Tag Archives: Anatomy of an Epidemic

Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Three

Report | Seth Farber, Ph. D | Jan 6, 2021

Contd. from Part Two: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

Anatomy of an Epidemic

Those familiar with this website or Robert Whitaker’s books know that he has been arguing for years that it is the psychiatric drugs that have created the epidemic of mental illnesses–that have transformed acute illnesses or life crises into chronic mental and physical illnesses. Whitaker writes, “The number of disabled mentally ill has risen dramatically since 1955, and ring the past two decades [1990-2010], a period when the prescribing of psychiatric medications has exploded, the number of adults and children disabled by mental illness has risen at a mind-boggling rate. Thus, we arrive at an obvious question, even though it is heretical in kind: Could our drug-based paradigm of care, in some unforeseen way, be fueling this modern-day plague?” (Whitaker, 2011, p.9) The question is rhetorical–the book indeed shows how this has occurred–the drugs themselves are neurotoxins that create symptoms labeled as mental illnesses. For example, while psychosis is usually an “episodic disorder,” anti-psychotic drugs create a state of chronic disability.

This is a very similar argument to the one the medical critics make about vaccines. Dr. Cowan puts it concisely: The “mistreatment of acute disease [through vaccination] is a mechanism for chronic disease”(p 21). Robert Kennedy Jr.– son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, the American hero and martyr– is a lawyer and public spokesperson for the medical safety movement. As an environmental lawyer he was used to reading scientific studies when he first began to investigate vaccines. He has read the scientists and the medical critics and he eloquently argues that vaccines as they exist today have created an epidemic of chronic illnesses. He is expressing the argument made by virtually all of the medical critics of vaccines. The analogy with Whitaker’s argument about psychiatric drugs is striking.

Kennedy states repeatedly that he is not an “anti-vaxxer” – rather he is calling to us to listen to the science. Kennedy does not claim to know whether a safe vaccine can be manufactured. He wants us to realize that due to economic and political factors there is no incentive for Big Pharma to even try to manufacture safe vaccines–thus, vaccines are not even safety tested before they are put on the market and mandated for children. For almost every disease for which Big Pharma has a vaccine, CDC issues a government mandate even when it is for a disease that there is virtually no chance the child will contract. In other words the motive for the vaccine mandates is the growth of Big Pharma, not the health of the child.

Kennedy points out that “the pharmaceutical industry– the 4 large companies that make all the childhood vaccines – make 50 billion dollars a year selling our kids these 72 injections” but “they make $500 billion a year selling all the meds targeted to treat the vaccine side effects of the diseases they cause, the diseases listed on the inserts of the vaccines.” Big Pharma has created life-time clients. Kennedy called this “the business plan of Big Pharma” and described it as “the most criminal scheme we have ever seen in human history.” (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/video/rfk-jr-rallies-health-freedom-advocates-in-colorado/)/

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease, according to HHS (Health and Human Services) is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54%. And what are these diseases? They’re the neuro-developmental diseases, ADD, ADHD, language delays, speech delays, tics, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and autism. The auto-immune disorders, Guillanne-Barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anaphylactic diseases, food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. All of these exploded in 1989. There are a lot of culprits. Many new things. We have cell-phones. We have ultra-sound. We have glyphosate. We have many other things. Our kids are swimming in a toxic soup.

We’re not saying all of those illnesses came from vaccines. But there is no intervention that is so exquisite and precisely timed as what happened when we went in 1989 and changed that vaccine schedule and raised the levels of aluminum and mercury, tripled and quintupled them. We went from the 3 vaccines that I had, to the 72 my kids had, and to the 75 that kids are going to get next year. And there are 273 new vaccines in the pipeline.”

One in every two (49.5%) 13-18 year olds have been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder. One in every six American children (17%) has a developmental disability according to the CDC.One in every eight American children (14%) requires special educations services.

One in twelve American children has asthma (8.4%).

One in every 13 American children has at least one food allergy and two fifths of those with food allergies have a history of severe reactions including deadly peanut allergies.

One in 285 U.S. children will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday. Each year, an estimated 15,780 U.S. children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 will be diagnosed with cancer.

“The elementary grades are overwhelmed with children who have symptoms of neurological or immune-system damage,” Patti White, a school nurse, told the House Government Reform Committee in 1999. “Vaccines are supposed to be making us healthier; however, in twenty-five years of nursing I have never seen so many damaged, sick kids. Something very, very wrong is happening to our children.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/what-we-do/deadly-immunity-government-cover-mercuryautism-scandal/

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

The leading medical critics of the current vaccine schedule have all reached similar conclusions. Some of them use vaccines sparingly and others are against all vaccines. None of them are anti-science––although this is the common accusation, as we saw with The New York Times. Their critique is scientific and evidence–based but many of them have adapted a different scientific paradigm than the one embraced by the vaccine promoters.

The critics I have read all come to the same explanation for why the vaccinations have created an epidemic of chronic diseases. I want to look at 2 critics here— I have no expertise in medical science–my purpose here is merely to give a brief explanation by citing 2 practicing pediatricians, Thomas Cowan and Richard Moskowitz, well acquainted with the science, who believe that the vaccinations adversely affect the immune system, and have engendered an epidemic of chronic illness.

Both Cowan and Moskowitz believe that common childhood diseases (measles, chickenpox, mumps) play an important role (or did before we introduced vaccines to prevent them) in training and educating the immune systems. The vaccine is no substitute. Moskowitz writes, “[W]ithout the acute illness, there is no priming of the immune system as a whole, no significant improvements in the general health of the recipients, no reliable mechanism for expelling the invading virus or bacterium” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.14). Fever, rash, coughing, sneezing, etc. are signs the body is expelling the antigen, ridding itself of the infection. It is not the virus that makes us sick. Sickness is the effects of a robust healthy immune system eliminating, expelling the invader (Cowan, 2018 p.24).

In other words, the acute illness is what is experienced when the body is fighting back.

“The normal febrile illnesses of childhood, measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, are the formative experiences for normal maturation of the immune system” (Moskowitz, p.17). “A sick child with a fever is not having an emergency. She is going through a valuable learning process which if continually thwarted will undermine her sacred quest to build a strong body, mind and immune system for her strong journey ahead” (Cowan, p15).

Indeed, the evidence proves that those who get these childhood diseases are better fortified by nature to resist other diseases. Children who get through measles at the usual age (pp. 4-7) are less likely to get heart disease, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases later in life (Cowan, p.98). They are 60% less likely to contract numerous forms of cancer if they had experienced 3 or 4 of common childhood diseases (Moskowitz, p. 12).

There are two immune systems in the body. The first is referred to as “the cell-mediated immune system” –its function is to respond to a foreign substance, such as a virus or toxin (like aluminum or mercury), that has invaded the body, by sending in white blood cells to eliminate infected cells. This response by cell mediated system involves “elimination,” ––and causes us to feel sick. Cowan writes that “we need a cell-mediated response to clear unwanted invaders from our bodies” (p.25). The second immune system is the humoral system which comprises extracellular fluid substances which attach to protein on the invaders and destroy them or mark them for destruction by other cells.

Moskowitz and Cowan both believe we should have more appreciation for the cell-mediated immune system. Vaccination attempts to by-pass it, but at what cost? “Modern pediatrics is an assault on the cell mediated immune system”(Cowan, p .27). Rather than allowing a child to experience chicken pox we inject her with an antigen–a piece of the virus. If the virus is dead (as it is in most vaccines), it will not elicit an antibody and must be linked to an adjuvant–which must be an irritant, a toxin. “This is the blueprint for all modern vaccines: Isolate an antigenic piece of a virus, combine it with a toxin, and hope for a lifelong antibody response” (Cowan, p.27). But how will the body clear the toxin? It will not. According to both Cowan and Moskowitz, the cell-mediated response is the only way to clear these toxins from our tissues.

Moskowitz and Cowan–and doubtless countless others whom I have not read– identify several problems with vaccinations: 1) The atrophy of the cellular immunity system undermines the ability of the organism to respond to challenges, 2) The humoral immune system is unable to eliminate the antigen from the body– thus it leads to chronic diseases 3) The overstimulation of the humoral system through numerous vaccinations establishes a pattern of overreacting and thus leads to autoimmune disease.

Moskowitz quotes Dr Howard Buttram, who writes that the humoral system is placed by the vaccine program into “a dominant position for which it is physiologically unsuited, while cellular immunity lacking the challenges of the minor childhood diseases [measles, mumps, chickenpox] of former times may undergo progressive atrophy from disuse”(p.16). This is exactly what has happened, and it will get worse because many more vaccines are in the pipeline and public health officials–with the support of the government and the press–and Bill Gates–plan to cajole or force adults to start taking vaccines regularly.

As one astute holistic health practitioner observed, “Through a persistent pervasive hypnosis from pediatricians, news outlets, print ads, web content, governmental press, TV programs and magazines parents are being taught it is normal to have a child who can’t talk, poop, walk, eat, digest food, grow, attend school or perhaps even breathe without the benefit of a litany of medications and vaccines. Worse we are taught that children who don’t join in are somehow not normal…”(Converse, 2012, p.127). And now post-COVID-19 adults will be subjected to the same propaganda to persuade us we need their vaccines to function–and if persuasion doesn’t work they intend to issue mandates and to restrict us if we don’t do as mandated. Our immune systems will be destroyed courtesy of the medical establishment and our public health officials.

Without the cell-mediated response produced by the body itself — the acute illness—there is no way to detoxify, “no reliable mechanism for expelling the invading virus or bacterium.” (Moskowitz, 2017, p. 14). Stephen Marini aptly notes that as a result of vaccinations, “[t]he body is essentially constipated with viruses that it cannot expel!” But to suppress this natural response “can be as hazardous to our health as suppressing waste elimination from the bowel or toxin release from the skin. ” http://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/Informed-Choice/how-do-vaccines-work-immune-mechanisms-and-consequences.html

Vaccination, Moskowitz points out enables the virus, the antigen, to accomplish the very thing the whole immune mechanism was designed to prevent– it grants “bacteria, viruses and other foreign antigens free and immediate access to the bone marrow, spleen, liver, intestines, thymus, blood, and lymph nodes with no reliable means of getting rid of them” Vaccines “drive the invading organism deeper in to the interior of our bodies” where they remain permanently, chronically infecting the organs where they reside (Moskowitz, 2017, p.16). According to Marini, vaccines can exhaust the immune system by forcing the body to deal with a chronic ongoing infection. (http://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/Informed-Choice/how-do-vaccines-work-immune-mechanisms-and-consequences.html)

Moskowitz says that live viruses can remain latent for years within the host cells without ever provoking acute disease: “In most cases, viruses achieve this by attaching their own genetic material as an extra particle or “episome” to that of the host cell and reproducing along with it. The body will continue to make antibodies but “with the virus permanently integrated into the genetic material of the host cell, these antibodies will now have to be directed against the cell itself” (Moskowitz, 2006, p.8). This results in autoimmune diseases since attacking and destroying the infected cell and the body’s own tissue is now the only way the “antigenic challenge” can be removed from the body. This is one mechanism leading to autoimmunity.

Cowan says autoimmunity is a result of an over-stimulated humoral response (p28). With millions of people suffering from autoimmune disease “at a number unheard of before the introduction of a mass vaccination program” how can this connection be dismissed? (p.28). Researchers in Japan vaccinated animals according to the current vaccine schedule and concluded “autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune system by repeated immunization” (p.28).

DR. SETH FARBER | Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State

The argument made by Cowan and Moskowitz is the same made by other doctors like them–almost all of whom vaccinated children without much thought in the beginning of their practice as pediatricians and over the years became increasingly critical of vaccines. Unlike the experts at CDC and FDA who felt, as the FDA official put it, that “any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent …” these doctors felt it was their responsibility to put their patients first– above their own financial gain– to honor the Hippocratic oath, and to sound the alarm to their fellow citizens, even at the cost of being demonized by the press.What is remarkable is not only that there are so many of us….but also that our arguments..all sound so much alike” because they arise not from theory, “but from our shared cumulative and hard-won experience in the trenches of everyday medical practice” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.47).

Dr. Larry Palevsky speaks for these doctors: “It’s heart-breaking to see kids who were speaking, doing well, and were developmentally normal, who lost their voice, made no eye contact, developed seizures, asthma, and allergies, and had nowhere to go because the doctor said it was a coincidence. The studies that deny any correlation between vaccination and autism don’t meet scientific standards” (Moskowitz, 2017, p.49).

Dr. Cowan concludes that vaccines have not succeeded, “Our communities, hospitals and schools are filled to the brim with sick and injured children” (Cowan, 2018, p.71). “We are..dealing with something frightening and threatening: a massive epidemic of chronically ill children and a medical establishment that is not only enabling the situation but profiting from it” (p. 6). And he reached the same conclusion that a vocal minority of doctors, but probably the most well-informed, have reached:“My understanding after years of studying the science behind vaccines, is that a truly safe and effective vaccine has not yet been discovered” (p.70).

The Therapeutic State

COVID-1984 has changed the landscape of America and served as a pretext to create a global digital panopticon, a system of total surveillance, domination and control. Like mental patients we may all soon be forced by the State to take poisonous drugs (i.e., vaccines). The authorities may not come and forcibly plunge the needle into our arm—although that is happening in New Zealand– but those who refuse may be prevented from going to work or school or traveling–there seems to be no end to what the supporters of a corporate bio-security surveillance State would be ready to do.

The trend toward mandatory vaccination began before COVID-19 but it has accelerated. The seeds of totalitarianism lay within the mental health system– and it also lies within the public health bureaucracy and its paternalistic ideology. Thomas Szasz realized this as early as 1960. (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2010/02/thomas-szasz/fifty-years-after-themythofmentalillness/). The public health treats ordinary citizens with the same kind of condescension mental health professionals display towards mental patients. I discussed above the CDC mandates and vaccine schedule. Up until recently every state has always allowed exemptions for religious and medical reasons. During the last 5 years, California, Vermont, New York, Maine and Hawaii have outlawed these religious exemptions. (https://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/March-2020/the-national-plan-to-vaccinate-every-american.aspx) West Virginia and Mississippi do not permit them. (https://www.nvic.org/faqs/vaccine-exemptions.aspx)

Even medical exemptions are being so severely restricted they are virtually meaningless and expose the most vulnerable children to great harm. According to Mary Holland, chief counsel and vice-chairman of CHD, in New York, for example there are now emergency guidelines that the Department of Health publicized on December 31, 2019. Those guidelines say the only basis for a medical exemption is if children have anaphylaxis, i.e., they can’t breathe and they nearly die, or they have a documented brain injury. Even in those cases, Holland points out, that would be an exemption only for that specific vaccine. In other words, to get an exemption the child must have already had a medical crisis in response to that one vaccine. Medical exemptions by treating physicians in New York are now reviewed by the Department of Health bureaucrat who can overrule the child’s doctor without even examining the child. For example, he can say, “No, I disagree with the neurologist who says that this child is at risk of brain injury from the next vaccine. I deny the child’s exemption.” There are hundreds of children whose exemptions have been thus overruled (Fitts, pp.5-6, https://home.solari.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/sr20200225_Special_Holland_Vaccine.pdf)

According to Barbara Loe Fisher,,“The government has a National Vaccine Plan. It is a Plan designed to make sure you, your child and everyone in America gets every dose of every vaccine that government officials recommend now and in the future… [F]ederal health officials accurately characterize the U.S. vaccination system in the 21st century as a business. A decade ago they admitted that ‘The 2010 National Vaccine Plan provides a vision for the U.S. vaccine and immunization enterprise for the next decade. That’s because they know the National Vaccine Plan is really a Vaccine Marketing Plan for the pharmaceutical industry.” The Plan is described on HHS website https://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/March-2020/the-national-plan-to-vaccinate-every-american.aspx ((https://www.hhs.gov/vaccines/national-vaccine-plan/index.htm). According to Fisher, the Plan is the reason why the states are trying to eliminate exemptions and mandates every vaccine the pharmaceutical industry produces and the CDC recommends. (https://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/March-2020/the-national-plan-to-vaccinate-every-american.aspx)

Recently Massachusetts passed a law mandating all students ages 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine this year–2020. Although other states require flu shots for very young children, Massachusetts is the first state to also require influenza vaccinations for all students attending kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and colleges and universities. (https://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/08/massachusetts-public-health-officials-require-annual-flu-shots-for-child-care-and-all-grades-through-college)

It would take another paper to discuss the variety of “conspiracy theories” that have been propounded to explain the origins of the COVID-19 epidemic and more importantly the response to it. Whether it was deliberately released and manmade or natural, many people believe the response is incommensurate with the problem posed by COVID-19 and that furthermore the response has been and will be to the advantage of the very wealthy. Is the virus a pretext to implement another agenda?

But even if COVID-19 was a natural virus it is still obvious that there has been a concerted effort to profit from it. Naomi Klein’s book on the “shock doctrine” explains how vested interests respond to a crisis (2008). As Klein put it to an interviewer: The “shock doctrine” is the political strategy of using large-scale crises to push through policies that systematically deepen inequality, enrich elites, and undercut everyone else… Political and economic elites understand that moments of crisis is their chance to push through their wish list of unpopular policies that further polarize wealth in this country and around the world.” (https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/5dmqyk/naomi-klein-interview-on-coronavirus-and-disaster-capitalism-shock-doctrine)

But it’s not only economic policies, as we ought to know from 9/11.

Kennedy wrote, “Are powerful state and corporate entities using the current crisis to remove basic rights and intensify pressures to promote vaccines and surveillance? Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that #BillGates — and his Mini-Me, Tony #Fauci — will somehow be running our Brave New World?” (https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3IQlYFXgJ)

As I write in August, 2020, every day there is something alarming in the press. There is a new bill– New York State bill A99– which is now under consideration in the NY State legislature. It allows the state to take an individual “suspected” of being infected or contaminated to a detention center to keep her there, and compel her to receive any medical treatment deemed necessary – including forced vaccination. This bill could become the model for other similar bills to be passed into law in other states. Virginia and Massachusetts are already indicating they intend to pass mandatory vaccinations. In New York, there are low key programs to set up Covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. What is terrifying is the assault on the rights that have for centuries been considered fundamental to our identity as Americans. (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/08/no_author/764696-2)

But it is even more disturbing when we look at Australia or New Zealand.“Right now, Australia and New Zealand are slamming citizens with perhaps the most draconian measures yet in the Western world. These are policies that the elites want to introduce everywhere, but they are going full bore in Australia, and it just keeps getting worse” (https://www.technocracy.news/resource-grab-the-trilateral-commission-has-always-called-for-the-destruction-of-national-sovereignty)

At an August 19th press conference, Australia’s second most senior medical officer said the government would be “discussing measures such as banning restaurants, international travel, public transport, and withholding government programs through ‘No Jab No Pay’ in order to coerce vaccine resisters.” (https://ellenbrown.com/2020/08/22/from-lockdown-to-police-state-the-great-reset-rolls-out).

In Australia, residents are not allowed to travel more than 3 miles from their homes. Citizens violating these rules are subject to $10,000 fines or arrest. In New Zealand, quarantine camps are now under the control of the military, and all citizens who are suspected to have Covid can be separated from their families and placed in the camps, which are hotels converted into prisons. The pretext– a mere 525 deaths in Australia and 22 deaths in New Zealand. (https://www.technocracy.news/resource-grab-the-trilateral-commission-has-always-called-for-the-destruction-of-national-sovereignty/)

Is this a precursor for America? Covid camps? “Mainstream media outlets have been suggesting this strategy for months. The Washington Post applauded the use of forced isolation camps in other nations and asks why the US has not yet used them beyond ports for foreign travelers?” (https://www.technocracy.news/resource-grab-the-trilateral-commission-has-always-called-for-the-destruction-of-national-sovereignty)

Bill Gates, vaccine evangelist and now the largest funder of WHO–since the US stopped the funding— has been pushing for digital tracking. “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” said Gates. (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/covid-19-immunity-passport-unites-140503280.html).

Gates is working with a number of organizations to create these digital certificates–one of the technologies being developed is a “quantum dot” tattoo, delivered through vaccination, stored under the skin and read by smartphones. The certificates would include a person’s medical records (including vaccination status), as well as financial information and identification. Such technology could be used to prevent those who choose not to vaccinate from participating in many aspects of society, including travel, work and school.. Germany has already implemented “immunity certificates,” (https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/covid-19-pursuing-truth-to-protect-our-liberties/)

Kennedy said in a recent speech, “Big Pharma is capturing politicians, running governments, in every nation on the globe. Today we have inflections of new technologies which gives them power to impose controls that never existed before in history, unimaginable controls on human beings no tyrant in history ever had… Digitalized currency–they will be able to enforce obedience. If you’re disobedient they will shut down your bank account and starve you…Government agencies orchestrating obedience –that is not the product of democracy. It is the product of a pharmaceutical-driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptic forces of greed and ignorance will be running our lives and destroying the dreams we hope to give to our children.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-holds-a-press-conference-in-berlin-after-launching-chds-europe-chapter

In America the Therapeutic State that Thomas Szasz has warned us about is coming into existence. But Szasz’s term sounds benign—it is a bio-fascist State. But it is not through psychiatry that it is extending its reach over every American– it is through the “public health” bureaucracy which works in tandem with Big Pharma. As a Libertarian, Szasz did not realize that this is an alliance between the State and private enterprise. It is not the State alone. It is neither socialism nor democracy. As indicated above: due to the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, as far as vaccines go, this industry is not accountable to the American people. The agencies which are supposed to regulate it, instead promote its products and protect it from exposure. The corrupt medical establishment gives it a facade of scientific legitimacy although its products do great harm to millions of Americans. It could produce vaccines which would kill millions of people and it would still not be held accountable.

But decades ago, Szasz had intuitively grasped the perils of the public health ideology. He reminded us the Nazi genocidal eugenics program was not based on racial hatred, although it included it. It was based on a utopian vision of a harmonious world order—and the subordination of the individual to the greater good of the public. Historian Robert Proctor wrote that Nazism is “a vast hygienic experiment designed to bring about an exclusionist sanitary utopia”(p.505).

It was “medical puritanism,” Szasz contends, that motivated the Nazis “to wage therapeutic wars against cancer and Jews.” The Therapeutic State today is also based on a medical program– ostensibly to protect citizens from viruses. This enables Big Pharma to make money, the Vaccine program to grow and the technocrats to invade every person’s body, to take over their lives. It covers all aspects of human existence. Szasz wrote, ”The therapeutic state thus swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological state had swallowed up everything human on the..ground that nothing falls outside the province of God” (p.515).

. “Once we begin to worship health as an all-pervasive good—a moral value that trumps all others, especially liberty—it becomes sanctified as a kind of secular holiness” (p.505-6). This profound insight of Szasz’s explains the fervor of the believers in the vaccine religion, their intolerance of “anti-vaxxers”–and it explains why they are so intent upon silencing the heretics, the“anti-vaxxers.” ( “Anathema on them.”) And also, because they don’t want to be accused and thus reminded of their crimes– because they have guilty consciences knowing they are complicit with harming millions of their fellow citizens, mostly children.

The fear of a virus has proven to be a greater instrument for inducing conformity and submission to authority than the fear of terrorism. The American health ideology, Szasz says, rests on the premise that “the individual is incompetent to protect himself from himself and needs the protection of the paternalistic state”(p.505). To protect himself from himself, the virus is a worse threat than the terrorist. The citizen needs the state, she needs Big Brother. But little does she know—the vaccine is poison. In the name of protecting citizens, the paternalistic State, the bio-fascist state, is poisoning them.

Many Americans would be willing to allow the Therapeutic State to destroy the constitutional rights that have been at the center of our national identity since the founding of the republic. But it is in the name of the republic, in the name of democracy, that American citizens must now rise up and declare that our bodies are not the property of the state, that our children are not the property of the State, that we are citizens, not slaves, not children, not “mental patients,” not targeted individuals (TIs) –we must re- affirm our national identity based upon the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and carry out a 2nd American revolution.

As Robert Kennedy Jr. said, “We are not going to let you take our democracy away. We are not going to let you take our health away. We are not going to let you take our children away. We are not going to let you take our freedom away.”

This concludes Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State by Dr. Seth Farber

Part One: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part One

Part Two: Dr. Seth Farber: Big Pharma, Mandatory Vaccination and the Emerging Bio-Fascist State | Part Two

The other references are in the article. I listed Blaylock here because his article is on multiple sites.


Blaylock, R. (2008), “Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development:The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders” www.vaccinationinformationnetwork.com/vaccines-brain-development-and-autism-dr-russell-blaylock-md

Bruesewitz, R. (2012), “Justice Disserved: The Hannah Bruesewitz Odyssey” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.

Children’s Health Defense (2018), Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health, ebook, Children Health Defense.

Colbin, Annemarie (2012), “A Holistic Health Perspective,” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.

Converse, Judy, (2012), “Sick is the New Healthy,” in L.K. Habakus and Mary Holland, Vaccine Epidemic, NY:Skyhorse Publishing.

Cowan, Thomas (2018), Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, White River Junction Vt: Chelsea Green Publishing.

Fisher, Barbara Loe (2008), Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic Worthington, Ohio: P.B.Industries.

Fitts, Catherine Austin ( 2020), ”Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D.” https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-vaccine-mandates-with-mary-holland-j-d, February 25, 2020

Handley,J. B.(2018), How to End the Autism Epidemic,White River Junction, Vt:: Chelsea Green Publishing

Holland, Mary (2010), “Reconsidering Compulsory Childhood Vaccination,” Public Law Research Paper,No. 10-64, NY:New York University School of Law.

Humphries, Suzanne and Roman Bystrianyk, (2013), Dissolving Illusions:Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, New York, CreateSpace Publishers (https://www.amazon.com/Dissolving-Illusions-Disease-Vaccines-Forgotten-dp-1480216895/dp/1480216895/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1600662412).

Klein, Naomi (2008), The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, New York: Picador.

Moskowitz, Richard (2006), “How Do Vaccines Work,” Pathways to Family Wellness, Issue 10, June-July 2006.

Moskowitz, Richard (2009) “On Anti-vaxxers,” Age of Autism, Jan, 2019. https://www.ageofautism.com/2019/01/dr-richard-moskowitz-md-on-anti-vaxxers.html

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