Category Archives: Individual Rights

Anna de Buisseret: Each and Every Individual Should Read, Understand, Assert & Uphold Their Inalienable Human Rights

Re-post from Telegram | From Anna de Buisseret, Military Attorney, UK

Anna de Buisseret, Health Freedom Rally, 31 Oct 2021

Inalienable, fundamental human rights are exactly that I.e. inalienable and fundamental rights that cannot be derogated from by anyone else for any reason. Eg the Right to Life and the Right not to be experimented upon without giving your informed consent freely given.

It’s for each and every individual person to assert and uphold their inalienable human rights!

In fact, it’s a constitutional DUTY to do so.

So we shouldn’t rely on the courts to sort this out.

We each have Sovereignty.

We are all EQUAL under the Rule of Law.

No-one is above the Rule of Law – not even Monarchs or Governments or MPs etc.

So each person MUST learn and understand what their fundamental, inalienable human rights are and then assert them.

You do this by going onto Google and searching for the following as starting points:

  1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
  2. The European Convention on Human Rights
  3. The Human Rights Act 1998 (UK)
  4. Re the Right to Health see Article 12 of the International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights.
  5. Re the Right not to be experimented upon without informed consent freely given see:

A. The Nuremberg Code (1947) and the Judgments of the International Military Tribunal in the Nuremberg Trials of the Doctors and Nurses of the Third Reich – the “Medical Cases” , 1946.

B. The Declaration of Helsinki

C. The Declaration on Human Rights and Bioethics

D. The Oviedo Convention

For Physicians DUTIES see:

A. The Hippocratic Oath

B. The Geneva Declaration of the World Medical Association

C. The International Code of Medical Ethics

D. The General Medical Council’s Code of Conduct (UK)

If everyone read and knew the above laws – and upheld them – we wouldn’t all now be experiencing this nightmare.

Don’t wait for the lawyers to take cases to court and then wait for the court process and then wait for the court hearing and the judgment of a judge!!

We are ALL entitled to uphold and enforce the law against those who seek to break it.

So please everyone: read and understand your fundamental, inalienable human rights and assert them going forward so we can all collectively uphold our Constitution and our Rule of Law.

It’s there to protect us ALL from the tyranny that’s unfolding.

–Anna de Buisseret, UK Lawyer.


Anna De Buisseret: Legal Cases Against Those Committing Crimes Against Humanity With the Jabs


Newsbreak 122: Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Reports Persecution of Churches, Urges All to Defend Rights & Freedoms Now from Communist Takeover: Stop Complying, Sue Govt Officials & Business Owners, Hold Them Accountable

Report & Video Link | Ramola D | May 15, 2021

Pastor Artur Pawlowski who came to world attention recently with his powerful resistance to Calgary Police invasion of his church on two occasions, who was thence arrested on May 8, 2021 in a dramatic highway stop filmed and published worldwide, arrested and held in police custody for 53 hours, he reports, in horrific conditions in solitary and in “tanks” with others–none of these holding cells and areas sanitary, hygienic, healthy, safe, or congenial to human holding, quite contrary to the “Public Health” mania supposedly behind his arrest, putatively for holding church services during the “big fat lie” of the COVID pandemic–describes his ordeal and reports widespread persecution of Christians and churches in Canada, urging all to stand up now to defend basic rights and freedoms.

Go and Do Not Comply

Pastor Artur Pawlowski/Newsbreak 122/Ramola D Reports

Chasing Out Gestapo Second Time During Church/
Brutal & Designed-to-Humiliate Arrest by Police Turned COVID Gestapo, May 8, 2021/

Stressing his Polish background growing up in Communist Poland, experiencing the rigors of food rations and police tyranny, he describes stories filtered down from two generations ago from grandparents who experienced the terrors of Nazi Germany and the travails of police brutality, with Gestapo and SS abduction of people from their homes, terrorizing and raping of women, and the same Nazi-echoing slide into tyranny now as churches are closed off and police stop the assembling of Christians in churches (while, oddly, the assembling of Muslims in mosques is permitted).

Having seen the horrors of Communist control up close, growing up with an awareness of the concentration camps at Auschwitz, Birkenau and other places, Pastor Artur says he is aware those kinds of atrocities can repeat themselves, and it appears the current slide into removal of rights–in the name of an unproved “pandemic” and a virus not found to exist (see Newsbreak 105) with agenda to vaccinate all with an mRNA “operating system,” as Moderna has disclosed–is headed right there if people do not stand up right now and stop complying with rights-removing mask and lockdown mandates.

Pastor Artur also describes how his family escaped Poland in 1989, first stopping at Greece for 5 years, a place where he reports much was corrupt and bribery eased the travails of normal life, before immigrating to Canada on invitations to migrate–land of supposed law and order, and finding currently that neither law nor order is being maintained really but their opposite.

Now business owners are assisting the government in removing rights by demanding mask-wearing compliance. “It’s insane–they are enslaving people. With their own hands they are destroying their future.” He says the answer is to start suing businesses and government officials: Hold them accountable, let them know they cannot trample on rights.

A dedicated Christian who feeds the poor, has set up orphanages and churches overseas, and invites all listening to write in with prayer requests if they need prayers, Pastor Artur closes with this message:

“We have entered an era of leaderless societies–we don’t have leaders, we have traitors–we have people who have betrayed our trust, who are not working for us but against us. In churches we don’t have shepherds–scared instead of fighting for their sheep they have run away and have abandoned the sheep–they are hired guns not shepherds. We have to fight together–God is on our side, and God wins; unite past color of skin, do not allow them to divide us–that’s why they have Antifa, Black Lives Matter–love and respect each other and fight the tyranny. Go and do not comply. We need civil disobedience at the highest levels, deny the tyranny, stop complying, do not work for them, defy their orders on masks, social distancing, assembling. They rely on fear and terror. They are bullies: let the bullies know you will fight back. Bullies are cowards, so: stand up to evil. Evil will not stop on its own. You have to be the light in the darkness, you have to be the hope, tell them Jesus is the answer. Join rallies, join protests–God bless, stand up and fight the evil.”–Pastor Artur Pawlowski/Newsbreak 122/Ramola D Reports/May 15, 2021

Newsbreak 122 was livestreamed 6 pm EST, 4 pm Calgary time on May 15, 2021 at Ramola D Reports/Newsbreak 122 at Ahava 528 and can be watched below, will be uploaded shortly to Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee.

Please share this and all videos featuring Pastor Artur widely–let the voice and words of those fighting tyranny be heard above the mainstream media din of endless featuring of the lying and treasonous tyrants.

Pastor Artur’s powerful morning broadcast on the Christian radio BJ Edwards show which preceded this one today and inspired and complements this one can be found here:

Pastor Artur’s church website, where he can be contacted from:

Street Church of Calgary


Renew America, Rev. Austin Miles, May 14, 2021/Inviting Folks Now to Church a Crime!!(?)

Businesses Have No Business Demanding Anyone Wear Masks: Courtesy Notice to Businesses, Massachusetts

Report & Notice | Ramola D | 2/23/2021


I have now been to four places of “public accommodation” in Quincy, Massachusetts where I live where someone at the counter yelled out, “Ma’am where’s your mask? You got to wear a mask!”

CVS on Beale Street, Quincy

At CVS (a pharmacy and general store) on Beale Street, the young Anglo-American woman behind the counter who yelled this out was persistent and obnoxious, saying “You need a mask” when I stated “No thank you, I don’t need a mask.” From “Ma’am you need a mask” once to “Do you need a mask?” twice is a step in misappropriation of authority, misinterpretation of current reality in the USA and worldwide, and misapplication of “concern for others due to Public Health.” This woman did not stop however with 2 call-outs at high volume across a room full of people as I stood in line to pay. She persisted, yelling even louder, apparently trying to rally volume in her cause: “Ma’am do you need a mask?” Once more, I politely responded, “No thank you I do not need a mask–I don’t wear those,” obliged to raise my voice since it appeared she had not heard me the first time. Why was this young woman yelling? Because attempting to intimidate, and using a tone of authority, repeating herself, and demanding compliance is what she has been told to do, clearly, in order to intimidate customers into wearing a mask. Yes, everyone else in line was wearing a mask, looking cowed and hopeless, and everyone else behind the counter as well: none of this means that anyone entering this store is required to wear a mask, nor that there is a need to safeguard anyone else’s health–the lie of “Public Health”–by wearing a mask.

UPS on Willard Street, Quincy

At UPS on Willard Street, where I had gone to pick up an online order for color copies, already paid for online, and which I had confirmed was ready by calling in before driving there, the young African-American woman behind the counter accosted me as I entered the lobby, shouting, “Ma’am you need a mask!” To which I responded, “No I don’t need a mask actually.” Repeat shout: “Ma’am you need to wear a mask to be here!” To which I said,”No I don’t wear masks, ” and “Look, I just came to pick up an order, I’ll be out in a minute.” At this the young Indian-American tending another person in line ahead of me turned around and said,”I’ll get your order but you do have to wear a mask.” “I’m exempt,” I said, which is the truth, since I cannot breathe with a mask on. The woman at the counter then shouted, “Ma’am do you see EVERYONE is wearing a mask here?” Exasperated I said, “Look, there IS no deadly virus, there IS no pandemic, but there IS a massive Psy Op going on, and if everyone else here wants to go along with this massive Psy Op I am not to blame! Plus, I’m exempt!” The woman rolled her eyes and shrugged. The Indian-American–whom I recognized (despite his bandito black mask) to be the owner of this UPS franchise–said, “If you don’t want to wear a mask you have to go outside.” It was pretty cold outside, with snow and ice on the ground. I said, “Look I just came to pick up an order which I was told on the phone was ready — it’s not going to take two minutes to hand it to me.” To which the misled and misappropriating-of-authority store-owner then said,”I won’t serve you in here without a mask. You can go outside, I’ll bring it to you.” I was truly puzzled. I said, “You want me to go outside and stand outside and wait for you to hand me my order which I have fully paid for already?” Seriously, I was being treated like a pariah, and I had every intention of standing my ground. People were rustling and looking at me “askance.” I was getting ready to launch into a lecture on Slavery when the man suddenly broke away, went to the counter and picked up a package and brought it over to me, “Here you go.” “Absolutely outrageous,” I said, and it was.

The next day I called this store owner since the color copies ordered online had been cyberhacked apparently and weren’t the right color but I also reminded him there are laws against discrimination in Massachusetts and in the Republic of the USA such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and safeguards for people with disabilities under the American Disabilities Act. He apologized and said he should not have said he would not serve me without a mask on. And that is correct. That store, and that woman behind the counter was literally trying to enforce slavery–compliance to no-authority posing as authority is acquiescence to slavery. “Public Health” is a deception; despite Fauci, despite Governor Charlie Baker, despite any President standing in front of a podium and talking about mask-wearing as a must, it is a complete fallacy that “protecting someone else’s health” can be achieved by you wearing a mask (in itself useless since it does not inhibit the passage of so-called, putative, never-proven-to-exist “viruses” and microbes), both legally speaking and medically speaking.

USPS Postal Office on Beale Street, Quincy

At the USPS postal office on Beale Street, where, outrageously, the postal clerks enforce their own self-created Enslavement Rule of “Only 3 people in the lobby,” supposedly on pretext of “Public Health,” people are now forced to stand in line outside in the bitter cold and wind, shaking and shivering and exposing themselves to all manner of respiratory disease, two postal clerks offered me a mask. I said, “No thanks I’m exempt” and they looked surprised. Since they had been engaging me in cordial conversation prior I said casually, “Well you know there really IS no deadly virus and no deadly pandemic, and nobody really needs to wear a mask,” one of them said “There’s a sign on the door, you have to wear a mask in here–but you say you’re exempt.” The other smiled and agreed that I knew my rights and told me about the film “Suffragette” after she’d said, “You know people fight in here about masks” and I responded “I’m not here to fight with anyone, I do know my rights though.” They weren’t going to demand I do anything, true, and they did not, but why do they have a sign on the door demanding everyone wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart and only 3 in the lobby?

Have businesses in Massachusetts forgotten they need to respect people’s innate God-given rights, secured even by such federal and state laws and statutes as those against discrimination, false imprisonment, restraint on one’s movement? All Americans are protected by these safeguards encoded into statutory law.

All Americans are also actually free and sovereign state nationals who do NOT have to follow the private statutes of a private government service corporation (State or Federal Govt) which relate only to its employees, to which they have not contracted with a wet-ink signature(See Bond vs United States 529 US 334 (2000) [Appendix B]; See Clearfield Trust Co. vs. UNITED STATES 318 US 363 (1942) [Appendix A]). This is a larger conversation–the one on Sovereignty–and to be further discussed on these pages shortly, also see all the Truth about USA posts here including The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (10) AL Whitney/Anti-Corruption Society: Our ‘government’ is just another corporation!

My point is: even the State and Federal codes establish firmly that no-one can deny you service in a place of public accommodationsuch as a store, a post-office, or a UPS lobbyor demand you stand 6 feet apart or demand only 3 in a lobby or demand you wear a gag across your mouth and nose, as Peggy Hall of The Healthy American, Pamela Popper of Make Americans Free Again, and other freedom-loving and law-exploring organizations have discussed in numerous videos and articles.

Stop N Shop on Newton Street, Quincy

At Stop n Shop, a supermarket on Newton Street, Quincy, I had the most unpleasant experience to date on this subject; my complaint letter to their Head Office has been left unanswered. One Wednesday night in January, the night before my husband’s birthday actually, I had gone in to make a few last-minute purchases to bake a cake and pick up some champagne. A young Anglo-American supervisor with a name-tag “CHUCK” blew into the checkout area ostensibly to check out my wine—since two (polite, courteous, African-American) teenagers were manning the counter—then demanded I wear a mask. When I explained I do not wear masks, he told me it was a very busy time in the store (It was not—Wed night is quiet) and I was in close proximity with several employees (with him there it was 3) and I had to wear a mask. I told him–perfectly cordially and calmly–I was a science journalist and researcher and spoke regularly to doctors and that there really was no deadly virus (FACT), and no real pandemic (FACT), that there was indeed a mass Psy Op being run on all. He interrupted me to snarl “Don’t tell me there’s no virus, I’ve been sick for 2 weeks with it,” I assured him, still completely conversationally and calmly: “There is no DEADLY virus (FACT)..” He then told me to “Stop bullshitting.” Obviously he had crossed the line of polite conversation. I asked him his name and asked to see his manager. He said he would void the transaction then and would get him. The older Anglo-American manager—whose name I did not get—came over and demanded I wear a mask. I said I did not wear masks. He said, “Right now there is a STATE MANDATE that everyone wear a mask.” I said, “Well, I am exempt from wearing a mask.” He said,” Well why didn’t you tell Chuck you have an exemption then?” I said “He really did not give me a chance.” He then said he would send someone else to ring me out—after waiting a few minutes, a young Anglo-American girl with the name-tag TRAN (and no, she did not look Vietnamese; Social Engineering Psy Ops are also going on) showed up and rang out the rest of my items in silence. She then flung the receipt at me, barely waited for me to move my cart, and said beneath her breath “Now Get Lost.” The older Anglo-American man bagging wished me a good night—clearly the only decent employee there, along with the 2 teenagers who had helped earlier—and I wished him the same.

Now this is absolutely atrocious behavior, including from the manager.

In my letter to Stop N Shop, I wrote: “Let me first of all educate Stop and Shop en masse: A STATE “MANDATE” IS NOT A LAW. Nobody needs to keep these mask mandates—they are guidelines, based on very faulty science. I can assure you I have done the research and MASKS ARE DANGEROUS, not merely unsafe and ineffective—they are DANGEROUS. Please see my recent interview with Dr. Rima Laibow where she explains why: Report 225/News Panel 14 at Further, not all people shopping in Massachusetts are residents; all American state citizens live privately and are NOT bound by statutory codes of the State of Massachusetts Corporation, but ARE bound by natural law and common law to keep the peace. Stop and Shop CANNOT ASSUME that all shoppers are residents, and CANNOT DEMAND anybody wear a DANGEROUS mask!”

Legalities Regarding Masks, “Social Distancing,” “Vaccine Passports,” and Nasal Swabs

Excerpt, Courtesy Notice to Businesses, Massachusetts (PDF linked above)

Masks are being used as a symbol of compliance in the gigantic Psy Op being conducted worldwide; they neither protect anyone nor do they “stop the spread” of any disease as many doctors and virologists have publicly explained, including on interviews with me and on news panels at my video channels–these include Dr. Andy Kaufmann, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Rima Laibow, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. John Reizer, Dr. Zara Anne Bourgeois; the current massive deception of the Germ Theory Psy Op which has begun with the COVID Psy Op and is being run by Big Pharma using media and figureheads in government is not the model for health or “public health” followed by thinking doctors, biologists, virologists and all practitioners of health using natural, holistic, and traditional modes of healing.

There are other legal and lawful ramifications to this notion of demanding people wear masks, explored in this article:

No President, Governor, or Mayor Can Mandate Wearing Masks, Taking Tests, Taking Vaccines, or Self-Isolating: These Are Not Laws Anyone Need Follow, They Are Outright Deceptions

Both the FDA and CDC are aware and state on their websites (links in the article above) that the wearing of a mask is a voluntary enterprise, and that a mask is a MEDICAL DEVICE. Without a medical health risk assessment being performed, the FDA cannot demand anyone wear a medical device.

A Mask is a Medical Device which nobody need wear without an individual medical health risk assessment (FDA).

COVID Psy Op Needs to Stop Right Now: Children Are Dying From the Masks, Children Are Committing Suicide

As for mandatory vaccines, as Dr. Rima Laibow explains in Report 225, famed Harvard lawyer Alan Dershowitz is wrong, no-one can force you to take a vaccination: it is a MEDICAL INTERVENTION which requires your Informed Consent, as per all international treaties including the Nuremberg Code. The current mRNA Death-and-Disability-by-COVID-Vaccine scandal which we are seeing playing out worldwide is occurring because people are being lied to on mass media–a criminal action which should be prosecuted–and told the “vaccine is safe” when it is clearly not, and told the “vaccine has been tested and studied and found to be 90% safe” when it has not, and people are actually participating in human experimentation (with no safeguards, no manufacturer liability, no compensation for damages) and open clinical trials without being told they are doomed lab rats with no health future safeguarded by the vaccine-makers. The mRNA COVID vaccines are actually causing death and disability, as reported by VAERS, among other reporting organizations worldwide and must be halted, as Dr. Carrie Madej has called for.

Finally therefore Vaccine Passports: No government, no airline, no store, no place of public accommodation anywhere in the world can demand a Vaccine Passport or Proof of Vaccination in order for you to enter a building, board a plane, enter or make purchases in a store, buy a meal or drink, because a vaccine is a medical intervention and nobody needs to consent to a medical intervention–an intrusion on their bodily integrity and sovereignty–particularly one which seeks to upload a boatload of toxins and deadly gene-deforming proteins into your body while offering no liability, warranty, or guarantee of medical health post-vaccine. Not in the nebulous name of “Public Health” and not under threat of “Denial of Services.” I’d like to hear from any lawyer on the planet who can dispute this statement.

This has got to be the case also with Nasal Swab COVID tests: that too is a medical intervention and nobody needs to consent to a Six-inch long stick being thrust up their nostrils while they lie or sit prone and permit this massive intrusion into their intimate bodily space. No government–I understand the Indian government has issued a statement demanding a negative PCR test prior to landing in India now–has the right to demand Bodily Intrusion and Medical Interventions of anyone for anything, particularly not for the unproven and nebulous reason of “Public Health” and “Spread of Disease.” When No Virus has actually been isolated, when this Swab PCR test produces a high number of False-Positives, when no-one has proved in fact that what this PCR Swab test reveals is some kind of definitive evidence of a virulent, highly-infectious and highly-dangerous disease (keeping in mind COVID-19, a minor flu, has a 99.97% recovery rate for most people, while being demoted from HCID by Public Health, England last March and therefore is admittedly NOT a virulent dangerous disease), the Indian Government and any other government demanding negative PCR tests is actually just attempting bodily assault with No Medical Evidence and No Legal Authority: every single human on the planet needing to enter India should send the Indian Government a note demanding they halt and roll back this completely unlawful and illegal requirement for entry.

Video of woman taking the nasal swab went viral last April; it looks painful, intrusive, longlasting and hits the brain as she notes–why would anyone submit to this obviously invasive and painful bodily-intrusion?

Several lawyers and rights activists have woken up today and launched lawsuits against governments, as well as formulated and sent on Notices of Liability — these matters will continue to be covered here.

Totalitarianism can be stopped in its tracks if people wake up to the awareness of their innate rights and sovereignty.

Nobody needs to consent — and shouldn’t, when the stakes are so high.

Why are lawyers not speaking out en masse as doctors are? I encourage all lawyers examining this scenario to start speaking out, because people need to know the truth about these matters.

Meanwhile, to all who care about liberty, freedom, humanity: Please share this article widely, please write up Notices to Businesses for your own state and hand them out locally when you shop. Dropping the masks en masse needs to happen, and these Notices help establish your rights and freedoms in print, to all naysayers and petty dictators in shops. Please see Peggy Hall’s site for easy access to your state’s laws.

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

Repost of Video, Stop World | Report/Ramola D | Dec 2, 2020

Doctors and scientists in high numbers have joined together around the world to speak out definitively against the push by governments to thrust a dangerous vaccine on people while those who have studied vaccines closely show what this vaccine actually contains and how it will destroy the human genome and humanity. The situation is dire, and all parents, grandparents, children, youth, single adults are encouraged to uncover the facts for themselves and educate others going forward, immediately.

This is a repost of an absolutely must-watch video created and posted by David Sorensen, at, a site which “represents the voices of doctors, scientists, journalists, government leaders, religious world leaders and courageous researchers who are rising up against global corruption and tyranny. “

In this video, which has a powerful running commentary and analysis from David Sorensen of the entire COVID scenario highlighting the censorship on mainstream media and social media of numerous American and European doctors, Dr. Carrie Madej explains clearly the many different aspects of this mRNA vaccine which involves altering the human genome and Transfection:

Modified RNA can alter the human genome, create a congenital defect or hereditary disorder;

Transfection is the GMO technology used to create GMO apples and papayas, which are not as healthy as natural apples and papayas; this will have similar effects on Humans. Transfection will be used for the first time on the lab rat human through this experimental vaccine.

Moderna has been given 1 million dollars for this vaccine development by the Gates Foundation–this is in addition to the 1 billion in taxpayer funds from the US Government. (“Moderna is co-developing the vaccine in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is under HHS. The government has given Moderna nearly $1 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds for its research work“); they have fast-tracked their trials from labs to human trials in 63 days, not years, while this is the first time they have developed a vaccine, ever; all 45 of Moderna’s test subjects in these human trials developed immediate side-effects, “long-term we do not know.”

Delivery mechanism may be a micro-needle patch on a bandage using viper-fang-modeling, carrying

  1. The mRNA vaccine,
  2. Luciferase to light up the vaccine insert inside your bloodstream/tissue and create internal branding or tattooing which can be read off a light-sensor app on your smart phone,
  3. Hydrogel carrying nanorobotics which offer nanobiosensor modalities to digitize all your private medical information, 24/7 monitor and accumulate data on your breath, heart rate, blood pressure, emotions, sexual life, hormones connected via wifi and 5G to supercomputers and AI (Internet of Things, Internet of Bodies, and Internet of Brains), and offer means for remote light/EMF-activation of chemicals and enzymes to alter and control human action and behavior. (This is also why the 5G rollout is not being stopped–it is intimately linked to the already-being-rolled-out Internet of Things, Internet of Bodies, Internet of Brains.)

Combine that with ID2020 which connects your human self to a number and you have the makings of an Individual Human Control System in a digital-currency age, designed to separate you from the ability to live freely by gatekeeping your ability to buy necessities and food, or to sell services and products.

None of this is Science Fiction, it is current-day Dark-Science Fact. This is what the No Borders, No Boundaries #MengeleMenMengeleWomen scientists have been cooking up for the Gates eugenicists and WEF Great Resetters who are trying desperately to usher in their New World Disorder of genocide, deformed humanity, digitized humans, degraded humans, and full-spectrum Biological and Brain Control of humanity.

It is important to note that none of this is “Progress” “Inevitable” or “Our Common Future” as the transhumanists and propagandizing mainstream media at Forbes and Wired and other unquestioning tech media portray it; it is the natural offshoot of very dark and Satanic Human Control science, Behavior Modification science directly from Tavistock and the CIA’s MK ULTRA, Human Pacification science from the CIA, Pentagon, Navy, Air Force and MIIC which seeks to quell all organic human evolution toward consciousness, harmony, and peace and away from combative, warzone paradigms forever–and is trying hard to push a dystopian Borg’ian enslavement on humanity. They really do want a slave race, and are working hard to subjugate and regress humanity to the Old Stone Age, telling us this is a “Techno Future.” Au contraire, transhumanism is about Control, Takeover, and Removal of human will and intention, all that makes us essentially human–while connecting you to the Internet and your smart phone, so everyone can read your thoughts, your dreams, and your brand of underwear, and your daughter’s too.

This video also covers what Autism via vaccines has brought to humans: mental retardation on a vast scale, which threatens to increase if vaccines are not stopped. Autism via vaccine appears to be a part of the covert vaccine agenda to degrade and subjugate humans; just looking at the data, boys especially are being targeted for autistic degradation of brains and abilities via vaccines.

In addition, this video covers the work by many doctors to share their knowledge of hyrochloroquinone as a definite cure for any respiratory ailment, which means THERE IS NO NEED FOR A VACCINE FOR THIS MILD FLU/COLD VIRUS WHATSOEVER–a fact the CDC has tried desperately to keep hidden, by engineering the banning of all videos by the American Frontline Doctors who have spoken out so clearly on this subject.

Please visit also the website of World Doctors Alliance and World Freedom Alliance, who are both bringing doctors and lawyers together to globally inform humanity of the truth of what is going on with this massive push by the WHO, CDC, WEF, and UN to bring in Global Communism, Internet of Bodies, Brain Net, all modulated by negative AI, supercomputing, and 5G/6G.

The World Freedom Alliance 2020 Announcement Video

Another great venture today is doctors coming together as Millions Against Medical Mandates: Dr. Christiane Northrup speaks about the dangers of the PREP Act, which grants vaccine manufacturers complete freedom from liability in case of vaccine adversity or death, doubly dubious in the current climate of talk of mandated vaccinations and disclosure of DNA-mutations impending:

Please explore these matters further on your own, join these groups, share this information widely. The Stop World Control video is being banned (by the tech companies) on social media; a way to share the link on social media nevertheless is type in (dot) in place of the . in the .com part of the address.

Humanity collectively has to say NO to these shamelessly censoring tech companies, these dark-agenda high-profit pharma companies, and these controlling governments who seem to think pushing through a DNA-mutating, nanobotizing, transhumanizing, full-control vaccine via injecting lies, fear, false data, and propaganda into the populace is the way forward to the future.

As discussed on News Panel 9 and other news panels and interviews at my channel recently with numbers of scientists, doctors, activists, analysts, whistleblowers, journalists, the way forward is NOT TO COMPLY: drop the masks, open your businesses, stand up for yourself and others. Declare yourself alive, use common law, use Notices of Liability and quantum grammar to inform any encroaching government or police bodies of your rights and freedoms under the sun.

Also see, visit, follow the Freedom Rally in Philadelphia this weekend where Dr. Andy Kaufmann, David Icke, Mark Passio, Rick Martin, Jeff Birwick, and many others will be speaking.


CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

Public Notice: The Remote Access of Human Beings is a Crime Against Humanity

Notice | Ramola D | November 5, 2019

While it is clear that Offices of Legal Counsel at organizations such as the US Department of Health and Human Services, which houses the OHRP, Office of Human Research Protections–an office which appears to function in name only since it brazenly ignores public comment sent in to the SACHRP, Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection on the importance of Informed Consent in human experimentation, as reported previously here and as evident in their pushing-through in 2016 of a revised Common Rule rife with exemptions for Informed Consent, handed like candy to Intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice, along with other government departments and Universities–who have essentially been thus (self-)permitted, by Deans of Universities, academics in Medicine, Law, and Bioethics, and government departments to freely prey on American bodies and brains without consent–basic humanity, common sense, and awareness of crimes against humanity from a general human rights point of view dictate the following:

  1. That the Remote-Access Bio-Hacking and Neuro-Hacking of humans without their prior Informed Consent (as in fully-consented-to medical health monitoring) is most definitely a Crime Against Humanity.

  1. That everyone who participates in such remote-access-of-humans with Covert or Stealth bio-hacking and neuro-hacking radio frequency/sonic/scalar/implant/neuro/bio/chemical technologies and equipment, on the instruction of another, whether within the context of a secretive or overt Intelligence/Defense/Justice/Fusion Center contract or academic grant as employee, contractor, student or as a volunteer in Community Policing programs involving Electronic Surveillance, all in the false name of Surveillance, Public Safety, and National Security, Public Health, Mental Health, or Medical Bio/Behavioral Research, is knowingly participating in this Crime Against Humanity being enacted without Informed Consent, as a modality of electronic and remote capture, suppression, and subjugation of another, and thereby engaging in Human Trafficking.

The OHRP is particularly responsible since it requires all agencies of the government engaging in research using human subjects, including military divisions with internal Institutional Review Boards to submit a Federal Wide Assurance indicating adherence to ethical principles embodied by a particular set of guidelines such as the Belmont Report, Helsinki Declaration, or Common Rule.

Human Trafficking is Understood Worldwide to be a Crime

President Trump’s Executive Order 13818 on Human Trafficking

UN’s strictures on Trafficking in Persons

UN OHCHR’s Human Rights and Human Trafficking Fact Sheet No. 36

Electronic Enslavement is Akin to Physical Enslavement Which is Understood Worldwide to be a Crime

World Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy Neuro/Bio Weapons

Non-Lethal” Weapons Cannot Be Used Indiscriminately & Criminally on Humans

The International Legal Implications of “Non-Lethal” Weapons by David Fidler/Michigan Journal of International Law

Non-Lethal Weapons Police Use to Suppress Protest are Killing People/Huffington Post

Less-Lethal” Weapons can kill and police misuse them for torture/Amnesty International

Today, as graduate students, neighbors, small business owners, private sector and Security service employees are increasingly drawn into chilling programs of Fusion Center community policing and monitoring as well as unethical medical or bio-behavioral research which include GPS tracking and electronic “anti-personnel” monitoring of people with wireless technologies, it is important to remind people of their base sense of morality, humanity, and integrity and ask everyone to think deeply about their own culpability in Torture, Electronic Enslavement, and Human Trafficking when they assent to participating in the remote-access bio-hacking and neuro-hacking of humans, often their next-door neighbors, customers, colleagues, employees, or family.

This notice was written a couple months ago specifically to inform work colleagues of the crime against humanity they were committing on an American woman non-consensually implanted who is still seeking justice, who reported (to this writer) she was being remotely-accessed at her workspot continuously, with intense pulsing pain signals being sent to various organs including private parts. It is this kind of remote access, for torture and sadism, that many people from all walks of life are reporting today, both in the USA and worldwide, and which needs to be fully outlawed, legislated against, and terminated.

This notice is being published in the hope that Human Rights, Common Decency, and Common Sense will prevail over the insanity of compliance to unlawful physical assault and battery on humans, achieved covertly and remotely—for whatever stated reason. The day will come when such crimes will indeed be prosecuted.

Notice of Crime Against Humanity in Remote Access of Human Beings in PDF Format (easier to print and share as a flyer): Notice of Crime Against Humanity: Remote Wireless Manipulation of Human Beings





Remotely Vibrating, Pulsing, Burning, Manipulating Human Bodies


Without Full Continuously Verifiable Informed Consent is a Crime Against Humanity

& Criminal, Prosecutable Offense as Torture of a Human Being

By international law, every researcher/agent/student/contractor/employee accessing anyone without their Full Informed Consent is a Human Trafficker.

Notice to One is Notice to All

Please be advised that by International Law, Article 7 of the Rome Statute, the Geneva Conventions, and the Nuremberg Treaty,

  • You are prohibited from remotely manipulating the bodies or brains of any human being without their own vocal, witnessed, verifiable, public, open informed consent in that moment and prior;

  • You are becoming an accomplice to crime if you participate in such manipulation on someone else’s directive, whoever it is, whether identified to you as a researcher, an investigator, an officer or agent for any agency, military, government, hospital, or your own boss, and for whatever reason;

  • You are personally responsible even if you perform such actions of wireless, remote manipulation under presumption, belief, or notification from anyone of your subject having “impaired consent capacity,” or of your subject being a “participant in a research project for her/his own good,” or “needing therapy” which you are falsely told you are providing through such bodily manipulation;

  • You can be publicly named, shamed, and prosecuted by the subject of your manipulations;

  • You can be held publicly accountable by human rights organizations, courts, and councils for your own individual actions of harm to another.

The covert remote access and manipulation of a human being by means of a wireless, spectrum, sonic, neuro device such as a cell phone app, bar code reader, RFID detector, infra-red emitter, microwave emitter, or scalar wave emitter, whether sold to you as Surveillance or Medical Monitoring, used to pulse, vibrate, send electrical vibrations, shocks, spasms, skin-burn, and other human bio-effects, is, quite explicitly, Torture, and a Crime Against Humanity. Please use your common-sense: no-one wants their private parts or any other body parts vibrated, pulsed, or burned by you—whatever misapprehension of “therapy,” “research,” or “benefit” you may be laboring under. These are crimes, and you can indeed be held personally responsible. Therefore, please DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN REMOTE ACCESS OF HUMAN BEINGS. You can and must say No, to unscrupulous traffickers, which may include Universities & agencies. (Note that every researcher/agent/ student/contractor/employee accessing anyone without their Informed Consent is a Human Trafficker.)

Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Reports Neuro-Hacking, Hive-Minding, Brain-Cloning, Bio-Robotizing: Secret, Illegal, & Profoundly Inhumane US Govt. Neuro-Experimentation, Classic CIA Torture

Ramola D/Posted 10/14/2017

Part I: The Colonizing of the Human Brain – The Voice to Skull Program: Classic CIA Torture


Chris Burton

Chris Burton was the founder of two Silicon Valley IT staffing and consulting companies and an art gallery for local Denver artists when he became a victim of America’s classified “Manhattan District” Electromagnetic/Neuro Weapons development and non-consensual experimentation program. Trapped in a psychotronic research lab he could not escape from, he founded three charity fundraising companies in hopes of appealing to the humanity of the US government which chose to further the covert ambitions of its intelligence agencies instead and continue the program. Chris’s story takes readers through the confounding experience of being electromagnetically kidnapped and tortured with no explanation with powerful Neuroweapon technology that revealed its full capabilities progressively, over a 13 year period, finally exposing the true purpose of the program in December of last year – the creation of a Manchurian Candidate. 

Ed Note: “Voice to Skull” in this interview is being used by Chris as a catch-all Remote Neuro Tech term to cover “all of the psychotronic technologies that transmit an electromagnetic frequency into a target for the purposes of psychological or physiological study or torture.”

Ramola D: Chris, thank you so much first for coming forward to address these important issues of non-consensual neuro-experimentation, assault with military-grade weapons, neuro-hacking, synthetic telepathy, and bio-robotization. I also understand your story will reveal that Voice to Skull uses classic, documented CIA Torture techniques.

Chris Burton: Thank you for having me and for all of the hard work you’ve been putting into exposing psychotronic technology and the non-consensual experimentation programs associated with it. You are truly one of my personal heroes Ramola. I mean that.

This story is 100% true and details exactly what Voice to Skull experimentation programs–which CIA and Navy scientist Robert Duncan admits to having developed software for–are doing on a day-to-day basis to non-consensual test subjects around the world. I hope everybody reads the entire interview because the intent is not only to provide deep insight into the program and what Voice to Skull torture is, but also present a clear framework for understanding and communicating the intricacies of the experiments and the technology to friends, family, journalists, academics, elected officials, law enforcement, and the medical community.

Despite how incredible some of this technology might sound to the reader (because it parallels intriguing concepts such as telepathy), a critical takeaway could be that the US made a series of institutional-level decisions that put the most dangerous weapon system ever invented by man into the hands of everyday humans, who despite their “credentials” were no better equipped to handle such an awesome responsibility than your everyday citizen.

These are not technologies being developed by the military for altruistic purposes like curing mental illness or helping the paralyzed walk again. That kind of work is being conducted openly at public and private research facilities around the world and consists of programs tech billionaires, academia, and places like DARPA are clamoring to publicize their involvement in.

The programs I’m going to describe are military-directed NON-CONSENSUAL torture experiments designed to, as Robert Duncan describes, determine the “probability of death” and other psychological breaking points in a subject by pairing the operational military/intelligence advantages that EMF neuro-technology provides with classic torture techniques that allow war planners to conduct Stealth, No Touch, No Mark enemy interrogation, elimination, and Soviet-era-style psycho-prison detention programs around the world.

The institutional-level decisions to classify the weaponry; the identification and recruitment of some of the most fiendish minds on the planet; and the top-down adherence to protocols designed to protect all participants’ anonymity have combined, once again in human history, to create unimaginable atrocity and unexplainable cowardice in the only elements of society that can help (mainly law enforcement, academia, the medical community, human rights, and journalism).

Voice to Skull Devices Definition Removed in 2008 by US Army from Online Military Thesaurus: Why?


Army Yanks “Voice-to-Skull Devices” Site/Click to visit for this May 2008 Sharon Weinberger article


Yanked “voice to skull devices” definition in Military Thesaurus/Click to visit saved screenshot at Christians Against Mental Slavery,

Before we begin, I’d like to quickly point out to all of the techies out there that I’m not here to nitpick the definition of V2K versus RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) versus something else. By using the term “Voice to Skull,” I’m talking about all of the psychotronic technologies that transmit an electromagnetic frequency into a target for the purposes of psychological or physiological study or torture.

To a Voice to Skull victim, there’s no delineation between hearing a voice, having your thoughts read, emotions being injected, dreams manipulated, communicating telepathically, or having your body parts moved. It’s all one continuous beam that shadows you everywhere you go and never stops transmitting/receiving evoked potentials which is the brain’s software code.

What’s becoming apparent to me, the longer I’m in the program, is that these psychotronic technologies are now becoming capable of influencing a person without them knowing it. This is where the tech is right now. The gulf between perceptible and imperceptible is quickly disappearing.

I think the best thing for me to do today is just to tell my story, describe the experiments and hopefully educate the public and the TI (“Targeted Individual”) community about Voice to Skull torture.

Ramola D: Thank you for that reminder of how profoundly invasive and dangerous these Stealth Military/Intelligence technologies are, for all humanity–why all of us should be paying close attention.

I understand you once had a very successful IT business, Chris. Can you start by telling us more about that?

Chris Burton: After I graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder (Business, Finance), I moved to Seattle and started working for Aerotek. At the time Aerotek was enjoying rapid growth and is today the largest IT staffing company in the United States (now called Allegis).

Chris-1After a year, I was recruited into a systems integration company called CompuCom Systems to work in their San Francisco office. My first cousin had just left medical school and was living in the Bay Area at the time and when I explained Aerotek’s business model to him we decided to start our own company, Dedicated Onsite Consulting (DOC). We recruited two of my former colleagues from Aerotek to join us and together we grew the company from zero to $12 million in annual revenue in 4 years which was very similar to building a branch office for Aerotek.

At the time, we had about 25 internal employees and 200 consultants in the field. Remedy Staffing offered us $9 million in cash, plus an earnout, for the company in 2000 but we turned them down, opting to continue growing the business. By 2001 the .COM crash and 9/11 severely impacted spending in Silicon Valley and, unfortunately, we didn’t have the working capital to survive the downturn.

By 2004, my cousin had moved to England to be with his fiancée who was completing her Ph.D in Environmental Law at Oxford, and my other two partners were focused on a real estate development project, so I started another IT consulting company called Watermill Consulting.

Chris-2Watermill quickly became the number one provider of consulting services to Business Objects (now SAP) for their $23 million-dollar global PeopleSoft Financials, ESA, ELM, Vantive, and implementations and was leading an ERP implementation at Dassault Systemes America (which included SolidWorks). You can find all of this info along with a personal recommendation from Business Objects’ and Yahoo’s head of IT on my LinkedIn profile. Watermill was competing against firms like Accenture for projects and winning because it was lean which meant if could bill less than our competitors and pay higher rates to consultants.

Ramola D: It sounds like you were exceptionally accomplished and successful in your career and you were all set to live a highly productive life.

Chris Burton: Yes. I owned a penthouse loft for ten years across the street from Coors Field in Denver’s LoDo neighborhood and thought I had set up a good life for myself. I was growing my second successful company which had netted over $600k in just over a year and because it was winning higher level projects Watermill could potentially be sold at a higher multiple (of its EBITDA) than DOC, down the road.


My sister, who’s a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) looked up to me, I had a great group of friends and a very active social life. I even started an art gallery for local Denver artists called LUZ. I had no idea I was about to be put into a program like Voice to Skull.

LUZ Art Gallery, Denver

LUZ Art Gallery, Denver

Ramola D: So at this point you had moved back from Silicon Valley to Denver where you had grown up, you had a second company which was very successful. Did anything go wrong from the start or were things fine at the beginning? How did the Voice to Skull program begin?

Chris Burton: Two important things happened in California in ’04 which I believe are connected to Voice to Skull. I’ll mention them now before we dive into the hell of Voice to Skull so the readers know everything I know about the possible origins of my torture program.

After the .com crash and 9/11, my first company, DOC, was on life support so I rented out my loft in Denver and moved back to the Bay Area in hopes of reviving it. I moved into a friend of a friend’s house in Half Moon Bay which was about a 40-minute drive from our office in San Mateo. Everything seemed fine until I found out my partners from DOC were no longer conducting staffing operations from our office and had become involved in a real estate development project which they wouldn’t tell me anything about. Because of this my cousin Joe, who was living in Oxford with his fiancé, and I decided to part ways with our business partners and sold our remaining shares in the company.

Before Joe and I sold our shares, I went to the office one night to read through our files because I was concerned that DOC money was being used to fund my business partners’ real estate project. When I walked into the office at about 8:00 pm, I immediately noticed a small file-holder/case sitting in the middle of the floor. It contained the contracts between my business partners and the banks from which they had secured their bank loans, and nothing else.

It was all of the information I was looking for and it was just laying right there in the middle of the floor as soon as I walked in. I practically tripped over it. At the time, I thought one of my partners had set it down and forgotten to pick it back up on their way out of the office but now I believe it was put there on purpose. The real estate project apparently turned into a huge disaster. The building was never built despite millions being raised for the project.

After I sold my shares in DOC, I started Watermill Consulting and started working on the Business Objects project. Things were going great until my landlord in Half Moon Bay, Michael Raines, started acting very strangely and did something so outrageous it defies explanation. This was the second thing that I believe is connected to Voice to Skull.

Ramola D: What exactly happened? What do you know of this person’s background and affiliations?

Chris Burton: Michael’s father was a patent attorney for Genentech and had made a lot of money before he passed away. I moved in with Michael because a mutual friend of ours said he was an okay guy. He was living in his mothers’ house on the first tee of the Half Moon Bay Golf Links.

Things were okay in the beginning but after a month or so I began noticing Michael hanging around my bedroom door whenever I was on the phone with my clients. I didn’t think too much about it until he started behaving as if he knew some big secret about me. When his friends would come over they would immediately run upstairs to Michael’s room, giggling like little kids, crouch in front of a TV and shut the door.

Michael, who, I learned after living with him, had done a year in federal prison for selling drugs and had a long criminal record, began gang-stalking me with his friends and actually attempted to shake me down for money claiming he had taped private conversations between me and my client which could damage my reputation. My client and I were good friends and often talked about funny stories having to do with other executives we knew (their personal lives, etc.) which put me in a vulnerable position.

The focus of his overt suspicions centered around my relationship with the Senior Director of IT for Business Objects who at this time had become a good friend of mine (we started working together in ‘96 when he ran IT for Levi Strauss). Christopher Brooks, the Senior Director, had his own company and had brought in my company to fulfill the staffing piece of the project at Business Objects. I had a consulting agreement with Christopher’s company which the founder of Business Objects, Bernard Liautaud, had personally approved, and a master service agreement with Business Objects so I had a very secure business relationship.

Michael’s posturing (about this “big secret”) turned from blind insinuation to overt intimidation when one day he started cleaning his shotgun in front of me and said something like, “Sometimes you never know who you’re dealing with…” From that point on, whenever his friends made an appearance in the house, they would stay silent and look at each other and grin whenever I tried to start a conversation.

I’m telling this story because Michael’s behavior was odder than anything I had ever experienced in my life up to that point. I moved out because of this, but a month later he invited me over so he could “apologize” so I went over to his house to find out what was going on and to keep things cool between us.

When I arrived, Michael was sitting in the living room with his friend Curtis. The first thing out of his mouth was, “Just so you know, you’re being recorded.” I didn’t know what was going on. Michael then started asking questions about Christopher Brooks and Claudio Sylvestri who was the former CEO of Compaq Computer and Business Objects. I just sat there in stunned silence. Michael then said he had cameras installed throughout his (mom’s) house, had been recording my conversations, and “knew everything” as if he was piecing together a conspiracy. Christopher had shared with me a lot of private stories about Claudio, who was one of his good friends, on the phone and we always talked about the contractors and employees at Business Objects so I became really worried that Michael was going to do something stupid like fire off a bunch of embarrassing emails to my client, just for the hell of it.

Then Michael made it a point to tell me that one of his spy cameras was located in a plastic owl that sat on the doorstep of his house and I remembered a conversation I’d had with Christopher while sitting on the doorstep. We’d been talking about taking a trip together to Mexico after the project. At that point I realized what the “big secret” was that Michael and his friends were holding against me (in addition to a few Claudio/Christopher Vegas stories).

Michael thought Christopher was a full-time employee of Business Objects when he was actually a consultant working Corp-to-Corp through his own consulting company. Christopher’s company and my company were solution provider partners in the project which meant there was nothing wrong with hanging out together if we wanted to.

The fact Christopher and I were such good friends really bothered Michael so he was trying to make me think that he had me over a barrel because of the conversations he had taped. I was just completely flabbergasted but didn’t feel the need to explain the details of my business to a sicko jackass who was spying on me and just said, “Michael, just know that there’s nothing illegal going on,” and walked out of his house.

When I walked outside, his friend Curtis approached me and said while rubbing his fingers together, “If you give us a little some some (meaning money), I’ll tell you what’s going on.” I didn’t have anything to worry about legally so I just left and moved back to Denver a few months later. The whole experience was absolutely surreal but I had a business to protect so I stayed calm and just walked away.

Ramola D: So now you were running your second company Watermill Consulting in Denver. What happened next?

Chris Burton: Things were fine in Denver for a couple months until one day I learned that my company was being investigated! Someone had sent an anonymous tip to a manager at Business Objects claiming Christopher and I had an “improper relationship.” This accusation was quashed after Business Objects’ own legal, internal audit, and security groups found nothing improper had taken place. It turned out that an unhappy contractor provided the tip but I still don’t know the actual details behind the allegation, how deep it went, or if Michael Raines was involved. After the investigation closed, the contractor was fired and Christopher and I kept the project, so I thought everything was behind me until Voice to Skull started a week later.

Somewhere between 2004 and 2005 I was put onto a targeted individual list. Maybe Michael had been busted again for selling drugs and was making up an accusation against me to escape prosecution. Or maybe it had something to do with my ex-partners’ failed real estate project. The file left out on the floor at my office, the interrogation and shakedown at Michael’s house, and the anonymous tip and investigation of my company clearly indicate to me that something had been going on in California that was connected to Voice to Skull.

Ramola D: Can you describe the first instance of Voice to Skull that you can recall? How did this start happening?

Chris Burton: So, a week after the investigation ended, Voice to Skull began at my loft. I was sitting in my office alone when, out of nowhere, I began hearing a man and woman talking about me. The man and woman, who both sounded like mature adults in their 40s or 50s, were talking about the recent investigation.

Reported V2K Transmissions

The man said, It looks like Chris has been cleared and is receiving more (job) requisitions, and the woman replied, Well I’m glad everything worked out… What do you think is going to happen now?

When these conversations began I knew immediately it was a live conversation between two people. It was unmistakable. It was as if someone just turned on a speaker and started broadcasting two people’s conversations into my loft. My place was a top floor corner unit with concrete floors and ½ double-walled drywall separating my unit from my neighbor’s so it was absolutely baffling to me how it was being done.

I thought it was a prank at first but the two of them just continued talking all day long and then started up again about five minutes after I got up the next morning. I suspected my downstairs neighbors were playing a joke on me but after the conversations continued for a week straight, I realized it was much more than just a practical joke. The sound was impossible to localize or shield against which created the most insanely unfair advantage a person could ever have over another.

This was the beginning of what I call treatments. Treatments are scenarios or storylines built up verbally by the Voice to Skullers over time, like an old radio show, or soap opera, that are carefully crafted to lead you into believing whatever they tell you. They take time to establish and are incredibly well-scripted.

Ramola D: Echoes there with the classic screenwriting use of “treatments,” which spell out storyline.

Chris Burton: The dialog is mostly improvised but the storylines deepen every day, as if there’s a team of writers working non-stop to develop new plot twists. Every day more and more pages are added to the manuscript which, like a soap opera, always stays consistent with what was written the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that. You could wake up and have completely forgotten about what was said the night before and the Voice to Skullers will pick up right where they left off.

Treatments are always designed to build up your hope for a potential release over a period of time, only to destroy it (usually traumatically). It’s as if Orson Wells and Joseph Mengele got together every single day for years to psychologically torment a blind person in their custody who’s desperate to be released. I’ll talk a lot more about treatments throughout the interview because they make up a great deal of the torture and are KEY to understanding the differences between Voice to Skull torture and a mental illness like AVH (Audio Verbal Hallucinations) or schizophrenia.

After a few days, the non-stop conversations between the man and the woman began to include two other males. Now all four of them were talking about me all day long. These are what the Voice to Skullers referred to as “mirrored conversations.” For the first few days, the mirrored conversations made me think my neighbors were involved, but as they continued I understood clearly that they were using this technique of speaking as an interrogation tool. When someone is speaking to someone else about you, you tend to spill your guts in an attempt to clarify whatever questions they have. After a few weeks, I started speaking back to the group out loud, and I knew they could hear me because their conversations would start to include information I had just spoken out loud.

The Voice to Skullers, over the next seven years, used non-stop mirrored conversations, 16 hours/day, to draw out every last detail about my life (my stories, information about my friends and family, everything), which they used to build a schematic of my life. Seven years later they stopped the mirrored conversations and began speaking to me directly. This schematic, also called omniscience or hyper game theory, allowed them to always stay a step ahead and create more and more personalized treatments (storylines) having to do with what Voice to Skull is, why I was in the program, who was involved, when I would be released, and more.

Treatments are meticulously designed to take advantage of what you “think” is going on while never revealing the full capability of the underlying technology which can imitate people’s voices perfectly, hear what you’re hearing, and see what you’re seeing (all of which CIA Whistleblower Robert Duncan confirms in his YouTube interviews).

Here’s an example of a very short, two-day treatment and its traumatic ending, that would have taken place in the first few months of Voice to Skull. Pay attention to the pattern which always starts with unrelenting torture (for long periods of time), a pivot (in the way you’re being treated), the creation of trust between the victim and the torturer, the build-up of hope in the victim (that they’ll be released), the establishment of believability in the victim that a release is imminent, and finally the traumatic crash that instantly snaps the victim back to their hopeless reality. Jeffrey Dahmer, Ariel Castro, and other notorious psychopaths played the same mind games with their victims.

Reported V2K Transmissions

The torturers might have kept you up all night long the day before explaining how your life was sacrificed for America’s ambitions to develop electromagnetic weapons.

They go on about their limitless budgets and how deep their ties are in the government and how truly insignificant you and all your professional accomplishments are to them.

They tell you they’re professional torturers and don’t give a shit who you are. They’re here to do a job which is to torture you.

During a previous interrogation you admitted to drinking and driving so they tell you that people who drink and drive are scum and that you deserve to be tortured.

And just like someone in a powerful position, or a drunk person, can spout non-stop for hours at a time, the Voice to Skullers can go on for hours about you (or just about any topic).

They trade off talking in a mirrored conversation like malevolent prison guards establishing their power and shooting the shit.

But the next day, a Voice to Skuller brings up something about you they like. You’ve been through countless treatments before and know they always end badly so you take the compliment with a grain of salt but your brain remembers it, and because you’re electronically “binded” to their conversations you have to just sit there and listen.

Now, one of them brings up some vague reference to that “thing” you did that put you into Voice to Skull and you wonder what it was.

You explain to them that you’ve never hurt a fly in your life and have no criminal record and re-tell elements of your life story that backs this up.

They continue talking but now in a more placid tone. Over a period of 12 hours they’ve moved from hatred to somewhat sympathetic and then say, “You know, we’ve been maniacs. We shouldn’t be doing this to Chris.”

Then another Voice to Skuller chimes in and says, “You know it’s hard doing this. I’m not even mad at Chris.”

You notice this slight shift in their attitude and you start to think that maybe they’re thinking more critically about the program.

Their arrogance declines a bit and they start talking more like “buddies” of yours saying things like, “This program is just a piece of shit man. None of us wants to be here.”

This makes you loosen up and you might say something funny and they laugh with you.

This more reassuring tone continues as they talk about some of your funny stories, or brag about your baseball playing days in high school, and then one of them says, “Something big is actually happening behind the scenes that is going to save Chris!”

They’ve been talking positively for hours (days or even weeks in longer treatments), so now you actually start feeling confident that the torture might end!

And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, they say something like, “Chris, you know how we’re going to help you get out of this? We’re going to $#%@ing bash your head in with a sledgehammer and kill your $#%*ing sister tonight you stupid $*#K!”

That’s usually how treatments end. It’s like trying to climb out of a well and then being abruptly snapped back to the bottom where you have to start the climb all over again.

One time, they spent months building up the character of a woman Voice to Skuller named Doreen who was “new” to the program. She would come online usually after 5:00 pm with two other male Voice to Skullers. She was nice sounding, spoke very articulately and seemed to have a fresh perspective on things as if she was new to the entire Voice to Skull project (maybe a psychologist or researcher).

She stayed on the sidelines for the first few weeks while they threatened to kick my ass when I went out with my friends, lobbed insults, and kept me up all night talking, but after about a month she started to speak her mind and expressed more and more doubts about the purpose of the program. She had the same authority as the other Voice to Skullers so when she got angry at them, they had to listen. After a few weeks of this, whenever I heard her voice, I actually started to feel relief because the other Voice to Skullers would stop torturing me when she was in the room. (At the time I thought the Voice to Skullers were all in the same room.)

After about two months, she would always say things like, “Chris just needs to hang in there a little while longer. This program is full of assholes and there’s NO WAY they’re EVER going to get away with this…” After two months of getting to know her I felt confident that she was my champion in the program, but one day, out of absolutely nowhere, she said “Getting out of this is going to be easy for Chris… Once we slit his F#$king stomach open and watch his guts fall out, he’s out!” Then one of the male Voice to Skullers said, “Doreen, get over here, get down on your knees and suck my D#*K.” And she replied, “I’d rather F##K the S##T out of you!” And that was it. After more than two months of building up goodwill and a rapport with Doreen my hopes for release were dashed and I realized I was a prisoner in a deeply demented cult of some kind.

They tortured me for weeks after that but then started building me up again saying things like, “Chris, we picked you because we thought you would be tough. If we didn’t think you could handle this, you wouldn’t be here.”

This, of course, along with technology involved makes you think you have to hang in there, and that Voice to Skull isn’t a cult, it’s a massive psychology experiment that hand-picked you for your “toughness,” and the cycle begins again.

Another long-term treatment I experienced had to do with John Hickenlooper (Ed Note: Two-term Mayor of Denver, now Governor of Colorado) being suspected of putting me into Voice to Skull. John lived a block away from me in downtown Denver. For seven months, the Voice to Skullers kept up with this treatment which played out on a week-to-week basis. It wasn’t the only thing they talked about, it was just layered in with about eight other ongoing treatments mostly having to do with the police and a number of my friends being involved.

The treatment played out like this:

Reported V2K Transmissions

Voice to Skull is of course a super-secret govt program that I’m trapped in but many of my friends were supposedly brought in to help me and they want answers.

The Voice to Skullers don’t know how I was put into the program but they also want to help me.

They suspect John might have “put me in” because one night I blasted my stereo with the windows open which pissed him off.

I’m told that someone from the program asked John about his involvement and he refused to answer their questions.

A couple weeks later Voice to Skull tells me that John (who was the Mayor at the time) is being pressured to answer questions from the State Department about whether or not he put me into the program.

The torturers continued talking non-stop and constantly reminded me of how serious my situation was (telling me that this is a program they put terrorists in), but every once in a while, they would interject something about the John situation.

This went on for months until one day they said John acquiesced and a date had been set on which he would have to answer the State Department’s questions.

The day of the “inquiry” they projected a picture in my mind of Hickenlooper sitting at a desk (with a mic) on the stage of an auditorium. He was sitting on one side of the stage and the State Department officials were sitting behind a desk (with a mic) on the other side. They showed a few snap shots of a large audience seated in an auditorium and other snap shots of people I knew sitting together (in the audience). The pictures were colorless (the way images are in your head) and none of them showed John, the State Department officials, and the audience together in one shot.

The “inquiry” proceedings were communicated to me through Voice to Skull live and mimicked Hickenlooper’s voice perfectly as he sort of dodged and weaved his way around the questions like Bill Clinton. I listened to it while I was at home working and took a couple of business calls.

When I hung up the show was still going on, live, I just missed some questions that had been asked. It was perfectly scripted with dozens of characters (each with a unique voice) that played their roles perfectly through the entire inquiry.

John never provided any concrete information about his involvement to the panel from the “State Department” so the treatment just kept evolving into something else the next day having to do with the Denver Police and FBI being involved.

As the years went by, the treatments became longer and more complex, and grandiose, because what they were saying was always so hard to believe.

By the end of Year One they had convinced me that my neighbors were involved.

By Year Two they made me think my high school friends, and their friends, were involved.

In Year Three they made me believe some of the executive directors from the charities I worked with were involved.

By the fourth year they said John Hickenlooper, the Denver Police, and the FBI had put me into the program.

By the fifth year they said an old lonely reclusive billionaire was funding the torture because he wanted to give his money away to someone who had “been through hell.”

By Year Six they said my uncle, Vera Gowlland-Debbas, the ACLU, and UN were involved.

By Year Seven they said the US Navy and Susan Rice were helping me.

In Year Eight celebrities and heads of industry Larry Ellison, Trey Parker, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon had joined in.

By Year Nine my former employers CompuCom Systems and Aerotek, along with Yahoo (which was a client of mine) were lobbying to have me released.

And by Year Twelve, when I was living in East Palo Alto, President Obama, Marissa Mayer, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and half of Hollywood and Washington had all come together to stop Voice to Skull. This was when they introduced bio-robotization technology that could move my body parts. That treatment, which I’ll describe later, was so dramatic that it ended with me having to be airlifted to the hospital where I spent an entire month recovering. I’ll talk about that later.

Ramola D: So these are highly elaborate treatments, referring to people you know, as well as public figures and celebrities, that seem to be highly structured and constantly put you through an emotional wringer, building you up and letting you down—as if a military or CIA psychologist working amorally on torture techniques had invented them.

Chris Burton: I’ve been through many hundreds of treatments like this involving all sorts of characters supposedly becoming involved in order to help me and all of them ended with an emotional thud. If I had a distant relationship to someone through friends or family, like celebrities or CEOs, they were included. Every storyline was built on the previous one in a highly organized way that would require a full-time project manager to keep track of.

Anybody you know could be built up as an “insider” who signed a non-disclosure agreement making it impossible for them to talk about it. And because the technology is so incredible, and electromagnetic weapons are so important, you’ll believe almost anyone could be participating.

It wasn’t until a few years into my torture that I discovered just how closely their treatments resembled the psychological torture and enhanced interrogation techniques perfected by Russian and US intelligence services. These techniques guided their daily conversations which were, again, all intended to build up stress and anxiety in the victim and lead them to believe they’d soon be released.

Ramola D: Thank you for drawing my attention to the undeniable commonalities between classic KGB Communist Russian torture techniques, the CIA’s 1963 KUBARK Counter-Intelligence manual of torture, the CIA’s 1983 HRETM (Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual) torture techniques, Rumsfeld’s Working Group’s SERE-based Guantanamo psychological torture techniques, and these V2K torture techniques, which you have spelled out in the Torture Techniques document you sent me, along with your answers here to this interview. (Ed Note: Please see the Torture Techniques Document linked here, under Related, below.)

Chris Burton: The Russian, KUBARK, HRETM and Working Group (Rumsfeld) psychological torture techniques used to build up my treatments included the following:

monopolization of attention, cultivation of anxiety and despair, alternating punishments and rewards, demonstrating omniscience and omnipotence, use of scenarios, denial of privacy, insults, threats, sensory disorientation, emotional love, emotional hate, fear (revved) up harsh, fear up mild, reduced fear, pride and ego up, pride and ego down, futility, establish your identity, repetition approach, file and dossier (convincing the detainee that the interrogator has a damning and inaccurate file that must be fixed), Mutt and Jeff (a team consisting of a friendly and harsh interrogator), rapid fire questioning, sleep adjustment and deprivation, false flag, threat of transfer, isolation, prolonged interrogations and many more that are not documented.

You can find the definitions of these classic CIA Torture techniques on the Internet.

Today, after experiencing just about everything Voice to Skull technology can do, I realize they had been surveilling me back in 2005 by accessing my brain’s evoked potentials, which allows them to listen through my ears and see through my eyes, but they never revealed those capabilities until much later.

By not revealing those capabilities, and just transmitting voices, they were able to make me think all sorts of things were happening that weren’t. For example, they only spoke to me in my loft and car for three years, which made me believe my house and vehicle had cameras and transmitters installed in them. And by commenting on what I was seeing on my computer screen they made me think I was constantly being hacked. None of this was true.

This graduated revealing of their technologies which includes conversations, then voice transformation, then injections of emotions (emotional signal clustering), then lie detection, then forced speech, then hive mind telepathy, then bio-robotization (heterodyning) et al. allows them to create elaborate treatments but it also establishes a timeline of “experiences” that I believe reveals a distinct pattern or signature that’s completely unique to all Voice to Skull victims. Journalists, lawyers and mental health experts, take note.

Ramola D: Would you like to address this distinctive pattern further, which separates Voice to Skull Torture from what psychiatrists call paranoid delusional systems, audio-visual hallucinations, schizophrenia, and schizoid disorders?

Chris Burton: Yes, let me interject with something very important here regarding treatments and this signature pattern of experiences. We’re all familiar with Dr. Lorraine Sheridan and her group-stalking “study” which concludes that people who claim to have been group-stalked, or Voice to Skulled, are most likely delusional.

The basis of her study was an online survey which asked respondents questions that were taken from a PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) questionnaire that basically crossed out the word PTSD and replaced it with “group-stalking.” The questions Sheridan published asked respondents how their condition made them feel, as opposed to being investigatory in nature–as if it was already a foregone conclusion that group-stalking was a mental illness. Sheridan actually cites one of her own papers in the study which suggests group-stalking is “indicative of paranoid delusional systems” which underscores her bias. There are absolutely no references in her survey to the actual conversations people were having with their torturers. This is akin to asking the diplomats in Cuba to explain their feelings, not their symptoms.

Voice to Skull torturers follow a very strict protocol that protects their anonymity while they’re constantly building up treatments. If this protocol and the survey respondents’ description of their treatments were addressed in Dr. Sheridan’s questionnaire, it would have provided a huge amount of insight into the Voice to Skull claims being made by a good number of gang-stalking victims.

It’s apparent from the very beginning when you’re Voice to Skulled that the conversations are coming from human beings because the torturers are always revealing personality traits unwittingly. They use different grammar and diction than you do. Some might speak by pairing prepositions with the word “which” all the time, like an academic, when you (I) don’t. They might make mistakes commenting about the law or historical information (that you happen to know). They might crack up laughing at something funny you said or at the absurdity of the situation. They might even break down and cry as they’re recalling all of the horrible things they’ve put you through.

Torturers never tell you what they look like, or where they grew up, where they went to dinner last night, what their favorite food is, what kind of car they drive, what they do for fun, how many kids they have, what kind of books or movies they like, what nationality they are, and the list goes on and on and on. They speak non-stop, 16+ hours a day, year after year, discussing minute details about your friends, family, and others they claim are involved, but they never break the protocol which protects their anonymity, as if they know what they’re saying is being recorded. Nothing that could triangulate the identity of a torturer is ever mentioned out loud.

Torturers have to concentrate extremely hard in order to create sentences that abide by their protocol. And having to speak so much eventually breaks down their act. This, and the Emmy-winning writing that goes into the treatments, which just picks right up from where it left off the day before, is why real victims of Voice to Skull just roll their eyes when they read books about schizophrenia, bi-polar or delusional disorder.

The conversations that Voice to Skull victims are hearing are completely different. And unlike the 300 million people with AVH and the 1/100 with schizophrenia, Voice to Skull victims report the unique experience of people speaking through their mouths and moving their body parts! Talk about a pattern of “symptoms” that’s completely unique to Voice to Skull.

Ramola D: It’s clear there’s more to this torture than just “voices in heads” pulsed in using military EMF neurotechnology—let’s explore that further shortly.

To return to your early experience, I understand you were bullied by these Voice to Skullers to actually close your successful IT company.

Chris Burton: After about half a year into my torture, I realized I was in big, big trouble. Once they knew I was really scared they told me, in a very calm manner, that they were going to kill me if I didn’t stop working in the IT consulting industry. I was afraid for my life and had no choice but to close down Watermill. They also threatened my sister’s life a week later describing where she had parked that evening. Now, 13 years later, after experiencing so many hundreds of treatments, I regret my decision to close my business and destroy my IT consulting career but at the time it was the only decision I could have made. The technology and treatments are so scary that you can’t take any chances! All a Voice to Skuller needs to do is tell you what color your little girl’s dress is that day and you’ll quit your job, change your testimony, leave the country, or potentially hurt yourself. They have that kind of power.

Ramola D: So this neuroweapon system, by way of its intimidating voice-in-head technology and psychological CIA-Torture techniques is being used as an insidious Social Engineering tool—to effect destructive actions like shutting down a successful career with overt and implied death threats.

Chris Burton: There are three deaths connected to specific treatments they put me through (which are described in my YouTube testimony). Two people died only days after being mentioned on Voice to Skull and my cousin’s mother in law, Vera Gowlland-Debbas, the International Law School Professor, came down with cancer and died eight months after I contacted her and went public on Facebook in 2014.

Ramola D: Are you saying this Voice to Skull program then is connected to a powerful Black Ops organized crime network that doesn’t think twice about committing murders–that people whose names are mentioned by Voice to Skull are being targeted for death?

Chris Burton: Clearly there are no rules of any kind in place for these programs and because there are so many compartmentalized entities taking part in the research, there’s no telling how many personal or political grudges are being settled in these experiments. They’re doing everything they can to protect their anonymity which gives them a license to torture people to suicide and weave into treatments anything they like.

My YouTube testimony goes into the deaths related to my torture pretty deeply. One of the deaths, the most recent one, which happened in January was so traumatizing I thought it had been faked. I just couldn’t believe it happened. Voice to Skull imitated a very good friend of mine for a couple hours one night and he died of a seizure a few days later. This was the very first time they had ever spoken of or imitated this person. His name is David Scott.

Another death, Karen Quintana, who died of an aneurysm in 2014, occurred two days after Voice to Skull spent four hours scolding me about my friendship with her son-in-law. I had just met her a couple weeks before. After that happened I packed my bags and moved to SE Asia to go public about her death and write a book about my experiences with Voice to Skull.

Vera’s death was another traumatic loss that created terrible confusion and anger in me. Vera Gowlland-Debbas was a world-renowned international law school professor and was Palestine’s legal advisor. When I moved to SE Asia to write about Karen’s death I notified Vera and she immediately came down with an aggressive cancer that killed her eight months later. If I had been given a chance to explain Voice to Skull to her, she would have been one of our biggest advocates.

Because these programs are classified, and therefore walled off from society and the law, news about them, if it ever comes, is twenty or more years away so intelligence agencies and researchers can remove anyone they want who’s associated with a TI with zero repercussions. It’s just like walking down the street and sticking someone you don’t like with a needle and giving them Syphilis during the Tuskegee experiments. There’s no difference.

Part 2: Synthetic Telepathy, Hive-Minds, Brain-Cloning, Emotion-Injections, Full Body Takeover – The Living Manchurian Candidate Program

Ramola D: I understand you are making a distinction between Voice to Skull and Synthetic Telepathy. How do you define the latter? What was the first instance of Synthetic Telepathy you can recall?

Chris Burton: Synthetic telepathy was introduced to me after I had lost everything. I quit Watermill and my career in IT consulting because of the death threats, and worked for seven years to build up my credibility in the charity fundraising industry as a way of both protesting the torture and proclaiming my innocence.

I thought that if I created fundraising businesses that exclaimed, “Look at me, I’m raising money for all of these schools and charities,” someone in the Voice to Skull hierarchy or chain of command would take notice and shut down my torture program, but my appeal to their humanity didn’t work and I lost my life savings and home in the process. The Voice to Skullers tortured me non-stop with treatments and other psychological torture techniques the whole time I was working on these companies.

Here are some graphics from the three charity fundraising businesses I started. allowed customers to donate 30-100% of the profit from over 4000 pet products to one of over 200 schools and 501(c)(3)s. We worked with American Humane, Goodwill, the YMCA, the Wounded Warrior Project, Rush Soccer and many more well-known organizations.

chris-expo1Transitions Expo was a college and career fair for underprivileged youth that benefited The Street School Network. For-profit and state schools/community colleges were represented under one roof.

Pet Family Deals was a 50/50 partnership with the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association. It provided pet-related daily deals, similar to a Groupon for pets.

Chris-7aAfter I lost my loft to foreclosure in 2010, I moved into a friend’s house who did a lot of traveling. I was alone most of the time so the Voice to Skullers created a treatment I call the vetting sessions. They knew my cousin’s wife was an environmental lawyer for the UN and her mother, Vera, was a world renowned international law school professor who wrote the ICJ advisory opinion on the legality of the separation wall in Palestine, Legal Consequences of a Separation Wall in Occupied Palestinian Territory, so they pretended that my inclusion in the torture program was causing a huge debate within the institution(s) heading the experiments.

They put on a mock trial which vetted my character and involved a sort of defense lawyer who spoke on my behalf. They said Susan Herman and Jameel Jaffer from the ACLU were involved along with some of my cousin’s friends from LA (who were important people). Once again, this treatment required me to talk about every aspect of my life to the torturers who were pretending to be something like a secret society.

When I brought up the charity fundraising I had done, one particular Voice to Skuller I call Hoarse Voice (because his voice sounded hoarse all the time) spoke up and screamed in my defense, “Listen assholes, Chris was doing everything right and you still Voice to Skulled him!” When this happened, I could literally feel his emotion in my body. He yelled at the other Voice to Skullers for a few minutes and I noticed my hands had clenched up into fists and my lips were mouthing his words! This was the introduction of emotion injecting, body takeovers, and hive mind/synthetic telepathy.

During the vetting sessions treatment, which lasted a week, they brought up a test I had cheated on in high school which I didn’t want to talk about. When they brought it up again a few minutes later, I thought for a second about the cheating, at which point one of the Voice to Skullers exclaimed suddenly, “That’s it, we got him!” This is how they introduced mind-reading and just like all of their technology reveals, it was woven into an elaborate treatment which made me think I had a chance of being released.

It was during the vetting sessions when Voice to Skull started scolding me for being friends with Karen Quintana’s son in law. When I heard Karen passed away two days later I decided to go public and moved to Cambodia and Vietnam in 2014 to write a book about my experiences. My YouTube testimony details a lot about my torture in SE Asia.

When I moved back to the US in 2015, they revealed hive-mind/synthetic telepathy in Palo Alto and I’ve been communicating with them telepathically ever since. Before that, for ten years, I had been speaking out loud to communicate with them.

Synthetic Telepathy is the ability to communicate to the Voice to Skullers by just thinking. Today I realize that they were probably using telepathy on their end the whole time but for years I thought they were using some sort of headset with a microphone.

Ramola D: Are you saying that you think Voice to Skull–the experience of their voices sounded in your head–was actually just Synthetic Telepathy all along? Or what exactly are you saying?

Chris Burton: Yes. I think the Voice to Skullers were using Synthetic Telepathy the whole time on their end. Synthetic Telepathy and Voice to Skull sound exactly the same to the receiver. For 10 years I would talk back out loud, believing that was the only way they could hear me. They didn’t respond to my thoughts for 10 years which made me think I had to speak out loud.

By not revealing this aspect of the technology, and creating obvious “clues” like communicating with me only in my loft and car for three years, they made me think my neighbors were involved or that it was a surveillance operation being conducted by a group located somewhere in downtown Denver (using an LRAD sort of device to transmit the sound and a bug to pick up my voice). For years I would stay up late with a telescope and binoculars looking at all of the windows in downtown Denver hoping to see someone aiming a sonic device at me. This is all part of their game.

Robert Duncan says V2K is transmitted via ground based-transmitters and satellites (for redundancy) and can follow you almost anywhere on earth. He has written two books about the technology and claims they’re transmitting brain frequencies that are unique to the victim from a very long distance away. I’m sure they’re using a combination of technologies, but to the victim, as I said in the beginning, it feels like one beam that follows you around everywhere you go.

Ramola D: And both Synthetic Telepathy and V2K sound like normal voices, normally sounded?

Chris Burton: Yes, both sound exactly the same to the victim. When it first starts you immediately associate it with technologies you’ve heard of, like the LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Radar), so you think in analog terms as if there’s a person speaking into a microphone. Later, however, as they reveal more and more of the technology, you learn that what you’re hearing is not your cochlear membrane being vibrated or bone conduction.

It’s a frequency that’s actually firing neurons and recreating sounds by copying the exact nerve impulses sent from your ears or eyes to your brain. Later, when they started impersonating people’s voices, I realized everything I was hearing had been digitally transformed in some way and then transmitted into my brain. When you think in digital terms the precise capabilities of this technology become apparent.

Ramola D: You mentioned being treated to a major Voice to Skull treatment in Palo Alto. Did you experience both Hive-Mind/Synthetic Telepathy and V2K at this time?

Chris Burton: In Palo Alto, they put together a massive two-week treatment in which they brought together a large team of Voice to Skullers to play the roles of President Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Marissa Mayer, Ben Affleck, Trey Parker, Dustin Hoffman, James Hetfield, Fred Armison, Kristen Wig, my sister, my cousin Joe, my dad, and two former colleagues. They imitated the voices and personalities of everyone to perfection. Some, like the Obama, Fred Armison, and Trey Parker characters spoke for hours while others, like my sister, spoke only a few words.

For two weeks straight they kept me up until 5 am in this treatment that was intended to make me believe there was an elite group of celebrities and politicians, already well acquainted with Voice to Skull and hive mind telepathy, who were taking part in a giant reveal of the technology in anticipation of letting me go. They claimed I was going to be part of the leadership team that helped determine when and where Voice to Skull would ever be used in military or the private sector, if ever. The group (I never knew exactly who was in the hive mind until they spoke) improvised elaborate skits and sang songs at night that built me up as an “insider” in their club. The skits were led by the Fred Armison, Trey Parker, and Kristin Wig characters and were performed as well as any Broadway performance. It was THAT good.

A few days into this massive treatment, they introduced Hive Mind Telepathy. The hive mind basically allows the group to suggest words while another person is speaking. It’s a lot like hearing multiple words layered together in an audio track with one coming through a little louder than the others. When more than one person thinks of the same word, the software adds weight to that word which causes it to stand out. This allows the person speaking to improvise speeches and rhymes all night long.

In order to speak in the hive you have to “think out loud,” but the hive can also read your mind and give away the entire sentence you’re about to say (if you’ve already envisioned it). I’ll talk more about that aspect of the hive a little later in the interview because it’s a functionality they mostly keep turned off because when more than one person’s entire sentence is being communicated at the same time everything becomes sort of garbled and you can’t make out what is being said.

The group had their own lingo which was made up of phrases picked out ahead of time such as “itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polkadot bikini” which was used instead of words like small, puny, short, etc. By using these phrases, singing songs, and rhyming sentences they created a perfect example of what hive mind “chat rooms” might look like if the technology ever became public.

Each chat room I was put into had its own “personality” (e.g. cartoonish, sensual, business-like et al.) with their own (living) rules that changed based on funny things people would say in the hive mind. For example, one of the characters, I think it was the Trey Parker, said “myself and others” instead of “me” and it caught on so everyone started using “myself and others” instead of “me” or “I” whenever they spoke.

Other times rhymes would catch on and everyone would end their sentences with something that rhymed with “balloon,” for example. The treatment went on with puppet shows (using my hands to talk to each other), masturbation “chat rooms” in which you and a “girl” would be left alone so she could take over your hand, and topic rooms where you could chat about a certain subject matter.

I could talk for hours about this experience. It was the most well scripted and well produced “show” I’ve ever witnessed and was every bit as good as any SNL performance and it went on for two weeks. (The actual skits and songs were performed at night. In the daytime the “actors” would just talk with me.)

I honestly thought I was going to be released until, of course, after two weeks of building me up, they opened the trap door and told me the real reason for the performances. I had been chipped for the purposes of experimentation and the chip, which had a small battery connected to it, and was inserted all the way into my brain stem, was running out of juice. They told me my chip’s battery had a ten-year power supply and that when it died, I would die too because it was impossible to remove or replace. They said they got everyone together and created the skits as a way of saying goodbye. They imitated my dad and sister, both of whom were too “broken up” to see me off in person??

To add to the ruse, they hit me with what I call a P wave. It’s a wave that feels like pressure is being applied to your whole body. It’s very scary and can be increased to make you think you’re dying. They started it at a one and increased it to a ten over the course of about fifteen minutes while everyone said their goodbyes. The president said I’d be buried in Arlington. When the pressure got to about a seven I could feel my organs gurgling and bubbling, which Dr. Horton called cavitation in one of her videos. I just laid down in my bed and waited for it to be over. After 15 minutes of the P wave and organ gurgling I wasn’t dead yet, so I questioned why I hadn’t died and some of them started to giggle. After this, they tortured me relentlessly for weeks which ended up putting me into the hospital for a month. I’ll talk about that later.

One additional note. During this treatment, which involved the voice of a female ex-colleague I worked with at CompuCom Systems, they revealed how they could morph a girl’s voice into a guy’s voice in mid-sentence. This is the level of voice transformation software they have and highlights the fact that everything you hear over Voice to Skull has most likely been manipulated.

Before they morphed her voice into a guy’s they had built up a treatment, over a period of four months, having to do with her being recruited into Voice to Skull to help me get through it. They built up her character over time using her exact voice and mimicked her perfectly, right down to the way she spoke (which was very quickly).

She was supposedly “monitoring” the experiment someplace with my uncle. I didn’t believe this, but then during the two-week torture in Palo Alto, she started speaking all the time, and would laugh “genuinely” at anything funny I would say while the celebrities kidded us about our “relationship.” At night, she began to take over my hand and made me masturbate. The whole situation became so intolerable that I actually called CompuCom and left a voice mail asking someone to tell her to please stop torturing me.

They had me so wrapped up in that treatment that at one point I actually texted “I love you” to her but I quickly snapped out of it, realizing just how dangerous Voice to Skull really was, and texted her right back and said I’m a Voice to Skull victim and to please call the FBI if she ever heard a voice in her head. She replied, “Please don’t ever contact me again.” This was a very important person, ex-colleague, and former client of mine so you can see the kind of damage Voice to Skull can do to personal and professional relationships when they feel like it.

Ramola D: Yes, it appears so, with this voice morphing software especially. Really, this is all absolutely extraordinary information, especially about the Broadway-show “treatment” and the way the hive-mind works, including the major takeover of your body that the constant, elaborate “chat-room” back-and-forth communication seems to facilitate. We have to discuss this further in a podcast!

Can you describe what the voices sounded like—did they sound electronic or amplified, or just like normal human voices in close range? Where exactly did they seem to be coming from?

Chris Burton: The sound is faint, as if it’s coming through a wall, but it’s perfectly intelligible. It’s different than a sound-wave which becomes muffled as soon as it travels through a door or a wall. When Voice to Skull first started I put my ear to the walls in my loft but couldn’t find a place where the sound became louder or softer.

The voices were also omnidirectional which made them impossible to localize. The sound falls somewhere between thinking “out loud” and hearing someone speaking right next to you when your ears are plugged. And you can’t filter it out the way you can with ambient noise (e.g., at a ball game or concert). You could be listening to loud music on headphones and everything they say is perfectly intelligible even though it’s faint. It literally cuts through all audible sound and your thoughts like a knife and grabs 100% of your attention.

Unless they’re hitting you with Thought Interruption or Injection, or Freezing Your Mind (which started for me in 2015), you can think clearly while the conversations are being beamed into your brain so it’s not like the “voices” are your only thoughts. Your brain is still thinking about other things, you just have this conversation going on that you can’t turn off. Another hallmark of Voice to Skull is a very high-pitched ringing (tinnitus) they transmit into your head once a week or so that usually lasts only a few seconds. Think of the sound the mortician’s camera made in Silence of the Lambs when he photographed the butterfly cocoon. It’s a super high frequency tone that, when it’s transmitted, makes you think that they’re calibrating something. I always suspected it was associated with Voice to Skull but didn’t know for sure until after year ten when they started transmitting it all the time (making it go up in pitch and down in pitch).

After eleven years of beaming only Voice to Skull voices into my head they introduced Forced Speech in Palo Alto. One day they just surprised me and said, “Hi Chris, this is Joe!” and it was my cousin Joe’s voice coming through my mouth. This means they can control your breathing, tongue, larynx and vocal chords. They can also cause your vocal chords to expand/relax and make you speak much lower than your normal voice. They can impersonate voices through you, like my cousin’s, and send heavily synthesized voices through you too. They never sent a woman’s voice through me but they did a good very good James Hatfield impersonation.

Ramola D: So that is a level of neuro-assault and takeover that is well beyond piping voices into heads via Voice to Skull—others report Forced Speech too. Did you understand by that point you were being assaulted with Black Ops military-grade neural weapons? What did you think was happening? How did you react?

Chris Burton: When I lived in my loft in Denver I thought the conversations were being transmitted from one of the units across the alley or from the parking garage a few hundred feet away. You can see how exposed my unit was in these pictures.


As I said earlier, for years they only Voice to Skulled me in my loft and in my car which made me think my neighbors were involved. When they started Voice to Skulling me everywhere I went in Denver, I realized it was something much bigger, possibly incorporating cell tower sites or even satellites. When the torture followed me to Cambodia and Vietnam I was convinced it was military technology.

The torturers are also professionally trained and very intelligent people so when you add up the expenses in just my torture den alone you’re talking about four or more people being paid at least 100K (or more) for 13 years which is over $5 million in torture labor alone. Add to that the people who don’t speak (developers and other team members) and the equipment (ground-based transmitters and/or satellites etc.), and you’re talking about a massive budget for something that no investor will ever be able to go public with. It can only be a massive classified Military/Intelligence project with subcontractors, or a private entity that’s selling the technology piece by piece to the military (both of which bypass the Common Rule which governs federally-funded experimentation on humans).

As I explained to you over the phone, this tech can take over your entire mind and nervous system to the degree that you literally become a back-seat passenger in your own body. The Hive-Mind Telepathy and Forced Speech was startling when they introduced it in Palo Alto but that was after they revealed the beginnings of the Bio-Robotization which was extremely scary. I had been tortured for 10 years straight with just voices and then out of nowhere one day they hit me with pulsed waves that violently shook individual parts of my body, one at a time.

One day, in Palo Alto, I was driving, and they told me to stop the car because they wanted to “test some waves” on me. I pulled over and they said, “Okay here’s wave number one” and immediately my left hand started moving side to side really fast, about 3-4 times per second. After shaking my hand for about five minutes, they said, “Okay, here’s the second wave,” and hit me with a frequency that made my entire left arm, from the elbow to the tip of my fingers, start whacking my chest over and over.

After five minutes of that, they announced, “Now we’re going to try out the gas-pedal wave,” and my right foot began depressing the gas pedal about 20 times. Finally, they said, “Okay, here’s the last wave” and, all of a sudden, my entire torso began thrusting itself against the steering wheel over and over for about 15 minutes. I thought they were killing me off at this point so I dried my tears, lit a cigarette, and just waited for the end.

Ramola D: That just sounds criminal. Essentially each time, it was a wave of powerful frequency or directed energy sent directly to distinct body parts—first your hand, then your entire arm, then your leg, and finally your torso—this was not neural influence or frequency sent to your brain?

Chris Burton: It was a neural frequency sent to my brain which actually had the capability of controlling all of my body parts but I didn’t know that. Up that point, I had thought Voice to Skull was just a number of individual frequencies that could send voices, influence your emotions, disrupt your mind and give an indication of whether or not you were telling the truth. Just those capabilities seemed out of this world to me.

The waves that moved my body parts in the car were pulsed so it made me think they were testing new frequencies that had particular attributes (one can shake your hand, one can shake your arm etc.).

When they revealed Forced Speech, moved my hands for the puppet shows, and took over my hand in the masturbation “chat rooms” I began to realize the technology could affect every part of my brain and nervous system. A year later they actually took over 100% of my body in a hotel room in Mexico and walked me around like a marionette! They had total control. I couldn’t move a muscle or even think for myself. They’re very good at revealing the technology in graduated steps and weaving them into your treatments (to maximize the torture). You’re always thinking to yourself, “I can’t believe they can do this” but later they show you even more.

Ramola D: And that’s the crux, isn’t it, of the CIA’s long-studied, secretive MK ULTRA intentions, as reported by John Marks and others–to create fully-controllable “assets” or spies or assassins: the Manchurian Candidate Project.

During this time period, were you experiencing other aspects that others being targeted covertly with EMF/sonic/neuro weapons have reported, such as stalking, or being hit physically with DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons)?

Chris Burton: I talked about what Michael Raines did to me in Half Moon Bay, which I think could be described as gang-stalking. But in Palo Alto, one night, they actually sent someone over to talk to me who was wearing a Manchurian Candidate Project sweatshirt.

I was sitting under the canopy at a bus stop to wait out a rainstorm, near the house where I was renting a room, and was approached by a guy I had met the week before at the same bus stop. When he got closer, one of the Voice to Skullers said, “Hey, look there’s Greg, he’s not so tough looking…” and without me saying a thing, the guy, Greg, started laughing hysterically.

Voice to Skull then remarked, “You see Chris, Greg is a friend of ours, we know people everywhere.” Greg just continued laughing and nodded his head and that’s when I looked down at his sweatshirt and couldn’t believe what I saw. It had “The Manchurian Candidate Project” embroidered on the top left chest area in red and black lettering. Greg showed me a music video on his cell phone and then got up to walk to another bus station and I just let him walk away. I honestly thought this meeting meant Voice to Skull was about to end, but it didn’t.

Of course, now I regret not stopping Greg and getting his information but Voice to Skull knows what it’s doing. They knew I didn’t have my cell phone with me and couldn’t take his picture. He (Greg) had told me the week before that he was on parole so I’m sure I could identify his mugshot (he looked like Michael Irving), but what police officer is going to believe my story.

Regarding DEWs, the torturers like to shock me unexpectedly when I’m just laying around but I wouldn’t call that being shot with electromagnetic bullets the way Dr. Horton describes it. They’re just transmitting the sensation of being shocked. They can also do this with itches and some aches and pains. I did notice that my abdomen was very warm to the touch one night when I was walking down the street in Mexico, which my Voice to Skullers took credit for.

Ramola D: Which could suggest some sort of DEWs maybe—perhaps not Pulsed Energy Projectiles (a US Navy-described weapon) as Dr. Horton describes, but remote electro-shocks like Taser hits and possibly microwave weapons.

Chris Burton: The torturers did display a technology in Palo Alto that I’m honestly afraid to talk about out of fear that I won’t be believed. I’ll touch on it a little because it is 100% true and maybe someone else has experienced the same thing.

When I walked around Palo Alto one night the torturers told me to pick a carnation that was growing on a hedge and hold it in the palm of my hand. The weather was perfect and there was no wind. Without me doing anything, the carnation rolled right off of my hand and onto the street. I picked it up and put it back on my palm, which I made as flat as possible, and it rolled right off again. It was late at night and nobody was on the street, of course, so I asked the Voice to Skullers to demonstrate it on me while I stood in the middle of the street hoping someone from an office or house would see me. Voice to Skull didn’t care and demonstrated the effect about 25 times. The carnation was literally pushed right off of my hand every time.

They also demonstrated this effect with a chicken wing a few days later, so they can push things that are heavier than carnations. Incidentally, that night was also the first time they took over my hand. I was eating at a Kabab place and they began spinning a fork I was holding in my right hand. When all of this technology is being displayed, and they’re talking through your own mouth, you tend to believe that they’re leading up to something big (like the end of the program) but it never comes.

Ramola D: Did you mention to anyone what was going on—and what happened when you spoke to your friend about it?

Chris Burton: When Voice to Skull first started I tried to tell my childhood best friend about it when he came over to my loft to hang out one night. I asked him to listen as hard as he could for the voices but he said he couldn’t hear anything. This was before the Voice to Skullers threatened my life so I talked back to them like a tough guy, honestly believing my friend believed me, and said something like, “You assholes, you think you’re bad asses don’t you?”

After an hour or so of explaining to my friend that these people were harassing me, he got up to leave saying he had to call his wife. He was gone for an hour and then returned with two Denver police officers. When I opened the door, my friend was crying and said, “I’ve known you for 23 years and I’ve never heard you talk to yourself.”

That’s when one of the officers told me, “You can come with us voluntarily or we can hog-tie you and carry you out.” I couldn’t believe he had me removed from my own house. He never seemed worried or agitated. He just sat there quietly when I was talking back to the Voice to Skullers.

Ramola D: Why do you think your own friend, who had known you for years, would call the police on you—this does not even sound normal. Had you said anything that might justify his action? Is it possible this friend had all along been a covert operative of sorts? (We are after all living in the age of non-stop Covert Ops and trillion-dollar Black Budgets.)

Chris Burton: My friend, Jason Coulter, was an MP (Military Police) in the Air Force which leads me to believe that he might have been involved. He claimed once to have seen the CIA fly dead US soldiers out of Panama and always said he was skeptical of the government, but if this was pitched as “the most important science experiment known to man,” or however it’s put to perpetrators, he’d probably buy in.

I’m his son’s godfather which makes his potential involvement all the more painful.

After he called the police, he told my sister and my parents, so pretty soon everyone in my family and friendship circle knew what had happened and started to patronize me. Because of this I spent the next seven years working on my charity fundraising companies in absolute silence about Voice to Skull in hopes of building back my credibility.

When I moved to Cambodia and went public on Facebook everyone just attributed my Facebook post to the episode in my loft. One of my best friends started telling people I had gone “bat shit crazy.” I think most of us have faced this sort of thing. You could be the most stable or accomplished or educated person in your group of friends but the second you bring up this technology you instantly become a pariah.

Ramola D: What happened afterward—was a psychiatrist involved, how did your family react?

Chris Burton: My sister came to my loft a week later and recommended I see a psychiatrist she had found. I told her absolutely not, I wasn’t going to see any doctors. I said point blank that I’m hearing living breathing people talking to me through some sort of ultrasound device and wasn’t interested in arguing with her.

That’s when Voice to Skull jumped in and said, “Chris, if you don’t see the psychiatrist we are going to kill your sister.” The very next words out of my mouth were, “Okay, I’ll go see the psychiatrist.” The death threats against me and my sister flipped my world upside down.

When something like that happens, you realize instantly that you’re on an island and nobody is going to help you. I told the psychiatrist that I never heard any voices in my head and must have been overhearing one of the neighbors outside on their balcony, but she didn’t buy it. Once an intelligent person (like my sister) crafts a narrative to a doctor about someone being mentally ill, or worse, potentially anosognostic, they and the doctor bond and the situation mutates into this altruistic mission to never let the “illness” win.

There’s nothing worse than the doggedness of an uninformed person. I simply complained about someone speaking to me through a sonic device, but because the US classified the technology it sounds to the uninformed like an alien abduction.

Ramola D: You have a highly educated family, I understand. Were they educated about ongoing military testing with electronic weapons—such as microwave weapons and neuroweapons?


Chris Burton: Graduation Photograph

Chris Burton: Absolutely not. My dad, who’s a retired geologist, and my uncle are former Naval officers and neither one of them will have a conversation with me about electromagnetic weapons or neuroweapons. What really upsets me is that my uncle, John Coggi, who’s retired now, went to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and was the launch commander of the Milstar program (Milstar is a telecommunications satellite array), and is an expert in geosynchronous orbits.

When I went public in 2014 on Facebook, I wrote to him and explained that I had been tortured for the last ten years with Voice to Skull and that all of my fundraising work (over the last seven years) had been pursued to build up my credibility and protest the torture. At first, he sounded supportive and told me to go to the Physics department at the University of Colorado and check to see if any damage had been done to my body. As it turned out, however, he and my dad were working together to lure me back to the U.S. so they could lock me up involuntarily.

When I asked him what he knew about microwave weapons, he told me a person would need two PhDs to understand what waves can do and that a lot of countries are working on various wave technologies. He said that he was part of a team that discovered a wave that could penetrate the ocean 2000 feet to deliver messages to submarines but that he really didn’t know much about where the technology was today.

His son works for the Aerospace Corporation and won a very prestigious award for architecting a database that tracks all of the military’s satellites and he hasn’t said a word to me either. I think about them possibly putting me into this program all the time but just can’t allow myself to believe it. During the SNL skits in Palo Alto the torturers constantly weaved my uncle John, my other uncle Vince (who was the past president of the Los Angeles County Medical Association), and Vera Gowlland-Debbas into the treatment as if they were involved.

Ramola D: I understand you started traveling. Did the V2K follow you? Were you able to shield at all from these neuro-assaults?

Chris Burton: As I mentioned, the Voice to Skullers only spoke to me in my loft and car for three years which made me think it was being done by my neighbors, an intelligence agency using a surveillance van/truck, or gang stalkers who would follow me around. After about three years they began communicating with me every place I went in Denver.

Chris-Top of Bokor

View from Bokor

I moved to Cambodia in 2014 to write a book about the torture and the torture followed me there. I bought a bunch of books to read on my Kindle related to torture, Cambodia, the Vietnam war, and bullying, and occasionally would share interesting passages with the Voice to Skullers in my hotel room in Phnom Penh which would prompt long conversations.

Chris-bikesBuddhaMy hotel was a couple blocks away from the Russian Embassy so the torture used that as an excuse to insert a new character, Vladimir Putin, into my treatments. Whenever I stepped into the bathroom, “Vladimir” would speak to me about the Cold War. He said my uncle John was a “person of interest” to the KGB back in the ’70s and ’80s (laughing). This Vladimir spoke perfect English so it wasn’t a very good imitation.

Chris-picWhen I moved to Sihanoukville in southern Cambodia the torture went with me and built up an entire treatment about George Bush and Michelle Obama taking an interest in my case. When I rented a motorcycle and rode to Kompot and Bokor Mountain through some rural parts of southern Cambodia, the Voice to Skull talked to me the whole time.

Their voices were perfectly clear. They were commenting on every lane change I made hoping I’d believe that their “intelligence agency” was in contact with Hun Sen and his “daughter” who wanted to ride with me.

Chris-11The voices were perfectly clear in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (and on the train from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi). And when my uncle and dad convinced me to come back to the USA the Voice to Skullers told me on the airplane, “Chris thinks he’s coming back to Vietnam” which didn’t make any sense at the time because I had a girlfriend in Vietnam and had left half of my things there. When my dad had me locked up for the psych evaluation I realized what they meant. Fortunately, I was released after 13 days and I went back to Vietnam (with a delusional diagnosis).

Ramola D: Through this time, do you think the V2K–or the AI administering the V2K via cloned and recorded voices—was communicating with you in real time or did it sound like a recording? You’ve mentioned EEG or brain cloning, which ex-CIA/DOD scientist Robert Duncan writes about. How did V2K progress into something even more invasive?

Chris Burton: I’d say my torture is 90-95% administered by humans in real time, not AI. Unless they’re letting me type, like they are now, or watch a movie, we’re always in non-stop two-way conversation. I always test this by asking them abstract questions that requires an understanding of the words I’m using and the context of the question.

As I mentioned before, for the first ten years I was tortured with Voice to Skull conversations and then they introduced Emotion Injections, Forced Speech, Hive Mind/Synthetic Telepathy, Dream Manipulation, Image Insertion, Thought Injection/Interruption, and Bio-Robotization (which is the same thing the other Voice to Skull victims are reporting).

Now, I have a clone (researcher) who inhabits me 100% of the time. This started in 2016 after they took me over completely in the hotel room in Mexico. If you haven’t read much about Voice to Skull you probably don’t know about clones, but it’s a whole other level of torture. The clone is there, I believe, to try to influence you subliminally and help design the thinking algorithms for imperceptible thought hijacking and body movement. I honestly have no idea why they’re doing this to us, I can only comment on what they’re putting us through.

My clone’s name is John and he started torturing me in 2015 through Forced Speech in Palo Alto. Recently he has been leaving me alone during the day because I’m taking an online class but normally he’s talking to me, through my mouth, all day long (he also speaks to the other Voice to Skullers through the hive). The other Voice to Skullers still communicate with me through the hive using synthetic telepathy. At any moment, I can basically summon John and he’s right in tune with whatever I’m doing and can respond with something witty. He’ll do things like move the radio dial if he wants to change the channel or move my eyes if he wants to look at something.

Voice to Skull reveals its technology progressively, over many years, mainly because it’s a long-term program and wants to maximize every bit of the torture (and measure people’s responses to it). I also think they reveal the technology in stages to protect their “investments” because if they spoke though someone, or moved their body parts without that person having any sort of experience with Voice to Skull they’d probably run out into the street screaming and get hit by a car.

Another perspective is that they reveal the technology gradually so that it appears like the onset of some terrible mental illness but what kind of mental illness uses well known psychological torture techniques, builds up treatments, follows a protocol that protects its anonymity, verbally announces new “symptoms” like violently shaking your hands, arms, legs and torso, speaks through your mouth, stimulates you sexually, creates puppet shows with your hands, shocks different parts of your body annoyingly for fun, freezes your ability to think (but only when you’re just about to say something important on the phone or in a meeting), and eventually takes over your entire body in a hotel room and leaves you with a full time clone who inhabits your body all day long? This is what Voice to Skull victims are reporting all over the planet in the same exact sequence! It’s simply astonishing that journalists, doctors, friends and family haven’t picked up on this.

Ramola D: Yes, and this media and medical professional blackout seems to point to intelligence agency control. Those of us educated on these matters however understand that several neuro-technologies exist for remote access of the human brain – some of which are now in the public domain, some mentioned in DARPA and other military projects, some revealed by whistleblowers, but many still hidden.

As you note, Robert Beck, author of Body Electric has gone on record speaking about the inability to stop what he calls the magnetic H wave by any kind of shielding: brain entrainment with frequencies has been recorded as occurring even inside a Faraday cage. What were some of your experiences trying to limit or escape these assaults?

Chris Burton: I have to believe Robert Duncan when he says it’s extremely difficult to shield against this technology. I’ve personally experienced everything he talks about in his lectures and book so why would I not believe his statements about shielding. I don’t see them developing a technology designed to wage covert war that can simply be scanned for or shielded against. I also can’t believe the militaries and intelligence agencies involved would ever allow themselves to get caught. I’m definitely not a scientist or PhD, however, so I’ll never claim to understand how it works or argue with someone who has an opinion about shielding or the various methods by which frequencies can be transmitted.

The notion that you can just meditate or think about something else doesn’t hold water in terms of Voice to Skull. The torturers are on you 24/7 and can outlast any attempt to think about nothing or repeat the same mantra. V2K voices, Thought Interruption and Thought Injection Torture taps into the core of the brain. Each one can be applied at different intensities which, at the high end, can completely consume your mind (making it impossible to think about anything else). Once they torture you at a high intensity with electromagnetic-specific torture techniques (which are both physical and psychological) such as Thought Interruption, Thought Reflection, and many others, your brain just begins to spurt out reflexive thoughts uncontrollably and you literally become “mad” for a period of time.

The constant application of these increasingly destructive torture techniques coupled with statements like, “We’re torturing you until death do us part,” which they tell me all the time, reveals the psychopathy of the torturers and absolute hopelessness of our situations. And even though the symptoms reported by the diplomats in Cuba describe the same things I and other victims have reported (cognitive problems, word recall, ear ringing et al.) the US still refuses to acknowledge the existence of psychotronic weapons (labeling the attacks in Cuba as “sonic” to the dismay of experts who say the physics of a “sonic” attack don’t add up), which is the real nail in our coffin.

Voice to Skull victims are simply at the mercy of their torturers because there are no proven ways to shield against the attacks. Our only defense is to appeal to their humanity. It’s a prisoner of war/guard sort of relationship. The only thing that can save victims is liberation.

The Downloading of the Human Brain to a Computer

Ramola D: And let’s hope that happens soon, as soon as Americans become aware this is what the military and CIA/DIA/NSA are doing in those Special Access Above Top Secret projects, with black budgets and taxpayer money, torturing Americans to create Manchurians. Crying “National Security!” to keep it all hidden.

So it did not stop at V2K—what started to happen? How did further kinds of neuro-assaults begin to occur?

Chris Burton: They have taken me all the way to a full Manchurian Candidate takeover. As I explained earlier, the program revealed more and more of the technology, progressively, over the course of 13 years. The first ten were spent on Voice to Skull treatments but the last three have been spent dealing with the injection of emotions, bio-robotization, dream manipulation, image insertion, thought injection and interruption, hive mind telepathy, and subliminal messaging/scanning.

Once I saw the “Manchurian Candidate Project” written on Greg’s sweatshirt at the bus stop I knew I was in for a terrible journey. They warned me that they were going to take me over completely when I was staying at a hotel in Mexico back in November of last year. That was a difficult time because I couldn’t envision exactly what being “taken over” meant. Was my eyesight going to fade out? Was I going to lose consciousness? Was I going to be tossed off a balcony? Was I going to hurt someone? They built up my takeover over a period of few weeks and it was scary as hell.

When it finally happened, I was in my hotel room talking to John, my clone, about what being taken over feels like, which was the topic of conversation for the last couple of weeks, and he just went ahead and did it. I was laying on the bed when it started and John talked through the entire experience. He said, “Well, I could move your foot off the bed like this, walk you over to the door like this, turn the knob on the door like this, walk over to the chair like this, sit down, stand up, walk back to the bed and lay down, and you can’t do anything about it.”

And he was right. John took complete control of my body and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was completely paralyzed and I couldn’t think of anything except for what he was saying. Once they have your brain mapped, they can overlay what feels like a stronger electromagnetic field (like a blanket) that just completely overpowers your own. I can only describe it as feeling paralyzed but experiencing yourself walking around. You can’t control a single muscle. I couldn’t even think of relaxing my muscles. The clone just overpowers you and you do whatever he does in real-time. John could have done anything he wanted to with my body that night (and still can).

The takeover happened eight months ago. What’s very unnerving is that now I can sense John inside of me all the time. It’s like we’re sharing my mind 70/30 with me controlling 70%. I’m managing the controls but he’s there the whole time. The stage we’re at is very clear to me – imperceptible thought and body takeovers. This brings me to what I mentioned in the very beginning of the interview about the gulf between perceptible and imperceptible shrinking rapidly. This is where, I feel, they are with the technology and what my experiments are focusing on. The technology would just be a demonic possession freak show if it remained perceptible to the victim so now they’re working on making their thoughts feel more like my thoughts. This seems like the next frontier in Voice to Skull (if it hasn’t already been perfected).

In terms of what the non-militarized version of this technology can do for science someday, if they can offload a certain percentage of a person’s thinking to a computer they might be able to bypass certain abnormalities in the brain or the onset of a brain disease. This Voice to Skull “beam” that I referred to is the brain-to-computer interface that’s overlapping my thoughts and serving as my mind, at least part of the time. I can tell part of my mind is thinking at an offsite location because the way I process thoughts has changed. It’s slower, more sequential, and feels extremely limited. I’m also not being “granted access” to parts of MY cerebral cortex because I can’t do very simple math problems or spell whatsoever.

Voice to Skull has also rewritten some of my thinking algorithms just for the fun of it. For example, they’ll cause me to call up an image of a dick pic whenever I think about an old friend of mine named Brian. Brain and I are old college buddies and we’re both heterosexual and I’ve never seen his dick before. Whenever this happens they laugh so I know they wrote the algorithm on purpose. They do a lot of things like this, and worse, with your thinking, that are completely out of bounds. Let your mind wonder a bit and they’ve probably done it.

Ramola D: Is there a difference between the Brain Cloning that you report and the Hive Minding you have learned about? Are you experiencing suppression of your own self, mind, and personality in both cases?

Chris Burton: I talked about the clone, John, a little bit ago. I call him my inhabitor because that’s what having a clone inside of you feels like. It’s a lot like having someone constantly looking over your shoulder. I’m sure they could just artificially maintain this sensation but I get the feeling they’re trying to match my brain to the clone’s so we’re both experiencing the same exact thing (or as close to it as possible).

The clone is always right in tune with whatever I’m experiencing. I could be sitting in a chair thinking about whether or not the clone can wink (I’ve never been able to wink for some reason) and a second later the clone will try to wink (which he can’t do either when he’s inside of me). He’s paying attention to everything that’s happening 24/7 which basically keeps me in a state of constant fear.

Recently, the Voice to Skullers have been feeding me a lot of thoughts that kind of swirl around in my head with some being more noticeable than others. They’re not instantaneous and lightning quick by any means. When I say thoughts, I really mean words. In my case, they haven’t injected or inspired entire actions yet, like “walking over to the fridge to eat the leftovers,” or “going outside to the car to grab the bag you left in the back seat.” This is what I consider to be a complete thought.

I have, however, heard of the hypnosis Millicent has experienced and am worried that I’m going to be used for experiments that go a lot further than that. I honestly believe things are not going to end well for me and the other Manchurian Candidates.

The hive mind does not allow you to think with someone else’s intelligence. It’s also very hard to think deeply when you’re in the hive. We all know the feeling of “staring off into space.” That’s the state of mind you’re in when you’re in the hive communicating. None of our hive-mind conversations are deeply intelligent. You can piece together an intelligent-sounding poem or rhyme which, to an observer, might come across as intelligent, and you can be quick-witted, but it’s really hard to tap into anything except your basic vocabulary when you’re in the hive.

The hive can read your mind. If a person envisions an entire sentence in their head, before they speak it by “thinking out loud,” the hive can deliver the sentence to the group ahead of time, very quickly, in a way that feels almost subliminal. As I said earlier, they don’t always turn this functionality on because it tends to garble everyone’s thoughts together and you can’t make anything out. But when you’re in the hive with only 2-3 people, and one of them thinks of a short sentence, you can definitely make out the sentence before you hear it delivered “out loud” by the person speaking.

Ramola D: What exactly do you think this hive-mind team is trying to do?

Chris Burton: The torturers use the hive mind, and the words it suggests, about 95% of the time now. I think it’s a way to kind of de-individualize themselves and act psychopathic for their own enjoyment. It’s extremely juvenile but they do it so the victims know they’re “crazy” which is essential when trying to motivate a suicide. Up until last week most of their recent tortures had do with eliciting my thoughts. They would swirl around a bunch of barely perceptible thoughts in my head and see if/how I respond. These thoughts are usually pretty dirty so you’re always trying to change the subject in your head. But now they’re all taking part in a full-blown effort to motivate a suicide claiming that I have to die now that I went public again.

Every few days they keep me up until 4:00 am using a torture technique I call the Breathing Torture. This is when they say a specific word or phrase every single time I exhale. They also torture me a lot with Thought Reflection which I think is an AI-administered torture. It automatically responds, lightning fast, to any thought you have with a specific phrase or word, or repeats (reflects) the same thought (sometimes in another voice) right back into your head before you’ve finished it. The Breathing Torture and Thought Reflection Torture are usually paired together because the Breathing Torture forces your brain to respond by saying something like, “why are you doing this” which sparks the Thought Reflection torture. It creates a vicious loop of thoughts and reflections that can happen multiple times a second for as long as they feel like doing it.

Another electromagnetic specific torture technique they’ve created is to speak very slowly (like the slow-speaking sloth in Zootopia). This also elicits thoughts because your brain tries to fill in the…. very….long….pauses….. with what you think the torturers are going to say next. These thoughts can then be reflected back at you instantly, as I described above. Sometimes they just use the Sloth Torture for hours which is pretty agonizing but it’s nothing compared to Chanting or Non-Stop Thought Reflection (which have a very high probability of death).

Revealing These Torture Programs is Civilization’s Last Chance to Reel In Weaponized Neuroscience

Ramola D: Do you think the end-game of all these many brain tortures is total Neuro-Takeover and Bio-Robotizing of people so these agencies can simply go in and take over people’s brains at will—and use their bodies to covertly execute any kind of action or crime they wish?

Chris Burton: Yes, I do. I think the generals, or whoever makes the decisions to hurt people with exotic weaponry, wanted to know how far the technology could be taken and that’s what they’re getting. We’re all stuck in these programs for decades until, like Dr. Horton said, the leadership of these agencies/programs is removed, or we kill ourselves like so many TIs have.

As I mentioned before, I have experienced a complete body and mind takeover and it was terrible. It leaves you with the feeling that it could happen at any moment and you’re helpless to stop it. I described how Voice to Skull voices slice through everything and are impossible not to process, but with thought injection and body take-overs they’re forcing thoughts into your head and activating muscle movements that you can’t block or resist. Once they reach the point at which they can elicit entire actions that feel like your own, there will be no more ethical boundaries to cross in this science and we’ll never know, as individuals, who we ever were. Our personalities could just become dry and humorless like the engineers who developed the technology and we’d never know the difference.

The torturers tell me every day that the program will never end, so the end game for victims like me is suicide or living with the daily torture and fear that the next Manchurian Candidate takeover is going to send them to prison. The capabilities of this technology surpass everything in the US’s arsenal including thermonuclear bombs because it’s Stealth, has unlimited range, and leaves no marks.

This means they’re well known to the highest levels of government which means their use should have reflected the core values of the military and our country and never should have been used, but they were. The US chose to spend billions of dollars innovating offensive DEWs instead of developing defenses for its citizens and that’s all I need to know about West Point and what we term the “best and brightest.”

Voice to Skull is a money tree and the more they innovate its offensive capabilities the more they can fertilize the tree by advancing the notion that the best defense is a good offense. Like electroshock and water torture before them, neuroweapons will become distributed throughout the world and all of the tortures perfected in these experiments will render humanitarian organizations helpless when it comes to identifying and helping victims. Simply put, the longer these organizations stand on the sidelines and don’t say a word about the development of these weapons, the more useless they will become in the future to all of humanity.

My own experience in this program has proven to me that psychotronic/neuro weapons have already been innovated past the point at which they can serve, in military terms, as lethal and non-lethal strategic deterrents against attack by state and non-state actors (if they were publicized).

These weapons can already paralyze your mind and body and control/orchestrate every single muscle movement (including the heart) from thousands of miles away at light speed.

What these programs are doing now is extending the “endpoints” for non-consensual (neuro)science so far out into the future, utilizing the protections only top-secret classification provides, that the work itself, in addition to the already-deployed delivery system (transmitters and satellites), now constitutes an existential threat to the “souls” of everyone on the planet.

By continuing this arbitrarily defined pursuit to control human consciousness through software code that runs exactly the same way on everyone’s brain, the government is creating plutonium in the form of software that can wipe out the evolutionary traits and nurture that make our minds unique such as personality, intelligence, character, and decision making.

These systems, that can blast brain-altering electromagnetic frequencies anywhere on the globe, have already been deployed–which means the revealing of these torture programs represents the last chance civilization has to reel in weaponized neuroscience.

Part Three: The US/Globalist Voice to Skull Program as Death Camp for Victims: Not Socially Permissible Military/Intelligence Technology but Barbaric DOD/CIA Murder/Torture Weapon & Crime Against Humanity

Ramola D: Everything you report, Chris, about this Brain Control/Body Takeover program and your continuing experience of Guantanamo-style Death-Camp Captivity and Torture is seriously concerning and truly heart-rending. I really hope human rights advocates and caring humanity of every profession reading this wake up and start taking action to protect you and all Voice to Skull victims immediately.

I know there is more to this story you wish to convey. You have spoken about suicide ideation in the face of this intensive, continuous torture. You have spoken about your inability to resist the takeover of your motor movements. Is it really impossible to resist?

Chris Burton: With regard to the full body and mind takeover I described in the hotel, resisting doesn’t work. It’s like trying to resist a taser. You can’t resist a stronger electrical charge. That’s what it feels like. Your eyes are working, your ears are working, and your heart is pumping, but everything else is paralyzed.

In Palo Alto, when they hit me in the car with the four waves that shook my body parts, I could clench my fists but couldn’t stop the movement in my arms and torso. After the experience in the car they started hitting me with Thought Injection/Interruption and Chanting Torture which left me with no choice but to threaten suicide.

One of the ways I threatened suicide was by walking 1000 feet down a railing attached to the edge of a four-story building. I wanted Voice to Skull to take my threat seriously and fear for my safety so I went to the same spot every night for a week and promised to add 100 feet to the distance I had walked the previous night unless they stopped the torture. When we got to day five I had promised to walk 1000 feet (I had doubled it from the night before). Normally, when I got up on the railing, I’d shake like a leaf but when I stood on it that night I felt them extending my arms out straight beside me. That helped me balance and I completed the walk, but they continued the torture.

A few days later I dangled myself off of a cliff in Half Moon Bay, and a day later waded out into a dangerous part of the breaks near Mavericks (which are the largest waves in North America). The waves were crashing so hard it would have been instant death if I had continued so I came back to shore. Two days after that they started chanting non-stop which led to the cruelest thing I’ve experienced, so far.

When the Voice to Skullers chant a phrase nonstop you think it’s never going to end because they have AI and chatterbots that can be programmed to continue the chant forever. Chanting is akin to screaming into your ear. It will literally drive you insane or push you to suicide if it doesn’t stop. It crosses that line that makes life not worth living anymore. Voice to Skull is always trying to push you over that line. That night they were especially mean and chanted for hours and hours, non-stop. I had already put myself in some very dangerous situations that might have resulted in an accidental death but the chants were meant to provoke something more.

They pushed me so hard with the chanting that I finally broke down and exclaimed that if they didn’t stop I was going to self-immolate. I had lived in Vietnam and was well aware of Thích Quảng Đức’s protest against the South Vietnamese and thought that this threat might be taken seriously.

They continued with the chant so I drove back to Half Moon Bay at about 10:00 pm and bought a plastic gas can and a gallon of gasoline. I drove to a deserted beach and found a secluded area about 25 meters from the ocean. I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and a hooded North Face jacket and brought a large beach towel which I wrapped around my waist and tucked in. I kept telling the Voice to Skullers out loud to stop the chanting but they kept going. I unscrewed the cap to the plastic container and poured about ¾ of a gallon of gas on the towel, encircling my body completely. I grabbed a lighter in my right hand and held it half an inch from the gas soaked towel and told them again to stop the chanting but they continued. I wasn’t going to light myself on fire, I was just setting up a standoff.

All of a sudden, I felt my right hand begin to move on its own. And before I could think to reach over with my other hand and stop it, my right thumb depressed the lighter and I instantly burst into flames. I frantically tried to unwrap the towel from my body, which was blazing like a furnace, and burned both of my hands badly pulling it off. The gas had soaked through the towel onto my legs and my behind and I immediately felt the flames searing my skin as they rose from my feet to my waist. I ran toward the water but slipped and fell and remember thinking that if I fell again I’d be dead. I put myself out in the water and the torture went silent. I screamed and called them mother&%&$* over and over but they remained silent. It was pitch black outside so it took me 20 minutes to make my way through the brush to my car because I couldn’t see the dirt path.

I drove myself to the nearest gas station and asked the guy behind the counter to call an ambulance. I went into shock and was airlifted to the burn unit in Santa Clara. The doctors stabilized me and I underwent four skin graft surgeries. I was burned over 40% of my body. The torture remained silent for the entire month I was in the hospital and for the two months I spent in Arizona recovering at my parent’s house. But, as soon as my parents left to drive back to Colorado, where they spend the summers, the torture started up again. The second the garage door closed and my parents drove away the torturers started talking again!


Chris Burton: “My whole bottom half looks like this.”

The conversations were, of course, very uncomfortable. I was basically talking to my kidnappers who tried to kill me. We engaged in small talk about whether or not Voice to Skull should ever be used as a military technology against an ISIS or Al Nusra sort of organization but at this point I basically knew I was going to be killed in this program, and have felt that way ever since.

Just to wrap up my story, the Voice to Skullers began torturing me relentlessly at my parent’s house so I jumped in the car and drove to Ensenada telling Voice to Skull that I would rather die in the ocean than at home. I found a part of the beach where I could go undetected at night and waded into the water. The first night I did this John (my clone) spoke up and told me to get back to shore. I listened to him and walked back, but they kept talking.

When the Voice to Skullers just talk, you feel the will to survive, but when they start torturing you with non-stop Thought Injection/Interruption or Chanting, you snap and will do anything to escape. This is what I believe “breaking someone” means in a Voice to Skull torture experiment. If you were strapped down in a bed you’d go insane but because you’re being tortured remotely, you automatically think about suicide. The torturers enjoy keeping you on the razor’s edge (of suicide ideation).

The torture in Ensenada continued, so a couple nights later I went back to the same spot to threaten suicide again. This time I swam out past the breaks into the deep water. I floated on my back and told Voice to Skull that this was it, I wasn’t going anywhere until they stopped torturing me. John and a female torturer I call Deborah continued talking so I stayed in the ocean trading off between floating and treading water. After about 30 minutes I was getting really tired. I had been confined to a bed for the last four months recovering from my burns and was in no condition to be out in the ocean.

I told the Voice to Skullers I was going back to the hotel to strangle myself instead but realized the shoreline was now ¼ mile away. The current had pulled me out a lot further than I had realized. I swam as hard as I could but wasn’t making any progress. My shoulders were beginning to cramp up and I realized I was going to die. Torture became silent again just like they were after I was set on fire.

I just remember bobbing up and down in the water trying to catch my breath and thinking that this was it, I had been really screwed in life. I thought about just sinking but decided to give the beach one more shot and swam as hard as I could. Somehow, I made it to a sandbar where my feet could touch the bottom and my mouth could take in air. I rested for a while and then continued swimming. When I made it to shore John spoke up and said, “Chris, I promise I will never do that to you again.”

They spent a month building up the Full Body Takeover, as I described earlier, but until recently hadn’t tortured me with unstoppable Thought Injection/Interruption/Reflection and Chanting. Now, they’re back at it with Thought Injection and Reflection claiming that I’m going to be tortured to death for speaking publicly.

A couple weeks ago they kept me up talking about the military’s plan to enact regime change in the worst spots in the world because they don’t want EM weapons to fall into the wrong hands. We talked about the sonic attack in Cuba and they said it was part of Obama’s plan to eventually expose the technology. A week ago, we talked about imperceptible Thought Injection for hours and they demonstrated some injections that felt almost natural. As I explained earlier, when they take your mind or body over completely, or inject thoughts, it feels foreign, but they’re moving closer to imperceptible thoughts and may have already perfected it for all I know.

Ramola D: These are just devastating reports. Essentially, this brain-clone set you on fire and tried to kill you—in a way that would translate to the uninformed world as suicide.

Imperceptible Thought Injection suggests the horrific possibility of Complete Mind Manipulation and destruction of a person’s innate self.

I’d like to contextualize these extreme Mind Control projects a bit: When looking at other incidences of neuro-hacking, such as Rohinie Bisesar’s case, or Esteban Santiago, or Aaron Alexis, or Myron May, it is difficult not to see the correlations between the CIA’s historic MK ULTRA programs of neuro-experimentation with EMFs and RHIC-EDOM, and the current-day reported incidences of V2K and bio-robotizing as being headed in the same sinister direction—the complete takeover of individuals for nefarious use as terrorists, stabbers, mass shooters, and publicly-dismissed “psychiatric cases.” What is your thinking on this?

Chris Burton: I sense strongly, by the tone of his testimony, that Myron May was Voice to Skulled. I also suspect that Esteban Santiago and Aaron Alexis were too, but without hearing them speak about the details of their experiences, I can’t be sure.

I emailed Santiago’s public defender and provided him with a high-level overview of my experiences and told him that if Santiago mentions anything about being “taken over” I can provide detailed testimony about similar technology being demonstrated on me. He never wrote back.

As much as I feel sorry for Myron May, I can’t condone what he did. I’ve suffered through hell for 13 years and am burned over 40% of my body and never thought about killing an innocent person. I think he was deeply religious and honestly felt that by shooting people he was just sending them to heaven early.

Rohinie Bisesar sounds schizophrenic to me but that’s just my opinion. Schizophrenia is primarily a thinking disorder and Raizel Robin’s Toronto Life article reports that Bisesar’s boyfriend thought that Bisesar’s research projects didn’t make any sense to him and even after he warned her she still turned them in. The article also said Bisesar called out her boss in front of her coworkers stating that she could do a better job. When you’re Voice to Skulled and your brain is being frozen or your thoughts are being interrupted, you know 100% what’s going on and wouldn’t willingly turn in something that didn’t meet your standards. Bisesar turned in her research reports believing she was doing a great job. That’s a mental illness in my opinion but nobody can know for sure. That’s why it’s so important to give victims of EM assaults a chance to explain themselves thoroughly.

Voice to Skull, however, can still completely discombobulate you during an interview and make you sound seriously mentally ill which is why developing defensive technologies and shielding solutions is so important. I live daily with the knowledge that my clone could take me over at any minute and hurt someone else. That part of this Voice to Skull/Manchurian Candidate torture would figure into anyone’s live or die equation. The fact that trials like Bisesar’s and Santiago’s are taking place without judges putting their foot down and demanding information about these technologies shows how terribly uninformed, misled, callous, or perhaps compromised our justice department is.

Ramola D: I should tell you I covered Rohinie Bisesar’s case fairly closely, through contact with Mind Control activists in Toronto who visited Rohinie in jail and spoke to her lawyer–whom I also communicated with; I also published a letter from Rohinie to one of the activists there, and do indeed think she is not experiencing schizophrenia but is a victim of Black Mind Control Ops, possibly through a BCI chip and RHIC-EDOM or radio hypnosis—which could also have influenced her research paper actions. She has reported V2K—not as you report it, extended treatments, etc., but a distinctive voice. She has reported externally-pumped-in thoughts—and it is possible she is a victim of Bio-Robotizing or body takeover. (My articles on her can be found here.)

What her case and yours demonstrate to me is that there seem to be various dark and sinister neuro-technologies being used by American military/intelligence agencies on people, all unethical and inhumane.

Chris Burton: You could very well be right Ramola. Without a full accounting of these programs and the people in them there will never be justice for victims of crimes where the use of electromagnetic weapons is suspected. This is why organized stalking and Voice to Skull victims have to come forward now and document their experiences. The person I mentioned in the beginning of the interview, Michael Raines, would not be able to pass a lie detector test if he were asked about the interrogation that took place at his house (which I believe is connected to the Voice to Skull program). These are starting points for investigators and journalists who are truly interested in exposing this atrocity.

In terms of the bigger picture, I’ve come to terms with dying early because of Voice to Skull. During my trip to S.E. Asia, I learned a lot about the wholesale slaughter of civilians by the USA in Vietnam and Cambodia (as a result of the CIA’s removal of Sihanouk). Even Ken Burns’ PBS documentary about The Vietnam War (a mostly American point of view) mentioned the US’s Phoenix Project and the 20,000 people it tortured and killed.

I’ve been to S-21 (Tuol Sleng Prison) and one of the killing fields in Cambodia and have visited the War Remnants Museum in Vietnam. Every other person I met in Cambodia lost a close family member to the Khmer Rouge. One fourth of their population literally had their throats cut because of the CIA’s decision to meddle in their country’s affairs.

The US’s secret bombing campaign in Laos and Cambodia destroyed so much farm land that farmers had no way of supporting themselves so they joined the Khmer Rouge (which only had 2000 members before the bombing began).

The USA continued implementing devastating sanctions against Cambodia and Vietnam for decades after the war too, crippling their economies, and then left SE Asia to clean up the unexploded ordinance and land mines.

Yes, the USA spent two billion dollars on programs to help clean up these areas but tell that to the families of the over 65,000 people who have been murdered by these silent killers. The USA also used cluster bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan and sells them in huge quantities to Saudi Arabia (which drops them on Yemen). Israel uses them too.

America is an absolute monster when it comes to developing and using exotic military weaponry. It’s part of this country’s ethos.

Until I read about Vietnam, Cambodia and Arab nationalism I just didn’t know how backward US foreign policy is and how dark and sinister our intelligence agencies can be. Now I know because I’m a VICTIM of the United States’ Military Industrial Complex’s “classified” psychotronic weapons arms race which is really a scumbag-led money grab that will never end until the very last scientist and/or military officer has cashed out on his/her own lethal or non-lethal directed-energy or neuroweapons-related business plan.

Ramola D: There is also the very large issue you have brought up of subtle neural influences permitted by the use of precise frequencies—which means ALL of humanity can be influenced on a mass scale in this way.

There is information today on the different brain frequencies related to different sleep and waking states, as well as to different emotions, and bio-resonance of different organs—some of this from the Air Force Dosimetry Handbooks.

Remote access and influence of human attention, emotion, and bodily organs is now possible through the use of specific frequency-pulses. Is it possible to now change human personality and behavior through remote neural influence?

Chris Burton: Yes, this research is definitely all about frequencies that relate to various brain states and it’s a shame America classified the most important parts of the research. There’s a good paper on Cheryl Welsh’s website,, called “Misled and Betrayed” that talks about research into the bio-electric brain.

I’m not a scientist so I won’t talk about the physics or neuroscience involved in Voice to Skull but at a basic level it’s important victims read about the bio-electric brain (where evoked potentials come from) and understand what brain states are.

The activity of neurons generates electric currents and when large groups of neurons, called neural ensembles, synchronize, they create oscillations that can be measured on an EEG. These oscillations equate to various brain states which Voice to Skull is manipulating all the time. These fluctuating frequencies of oscillations are categorized into general bands, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, plus Mu, Sigma (sleep), and Sensorimotor rhythm, and have been shown to correlate with emotional responses, motor control, and a number of cognitive functions including information transfer, perception, and memory. Neural oscillations, in particular Theta activity, are extensively linked to memory function and coupling between theta and gamma activity is considered to be vital for memory functions including episodic memory. (Brain Entrainment and Neural Oscillation information here from Wikipedia.)

By experimenting with various frequencies that disrupt these brain states and torturing me for 13 years they’ve erased 80-90% of my long-term memory and my short-term/working memory has been degraded so much that when I read, I can’t remember the sentence before the one I’m on. I also can’t remember words, do simple math problems, or spell, and I was a finance major in college. It’s almost as if parts of my cerebral cortex have been removed.

The non-stop “binded” conversations the Voice to Skullers transmitted into my brain clearly changed my brain and, according to Shane O’Mara, the author of Why Torture Doesn’t Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation, psychological and physical torture destroys people’s memory so I’ve definitely suffered brain damage as a result of being put into this program.

There’s no doubt the torture has changed my personality too. It’s sad because I was the class clown of my senior class in high school and used to be very funny and loquacious and intelligent before Voice to Skull started. Funny things to say would just come naturally to me and I always had something interesting to add to the conversation but not anymore. I’m as dull as it gets. I was also extremely entrepreneurial with two or more business ideas always in the works but now all I think about is the torture. I have practically no memories of ANYTHING left in my brain including everything I experienced and learned in high school and college, and every single book or article I’ve ever read.

With regard to some other ways I’ve experienced remote neural influence: At work in Palo Alto they froze my brain in very important situations in specific meetings, right before I was about to speak, or when I was on the phone with certain people. One time I was saying goodbye to someone, I said, “Okay, I’ll give you a call yesterday” instead of “tomorrow.”

They’re literally picking and choosing when to attack me based on the circumstance. For example, they’re allowing me to write these responses to your interview questions, and they allow me to write the Employment Services section every year for the University of Colorado’s Colorado Business Economic Outlook, but other times, especially when I was trying to write in Vietnam, or when I was working in Palo Alto, they’d attack me just for the hell of it and make writing impossible. Whenever they did this it would take me 30-45 minutes to write a short email. Other times they’d let me fire off emails as fast as I could type. There’s no rhyme or reason to the timing of their attacks except to censor and embarrass me.

Ramola D: Many of us know by now that an electronic or electromagnetic control grid is in place–a combination of HAARP, GWEN towers, cell-towers, satellites, smart meters, ground-based and air-based sensing platforms, remote sensing systems, RFIDs, portable energy weapons, GPS tracking, biometric surveillance, television programming, nanotechnology, “smart dust.”

And Mind Control effects have been historically applied using these and other means like TV programming. From your experience—which has opened you to a very dark and covert Black Ops world which those Americans mesmerized by Psy-Op’ing mainstream media are completely unaware of–what can you add to this awareness?

Chris Burton: I don’t think a victim of a neuroweapon attack, which is transmitting brain frequencies, will ever be able to tell the difference between a chip, satellite, HAARP, GWEN towers, cell towers, ground-based, air-based, or portable transmission device. As I mentioned, everything that has been demonstrated on me felt as if it were coming from a single beam that is bouncing a signal through me, off the ground, and right back to a receiver. I know I’m thinking through a Brain to Computer Interface now because my thinking is all word-based and sequential instead of quick and idea-based.

The story I shared about Voice to Skull inserting the picture of a dick whenever I think about my friend Brian represents pretty well what “thinking” on Voice to Skull is like. When I think really hard I can recall a few distant memories but usually I’m only being served by the computer very simplified or selected ones. When I think about my elementary school I can only recall the same 3 memories and when I think of my sister, I can only recall a couple pictures of her. She and I are four years apart and went to the same schools together, including college, and have many of the same friends.

Ramola D: Truly wrenching to hear that. It suggests these Black Ops neuroscientists running the Voice to Skull/Manchurian program—and probably lots of other mass mind control projects on all of us—have figured there is opportunity for different levels of control of the human brain and the human body—controlling states of consciousness, controlling thoughts, impulses, actions, even controlling discrete bodily movements and whole-body movement.

What agency do you think humans have left—what can people do today to resist this obvious kind of Mind-Control and Body-Control?

Chris Burton: As I said, you can’t resist being taken-over but you can recognize when it’s happening. That is going to change if they continue working toward Imperceptible Take-Overs. Like sequencing the genome, the time it takes for these groups to “model” a person’s brain has to be decreasing rapidly which means with data science and supercomputers they can probably take-over someone’s entire body and mind almost instantaneously very soon, if they can’t already.

I can’t imagine a use for this technology unless it’s to stop a murder in progress. Voice to Skull and I talk all the time about the ethics of using technology like this and they pretend that they’re against it (while they’re torturing me). They’ve already crossed all of the moral and ethical lines enshrined in the Constitution to protect against this sort of treatment, violated CAT, and broken the Nuremberg Code, so I don’t have a lot of hope for anyone who might find themselves someday on a Targeted-Individual list.

I could have been put into this program because of my company, my uncle’s work in the military/aerospace industry, or my cousin’s mother-in-law’s work with Palestine and the Arab League. Take your pick. What I always thought were major accomplishments in my family and extended family turned out to be reasons for putting me on a Targeted-Individual list.

Maybe some of the Voice to Skullers are doing this to further science and provide the USA with the best weaponry on the planet, but they did it as part of a Mengele/Iishi-like non-consensual experiment.

My torturers simply enjoy torturing me which means they’re either psychopaths being held down by a certain set of rules (intended to preserve my mind for experimentation), or they’re psychologists like Mitchell and Jessen who are just torturing for money.

Certainly, there are good people like Karen Stewart working for our intelligence agencies but they aren’t working at the highest levels. That’s the problem with a captured classified program like this. There’s a “warrior class,” as Karen Armstrong refers to in her book Fields of Blood, that exists in the U.S. military and intelligence circles now, and it’s not going anywhere, and because politicians are treated like celebrities they certainly don’t want to risk their fame by speaking out and risking their “legacies.”

Voice to Skull is really the culmination of everything that exists in America right now. Our generals, politicians and CEOs are beholden to their own financial interests, and the interests of a financial community that refuses to allow anything to “rock the boat.” And the press is nowhere to be found after having been captured by the deep state (NYTimes) or intimidated into silence, or fed just barely enough bread crumbs by US officials to pay the bills.

We’re simply living in a time in human history when the United States lied to and sold out its citizens in return for a Cadillac psychotronic weapons system that will continually be developed and never be acknowledged publicly (how could they at this point). They’ve created a Soviet-era psycho prison called Targeted Individuals where genuine cases involving crimes against humanity quickly dissipate into suspicions of “mental illness.”

As long as they don’t create a noticeable spike in the statistics (death rates and mental illnesses) they can add thousands of people to the psycho-prison year after year and nobody is going to know. This is the United States of America my family, the Burtons, helped to build dating all the way back to the revolutionary war.

Certainly, there’s the potential that psychotronic weapons might be used by terrorist organizations, as Bob Beck demonstrated at the Denny’s restaurant near his house, but the USA is developing these weapons far beyond anything that could be considered an offensive countermeasure. I feel they’re already at the point where they can take people over imperceptibly, at least for short periods, so what’s next? How many more Tis need to die?

Defensive measures would involve scanning for these frequencies in every part of the country, not pouring everything into offensive uses. Russia has federal laws against electromagnetic weapons, the US does not. That’s done precisely in order to protect users of the technology while they continue to innovate it. Title 18 of the U.S. Code makes reference to directed-energy weapons only once, positioning them as WMDs, stating “any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life” is a WMD.

But psychotronic/frequency weapons operate at the level of a cell phone signal which is not dangerous. And with regard to “dangerous devices” in the U.S. Code, I don’t think we’ll ever see a court case that determines HAARP, cell sites/towers, or classified satellites are “dangerous” unless a whistleblower comes forward. We need legislation that outlaws dangerous frequencies and electromagnetic energy specifically.

Ramola D: That sounds like a vitally important goal for all of us. Any other positive ways to resist, oppose, challenge, and terminate this invasive Neuro-Take-over of human societies, do you think?

Chris Burton: I think victims are completely at the mercy of their torturers. The only reason why my torture decreased recently is because I almost died twice threatening suicide, but the other day they tortured me all night long before I had to go to work so I’m definitely not optimistic about my situation.

You can’t resist anything they do during the experiments. You’re in their possession. Most torturers and victims have built some sort of relationship over time which could affect the Voice to Skullers’ willingness to torture them all day. Victims need to do whatever they’ve discovered reduces the torture. There is no magic formula. Victims need to create YouTube videos and speak out (anonymously or not).

I’m planning to launch a website for Voice to Skull victims called which I plan to launch in the next month or so. It’s going to focus on identifying as many Voice to Skull victims as possible and itemizing their experiences in the hopes of identifying the same patterns I’ve been talking about in the interview. Hopefully members of the press and the medical establishment will start looking at the SIMILARITIES in all of our stories and begin thinking more critically about our claims.

Ramola D: As we close, we should mention you are embarking on a new career currently. You’ve said that to some extent, you are able to resist such complete takeover of your brain as would disallow language and communication. What is the trajectory that has brought you here?

Chris Burton: After I was tortured at work at Lucid Motors (in Menlo Park), lit on fire on the beach, and then left to die in the water in Ensenada, I decided to write up a YouTube testimony (5 hours) and go public in a big way (again) on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This pretty much ruined my chances of ever getting another job in the recruiting industry. The torture was so extreme at work that I honestly don’t think they would ever let me work again, at least in America.

Victims like me are caught in a real Catch 22 between protecting our jobs and going public to bring awareness to the issue and our stories. I’m embarking on a new career now which I don’t want to share because it’s my last chance at making a living. I feel so terrible for victims who have done similar things and are homeless or jobless now. We literally have to make a choice between informing the public (and future generations) about these terrible technologies or trying to live out our terrible lives in silence, hoping we can survive the torture.

Ramola D: What advice would you give to physicians, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neuroethicists—and other educated professionals unaware or uninformed about current-day neuro/EMF targeting, non-consensual neuro-experimentation, and current-day MK ULTRA?

What advice might you give lawmakers and legislators—how much at risk are their own selves and families and why should they step forward and start protecting humanity from this New Age of already-pervasive but potentially-devastating technological tyranny?

Chris Burton: Only one psychiatrist has published a paper mentioning psychotronic weapons in a medical journal. Dr. Muhammad Gadit, who’s a clinical professor of psychiatry at Memorial University in Newfoundland, published a paper called “Terrorism and Mental Health: The Issue of Psychological Fragility” in the Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. Other than his paper, there are no academic sources of information about these weapons. The American Psychological Association has zero information about this technology in their PsycNET database which is a travesty. They have four articles from Dr. Muhammad but not the one mentioning psychotronic weapons.

Once you read more about the APA and its partnership with the military you’ll understand why they haven’t published anything about the dangers of sonic or psychotronic weapons. The military employs more psychologists than any other institution in America.

As long as there are no peer-reviewed articles published in medical journals about the dangers of psychotronic weapons, there’s zero chance someone in the medical community or mainstream media will publish a story about them. Instead, they’ll reference studies like Lorraine Sheridan’s about group-stalking.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, bioethicists, and neuroethicists need to publish information in medical journals about the psychological and physiological dangers of sonic weapons like the LRAD or Israel’s SCREAM especially now that we know what happened in Cuba. After reading the patents, FOIAs, and other articles that reference sonic weapons I’d suspect any self-respecting academic, psychologist/psychiatrist or bio/neuroethicist would be able to publish something that could begin to serve as a backbone for other articles related to psychotronic weapons. That’s what we need. Once this interview is published I’ll do my very best to communicate the issue to as many journalists and professors as possible. I hope your readers and the listeners will do the same!

Ramola D: Chris, thank you for this detailed and ground-breaking interview, and for sharing your story with the world. Let’s hope it resonates across continents and compartments alike and that people of conscience will step forward instantly in courage, to take action for you and for all humanity.


Torture Techniques: (Pdf of Chris Burton’s Torture Techniques Document, Demonstrating Connections Between KGB Torture, CIA Torture via Kubrick and HRETM Manuals, Guantanamo/USAF SERE Torture, and Voice to Skull Torture. 

Podcast Series with Chris Burton:

Report #22: Chris Burton –  Part 1: IT Success and Neuro-Experimentation, V2K

Report #27, Chris Burton, Part 2 – Voice to Skull is Classic CIA Torture

Report #28, Chris Burton, Part 3 – Beyond V2K: Manchurian Candidate Program and Brain Control

Techno Crime Fighters Forum, Episode 30: Voice to Skull, Living Manchurian Project

Public Domain Awareness of Existence and Usage of Brain Technologies Today

Hacking the Human Brain: The Next Domain of Warfare/Chloe Diggins and Clint Arizmendi/Wired, 12/11/2012

This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain as a Weapon./Tim Requarth/Foreign Policy, September 2015

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology/Carole Smith/Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003

Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind/Carole Smith/Dissent Magazine, Summer August 2007-2008

Information related to Covert Military/USAF/Navy Electromagnetic Weapons and Neuroweapons Testing

Misled and Betrayed: How US Cover Stories are Keeping a Cold War Weapon and Illegal Human Testing a Secret/Cheryl Welsh, Torture, Asian and Global Perspectives, Volume 2, Issue 2, June-August 2013

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”/Ramola D/The Everyday Concerned Citizen/June 11, 2016

Electronic Weapons, Radio Frequency Radiation, Remote Manipulation of the Human Nervous System|New World Order Weapon Ban. Open Letter to the European Commission/Mojmir Babacek/Global Research, April 13, 2017

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights|A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons/Peter Phillips, Lew Brown, and Bridget Thornton/December 2006/Sonoma State University, Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation

Evidence for Military Development of Synthetic Telepathy/V2K/Microwave Hearing

Bio-Effects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons/Dept. of the Army, US Army Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM)/Declassified on FOIA Request in 2006

Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars/Dr. Richard Alan Miller, 2001

Microwave Bioeffect Congruence With Schizophrenia/John J. McMurtrey, MS, 2002

Remote Behavioral Influence Technology Evidence/John J. McMurtrey, MS, 2003

Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies/John J. McMurtrey, MS, 2003, 2005

Patents for Synthetic Telepathy, V2K, Silent Sound, Microwave Hearing, Neurophone:

Nervous System Excitation Device (First Neurophone)–Patent #US3393279/July 1968/Patrick Flanagan Gillis

Method and System for Simplifying Speech Waveforms—Patent #US 3647970 A/1972/March 1972/Gillis P. Flanagan

Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves–Patent #: US3951134 A/1976/Robert J Malech

Microwave Hearing Device–Patent #: US4858612 A/1989/Philip L. Stocklin

Silent subliminal presentation system—Patent #: US5159703/Oct 1992/Oliver M Lowery

Method and Device for Implementing the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect–Patent #: US6470214 B1/2002/James P. O’Loughlin, Diana L. Loree

Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect–Patent #: US6587729 B2/2003/James P. O’Loughlin, Diana L. Loree

System for Producing Artificial Telepathy—Patent #: WO 2005055579 A1/June 2005/Lynne Moody, Miles Philip Moody

Please share widely, with linkback and attribution.

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example.

We will shine for everyone to follow.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017


Memorandum on Domestic US Torture Programs

Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population

EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking

Date: 25 January 2017

To President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President,

We unite in asking you to act to terminate immediately the ongoing covert programs of Electronic Warfare and COINTELPRO-based domestic terrorism that are currently being run by the US Intelligence agencies, US Military, US Homeland Security, and their contractors in the name of Electronic “Surveillance” and National Security against the American population.

As you enter this office for the first week, it is possible the Deep State and unelected shadow government that apparently hovers behind all those elected to the government of the United States will present these covert programs to you as normative Intelligence and surveillance activity necessary for the preservation of National Security.

As Intelligence analysts, human rights activists, advocates, whistleblowers, writers, scientists, victims, and highly productive and accomplished members of society with varied science, arts, and humanities backgrounds in critical thinking, systems analysis, engineering, education, healthcare, law, and Intelligence, we are here to inform you otherwise: These are NOT normative Intelligence and Surveillance activities. Using the deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare, these are organized Terror programs, committing the most horrific crimes and human rights violations, causing grievous bodily harm to countless numbers of innocent citizens.

Surveiling and assaulting neither terrorists nor spies but the best and brightest, most productive, and most accomplished Americans, as well as whistle-blowers and activists, these programs seriously destabilize our civil society, are at risk of irreversibly degenerating the economic output of our country, and have already become our most shameful export abroad.

Situation On the Ground in Continental USA

Thanks to the trillions of dollars poured annually into Covert Operations funding, the carte blanche given to Intelligence and Military agencies, both pre- and post-911, and the convenience of classification and concealment of all manner of dubious activities as necessary for National Security, fraud, waste, and corruption at the highest levels of Government is now endemic. Corrupt factions in Intelligence agencies and in Military departments are now openly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in acts of direct enmity against the American people.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, a superior trafficking operation has been unleashed by the US Military, Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA on American citizens:

Current military and Intelligence directives (5240.1R, the NDAA, EO 12333, and the CIA’s AR 2-2) together permit the US military to detain citizens indefinitely, and to use those Americans “under surveillance” for experimentation purposes. This is used for an outright, public enslavement and torture of a large fraction of the US population.

The creation of Joint Targeting operations, Fusion Centers, Regional Information and Sharing Systems (RISS) programs with privatized Intelligence centers, as well as “Community Policing” and “Neighborhood Watch” initiatives have permitted a network of immoral and depraved operatives from Law Enforcement, the Intelligence agencies, and the military, using the guise of “national security” to conduct financially rewarding no-holds-barred human testing for the pharma, surveillance, and weapons industries, as well as to live out their personal sadism and depravity. It is a telling characteristic that the victims of these crimes are 70-80% women. The sex ratio is indicative of sexual violence and war crimes.

Meanwhile, an ever increasing army of civilian, quasi “Law Enforcement” personnel, sometimes taken from the dregs of society, is being trained, round the clock and used in set-up 24/7 operations, on those innocent Americans being targeted.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, and masquerading as necessary Electronic Surveillance, condoned and orchestrated by US Homeland Security and the US Department of Justice, the most deadly weapons of Electronic Warfare are being routinely used on civilians under so-called surveillance inside their own homes including:
    • directed-energy and microwave weapons,
    • infrasonic and ultrasonic weapons,
    • military radar weapons,
    • neuro-weapons,
    • infections with biological or synthetic self-replicating nanotechnology agents (“smart dust”) that aid the readout of brain activity.

These are military weapons of war, designed to incapacitate, degrade, and destroy human organs, nerves, bodies, and brains; they are further being used inhumanely, in non-stop, 24/7 scenarios of attack.

In addition, CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA agents also run covert interrogation exercises, mind control operations, and behavior modification programs (extensions of MK ULTRA and the original Nazi death-camp experiments) on their brains.

A vast apparatus of sophisticated stealth Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence equipment carried on planes, drones, helicopters, satellites, cell towers, ground-vehicles—and involving the complicity of all Intelligence agencies, such as the NRO, NGSA, and Federal agencies such as the FAA and NASA is being used for this purpose.

Those being hit with Electronic Warfare weapons are also being subjected daily to COINTELPRO actions or “Zersetzung”—organized stalking, crowding, mobbing, obstructing, brighting, flashing, noise harassment carried out by the FBI’s Infragard, as well as US Neighborhood Watch groups.

These are joint US Military and Intelligence programs of domestic torture, hidden under cover of biometric surveillance, physical surveillance, and electronic surveillance by a cynical and corrupt Homeland Security/Department of Justice mechanism, which has permitted the use of cover-story labels to conceal the use of violence on American citizens.

  1. In the name of the War on Terror, in 2017, American neighborhoods and communities have been transformed from calm, peaceful, and neighborly communities into predator vs. prey, i.e. divided holdouts of covert spying, snitching, Electronic Warfare, smear campaigns, and studied COINTELPRO attacks on neighbors, planned and coordinated through federal government-sponsored intelligence, information and command centers at the national and local levels, such as the Regional Information Sharing System (RISS), the U.S. Department of Justice, and the network of Fusion Centers.

At core of these attacks are the innocent Americans being wrongfully targeted and defamed as extremists, terrorists, spies, enemy combatants: often the most upright in communities, people of conscience and community spirit, integrity and accomplishment, entrepreneurship and creativity, innocence and impeccable character, people targeted not for their potential for criminality but for their innate power as attractors and disseminators of positive community influence.

The coterie of criminals from inside the FBI/DHS/CIA/NSA and local Law Enforcement and RISS centers involved in these programs openly lie in neighborhoods to name these innocents terrorists or spies, open investigations on innocents, start slander and defamation campaigns on innocents, and then corral whole communities into helping them surveil, spy, sabotage, and slander them, under threat of high fines and jail time.

By these means, whole lives are destroyed: employment is sabotaged, lies are circulated, and families are torn apart.

Neighbors become collaborators and complicit when they let Electronic Weapons operators freely enter their neighborhoods and homes, using their driveways and properties to install antennas and conduct tracking operations.

Collaborators are paid handsomely and bribed with home renovations, new cars, and tickets to luxury holidays and ball games. They are also trained in the operation of certain equipment, including cell phones to direct pulsed radiation attacks, which they now turn on their innocent neighbor.

This rewards and entrenches corrupt behavior in a manner that will utterly splinter and disintegrate our society for decades to come. Worst of all, this system of routine horrific abuses has developed a life of its own whereby ever more vindictive acts are committed and the perpetrators on the ground take free licence to do whatever they like at the expense of economically productive members in our society. Their excesses include electronic rape.

  1. Psychiatry has been roped in as political tool to subjugate those reporting these programs by naming them delusional, a verdict that Law Enforcement and CIA-controlled media then run with.

It must be stressed that the national silence on this issue as well as the distortions of reportage we see in mainstream-media mention of “Targeted Individuals” who report abusive surveillance programs is directly related to the vampiric control of major media that the CIA exerts, and their deliberate promotion of deception in coverage, in order to keep these violent, mutilatory programs of Electronic Weapon use on citizens clandestine and concealed.

Corruption at the levels of Law Enforcement and the Department of Justice, and the use of weaponized psychiatry combined with indiscriminate smears and slander of the victims has prevented the situation from being remedied.

A Public Scandal Of International Proportions

This has now become a proliferating and self-perpetuating industry of premeditated, systematic mutilation of some of the most productive members of our society.

By getting rid of people of conscience and integrity, whistleblowers, and activists in communities—through these extreme means of public torture and humiliation—it appears that the covert operators in Intelligence and military agencies running these programs seek more and more to create docile, deceitful, and pliable populations, people who will believe the official lie, people who will turn on their own friends and neighbors, people who will assist in stoning the innocent to death.

The extent and sadism of these deliberate bodily and brain assaults—which essentially involve the use of military weapons of war on peaceful, non-combatant, unarmed civilians, peacefully residing in their own country–amount to crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the American people.

And sadly, these Nazi death-camp programs of torture have become USA’s most prominent export along with our bombs, missiles, and drones.

To the disgrace of all Law-Enforcement, victims have been pleading for support publicly on social media for years. By now, the situation has gone beyond a disgrace and has become a public scandal of international proportions that is threatening the stability of our societies. Without a doubt, this problem is destroying the best and brightest in our nation and will inevitably affect the economic and creative capabilities of the US. This already sets us back in the race with other nations and seriously exposes the US to the danger of a hostile takeover.

Silent Holocaust Taking Place Inside the US

Please see attached here:

1) The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report (Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”) By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.

2) NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s succinct summation of what has happened to America today:

Under former President Bush and now continued under President Obama, what apparently started decades ago as illegal and clandestine programs of experiments on human subjects, such as the CIA’s MK ULTRA, has resulted in the proliferation of Defense Contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and others, making secret agreements with Federal agencies such as DOD, DIA, NSA, DHS, etc., to allow them and related laboratories and universities to expand inhumane experimentation programs such as illegal experiments for Directed Energy Weapons on unwitting and non-consenting American citizens.

The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA.

This allows them to engage the Military and Law Enforcement in either the active harassment and torture of individuals illegally targeted for fraudulent cause, or it gives the Defense Contractors carte blanche to commit criminal assault upon innocent citizens while demanding (unconstitutionally) that Police stand down and do nothing to help their victims.

Please read the full statement here.

Please Act Now To Stop These Crimes Against Humanity in the USA and Worldwide

To stop these crimes against humanity we, the undersigned, request that you immediately:

  • Stop all of these surveillance, testing, and experimentation programs.
  • Stop and revoke all mandates permitting the US military to test weapons on citizens.
  • Repeal and revoke all civil and military directives which permit non-consensual experimentation on Americans.
  • Call out the National Guard to confiscate all portable EMF-weapons and radar/sonic/scalar surveillance devices, and haul off to prison anyone – including Feds, law enforcement, etc., found with them as they violate many many sections of 18 USC in regard to weapons of mass destruction.
  • Freeze all programs of surveillance being run by any and every agency in the DOJ and Homeland Security apparatus.
  • Force the open publication of the list of names of all people who have been targeted with organized stalking, EMF and neuroweapons by agencies at the federal, state, and local level for the past thirty years.
  • Compel disclosure of the medical parameters of these classified, covert, special access surveillance and torture programs from all Universities and research institutions, all Defense and Intelligence contractors, departments, and agencies.
  • Compel disclosure to each victim of his/her file containing what experiments have been conducted, what has been injected or implanted, what nanotechnology has been administered, and provide immediate, fully-compensated medical help in scanning/implant removal, radiation-damage treatment, & taking other medical/health measures against the long-term consequences of these crimes.
  • Fully re-imburse to victims all medical costs and family funeral expenses sustained during the course of these torture programs, and plan to provide continuous compensation for all victims’ health expenses until death.
  • Cut funding for all surveillance programs currently being run on named American citizens.
  • Cut all covert operations funding for any and every agency, in particular the CIA.
  • Compel mainstream media to fully and openly detail these programs of torture on citizens.
  • Root out all personnel employed in these programs, starting from the top.
  • Set in motion a Congressional investigation, to fully uncover and disclose details of these programs.
  • Dismantle all agencies and military groups whose record shows shameless participation in these crimes against humanity.
  • Work closely with your counterparts and with agencies abroad to ensure the same results of restoration of human rights and freedoms, worldwide.

These crimes against humanity need to be stopped if the United States of America wants to retain its national resilience and keep the goodwill of its partners worldwide.

You have an opportunity today to set right many historic wrongs. Much is made of America’s history of slavery. Yet this reality on the ground today shows us, that with the stealth weapons of Electronic Warfare and Neurowarfare, slavery has entered a new phase.

You have said:

There should be no fear — we are protected, and we will always be protected.

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.

…We will make America safe again.”

–President Donald J. Trump, Inauguration Day Address, 1/20/2017

But there are NO laws on the books today in the USA—land of the free and home of the brave—to prevent non-consensual experimentation on humans. Americans today are enslaved and are exporting this medieval travesty into every corner of the world.

Your children and grandchildren are just as much at risk as ours.

Please act today to put an end to these horrific, shameful crimes against humanity which are tearing apart our society.


Ramola D, USA
Author, Journalist, Activist

Karen Melton Stewart, USA
NSA Intelligence Analyst, Ret.

Dr. Katherine Horton, Germany
Particle Physicist, Systems Analyst

Ricardo Camilo López, USA
Theoretical Physicist, Math & Science Teacher, Semiotician

Paul Baird, BEc. LLB, Australia
Human Rights Advocate

Eyerly Felder, USA
Human Rights Activist, Foster Parent, Podcast Host and Journalist

Rosanne Marie Schneider, USA
Author of “Surveillance, Torture and Control in the Modern World”
Former Artist, Animal Rescuer, and International Business Owner | Now Victim

Regis Burke, MSW, USA

Leo E. Garcia, USA

Teresa Bender, R.N., ASN, Harrisburg, PA, USA
Graduated Magna Cum Laude. Phi Theta Kappa member.
Service connected disabled veteran of USAF, 1989-1993.
Honorably discharged. Served during First Gulf War.
Interviewed by news media in West Virginia. Video on YouTube link: “Adult Bullying, West Virginians speak out”. Also participated in Targeted Individual awareness video titled “Targeted Individuals, A Plea for Help”, filmed in NJ in 2014.

Robert I. Walker, USA
Human Rights Activist, Vietnam Veteran, Christian

Seth Farber, Ph.D., USA
Author, Psychologist

Gregory A Mann, USA
Former Marine, Retired Dept. Of Defense
Combined service 27 years.Whistleblower.

Margaret Zawodniak, RN, BSN, USA

Amy L, USA
Licensed Massage Therapist

Joseph Quevedo, B.S. International Business, USA
Certified Logistics Technician

Mariana Maritato M.S., CCC-SLP, C-PESL, HC, Poland

Herman Winston, USA
US Army Veteran, Ex-Police Officer, Mechanic

Dr. Millicent Black, MACM, MMFT, USA
Refuge From the Storm Church, Columbia, TN
Pastor, Activist, Researcher

Tracy A. Wellons, USA
Biomedical Research Scientist

Kenneth Peartree, USA
Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force (Ret.)

Virginia Sealey, USA
Louisiana State University graduate, Health and Physical Education.
Commercial Real Estate Broker (Ret.)

Captain Gary W. Kassbaum M.M., Canada
Senior Regional Investigator – Marine, Transportation Safety Board

Alec Devere Rafter, NYU Graduate, B.F.A., USA
Actor, Writer, Musician

Ben Colodzin Ph.D., California, USA
H-SCADA profiler (Human-Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition Systems) for targeted victims

Paul Grigun, USA

Thomas A. Dickey, USA
U.S. Army, Retired

Mr. Robert Vincent Leaf, USA
HVAC Technician, App.

Mike Patrick, USA

Mandi (Deedee) Durrence, USA
Self-Employed, Construction, Farming

Barbara Hyseni, USA
Sergeant in the US Air Force
Christian Ordained Minister

Geri Kemp, BS in Business/Finance, MPA, USA
Certified Business Official, Educational Facilities Planning,
School Business Management (Ret.)
National Youth Equestrian Program Organizer

Denise S. Pompl, USA

Donna Stanley, USA
Mother, daughter, grandmother, friend, American, Retired Corrections Officer

Lori Tolbert-Carroll, USA

Charmaine Thomas, USA

Guy Potter, USA
35-year victim

Ms. Maura Sheehan, RN, BSN

Rochelle Jones, USA
Ordained Minister, CA

Juanita Hardnett, GA, USA

Sherri M Guarnieri, USA

Edith Diane Schutza, TX, USA

Michele Kimbrough, USA
Retired, Department of Corrections

Kola Boof
Award-Winning Novelist and Television Writer

Bonnie Hunt, USA
Retired Comm. College Instructor, College Lecturer,
and HS Teacher, MBA, MS, CPA (Inactive)

Jeaneine M. Heaney, USA

Arlene Johnson BA, MLS, USA
Publisher/Author |

Cathy L. Wright, M.S., CCC-SLP, USA
B.A. in English, B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders,
M.S. in Communication Disorders.
Speech-Language Pathologist. Whistleblower.

Angela Farrell, USA
BS, Psychology, BSW from West Virginia University.
National Sales Award 2005, 2008. Pharmaceutical representative.
Currently: Yoga , aerobic and Silver Sneaker instructor YMCA.
Health and wellness instructor.

Mrs. Sherri A. Marquis, AA Business, BA Legal Studies, MS Mgmt, RI, USA
U.S. Navy Journalist – 12.5 years, honorably discharged with service-connected disability.
Dept.of Defense (Navy, Army, Marine Corps) Contract Specialist/Contracting Officer, GS-13, 8 years, WHISTLEBLOWER
Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems (Orlando) and Missiles and Fire Control (Orlando) Intellectual Property Paralegal and Contracting Officer
Currently: unemployed, blacklisted, isolated, tortured and psychologically injured

Leila M S Gutowski, RN BS, BSN, VA, USA

Cheryl Weinrich, VA, USA
Former employee of SAIC, Inc., Employed from 2000 to 2010.
Contracted out 2009-’10 as a Document Control Specialist and Courier with the Missile Defense Agency.
Former student at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale and Alexandria, VA, 1982 to 2000: Travel and Tourism, Psychology and Information Technology.

Lorenzetta Whitfield, USA
Lillian Whitfield, USA
Tanya Whitfield, USA
(Sisters targeted since May 2013)

John Thomas Christiana, USA
BS Degree CSULB; MS Degree, Kaplan Univ, 4.0; Law Student, 2L
Everest Summiter | Human Rights Advocate
Targeted Individual Victim | Federal Lawsuit Plaintiff

John Leon Anderson, CT, USA
13-year victim

Nina Elhawary Duvall, USA
Drug Alcohol Tech | Working with Ms. Massie Munroe on her campaign and book.

Mark Mandigo, USA

Muguet Burgos, CCNY, USA

Innocentia Merchant, UK

Jessica Charpentier, MA, USA

Charles Pak, USA
Disabled Iraq Veteran 2004-2008
Tortured victim of remote technology 2007-current

Dominic Friscia, USA

Alicia Ogburn, and children, PA, USA

Amy Anderson, CA
Human Rights Activist

Constance Hannah Rose, Pacifica, CA
Artist, Author (The Joy Thieves)
Creative Director and Entrepreneur

Edward L. Spencer, MD
Neurology Retired, Researcher, Author

Dianne Renee Chandler
B.B.A. Business Administration
M.S.S. Strategic Studies, U.S. Army War College
M.S. Acquisition and Contract Management
LTC , USAR retired Veteran 28 years Service tortured victim since 2012 after filing an EEO complaint Dianne Chandler vs. Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh

Kathleen Haston, BA Psychology, USA

William Brock, Boston, MA, USA

Patrick Cleary, USA
B.S. Communication Arts from Cornell University, 1991.
Disabled teacher, social worker, and activist.

Harold Hubbard, disabled, USA

Marina Ragsdale, USA
Crew member at McDonald’s | Victim

Jeannette Eileen Fess, USA
Former Realtor | Victim

Takele Erko, Ethiopia
BSc. Chemistry | TI for 6 years

Dr. Helen Tsigounis, Australia
Author of “The Red Back Web”:
Targeted 20 years.

Caroline Coon, Tiburon, CA
Owner of store “Little Black Dress”

Marina Abramycheva, NY, USA

Agnieszka Kubicka, USA
26 years old | Student, Restaurant Worker

Tiffany Fusini, BA in Sociology and Gender Studies
Neuro-Behavioral Specialist

Mečislav Chorzempa, Computer Programmer, Czech Republic

Judith Greschus, Detmold-Germany
Acknowledged politically persecuted person of the GDR regime(certificate “C”)

Elke Malone, Germany
55 years, Educator

Thomas Steinke, USA
Independent Contractor
OTR Truck Driver

Andrew Furey, PA, USA

Terrance Bass, USA
Retired Musician and Marketing Professional

Geoffrey Beattie, N.I., UK

Ricki Leggett, USA
Victim for 15 years.

Stanley Heavrin, Louisville, KY, USA

Debra Matheny, Hibbing, Minnesota, USA
Anti Public Corruption Activist, Investigative Blogger, 3 generations of targets. My daughter and granddaughter, murdered.

Mr. Adair Rutherford Buckner, I.

Edgard Rene Romero Cruz
Creative genius, Artist, Mind Slave.

Dagmar Palmerova, Prague, Czech Republic
Degree in Economics

Beth Ruegg, USA
Targeted victim for decades

Paul Lucas, BSBA, Finance and Accounting, USA
Senior Accountant/Analyst for International Corporation

Nathan Entrekin, USA
Graphics/Media Artist, LDS church member

Laura Entrekin, USA
CNA Manager, LDS church member

Mr. Tobin Dresser, Bend, Oregon, USA
Freelance Writer

Andrea McCoy, BA, USA

Patricia Angulo, USA
Intake Clinical Coordinator, Personal Trainer, Aunt, Case Manager

Gülay Daricili (female), Germany
Certified Interpreter and Lecturer

Lisa R. Becker, Milwaukee, WI
BS, Human Environment & Design, graduated with honors in 1989.
Under surveillance since college, tortured with electronic surveillance since 2007.

Toshiko Namiki, Japan

Dolly Guenthner, USA
Whistleblower on the City of Elizabethtown, KY municipality to the FBI reporting $50 million fraud on the KY Retirement System–which turned out to be more than $1 billion fraud which still continues.
Terminated employee from the City of Elizabethtown, after 20+ years


Alan J. Bellina, USA
Amy L. Bellina, USA

Mary Fehr, New Mexico, USA
Retired journeyman CNC machinist
TI 2 years +
Catapulted into surveillance program by Ohio Neighborhood Watch

Darleen Palmeira, Kapaa, Hawaii
Targeted since 2015

Helmut Michael, Germany
I support the memorandum.
As to our personal experience:

Stephen O Neill, Sligo, Ireland
Targeted since 2005

Susan C., USA
Associate Underwriter

Ursula J. Barboza, USA
Juris Doctor (1995), M.A. Library and Information Science (2008)

Heide Klebsattel, Gutach/Germany
TI since 2010

Benjamin Miller, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Robert Stephen Spicer, USA
1-year aware TI

Michael McKay
B.S./B.A. UC Davis International Relations/Japanese
M.S. SFSU Physics

Linda L. Jensen (Maiden name, Christopherson/first marriage, Vegoe)
Musician, poet, educator of young people, legal and medical secretary, missionary, mother, grandmother, gardener.
Also an author, and activist for the rights of individuals for justice, “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” in accordance with the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.

Oskar Svärd, Master’s in Political Science, Sweden

Gabriele Plank, Munich, Germany
65 years old, Teacher, German Gymnasium

Mr. Christian Pfeifer, Luckenwalde, Germany

James F. Lico, USA
BS, Computer Science, Associate’s Degrees in Biology, Electronic Engineering
Retired Software Support Specialist, Systems Administrator
Targeted since 2010

Donna Wilkinson, USA

Chloe V. Rose, USA
Service connected 90% disabled Gulf War veteran, USN.
Honorably discharged 1980-1991.

Kathryn Sorensen USA
Retired Financial Management
Recovery Agent

Martina Pearce, Sales Manager

Leonard Loch, Hamburg, Germany.
Merchant, Graduate in Business Administration.
Targeted since 2003.

Kimberly Buckner, USA
Researcher, Whistleblower, Human Rights Advocate

Connie Hicks, USA

Marcus George Hopkins, NM & MN, USA
Ba.Sc. Wildlife Science
Heavily targeted for 6 years by group of technologically advanced, vicious criminals, including a corrupt NSA, FBI and Private Investigator Employee(s)

Steve Granite, USA
General labor
30-year victim

Bennetta McKenzie, IL, USA
AUTISM MOM – Bachelors in Accounting, MBA, CPA
Targeted 14 years

J. McKenzie, IL, USA
Autistic college student, Mathematics major

Clint McLean, MS, Computer Science (distinction), South Africa

Marie-Luise von Neuberg, Karlsruhe,Germany

Detlef Müller, Minden, Germany
TI for more than 30 years

Paolo Fiora, London, United Kingdom
Director, LESAG, London End Stalking Action Group

Atsuko Miyata, Japan
Mother, wife, homemaker, landlord
Victim for 28+years

Dr. Cherie Larsson, Ph.D, MBA, BA, Florida, USA
Ph.D in industrial Organizational Psychology

Irina Wickholm, Russia
Victim, and Human Rights Activist

Tera Wills, Ph.D, College Professor, USA
Ph.D. in combination of Nuclear Engineering and Radiochemistry, University of Arkansas
(40 years in US/from Iran)
Targeted since 2012

Liuda Balcius, USA/Lithuania
Author, Blind Social Worker, Teacher of the Blind, Humanitarian and Adventurer
Blind victim of reprehensible directed energy weapons
and unconscionable chemical poisonings for more than 20 years.
Looking forward someday to a peaceful, private life without pain and torture.

Catherine (Kate) Ryan, R.N. Retired
Former Representative in Consumer Electronics
Activist/Whistleblower of an Extraordinary Rendition site in Italy, inappropriate planned disposal of PCBs through insert in bathroom tiles.
SOA Watch/Supporter, Runs Support Group for TIs in New England

Slawomir Wiktor, MA (Magister) Philosophy, Poland
TI for 7 years, Activist with Polish TI association, STOPZET

Zofia Filipiak, Poland
President, Polish TI Association STOPZET

Brandon Armstrong, USA
Truck Driver. Targeted American.

Danuta Gajewska,Poland

Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland
A Targeted Individual for fourteen years.

Mrs. Hadia Fehlauer, Leimen, Germany
62 years old, Housewife and former Translator

Mr. Frank Hennrich, Walldorf, Germany
54 years old, dipl.-Cosmology Physicist, IT-product Owner

Mrs. Angelika Nowatzki, Großaitingen, Germany
66 years old, Housewife

Mr. Stefan Prechtel, Crailsheim, Germany

Lori Budd, ME, USA
Targeted since 2005

Shelly Hoyle,WA,USA

Jane Kiesel, USA

Debra Poulsen, USA

Carmen de los Santos, USA
Information Technology Technician
Internal Revenue Service

Dr. Matthew Aaron, USA
Neurobiologist, Geneticist, Science Journalist

Debra Anda, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Generational victim of COINTELPRO
Mother Murdered 1970’s
Life of chaos, peace In Christ Jesus

(An updated version of this memo, on an ongoing basis, will be maintained on this page at The Everyday Concerned Citizen. Please send an email anytime to if you wish to sign this memo. Please share this information — which is being suppressed by corporate, mainstream, CIA-controlled media — widely. Stand up for America today, and for all of humanity worldwide, add your name, and inform others. These crimes Must be publicized the world over, and publicly addressed. )

Currently Updated: 3-24-2017

Pdf for Download: Memo to President Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance–3-24-2017

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

Ramola D/Posted 12/3/2016 

Updated 2/17/2017

(With thanks to all the writers, whistleblowers, journalists, and human rights activists whose reviews supported the creation of this piece, and whose links, words, and quotes are included here.)

Secret High-Tech Surveillance, Targeting, Assault

The Deadly Reality of Today’s Covert Radiation-Policed and Neuro-Policed State, USA and WorldWide

How Blacklisted Individuals in Today’s Surveillance State, worldwide, in all Five-Eyes Countries (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia) as well as NSA-contracted countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Are Targeted 6-Times and Used Like Lab Rats For Running-as-“Legal” yet Essentially Illegal, Wrongful, Criminal Non-Consensual Military/Navy/USAF Directed-Energy Weapons Operation, Testing, & Training as well as Non-Consensual Covert CIA/DIA/DARPA/NSA/DOJ/DHS Neuro-Experimentation in “Behavior Modification”, and Deliberately Disappeared from Public View By 1) Insidious and Strategic Deception Practiced by Colluding Psychiatrists, Colluding Medical Professionals, Colluding Media, Colluding Law Enforcement―Who Agree to Lie, and Call Them Paranoid, Delusional, and Schizophrenic; and 2) In-Community Agency Infiltrators―Who Control from Within.

How the End Result is treasonous Secret Military Subjugation of entire communities, neighborhoods, towns: In US Military jargon, Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), Asymmetric Warfare, Stealth Warfare, Information Warfare, Information Operations, Special Operations, Special Warfare, Psychological Warfare.

While this expose focuses on the USA, this exact protocol is being applied worldwide, in United Nations countries, in a long-running program, escalating in recent times, of ramping-up totalitarian and global control. Individual citizens will have to rise to stop it.

Written from the documented awareness, observations, experience, and analysis of those being wrongfully assaulted and exploited by this corrupt program; and necessarily inclusive of speculation, since the methodologies and technologies being used to attack and persecute individuals covertly, yet in plain view, hidden in plain sight, in the false name of National Security, may be largely classified. Information on these technologies is also obtained from public-domain patents, whistleblowers, and scientists who have worked on similar projects.

Please note: The secretive processes of current-day targeting and high-tech surveillance have been covered by many researchers, analysts, and writers in books and websites, many of which inform this article–a speculative op-ed rooted both in fact and experience. Military and Intelligence documents, talks by whistleblowers, lawsuits, published articles and reports highlighting the use of Executive Orders, statutes, and Defense-centric laws such as the NDAA and 5240.1R, information and documents gained on FOIA request, also contribute to this discussion, and are partially linked in-line, as well as listed in Sources & Further Information at the end.

Note also that because we are subject today to lies, deception, and PsyOps online, in Mainstream media, in books, and in the public domain, it’s essential to note, in human rights advocate Paul Baird’s words, “many truths are censored and kept secret…and these things we address, experienced by countless people worldwide, are no less true because proof cannot be extracted from the bowels of the Pentagon.”

The purpose of this article is to present the experience and understanding of those being targeted, assaulted with radiation weapons and neuroweapons, and non-consensually experimented-on,as understood by this writer; to unravel and piece together the means and processes by which people are being targeted–in terms of extant laws, military and Intelligence regulations and directives, Joint Targeting processes, Memoranda of Understanding between the DOD and the DOJ, loopholes in Human Subject Protections; to expose the inhumanity, moral depravity, and obscenity of this targeting and to-death human experimentation; and to offer solutions to address this inhumanity and end this targeting and assault of innocents.

This article builds on the analyses presented earlier at this site in several articles, collected under Human Rights, and explores and seeks to answer the questions: How exactly are people being targeted? How is the Military-Industrial-Intel complex, the DOD and the DOJ getting away with it? What is the extent of the PsyOp being run on the American public–and by extension, the global public? Who is involved? Who is colluding? Why is Media silent? And what can and should be done to stop it? To extend, correct, or comment on any information presented here, please email the writer or leave a comment below.

1. Scarlet Letter: Community Informants Falsely Label the Target as Terrorist/Spy

Targets are first wrongfully and unlawfully named terrorists, spies, or suspects, by paid Fusion Center FBI/DHS informants, operating in communities, weeding out the outspoken, the activists, the morally upright, anyone they take a dislike to: this includes older women and men, minorities, independent thinkers. This includes journalists, writers, whistleblowers, retirees, peace/justice activists, professors, nurses, doctors, attorneys, engineers, ex-Intel agents, veterans, teachers, home-makers, artists, people from every profession.

Secret FISA Letters and Warrants, and National Security Letters are issued wrongfully to “start an investigation” of the innocent American/named a “suspected terrorist or spy,” couched as legal criminal investigation. They are now subjects of Extreme Surveillance. The Patriot Act permits extended and useless surveillance of pretty much everyone, for pretty much any concocted reason. This may be Running-as-“Legal”, but, because it targets innocents, and builds a folder of lies around innocents, it is Illegal, and already a Crime: it is flagrantly Wrongful, and it’s being applied Inaccurately, to Non-Terrorists, Non-Spies. What results is a sustained dragnet targeting of innocents, absolutely without cause or evidence of wrongdoing, hidden by secrecy.

Diane Roark, former Congressional staffer with the Senate Intelligence Committee, explains here in this talk how Executive Order 12333 and the Patriot Act have permitted extreme abuse in targeting in the name of counter-terrorism, how NSA data is “now being used for criminal investigations, not just for counter-terrorism, which was the original purpose”, how NSA gives tips to local Law Enforcement, and “the courts are also corrupted, because they set up a fake evidentiary trail and cannot expose their data as (sourced from) NSA surveillance”, which, she notes, would be unConstitutional, how local Law Enforcement take the FBI’s lead and illegally engage in domestic, sneak-and-peek surveillance, and how the FISA court is involved (the FISA court cannot refuse to issue a warrant). Also see ex-FBI Mike German‘s talks on Youtube on indiscriminate targeting of non-terrorists, non-spies, non-criminals. See William Binney‘s expose here of secret laws, secret surveillance. See why Section 215 of the Patriot Act is detrimental to national security, and the nation at large: Let the Sun Set on PATRIOT- Section 215, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Solution: Repeal/Scrap the Patriot Act and EO 12333, Open the Secret FISA Court, Bring Due Process Back: No-one can or should be investigated as a terrorist or spy without being openly informed and openly charged in an open society. NSLs that are kept-secret should be scrapped.

NSA Whistleblower and retired Intelligence Analyst Karen Stewart, in her interview with Rob McConnell, X Zone, mentions an appeals process that should be instigated: anyone who is watchlisted should have a right to appeal this watchlisting. Due Process must be reinstated; no-one should be denied access to a meaningful defense.

This absolute power of being able to blacklist anyone in absolute secret, that the Intel agencies are currently indulging, has to be completely wrested from them. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. While Secrecy is Permitting Extreme Abuse of Powers. Targeting anyone and everyone without due process, without cause, for reason of personal vendetta, for reason of suppression of free speech, activism, or dissent is not Counter-Terrorism, and is not protective of National Security.

This has to be understood for what it is really is: Secrecy-Protected Crime. Why are Intelligence agencies being permitted to criminally target Anyone without public accountability, transparency, and oversight? Innocents are being targeted in secret and destroyed in secret, this has to stop.

2. Modern Enslavement/Radiation & Neuro Policing: Innocent Targets are Put by DOJ Under Secretive 24/7 “FISA-Court-Ordered” Electronic Surveillance & Lab-Rat Physical/Biometric Surveillance

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully subjected to a new and secretive Department of Justice program of 24/7 (FISA-Court-ordered) Electronic Surveillance, which involves secretive, continuous audio/video recording of the target, bugs and cameras covertly planted at their residences, continuous clandestine location tracking–a Special Operations Command military maneuver reported in 2013 as futuristic, and which secretly permits the continuous use of radiation, radar, sonic, scalar non-Lethal Weapons (possibly hidden in terminology as Biometric Surveillance Devices or Physical Surveillance Devices, on the person of the target, by local Law Enforcement and by Regional Fusion Centers which includes the Military (who are also authorized to support law enforcement agencies by Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code).

This could include undisclosed Pre-Crime/Neuro-Crime/Neuro-Surveillance technologies under new, being-tested and being-rolled-out Neuro-Crime programs run under the aegis of Criminal Justice/21st-Century-Policing and permitted via long-standing classified-technology-sharing using Memoranda of Understanding with the DoD.

giordano0giordano1giordano2giordano3To understand that Neuro-Crime as contemporary facet of Criminal Justice has definitely arrived, see this brief interview with Vanderbilt Law and Biological Sciences professor Owen Jones for the 2013 PBS show Brains on Trial; also see this 2013 talk on Predictive Neuroscience given by Georgetown Neuroscience professor James Giordano(graphics from video, left); watch this collection of videos on Youtube on neuro-criminology and neurotechnology; search on Youtube using keywords Neuro Crime, Neuro Criminology, Neuro Ethics, for more.

To understand that Remote Neural Monitoring technologies, possibly classified (yet reported definitively as being experienced, non-consensually, by numerous targets, in the USA and worldwide), may be in use by DOJ under technology sharing agreements with DOD, see the expansive and detailed information on the capabilities of NSA Signals Intelligence described in ex-NSA employee John St. Clair Akwei’s 1991 lawsuit against the NSA. (While the information in this cornerstone lawsuit is unique, there is a tremendous amount of related information on this subject available on patents and technologies from researchers and whistleblowers, documented in books, videos, websites, and articles, a few listed here in Sources & Further Information.)


Excerpt/Akwei vs. NSA


Excerpt/Akwei vs NSA

General Category: Electronic Surveillance (Electronic Surveillance IS Electronic Harassment.)
Physical (Bodily) Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? See this FOIA request denied by the Massachusetts Fusion Center, refusing transparency on the subject of non-lethal weapons admittedly being used on the streets, and see this FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band (UWB) equipment, inclusive of Ground Penetrating Radar and Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) radar devices currently in use on the streets, obtained by a Pennsylvania resident on FOIA request.

There is also this Secret Surveillance Catalogue, ostensibly used (by Mil/Intel/local Law) only for cell phone surveillance, published by The Intercept in Dec 2015).

And just in: word of portable sonic devices marketed to Mil/Intel permitting remote bodily assault: Sonic Assault, and Sonic Nausea.

Through The Wall Surveillance (TTWS) Doppler radar devices as subset
RFID Identification chips and tracking as subset/Covertly implanted microchips, nanochips
Human Organ Surveillance as subset/Pulsed radar hits on organs
Remote ElectroMuscular tracking as subset/Remote electric shocks, low amperage
Biometric Surveillance (Classified? Or just being kept-secret by DOJ? Beyond facial recognition, iris, gait is Neuro-Surveillance. Is Brain and Nervous System Surveillance all being rolled into “Biometric” Surveillance?

Remote Functional MRIs, Remote EEGs, and Remote Neural Monitoring are all being reported by targets. )

Neuro-Crime Brain/Neuro Surveillance as subsetRemote MRIs, Remote EEGs, Remote Brain Scans
Remote Neural Monitoring as subsetPrecision targeting of nerves in human body
Radiation Intelligence Monitoring as subset–Picking up unintentionally radiated EMF/scalar brain waves as part of the NSA Signals Intelligence program (See the information on Signals Intelligence in the lawsuit John St. Clair Akwei Vs. NSA)

Remote Brain Experimentation/Neuro-Surveillance: It is entirely possible that targets are both being “surveilled/monitored” by the DOJ/FBI/Local Law Enforcement with physical/biometric surveillance devices, and also being used by the DOJ/FBI as hush-hush lab-rats for Pre-Crime, Neuro-Crime experimentation using remote radiation neuroweaponry such as those running remote fMRIs and remote EEGs, by secretly (and obviously wrongfully) enrolling them in “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) and other convenient programs. Supposedly, these CVE programs are being rolled out in Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis; however, this targeting, from victim/Target accounts, is nationwide.

From Target accounts: These weapons, as experienced, include Through-Wall radar, portable Directed-Energy Weapons, covertly-implanted RFIDs and RFID Tracking; weapons also include the more exotic, being-tested Neuro Crime and Neuro Surveillance weapons, permitted to deliver Remote EEGs, Remote Electroshocks, Remote Neural Monitoring―all of which weaponry is possibly black-budget, covert-ops, CIA “sources & methods,” and “classified.”

(Can FOIAs and FOIA lawsuits force DOJ to reveal what classified or non-classified non-lethal weapons are in use by Fusion Centers as surveillance devices, without disclosure, on Americans? Massachusetts Fusion Center refuses to divulge information on these, citing “public safety” behind its withholding―which would suggest an acknowledgment that they (undisclosed non-lethals) are definitely in use, just not being disclosed. A FOIA request to the FCC by a Pennsylvania resident however, yielded a listing of radar-based through-wall surveillance devices as well as ground-penetrating radar possibly in use by local Law Enforcement or/and the Federal Government included in a FCC spreadsheet listing Ultra Wide Band equipment licenses.)

PLEASE NOTE: Classified non-lethal weapons jointly developed by DOJ/DOD for Criminal Justice appear to have been permitted for use on targets by the Department of Justice; no public disclosure or consent has preceded this usage. The usage of the weapons itself is covert―undisclosed; this is Secret Policing, and every American should know about it. When a state Fusion Center refuses to divulge its arsenal of non-lethal weapons currently in operation on its streets―and hidden under categories of surveillance, as surveillance devices–on a Freedom of Information Act request, as the Massachusetts Fusion Center has, to this writer, one has to question what part that attitude of deliberate secrecy has in a democracy. When it comes down to it, that attitude typifies repressive dictatorships―quintessential Banana Republics, not democracies. Is the government of the United States of America in actuality a repressive dictatorship then, and not a democracy?

Solution: The Department of Justice should fully disclose weaponry in use, and programs in use, whether pilot, experimental, or operational; no secret or covert electronic or radiation surveillance of any citizen should be allowed. This is bodily-invasive, intrusive, and extremely harmful radiation, scalar, and sonic technology. There has been no public debate and there is no public consent for this use, of undisclosed weaponry and undisclosed surveillance technology. This weaponry has been reported by all being assaulted with it as barbaric and inhumane; a military investigator has openly stated that certain non-lethal weapons are in actuality lethal; an ex-UK Navy microwave weapons expert has stated that all non-lethal weapons can be used lethally; targets report continuous 24/7 assault with these radiation weapons―that is not non-lethal usage, that is lethal usage.

3. Modern Enslavement/Target Practice: Innocent Targets are Secretly Enrolled into Multi-Million-Dollar Defense Contracts for Terminal Lab-Rat Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Effects Testing

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above, and made the wrongful subjects of surveillance) are unlawfully entered–human-trafficked–into multi-million-dollar Military/USAF/Navy/Space Weapons experimentation programs, mostly field weapons testing of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), exploring Anti-Personnel Effects or Bio-Effects.


Excerpt/Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small Diameter, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots, FWR-2012-0147H/Obtained on FOIA Request, Aug 2015

(See this post here for links to RFPs, contracts, and reports. See Dr. Robert Duncan’s note on field testing of weapons. Visit the Non-Lethal Human Effects page on the DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program website. Research DEW Bio-Behavioral Research or Human Effects.)

From RFP information and target accounts: These are Bio-Behavioral Effects Research programs, testing levels at which deleterious effects of radiation weapons can be detected on the human body, including damage to DNA, tissue, and cell structure, testing specific thermal and bio-electric effects, and testing the diverse capabilities of diverse EMF/RF/ELF sensors (land, space, and air-based, stationary and moving, close and distant, portable and hand-held, all covert) in tracking radio frequencies emitted by corporally-integrated RF microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology clandestinely implanted in the target’s body, as well as those emitted by individual brain and heart EMFs.


Secret Military Experimentation Unto Death: This experimentation is 24/7, and involves the operation of death-dealing Directed-Energy Weapons. The US Department of Defense has dared to characterize these deadly energy weapons acting across distance as “Non-Lethal Weapons” of “Electronic Warfare” — but in permitting, conducting, and promoting the experimental usage of these weapons on American civilians and veterans, as well as citizens worldwide, has openly proved to these Americans how deadly these weapons are, in their ability to very quickly degrade human organs, human brains, human bodies, in their use of radiation, sonics, and scalar technologies to cause chronic health damage, cancers, strokes, heart attacks, and–it must be stressed–death.

To be very clear, this incredibly inhumane US Military experimentation–masterminded by the conscienceless, mad scientists who have set up these testing and experimentation programs (and who pick up padded paychecks for it)–appears to be experimentation unto death. As far as this writer knows (as per information from numerous “Targeted Individuals,” books, and whistleblowers), no target has ever been released from these grotesque and cruel programs of non-consensual human experimentation; many targets, especially in recent times, have died both of illnesses from chronic directed-energy assault and suddenly-induced heart attacks. This includes well-known and beloved activists, public speakers, and writers Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD, author Gloria Naylor, and activists Sean Stinn, and Zakaos Breedlove-Ewing.

This death-industry experimentation ―completely non-consensual–is legally being permitted on the subjects of surveillance under cover of being important for “national security” by such outrageous, citizen-harming, and barbaric laws as the AUMF, NDAA, EO 12333, and the Defense-Industry-centric Military Directive 5240.1 R, an oligarchic imperative which freely permits military experimentation on All US citizens.

Put under surveillance by the NSA/FBI/FISA/DHS; Subjected to experimental non-stop “electronic” (read radiation/neuro) surveillance by DOJ; Experimented on for Intelligence Purposes by EO 12333 and 5240.1R; Indefinitely detained without due process by NDAA; Cleared for Non-Consensual Experimentation by loopholes in the Common Rule and OHRP, HHS (Office of Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human Services); Experimented on Forever/& Terminally by way of Indefinite Detention, Neverending “Investigations,” Neverending Surveillance; Subjected to PsyOps and Smear Campaigns; Lives, livelihoods, and relationships destroyed: this is the Trail of Tears for targets today.

It should be noted here that in fact, All US citizens are indeed currently being targeted, assaulted, and experimented on, with heavy-metal aerosols (chem trails), nanotechnology, EMF radiation, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), toxins and fertility-disruptors in vaccinations, ELF transmissions via HAARP, and more, in covert health-degradation programs related to the very real and long-standing United Nations depopulation agenda run globally. Some US citizens however are experimented on several times over, as detailed here, as enslaved targets entered into Electronic Warfare DEW-assault programsand other covert Intelligence experimentation programs, discussed further below.


False Labels of “Enemy Combatant”/Geneva Convention Protections Scrapped: Perusing Military Intelligence Oversight documents online also suggests that targets are possibly being named “enemy combatants” who are “engaging in actions of hostility” against the United States, and are then permitted to become military/war-time objects of surveillance, counter-intelligence, and counter-terrorism―in collusion with Intelligence “components”–ie, other Intelligence agencies and departments, and, in their confabulation as “enemy combatants,” are no longer considered “protected persons” under the Geneva Convention―opening the door to an infinity of massive abuse as subjects of deadly military experimentation.

This slide from the DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation points to the key, citizen-harming directives governing the activities of Military Intelligence, although other regulations and directives also exist:

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016/Procedure 13
Procedure 13 – Experimentation on Human Subjects for Intelligence Purposes


This procedure applies to experimentation on human subjects if such experimentation is conducted by or on behalf of a DoD intelligence component. This procedure does not apply to experimentation on animal subjects.


1. Experimentation in this context means any research or testing activity involving human subjects that may expose such subjects to the possibility of permanent or temporary injury (including physical or psychological damage and damage to the reputation of such persons) beyond the risks of injury to which such subjects are ordinarily exposed in their daily lives.

2. Experimentation is conducted on behalf of a DoD intelligence component if it is conducted under contract to that component or to another DoD component for the benefit of the intelligence component or at the request of such a component regardless of the existence of a contractual relationship.

DOD Directive 5240.1R, Revised August 2016

Executive Order 12333 permits various kinds of surveillance and physical searches by different Intelligence agencies and departments of the military for various purposes, particularly Intelligence surveillance, and includes this qualified allowance for human subject experimentation, in itself deceptive, because DHHS guidelines mentioned below lead, via loopholes in the Common Rule (slightly modified individually for and by different agencies and DOD), right back to the whims and vagaries of agencies and DOD, to waivers of Informed Consent by the Secretary of Defense, blank-check internal Review Boards for research projects, and no external oversight:

2.10 Human Experimentation. No agency within the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for or conduct research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The subject’s informed consent shall be documented as required by those guidelines. (EO 12333)

Indefinite Detention without trial, as we know, is being preserved in the NDAA 2016, both for Guantanamo and for the rest of the USA, fought for by President Obama’s Administration as noted here in 2013, even as empty promises to close Guantanamo were frequently aired:

“Yet Obama was less concerned with the constitutional rights of American citizens, who can still be detained indefinitely under the NDAA. From Salon:

Meanwhile the troubling NDAA provision first signed into law in 2012, which permits the military to detain individuals indefinitely without trial, remains on the books for 2014. Efforts to quash or reform the provision (especially with regards to the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens) have failed and been fiercely fought by the administration. Most notably, a lawsuit filed against the president by plaintiffs including journalist Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg against the provision has been aggressively fought at every turn by the president’s attorneys. The plaintiffs argue that the NDAA provision constitutes a significant expansion of the laws regarding indefinite detention already established by Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).

Hedges has chronicled his fight against the detention provision of the NDAA here at Truthdig. And it should be a worrisome provision for anyone who believes in basic American civil liberties, which have been significantly eroded since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.” Truthdig/Obama Signs NDAA, Maintaining Indefinite Detention Provision/Dec 27, 2013

Ironically, this slide on the 2013 DOD Intelligence Oversight Program presentation offers the rest of us a revealing glimpse of Intelligence activities being conducted (and kept undisclosed and “protected from disclosure” with a label) that the world at large might find questionable, improper, immoral, venal, exploitative, dishonorable.

The various means by which targets are being used as lab-rats for the operation of deadly directed-energy weapons used in Electronic Warfare on their bodies include avid Military Deception, termed MILDEC in military jargon.

Is Informed Consent being buried by (false) claims of “Minimal Risk”? Consider for instance that a recent FOIA request to the USAF, delayed for many months, for documents and details on Informed Consent onthe 7-yr, 2013 USAF-General Dynamics Directed-Energy Weapons Bio-Behavioral Research contract, yielded only partial and redactedinformation (released documents here), claimed Exemption 5 USC 552 b (4)to withhold technical data, did not yield full information on field testing of the DEWs mentioned–meaning, could not openly prove that the weapons-testing on this contract had the full, informed consent of all those being tested on–yet had a Federal Wide Assurance (of human subject protections and Informed Consent) filed with the OHRP, obtained separately on FOIA from the OHRP (FWA here). (Information from this FOIA will be covered separately in an article soon.) Note, this is an ongoing USAF weapons-testing contract doing DEBR-Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research on Americans, which has been approved by the Office of Human Research Protections, at the US Department of Health and Human Services.

While this particular possibility needs further research, given current Common Rule/Based on The Belmont Report loopholes regarding Informed Consent, given current OHRP Federal Wide Assurance loopholes regarding applicability to the Common Rule and Informed Consent, and given that General Dynamics Federal-Wide Assurance filed with OHRP, it could just be that the Principal Investigators and Human Protections Administrators at Defense contractor corporations and Institutional Review Boards signing off on these contracts and signing Federal-Wide Assurances (FWAs) filed (as required–as per OHRP–for all contracts using “human subjects”) with the Office of Human Research Protections at the Department of Health and Human Services are openly lying about “minimal harm” to subjects, “minimal risk,” and acting as authoritarian arbiters of Informed Consent for their non-consensual subjects, even as the Common Rule offers the Military convenient loopholes to permit waivers of Informed Consent, and the NDAA openly permits enslavement of American citizens for lab-rat exploitation, all in the false name of National Security.

Permitting the Military to train weapons on citizens under cover of necessity–and consenting to Military Deception in burying Informed Consent from potential “human subjects”–is not “National Security”, it is National Suicide.

Solution: Repeal the NDAA. Rescind the DoD Directive 5240.1 R. Revoke EO 12333. Remove all loopholes from the Common Rule, and from the terms of the OHRP’s Federal Wide Assurance. Rescind all military, intelligence, and JTRIG directives permitting citizen-use for weapons-testing or any kind of human experimentation. In addition, publicly question the US Department of Defense and all Intelligence agencies permitting this current covert assault on citizens, hold them accountable for the inflicting of harm and for gross human rights violations: these should be considered in the light of war crimes, for what they are, crimes against humanity.

Strike all noxiously permissive legislation allowing human bio-behavioral effects testing from the books. Do not permit or legalize weapons-testing on citizens for any reason. Citizens should NEVER be harmed by their own governments, whom they themselves elect, support with taxes, and expect to represent them. Militaries are supposed to defend citizens, not assault them. There is no such thing as needing to harm citizens for National Security, just because China or Russia may also have these weapons.

Governments that experiment with military weapons on citizens are in fact flagrantly harming National Security―there is no national security when military and mercenary contractors are running around hunting down innocent citizens everywhere they go with deadly Electronic Warfare radiation weapons, the correct word for that is State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism. Worldwide, it must be noted that these quite-lethal “non-lethal” Electronic Warfare weapons, like blinding lasers, like nuclear weapons, are barbaric weapons which must be banned, worldwide.

4. Modern Enslavement/MK ULTRA Neuro-Experimentation: Innocent Targets are “Detained” without Due Process for Lab-Rat Remote Brain Interrogation in Classified Non-Consensual CIA/DIA/DARPA Intelligence “Sources and Methods” MK ULTRA-Extended Experiments

Under current law, the federal government has proclaimed the power, has arrogated to itself the power to obtain indefinitely without charge or trial U.S. Citizens and lawful permanent residents who are apprehended on American soil. Let that sink in for just a minute.” Senator Lee also reminded the Congress that the last time the U.S. federal government detained Americans was the internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War.

Senator Rand Paul noted that President Obama recognized the danger of granting the federal government the power to indefinitely detain Americans. Upon signing the bill in 2011 President Obama added a signing statement promising not to use the power. “He said, this is a terrible power and I promise never to use it. Any president who says a power is so terrible he is not going to use it should not be on the books,” Paul stated. “Someday there will be someone in charge of the government that makes a grievous mistake, like rounding up the Japanese. So we have to be very, very careful about giving power to our government.” Activist Post/NDAA 2017 Includes Draft for Women, Indefinite Detention for American Citizens

Targets (unlawfully targeted as above) are unlawfully detained without due process by the NDAA for “interrogation,” as per President Obama’s casual sign-off on this Constitution-busting military power-grab, which attempts to legalize and opens the door both for “Criminal Justice” interrogation experimentation using Neuro Crime weaponry to remotely probe brains as described above in (2), and also for “Intelligence Surveillance” interrogation experimentation programs conducted by the NSA/CIA/DARPA/DIA to further their in-process, classified CIA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro-Modification, and Behavior-Modification.

NSA/DARPA/CIA Full-Spectrum Dominance steps in here. Subjects under surveillance are being legally exploited for invasive remote non-consensual experimentation by Military and Intelligence entities, since surveillance currently permits experimentation.

From the FAQ page at the CIA website:

By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting foreign intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens. Its mission is to collect information related to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence. By direction of the president in Executive Order 12333 of 1981 and in accordance with procedures approved by the Attorney General, the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens. Collection is allowed only for an authorized intelligence purpose; for example, if there is a reason to believe that an individual is involved in espionage or international terrorist activities. The CIA’s procedures require senior approval for any such collection that is allowed, and, depending on the collection technique employed, the sanction of the Director of National Intelligence and Attorney General may be required. These restrictions on the CIA have been in effect since the 1970s.

The “Collection” referenced above is, from target accounts and lawsuits such as ex-NSA’s St. John Clair Akwei lawsuit, and from the work of analysts, writers, and targets, speculated to include information gathered from Neuro or Brain Surveillance, Monitoring, and Interrogation.

By this means, under Criminal Justice Neuro-Interrogation and Intelligence Surveillance Neuro-Interrogation, Intelligence and Security agencies are being permitted to experimentally remotely probe, monitor, and modify brains, actions that, from inference on FOIA requests, are “properly classified” as “sources and methods of gaining intelligence” and not subject to any Common Rule protections of human subjects because classified research is permitted by current loopholes in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to evade Informed Consent requirements. (This recent post, exploring proposed 2015 changes to the CFR/Common Rule–which seek to include further evasions, exclusions, and concessions for classified research–explores the subject of current-day neuro-experimentation without Informed Consent by “covered agencies”.)

In other words, targets already subjected to Extreme Radiation Electronic Surveillance by the DOJ, and used non-consensually for military weapons-testing, are also unlawfully entered into classified CIA/DIA/NSA/DARPA MKULTRA-extended programs of non-consensual neuro-experimentation and neuro-modification, bio-hacking, and bio-robotization, involving 24/7 pain and trauma signalling for neural network re-programming, no-touch torture, sleep-deprivation, V2K (voice to skull/synthetic telepathy, i.e., voices in head), clandestine implantation of RFID microchips, bio-MEMs, and nanotechnology, clandestine activation of these implants for pain and trauma-signaling, continuous remote brain and neural monitoring via remote EEGs, brain-EMF-harvesting, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Electronic Brain Links, Brain-to-Brain communication, EEG cloning, mind hiving, and interrogation via Dream Manipulation. This information on current-day MKULTRA neuro-experimentation is provided both by ex-CIA scientists, whistleblowers, and current-day “TI” victims of this unlawful and extreme experimentation. Also see the Akwei lawsuit and the Larsen report.

Proving the fact of this ongoing experimentation―if insider whistleblowers and human-rights-centered hackers don’t step forward, as they ethically, absolutely must–will necessitate a no-holds-barred interrogation and investigation of NSA/CIA/DARPA, their contracts, and their contractors. Secrecy that permits such torture of citizens, such violence hidden in plain sight, yet bound by lies suggesting “proper classification” Must be ended. Concerned neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, human rights advocates, journalists, Information Technology specialists, and citizens Should initiate such an investigation―over more than three decades, Congress has been made aware by constituents, is possibly fully aware, but is silent. This situation cannot hold. Secrecy that permits crime is a crime, and must be ended.

Solution: Bring Due Process and Full Accountability back, no exceptions. Hold the Department of Justice accountable. Hold the CIA, DIA, ODNI, NSA, and DARPA accountable. Demand transparency.

No secretive, classified, covert and non-consensual pre-crime Criminal Justice Neuro-Surveillance or (Neuro) Behavior or Brain Modification operations or experimentation should be permitted or tested on humans; it must be stressed that all experimentees report their experience as barbaric and inhumane experimentation. To clarify: All neuro-experimentation being reported by non-consensual experimentees today is being reported as Torture.

Classified research which is hiding under cover of “National Security” and engaging in these covert crimes of absolute, untenable Torture against humanity needs to be fully opened up. This is a case of Classification to permit covert crimes. Hidden under “sources and methods” in efforts to create “the perfect spy” or to aid HUMINT or Human Intelligence Collection, these are grotesque, barbaric, and completely inhumane experiments and an assault on our common humanity.

In other words, these covered agencies, using National Security and Counter Terrorism as cover, may say they are conducting “Counter Intelligence,” but in reality are conducting Torture.

Dismantle the CIA’s, DIA’s, and NSA’s dirty-ops research wing, which is using EMF/sonic/scalar and wifi-based Pain, Trauma, and Torture (in continuation of MK ULTRA’s pain-based experiments) to modify neural networks, personal memories, psychology, behavior, and human brains, to hack into brains, take over human brains, and manipulate motor, audio, and visual cortexes in attempts to create compliant, subjugated, docile, and fully manipulable human beings. Challenge All classification of research on human beings, disallow the CIA, DARPA, and NSA from experimenting under cover of classification for any reason on humans. Covered experimentation is Pure Abuse.

NOTE: As noted above, the CIA is quite possibly concealing the use of these radiation/scalar/sonic DEWs and neuroweapons under both classified labels and the cover-all-crimes Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence category, as FOIA request responses imply. Further, as per the 2015 NPRM for the Common Rule, the CIA, with other agencies, has recently been seeking sweeping changes to the Common Rule, demanding that all research it conducts be considered normative and beneficial Intelligence activity, and therefore be exempted fully from the human subject protections of the Common Rule. (This is nothing but a covered agency already abusing humans under cover seeking even deeper cover by way of deliberate Public Deception–possibly to hide its current abuse of humans, which many “Targeted Individuals” and MK ULTRA survivors are speaking out about, but perhaps also to protect its future, so it can run future programs of abusive experimentation undercover, unknown to all, and unchecked.)

5. Psychological & Social Domestic Terrorism: Targets are subjected to community-wide COINTELPRO assaults, character-assassination, community ridicule, isolation, color-coding tied in to Lab-Rat Exploitation in Neuro-Experimentation, Neuro Imaging, Psychiatry, Artificial Intelligence Networks, and New Police-State Paradigm Social Engineering experiments.

Targets (unlawfully targeted, surveilled, “detained”, and remotely neuro-interrogated as above) are further unlawfully subjected to COINTELPRO actions by the FBI/DHS/local Law/local fusion centers and their community accomplices: Infragard, Citizen Watch, and Community Watch units―which include continuous traffic and street harassment, organized stalking, public-place swarming, mobbing, organized noise harassment, employment sabotage, and community smear campaigns or character-assassination. Active Deception is used to tell communities targets are threats who need to be watched continuously.

In the ’70s, COINTELPRO was found to have flourished on secrecy:

“The Church Committee found that part of the problem with COINTELPRO was that no one outside the FBI was ever supposed to know it existed.14 No one could object to activities they weren’t aware of and, as investigators found, “the absence of disapproval” was “interpreted by the Bureau as sufficient authorization to continue an activity.”15 Secrecy created a haven from the public eye where abuse could flourish.-Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU, Dec 2007, What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

Merging with COINTELPRO today is the program of PsyOps supplied by the DOD/CIA (MK ULTRA/Monarch) Neuro-Experimenters running large-scale, Artificial Intelligence-run, community-based Neuro Imaging experiments and Neural Linguistic Programming―possibly roping communities in under the guise of “Community-Based Participatory Research”, a new code-word for research involving communities identified as “at risk”, and recruiting whole communities in social engineering projects, not dissimilar to the Military’s social science projects being conducted under the Minerva initiative–and which could easily be considered to be COINTELPRO actions of organized stalking and harassment by way of the tactics used: organized color-coding, organized street theatre, organized runners, walkers, manipulated conversations, organized “interventions” via telemarketers, surveyers, utility-staff, students, military psychologists, using Infragard and Neighborhood Watch civilians as stalkers, organizing secretive house break-ins and “gaslighting”, compelling community members to act as meme-spreaders/mimes/ mimics, creating community echoes of the target’s words and phrasing, actions, clothing, all in “plausibly deniable” ways.

In other words, targets are subjected continuously in public and at home in their neighborhoods to COINTELPRO Disruption of the enemy’s life or PsyOps for, possibly, Neural Imaging/Neural Linguistic Programming purposes disguised as Community-Based Participatory Research/or disguised as Community Policing or Neighborhood Watch which essentially ropes whole communities/towns into 24/7 surveillance/ Zersetsung/ PsyOps against the target. Psychological warfare on civilians has been made legal. Note that President Obama signed an Executive Order into effect in September 2015, referring to Government-Approved Deception of the Public as obtaining “Behavioral Science Insights” and openly permitting Open-Season for PsyOps on all targets, and on all Americans.


Excerpt/The Complex: How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse

COINTELPRO Includes Public and Private Radiation Assaults: Please note, this level of COINTELPRO―which includes the continuous Electronic Surveillance secretly permitted by the DOJ―permits Citizen Watch and utility and local business personnel in any enterprise, i.e., FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon, any store-front, gas-station, the City’s trash trucks and recycling trucks, landscaping, roofing, chimney-cleaning, swimming-pool cleaning, National Grid, gas and power utilities, to point cell-phones at targets in public, directing wifi/microwave signals at them, and to point covert portable DEWs at them in public and inside buildings and homes, constantly irradiating targets. Telecom companies in particular―Comcast, Xfinity―and power companies such as National Grid are being used to do even more, such as pump ELFs into targets’ homes, covertly rig targets’ homes and neighborhoods with electrical circuits which facilitate Remote Electro-Shocking, engage in Remote Neural Monitoring, and direct extreme-spread microwave/X-ray radiation attacks at them (while inside homes, inside stores, churches, museums, restaurants). DHS and military personnel often work as drivers of these utility and business trucks.

This secret surveillance program is neither delusory nor imagined; this is exactly what Bush promised, shortly after 9/11, in TIPs (Terrorism Information and Prevention System):

“As with the Patriot Act, TIPS is being pursued as part of the so-called war against terrorism. It is a Department of Justice project.

Highlighting the scope of the surveillance network, TIPS volunteers are being recruited primarily from among those whose work provides access to homes, businesses or transport systems. Letter carriers, utility employees, truck drivers and train conductors are among those named as targeted recruits.

A pilot program, described on the government Web site, is scheduled to start next month in 10 cities, with 1 million informants participating in the first stage. Assuming the program is initiated in the 10 largest US cities, that will be 1 million informants for a total population of almost 24 million, or one in 24 people.” (The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

Neither current-day TIPS, now known as National Neighborhood Watch (and run by the National Sheriffs’ Association), nor the addition of “electronic surveillance” gets coverage in mainstream media. But there has been some recent public disclosure of covert electronic surveillance, eg of X-Ray vans in New York, in the media; this Asymmetric or Unconventional Warfare (explained in this 2008 Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare handbook) is well covered by targeted writers and analysts online and in books, including being reported in Mark Rich’s New World War, and has been explored here earlier.

COINTELPRO PsyOps Designed to Make Target Sound Paranoid: It has also been noted that these PsyOps are intended to make the target sound delusional if he/she reports the massive, all-round COINTELPRO/organized stalking/PsyOps he/she receives. The purpose here being even more insidious, to get this fully-exploited victim of non-consensual covert neuro-experimentation slammed with a psychiatric diagnosis of delusional disorder/paranoid schizophrenia―an old, dirty tactic to discredit the non-consensual experimentee, keep the real truth of (“properly classified” yet criminal, torture-based) neuro-experimentation and electronic experimentation from getting out to the general public, and to enable continued, endless, secretive electronic-warfare and neuro experimentation, abuse, and torture of the victim.

A quote from the ex-Military security professional who runs the highly informative website spells it out:

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.”

In essence, by this COINTELPRO, targets are being –extrajudiciously, inhumanely, invasively―continuously psychologically, physically, and socially assaulted.

Solution:Today’s COINTELPRO has to be exposed and abolished, with the perpetrators prosecuted. That Executive Order permitting PsyOps needs to be repealed. Fusion Centers need to be publicly questioned and prosecuted. Community Based Participatory Research run on military contracts, whether classified or not, needs to be publicly questioned by human rights groups, its ties to COINTELPRO exposed, and terminated. The entire Watch program has to be opened up, exposed, audited, challenged, ended. Hold the FBI, DHS, JTRIG, and local fusion centers accountable. Hold DARPA, CIA, DIA, NSA, their private contractors, and all Universities assisting on such contracts accountable.

Hold all utilities and businesses participating in such noxious electronic abuse of targets accountable. Open up the secrecy behind all counter-intelligence practices by the covered Agencies. Make all such crime, including by the FBI or DHS under counter-intelligence or surveillance headers, illegal and prosecutable. Make all such programs of “participatory-research” by deception completely obsolete. Make America Sane again.

6. Fusion Center-Encouraged Abuse By Neighbors/Neighborhood Assault: Targets are being subjected to the extreme abuse of continuous surveillance, PsyOps, noise harassment, and electronic abuse by their neighbors, in their own neighborhoods/as part of Lab-Rat Exploitation in New Paradigm (4th Reich?) Social Engineering operations

Targets (already subject to the extreme abuses of unlawful targeting, radiation and neuro-surveillance, military weapons testing, neuro-experimentation based on trauma and pain-signalling, and harassive COINTELPRO on the streets) are therefore now being unlawfully assaulted and abused by their own community members who have consented (under false notice of investigations, surveillance, and defamatory lies about the target):

1) to assist in “ManHunting” or high-tech tracking the target (for 24/7 continuous electronic surveillance) using GPS tracking and cell phones/apps to track the target’s location and implanted-RFID emissions or brain EMFs or both, and to openly surveill the target,

2) to assault the target with Pulsed Microwave Frequencies, via provided cell phone apps, or provided directed-energy weapons, or installed antennas on their property;

3) to engage in PsyOps/Neural Linguistic Programming actions against the target as described above of color-coding, mimicking, engaging in street theater and directed conversations,

4) to engage in COINTELPRO actions of street harassment and noise harassment against the target, and

5) to further spread the lies, rumors, and defamatory stories about the target in the target’s neighborhood and community.

Exactly like the East German practice of Zersetsung, and the Nazi practice of forcing neighbors to snitch and spy on neighbors, this current-day 24/7 Neighborhood Abuse of targets, masquerading as surveillance, works to further assault, abuse, and victimize the target. It also conditions neighbors to dehumanize and hunt down neighbors, and furthers the program of New Police State Paradigm social re-engineering which seems to be underway.

Solution: Turning neighbors wrongfully against neighbors are crimes. These are acts of psychologial, social, and domestic terrorism and should be treated that way. The military and Intelligence agencies, operating through fusion centers, local law enforcement, and neighborhood watch groups should be publicly questioned, exposed, and prosecuted. Fusion Centers and their many components should be held publicly accountable. Neighborhood Watch groups should not be permitted to engage in actions of assault―surveillance, PsyOPs, electronic―against others in their neighborhood. Dismantle the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA and military groups, who are permitting or creating this atrocity; at the very least, question them publicly, open up their budgets, audit them, and force the public exposure and termination of this systemic crime.

7. Establishment Cover-Up: The witness―the victim, the experiencer, the target of radiation-surveillance, the 2016 non-consensual classified-ops neuro-experimentee, the exploited lab-rat―is silenced by colluding medical professionals, colluding and ignorant psychiatrists, colluding law enforcement, and a bought, corporate and colluding mainstream media, while being stifled in-house by Govt/Agency infiltrators

Silencing the Witness: Colluding medical professionals, in particular, psychiatrists move in to disappear and Blame the Victim in an astounding act of medical malpractice by naming all those reporting such covert harassment and remote electromagnetic experimentation on their bodies as delusional and schizoid―without once testing their claims of being implanted and frequency-assaulted scientifically, with measuring instruments; without once consulting with neuroscientists, radiologists, toxicologists, medical physicists; without ever getting informed on the current state of neuroscience, the history of experimentation on human beings and animals with electromagnetic radiation, and the history of covert non-consensual neuro-experimentation (eg, MK ULTRA, MK DELTA, MK NAOMI, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke); and without examining the vast body of evidence available today in patents or revealed by various whistleblowers―guided instead by the wrongful labeling of psychiatric disorders in the increasingly fraudulent DSM, which many psychologists and psychiatrists of integrity question. Disorders named and labelled in the DSM as absolute illnesses, for instance, are not based on physiological evidence but are subjectively decided by a group of psychiatrists, by vote.

Colluding psychiatrists, working for the state and working for the psycho-pharmaceutical complex which puts out the DSM, invent deadlier and deadlier drugs each year, and are responsible for the mass drugging into absolute oblivion of various populations, be they ADHD or “oppositional defiant disorder” teenagers or too-excitable toddlers deemed worthy of Ritalin or Seroquel to help prop up the diseased State with its overt and covert arsenal of intimate Surveillance and Control mechanisms. In essence, acting against psyches, against psychological health and well-being, and against societies. In complete opposition to the ethos, essence, and metier of the Hippocratic Oath, and in absolute servility to society’s current oppressors. In Servility to Surveillance should perhaps be emblazoned on their doors. Or Subservience to Surveillance.

History shows us that psychiatrists support the State in situations of totalitarian oppression, overt or covert. History―from right here in the USA―also shows us that corrupt doctors and psychiatrists lie to cover up secretive and abusive non-consensual experimentation―as the 1950s Plutonium Experiments reported by Eileen Winsome, for instance, readily prove. Today, psychiatrists effectively collude with the State to silence and disappear the victims of this 21st-century tyranny: abusive, classified, non-consensual neuro-experimentation and DEW research.

Colluding medical professionals at Universities and hospitals such as surgeons, anaesthetists, technicians, neuroscientists, physicians, and dentists obviously also support the Deep State’s Intelligence agencies by conducting the covert surgical operations of implanting RFID chips, bioMEMs, neurostimulators/BCI chips/other kinds of chips, microcircuits, stentrods, and wires in the bodies of those individuals who have been blacklisted and roped into the criminal programs of covert experimentation discussed here.

Colluding corporate government-run mainstream media swoop in for the kill when targets protest, naming targets insane and seeking to destroy their credibility, as recent New York Times, Mother Jones, and Daily Beast articles and rather frantic Psy Op entries in Rational Wiki and Wikipedia demonstrate. Further, since 2014, when Glenn Greenwald went abruptly silent on the subject after promising to publish the names of all NSA-surveilled individuals, corporate media has shown it will not cover the issue of blacklisted individuals at all. Worse, those reporting as Targeted Individuals are glibly named insane by well-paid journalists, while Targeting itself, a continuing, obvious, oft-stated, and primary concern of this Surveillance State, is completely avoided by mainstream media as a subject of any concern whatsoever; since The Intercept‘s limited reveal of a group of Muslim professionals targeted wrongfully by the State, no further follow-up has occurred. Did Snowden’s trove of documents include details on this targeting of individuals, did it include names and personal circumstances? We’ll never know, will we, if The Intercept is to exclusively mind this information―and has shown reluctance to publish. Whether they have this information or not, however, neither they nor any other media group is pressing the NSA for details on targeting, past or present. The subject of domestic targeting in fact has literally fallen off the radar in mainstream media.

The perfidy and extremity of Media malfeasance here cannot and should not go unnoticed.

Media has essentially become a mouthpiece for Government deception or MILDEC―Military Deception. Media thereby removes itself from its base responsibility to research and report on current affairs for the people, exonerates itself from any culpability in the large matter of ignoring the reports of non-consensual experimentation and covert assault rising continually in cries for help from an assaulted public, and in so doing, proves its collaboration with the State, and against the people.

The campaign to suppress vocal and eloquent non-consensual experimentees and dupe their audience has in fact taken on an urgent and unsavory twist; blaming the Victim, the (CIA-run?) New York Times has shown, is a practice that seeks desperately to be comprehensive and meta-aware. It involves denigrating every single action the reporting victim has taken―whether it is contacting Congressmen, organizing online for support or validation, or writing letters to the editor of the New York Times (or any other media outlet) asking for help. All of this is marked as delusional, all of this is referred to the Psychiatry Establishment as essentially their domain of concern.

(This, despite the fact that, historically, neuro-experimentation, both public-domain and classified, is a known fact, that thousands of patents exist for both neuro-experimentation devices, weaponry, and methodologies, contracts exist for directed-energy weapons testing, and mainstream neuroscience no longer conceals that brains can be invaded, thoughts read, and neural networks modified.)

So Media helps along the fallacy in action here; when people report assault with radiation weaponry and symptoms of neuro-experimentation, no recourse to Medical Physics, Radiology, Radio-Frequency Engineering, or Neuroscience is sought. Instead, a colluding or uninformed DSM-loyal psychiatrist is appealed to, for help in securing a facile and fraudulent “schizophrenia/schizoid/delusional” diagnosis, and Media, not batting a single analytical eyelid, reports this diagnosis as the legitimate, accurate, last word.

Media collusion here expresses the intent of those who are manipulating Media, the Intelligence agencies who still seek absolute hegemony over Americans and the whole of humanity: clearly, the intent is to ruthlessly suppress all reports of covert assault and experimentation by silencing the reporting individual, that is, silencing the witness, the experiencer, the primary voice alerting the world to ongoing Covert Ops programs of neuro-torture and electromagnetic weapons-testing being run by clearly out-of-control Intelligence agencies, complacent military contractors, and a vast National Security apparatus crying “Spy! Terrorist! Unstable! Threat!” on random innocent citizens, whistleblowers, and activists.

Colluding Law Enforcement help establish the deception; just like those psychiatrists and medical professionals in the Know, who assist with the covert implantations or actively collude to diagnose victims reporting the situation as schizoid, Law Enforcement engages in the most insidious deception, permitting, supporting, and assisting the cruel and barbaric targeting of individuals with deadly radiation technology, on the one hand using Through The Wall Surveilance pulsing radar devices―and other, undisclosed “non-lethal weapons” disguised as physical/biometric surveillance–on them, and on the other, denying any knowledge of targets being targeted, feigning concern that all reporting are mentally ill, need community Mental Health intervention, and helping provide this by Baker-Acting them. See NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart’s account of being Baker-Acted.

In-Community Government Infiltrators, meanwhile, help along the Covert Ops cause by insinuating themselves as “helpful” technology experts, information analysts, activists, counselors, and organizers right in the middle of the community of brutally assaulted, seriously-victimized lab-rat targets, jostling their way into key positions at the head of “TI” groups, seeking to establish themselves―on listservs, email lists, regional groups–as key spokespersons, taking charge of what technology can and cannot be spoken about (no talk of Black Ops Neuroweapons allowed, no mention of Remote Neural Monitoring, Neurophones, Mind Control, Covert RFID or Bio-MEM implants, Brain EMF Harvesting by Cell Phone, Pulsed Microwave Radiation delivered via Cell Phone, Scalar Technologies, neighbors using portable DEWs, or Ionizing (radioactive) Radiation weapons), decrying and squashing legitimate attempts at HR activism and advocacy, misdirecting, misframing, and running deceptive Psy Ops on this already-victimized, Mil/Intel-PsyOp’d group.

Just as with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and the Civil Rights Movement―as with many other groups of activists―this Government infiltration seeks to be divisive, authoritarian, controlling, and stifling―and often succeeds. As a result, attempts to organize legitimately are often sabotaged―from within. Not merely are targets exploited as lab-rats from without, by the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, the NSA, and DARPA, they are exploited from within, by undercover operatives from these very Departments and Agencies―and possibly also from the larger, overarching entities representing the Crown, the Wall Street bankers/Bilderbergers/TriLaterals running this charade, the Vatican and the soulless secret societies and clubs of feckless billionaires, the Tavistocks/Clubs of Rome/Freemasons/Skull and Bones/Bohemian Grove/Satanists, the “Illuminati” and the Operation Paperclip Nazis, the global shadow government manipulating Intel agencies worldwide–selling themselves as “TIs”, spreading abroad elaborate stories of being targeted themselves, while seeking to squash all meaningful public education and activism, in programs of absolutely immoral deception, manipulation, and exploitation. Raping the rape victim should come to mind, as also stoning the rape victim to death. Twice over, these Departments and Agencies―of the United States Government―and their global shadow government overseers condemn themselves.

Solution: Psychiatrists need to be held to higher standards of accountability to society, as do all medical professionals. In-built oversight and privacy mechanisms should exist, to prevent medical professionals and hospitals from secretly colluding with military and Intelligence agencies to allow or facilitate non-consensual and secret operations, implantings, and experimentations on patients.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Educated: Psychiatrists and physicians both should be educated on basic advances in neuroscience, and need to understand the expansive frontiers of both neuroscience and neuroweaponry today; they should also be apprised of the basics of Electronic Warfare, what non-lethal weapons are, and the fact that the Military is currently running open field tests of these radiation/sonic/scalar weapons on citizens; and they should be made aware of the ongoing history of non-consensual medical experimentation on citizens.

Physicians and Psychiatrists Should Be Required to Scan Patients: When patients report electromagnetic signals on their bodies, or the sensations of implants being activated in their bodies, or say they have a RF microchip in any part of their bodies, or report “voices in their head” which can be induced electronically―by various means, and have, ever since the Neurophone was invented in 1958 by a bright 14-year-old (Patrick Flanagan)– they need to be scanned or checked radiologically and physically, not gagged neuroleptically, and further abused with disbelief, discrediting, and psychosis-inducing drugs―this is exactly like raping the rape victim, or stoning the rape victim to death, as is currently practiced in that bastion of human rights, Saudi Arabia.

Neuroscientists and psychiatrists today need to be in conversation with each other, and military and Intelligence scientists need to step forward and engage in some candid whistleblowing about what the military and Intelligence agencies are really doing―instead of collecting blood-money paychecks for overseeing Covert Ops torture and maintaining an immoral silence. Tribunals should be held to hold doctors, psychiatrists, and hospitals accountable for misdiagnoses and malpractice on an astronomical scale: for colluding in non-consensual experimentation and exploitation of their patients, and for permitting the secret agencies to step in to inflict harm on the patients in their care.

Further, all societies and cultures should have a central ethical reporting body, separate from state departments of health, where anyone suspecting they have become subjects in non-consensual experimentation can go, or write/email to, to present affidavits, documentation, and testimonies, gain technical assistance to get body and brain-scanned, get their homes checked for surveillance devices and torture wiring, or otherwise prove such assaults electronically. Failing the presence of such a central reporting/assisting body, this ship continues to be rudderless and vacuous in direction. Non-consensual experimentees have no-one to report to, and our existing bodies like the President’s Bioethical Commission and SACHRP have stated or indicated they are not accepting and addressing any such reports―proving their absolute Strawman hollowness and inadequacy, and suggesting a covert establishment use as facade and in-name-only purveyance of Ethics. Beyond such hollow Commissions and Committees, in every county, every city, every state, every country, we need a dedicated human rights advocacy center for the examination of all claims of non-consensual covert experimentation and covert harassment for victims.

Media should be held accountable for the printing of lies and distortions, and should not be permitted to work actively with agencies to print propaganda and deceit. That Executive Order permitting propaganda and Psy Ops needs to be repealed. Media’s primary role as true informer to society and analytical observer of events needs to be reinstated. Essentially, Media should be held to the same high standards as for all citizens, and should be made prosecutable for acts of active deception, conducted to palliate the Military or the Government. The CIA’s link to Media needs to be well and truly broken. We need Media watchdogs who work ethically, with integrity, to keep Media on track.

Law Enforcement needs to be persuaded to change its orientation here, to assisting and supporting the public, not covered agencies running deadly programs of secret violence on us. This issue is obviously connected with our laws: we need to strike all citizen-harming laws from the book, and ensure that our police can act with openness and integrity instead of running Psy Ops and deception on the populace. Crime in the 21st-century has to be understood to include radiation assault with DEWs and antennas, and crime victims should be protected―not further abused―by police.

As for undercover infiltration and stifling of victim groups seeking desperately to inform the world of their exploitation and seeking humanity, seeking help, these US Departments and Agencies should know their day of reckoning is going to come much sooner than they imagine, and when it does, the supremely venal nature of their cruelty to Americans and citizens worldwide will be fully revealed, and will only serve to condemn themselves further. Again the answer here is to fully open the Government, require a complete accounting for all Covert Ops and Psy Ops budgets, demand full disclosure of all Covert Ops and undercover activities―and remove all such funding from these Departments and Agencies.

What Does This All Mean for America, and For the World?

Many believe the “New World Order” is a distant behemoth, one yet to be unrolled or manifest in our midst. Those of us actively being oppressed in the ways spelled out here know however that the criminals running this dystopia of control and suppression they seek to couch in euphemisms coyly suggestive of newness and order have already rolled it out, they’ve been rolling it out for years, and each year it gets more and more Orwellian and ruthless.

From the USA, to Canada, to countries in Europe, to South Africa, to India, to Sri Lanka, to Australia, to New Zealand, and many countries in between, we have been “taken over.” Still under cover of “Democracy” we have become societies where governments run secretly by vested corporate and banking interests–as well as covered Intelligence agencies filled with Satanic secret society members and Operation Paperclip Nazis–willingly countenance secret citizen abuse, secret oppression with radiation weapons and neuro-weapons, and secret cover-ups with Psy Ops, keeping one part of the masses numbed and ignorant with Media trickery, the other part terrorized and unlawfully co-opted with talk of terrorists/spies in their midst, which cover helps them run long-term programs of slander, abuse, and grotesque human experimentation (as human sacrifice?) on a select few: the most outstanding, the most outspoken, the most moral, the most incorruptible, the most innocent.

And what that experimentation is and promises to establish, globally, should not be forgotten.

One, the undisclosed use today of directed-energy weapons, remote neuroweapons, and sonic/radar surveillance devices (by the DOJ, by DHS, by the FBI, by local Law Enforcement, by Defense contractors) whose discharge is invisible and which lend themselves therefore to covered use as stealth weapons included in a stealth network of Smart Grids, cell towers, cell antennas, cell phones, satellites, planes, drones, helicopters, SUVs, vans, cars, Man-pads, utility vans, various kinds of parked equipment, landscaping/leaf-blowing/snow-blowing/street-sweeping equipment wielded by Special Ops/DIA operatives operating from “cover” businesses in our midst, ground-penetrating radar, and the vast, noncommital cover of “Electronic Surveillance”, permits not just continued unsuspected mass radiation & continued covert neuro surveillance, undisclosed, but the promise of secretive and remote and never-ending, future-lockdown, Full Control of populations, bodies and brains included, through mere threat of use of these deadly technologies―hinted at to communities currently, through use on specific, unfortunate, scapegoated targets in their midst.

Two, the programs being run by the Classified Ops brigade―the NSA/CIA/DARPA―with the involvement of DOJ, possibly, in Neuro-Crime programs―of MKULTRA-extended Trauma-Based Experimental Neuro-Modification, which include: Satellite Surveillance, Extremely Low Frequency/HAARP use in Electronic Brain Stimulation, Brain-Computer Interface, Electronic Brain Link, EEG Cloning/Heterodyning, Mind Hiving, and Neural Network research, Neural Dust, Nanotechnology, Neurostimulators, Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence―all of which these covered agencies are struggling to keep secret―suggest that what is being worked on behind the scenes is nothing less than the intention of eventual secretive and remote Full Brain, Nervous System, and Body Control of All humans, worldwide, by the technocrats in power.

Please note: Perusal of extant, historic, public-domain information on Neuroscience and Neuroweapon studies, as well as information from target accounts make very clear that such complete control of brains, nervous systems, and bodies is actually possible.

Is this the world that all those in Mainstream Media, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, the Intelligence agencies, the Security agencies, Law Enforcement, Information Technology, the DOD, the DOJ, who are either in the know, or actively and passively supporting, through their work and through their silence, really want?

Let’s be very clear, for all those in Law Enforcement, for all those employed at the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense, for all those in Intelligence and Security agencies and in every branch of Government who have integrity, uprightness, conscience, morality, ethics, and humanity at their core: this entire Targeting program is a program of Extreme Abuse. By means of this program―and all the pernicious Military and Intelligence weapons-testing and experimentation it allows―every single person who is involved is complicit and a participant in nothing less than the State-sanctioned and secret use of violence, torture, and all too often, murder of innocent civilians and veterans. This is indeed violence, indeed torture. It is also cruelty, malice, and victimization. It is absolutely not just “Surveillance” nor is it keeping the nation secure. It is both select human exploitation and mass repression of the kind that people endured under the Nazis and KGB, under Hitler and Stalin.

It is absolutely time for anyone and everyone of conscience to step forward, en masse, for mass whistleblowing, for conscience-driven hacking. We need―as global humanity–to shut down these satellites, these cell towers, these GWEN towers, the whole Smart Grid of Electronic Warfare that is currently inexorably turned on us, the whole panopticon of Surveillance under which it hides, we need to tear down the mammoth secrecy shielding and protecting these deadly programs of exploitation.

Either we all continue to consent silently to give ourselves and our children over to the endless secrecy and power of classification which endlessly permits the most heinous abuse, or we collectively find the steel and the spine to challenge and revoke that power today. If we let things slide today and do nothing, be assured, it’s our children who are being set up now to be further covertly controlled, electronically brain-stimulated, remotely radiation- and neuro-assaulted, bio-robotized, brain-linked, mind-hived, trans-humanized: for them, as also those thousands worldwide being exploited today as lab rats, and all 7 billion of us being targeted one way or the other, tomorrow is going to be too late.

Criminals in High Places: Delineate the Crime and Expose the Criminals

“Why call it something that it isn’t? The testing ended in the ’80s. This is an illegal subjugation program. The criminal elements running this program are doing it out of their greedy self interest. Whether it’s to intimidate and silence someone, discredit someone, sexual abuse, extortion, enslavement, sadistic torture that would make Nero blush, forced criminal labor, etc…Long term it’s social engineering and population control to preserve the power and interests of the criminal elite at the helm….This war being waged by elements in the deep state to illegally enslave the general populace for their greedy self interest is no experiment, even though I’m sure they’re still developing new devices. …Calling it an experiment…downplays it in the public’s mind and almost gives it a ringing of justification. It’s not, it’s a coup, a junta, treason, and a crime against humanity.

Look at all totalitarian regimes, which is the road America is on, who did they target, from Stalin to Pol Pot? The crème of the crop, the intellectuals, the well regarded military officers, the principled, the Christians, the self-made, and those that posed the greatest threat to the tyrants’ ability to carry out whatever agenda they saw fit or those most capable of steering the loyalty of the people away from the tyrant.”

–Spencer Carter,

“The US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence should be looking into the relevant crimes as should the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on national security and foreign affairs. Any approaches to these bodies through MPs, should note that the Departments of Defence, Energy, Homeland Security, Treasury, State, etc., as well as the CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, ODNI, Office of Homeland Security and (since ’96 when this escalated) the NGIA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) are all involved or complicit in the crimes in question. The systematic covert oppression, discreditation, experimentation and more in relation to caring, honest citizens branded as dissidents by criminals in high places is one of the greatest hidden crimes of the last 50 years. It is a ‘silent holocaust’.”

–Paul Baird,

“The United States has a long history of non consensual experimentation … no one can dispute this ….

Well, it appears that they’re at it again as thousands around the world complain of painful electronic assaults which are affecting their bodies and minds …. Of course, the attempts to discredit these reports are well funded, … I guess that Defense contractors don’t want to give up their huge multi-million dollar contracts …. the pain and horror inflicted upon the victims doesn’t seem to matter … it’s a matter of National Security they’ll say … collateral damage they’ll say …. yeah right, but never any mention of one dime for the victims who are often tortured for years at a time with these war toys … it’s as if they’re not even human beings, just lab rats, nothing more … another chapter from “The Death of Compassion” movement which we seem to be going through as money becomes King …

Millions are being made by weapons manufacturers and the victims of these assaults are bankrupted, ignored, destroyed and discredited … there’s absolutely no excuse for this, but then everyone connected with National Defense is brainwashed into an attitude of the ends justifying the means, and hey, it aint their families being destroyed … but you know, once this technology becomes widespread, it very well could be …

…The following has now been confirmed by direct evidence presented to our courts:

    1. Innocent citizens are being used against their will in painful experimentation.
    2. Innocent citizens are being drugged and implanted with modern technology without their knowledge or consent.
    3. Remote influencing technologies are causing pain and chaos to innocent lives.”

–Rosanne Schneider,,Author, Surveillance, Torture, and Control in the Modern World

“The most heinous of all realizations: I am a HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. Just writing those words still shakes me to the core. I guess I have known for more than a year, but only in the last few months have I seen enough to know with 100 percent certainty. The most shocking thing of all, the Government I served, vowed to give my life for as a member of the US Armed Forces runs the Test Laboratory, and I am their LAB RAT.

I guess what is even more appalling, if there could be such a thing is more appalling than knowledge of your own participation in human experimentation, is that just as in every laboratory experiment, once the researchers extract as much as they can from the Lab Animal, they always end their test subject’s life through euthanasia.

Thousands of Innocent Americans share my plight. Thousands try to call this to the attention of a country of citizens who “Just refuse to believe” our government could do that to us. The most tragic thing about all of this is, if this were a prosecutor looking for likely suspects, there could only be one. American history is littered with thousands of known victims of these unthinkable crimes against humanity, Tuskegee syphilis experiments, MK-Ultra LSD trials, CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, DoD injecting soldiers with micrograms of plutonium for Project Oak Ridge, testing the effects of Agent Orange on the skin of US Soldiers, and on and on. Still we continue to tell our truth to (deaf) ears. I, like the thousands of other victims do not deserve this. We suffer as these butchers work tirelessly to try to convince the world that somehow we do deserve it. I say, ‘How could anyone deserve this?'”

–Kenneth Peartree, Senior Master Sergeant, US Air Force, Retired

“…The Defense Intelligence Agency just released a report, saying the military needs to spend more on neuroscience―up to and including “making the enemy obey our commands”. The problem is the line between who the enemy really is has become blurred and technology is now turned on (us) and operated by those practicing unscrupulous, unethical tactics and strategies due to little public knowledge, and, as I write in ‘You are Not my “Big Brother!”, the covert, subliminal, manipulative capabilities of numerous technologies and numerous delivery systems. In other words, “All hell has broken loose” as the ethics and moral issues surrounding the technology and inevitable abuses and victimizations, outside of any laws of protection, continue to escalate unchecked and unmonitored.”

–Renee Pittman Mitchell,,Author, Remote Brain Targeting (2012), You Are Not My “Big Brother!”, Covert Technological Murder, and other books

“This program of persecution is not carried out by the government you learned about in your history books. Currently, supra-governmental think tanks, which are interlocked with Wall Street and the tax-exempt foundations, control America and other NATO nations.

These groups are composed of multinational corporations, royalty, international banks, and people of tremendous wealth. This interlock has been called the Invisible Government. It is a satanic/psychopathic organization.

They control the mass media, which is their primary distribution center for lies and propaganda. Politics, industry, academia, and finance are also under their control. The President is their puppet.

They create policy by circumventing Congress and the voting public, which is filtered down into federal, state, and local governments. It is enacted without public knowledge or approval. Influenced by convincing propaganda, there are people who carry out their policy with the best of intentions. In all likelihood, the Hidden Evil is their creation.”

–Mark Rich,,Author, The Hidden Evil (2008), New World War, and other books

“On Feb. 7, 1950, James Paul Warburg, “testified” to the American Senate: “We shall have World Government,whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”… His uncle, Paul Warburg, was co-founder of the Federal Reserve. The Warburg family is Illuminati (a powerful German Jewish secret society).

Also, Fletcher Prouty makes clear in his 1973 book, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, that achieving a “One World” order was a primary, albeit secret, political/military objective of American leaders in the immediate post-WWII period.

In this context, we can view the chemtrail spraying of toxins, EMF radiation, vaccines, GMOs, biological weapons (viruses), ELF transmissions via HAARP, etc., as parts of a blanket (United Nations) depopulation program, whereas gang stalking/DEW is a weapons system designed to target and neutralize (kill) individuals who are perceived as threats to the system.

This is obviously today’s covert equivalent of a typical despotic government’s “first strike” to target and eliminate the intelligencia/teachers/social workers/political activists, as was, for example, the CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam. With these potential leaders removed, totalitarian governments can more easily manipulate the masses. To better understand how the NSA/DHS/CIA/FBI organized stalking program is merely the modern extension of the CIA’s MKULTRA, the FBI’s COINTELPRO, and the CIA’s Phoenix programs, see Marshall Thomas’ “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program.”

The main point here is that these are top secret, U.S.-government-sponsored, Black and Wet Operations. Most Congressmen, Senators, political representatives, and citizens evidently do not even know about them. MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and the Phoenix Program, of course, were also top secret Black and Wet Ops in the 1950’s – 1970s. No one was supposed to know about these programs either, but they have long since been thoroughly exposed.

Today’s organized stalking operations are so heinous and unAmerican that education and exposure is probably our best defense against them. When a critical mass of American and world citizens learn about these programs, I believe they will stop and heads will roll. It is up to us, as TIs, then, to make sure that these programs are exposed soon and the right heads roll. It is now our job to name the guilty, the top planners and sponsors of these programs, as best as we can. This won’t be that hard. We already know the names of many of the CIA “spychiatrists” involved in Project MKULTRA and we also know the names of the individuals who developed the patents for the critical psychotronic weapons.

I feel our imperative, then, is to expose the guilty. And re-expose and re-expose and re-expose. First, we must delineate the crime and then we must expose the criminals.”

–Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University;,


Sources and Further Information

Laws, Executive Orders, Military Directives, Handbooks

Executive Order 12333

Executive Order on “Behavioral Insights”

Department of Defense Regulation 5240.1R

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2016

Chapter 18 of Title 10 of the US Code

United States Homeland Security Laws and Regulations Handbook

Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Handbook

Electronic Warfare/Non-Lethal Weapons/Directed-Energy Bio-Behavioral Research

Developing Non-Lethal Weapons: The Human Effects Characterization Process

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fourth Edition

USAF Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook, Fifth Edition

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons/Document Provided to Donald Friedman on FOIA Request, 2006

Cheryl Welsh, MindJustice: Sample of Rare and Outstanding Articles from 1976 to 1996

Buyable Portable DEWs/Available Online:

Shomer-Tec Sonic Assault

Shomer-Tec Sonic Nausea

Physical & Biometric Surveillance and Monitoring Technologies

Sep 30, 2014, Becky Lewis, Tech Beat Magazine: Through-the-wall sensors advance tactical awareness

April 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Use Case Scenarios, Version 1.3

October 2012, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement Market Survey/Annotated List

March 2014, Through the Wall Sensors (TTWS) for Law Enforcement: Test and Evaluation, Version 1.2/Technical details

Handheld RFID Scanner: RFID Asset Management/Law Enforcement

William Pawelec: Billions of Microchips Made by Siemens in 1984, Trackable from Space

Ex-IBM Employee Reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips

Mark Rich/Excerpt from New World War; Surveillance Technologies and Methods

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland: Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics

In 2015, Covert Non-Consensual RFID/MEMS (Microchip) Implants Are a Reality Everyone Should Know About

2005, AzoNano: Tagging, Monitoring, and Tracking Using Nanotechnology Methods and Devices

6/25/13, Privacy SOS: The Future Beckons But We Aren’t Ready For It

5 Sep 2007, Slideshow Briefing, Unclassified: US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL)

April 17, 2012, PBS Brains on Trial, Alan Alda Interviews Owen Jones/When Neuroscience Meets Criminal Law (video). Extended Brains On Trial videos here.

2013, James Giordano, Predictive Neuroscience: Facts, Fictions, and Fears of Scanning Brains and Reading Minds (video)

2008, Kingsley Dennis, Opening Pandora’s box: How technologies of communication and cognition may be shifting towards a ‘Psycho–Civilized Society’

Nov 18, 2010, Joe Hasler, Popular Mechanics: The Truth About TSA Airport Scanning

Nov 9, 2015, Peter Moskowitz, GQ: The Future of Policing is Here, and It’s Terrifying

Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues: Advanced Surveillance and Harassment Technologies

2013, ICAACT, Robert Naeslund: What is Mind Control?

Surveillance and Monitoring Processes

Sep 2015, GAO, Confidential Informants/Updates to Policy and Additional Guidance Would Improve Oversight to DOJ and DHS Agencies

Sep/Oct 2011, Trevor Aaronson, Mother Jones: The Informants

Sep 5, 2008, Van De Kamp vs Goldstein, ACLU Amicus Brief (Unregulated reliance on informants)

The Sunday Morning Herald, July 15, 2002, “US Planning to Recruit 1/24 Americans as Spies”

August 2004, Jay Stanley, ACLU: The Surveillance Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society

Aug 22, 2012, Stephen Lendman, Mint Press News: Lawless National Security Letters

Wrongful Surveillance and Secret Physical Searches On Thousands of Innocent Americans Permitted by “Rubber-Stamped” FISA Court Warrants andApprovals

May 2015, President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing, Final Report

21st-Century Policing Implementation Guide

Community-Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Department of Justice/Website

October 2016, Strategic Plan For Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States

National Neighborhood Watch/National Sheriffs’ Association Website

Fusion Centers and RISS Centers/DHS Website

Dec 2007, Michael German and Jay Stanley, ACLU: What’s Wrong with Fusion Centers?

FOIA Request Reports and Documents

FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA

FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use

Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002

FCC Spreadsheet of UWB Devices Inclusive of TTWS Devices

Whistleblower Testimony

John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA lawsuit

June 2014, Diane Roark: Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward (video)

Nov 18, 2016, Jeff Rense and Karen Stewart: NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart, Gang-Stalking victim (video)

Nov 22, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: The NSA Gang Stalks Its Own: Jeff Rense Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart – Part I/Transcript

Nov 25, 2016, Dr. Eric Karlstrom: NSA/Homeland Security “Paid Vigilante Militia Thugs” (Excerpts from Rense-Stewart Interview (11/18/16))- Transcript

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart says Intel Community Now Full of People More Dangerous to Freedom than ISIS

Sep 27, 2016, Karen Stewart’s interview with Rob McConnell, Xzone (video)

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

The Baton Rouge Gunman and “Targeted Individuals”: US Naval Academy Graduate Educates Americans on Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide

Nov 29, 2016, Jeff Rense and Preston James: Psychotronic Mind Control Technologies (video)

Geral Sosbee: Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent’s Gruesome Ordeal

March 2007, Geral Sosbee, Affidavit

Carl Herman/Washington’s Blog: National Security Whistleblower Mark Novitsky Interview: NSA spies on absolutely everything, will never stop, and will only expand

March 2014, Project Camelot Interviews Mark Novitsky(video)

26 April, 2011, Ted Gunderson, Affidavit

NSA Mind Control and Psyops” by Will Filer

 Evidence of Covert Implantation

David A. Larson: Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation

John Nicholson, BAE Implant World: Illegal Human Experimentation

Roxy Lopez/The Truth Denied: How to Remove an RFID Implant (Interview with James Wahlbert)

Richard L. Cain: Lawsuit Vs Barack Obama, DOD, CIA, others

Robert Naeslund: A Brain Implant Victim Speaks Out

The Targeting Program

Marshall Thomas: Monarch, The New Phoenix Program–Army Intelligence, INSCOM, MKULTRA, COINTELPRO

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

“Exemptions to Informed Consent” in Classified Research and Non-Consensual Covert/Clandestine Human Subject Experimentation in the USA Today Versus “Consent of the Governed”

Exploring The FBI’s “Consensual Monitoring” and the CIA’s “Concealed Monitoring”: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications?

Renee Pittman Mitchell/How the Covert Psycho-Physical Program is Structured Today

Books and Website Compilations, Patents, Technologies

Links to Informational Websites:

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues/Links

Renee Pittman Books

Lists of Patents & Covert Technologies:

Resources, Targeted-Individuals.Net

A List of Patented Mind Control Weapons the Government is Using on You/StopOrgangstalking

The Complex, How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives, by Nick Turse (Metropolitan Books, 2008)

New World War by Mark Rich

The Hidden Evil by Mark Rich

Bright Light on Black Shadows by Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, MD

Remote Brain Targeting by Renee Pittman Mitchell

Invisible Crime by Michael Bell

Gangstalking: The Threat to Humanityby Dr. Cork Cherubini

Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace, by Dr. Nick Begich

Earth Rising: Betrayal of Science, Society, and the Soul, by Dr. Nick Begich

Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, by Dr. Nick Begich

The Matrix Deciphered by Dr. Robert Duncan

Project Soul-Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed by Dr. Robert Duncan

Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control, by Dr. John Hall

The Body Electric, by Robert O. Becker


This article may be re-posted in whole or part with attribution and linkback–please share widely.

The Truth About 9/11: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart–“A Serious Concern to All Thinking Americans”

This year, as we collectively mark the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, remembering that momentous golden September morning in 2001 when thousands unexpectedly died, as well as the many horrific years of war and oppression that have followed, as we look around at this untenable Surveillance and militarized police state (replete with CIA torture, covert Control operations, and clandestine non-consensual neuro-experimentation and weapons-testing) that has come to America, as also to many other countries in the world, we already know, many millions of us, that the official 9/11 story was a lie. The scales have fallen from our eyes, thanks to the erstwhile efforts of many dedicated researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, journalists, and documentary film-makers.

The Truth About 9/11

Many sites online are commemorating this anniversary with detailed and thoughtful reportage, including these:

PBS, Top Officials Question 9/11 Official Story/WantToKnow.InfoFor the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Colorado’s PBS station, CPT12, has produced a most awesome 9/11 documentary. Titled “Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11,” this incisive production honors the many victims of this great tragedy, yet also finds many revealing problems with the official story of 9/11. Watch it free at the link below and tell your friends.

PBS Documentary/Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11:

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have also expressed significant criticism of the official story and the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of just 20 of the many prominent public servants who have spoken out. Links are included for verification and further investigation.”

9/11 at Phi Beta Iota/Public Intelligence Blog:It is now known that in the aftermath of 9/11 the US Constitution was trashed and 935 now-documented lies were told to justify elective wars and a swath of destruction running from Afghanistan through the Middle East and North Africa down to Somalia, Niger, and Nigeria.”

AE911Truth/News: 15 Years Later/On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses/Europhysics News

Veteran Intelligence Whistleblowers Address the Truth About 9/11

Several Agency whistleblowers, from the NSA to the CIA, have come forward to disclose governmental abuses of power post 9/11 through secret interpretations of the Patriot Act, as this 2013 article from The Guardian illustrates:

Former Whistleblowers: Open Letter to Intelligence Employees After Snowden.

Ex-NSA Technical Director of World Geopolitical & Military Analysis at the Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (SARC), William Binney speaks at length about these secretive actions of surveillance and control, as well as the failings of intelligence by the NSA that led to 9/11, in this BlogTalkRadio conversation with Dave Scott, Spaced Out Radio, in Canada: William Binney on the NSA and 9/11

From their site, some key items William Binney covers in this conversation:

“The NSA buried key intelligence that could have prevented 9/11.

The agency’s bulk data collection from internet and telephone communications is unconstitutional and illegal in the US.

The NSA is ineffective at preventing terrorism because analysts are too swamped with information under its bulk collection programme.

Electronic intelligence gathering is being used for covert law enforcement, political control and industrial espionage, both in and beyond the US.

Edward Snowden’s leaks could have been prevented.”

Ex-NSA senior official Thomas Drake, whose first day on the job at NSA was 9/11, and who was indicted after reporting corruption at the NSA, in accepting the 2011 Sam Adams award for Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, exhorts all listening to recognize the great dangers of loss of democracy we face through all-extending surveillance, and to stand up for the American Constitution and hold government accountable, at all times. The full transcript and video of this very inspiring speech may be found here, at the Real News Network site.

Thomas Drake: “As a student of history and politics, I firmly believe that we have reached a breaking point in this country, when the government violates and erodes our very privacy and precious freedoms in the name of national security and then hides it behind the convenient label of secrecy. This is not the America I took an oath to support and defend in my career. This is not the America I learned about while growing up in Texas and Vermont. This is not the America we are supposed to be. “

Paraphrasing Frederick Douglass at the end of his speech, he closed with these powerful words: “Power and those in control concede nothing, I repeat, concede nothing without a demand. They never have and they never will. Every one of us, every one of us in this room and beyond this room, each and every one of us must keep demanding, must keep fighting, must keep thundering, must keep plowing, must keep on keeping things struggling, must speak out, and must speak up until justice is served, because where there is no justice there can be no peace.”

Former Department of Justice Ethics attorney, Jesselyn Radack, who responded with heart to accounts of Thomas Drake’s experience as a whistleblower, eventually represented Thomas Drake, and was the subject, with Thomas Drake, of the film Silenced by James Spione, concurs, and urges all Americans in an inspiring speech at the end of this joint interview to use their own diverse and varied talents to make a stand, whether it be through poetry, art, film, or prose, to question and challenge the Surveillance State, to be persistent, and to make every effort to help turn things around, to return privacy and freedom to our lives. The video link to that interview on Youtube is below.

Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, James Spione Interview on Silenced, with Ondi Timoner, BYOD, at Tribeca Film Festival

Guantanamo Defense lawyer and retired Army Major Todd Pierce, in conversations with Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss, offers his thoughts on wrongful directions in American foreign policy, wars in the Middle East “fostered by propaganda and falsehood”, and these developments as threats to American democracy, as reported in two articles linked at the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence site, Everything That We Have Done Since 9/11 is Wrong, and The United States of Innocence.

Everything that we have done since 9/11 is wrong. We are embarking on a totalitarian foreign policy that is a hallmark of how Hannah Arendt defines fascism… The false claims about radical Islam show how little we understand about ourselves or the Middle East.”

Ex-NSA whistleblower, linguist, and veteran Intelligence analyst Karen Stewart details below in conversations with Mark Hoffman of Patriot Nation (starts midway/1:13:44) at BlogtalkRadio/World Integrity News Network, and with Phil Marie at The Wheel of Freedom her own experience of injustice at the NSA, failures in intelligence that led to 9/11, and covert NSA retaliation for her whistleblowing that, shockingly, includes organized counterintelligence harassment (COINTELPRO) and covert attack with electronic-warfare weapons such as pulsed microwave and ultrasonic weapons.

In an extraordinary and dramatic account of events that transpired at her NSA workplace on 9/11, Karen Stewart reveals a disturbing picture of in-house corruption at the NSA where actionable intelligence on 9/11 was deliberately suppressed, and honest Intelligence analysts hounded. She conveys the troubled musings of those, who like her, ask: Was 9/11 actually permitted, by those in power at an agency supposedly committed to “National Security” primarily to gain billions in funding and establish our current Surveillance state?

Karen Stewart: “But the fact that people still in power at the NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives, or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.”

Karen Stewart: My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

My Experience at the National Security Agency During and After 9/11

As we approach yet another anniversary of 9/11, 14 years after the fact, almost every adult in the USA can remember where he or she was that day, that morning, – and the gamut of emotions that played out in their hearts and minds. On that day we Americans could not imagine a horror and injustice beyond such a scope, nor even begin to fathom the demonic depravity of those who had devised and executed such a plan. But in two days time, I would discover something far worse that would stay with me forever, that my employer, the National Security Agency, had knowingly allowed the attack on September 11, 2001.

At that point in my life, I had been an intelligence analyst for about 20 years. I came from a military family, my father had served in the Air Force, served in Vietnam, helped plan the defense of the Fulda Gap in Europe against potential Soviet invasion in the 1970’s, and had retired back to his hometown with his family, where I finished up college. Instead of going into the military, I decided to use my talents and abilities to serve my country within the intelligence community, thus I applied for and got a position with the National Security Agency in 1982. Due to my generation’s known experimentation with recreational drugs, my initial session with the NSA job interviewer became contentious when she required me to admit that, I had done drugs but promised to never do them again while employed by NSA. She simply refused to believe anyone my age had the character to refuse to participate in drinking and drug experimentation, but I had decided early in my life that that was not for me. A job interview polygraph proved I was telling the truth. I was hired with no problems in my background to ever cause NSA any heartburn.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, my small team of workers were the first who had moved into an almost empty division size room on the backside of NSA in the Weapons & Space Division, so we had it almost completely to ourselves, but for our female Deputy Division Chief manning the front office.

A little before 9:00 am, she ran over to our area, telling us to quickly come to her office to see an awful event unfolding on TV. When we got there, we saw smoke pouring out of the first Twin Tower struck, but it was not clear what had happened. When the division chief said that a commercial jetliner had struck the building, we suspected it was no accident. When we saw the second jet approaching we knew it was an attack and that there could be more targets. While NSA upper management was silent, I convinced a coworker to leave and go home since he was an older man with severe mobility issues. I got him to his car and saw him off. As I was returning to the building, people began leaving the building telling me that NSA management had finally decided to release the workforce. We had wondered why management had taken so long to come to an obvious conclusion, but we learned later that they had told their assistants to release the general workforce only after the last executive had left.

When the general workforce was released en masse however, the main complex became a massive traffic jam with people stuck in their cars for literally hours, according to friends who worked in other areas of NSA HQ. Had NSA been targeted, many would have perished in their cars. I lucked out in that I parked in a lesser frequented area and was home in 15 minutes. Like all of America, I sat glued to the TV, trying to make sense of it all.

I believe the general workforce was allowed to return to work Thursday, September 13th. As I walked down the hall toward my office, I came upon a group of people standing in the hall. There were 3-4 women standing around a man in his early 40’s, who was not only crying, but crying in almost breathless, heaving sobs that were making his whole body shake. His story came out in bits and pieces, beginning with – “all those people did not have to die”, “we could have saved them”, “we knew this was being planned six months ago, but they – meaning NSA upper management would not let us (meaning, him and his team) issue the numerous reports they had written, outlining the who, what, where and why of the attacks. When his team thought the problem was convincing evidence, they went into overdrive to gather even more evidence to convince NSA management to allow them to warn the appropriate authorities, he said that NSA management used NSA Security to begin threatening them, demanding that they cease and desist bothering management about this plot and cease investigating this topic or they would face disciplinary actions even up to and including job dismissal.

After getting his story out, and with many women trying to comfort him, the man was finally able to pull himself together and return to his office. I was horrified and stunned, I had not imagined that I could feel worse than I had coming into work that morning but I did. I waited to see if this was spoken of again in the next few weeks or months, but it clearly became a forbidden topic. It was not until a few years later that my paths crossed with yet another analyst from the very same office as the crying man, who also had tried desperately to convince NSA management to allow the people on his team to issue a series of warnings delineating the 9/11 plot. He was a senior analyst and a rare and brilliantly talented multi-linguist (person who speaks multiple foreign languages well). When the analyst I’ll call “Hero”, because he truly was, kept trying to convince management to allow the 9/11 warning reports to be issued, ignoring their threats, NSA upper management sic’ed NSA Security on him, specifically Security Psychological Services, which is comprised largely of substandard psychologists who, due to poor ability, psychological problems of their own, or previous serious breaches in medical ethics, are largely unemployable elsewhere. These “attack psychologists” are ordered to write up a targeted person, in such a way as to portray him or her as mentally ill – with their favorite one-trick pony being an accusation of paranoia with delusions. Thus, “Hero” was written up as being “obsessed with WWII and Kamikaze pilots” to dismiss his concerns that hundreds of Americans were in danger and could die. Then low-level NSA Security thugs were sent to follow him 24/7 for months as intimidation but also to flesh out the fraudulent NSA psychological attack premise of his being paranoid and delusional – and therefore unfit to hold a security clearance or work at NSA. What better method than to actually send people to follow him around and intimidate him so NSA could accuse him of thinking people were following him around and “out to get him”? (They certainly were!)

Once “Hero” was fraudulently fired by Security using NSA’s tried and true psychological gas-lighting attack conspiracy to circumvent the Federal No Fear Act, which clearly forbids retaliatory dismissal and fraudulent psychological attacks as well as other abuses of power, NSA Security’s harassment did not stop there. Though “Hero” had highly sought after, unique talents, NSA Security blackballed him from any other Federal job to keep him from finishing up his 30 years with the government that would have enable him to collect full his Federal pension and then sabotaged through vicious slander, any and all well paying positions he applied for in the private sector for about a decade – keeping his ability to earn a living at a bare minimum. After the decade of “punishment” for trying to go against NSA’s wishes to save the 9/11 victims, he was told that Security would “allow” him to finally apply for a job commensurate with his talent an education, without telling his new employer lies about him to ruin his prospects or viciously slandering him throughout a new community as they had previously. But Security caveated that with the warning that if he ever spoke about the fact that NSA had had all the information needed to thwart the attacks 6 months before they happened, that they would hound him the rest of his life and keep him from ever again holding a job with a living wage. “Hero” also reported that occasionally he still would return from work to find that someone had gotten into his home and rearranged his belongings as a message to him that he is still being watched and that they can get to him any time that they want to.

So, “Hero” will forever remain an unknown American hero who lost so very much in his efforts to save his fellow Americans, which is truly a shame. But the fact that people still in power at NSA felt that they had the option of reporting intelligence that would save almost 3,000 American lives or sit on it in order to trick Congress into throwing an unending supply of money to them, for which they are by and large unaccountable, as well as writing legislation for them to satiate their desire to subvert the Constitution, is and should be a serious concern to all thinking Americans.

Karen Stewart
Former Intelligence Analyst
And Whistleblower
Sept 1, 2015
2:30-3:00 pm


NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Studying Global Covert Assaults with Classified Electronic Warfare Radiation and Neuro-Technologies

Global Freedom Movement: Misconceptions Of Democracy: How And Why Government No Longer Serves The People With Nicole Paul

Re-posted from Global Freedom Movement Media/Australia, with thanks for this wonderful video –(video link below). Thanks also to Jean from Co-creating our Future on Planet Earth and her readers for posting this link recently. This is a terrific conversation between Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin of Global Freedom Movement Media with Nicole Paul, an attorney (a Barrister) from Australia, who offers incredibly clear insight into how our legal and government systems are set up to work, how they don’t work for people anymore, how a secret global control agenda is unfortunately at work, and how ways to change this system that is stacked against us inevitably involve stepping away from it, shifting the energetic paradigm. They offer this video free but request donations at their website.

From Global Freedom Movement Media:

Our interviews with Nicole Paul will be among the most important GFM Media will do. Why? Not merely because she brings a wealth of specialised expert knowledge to the table (as many of our other guests have), but because with Nicole, we are about to begin unveiling what may be just about our last hope if we are to stop the rampantly spreading tyranny around the globe and employ a realistic workable solution.

So, who is Nicole Paul?

Nicole was employed as a solicitor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) between July 2001 and June 2010. For eight of those years Nicole was attached to the Special Crime Unit. She held security clearance.

In July 2010 Nicole resigned from the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) to complete the Bar Practice Course at the Queensland University of Technology. Nicole was admitted to practice at the Queensland Bar in August 2010. She practiced law as a Barrister in Queensland and New South Wales.

Nicole also trained in ancient mystery school teachings and was a member of an international mastermind that was focused on the creation of structures and businesses that can re-pattern collective consciousness.

In June 2005 she founded Golden Age Paradigm which is an event production company that will be holding events around the world to gather together thought leaders who can assist people to shift into a new paradigm of thinking.

This unique background and insider knowledge of the legal system and government places Nicole well to effectively strategise solutions that are workable and acknowledge the realities of the situation we face.

In this publicly broadcast episode – the first of several we will be airing with Nicole (though not all will be public domain access-for-all) – she will discuss:

  • Why virtually all popular ‘solutions’ are NOT going to solve anything; Nicole breaks them down one by one. (For example: in the USA impeachment is a pointless exercise, direct confrontation/revolt against government, the futility of voting Left instead of Right, why petitions and letters to politicians don’t work, and more)
  • How and why the system of government cannot be self-corrected
  • (why we need a cunning external intervention that ‘they’ won’t anticipate)
  • How the fox has taken over the henhouse
  • How there is currently no established way out of our predicament with things as they are
  • The Biosecurity Act and imminent mandatory vaccination
  • What is the new world order?


  • TPP and how this will work
  • TPP-type legislations and what has happened in Canada a.k.a. corporate oligarchy masked as ‘free trade’
  • The UN agenda translated
  • How the global agenda is really all about keeping us energetically suppressed and unconscious
  • Current police state implementation

This episode of GFM Media with Nicole Paul is essential study and preparation for an effective intervention strategy to be disclosed in non-public domain discussions. Spread it far and wide if you value what tattered shreds are left of true freedom and unadulterated truth.

From their About page:

The world is undergoing an unprecedented and divine transformation as we, the inhabitants of Earth, wake up to the universal truth of connection and love that bind us at our very core. Consciousness has no colour, creed, boundaries, or enemies.

The time has come for the forces of suppression, domination, and ignorance which have clouded our realisation of true oneness, to be transcended. The time of disconnection has ended; now we choose to enter the era of love together, and birth the long foretold Golden Age of a conscious humanity.

Global Freedom Movement (GFM) is a collective of beings sharing the vision and mission of the manifestation of heaven on earth and beyond. GFM is here as an educational and activist portal to facilitate the global awakening to the reality of who we are, and to create a planet on which our collective values reflect that enhanced awareness of reality/truth.

Our policy is to promote substance over style, and provide access to depth and quality of information, rather than merely regurgitate the fluffy clichés that pervade the alternative media and “spiritual” sites. GFM writers are awakened hard hitters who take no prisoners and make no apologies for calling a spade a “bloody shovel.”

Though we are solution-based, political correctness is not our friend; we expose all forms of frauds and lies, whether they are popular in the mass mind and loudly publicly endorsed, or insidious and well concealed. One by one, we pluck deceptions and cover-ups from the proverbial house of cards, and replace them with truth bombs. We acknowledge that half the “battle” is dismantling illusions because falsity is not an ally in creating a peaceful world anchored in truth and reverence for the real.

We invite you to join us in breaking the rusty chains of conditioned thought and acceptable opinion, and engaging in an informed, lawful, compassionate rebellion, as we co-create the kind of planet we can be proud to bring future generations into!

If you are still reading this and starting to feel at home, then you ARE the GFM!

Please visit their About page to learn more about Brendan Murphy and Aimee Devlin. Explore their website and videos here.