Where Hive Minds, Dimensions, Witchcraft, and Technology Collide: Supercomputer Soundings and Voices, Not Really “Voices in Heads”

Note #TechnoCreative | Ramola D | 1st of February, 2023

So, following on my last rather esoteric post here: A New World Where Every Thought Counts: Transcending Nano Quantum Chaos with Heart, reporting on the completely bizarre reality we apparently now inhabit, the news from numerous sources including ordinary people leading ordinary lives has come in: it appears something peculiar has indeed happened in our world and Universe.

Everyone’s “not-talking” about it–yet talking about it in quiet inner groups.

Essentially all that Geordie Rose and friends have talked about (see linked post above) in combination with various other projects and cycles of time whorling out into consequence has suddenly resulted in a scenario perhaps none expected: –at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI), brain nano, quantum computing, supercomputing, even, incredibly, sorcery, and CERN’s possible breaking through dimensions or universes, pulling in entities or things from a parallel universe or dimension–spirits? demons? –added to some sort of magical physics which only the top physicists at MIT and Stanford and Fermi Labs and CERN perhaps know about, our world, meaning our whole Universe has somehow split away from “heaven” and God while suddenly being interpenetrated with other dimensions such as what people call the astral or a spirit world of sorts.

Technology, Not Imagined “Voices in Heads”

As a consequence we are now, we’re told by some, apparently living in a place where almost-ghosts and hauntings and thought forms actually take voice close in, around, near us, while some apparently feel (or know) they are communicating in a hive-minded way in this space.

Inner thoughts become voiced, involuntarily, and appear to travel.

The conversations of crowds, hive-minded in curious ways, engaged in a number of diverse Internet and supercomputer AI and neuro behavior modification projects suddenly become audible in an odd, remote-access kind of way, the hallmark of secret projects — but can it be?

Is it possible these things have occurred without intent or drawn into the world deliberately–a kind of “remote viewing” tech which could never have come into being (if the case, all of this is speculative based on multiply-reported experience) except at this particular point in time and space?

For years those targeted have been reporting the most peculiar technologies being used on them: energy tech, neurotech, scalar tech, neuro influence tech, as putative canaries in the coal mine for AI, synthetic telepathy, voiced inner voice, hive-minding, neuro-bio-behavior-modification projects and much more, covered at my site for years, and subjects of the two online conferences run in 2021 and 2022.

But coming together in super bizarre ways where it seems people are reading each other’s minds, and pre-saying others’ thoughts, and the very fabric of material reality has suddenly become alive with soundings and voicings linked to a computer–the supercomputer project apparently pulling in the entire Universe. Bizarro beyond thought!

Is everyone observing or experiencing these things? Many report they have. 

In any case, something else seems to have happened which is the literal presence or feeling of presence of those kinds of odd entities those MIT scientists talk about (being pulled in from parallel universes or dimensions) — Anna von Reitz has written a lot about this, and various other people too; many of us are beginning to wonder what has occurred to the fabric of time and space we inhabit.

All of these are subjects for surfacing in conversation and journalism, esoteric as it all is. Meanwhile, Internet censorship keeps such conversations hidden or non-existent, much to our collective regret.

I look forward to seeing other writers begin to address this perhaps-weird anomaly in spacetime we have fallen into or expanded into, and indeed hearing scientists speak openly about it too.

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