine being a lifesaver, and of Dr. Rashid Buttar dreaming of castles in the air when he mentions a depopulation agenda, genocide, a holocaust of vaccine deaths, or a complicit Fauci.


Drew Griffin pushes the CNN-Fauci party-line (“It’s a Conspiracy Theory!”)/screenshot from CNN video-narrative-episode 3.2 K from the Eternal Dumbing Down and Deceiving of American Viewers ongoing saga of CNN lies: https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/10/20/doctor-rashid-buttar-covid-disinformation-griffin-pkg-ac360-vpx.cnn

CNN video interview: https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/10/20/doctor-rashid-buttar-covid-disinformation-griffin-pkg-ac360-vpx.cnn

CNN print saga of lies (article): https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/19/us/doctors-covid-vaccine-misinformation-invs/index.html

No mention is made anywhere in the accompanying article of the thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide who also question the vaccine, the millions of vaccine injuries recorded online, the reported thousands and estimated millions of deaths post-vaccine–while other doctors of renown like Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Mercola, and Dr. Annie Bukacek of Montana are also derided. This shoddy reportage — expressing the Govt-Pharma-Media party-line-to-push-vaccines-at-all-costs-even-the- Covid- non-vaccine–is topped off by the reporter telling Dr. Buttar he thinks he’s “crazy.” Not merely is that unprofessional, it is street theater, gaslighting a well-known and respected public figure and reliable medico on national television, in desperation to bury what he is standing witness to.

Notable in this clearly-planned and carefully-produced video teardown also is the brazen presenting of truth as lies, lies as truth.

What Drew Griffin calls a “whopper” of a lie–the planned operation of Covid–is a fact proved in a number of documents from the WHO, IHR, UN, in Coronavirus patents going back 30 years as Dr. David Martin has revealed, in Covid Test patent applications from a Rothschild from 2015, in Covid PPE supply listings from 2018 and 2019–among other proofs. Planned plandemics and planned vaccines, all with depopulation in mind, have been documented in film, reports (from the UN, Club of Rome et al), transcripts, lectures, as, for instance in Dr. Pierre Gilbert’s expose of planned nanotech crystals in vaccines from the 1990s to Dr. Richard Day’s lecture at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society in 1969 on The New Order of the Barbarians, and really, going well back to Aldous Huxley’s 1958 interview with Mike Wallace 27 years after the publication of his book Brave New World.

Now I wonder why Drew Griffin is presenting complete ignorance of these sources and history? The United Nations has been ardently pursuing depopulation for decades, holding countries to bound treaties to jointly engage in “interference in fertility” with endocrine disruptors in food, air, water, soil, “demographic transition,” and “sustainable development”–careful euphemisms to conceal intent which is nevertheless spelled out in documents.

That media is striving to push one narrative while people are struggling to expose the truth was highlighted by the Vaccine Death Report:

Excerpt, Vaccine Death Report, covered here

Governments are in on it too. Recently, the Israel Ministry of Health disappeared reports of adverse events by deleting comments–https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/frontlinenews/watch-how-israels-health-ministry-deleted-thousands-of-testimonies/

And of course, the actor playing Biden recently distinguished himself, along with other White House players such as Misinformation Murthy, pushing the catchy “Disinformation Dozen” narrative to disappear and silence the powerful voice and words of the most thoughtful, scholarly, outspoken physicians and journalists on the landscape researching vaccines and recommending caution with the Covid vaccines.

Americans are being trained to turn away from truth and facts, not to mention hardcore real science, by this cynical coterie of charlatans playing Media Fact Checkers and propping up Pharma Profit lines.

Meanwhile, vaccine deaths and injuries continue, including to children:

Doctors speaking out and striving to share important information with the public are being censored and harassed, as this Canadian press conference–promptly censored by Youtube–revealed, in June.

Canadian press conference, Bitchute: Press Conference / MP Derek Sloan: Doctors Speaking Out Are Being Censored and Harassed • June 2021

Medical boards are accusing physicians warning against the unsafe COVID vaccines of misinformation and threatening them with loss of license: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccine-misinformation-medical-license-u-s-boards-warn-physicians/

The Time Has Come to Turn the Tables: Governments, Medical Councils, Medical Boards Pushing Coercive and Forced Experimental Bioweapons & Gene-Therapies Causing Harm Need to Be Sued and Disassociated From

Given the enormity of what is occurring in the world today on the backs of vaccine mandates, coercions, and deceptions–as noted in this compilation–more doctors, scientists, and lawyers are needed to take a powerful stand. When Medical Boards sport the Pharma party line at the expense of thousands of lives lost to a delinquent chemical injection with nefarious intent, it is time to drop those Boards and create new, meaningful Boards, as the British Nursing Alliance led by Kate Shemirani and Dr. Kevin Corbett in the UK has done.

Doctors may find the public is more than receptive; in no way will they lose their professions and their vocations if they can show that the care of the patient is their primary goal. Millions worldwide have already turned away from the poisons of a grasping pharmaceutical industry which has thrust chronic disease burden on generations through dangerous drugs and toxin-laden vaccines, turning instead to naturopathy, homeopathy, herbalism, energy medicine, nutrition, and more–modalities which offer true healing.

Governments, Councils, Boards, and Public Health departments, it appears, need not only to be publicly challenged and exposed for their coercive dogma but sued and disassociated from–exactly what one powerful attorney in Calgary, Alberta has embarked on as he sues the Government of Alberta in Canada and challenges the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Alberta, with a singular letter which will reverberate down future generations, calling out the Unethical Conduct of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Council.

The full October 4, 2021 letter by Jeffrey Rath representing his company and the Justice Centre of Canada is posted here below–may it inspire millions around the world to stand up similarly to their governments and councils, armed with the truth and aiming to preserve the human rights our ancestors have fought for, which we all need to daily rise and protect–particularly now, as we see our governments have turned against us.


Please share this article widely. If you appreciate my work, please consider supporting monthly at Patreon or Paypal as I continue to expose what needs to be exposed, and say what needs to be said.

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Many thanks for whatever you can do to help wake up the world!

Hospital Engineer Whistleblower Warns of Toxic Ricin in the Next Planned Pandemic (Marburg) Vaccine, RiVax, Likely to Kill Billions–& Calls for Halt to All Vaccines

Re-post of Video with Links & Note | Ramola D | October 16, 2021

Kieran Morissey, an Irish engineer and teaching hospital manager reports that he has explored published information regarding the next planned pandemic post-COVID with the Marburg Virus and found a PCR test and vaccine already lined up, with a deadly toxic ingredient in the vaccine. He also reports that his research into viruses and vaccines lead him to understand that vaccines–based on variolation, an old Chinese technique which gave rise to Jenner’s first vaccine for smallpox –and Pasteur’s Germ Theory, have led to all manner of chronic illness and represent a cultic, baseless dogma of disease which is profoundly dangerous and should be halted en masse. “We must stop all vaccinations immediately and destroy all stockpiles of vaccines and the pharmaceutical manufacturing plants which make them.”

Full Article by Kieran Morissey/Must-Read, truly major:

A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution By Kieran Morrissey/LewRockwell.com/September 22, 2021

He writes at length as well of the harms caused by the graphene oxide and other toxins found in the COVID vaccine, with the high likelihood of boosters helping produce the very symptoms of haemarrhogic fever and bleeding which is being touted as part of the Marburg Virus’s roster of symptoms, and shares his speculations that what is going to happen is that all the damages caused by the COVID vaccines currently will be publicly labeled by the elitist corporate globalist-media-government-pharma-Public Health nexus as deadly “Ebola-like” symptoms of the new deadly Marburg virus Pandemic, intended to scare people into immediate subjugation and complete removal of all rights and freedoms (with use of more stringent lockdowns, quarantines, isolation camps, separation of families).

Further, the Ricin content in the planned vaccine for this virus–which takes its name from the fictional Marburg Virus created by Boris Johnson’s writer dad, Stanley Johnson who was seeking a new release of his thriller earlier this year–points to malevolent intent, he notes, given that Ricin is well-known to be a deadly toxin, which, coincidentally also creates the very symptoms that could be laid at the door of Marburg or COVID or both.

Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant. Ricin is very toxic if inhaled, injected, or ingested. It acts as a toxin by inhibiting protein synthesis. It prevents cells from assembling various amino acids into proteins according to the messages it receives from messenger RNA in a process conducted by the cell’s ribosome (the protein-making machinery) – that is, the most basic level of cell metabolism, essential to all living cells and thus to life itself.” (Morissey)

Note what the Mayo Clinic says about the symptoms of Ricin Poisoning:

In addition to the deadly toxin Ricin, the new vaccine RiVax aims to contain the deadly neurotoxin Aluminium, which many doctors point to as being implicated in the causation of autism and several neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but which continues to be used in vaccines, inexplicably, and insultingly, really, to all humanity, since it causes harm.

See Dr. Russell’s Blaylock’s information on the toxicity of Aluminium here.

The peculiar notion that Ricin poisoning can be combated with Ricin vaccinations is discussed on the Rivax page at Soligenix, and needs some commonsense thinking to combat, frankly, since it really advocates poisoning with a toxin to supposedly whip up antibodies to combat “ricin intoxication” –which would never occur without this ricin in the vaccine in the first place. “Because of the rapid internalization of ricin toxin, vaccination is the best strategy for dealing with ricin intoxication. Antibodies generated in response to vaccination are continuously present and can “mop up” ricin as soon as it is present.” (https://www.soligenix.com/pipeline-programs/rivax-to-prevent-ricin-poisoning/)

Global Depopulators Bill and Melinda Gates

It is vital therefore to recognize the plan ahead of time and prepare for it, to avert and stop this planned disaster.


“The first and second doses of the COVID injections have now weakened the overall health of the population as can be seen by the current situation in hospitals which are well above capacity during the summer months with patients suffering adverse reactions from the injections, many patients have symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever….

Marburg Virus is a relatively rare haemorrhagic fever which was first described in 1967, there have only been a total of 376 related deaths, and only 16 deaths since 2005. Primerdesign developed a one-step Real-Time PCR test genesig® in 2018 for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. Why would they develop a test in 2018 for an illness which has not had a major outbreak since 2005? Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA….

The fabrication of the COVID-19 pandemic and its apparent failure leads me to believe that there is a second phase or final solution at hand to catch the public while they are off-guard. Haemorrhagic fever symptoms can be easily increased and made more visible by forcing COVID booster injections on vulnerable, COVID injection injured patients, who are now prisoners in hospitals and nursing homes, plus injecting children. The haemorrhagic fever symptoms would appear as a huge Marburg pandemic and could be confirmed by the new Marburg PCR test causing mass hysteria like the world has never seen. RiVax could be quickly deployed using the existing COVID injection infrastructure and the public would be easily convinced to take it using PSYCOPS on Mainstream Media. The toxic ricin in the RiVax would kill billions of people very quickly and effectively before they realised what was happening as the deaths would be attributed to Marburg haemorrhagic fever based on the symptoms. People who refused the RiVax could be labelled as asymptomatic spreaders and placed in camps like they are doing in Australia claimed to be a COVID protection measure.”

A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution, Kieran Morrissey, LewRockwell.com, Sep 22, 2021

This is Kieran’s first video, which went viral recently online:

A newer recent video interview with Kieran Morrissey on October 10 by Deewall Media, reporting blowback and retaliation as well as terrifying attempts to silence him, with CCTV film footage of terrorizing intruders with knives threatening to kill him, who burned his gate down, and Police Gardai not helping, is posted here–Please pray for this whistleblower and his family:

Kieran says he believes the assassins who came after him were seeking to stop a scheduled radio appearance, which he went ahead and made. In this second video, Kieran makes an impassioned plea to nurses, doctors, healthcare workers to please step forward and tell what they know to the world, since what is being planned is nonstop vaccination, microchips, complete robotizing and dehumanizing of humanity, and the end of the world as we know it–if we do not stop this absurd fixation on pandemics and vaccines immediately. Please share both videos widely, post on all your channels.

List of references from Kieran’s article:

  1. GAVI https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/next-pandemic/marburg
  2. Marburg Virus https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/next-pandemic/marburg
  3. genesig® https://www.genesig.com/assets/files/mbgv_std.pdf
  4. RiVax® Animal Rule https://www.fda.gov/drugs/nda-and-bla-approvals/animal-rule-approvals
  5. shareholders https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=SNGX&subView=institutional
  6. Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33157026/
  7. Germ Theory of Disease https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease
  8. Antoine Bechamp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_B%C3%A9champ
  9. Terrain Theory https://landbyhand.org/terrain-is-everything-dr-antoine-bechamp/
  10. Vaccine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccination
  11. John D. Rockefeller https://s3.amazonaws.com/lrc-cdn/assets/2016/08/thomas-lamont_john-d.-rockefeller-jr..jpg
  12. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research The Rockefeller empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockefeller_University

While we are truly facing information overload currently, this piece of information from Kieran Morrissey addresses a new horror being planned and just around the corner which he says will be their “Final Solution” if we do not stop it, a subject he began to research as soon as he heard about the Marburg virus from watchng a video on a retiring Qantas pilot who was refusing the Covid vaccine mandate, saying “If you think this is all over, they have another virus ready, it’s Marburg, and they already have a vaccine lined up for it.” His research unearthed bits and pieces he pulled together: “I’m an engineer, I saw these pieces, I just put them together.”

Please read and share Kieran’s article widely.

David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD | The Vaccine Death Report: Evidence of Millions of Deaths and Serious Adverse Events Resulting from the Experimental COVID-19 Injections

Re-post, from post by Stop World Control/Reports, with preface | Ramola D | October 12, 2021

David Sorensen, journalist and documentary filmmaker, who co-authored this report, writes that the Report

“has been shared by the World Doctors Alliance, America’s Frontline Doctors, Right Side Broadcasting, and countless more influential organizations – in many different countries.

I was contacted yesterday by the Associated Press, one of the largest news media organizations in the world. They are terrified of the report and are desperately seeking ways to discredit it. I will share my communication with them later on.

When these kinds of big boys enter a game, you know they are afraid – very afraid of something.”

cover vaccine death report

The Sorensen/Zelenko Vaccine Death Report documents what many of us have been following with increasing concern and true horror, the fact that millions have died from the vaccine and millions have suffered horrific disabling vaccine injuries.

“Breakthrough Covid” may well be the disease load and body breakdown after the vaccine–after the clutch of toxins and parasites in the vaccines have ravaged people’s bodies, after the spike protein coagulates in organs, after the graphene destroys the blood and mucous membranes, as many doctors have variously suggested–not really “Covid” for which no virus has been proved to exist in isolate, admitted by many institutions including by the CDC, but graphene, nanometallics, and parasite poisoning, as both the La Quinta Columna scientists and Dr. Robert Young have suggested.

While many, David Sorensen notes, are reticent to suggest that millions have died, Dr. Young also points out in his August 17, 2021 article Forget Everything Else! Look at THE VAER’s NUMBERS on Injuries and Deaths! that what is recorded in the VAERS databases at CDC and EudraVigilance and MHRA UK (and the WHO’s VigiAccess) only comprise 1% of the true occurrences, as shared by statistical analysts in the Harvard Pilgrim Study and as widely known by physicians: adverse vaccine reactions are simply not recorded, acknowledged, reported by many hospitals, clinics, and doctors because the political hold of vaccines (ensured by Big Pharma via lobbying and propaganda) is still entrenched, and because doctors don’t wish to accept liability for harm. All of which means that millions must have died already, worldwide, and millions more injured.

Suggesting that we may be witnessing the “greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world,” the Vaccine Death Report notes “The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.”

Filled with evidence, social media reports, and facts scrubbed from mainstream media and tech platforms like Youtube and Twitter and Facebook, this is a report to share with all those (friends, family, colleagues) being criminally misinformed by mainstream media about the (lack of) safety and efficacy of these vaccines–and those who (listening to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR and reading the New York Times and Washington Post) have no idea people are dying from the vaccines, people are being maimed, disfigured, paralyzed, neurologically destroyed by these toxic vaccines now found also to be filled with parasites.

As David Sorensen requests, please download and share the PDF widely.

“The Vaccine Death Report is unique in the entire world. There is nothing that comes even remotely close to it, when it comes to the completeness and clarity of the massive amount of evidence presented.

We can shake the world wide awake with this.

So what can you do?

Send the report to anyone you know in the military, law enforcement, local or national government, people in health care or education.

All of us are part of a community. We all have a doctor. We all have family. We all know people around us. We all have people we can give it to. And we can all go online and find many email addresses of those in our community who have any kind of influence.

We. Just. Have. To. Do. It.

You sending this report – printed or as PDF – to one law officer can ignite the next wave of awakening in a local community of law enforcement.

Why is 30% of all law enforcement in California resisting the vaccines? Because somebody informed somebody and this warning started spreading.

Why are thousands of airline pilots refusing the jab? Same reason. Somebody spoke to somebody and got them thinking.

Next thing you know thousands are protecting their lives.

Because truth sets free and protects.

You can print the report in hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of copies through online printing services. Just look online: ‘print brochure’ and off you go.”

–David Sorensen, Stop World Control, Email Newsletter

The Report is posted in PDF below. Please share this post on social media and in emails and ask all to pass it on, for wider reach and to save lives.

These “vaccines” which are really Death & Disability Injections-With-Toxins-and-Parasites need to be halted, and anything any of us can do to quicken this goal will save thousands of lives.




All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Newsbreak 134 | Dr. Robert Young Calls For Immediate Halt to COVID Vaccines, Reveals New Micrographs Showing Clumps of Parasites and Graphene in Vaccinated Blood

Press Conference by Pathology Institute in Reutlingen, Germany Reveals Deadly Ingredients in COVID Vaccines & Unusual Tissue, Blood Damage: “Death by Vaccination–Undeclared Components of COVID-19 Vaccines”

Urgent Message: Dr. Roger Hodgkinson Calls For a Halt to the Experimental Vaccines Causing Serious Complications including Heart Problems in Teens: “None of the So-Called Mandates is Supported by Any Scientific Consensus Whatsoever”

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP Sounds an Impassioned Alarm Call to the World, Warns of Mass Depopulation and Extreme Totalitarianism if mRNA Vaccines, Vaccine Passports, Top-Up Vaccines, Digital IDs & a One-World Database Are Not Stopped

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

All COVID Vaccines are Dangerous–Causing Paralysis, Death, Heart Attacks, Serious Injury: They Should Be Halted, and Physicians, Parents, Citizens Need to Speak Out En Masse

Report & Op-ed | Ramola D | Sep 21, 2021/Updated Sep 22 to correct the baby info below

The flood of videos on social media lately and on alt media showing young people suffering heart attacks from the vaccine, paralysis, and sudden death, with figures rising at the CDC VAERS databases of deaths and injuries is not stopping governments and departments of public health from pushing the vaccine, which establishes clearly for us these private corporations beholden to the pharmaceutical industry are certainly not interested in the public, nor in anyone’s health.

North Quincy High School for instance is ploughing right ahead with its flu and Covid vaccine clinics on school grounds, despite parent protest.

At the FDA, a few doctors made the headlines speaking openly about the heart attacks and deaths post-vaccine.:

BOMBSHELL: FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!/Sep 18, 2021/Health Impact News

The COVID vaccines should be halted — and every physician should be calling for this halt, even if governments keep swimming in corruption.

A brief run-through of a few extraordinary cases lately:

INFO WARS: A baby is paralyzed from the neck down 13 days after the COVID vaccine–although it is not clear how this baby got a COVID vaccine (may have been clinical trials, this is from January 2021/UPDATE Sep 22: comments below the video suggest it was a DTAP shot not Covid vaccine, a 3-in-one doozie no doc should be injecting in an infant–for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis: poisons multiplied 3 times, and yes ALL vaccines carry poisons and toxins, something the “pro-vaxxers” have no clue about) …the suffering on this baby’s face is visible for all to see:


Project Veritas released this video showing nurses and a doctor in a HHS facility in Phoenix discussing the numbers of people showing up with adverse reactions and a young man suffering congestive heart failure, while a co-worker died after taking the vaccine because of being forced to by her employer:

Young man at a gym keels over with a heart attack:

In the UK, the irresponsible and apparently genocidally-inclined Public Health department is planning to give children both the lethal HPV and lethal COVID vaccines together, which Nurse Kate Shemirani calls out as war crime:–the widespread death and paralysis of children can be anticipated, should these vaccine drives not be halted:

A child suffers neurodamage and continuous convulsions post the Covid vaccine–reported by Zero Tolerance Media:


Young medical student in her early twenties possibly–Kyarikunda Rosette-dies 14 days after AstraZeneca vaccine:


Hospitals are killing people using Remdesivir, Dr. Bryan Ardis has stated, and other physicians have come forward to call out the corruption.

Lies and deceit are being peddled by doctors and journalists in the pay of Pharma

The time to speak is now: Our children and our future are at stake

The voices of doctors speaking truth to power are needed today, but also the voices of parents, workers, anyone, anywhere.

Do not insulate yourself, keep track of what is really happening, and start speaking, writing, emailing, calling.

The COVID vaccines should be halted at once, worldwide — and every one of us should be calling for this halt, even if governments keep swimming in corruption. There are some abject criminals in action here, and many who go along to keep the status quo going. Either way, they are engaging in war crimes and crimes against humanity.


New Micrographs Reveal Graphene Oxide and Parasites in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccine

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

Evidence of Nano Graphene Oxide (GO) Poisoning, Body & Brain: In COVID & Flu Vaccines, Chem Trails, Rainwater, Saline, Plus: Pfizer Whistleblower Karen Kingston Confirms GO in PEGylated Lipid Nano in Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines

UK Funeral Director Blows the Whistle on Non-Existent 2020 Pandemic & Rising Deaths Now Due Only to the Deadly COVID Vaccines: “The Delta Variant is Vaccine Injury”

Second Notice of Grievous Harm to Schoolchildren in Massachusetts Due to Commissioner and DESE Board-Issued Mask Mandate for K-12 Children in School

Report | Ramola D | Sep 20, 2021

A second Notice of Harm was emailed and faxed to the Commissioner of Education in Massachusetts, Jeffrey C. Riley by this writer last week, as also to members of the Quincy School Committee and Department of Elementary and Secondary (DESE) Board members.

Studies listed by the group Massachusetts Against Mandates in their letters were included in this letter and listing of studies, articles, and video testimonials. It should be noted that thousands of parents in Massachusetts (5000 with this group) have been writing and emailing the Board and Commissioner on this subject. Central to the letter are points of law from the Children’s Health Defense lawsuit in New York recently against mask mandates for the unvaccinated in businesses whereby the New York Health Commissioner repealed the mask mandate, from Anna de Buisseret, UK lawyer’s writings, and a number of studies covered by Professor Denis Rancourt proving masks are ineffective and do not work. Masks are medical devices and no Commissioner of Education is qualified to mandate them for schoolchildren–nor is any Superintendent or Principal qualified to enforce such an unlawful mandate.

This letter follows on the earlier letter sent and reported on here, carrying the First Notice of Harm:

Science Journalist & Mother to Massachusetts Commissioner of Education: Physical and Psychological Harm to Schoolchildren: Dangerous Mask Mandates and Nonstop COVID-Testing, Monitoring, and Policing are Not the Purview of Public School Education and MUST BE HALTED IMMEDIATELY

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s ignoring of the facts surrounding the vaccine and the masks is unfortunately reflected in their promotional videos, addressed here:

Mass Deception in Massachusetts Defies the Science, Ignores the Data: Provenly UNsafe, Toxin-Laden COVID Vaccines, Harmful Masks, Harmful Tests, Not-Proved-to-Exist Virus, All Set to Harm Children Now: Parents Must Act

Not merely are the children in Quincy Public Schools–as other Massachusetts public schools–currently forced to endure the school day breathing in their own toxic waste, opening themselves to fatigue, dizziness from hypoxia and faintness and neurological damage from hypercapnia as well as bacterial pneumonia, they are now being treated to vaccine clinics on campus in Quincy (at the high schools), which shows an alarming lack of knowledge of the numbers of deaths and injuries accruing from the COVID vaccines. That the vaccines are also intended to and inevitably will cause sterility as per testimonials and studies was covered here:

Mass Sterilization (and Deaths) of Children and Youth with Toxin-Laden COVID-19 Experimental Vaccines is Underway; Doctors Plead for a Halt: Pregnant Women and Children Must NOT Get the Vaccine

It is not clear to this writer how school nurses and principals let alone superintendents and commissioners could deliberately open schoolchildren to harm by forcing masks, molesting-nasal-tests, and toxic drugs inducing gene-alteration and sterility–as well as a plethora of truly terrible vaccine injury–on them. The August 24, 2021 Board meeting where the Commissioner peculiarly sought and obtained the consent of the Board to issue the unscientific and unlawful mask mandate will be covered more fully here soon.


Sadly it appears that monetary gain and embrace of testing contractors as well as adherence to overall Massachusetts Government intentions to sicken schoolchildren through masking them all day and force the deadly COVID vaccines on them “to raise vaccination rates” is behind the Board’s irrational stance on masks and tests.

While these vaccines–and vaccines in general–are being found to be deadly dangerous by scientists and physicians ,as reported most recently here, this awareness and finding seems to be completely ignored by the DESE Board and Commissioner–to the detriment of the thousands of children in their care. Today’s vaccines, we are all learning, are toxic and injurious–but the Board doesn’t seem to have a clue about this.

The Second Notice of Harm is posted below:

It is clear that parents need to continue to take action to protect their children in Massachusetts, where Boards and School Committees are demonstrating an astounding lack of care.

New Micrographs Reveal Graphene Oxide and Parasites in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccine

Report | Ramola D | Sep 15, 2021

In disturbing confirmation of previous findings, reported in Newsbreak 133 and other articles here revealing the La Quinta Columna findings, new micrographs using Phase Contrast Optical Microscopy have now further revealed the presence of Nano Graphene Oxide and both identified and unidentified parasites in a vial of he Pfizer-BioNTech COVID Vaccine.

The nano graphene is variously in the form of long ribbons and a coagulate or “symplast” as Dr. Robert Young, who reports these findings, references.

Phase Contrast Microscopy Images, Graphene, Parasites/Dr. Young/Described Further Below

Recent International Scientific Investigations Have Found Graphene Oxide, Aluminium, Bismuth, Cadmium-Selenide, Stainless Steel, PEG, Parasites in Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson Vaccines

While all the details regarding the procurement of the vaccine vials is being kept out of the public eye for now, as this ongoing investigation of the exact contents of the vaccines continues, Dr. Young has stated (on the Stew Peters show: COVID Truths) that between 2 to 4 vaccine vials had been earlier examined by a team of scientists, all findings being reported in documents such as the Scientists Club report and Dr. Young’s report:

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines./Dr. Robert Young

Note that the work of this scientific team includes study of 4 vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, with toxic nanometallic particulates, particularly nano graphene oxide, found in all four, in significant amounts, as well as lipid nanoparticles and a parasite which appears to be Trympanosoma cruzii in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Not all these scientists had wished to have their participation in these world-shaking investigations publicized, as reported by Dr. Young in his Statement by Robert O. Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, ND, and in Newsbreak 133, although that situation may be changing and some of the scientists involved may come forward with their separate reports shortly.

Newsbreak 133, a very important newsbreak interview and presentation by Dr. Robert Young describes the group scientist findings as well as discusses the impact of toxins and contaminants on human health. This video is further discussed in the article below and can be viewed at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, and Rumble (links in the article):

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson

Self-Assembling Nanobiotechnology–Nano Graphene Oxide–in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines

Other scientists and analysts are also pursuing the study of what exactly is in the vaccines. American researchers have reported self-assembling graphene in the Moderna vaccine, while a remarkable German video showing self-assembling nanotechnology creating crystalline arrays in a form mimicking high-frequency antennas has been published online, as reported here.

Pfizer-Comirnaty/Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Nanotech Now Found Also in Pfizer-BioNTech COMIRNATY Vaccine: German Video Reveals Self-Assembling Specks and Crystalline Networks Forming

These two latter reports in fact give credence to the wide supposition that nano graphene oxide is being used in the vaccines to inject nanobiotechnology with an inherent AI component into the body, to increase electrical conductivity of cell membranes and cells, transform human cells into antennas, create synthetic-AI networks in the body, and render the cells of the human body and brain susceptible to external manipulation by wireless radiation, particularly 5G.

(None of these suppositions are idle speculation, each is confirmed by scientific literature on the subject, and has been discussed by various scientists–as reported earlier, with links, in all the graphene articles at this site. Inclusion of some of Dr. Young’s references, attesting to the validity of these suppositions, below.)

New Micrographs Showing Graphene Oxide and Parasites in Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

The new micrographs come from Dr. Robert Young’s own lab work this past weekend on September 11, 2021, and have been reported in his growing vaccine report, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines/Updated September 11, 2021.

Pfizer Vaccine Content: Symplast of Graphene Oxide on left and shadow of previously identified parasite, Trypanosoma Cruzii, lower right/Dr. Robert Young, as reported here
Pfizer Vaccine Content: Symplast of nano graphene oxide, upper left, and unidentified parasite, lower right/Dr. Robert Young, as reported here
Pfizer Vaccine Content: Long curling ribbon of graphene oxide, possibly rolled into carbon nanotubes/Dr. Robert Young, as reported here

On the subject of graphene nanoribbons, American Chemical Society published a story in 2008 on the promise of such ribbons as semiconductors:

Graphene Ribbons/Slim carbon strips show promise as semiconductors by Bethany Halford, January 28, 2008

Scientists from Finland and from Harvard learned how to roll up graphene nanoribbons into carbon nanotubes in 2012:

Scientists discover novel way of making carbon nanotubes/Tibi Puiu, Feb 25, 2012, ZME Science

Grave Toxicity of Graphene Oxide & Other Nanometallic Particulates

While scientists working in nanobioelectronics, nanobiomedicine, and synthetic biology continue to blithely roll out new uses for graphene oxide in drug-delivery and controversial human augmentation, the toxicity of graphene to cell membranes, cell plasma, and cell functioning has been long noticed, and several studies on the toxicology of this substance have been published.

(Please see all previous articles here reporting graphene oxide in the vaccines for previously-posted links to the toxicology studies; Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs links to all articles.)

Dr. Antonietta Gatti, whose recent video interview on this subject was reported here, and Dr. Robert Young have both spoken and written on the toxicity of nanometallic particulates to cells.

Dr. Gatti, screenshot from the Planet Lockdown interview

Trojan Horse Sabotage of LNP-GO in COVID mRNA Vaccines: Dr. Antoinetta Gatti Explains Nanoparticles Inside Cells Destroy the Innate Defense Mechanism of Cells & Cause Blood Clots

In her groundbreaking 2017 report with Dr. Stefano Montanari, in fact, Dr. Gatti has extensively discussed the dangers of inflammation, thrombocity, and organ dysfunction posed by nanometallic particulates, which are non-biodegradeable and indeed biopersistent. They can both enter cells, harm DNA, and be carried by the blood to bind with organic matter and coagulate in organs.

Excerpt, Dr. Gatti and Dr. Montanari’s article: New Quality Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nano Contamination, International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, 2017

Listed below are some of the papers and patents referenced in Dr. Young’s article, related to graphene use in electrical conductivity and bio/optical sensing, and to the toxicity of graphene oxide:

[71] Mehrotra, Parikha et al. “EM-Wave Biosensors: A Review of RF, Microwave, mm-Wave and Optical Sensing.” Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 19,5 1013. 27 Feb. 2019, doi:10.3390/s19051013

[72] Ferritin Nanoparticle Compositions and Methods to Modulate Cell activity granted a Patent US10786570B2 on 09-29-2020 to Jerffery Friedman and the Rockefeller University WO US US10786570B2 Jeffrey Friedman The Rockefeller University Priority 2011-08-24 • Filed 2018-07-30 • Granted 2020-09-29 • Published 2020-09-29 The present invention provides methods and compositions for the remote control of cell function based on the use of radiofrequency waves to excite nanoparticles targeted to specific cell types. The nanoparticles may be applied to the target cell extracellularly and/or expressed intracellularly.

[73] Ou, L., Song, B., Liang, H. et al.Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms.” Part Fibre Toxicol13, 57 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y

[74]Graphene Ribbons Show Promise as Semiconductors”, Volume 86, Issue 3, Chemical and Engneering News, Bethany Halford, Volume 86, Issue 4, January 28th, 2008.https://cen.acs.org/articles/86/i4/Graphene-Ribbons.html

[75] Ivask, Angela et al. “Toxicity of 11 Metal Oxide Nanoparticles to Three Mammalian Cell Types <i>In V.itro</i>.” Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 15.18 (2015): 1914–1929. Web.

[76] Moschini, Elisa, Maurizio Gualtieri, Miriam Colombo, Umberto Fascio, Marina Camatini, and Paride Mantecca. “The Modality of Cell–Particle Interactions Drives the Toxicity of Nanosized CuO and TiO2 in Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells.” Toxicology Letters 222, no. 2 (2013): 102–16. doi:10.1016/J.TOXLET.2013.07.019.

Toxicity of COVID Vaccines Reflected in Increasing Numbers of Vaccine Deaths and Injuries

The reason this subject of what is in the vaccines remains of pressing importance is the horrifying continuance of the vaccine experiments–and current targeting of children and teenagers with vaccine propaganda and mandates– while the numbers of deaths and injuries mount. The figures below from the CDC VAERS database and from EudraVigilance show nearly 50,000 deaths total, and this is not the whole picture, as many statisticians inform us, most deaths and injuries are never reported in these databases.

USA, September 9, 2021:

27 Countries of Europe, September 11, 2021:

24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions/Health Impact News, Sep 14, 2021

Urgent Call from Dr. Anne McCloskey to Halt the COVID Vaccines

What is accruing from the toxic ingredients in the vaccines is nothing less than death and serious injury. Dr. Anne McCloskey, working on the front lines in Ireland, witnessing this calamity at close quarters, calls passionately for a halt to these vaccines, for all people of conscience to rise up and act to protect our children and our lives:

Please share this article widely. Free to repost anywhere, with accreditation and linkback.


Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs

In a Sea of Lies: mRNA Vaccine Truth, COVID Truth–Resources to Inform Yourself

Report 242 | Public Education: mRNA Vaccines in Focus: “Safe and Effective” or Russian Roulette with your Life?