A New World Where Every Thought Counts: Transcending Nano Quantum Chaos with Heart

Note #TechnoCreative | Ramola D | 30th of January, 2023

In a world where nanotechnology has suddenly rained down on us, from the skies, from the air, from the soil, from the water, into our breath, our bones, our flesh, our cells, and we see now it’s in the vaccines and has been in many for a long time (Trojan Horse Sabotage of LNP-GO in COVID mRNA Vaccines: Dr. Antoinetta Gatti Explains Nanoparticles Inside Cells Destroy the Innate Defense Mechanism of Cells & Cause Blood Clots) and is indeed causing grave harm to all (Children Excessively Harmed | The COVID Vaccines MUST Be Halted, in a world where hints of future chaos have suddenly met us at the crossroads of reality and dream today, we have to ask: What on earth is going on, really?

The answer is in the darker dreams of scientists and soldiers, spies and billionaires, men and women rising to the helm of the world’s affairs, who have slipped and fallen, it’s clear, into a private darkness they’ve then been spinning in for a long, long time, at first believing, in complacency, in the right of their ways, twisting deeper into the wells of their confusions and chaos, then, becoming uneasy, hearing the world (that’s the rest of us) shift and question, shifting a bit and questioning themselves–well, shall we say, some of them, that is–the answer is right here in this lunacy that’s been afflicting us as a collective for a long long time.

What’s happened now is nothing but inevitable fracture at the core of creation when it is harmed.

Quantum Computing and BrAIn Nano

Geordie Rose of D-Wave Quantum Computing who’s often stood before MIT and other audiences purporting to explain Quantum Computing to all (and sadly failing since none of us can really figure out what this mysterious melange of words actually points to) has surfaced a nihilistic quality to recent and current technological pursuit which strikes the rest of us as both utterly confounding–the parts of it any of us can actually grasp from his and others’ somewhat obfuscating deliveries–and utterly inexplicable.

On the other side (of D Wave that is) there’s DARPA with its hand-in-hand focus on Quantum Computing as Chief Scientist Eric Ladzinsky solemnly informs us here:

Which must mean it’s a thing, of what import exactly no-one can quite figure out, but perhaps our failing intelligence has something to do with That, submerged as we have now become in Brain Nano, Lung Nano, Shoulder Nano, Heart Nano, and oh, yes, the newer new-fangled thing we’re also yet to fathom but are increasingly attaining ghastly inklings of, the “Internet of Things” a seemingly horrific contraption of networks linking actual objects with human bodies and minds–wait, can it possibly be? –but yes, and that’s what all this (seeming) public disclosure is all about, really, isn’t it, increasingly dangerous-sounding tech which is presented to us in increasingly nebulous terms to such an extent that we’re left spinning around like banshees in the wind, completely without clarity.

Yet are we the spinners or they? In some lectures we hear about “demons” “entities” and “summoning the demon,” startling concoctions issuing forth from the same scientists supposedly ushering in some kind of “New Age” only they and their pals may want to live in — one some report is rapidly being retreated from now (at least, we hope) — and yet, yet, what is this all about really? Are we really talking about demons — or what precisely?

MIT scientists qualified in semiconductor electronics and theoretical physics assure us however what’s really happening: strange things happen at the level of the quantum, which is the level of nano–https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25634150-600-the-exotic-quantum-effects-found-hiding-inside-ultra-thin-materials/. Unpredictable things? Or things certain scientists can imagine, extrapolate, bring into being?

Machine Intelligence or Intelligent (Human Brain & Body) Machines–What’s Really Happening Here?

Side by side with this stand Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Machine Intelligence, Supercomputing microcircuits, Cybernetics, Robotics, and more, from all of which rise the unhappy conclusions that many have come to already, many report as already occurring, and many imagine are absolutely unable to avoid: Machine Intelligence which is really “Intelligent Machines” AKA human beings turned into computers (wetware?) via brain nanotech, brains connected to others’ brains via microcircuits, nanotech, wifi, supercomputers, brains becoming hived to each other, brains beginning to “pre-say” what other brains are thinking before the thought is voiced, brains looped into weird, algorithmic yet real-time-based narrative-spinning projects we learn are Behavioral Nudge projects (taking Behavioral Health one too many steps too far) running mad-making projects on all they neuro-enslave, brains being harvested, IP-thefted, sat on till all individuality is dead, brains forced into silence through collective neuro-censorship, brains destroyed through close connection with other brains, brains degraded beyond thought of repair by the extreme harms and continuous neuro abuse of inserted neurotech, as many Mil/Intel victims and whistleblowers report–indecencies beyond human thought, which Dr. Salinas Flores has described well here: Professor David Salinas Flores, MD | The Secret of “Person of Interest”: The Cerebral Internet. And here: Professor David Salinas Flores, MD: Transhumanism: The Big Fraud – Towards Digital Slavery.

Humans 2.0 or Humans Minus Five?

Intelligent machine making — the attempted transformation of all humans into cyborgs, essentially mini-me computers all linked to that mega supercomputer headed to the cerebral internet and Brain Net — is also the most definite degrading of the human being, and not a “supersoldiering” or uplifting or supposed “evolution” to “Humans 2.0” or further — a move we all hope fails completely and absolutely.

How do we know it’s a downward spiral and not a rise, this massive non-consensual experiment on humanity?

Well, many have told us already: “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes.

A subject also explored here:


And now, now, what has happened?

All around the world, people are experiencing curious phenomena of soundings and voicings, movements and re-shapings of energy and consciousness–an Internet of Things come to life? a sudden transformation of world to computer? a sudden interpenetration of the physical with the spirit-plane, a coming close of heaven and hell in a sense, the kind of thing spoken of here (video below), where the contiguity of parallel dimensions suddenly permits a magical “pulling in” of things from another space, things made to serve a purpose in our world, a purpose never innate, but created for control?

Yet some believe what’s really happened is we have split from heaven, we’ve spiraled deep into nihilism on the wings of techno delusion, all of a sudden we are indeed spinning about in a giant teacup with electronic boundaries, sliced away from all possibility of holy redemption, lost from God, collectively held only in each other’s (broken) arms now.

Techno dystopia with thorns all can feel.

God is never gone, despite what some imagine, and any Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Jain, Christian, native American, old European, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Thai, Indonesian, Mauri, Australian, New Zealander, Fijian, Hawaiian or anyone else can tell us this: the scientists who dream of control and who may have temporarily upset our eternal Paradise on Earth are or have been wrong about God, there is a divine stream of consciousness in, around, and through us which holds, enlivens, consoles, creates, uplifts us, the deep shining center of our souls is God, and heaven can never be rent asunder from us for long.

When the world ends, we remain, in heart, in soul-center — and this is where we shine, we stand, we begin again.

This world of ours, this life of ours, all of ours, is not ours alone, and that’s the great power and strength each of us has in God as we step forward every moment now to make this world bright again.

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  1. Pingback: The Future of Intelligence or The Rise of Human Rights? | Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Deep Learning Vs Preserving The Sanctity of Human Brains And Lives | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

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