Tag Archives: Public Comment

WHO Proposal for Pandemic Creation: Just Say No | Make History: Keep Saying No to the WHO

Brief report & op-ed | Ramola D | January 22, 2024, Updated January 27, 2024

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Newer News: WHO rallies today (January 22, 2024) to stave off disaster (their version of such that is: the world’s public and the world’s government corporations saying No to endless lockdowns, pandemic panic, “pandemic literacy” and the CREATION OF PATHOGENS (genetically modified bacteria? toxins? fake news re. “viruses”? or fungi & mold, elevated ambient EMF, close-by 5G, pulsed directed energy weaponry?) with an urgent conference (streamed live).

The sideways-tilted US Inc. (now bankrupt) (36:13/link to video below), notably appeared to prevaricate and seek compromise while issuing a reminding note on urgency of original timelines and the old journalism-defying mantra of CTC* tyrants crying “disinformation and misinformation” was rife and “education and communications” needed to be “elevated.” This is the Inversion-as-Art approach from a sadly broken and obsolete government corporation which has forgotten how to spell Truth let alone embody it. And which appears to insistently endorse one-world global fascism. (* conspiracy-theory creating)

But stay the course: Saying No is Saying No. Say No to all of it, the amended International Health Agreement from 2005 (covered here earlier: CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries) and the incredibly criminal “Pandemic Agreement” addressed below.


Newsbreak 156 | Screw the WHO | James Roguski Calls on All to Make a Video to Stop WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fascism | September 9, 2022

News Report 6 | Millions in Tests While DARPA/White House Plans Point to Endless Pandemics and A Clear Hybridizing Humans Agenda

Millions in COVID-19 Test Contracts & Pandemic Plans Signal Escalating Build-Up of Testing, Vaccine, Pandemic Industry in Treasonous DARPA/WEF Hybridizing Humans Agenda: Reject The Tests & Vaccines Both

News Report 2 | Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Call for a Halt to the Toxic COVID Injections, Vaccine Mandates, Physician Censorship, & Urge Against the Vaccinating of Children

Reading the WHO “Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement”–a tedious task–reveals rather clearly this is an openly criminal bid for extreme fascist takedown of the entire human population of the world.

A private corporation seeking public subservience to faulty “One-Health” notions, Western-Medicine-informed, and pushing the creation of eternal pandemics, the cultivation of pathogens, the censorship of journalists, the end of Free Speech, and the maintenance of a mercenary Pharmaceutical industry keen to mask and syringe-shoot our babies and adults to death in the name of Global Biosecurity, the World “Health” Organization needs to be denied access to our bodies and our lives.

Private-corporation-playing-government attendees at the “7th Meeting of the intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”/https://www.who.int/news/item/07-12-2023-governments-continue-discussions-on-pandemic-agreement-negotiating-text

Some Choice Excerpts from the Pandemic A

Note the “Interpandemic Period” and “Infodemic” and “Zoonoses” Notes, Pathogen Access and Vaccine Injury management, Forced Compliance on Many Fronts, Expanded “Clinical Trials”: Non-consensual Experimentation in (Brown & Black) Post-Colonial Countries, Plans to interrupt Wars for Pandemics

Also see the White House Pandemic Prep document, covered here earlier.

Preparing for pandemics–patently the creation of same, in endless dystopia–needs to be called out by all physicians, researchers, scientists with sense.

The WHO–propped up by those who make a LOT of money from deadly “vaccines,” experimental drugs, the creation of gene-edited pathogens for their supposed study and prevention-of-pandemics with them, and who want to keep their hegemonic control of the world intact and extended–imagine for us a World Filled with Endless “Pandemics” they will create, as the text of their “Agreement” hints at and spells out.

It’s fearmongering and terror-creation; buried in the text are the facts of what is already being rolled out, still hidden, and intended for complete human control: via protocols, international instruments, stealth technologies, force not consent, lies for laws, lockdowns, masks, behavioral health takedowns, and the complete loss of human freedom–say No to all of it.

The Proposal for Pandemic Creation DBA “Pandemic Agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” in PDF at the WHO and below:

The WHO, National Sovereignty, State Sovereignty, Your and My Sovereignty, Bodily Autonomy, and the State of the World

While the WHO’s “Pandemic Agreement” threatens to overturn national and state sovereignty while disappearing our personal sovereignty and bodily autonomy, each and every one of us, it may be helpful to know that things are changing around us, corporations are dissolving, and we don’t have to hand over our “Consent of the Governed” to anyone at all.

Fiduciary of The United States of America, unincorporated (the real USA), and really the President of the true USA as well as American Historian Laureate, Anna von Reitz has published extensively recently on the dissolution of the corporations which have called themselves Governments, and written often of the need for all Americans and all worldwide to step out of the sea of maritime Jurisdiction and onto the land and soil jurisdiction, to stand with those on the land already, the natives and the tribes, and recognize that sovereignty is vested in you, your state, your government.

Clarifying and essential, A Brief Report For Those Trying to Understand the New World by Anna von Reitz.

All Americans can claim their birthright American status. All people worldwide can claim their living selves and country sovereignty status. World Banking Systems on Verge of Change: Choose Privacy details further how everyone in the entire world can stand up to bankrupted private corporations enslaving us and regain freedom from such enslavers as the WHO, WEF, and other globalist hegemons.

A few articles which offer more on these subjects, and her advice regarding the pandemic A below:

International Public Announcement: The Answer is Simple/Anna von Reitz

Public International Notice: There are Two Sets of Corporations Involved/Anna von Reitz

Please Note: We are Not Under Any Bench (We are finally reopening our American Common Law Courts.)

News for you/Anna von Reitz


Wolf at the Door and in September Skies, Plus a 44-Year Deadline: Anna von Reitz Recommends Americans “Return to the Land” at Speed and Reclaim Birthright Assets/September 3, 2022

One Health, Primary Health, Behavioral Health, Mental Health–New York’s New Billions for Behavior

One of the abiding dangers of a One Health world and a World Health takeover of “Pandemics” is the sudden fascination with “Behavioral Health” expressed in numerous initiatives, state by state–State of State by State of State really–and at the US Inc. Federal level.

It is becoming increasingly evident that Mental Health and Behavioural Health, Crisis Creation, Emergency Creation–and Pandemic Creation–are the intended routes to a fascist state by state internal takedown–which can be, meaning: is being planned to be effected at your primary healthcare practitioner’s office, your workplace, your child’s school or University, your own home and neighborhood, your local hospital’s ER.

A subject for continued focus and coverage here, this is an area for high parental alert, in every state.

Governor Hochul Announces a Billion for Mental Health Care, Highlights Teen Suicide

The State of State of New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced a billion for mental health care at her state budget for 2024; her rather incredible speech at an event with Mayors in Buffalo waxing sympathetic for “God’s children”–teens (to paraphrase) struggling with suicide/mental health issues post-Covid and during-Covid whom she does not equate to her own state’s policies of social isolation, masking, forced vaccines, forced cyber-schooling–has to be heard to be believed.

“And you know the statistics are staggering, and these teenage girls are 30 percent of them considering suicide–I mean teenage girls are supposed to have a more Carefree life perhaps–you know, getting excited about the next chapter, and they’re feeling the weight of such depression that they’d rather consider the alternative to life–it’s almost 60 up 60 percent from a decade ago. They’re falling fast and falling hard – and it’s a full-blown crisis: this is more than a call to action, it is a moral imperative to do something to help our people, these are God’s children.”

—-23:06, Governor Kathy Hochul Highlights $1B Plan to Overhaul New York State’s Continuum of Mental Health Care/Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCry_R_mE5c

TRANSCRIPT Excerpt on Teen Mental Health and Forced Insertion of Mental Health Counselors and Teen Peer Counselors Via Billions for Behavior Thrown at New York Schools by Governor Kathy Hochul/May 8, 2023

Of course, this isn’t the only concerning thing introduced in Ms. Hochul’s speech announcing a “Mental Health Crisis” in New York, her entire spiel on “Wraparound Mental Healthcare” [a Continuum of Forced Stuffing of People into Psychiatry (and Homelessness) under Euphemism-Use on an extreme scale] has to be heard to be believed, but this intended “Capture”–“This is the time you capture them” (her words)– of children young, in schools, should make everyone sit up and take notice.

Is this about Mental Healthcare or about the Neuro-Degrading and Life-Subjugation of the Young, the Dynamic, the Energetic, the Sensitive, the Caring, the Talented, the Intense, the Emotional, the Brilliant, the Outspoken, the Critically-Thinking, the Creative, the Outstanding in schools?

“Mental Health Services” as currently being meted out and being intended, statewide and nationwide, includes Forced Kidnaps, Forced Drugging (after Dragging out of home or school), False Narratives, Forced “Diagnoses” aka False Psychiatric Labels for Life–and thereby Lifetime Blacklisting, Discrimination, All-Rights Removal and Pariah-Creation: Don’t let it happen to your child/ren.

Highlights–Mental Health, Education, Budget 2025 NY below–and a chance find, 500 Million for Advanced Chip Research at Albany Nanotech/belied by other news reports on $10 Billion for same:

Website: Transforming New York State’s Continuum of Mental Health Care/https://www.governor.ny.gov/programs/transforming-new-york-states-continuum-mental-health-care

Police, EMS, ER Docs, Psychs Plus Neuro/DEWs, Lawlessness and Lies are being used to Claim “Mental Health Crises” Statewide, Nationwide, Internationally

The thing that’s missing, that’s not spoken about, that can be found elsewhere, and that also needs sustained and focused coverage is the fact that this sudden push to expand Mental Health Care–in New York and nationwide–is being achieved in conjunction with corrupt and bought-out “Law Enforcement,” Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Department physicians and psychiatrists, and with the highly dangerous, harmful, unapproved, undisclosed, unlawful, bodily-assaultive vibrational, pulsing, electrical, electromagnetic, brain stimulation and other “health technologies” and “medical technologies” and “public safety technologies” that come from Electronic Warfare and Neuro Warfare weaponry development and testing and have now been sneaked into Health, Safety, Security; they have been used experimentally and are now also being used operationally on people to destroy their lives.

This use, experimental and operational, of neuro and energy weapons/technologies in secrecy coupled with their denial in public permits EMS, Police, Hospitals, Courts to run false “Mental Health Crises” productions, forcibly capture people into hospital settings, falsify medical records, force “Behavioral Health” “Treatments” on them, and present them glibly to others as “Services.” These are horrific crimes, which need to be halted.

Pandemic Accord Compliance and Behavioral Health Takedowns Equal Enslaving and Silencing of All World Populations

What happens when people are forced into believing they have no sovereignty, no rights on their own, no protections from globalists seeking “Pandemic Agreements” and “One Health” control of all, while Mental Health and Behavioral Health–concealing Stealth Military Weapon Use on all–is suddenly given prominence–and billions–at the level of the school, the workplace, the doctor’s office?

Absolute censorship, absolute subjugation, absolute silencing of the population.

If you cannot say No to a dangerous experimental mRNA vaccine, DNA-mutating biotoxins, nanotechnology in syringes and aerosols, and, to add, neuro-damaging psychiatric drugs and vibration technologies thrust on you or your child (“Public Safety” “Behavioral Health”) for daring to express a dissenting opinion about Colds and Flus, “Viruses,” 5G/6G, Neuroweaponry and AP-DEWs, “pandemics” or anything else–then how exactly can you conclude “the government” or the WHO or the State (of State) cares for you? [It doesn’t, it cannot; not at all.]

Suspect therefore, and to be stringently critiqued, questioned, pressed for full disclosure and change by one and all, even as we Choose Privacy, step away, and rebuild our worlds from the bottom up: Public Health, Mental Health Care, Behavioral Health, Public Safety (in addition to all else named above).


Explainer: WHO’s Pandemic Agreement Threatens National Sovereignty, Free Speech, and Life/Ben Johnson/January 9 2024

It’s time to yell at the US Government/James Roguski/January 18, 2024

News for you/Anna von Reitz

Wolf at the Door and in September Skies, Plus a 44-Year Deadline: Anna von Reitz Recommends Americans “Return to the Land” at Speed and Reclaim Birthright Assets

World Banking Systems on Verge of Change: Choose Privacy

WHO and Central Bankers’ Impending Pandemic Treaty to Establish Global Fascism at Speed | Reclaim Your Sovereignty

Expanded “Crisis System” & Sudden Roadmaps to “Behavioral Health” Reform Cover the Cruelties of AP-DEW/Neurotech Weapons-Tests, Artificial Intelligence Brain Experiments–& Promise Impending Widespread Targeting for All Human Brain Takedown: Expose & End These Crimes

Communism Claiming Crisis in Massachusetts: Criminally Harassive “Community Policing and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Services” Reveal Over 250,000 Captures Per Year into Mental Health of Children, Youth, Adults from 2019 to 2022

Police, Public Safety, Public Health, Behavioral Health, Mental Health & Tech Watch

Mil-Intel EW Watch

Pfizer’s Military Connections, and Moderna’s Too–mRNA Vaccines Come from DARPA and Seem to Be Operating as Neuro-Bioweapons, as per Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s Description

Billions and Millions: Moderna and NIH Make Deals Behind the Scenes as New Variants Steal In | August 23, 2023

“Pandemic Preparedness” and the Defense-Health Infrastructure Behind It

Plans for Preparedness or “Pandemics”? A Brief Look at the “Global Health Security” Industry

“Global Health Security” Versus AI-Run Digital Health: Does the WHO, European Commission’s Partnership Respect Human Rights or Aim for Cerebral Internet Cyborgism?

From Pandemic to Permanence: How DOD and DHHS are Maneuvring to Instal Future Pandemic Controls while Painfully Testing & Vaccinating All US School Children for COVID, Despite PCR-Testing Failure and Deaths & Disability Caused by the Experimental Gene-Based Vaccines

News Report 6 | Millions in Tests While DARPA/White House Plans Point to Endless Pandemics and A Clear Hybridizing Humans Agenda

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries | July 14, 2020

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube | May 6, 2020

Ramola D Reports, Report # 168 |Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID-19 Test Does Not Prove COVID-19–All Figures on Infections and Deaths are False! | April 3, 2020

[Click on image below to go to the video.]

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on COVID-19, Vaccines, Fear, and Health | Report # 168 | Ramola D Reports | May 6, 2020

Related: From Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Reminder of “Pandemics” Past and Present

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Coronavirus Pt 1: How Soon We Forget – Same Playbook, Different Virus

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Coronavirus Pt 2: ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’, Replay

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism

Related: From David Noakes, Reminder of the Lies of “Pandemics” and “Pandemic Products” (Vaccines)

David Noakes, CEO, Immuno Biotech: Fraudulent Actions by Ministers Over COVID-19 | April 6, 2020

David Noakes, CEO, Immuno Biotech | It’s Bill Gates Who Has Locked Down the World | April 20, 2020