Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Imprisoned Without Cause, Denied Appeals in “Inversion of Justice System”: Whistleblower Pharmacist Neelu Berry Chaudhari and London CPA Lee Cant Alert World to his Work for Humanity

Report | Ramola D | July 7th, 2023

In Process July 20 2023

In a powerful conversation revealing the circumstances of the unlawful arrest of Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, on May 3rd from the Royal Courts of Justice in clear harassment of this singular whistleblower who has spent two decades investigating the endless scenarios of crime and corruption in the British judicial system, uncovering over 200 current cases of injustice and harm meted out to families, elders, pensioners, mothers, fathers, and children in numerous corrupt ways, whistleblower pharmacist Neelu Berry Chaudhari and former London CPA Lee Cant describe the continued situation of harm in which Edward is being held, and call for true justice for him and the people of England.

Denied appeals, denied the ability to reach his friends and supporters on the outside for months, Edward has reported the inadequacy of the kidney dialysis treatment which was eventually offered to him, after much phone-calling, emailing, and continued knocking on the doors of the prison at HM Pentonville–an unsafe prison, overcrowded and found to be in a situation of neglect twice by the Care Quality Commission, Neelu reports–when he was finally given this treatment but at a location some miles distant from Pentonville, driven to Chelmsford and back under police escort each time, with needed dialysis time taken up by the unnecessary transport–when he could have been provided this health care service on the premises of the prison itself.

“…the online booking doesn’t work for Pentonville and I suspect it’s because it has been deemed as unfit for purpose it’s had two Care Quality commission assessments that it failed and it hasn’t made any Improvement since the last one”–Neelu Berry, Newsbreak 161, Ramola D Reports, July 2, 2023

Private Ownership of Prisons: Failure to Provide Healthcare

What has been especially concerning, both Neelu Berry and Lee Cant report, is that both have made hundreds of phonecalls and emails and not been able to secure the requisite ease of access to Edward, who has been made a prisoner, arrested without cause, while being present in a courtroom to support the case of another citizen. Recent phone-calls Neelu Berry made to the prison reveal clearly that the switchboard operators for the prison have engaged in continued prevarication, obfuscation, and refusal to help, or provide information and wheel-spinning suggestions with great earnestness while essentially gatekeeping and delaying access, health, and support for “the prisoner.”

Image credit: Neelu Berry Chaudhari

What has also been revealed, both through diligence in investigation and persistent enquiry, evidenced in this spectacular phone call (referenced in Newsbreak 161) Neelu made on June 29, in conversation with a Victoria at a Switchboard found to be a remotely-operated Switchboard for all prisons in England and Wales, is that neither HM Pentonville nor the rest of His Majesty’s Prisons are run by His Majesty’s Government but a corporation headquartered in France, Sopra Steria (which may or may not be related to the corporation SERCO found to own half of US and UK Gov and Prisons thereof).

Phone call to Pentonville found to be run by Sopra Steria, Neelu Berry Chaudhari, June 29, 2023

As a consequence, there appears to be less interest in either Justice per se or in providing ease of access to those incarcerated or in providing non-discriminatory healthcare to all housed there.

Training in COINTELPRO for Sopra Steria Prison Switchboard Operators (or Community Behavioral-Health Harassment)

There does appear to be a high degree of interest however–as also clear from other follow-up calls such as this and this which Neelu Berry made (and familiar to many of us today)–in training telephone operators to engage in facetious repetition, feigned inability to hear, harassive requests for repeats of questions and names, invasive interrogation regarding relationship, and Catch-22 suggestions for actions to take with other sections of prison administration when all of prison administration clearly is not being responsive to communications or to attempts to make contact from the outside–all evocative of classic COINTELPRO, much in action today in the US too, as so-called government bodies, in actuality run by private, mercenary corporations close ranks and stonewall the questing public in face of rampant injustice, crime, and corruption.

[Neelu has previously exposed this private ownership of prisons also in a podcast at this channel (now at Odysee) honoring the voices of whistleblowers inclusive of journalist Julian Assange.]

We must not forget either the entire phenomenon of “Community Behavioral Healthcare” aka Harassment in name of same, which seems to have swept the entire Western world lately (more coverage on that soon) and which needs to be addressed and terminated publicly the world over.

How Do We Make Governments and Their Frontmen Contractors Respond to the People?

In the building atmosphere however of intimidation and uber-surveillance the whole of the Western world has experienced since 9/11 especially, it is remarkable actually to learn of some kind of response (after several calls) available even over the phone from people fronting Government.

What is pointed to here perhaps is the importance of persistence, as Neelu Berry Chaudhari, a whistleblower exposing pharmaceutical crime and the grievous, pedosadistically abusive murder of her baby niece, as described early in Newsbreak 161 and in earlier conversations at Ramola D Reports, models for us in these communications via telephone with prison administrative staff as she draws insistent attention to crimes against children, families, and the elderly in the UK.

When the Barrister is Kidnapped from the Court, When Judges and Attorney-Generals Commit Crime Against Humanity

Obviously what is at stake here is much more than merely making contact with or ensuring healthcare for a retired barrister unlawfully kidnapped from Court for no crime, but bringing public awareness to the immensity of all crimes committed by the sadly deformed mechanisms of the State, which Neelu frankly refers to as State Terrorism, as she calls people to investigate the international anti-terrorism laws for possible use in addressing corrupt judgments meted out by elitist corrupt judges with paid-off solicitors and law enforcement parties.

These, she details, comprise entrenched actions of harm which have created underworld build-up of corrupt industry in almost every field of human engagement. In this she echoes Edward’s own findings of injustice and his humanitarian objective of shining a light and bringing justice back to Government.

And I want to make this very important point…in England the Criminal Justice System does not exist, and it’s been hijacked by the Civil Justice System so there are no solicitors who will privately prosecute an individual’s case against the government, there are only false prosecutions by the State against individuals who happen to be whistleblowers, and this is the Inversion of the Justice System that is treasonous from top down, and that’s the problem in England, is that it is not compliant with International Law.

–Neelu Berry Chaudhari

The supreme irony of arresting and supposedly convicting and actually imprisoning a barrister–a volunteer assisting cases free of charge, as Neelu notes–the actual Equity Lawyer engaged in bringing to world attention numerous crimes reported by Corruption Claimants he has helped (of impersonation, home break-in, theft of homes, foreclosure on homes, kidnapping of children from their own good homes and families, loss of property, loss of livelihood, harassment of the elderly, bank fraud, mental health fraud, “behavioral-health” harassment in community, corruption in office, abuse of power, homicide, and much more) is underlined by the fact there is no comprehensible reason for his arrest, and the earlier “judgment” meted out to him carries elements of what one might conclude is perjury, as remarked on by other supporters earlier, and by this writer, and by former London CPA and human rights campaigner Lee Cant:

“Edward hasn’t really committed any crime, he hasn’t done anything wrong, there’s nothing! All he, all he is doing is objecting against the artificial fake restraint orders imposed on him by the High Court. The judges and Judge Kerr wrote out the verdict on the 8th of March this year which was full of false statements, the whole verdict is complete nonsense, there’s no evidence against Edward, there’s no supporting documentation that Edward has done anything wrong, it’s purely accusations. What that verdict states clearly is that people like Sood, Sham Sood, were recruited by Edward as a campaign, as a movement, almost like a cult that Edward was manipulating, using, to further his causes which is complete nonsense–
Sham Sood has come out and made public statements that he was never ever recruited by Edward.”

–Lee Cant

Transcript excerpts from Newsbreak 161 on the subject of Edward Ellis’s fraudulent arrest and imprisonment and the background of his work/In Process

[Starting from the top of our conversation and the sad story of Baby Sunaina’s untoward hospital death, Neelu Berry’s pharmaceutical whistleblowing, Lee Cant’s experience of neglect in his neighborhood and the unlawful treatment meted out to whistleblowers and human rights campaigners in the UK]

Neelu Berry Chaudhuri, Baby Sunaina

Neelu Berry: So my nightmare started in 2000 with my baby niece– I was dying of cancer, I was on chemotherapy, I was like a 70-year old woman with my hair had fallen out–and I witnessed my baby niece’s neglect as in denial of oxygen, I didn’t know at the time she was being overdosed, all I knew was the oxygen was being denied, she went purple, her blood oxygen was 37.5 normally it’s 98 percent, and my sister called the doctor out, he refused, they dismantled the oxygen machine, baby died, we then found semen on her bib and in her mouth, my sister told me that she, we found out that that’s what had happened to the baby, she’d been gang raped in the hospital, and we collected 12,000 signatures for a new investigation into the death–the coroner covered it up–Dr Elizabeth Stern. And the police covered it up, and the police–she was isolated under a family court emergency protection order with an arrest warrant, and against me if I was to try to intervene with her care or whatever gang rape–

Ramola D: We should mention you’re a pharmacist, Neelu, and you spoke out about some of the chemicals, some of the the drugs involved, right-

Neelu Berry: I, I didn’t know that at the time but when after she died, I went through the medical file, I did reports, expert reports, and I proved 60 doctors, nurses, and pharmacists were guilty of her manslaughter, of her murder, because Ranitidine was not licensed for use in children under two years of age–she was given an adult dose. The weight for her, the dose for her weight was supposed to be three milligrams three times a day–she was given 150 milligram twice a day–which is why she, her heart packed up, and she went purple, and then she was injected in the neck here with potassium chloride, which is the last lethal injection in death row. In the postmortem photograph you can see the needle in the neck and Dr. Thomas Rager was with her and Chris McMenamin, the nurse was with her– Kathy Allenford was the award manager at Clover Ward at King George Hospital Barking Havering and Rudbridge Trust–and the police, Ilford Police, Metropolitan Police were involved in the criminal cover-up. Then the body disappeared in 2007. Up till 2007 I was working as a Locum in Birmingham in 2007, and I was filling up my petrol and as I looked over I saw the name of the funeral directors that had stolen her body, and luckily for me it said call this number–it’s a Sunday and the guy said wait here I’m coming–so he got the body and we got the body to India within a couple of weeks.

This was when the London borough of Redbridge threatened that they were going to dispose of the body under the Diseases Act so then we went to the High Court in Delhi to ask for a, a new investigation, they referred it to the 18th Law Commission of India which did the Report 206 which said all suspicious deaths of Indians will be investigated in India abroad if they died abroad, so I’ve got now five murders of my five members of my family that have been murdered in England so I, I’ve had many attempts on my life in many many attempts, so has Lee, and because we campaigned to stop the children being abused in England, and that really gets you murdered–if, if you try to stop–and you get Mental Health Fraud, you get kidnapped, and Edward has been campaigning with the baby murder case as the top case in the UK–he was sent by the Royal Commission to look for me because of the quality of the documents submitted by Dr. Akena Adoko who was the president of the Law Society, Uganda Law Society, and my dad who was a judge in Jalandhar in India, they were both the same age, so they couldn’t understand how much treason they witnessed in the courts with the coroner, the police, the, you know, they wouldn’t allow Dr. Adoko to come to the inquest, they wouldn’t let me come as at the inquest and, and you know we appealed that decision of the coroner and it–she just went ahead and it was actually September 11th that the Twin Towers coming down that that stopped the, you know us being in the front page news as nuisance family, that won’t have what we’re told, won’t accept what we’re told. So even professionals are murdered in England especially whistleblower pharmacists, you know are is going to–they want to continue this poverty and slavery system so my sister was also–

Ramola D: This has been happening for a very long time is what you’re saying, this has been the situation as many of us unfortunately are familiar with, and there’s been a sort of laissez-faire attitude toward whistleblowers being retaliated against, activists being retaliated against, activists being murdered, this is wrong, and this is part of what we are attempting to correct by speaking out very strongly on the subject–please continue the story, Neelu, I just wanted to point out that this is wrong. Whistleblowers should not be retaliated against, people standing up against crime and corruption should not be retaliated against.

Neelu Berry: Especially that I was backed by two judges, two honorable judges who are now murdered, both of them are murdered, and I can tell you how they were both murdered in the NHS by the NHS–

Ramola D: And your sister also– —

Neelu Berry: was murdered as well and my mother and the baby. So I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone who comes to England is going to end up with a –you know–because people die in ambulances, they die in hospitals, very few people actually die at home and then there are lots of staged events that–kidnaps, that people disappear, they end up in mental health secure units, we’ve had so many kidnaps in the Royal Courts of Justice, this, Edward’s kidnap is just one of the attempts on his life, I mean he was manhandled out of Court 37, I don’t know if you were there, Lee he was literally lifted off his chair–

Lee Cant: Yeah

Neelu Berry: and carried out and then you were also there that day when the security did not let him come into his own committal, I think it was like February 2019, and I, I went into the courtroom, you and some others, Belinda was there, they, you’d been told to get out of the public Gallery area, and you were outside and I came, and I said you know I when I was by security Edward was with me, Edward was stopped by security and I grabbed my bag and I went in front of Edward, and they said to me, do you know him, and I said no, I don’t know him because I knew they stopped him, and they were going to stop me, so I had to say and then he said Oh Neelu! so anyway I went into the courtroom and I thought Lee and Belinda were outside I said wait what’s up, I went in, I said is this the hearing for Edward Ellis and the judge has got his head down judge what was his name Lee I can’t remember Turner, was it Turner

Lee Cant: it was Turner yeah

Neelu Berry: — and then I said it again I said is this the hearing for Edward Ellis who still had us down there right and then I said third time is this the hearing for Edward Ellis and he just went to Mr Eardley sideways– I think we’d better let him in–I think we’d better let him in

Ramola D: So they were trying to hold him back at his own hearing–

Neelu Berry: And they were going to arrest him for not turning up!

Lee Cant

Ramola D: Ya. Boy–I know there’s just huge stories here, I mean there’s just so much to unravel I know with each of your cases. We’ve talked a little bit about your case Neelu before so before we move on to talk further about Edward–Lee did you wish to introduce yourself a little bit and give us a little bit about your background as well…?

Lee Cant: Well that’s a very big question to answer–

Neelu Berry: Shall I summarize Lee?

Lee Cant: I think we should spend our time focusing on Edward because it’s so big–

Neelu Berry: Let me summarize–Lee is an Accountant who’s been fighting corruption in Hackney Council, against the Hackney Council, they’ve been charging him Service Charges without providing any Services; he’s been, you know suffering from mold–they’re meant to renovate the mold, and they’re meant to keep him safe, he’s fallen down many times in potholes and been run over by Vehicles on Pavements and he–

Lee Cant: Noise–loud banging even at 3 am in the morning

Neelu Berry: Neighbors, noisy neighbors manufacturing plans with neighbors and he has been kidnapped, you’ve been kidnapped many times–people banging out your doors

Lee Cant: By PC Martin–This is a document prepared by Edward, and you can see PC Martin who–It was an early morning raid by three policemen who threatened to smash my door down early in the morning–

Neelu Berry: I think basically your case is part of the Mass Remedy Process and the Coronation Oath Enforcement Authority case against the Councils but because we’ve had the bank case against the Lloyd’s banking group by (former Thames Valley Police and Crimes Commissioner) Anthony Stansfield, and the FCA fine of 80 million dropped to 45 million, that we can dissolve all councils–for fraudulent trading, by money laundering–your case proves that all the councils are money laundering the council tax, and the surface charges, and so they, we can seize–cease their trading and seize their assets, and and get the compensation that you deserve for all the pain and suffering and all the noise and stress and trauma.

I mean these people think that we’re just going to drop dead, all of us, if they just carry on with their Tortures of us, State Terrorism against us—

UK Parliament Notified of Massive Insolvency Fraud Indicative of Malfeasance by Judges, Barristers, Banks, Courts, Law Firms Using Fraudulent Court Documents, Fabricated Debt, Repeated Violations of Statutory Law and Human Rights | October 6, 2021

News Panel 23: Whistleblowing on Financial Crimes: Lloyd’s of London & High Level Fraud | September 18, 2021

News Panel 19: Audit the Bank of England, Injunct Govts, Halt the Genocidal mRNA Vaccines, Initiate Walk Away Pgms in Police, Set Up Military Tribunals/New Juries in Common Law: End the Criminal Attacks on Humanity by Crown Parasites | April 4, 2021

Edward’s Arrest, Background

Neelu Berry: So Edward basically got kidnapped this time because of the case of Sham Sood, and the Sham Sood case is that his banker son worked at Lloyd’s Banking Group and that’s–the Father was made homeless in November or December, and the Father, the court decided against the Son actually but they still came and took the house, so the three properties owned by the dad have been stolen by the banker son, the systems analyst for Lloyd’s, and so that, that again, after the jail sentences of the Lloyd’s Banking Group in 2017, makes it a contempt of the Criminal Appeals court because the criminal appeals court had that case in 2020, 28th of February 2020, and so the Lloyd’s banking group is continuing, they stole my late sister’s house on the 19th of October 2022, six weeks before Sham’s and on the 17th of March 2023.

So they’re in contempt of …you know the Crime International Cooperation Act which is a terrorism law, the bank is in contempt, and because Lloyd’s banking group is a central bank, that means that the government, because the government owns the central bank, that the government is also fit for dissolution, dissolving, that’s where the point at where we’re at, aren’t we Lee. We’ve proved the councils are trading illegally, fraudulently, causing terrorism to the people that they’re meant to serve, the banks are doing it, 200 billion every year laundered abroad, and the prisons are full of political prisoners like Edward Ellis, we have, in England a terrorist State–yeah go ahead Lee.

Falsified Case Against Edward Ellis

Lee Cant: Edward hasn’t really committed any crime, he hasn’t done anything wrong, he–there’s nothing! All he, all he is doing is objecting against the artificial fake restraint orders imposed on him by the High Court. The judges and Judge Kerr wrote out the verdict on the 8th of March this year which was full of false statements, the whole verdict is complete nonsense, there’s no evidence against Edward, there’s no supporting documentation that Edward has done anything wrong, it’s purely accusations. What that verdict states clearly is that people like Sood, Sham Sood (were) recruited by Edward as a campaign, as a movement, almost like a cult that Edward was manipulating, using, to further his causes which is complete nonsense–Sham Sood has come out and made public statements that he was never ever recruited by Edward.

Ramola D: Yes and, I think–. Yes, and I looked at some of that, you know the Judgement, all of these false claims and false accusations which are essentially seeking to completely invalidate the entire Mass Corruption Remedy Process that Edward’s been engaged in, right, by simply denying that there are so many corruption victims, that these cases are all false, and kind of casting, miscasting is probably the correct word, miscasting the entire endeavor to bring these cases forward before the public eye, and before the monarchy, the Equity Monarchy Trust of course that, you know, is behind what this whole Equity law thing is about, Equity governance is all about, and they’re trying to invalidate the whole process and deny that these cases actually exist, these people actually exist, and that they’ve actually suffered wrongdoing, they’ve suffered injustice, that the whole thing is actually authentic, and that’s kind of incredible that they would write that and publish it and–Much needs to be made of that, that’s the kind of thing that needs to be reported publicly you know in print journalism in particular, in the UK.

Neelu Berry: Can I take your point a bit further, Lee, it’s not just that, you know, they’ve falsified a case against Edward, it’s that the Civil Courts have hijacked the criminal courts, because you can’t go to jail from the Royal Courts of Justice if you plead Not Guilty, you’re entitled to a jury trial–and there are no jury trials in the Civil Courts, if you’re being accused of contempt of court because you’ve breached a restraining order, but there’s a big but in that–

Edward was a registered Solicitor with the Law Society, the Law Society told Edward he could stay on the roll if he promised not to do anti-corruption cases. Edward said he was not willing to stop doing anti-corruption cases, and that’s why he was removed. Which proves that all solicitors that are on the roll are criminals, or that they would be willing to commit crimes to stay on the Register–this is how horrific the Regulatory bodies have become now. And the same parallels with the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain now called a general Pharmaceutical Council, they struck me off rather than the 60 assassins that routinely murdered babies! So they only have assassin pharmacists on their rolls who are willing to kill babies on order or remain silent if they’ve witnessed the crimes of gang rape of a baby in the hospital, and the same with the financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, they have got their money, the 45 million pound fine from the bank–Lloyd’s banking group–but the victim families, 900 of them with 5 to 15 victims in each case as Trevor Mealham says, they are still without their compensation from 2017. Whereas the bank has paid the FCA the fine–how can the FCA collect its fine without ensuring that the victims have got the compensation? And how could the bank have stolen my late sister’s house and made Sham Sood homeless last year, end of last year when the banks were sent to jail for exactly that–fraudulent trading by money laundering and human trafficking–

[See also earlier coverage on these matters here and at Ramola D Reports video channels.)

Related Crime and Corruption: The COVID Debacle

Lee Cant: That’s right, that parallels–just quickly–with the Martin Sexton case where he got a Crime Reference Number against the Cabinet, you know, for COVID deaths and murders, and there’s a whole long history behind that case, and he had two, he had lawyers, two lawyers, a barrister working with him to help put the bundles together and now the Solicitors Society and the SRA, the Regulation Authority are now doing the same to those who are helping Martin Sexton, they’re about to strike them off and punish them for helping bring charges against the government and government corruption–so–

Ramola D: Instead of investigating the actual story right, instead of investigating the actual scenario — I followed that a little bit and I’d certainly published, republished I guess Martin’s video that was on Telegram quite a bit, it was going around

Neelu Berry: it’s Mark, it’s Mark–I think it’s Mark–

Ramola D: Right Mark Sexton, yes (retired Police Constable, Birmingham) Mark Sexton, a couple years ago. So, it’s shocking to me as well to find that physicians who’ve actually spoken out, people from the inside who’ve spoken out about the vaccines, they are the ones who are continuing to be held under scrutiny when in fact it’s the vaccines themselves that should be properly looked at again.

Public Awakening to Nefarious World Agenda: UK Defenders of Children Expose Pharma-Protecting Police, Act to Close Vaccination Center in Bristol to Prevent Further Child Deaths & Injury | October 11, 2022

Former Police Officer Mark Sexton Reports London Metropolitan Police in “Special Measures” After Police Inaction Post Apprising Them of Grave Pandemic Crimes by Members of Parliament and Media | July 4, 2022

[External Links: Update on Criminal Case ​From Mark Sexton, January 18, 2022 | Patricia Harrity, The Exposé

Mark Sexton’s Criminal Case Gets “Fact Checked” by Those With A Conflict of Interest, January 22, 2022 | Patricia Harrity, The Exposé]

And I see all of that as coming back in the news now, this is the kind of thing that I was covering along with many others–with doctors, with natural health physicians, with other journalists a year ago, two years ago, and it’s astonishing that it’s taken so much time yet, and people in the government both in the UK and the US still haven’t quite gotten the actual truth of what’s happened over here, you know, because the whole thing needs to have been pulled down a long time ago, and hopefully it is, I think it’s slowly coming into the (“News”) now, and, what Mark Sexton did was absolutely incredible, amazing, he stood up on his own, and you know he got lawyers around him, he got physicians to help, the kind of work that he did is kind of like the work that you guys have been doing, and along with Edward, on all of these corruption cases which are literally crime and perjury and Injustice cases right, and showing the perjury being committed by solicitors, by regulatory authorities, by judges and, and people in fact who are making pots of money doing it, right, thousands of dollars, sorry pounds you’re in England–British pounds and Euros in Europe as well so —

Newsbreak 109: Dr. Ariyana Love Shatters the Myths Around the COVID Psy Op | March 13, 2021

Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson | August 28, 2021

Newswatch Live 2 with Dr. John Reizer: No Virus for COVID Has Been Isolated, Mass Hypnosis via Media/Govt Psy Op Fixated on False PCR Test is Underway–Intent? To Push Dangerous RNA/DNA-Altering Vaccines, Boosters on All | June 21, 2021

BREAKING: Mass Corruption Remedy Process in UK at Breakthrough Moment, Citizen Input Needed | Mr. Edward Ellis Informs the Privy Council President, Mr. Jacob Rees Mogg (Newsbreak 47) | December 10, 2019

–let’s talk about Edward, Edward was wrongfully once again falsely arrested from civil court right, tell us a little bit about the court system because here in the U.S we have a slightly different court system I think, so what is the difference between the high courts, the civil court, the Royal court, where was he arrested and why was he taken to Pentonville prison…What is the significance of this particular prison? Neelu, you’ve done some research over there, you’ve found out something about the history of the prison — is this, is this like a Maximum Security Prison, why has Edward been left there for a whole year, why has he been sentenced for a whole year, what kind of impact does this have on his health, his age, and the fact that indeed he has needed kidney dialysis and you and several others stood up and spoke for him and tried to get him that, is he getting the treatment, how is he doing, what’s going on, are you in touch with him, etc.

Neelu Berry: So the judges refused to believe Edward was a patient for kidney dialysis when they sent him– got him kidnapped–and we made the arrangements that night by making phone calls, so his dialysis was due the next day and he got it, but over the next few weeks, he said he was missing out on 25 percent dialysis time because of the two police officer requirement there–he was waiting around in the van for four hours before they both got together in the van, then it’s a four-hour on the dialysis machine and then it’s a four hour return so 12-hour round trip just for four hours of dialysis, and then I looked up the research that they had got dialysis facilities in a prison in North Nottingham, and that it went well and I asked them if they would do that for him, and this, they, you know I did the PHIL calls, and recently I’ve done it, done it the second time around because he’s not had any visitors, and we’re frustrated by the procedures.

[Earlier coverage: Egregious Sectioning and Kidnap Attempts on Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis As the Completing Mass Corruption Remedy Process Exposes Pervasive Crime & Corruption in UK Courts, Police Departments, and Hospitals | June 28, 2019]

The online booking doesn’t work for Pentonville, and I suspect it’s because it has been deemed as unfit for purpose, it’s had two Care Quality commission assessments that it failed, and it hasn’t made any Improvement since the last one. There were plans to change it to developments, residential housing and I think that it’s been bought out for more money to carry on kidnapping political prisoners through the back door and killing them–I think that’s what’s happened here to be honest.

Because the phone call I made to Sopra Steria, I mean, to, well to Pentonville Prison turned out to be Sopra Steria, a company based in France– on Dun and Bradstreet they have 500 branches all over England and Europe and in India, so it’s a data collection center which means it’s able to hijack the Public Services of England, is pretending to be the Home Office, it’s pretending to be the prison service, but it’s just a call center and the woman was so rude to me when I said to her, you know, she asked me if I was calling from an embassy and if, what relationship I was to Edward, and I said you are asking me to breach my privacy data, you tell me your surname, and I will talk to you–she said, I’m not willing to give you the name and that’s the end of the call, and then subsequently I had two positive calls from the Safer Custody and the PHILL, so I think that was how I got the brick wall removed of the Sopra Steria with Edward, and hopefully that they’re going to provide him with proper Dialysis in the prison without having to waste 12 hours of his time.

Ramola D: When did you make these calls, Neelu, because, were you able to actually make a change over there, because initially you’ve sent us three calls I think and the first one was pretty spectacular that’s the one you’re talking about right, you spoke to her and she was– but you persisted she was really not interested in continuing the conversation, you persisted, and she didn’t give you her last name but she kind of said she’d look into it–is that what happened…?

Neelu Berry: I think that– I didn’t want her to do anything because once I found out she was Sopra Steria, all I know is that she’s hijacked the Home Office, she’s not a public service, she’s impersonating Pentonville Prison, she’s impersonating all the prisons in England, she’s impersonating the Home Office public service and therefore the government is unfit for purpose because they’ve allowed these hijackers to provide these call centers to hijack the, you know, if I’m speaking to her and they’ve hijacked Edward’s privacy data, now I’ve just called her on my mobile number, and they have now put me on a ransom for the Privacy data of my life, my voice.

Ramola D: So let’s break this down a little bit–so basically you’re saying that now that you’ve discovered–and I think a lot of people have been discovering–that the prison services in our countries are not being run by the government per se but are sort of being farmed out to third-party contractors they’re being owned by private corporations and in this case in the UK you’re saying that the prison system that the, that particular prison Pentonville Prison plus the other–the general prison system is owned by a French company, it’s situated in France, is this something huge –I mean it sounds kind of major so basically what you’re saying is, prison Services should be run by the court system, should be run by the government, but it’s not it’s being run by a French company so therefore there are huge issues of breach of privacy data over here, and also Healthcare right, Healthcare is not being provided then by the government by the His Majesty’s prison system in your case but it’s being hijacked– and Healthcare is not really being provided to the prisoners because of this private ownership scenario, perhaps Lee can address that as well because you are a former CPA aren’t you Lee with a background in how private corporations are set up and how they work and stuff.

Lee Cant: Yeah, Sopra Steria is a publicly listed company on the stock exchange and their Shares are currently trading at about 182 euros and can, can you see clearly …So I’ll read, I’ll read to you instead what it says, so the CEO of this is Cyril Milage there’s 48, 700 employees the HQ is in Paris, and it was founded in 1968. And it’s an I.T company information technology company and this is all this information is found even on Wikipedia and also there’s a page which says seven convictions for the future of banking which is quite odd that’s very odd page… oh yeah there it is L7 convictions for the future of banking, and that’s about sopra steria which is a very strange, that’s a very strange thing to say, and can you see can you see on the right hand side here it talks about the share price, and the number of employees 48, 700–

Ramola D:…okay well I’m looking at it and it says 50 000 employees, 5.1 billion euros of Revenue in 2022 top five European Digital Services companies, I mean it doesn’t say anything about prison services does it, I mean shouldn’t it say what it does…aha Industries Aerospace Defense and Security Energy and Utilities Financial Services Insurance and Social Government Retail Telecommunication Media and Entertainment Transport—boy, it’s running governments–

Lee Cant: …so I would suggest we move on to the next point about Edward, the fact that Neelu has done an incredible job of spending hundreds of hours telephoning and emailing the prisoner, the care system, the CQC system which Edward falls under, and the governor. And likewise, I’ve done the same I’ve sent emails to the governor but he never replies, he just gets his secretary to send a brief note saying we are doing our best care for Edward, but anyone can say that, they could be lying and not telling the truth, anyone can make that statement, there’s no evidence.

And Edward has written a letter to another supporter and in that letter, Edward says that there have been problems arriving late at Broomfield Hospital to receive dialysis, exactly what Neelu says, so he’s only getting two and a half hours instead of four hours of dialysis because they’re arriving late.

Then, then the governor is not allowing Edward to use the library in the prison, he’s not being allowed access to print off appeal forms for the High Court and the Supreme Court so he hasn’t been able to appeal against his sentence–he’s not, he’s not receiving any adequate care because of his dialysis condition and we also lodged appeals on his behalf but the Supreme Court and the high court rejected those appeals that were lodged on the grounds that they must be lodged by Edward. And in our documents we said we are doing it on behalf of Edward, that Edward wanted us to appeal on his behalf and they completely rejected it– So how, how can Edward appeal if the governor of the prison is not letting him fill in any appeal forms?

Neelu Berry: You know whatever we try to do their intention is to kill Edward because the lengths they’ve gone to deny him–he’s only got four percent kidney working since 2019. Three times a week dialysis, four hours each session for a 70 year old man does not give him much life unless he has a kidney transplant; he asked for the kidney transplant list but he was removed (from it) by a corrupt doctor who was bought out so everybody, all the judges and doctors are bribed to do these crimes against the whistleblowers– it’s a standard operating procedure in England’s Public Services, they’re all hijacked by the banks.

Because the banks will finance any amount of money to kill whistleblowers like myself and Edward and Lee and that’s the extent that they’ve gone to–they’ve stolen my house, they’ve stolen my late sister’s house whilst it’s still going through probate, and Edward is the executor on the will. Edward was dragged out from the Romford County court and Edward was denied his executorship and the fact that he was ‘You cannot touch my late sister’s house whilst it’s going through a probate’ and things like that– the procedure is that, when Edward appealed inside that hearing, 3rd of May, this year, to Lord Justice Coulson and Lord Justice Lewison that, I am appealing your, you know, sentencing of me, and he had an eight-week window given to him on the 3rd of March, and they could not have sent him to prison until he had his appeal, and that was not an appeal, because his appeal was to the Supreme Court, if he didn’t win at that hearing, then he still had a right of appeal to the Supreme Court, which he said ‘I’m appealing you cannot send…’–and the private security basically kidnapped him from the front to the back of the courtroom and the same security guards–a 50 year old four foot ten inch with short dark hair and six foot 40 year old Ross with dark hair, they were there on the 8th of March, they were there, they were just waiting, waiting to grab him, like you know …the police, the G4S prison van was parked in the East block car park the whole day each day, each time Edward had a hearing, so these are all pre-determination signs is that they want to kill Edward, they will go to any length to kill him, they will have staged this hearing in a civil court–

Neelu Berry:…Royal Courts of justice is a Civil Court, it’s not a Magistrate’s Court, it’s not a Crown Court, so you cannot be sentenced to prison unless you’re in a Crown Court. Now this case against Edward has been brought by the Attorney General; the Attorney General’s role is as an advisor to the government, the Attorney General cannot bring a case against a whistleblower, you know a volunteer who is assisting cases free of charge, you have to remember it’s free of charge, Edward is not profiting from this, Edward is doing this honorably, because remember the Law Society says only criminals can be on their roll– Edward says I’m not a criminal so leave, you know, let me do my, my humanitarian work, get the corruption away from good people, and they want this slavery-poverty system, they want to remove the whistleblowers, so it’s not a democracy, it’s a dictatorship, it’s a terrorist state, and so you can’t say that you’re running a Justice System when it’s not running properly; it’s running in Reverse: you’ve got criminals in top jobs in all public services who are immune to prosecution, they do not go to jail if– the more crimes they commit, the higher up they go on the ladder–and with Edward and myself we provide free, you know, whatever we can do 24-7 telephone service, you know, we help each other when we’re in trouble, and we’re like a family, and it’s like you know, further down the road, if Lee’s in trouble I will come and help him he knows that right Lee?

More about the Mass Corruption Remedy Process

Lee Cant: All of the 200 corruption claimants who have been processed by the High Court in a very prejudicial manner–all of those people contacted Edward. Never, never has Edward gone out to recruit people, that’s never happened, it’s always been an introduction, like Neelu for instance, you know spoke to me about her cases, and I mentioned Edward Ellis to her and then Neelu contacted directly Edward, so it’s all being done–but Eardsley and the judges they’ve fabricated false witness against Edward by stating that Edward has gone out to recruit people, and that is wholly and totally untrue, he has never ever recruited anybody. In fact he’s rejected people. A lot of people have come to Edward asking for help and he’s refused to offer them help because he’s been too busy or their case hasn’t been of sufficient high quality or standard or had enough evidence, you know, to prove what they’re saying is true and correct.

So what we would do is we would go to Edward, relate all the facts and give our bundles to Edward he would read through it and then from what we’ve given to Edward, he would then write something, usually about one page about our case and then we would sign it and then lodge it with our bundles into the court. And you’ve got judges like Judge Luba who sees Edward’s name on a document like this that I attached to my bundle, and it’s got the People versus Top Judges, and the Judge said, Oh, you’re not allowed to use certain words because that’s a breach of a restraint order on Edward Ellis–you’re not allowed to use the word “citizen” because it breaches the restraint order, and you’re not allowed to use the word “top judges” even though they are the top judges within the high court system and there’s a whole long list of these banned words.

And that’s all that Edward has ever done, that’s the crime, that’s the totality of the accusation, that’s why he’s gone to prison because he’s simply written these documents and lodged them into the court–and they put him in prison for 12 months for that, it’s absolutely insane! I’ve never ever, no one would believe– they’d call me a liar– you couldn’t believe or Justify simply by writing–And he never charged any money for writing these documents he’s never gained any benefit from it, it’s been total aggravation, it’s been annoying for him because a lot of the corruption claimants– they’re all so broken down, they’re all destroyed as human beings, they’ve been put under so much distress and psychological pressure that they can hardly–some of them can’t even speak properly, you’ve got a victim like Kansei who’s not even English, he can hardly speak English, and Eardsley and the judges accused Edward of recruiting him, and he was introduced to Edward by another, another person and you know he was never, Edward never even, you know, it’s impossible–Kansei came out and denied it completely. He was never recruited as part of a campaign and there’s a long list of about six or seven; I think even my name was put on that list where I’m supposed to be recruited by Edward and I even first met Edward in about 2014 and he was walking up and down the pavement outside the high court and a person came up to me and said, well, talk to Edward he’s got some very good advice or ideas about how to present your case so I went up to Edward and I spoke about my cases and he said oh I’m not really interested in your case it’s not it’s you know–send me an email anyway I’ll have a brief look at it–and then he walked away from me and I he didn’t even, he forgot to give me his email address so I had to chase after him, you know, to get his email address, he wasn’t even-

Neelu Berry: Lee, I think it was 2016 because I met him in 2016, So I tried to introduce you to him–but he was actually sent to look for the baby murder case in 2004–12 years it took him to find me but I think it’s because the quality of the paperwork submitted by my family for the baby murder case was an International Quality, because the two judges obviously from abroad, and I want to make this very important point is that in England the criminal justice system does not exist and it’s been hijacked by the Civil Justice System so there are no solicitors who will privately prosecute an individual’s case against the government, there are only false prosecutions by the State against individuals who happen to be whistleblowers and this is the inversion of the justice system that is treasonous from top down and that’s the problem in England is that it is not compliant with international law. The Crime International Cooperation Act 2003 was used by America to invade countries to steal lands and assets of millionaires and honorable people whistleblowers, who knew what America was doing to their finances abroad and it’s all connected with the banks, the fraudulent trading by the Banks. So now all we’re saying is we will use that same law against our governments who are now terrorizing their whistleblowers, the same law applies, and that will dissolve the government it will dissolve the banks and it will stop the terrorism under international law, overnight, it but we just need to learn the language of– a criminal language, you know–of the crimes of treason, it’s State terrorism, it is fraudulent trading, money laundering, human trafficking, slavery and poverty system based on debts which is illegal–since the 17th of August 2015 totally illegal, since even 1963–or it all has to be reversed, all compensation will be paid, there is unlimited amount of money to pay compensation there’s one quintillion dollars for all of that settlement.

Lee Cant: There would be more than one million victims who have been suffering quietly as a result of the judicial system here in England, they’ve all been….they’ve delivered perverted verdicts, all their cases have been manipulated, there’s been false witness statements inserted into their bundles you know, all sorts of crimes have been committed against millions of people who have been processed by the High Court magistrates, Crown Court, even the Old Bailey.

(See also earlier coverage in previous podcasts with Neelu Berry, Anthony Badaloo, Andrew Devine and on the Saturday News Panels.)

UK Mothers Across Socio-Economic Lines Reveal the Crimes, Corruption, and Fraud Rampant in UK Family Courts and Bankruptcy Courts Which Unlawfully Asset-Strip and Defraud Women & Kidnap, Foster, Traffick, and Disappear Their Children and Babies | November 4, 2020

UK Parliament Notified of Massive Insolvency Fraud Indicative of Malfeasance by Judges, Barristers, Banks, Courts, Law Firms Using Fraudulent Court Documents, Fabricated Debt, Repeated Violations of Statutory Law and Human Rights | October 6, 2020

News Panel 19: Audit the Bank of England, Injunct Govts, Halt the Genocidal mRNA Vaccines, Initiate Walk Away Pgms in Police, Set Up Military Tribunals/New Juries in Common Law: End the Criminal Attacks on Humanity by Crown Parasites | April 4, 2021

News Panel 23: Whistleblowing on Financial Crimes: Lloyd’s of London & High Level Fraud | September 18, 2021

News Panel 17: Women’s Power in Humanity Rising : You Have to Stand Up to Stop the Tyranny and Crime | Use the Power of the Spoken and Written Word | February 14, 2021

Ways Forward for Julian Assange, Protection for Whistleblowers

And look at the Julian Assange case look how shocking, disgraceful, you know, there is that case proves that we’re in a state of Interregnum here in England and that there isn’t a proper law system operating, it’s completely defunct, void. And that’s well documented, you know, all the crimes that the judges have done are well documented and proven in the Assange case–lots of people have publicly come out and written articles and spoken clearly to explain the Injustice of that case, and it’s reached such a high level it went beyond the judicial system right up to government, to government level so it’s no longer, it can no longer– it was so mangled, mashed up and destroyed, shredded to bits that all that were remained of it is a government, three governments involved in negotiation as to the next stage.

Neelu Berry: What they did in that case Lee was if you remember when we went outside the Old Bailey, they had said that they were sitting–the Westminster Magistrate’s Court was sitting at the Old Bailey–Can you imagine a Westminster Magistrate’s Court hijacking the Old Bailey? Now after the Magistrate’s Court you go to the Crown Court and after the Crown Court you go to the Old Bailey.

Lee Cant: Correct.

Neelu Berry: Julian Assange was kidnapped from an embassy. You cannot, you cannot kidnap somebody who is taking asylum in an embassy unless you are a terrorist state–that is an act of terrorism. You see, if you didn’t stop Julian Assange being a subject of terrorism, the rest of us are easy peasy. They’re using us to prove that they can do this and the international platform will tolerate it, and this is how they are exhibiting their power over the world, is they need to continue to demonstrate their power over the best of the best that are in England.

Lee Cant: They’re just boasting. They’re boasting. It’s a power ego, ego-crazed insane ego boast that “we can do anything we want, no law no country can restrain what we want, we will do whatever we want to do, we can break any law, anywhere…anytime–”

(**Audio Hacking all through section below)

Lee Cant: It’s true what you are saying Neelu–and we, we went to the Australian Embassy here in London… but we issued liens that bankrupted the Australian government because we proved fraud and we proved crime cover-up by the Australian government.

Neelu Berry: We are talking about a terrorist state that is power boasting to the world in England what it can do to its whistleblowers. We have got hundreds of whistleblowers that– (there) have been–attempts on their life; it is all attempted murder. If you take a whistleblower, call it a democracy you are a terrorist, you know….

(Returning from Audio Hacking**)

Ramola D:.. I wanted to congratulate you both for laying out the situation so very clearly about the criminal justice system in particular having failed and the fact that the government apparently is coming after people, but people have no recourse, and when the government does things that are wrong, there is no recourse in the court system–because you have all tried the court system.

And Julian Assange’s case certainly and Edward Ellis’s case appear to be along the same lines, they’re both whistleblowers, of crime and corruption in the world and they’ve both been thrown into prisons, and we find that these prison systems both in the UK and the US are owned by somebody else, not the government–you know initially we thought it was Serco and now we find it’s Sopra Steria maybe it’s the same company– but they seem to be an I.T consulting company, and yet they are doing all sorts of things right–so it seems there are a lot of vast Global multinational corporations that are making pots of money but that are completely permitting crime and breakdowns in the judicial system to just go unnoticed–because they are propping up a prison industry really, and they don’t care about the life and death or the suffering of the real people. Which is what governments should do, and, you know, we all hope Will do, so that brings me to one of the questions I wanted to ask you both: When the judicial system fails in the UK what is the next recourse, is it possible to appeal to the government directly, can you speak to people in your cabinet in Parliament, can you, how do you reach them–?

Lee Cant: We’ve done that already, we’ve gone to our MPs. The highest court of appeal is the Supreme Court and they normally reject every appeal, they reject just about everything because they can only decide on questions of law–that is their remit, and they won’t even consider new evidence, they won’t even allow an appeal on any reasonable grounds or any–they seem to be in Cloud Cuckoo Land and they just make up their own rules again, they can make any decision anytime anywhere. The Supreme Court are a law unto themselves and they don’t–you know, have they cut out their law degree off a back of a Kellogg’s CornFlakes packet, is it just made of, you know cardboard, without any substance–?

Neelu Berry: If I can just answer the question Lee, I think that that law that Ramola’s just put up on the screen, the Crime International Cooperation Act is the way that we can dissolve the UK government, dissolve the bank, we can seize their assets, and this is Mutual, you know any country can come to our rescue, so Lee you’ve got a history in Australia I have five members myself, my family from India–I’m asking all the countries of the world to apply this law to save our whistleblowers who are in prisons and just to protect us, we’re entitled to Protection and Safety and Security as whistleblowers in a democracy–nobody can harm us, nobody should be able to harm us.

Lee Cant: And they do attack us, they do–

Neelu Berry: …They’re not a democracy then, don’t call yourself a democracy if you’re a terrorist state–

Lee Cant: The corruption claimants, they’ve all got unheard appeals waiting to be–for the court to set a date to be heard, I mean. I’ve got several unheard Appeals in Buckingham case, and Sullivan case, and Hackney case, and they’ve never been heard–these appeals have never been heard. And Neelu paid 180 pounds for an appeal against the arrest warrant and possession orders, and they’ve never been heard in the High Court nor have they been heard in the, in the Romford court, so we’re all sitting here not getting any justice–

Ramola D: That’s absolutely shocking–

Neelu Berry: Lee, we’re not expecting Justice because we’ve come to the conclusion of State Terrorism now– because the last words actually Edward said whilst he was being kidnapped in the courtroom, Court Nine on the 3rd of May, was to the judges, saying, I’ve not had my appeal, I had eight weeks to appeal, you cannot do this, and this is Terrorism, this will be International Terrorism laws that will apply, and that’s the law, that we’ve gone through today– that applies to all cases against local governments, central government, public services, denial of honorable services to us which is treason, and it ceases their trading and seizes their assets and that’s–everyone can say that now.

Ramola D: That’s interesting it’s come to that point–international terrorism laws, international human rights laws – you know International ways of dealing with this because the local courts and governments have failed so thoroughly, very sad situation…

Let’s just, you know, look to our audience to step forward and become whistleblowers themselves, everybody’s got to become a whistleblower in this time rather than sitting back and not speaking–we’ve all got to be speaking at this point in time in order to bring corruption and crime forward and end Injustice in our worlds…today in all of the many different ways each of us can do so we are definitely going to be continuing this coverage as we proceed and I hope to provide some print journalism as well as we proceed so we can put the information out before the public eye and generally inform the world because it appears the Guardian and the Independent and Telegraph and so on are simply not doing their jobs I don’t know why–they have you know I think they do get paychecks–

Neelu Berry: The banks are bribing them into silence. I think they buy the stories–the banks will buy out their stories and when my sister and I went to Indian media we had a three-hour documentary about the baby–they promised us it will go out to the world but in the end they only went out in India and then we had some further interviews which they did not put out so basically the British Embassy in New Delhi was buying out our stories–

Ramola D: They’re literally buying out the stories–

Neelu Berry: That’s what they do. They literally bought out the story.

Lee Cant: Do you have a copy of the recordings Neelu?

Neelu Berry: They wouldn’t give them to us, they just put them out and then we can’t get them, so they’ve been bought out after that, after the show–

–Excerpt from Transcript: Neelu Berry Chaudhari & Lee Cant, Newsbreak 161, Ramola D Reports, July 2, 2023

Neelu Berry’s petition to help liberate Edward Ellis from prison is here. Neelu Berry’s letter to the King and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (a nephew of hers) as mentioned on Newsbreak 161, discussing the crimes she has spoken about and addressing her concerns is here.

Great change, one always hopes, is just around the corner for all, yet nothing usually moves or changes unless whistleblowers speak and keep speaking, people support them, and governments begin to see themselves as people again. Edward Ellis obviously shouldn’t be in prison at all, the judicial system in both the UK and US needs to be changed, and international crime agreements and anti-terrorism laws–previously used by the NSA, FBI, DHS, CIA, MI5 et al to escape scrutiny themselves and indict the innocent instead should indeed be used to effect positive change for all.

Newsbreak 161 needs wider viewing and coverage, please share widely.


Newsbreak 161 | July 2, 2023 | Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Wrongfully Held in Prison Shines a Light on 100s of Cases in the UK | Please Sign the Petition For His Immediate Release.

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