Category Archives: Truth about US Govt

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

–Ramola D/Posted 3 July, 2019/Dated & Sent Online to White House 26 June, 2019/Print Copy Received at White House August 2, 2019

Written with intent to rather briefly brief the President–but inevitably extending into more of a saga as I sought to cover as many aspects of this ongoing mayhem as I could–this is not a distant, discreet communication but a straight-up communique–holding nothing back, meant also for all those thoughtful, careful, studied intellectuals and misled medicos (like my doctor sister and friends) out there who are regrettably sadly deceived by the obfuscating coverage on this subject by The New York Times, Wired, Washington Post, Daily Beast, Chicago Sun-Times, Vice, to name just a few of the #MockerOp Mediaheads, and persuaded to believe–despite the billions of dollars sunk into the Military and into the behemoth Surveillance State–that it’s the Mentally Ill not the Uber-Surveilled-and-Assaulted on the rise.

Permit me also to say that while aware of –and always seeking to be inclusive of–the worldwide nature of this program, I chose to focus reference here on the USA because there is a strange and funny thing associated with the word “American”: in USA, often referred to as America by US’ians, “Americans” (word and concept) carry weight. Appealing to America and Americans is, within this fish-bowl view, a power move even as it stems from a limiting seeing; many people in the USA unfortunately see “American” as synonym for “primary human.” Seeing or learning about “Americans” being assaulted, attacked, and subjugated here within America therefore may just wake US’ians up; today, north and south and central Americans, like Europeans and Australians and Africans and Asians and Middle-Easterners are all being targeted for subjugation, suppression, oppression, extermination, culling, totalitarianism as the Luciferian lot practising transhumanism and dreaming of a cyborgized, robotized, repressed, fully bio-hacked, neuro-hacked, MK’d and hive-minded Humanity 2.0 keep marching ahead. A large portion of whom are situated right here in the USA, practising police-state-perfidy on us Americans, so that’s another reason to focus here on what’s happening in America, to Americans: if the primary perpetrators are here, let’s point to them first.

The words of report here and intent for remedy and solution however extend to all peoples around the world, who are being subjected to these outrageous assaults–please be assured I am thinking of all worldwide who have contacted me, whose stories I am honored to report, all those too whose stories are elsewhere online; I will continue to write for all worldwide and speak as a reporter for all, as I am charged, going forward.

I posted a pdf of this letter online and sent a note with links via the White House Contact Us form, but am informed by some in the know it is very hard to get written communications to the President, that all incoming mail is handled and managed and does not get to him. Regardless, I will go ahead and send in a paper copy, but I ask all reading this who wish to try, to please send it on to the President too if you can, by whatever means, Twitter or fax or email, I will be grateful, and so also will many, I would imagine, who are being targeted illegally as I am with microwave/scalar/sonic weapons.

Please send it on also to others (pdf linked below), to Senators,  Generals, Archbishops and CEOS and Popes as you wish, to your family members, doctors, psychologists, friends. Despite the black hole of Disinfo CIA-run media have spiralled this subject into, this is the page we all need to be on, these are the truths which the whistleblowing targeted bring to us, this is the extent of the carnage, this the lateness of the hour, this the ultimate darkness we all have to face fully if we are ever to truly engage in the full restoration of humanity.

Letter sent online to the White House, 26 June 2019:

Update: Print Copy (along with above cover letter and the earlier Memo to Trump, printed) Received at White House, August 2, 2019:

PDF (latest version) of the Once Again Memo to President Trump:  Once More a Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans


Endorsement | Karen Melton-Stewart, NSA Intelligence Analyst, 28 yrs, Retd.

I would like to whole-heartedly recommend this second Memo to Trump by Ramola D, as well as the first (2017). It is replete with astonishing but accurate information on the intended high tech destruction and subjugation of not only the American population, but the world…which was a hair away when Trump took office. By the grace of God, it has been delayed by a small number of people in-the-know.

This country, culture, leadership and yes, citizens, have a huge and deep trough of shame to lap up like no one else ever before in history. No one.

As a nation, we have utterly betrayed our country, our founding principles, our humanity, as well as our fellow citizens, and even our families, with active, voluntary participation in the immoral and illegal vilification, dehumanization, torture, and murder of innocent people falsely portrayed as “threats” by the DHS-FBI-Fusion-Center-et-al matrix of endless, baseless predation to feed the Police State.

Others have chosen to deal with pleas for help and common decency by pouring buckets of salt into the wounds of the victims by dismissing, mocking, ignoring, insulting, and withholding basic human compassion (much less concrete help) for them based on willful ignorance or rank cowardice.

This memo is a strong, all encompassing wake-up call that is factual and appropriately emotional to correspond to the level of unimaginable and unjust traumatic hurt and obscene insult done to innocent people, who are infinitely better human beings than their avaricious, sociopathic, and mercenary persecutors.

Educate yourselves, swallow the shock, roll up your sleeves and add your talents to the fight, for yourself, for your children, and for the future of humanity…if there is to be one.

Karen Melton-Stewart | NSA Intelligence Analyst, 28 yrs, Retd. And accidental Whistleblower but unrepentant Patriot.


June 26, 2019

Ramola D
Writer, Poet, Journalist, Educator, Activist
Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen
Reporter, Ramola D Reports

Once Again, a Memo to President Trump, and to all Oblivious Readers of the New York Times & Other Lying and Complicit Mainstream Media: Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Massive Surveillance State Abuses Have Permitted Treasonous Assault, Terminal Brain Experimentation, & Murder of Innocent Americans by Domestic & Multi-National Defense/Utility/Service/Telecom Corporations, Intel Agencies (CIA/FBI/DHS), US Military/Navy/Air Force, & Local Govts., with Radiation Assault Weapons & Neuroweapons

As before, this Memo seeks to inform President Trump as well as all those who are truly oblivious about what is going on in today’s worldwide surveillance state–being mindwashed by MSM into thinking all is well and those pesky “Targeted Individuals” reporting physical assault with invisible spectrum and sonic weapons are just plain delusional, as the New York Times–famously confessing recently to having their articles vetted not by a qualified editor but by the government– would have you believe.

The root of this evil—although predated by long-standing Mafiosi criminality in our society–seems to begin in this millennium with the excesses of the Patriot/Freedom Act which permit Americans to be wrongfully and glibly named terrorists, extremists, and known or suspected terrorists at the whim of pretty much anyone associated with the fusion centers—FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, and their paid informants, snitches, and proxies in communities.

The FBI’s list of problematic citizens includes Americans interested in the Constitution, and includes human and animal rights activists who speak out against war and against cruelty—this in itself should let everyone know that absolute Communist mayhem has been unleashed on America—and rolled into town like a Trojan Horse in broad daylight, unchallenged by an either blackmailed, sleeping, or complicit Congress as part of the nauseously overrated “War on Terror,” apparently the new CFR/CIA/FBI/DHS codeword for “Anything Goes.”

Criminals and Terrorists Are Not Being Watchlisted; Vocal, Civic-Minded, and Active Community Leaders and Patriotic Americans Are

In reality, anyone who speaks out today in their communities, questioning waste, corruption, or crime locally is being watchlisted, terror-listed, and KST-listed (Known or Suspected Terrorist list/FBI).

Please re-read that: Criminals and terrorists are not being watchlisted; people of integrity and outspokenness are being watchlisted. Those in fact who exhibit leadership or individuality qualities and take action on problems and voice concern about community issues are being watchlisted.

Nurses, doctors, writers, journalists, activists, artists, engineers, lawyers, architects, schoolteachers, retirees, homemakers are being watchlisted/hit. Elderly retirees, middle-aged parents, young parents, young men and women, veterans of all ages, and children from birth to 24 of targets are being watchlisted/hit.

Dennis Montgomery, NSA whistleblower has mentioned 20 million Americans illegally surveilled; George Webb, investigative journalist has mentioned 1 million; Dr. Robert Duncan, CIA/Defense whistleblower has lately estimated 1.6% of world’s population targeted by US Govt, about 73 million. The age range is age 0 to age 90, with a high percentage being in the 30-70 yrs age group, and 60-70% women as per figures from Dr. John Hall, but equally distributed, at 50% men, 50% women, as per long-time activist Paul Baird, who notes that men are less likely to report to doctors and are often targeted for mental and other takedowns earlier, many may be incarcerated.

These Innocent & Smart, Accomplished American Targets are Being Hit Torturously With Radiation Assault Weapons & Neuroweapons, in Secrecy, via Gov-Sanctioned, Blatantly Inhumane Military/ Intelligence/ Justice Brain Experimentation & Non Lethal Weapons Testing and Training Operations (“Enforced Peace-Keeping”) & Trafficking Into Non-Consensual Medical Sensor/Implant/Disease Testing

Once listed, targets are handed over like cattle into—one presumes, classified Special Access Project, Above Top Secret, because secrecy’s certainly involved, FOIA requests yield zilch—Dept. of Defense and clandestine CIA/DIA/DOD/USAF/Navy weapons-testing and neuro-experimentation contracts, by which means further “legal” shenanigans written into treasonous military and CIA directives come into play.

These include such treasonous documents as the NDAA which indefinitely detains on US soil any number of hapless innocent Americans as KSTs (Known or Suspected Terrorists), AR 5240.1 which permits military experimentation on surveillees, EO 12333 which permits CIA/DIA “Intelligence” experimentation on surveilees. The latest appropriation of rights/and stamping of Due Process, Bill of Rights & Constitutional and Geneva Convention and Nuremberg rights and liberties into the ground, is egregious DOD/Intel/Justice Exemptions written into a revision of the Common Rule, to permit DOD/Intel/DOJ to torture at will and hide this torture “legally” under Exemptions from Informed Consent requirements for research on human subjects, touting “normative” Intelligence/Surveillance/Criminal Justice activities here.

These treasonous exemptions “legally” permit Ethics-less agencies (or so they think) like DARPA, and Army/Navy/USAF Intelligence and DIA/CIA to run clandestine and extreme, no-limits, no-morals, no-ethics, MK Ultra-style neuro-experimentation on healthy American citizens, with full intent—being played out currently–to transform them into brain-invaded, brain-degraded, brain-clonable, bio-robotizable, diagnosed “mentally ill” slaves.

These treasonous and unconscionable Executive Orders and Military Appropriations of Rights also “legally” permit multi-national corporations (or so they think) such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon and General Dynamics to use the bodies of those millions of Americans now put under surveillance (on false and fabricated grounds) as target practice in Terminal Death-Dealing and Infinitely Assaultive, Health-Damaging, and Life-Assaultive Field Weapons Testing of Directed Energy Weapons in coyly named Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research contracts. (What are they testing, you may ask: frying someone’s skin with microwave weapons and watching how they jump? Much worse, actually.)

Americans are also being trafficked into clandestine medical/behavioral health monitoring programs run through NIH and other agencies, run by Universities and research hospitals, and involving non-consensual implantation, remote tracking, and precision RF assault to induce, accelerate, and study specific diseases and injuries for monitoring.

These Outstanding, Patriotic Americans are Reporting Torture, 24/7 Assault, and Deliberate Stress & Trauma Creation with Remote Bio Hacking and Neuro Hacking Weapons

In actuality, Americans are reporting intense radiation burns, second-degree burns on skin causing blisters and lesions, extreme radiation dermatitis, swelling of tissue related to continuous microwave assault, repeated assault with microwaves/milliwaves at burn and blister sites, repeated assault at burn sites even with medical care;

sudden organ and joint damage: brain fog, sudden and instantaneous headaches, migraine, kidney pain, gall bladder and liver pain, pancreatic pain, sudden onset of diabetes, arthritis, bones and joints being damaged instantaneously by focused hammering with pulse shots, lungs being painfully constricted and attacked, nose bleeds, sudden onset of extreme bronchitis, pneumonia, sudden and persisting fibromyalgia and shingles, sudden heart attacks and strokes in fully healthy people, in ages from 20 to 90, and younger;

electronic rape and sexual assault and sexual stimulation, from external EMF signals/which can be shielded from, with some difficulty;

electroshocks, continuous vibrations, and frequent seizures all provoked by external EMF signals/which can be shielded from, with difficulty;

extreme over-heating of skin, face, chest, back in subdural heating as with ultra-thin film technology (bio-MEMs, nanotech sensors) and Pulsed Energy Projectiles (known to be tested by US Navy, as per a declassified contract)

flickering of nerves and muscles, as with military tracking radar;

gassing with chemical weapons being vented into homes and cars;

skin infestations, swellings, fattenings, darkenings, lightenings, filled with strange fibres, black dots, shiny dots as with nanotechnology sprayed at them, in Morgellons infestations, or via Direct Chemical Weapons

covert, non-consensual implantation of RFID microchips, Brain Computer Interface chips, and bio-MEMs as well as nanotechnology/which in many cases have been found to exist in reporting victims’ bodies via scientific radiological scanning methods as well as industrial toxicology analysis;

painful RF signals being sent to non-consensual implants, inducing pain in various organs, migraines, organ damage, brain fog;

neuro-assault: synthetic/electronic visual and auditory sensory elements being pumped in via non-consensual Brain Computer Interfaces or some other form of brain invasion such as images, sounds, sensations, dreams, often pornographic, pedosadist, bestial, and abusive in nature, even into children’s brains (as reported to this writer);

neuro-abuse: abusive Voice to Skull and Synthetic Telepathy signals, essentially voices using military V2K/microwave hearing/ultrasonic bone conduction and voice-morphing technologies engaging in AI abusive scripts 24/7, encouraging targets to commit suicide, murder, and mayhem, and injecting hopelessness and dejection–Imagine a voice in your skull telling you night and day you are worthless and should commit suicide! This is happening–and it’s not schizophrenia, it’s US DOD/CIA Bio-Communications Technology;

neuro-hacking: synthetic emotions of rage, fear, dejection, depression, all manner of extreme emotion being pumped in, via deliberate assault with specific, known radio frequencies to induce these emotion clusters;

neuro-takeover: remote control of one’s motor and sensory cortex, limbs, organs, and entire body using exotic neuro-hacking techniques such as EEG Heterodyning, EEG Cloning, and BCI-CBI interfacing.

death: induced mortality by heart attack, stroke, or repeated assault with radiation weapons productive of fast-moving or slow-moving cancers.

Please note, all physical symptoms above that are being reported here are symptoms understood by reporting victims to be induced by external EMF signals, usually pulse shots, or EMF signals sent to implants—in many cases recorded with EMF meters and shielded from (proving they are external signals, not internal health issues.) Shielding is a huge problem since not all kinds of shielding work for all of these assaults; Americans are struggling to shield themselves. The neuro-hacking assaults are experienced differently and reporting victims often report how difficult it is to shield their heads from assaults such as V2K and EEG Cloning and Bio-robotizing. Bio-hacking anti-personnel weapons being used on Americans include it seems exotic scalar technology, hard to shield from, even under layers of passive metal shielding.

Deliberate Stress and Trauma Creation with Illegal FBI/DHS/CIA/DOD COINTELPRO Abuse and Persecution

In addition, these Americans are reporting being subjected to extreme Stress and Trauma Creation COINTELPRO abuse: high-speed hazardous driving around them, non-stop high-level noise harassment and noise assault around them in neighborhoods with vehicles & landscaping equipment, non-stop hostility, ridicule, and community member “monitoring” them with cell-phones and arrival-departure presence from neighbors; nonstop vehicular and aerial stalking with ground vehicles, small planes, drones, helicopters; and nonstop pedestrian stalking and swarming in public.

All these are stressors, creating situations of high stress and trauma around targets, who at the same time are being hit with radiation/sonic assault weapons and RFID-monitored 24/7, in illegal and abusive CIA/DOD experimentation.

This COINTELPRO is being pulled off by such parties as FBI-Infragard/National Sheriffs Association community “police,Neighborhood Watch groups trained and unleashed on American communities by DHS/Fusion Centers, and Civilian-Military operations run by Special Ops Forces/Marine Corps/DOD—and well-hidden under FBI Community Policing, FBI Countering Violent Extremism, DHS “Home Guard” and Neighborhood Watch, and DOD “Peace-Keeping” initiatives and operations.

Dr. Robert Duncan, CIA/DOD whistleblower, has stated that Trauma-Based Mind Control experiments—intending Brain mapping, modification, and takeover—are being run non-consensually by the military and CIA/DIA on targets. He has also attested to the veracity of weapons-testing on Americans being run on an ongoing basis by Defense contractors working for DOD/USAF, which this writer can verify, from documents and communications obtained from FOIA requests and ongoing research.

Dr. James Giordano, military neuroscientist, has openly stated that the brains of specially targeted individuals are being studied, in the interests of weaponized neuroscience: this appears to be an admission of deliberate targeting of outstanding and moral Americans for destruction by unethical military weapons manufacturers whose new terrain is the human brain. (Lecture at Lawrence Livermore Labs, Aug 2017, From Bench to Battlefield: Weaponized Neuroscience:

To summarize: outstanding Americans have been sold or trafficked into non-consensual DOD/CIA neuro experimentation and DE weapons-testing projects run by extremely diabolical, unethical, unConstitutional, and positively evil Military and Intelligence agency heads, employees, and contractors, and involving absolutely barbaric, medieval, sadistic 24/7 Physical & Psychological Stress, Trauma, Torture, and Assault just so their traumatized, vulnerable brains can be mapped, and data downloaded from their brains into Big Data, Supercomputing, and AI Mass Control projects, for the further benefit of these treasonous control freaks.

Question: When did the USA become the Country of Human Sacrifice of Accomplished Americans for Death-Dealing Devils Playing Mengele in US Military & Intelligence?

Fake Lists, Fake Terrorists, Fake Investigations, Fabricated Records, Lies, Defamation, and Slander Operations, Blacklisting, Sabotage, and the Destruction of American Lives

Strategized NWO/Agenda 21 plans for totalitarian world governance in conjunction with billions of dollars funnelled into Post-9/11 projects within the “War on Terror” paradigm, including the FBI’s Countering Violent Extremism programs, as well as Fusion Center Watchlisting for Extrajudicial Surveillance have spawned a corrupt, profit-centered industry focused on targeting innocent Americans, then corralling communities around them, training them up in Stasi -style hate crimes against these Americans, and selling these Slow Kill crimes in neighborhoods as Citizen Watch community-policing activities.

  • Very simply, innocent people across America—usually highly educated or highly moral, or both–are being Fake Watchlisted.
  • People with no ties to or interest in terrorism are being falsely named Extremists and Terrorists. (Thousands, hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of good honest Americans–as per all reports of FBI watchlisting (from ACLU) and estimates from Military/Intel whistleblowers Montgomery and Duncan.)
  • As per FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee, corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges under the thrall of the corrupt FBI then produce Court-Authorizations to open false investigations on these people; or the secret FISA court to issue secret FISA warrants and secret National Security Letters are used to inform places of employment and neighborhoods these people are “under investigation.”
  • Their neighbors, friends, and family are contacted and told these outstanding Americans who are now targeted for elimination (exactly as historically in Cambodia, Poland, Soviet Union) are “under investigation,”authorization for which by the way is frequently renewed (every 90 days, acc. to FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee) and never ends, even after a year, 3 years, 10 years into this bogus investigation. People are also told that they (the neighbors) need to help with the investigation—most usually by turning a blind eye when the Fusion-Center-approved contractors zoom nightly and daily into their neighborhoods and make a deadly racket, by letting them park in driveways, and by letting them into their homes and yards so they can track the target better.
  • The good name, character, and reputation of these outstanding Americans is then sullied, slurred, slandered, and reviled by the Fusion Center thugs – AKA FBI, DHS, State and Local Police – to the neighbors, friends and family, who are told this person is under investigation for dubious activities, possible connection with terrorists, pedophilic and pornographic activities, prostitution, alcoholism, drug dealing or consuming, or some other horrifically unsavory activity which would never cross the mind or life of these particularly moral, accomplished, and outstanding targets—but are probably daily-crime in the life of corrupt, Mafiosi FBI who like to project their crimes onto others.
  • Additionally, and most crucially, people are told the target is Mentally Unstable, a Conspiracy Theorist, Obsessive, Bipolar, Schizophrenic, Paranoid, or other such, and therefore “needs to be watched by the neighborhood” and “by the community.”
  • For all of the above lies, falsified records and decontextualized information is possibly used to “prove” to neighbors and family that the target is a highly unsavory character who is mentally unstable and cannot be believed, and must be monitored closely.
  • Then the target is hit daily and nightly with Directed Energy Weapons, Active-Denial heat systems, and Radio Frequency Brain Transmissions to sleep-deprive her through the night (by way of waking her up several times through the night with wake-frequencies, sound and heat stimuli sent very close--LRAD and plasma/infrared weaponshitting spines, heads, beds, walls, shielding), covert ly sharpshot with RFIDs or surgically implanted, and whacked night and day with microwave/milliwave/sonic/scalar weapons and neuroweapons, as described earlier.
  • When the target (character-assassinated as a mentally-unstable extremist) now mentions this High-Tech Radiation Assault and Battery to anyone in family or neighborhood, s/he is disbelieved, as intended, by this DirtBag Operation being run by our amoral and unscrupulous, Satanic, anti-Christian and anti-American “American” Fusion Centers. Further, the ridiculous COINTELPRO s/he is subjected to—also known as Psy Ops or Military Information Support Operations—with people around him/her dressing like him/her (wearing his/her clothes, his/her colors) and repeating words and phrases from his/her emails, texts, and private conversations, engaging in stupid street theater around him/her, as well as gaslighting, vandalism, break-ins into his/her home to steal or deface small things, is also intended to obtain for him/her a psychiatric diagnosis of Delusional and Paranoid, to further discredit him/her.
  • This accomplished, productive, caring, moral American with tremendous potential as a productive community member, ethical leader, and active helper of humanity is now successfully “neutralized” in his/her own neighborhood and family via Social and Psychological Terrorism; s/he is socially isolated, shunned and ostracized, disbelieved, and looked on with hostility and contempt by the gullible and the indoctrinated neighbors and community-members, all because corrupt, criminal, avaricious, spineless members of the FBI or DHS or CIA or NSA came by, flashed badges and corrupt court-authorizations obtained under false pretences, and told a bunch of lies about him/her to take his/her life down.
  • These DirtBag Lies go very far: people will not rent to him/her, s/he will not get jobs; s/he cannot find clients. By this means, s/he is Blacklisted and Sabotaged; his/her life and career abruptly ruined. This is the doing of the FBI, CIA, DHS—and it is an Extreme Act of Treason which should be rewarded with Life in Jail or the Death Penalty for all involved.
  • Remember also that this person—whose life, career, and character is thus ruined—is, on a continuing, 24/7 basis, being massively assaulted physically, neurologically, and psychologically as well, with Directed Energy Neuroweapons and Psy Ops. This totality of attack on a person’s life is Extreme Abuse, Absolute Barbarism, Intense Sadism, and has no place in any civilized society; there is NO EXCUSE whatsoever that DOD, DARPA, DIA, USAF, Navy, NGA, NRO, DHS, FBI, CIA, or Local Police/Fusion Centers can give to Possibly excuse these incredibly ghastly and inhumane 24/7 bitterly egregious assaults on Americans, none whatsoever.
  • Please note: These are not exaggerated characterizations: people are being burned alive and boiled alive in their beds, they are being assaulted in their genitals; they are being pulse-shot in heads, electro-shocked, heart-attacked, nonstop face-hit and knee-hit, nipple-hit, testicle-hit, vagus-nerve hit, kidney-hit, liver-hit, pancreas-hit, uterus-hit, back-hit, spine-hit, they are being subjected to abusive Voice to Skull verbal abuse; none of this is in any way normal, nor acceptable as legitimate “testing” and “experimentation” of new weapons on anyone in the name of National Security.

These are Major Crimes Against Humanity, They Are NOT Acceptable Weapons Testing or National Security or Medical Health Experimentation

The excuse of “needing to experiment” or “needing to test weapons” in the interests of National Security, Intelligence, Defense, Military Health, Medical Health holds no water when one considers the sustained savagery and incredible brutality of these assaults on Americans; Americans moreover who are outstanding contributors to our communities; and Americans who have simply casually been rolled into these Death and Destruction programs by incredibly corrupt criminals in the FBI, and maliciously corrupt FBI/DHS “informants” in local institutions to be turned into hapless prey at the amoral hands of exploitative mad-scientist psychopaths in Black Ops agencies who have no business developing and using such egregious Torture weapons on ANYONE.

These Incredibly Inhumane Anti-Personnel “Non Lethal” Directed Energy Weapons and Remote Access Neuroweapons Should Be Banned

Indeed, what this phenomenon really raises is the need to question, address, and publicly reveal the horrific nature of these “anti-personnel” RF/sonic weapons and neuroweapons which are being used on people. Concealing their brutality under military and law-enforcement labels such as “non-lethal” and “less-lethal” and “dual-use technology,” the extreme horror of these weapons is being kept under wraps. These are weapons which permit the secretive remote access, manipulation, modification, degradation, and retardation of human bodies and brains—and this is how they are being used today; they run counter to every single understanding of basic human rights, every treaty and every convention establishing human rights; they are not merely invasive of neuro, cognitive, and physical privacy, integrity, and sovereignty, they are erasive of these, and they have no business existing in our midst.

That the US Military and Intelligence establishment has developed such powerfully deadly radiation and sonic weapons and neuroweapons and is using them and testing them on Americans in “Pre-Crime” and “Potential Criminal” lying scenarios and intending to use them in America as “Next Level” methods of “Law Enforcement” as well as “Defense” is a horrific commentary on what amoral depths this establishment has sunk to.

Not merely should these weapons be banned here in the US, the US should be setting an example as a human rights leader and working actively to ban them worldwide as well.

In fact, it is very clear to this writer that those individuals, political leaders, and governments who permit the atrocity in usage of these extreme torture weapons to continue will indeed go down in history as the ultimate barbarians of the human race—whose reign will be short. The USA has an opportunity to rout out its own Military/Intelligence Treason Faction here, stop the usage of these weapons on Americans and anyone else worldwide, freeze all development, ban usage and further development, and establish itself as a moral, humane, and civilized beacon as the world moves forward in peace and harmony into this new millenium. Humanity does NOT need secret torture weapons of extreme human manipulation to be used on anyone, including citizens of other countries characterized as “adversaries,” moving forward.

Innate Secrecy of These Spectrum Weapons Permits Governments to Torture Their Own People in Secret: How It’s Being Pulled Off in 21st-Century USA

Clearly, these weapons would never have been developed with full public knowledge, disclosure and open debate. The public has been kept in the dark about these weapons because they are extreme weapons of human enslavement.

Joint development of these weapons with the Department of Justice took a nose-dive into Secrecy in 1993 with the newly classified Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Conference in Los Alamos, and later in 1994 with a Memorandum of Understanding between DOD and DOJ to jointly develop a whole class of non-lethals and anti-personnels for domestic use on Americans by Law Enforcement and flying them under the radar of Press scrutiny by naming them classified.

Excerpt/1994 MOU Between DOD and DOJ, signed by Janet Reno, Attorney-General, and John Deutch, Secretary of Defense

This has established secrecy in use of what DOJ now passes off, poker-faced, as Surveillance Technology. Remember, DOD/USAF/Navy are already using Secrecy for weapons-testing. And DOD/CIA have long been using Secrecy for Neuroweapons development, hubristic Behavior Modification, and Neuro Modulation.

This “legal” recourse to Secrecy coincides nicely with the innate secrecy offered by invisible radiation and sonic weapons, which operate much as Wifi operates, invisibly.

On the ground what this translates to is:

FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE: People are being hit from great distances, remotely and invisibly, from satellites, cell towers, drones, helicopters, planes, ships and boats, ground vehicles like cars, SUVs, trucks.

Closer in, people are being hit from neighbor’s antennas, cell antennas on utility poles, sheathed antennas on parked cars, covertly-placed microwave emitters in their own homes and neighborhoods, covertly-placed repeaters in neighborhoods, covertly-placed magnetrons on houses.

Paul Batcho, DARPA whistleblower, has stated a band of frequencies has been reserved on cell towers for Military use, which are being used to hit targets from, on a continuous basis in their communities, in public, as they are out and about, even driving, or using public transportation. This writer can confirm this scenario, where cell antennas mounted on light poles are being tuned to assault along the entire route the target is on, so that she suffers continuous chest congestion or continuous concussive brain assault as she drives along this route.

Targets’ neighborhoods are taken over with Fusion-Center-approved contractors zipping at high speed into neighborhoods and engaging in constant-tracking and constant-hitting of the target in either shamelessly exhibitionistic activities of “Surveillance” –in contrived theater for the terrorized neighbors, to establish daily Show-of-Force military/Fusion “legitimacy” of these UnConstitutional activities – or as ongoing weapons-training and testing for new batches of traitorous assassins being trained under weapons-testing contracts—or both.

The ground-vehicle zooming testers/trainers described above are working in tandem with air-crew; honking car-horns loudly when they fail to track–(even for a minute) (these are Continuous Clandestine Tracking and Locating (CCTL) operations on absolutely innocent-of-any-crime-whatsoever Americans)–and thereby eliciting immediate action from a small plane, drone, or helicopter, which instantly flies in or seems to descend over the target’s house—as if a high-tech criminal indicted for Columbian drug-cartel operations had momentarily gotten lost between the bathroom and the bedroom—to help with relaying co-ordinates and using penetrative radar to plumb through to non-consensual implants beneath shielding and produce a CCTL tracked-again signal for the programmed AI mastermind which seems to be directing operations.

Note here that the USAF is conducting Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research with millimeter wave and other RF weapons in lab and field testing operations, via Defense contractors such as General Dynamics, in multiple contracts across USA.

As well: Robert Mueller, former FBI Director, has confirmed to Congress the FBI’s drones are in operation in US airspace, over CONUS; 30,000 drones have been named as operational. Question: Why are FBI drones being used at taxpayer expense on innocent Americans?

Also, it appears planes may be being kept in constant surveillance mode over major urban targeted areas. In May 2013, news outlets reported a mystery aircraft circling nonstop over Quincy, MA for more than eight hours, and through the night. In June 2015, AP reported the FBI is operating a civilian Air Force (inclusive of Cessnas) and maintaining surveillance over major cities.

The General Dynamics $49 million contract for DEBR for 7 years with the USAF began in September 2013; this writer, based in Quincy, MA, reporting Surveillance Abuse since November 2013, has since uncovered General Dynamics’ connections with the Quincy, MA government (No. 5, Pages 10-12/ which point to weapons-testing of RF weapons in Quincy, MA, Boston, and surrounding areas. (A detailed report on this investigation is forthcoming at The Everyday Concerned Citizen.)

Ground Crew of Stalkers: Children, teenagers, adults in neighborhoods have been roped in under false pretences via Community Policing and Neighborhood Watch initiatives to stalk, monitor, point cell phones, point portable DEWs—ie. direct microwave pulse hits at targets with, carry DEWs in backpacks and purses, take photos and video, and generally engage in harassive stalking actions against targets. The BackPack Stalker is now ubiquitous, all over American cities and counties–a try at Plausible Deniability, but noticeable nevertheless.

FUSION HOUSES: Covert and clandestine brain experimentation by the NSA/CIA/DIA as described by whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan is being facilitated by “fusion houses.” Researchers and weapon-wielders are moved in all around targets, to inhabit houses and apartments as owners and tenants, taking Surveillance contracts to “monitor” neighbor targets nonstop while directing RF/sonic weapons at them for Torture and Trauma Based Mind Control purposes. These are MK Ultra-extended programs focused on Brain Modification and Behavior Modification, and have no business existing or being tested or used on people in a democracy; they are treasonous operations in their assault of citizens.

Local Businesses Involved: Public-private partnerships permit services like UPS, FEDEX, USPS, National Grid, Comcast, X-Finity, Verizon, Capitol Waste, Sunrise Scavenger (trash and recycling), landscaping, home remodelling, tree-cutting, swimming pool cleaning, plumbing, heating, construction, virtually any home service to carry tracking and heating microwave and sonic weapons, sensors, and antennas in their trucks and vans and operate them casually in neighborhoods, where they utilize Plausible Deniability for being there.

Civilian-Military Operations: Because military involvement in law enforcement has been permitted by various legislative means, and the use of non-lethal weapons as crowd-control, peace-enforcement, and adversary control has been sanctioned through DOJ/DOD MOUs, we are apparently now in a state of publicly undisclosed Low-Intensity Conflict, predicted in War Strategy documents, wherein Special Operations forces and other military groups are using outfitted civilian vehicles—pick-up trucks, jeeps, SUVs, and service vehicles as described above—to use targeted non-lethal weapons on named civilians casually labeled “adversaries,”–again, the same smart accomplished moral American set named earlier, while wearing Plausible Deniability camouflage to prevent the larger public from understanding what is going on.

Plausible Deniability, Complicit Psychiatry, and Deep State Media Lies

Indeed, every effort has been made to establish Plausible Deniability, which really means that people are being attacked in broad daylight, with hidden weapons systems, hidden in plain sight.

The ridiculous COINTELPRO these Americans are being subjected to as well means they can now say truthfully they are being stalked, echo-gestured, echo-speech’d (their own words from surveillance, as in conversation, text and emails played back to them by strangers in public), vandalized, gaslit, and sabotaged—which both complicit and not-clued-in psychiatrists will then rush in to “diagnose” from the CIA-created DSM as delusional, delusions of persecution, paranoid, schizoid, and schizophrenic. This indeed is exactly what is going on.

The outrage of these Americans being so extremely physically assaulted in these ways, both with deadly carcinogenic weaponry and then with Stasi persecutory COINTELPRO, only to be disbelieved and discredited with a Mental Illness diagnosis by uneducated, uninformed or complicit psychiatrists is beyond belief, and can rightfully be termed Psychological and Social Terrorism of American communities and neighborhoods.

Of course, the primary reason these two species of psychiatrists—the unethical, venal, complicit kind or the green, uninformed kind–are getting away with this travesty is because mainstream media is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the CIA, CFR, Bilderbergers and other vampires.

The lies that have been published in a steady stream from the ’80s onward in the major newspapers and through video/documentary coverage—such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, and now Wired, The Daily Beast, Vice News, Chicago Sun-Times, and others—with a breathtaking range of openly displayed refusal to touch the gamut of technologies openly being studied and developed by the US Military and the CIA ranging from neuroweapons, mind control technologies and techniques, directed-energy weapons, voice to skull weapons, sonic weapons, bone induction weapons, genetic weapons, millimeter wave weapons, microwave weapons, RFID chips, nanochips, nanobots except in the most innocuous, benign, and accepting of ways, as if the deadly technology development of the Military and the Covert Ops Agencies had to be protected at all costs—and projecting instead a determined lack of knowledge, as well as open denial about the existence of these weapons is nothing short of phenomenally stupefying.

In conjunction, these newspapers and by extension the entire broadcasting world which follows their lead, have mocked, ridiculed, denigrated, and verbally assaulted reporting Americans in print, labelling them delusional and paranoid when they are reporting Crimes Against Humanity.

The CIA terminology of “bizarre” “mystifying” “inexplicable” “flummoxing” is rolled out regularly, including in recent news reports of US diplomats reporting EMF and sonic weapons in Cuba and China, in pathetic attempts to project the big fat lie that no knowledge of such weaponry exists among government ranks, and that people reporting such exist on an outer fringe of conspiracy theory– also, we must remind ourselves, a CIA term to marginalize truthtellers and suppress dissent.

In fact, a circular modality of Lies and Support for Lies has been forged and continues to exist, among psychiatrists and CIA-agent-journalists spewing out lies in Deep State Media:

The “journalist”aka CIA Media Asset asks: But have you received a psychiatric diagnosis? I have to report you have been diagnosed as delusional, so let’s just nullify everything you are trying to tell me about EMF weapons being used on you right there.

The psychiatrist says: But there are no well-known media (like the New York Times) reporting this kind of weapon-use on or covert implantation of Americans. Only “John Doe” articles by unknown people, who sound like Conspiracy Theorists. So I have to give you a Delusional diagnosis.

CIA Media Asset (limpidly): We report what the psychiatrist has said, that you are delusional, and suffering from “mass delusion.”

Psychiatrist: We see that well-known media like the New York Times reports all say you are delusional, and suffering from “mass delusion.”

Readers of CIA/CFR/MIIC-run Media incl. Doctors and Psychiatrists, Family Members, Employers, Neighbors: The New York Times and psychiatrists concur: You must be delusional, and suffering from “mass delusion.”

MIIC: Military Industrial Intelligence Complex: the congregation of killers executing these crimes.

CFR: Council of Foreign Relations, loose-knit body of Luciferians running the CIA and lying CIA media, such as the New York Times.

Media is Participating in the Targeted Killing of Americans

It is impossible therefore to conclude anything other than that both Mainstream and Alstream media which have failed and continue to fail to report the reality of these crimes–which your neighbor and mine are fully aware of, as witnessing and participating members in neighborhoods–are actually partaking, participating, and fully involved in the targeted killing and torture operations of Americans, just as much as neighbors are, schooled to obey the contractors and agency personnel flashing badges at them to secure their compliance.

Gag orders regarding NSLs may be partially responsible but given the gleeful participation in Psy Warfare evidenced in news anchors and Talk Show hosts indulging in street theatre built around unlawful cameras-everywhere-inside-homes surveillance feedback and assisting in mocking, ridiculing, and attacking targets on-camera, it is more likely that a high percentage of salary-drawing employees in MSM are completely and fully complicit, and are part of the Predatorial Fascist Class preying on outstanding Americans, whom they–like their brethren the deranged “elite” Illuminati intent on a “Great Culling” to wipe out most of humanity—would rather neuro-steal from, and ridicule, and exterminate, and so have no problem smearing in print as delusional.

Because stealing words, actions, and thoughts a target says or thinks in the privacy of her home or her brain is indeed Neuro Stealing and IP Theft — and the Hollywood CIA Mafia along with the Mainstream Media Mafia and the Alt Media Mafia is indeed displaying every evidence of precisely this profound treachery: stealing the words and thoughts and actions of “Targeted Individuals” and pumping them out in their Mafia Media as their own, as per the reports of many creative targets, including my own experience.

Of course, every word written here relates also to people in every country being similarly preyed on by the global UN predatorial racket underway worldwide currently.

Habituating People into Mass Stoning Operations: Getting People Used to Targeting, Tracking, and Torturing Others with Remote Wifi/Sonic Weapons, in Their Own Neighborhood

The persistent nature of these operations and the ever-increasing penetration of the predation into all corners of the community has culminated in a Mass Stoning Operation going on in plain sight, with even educated professionals and their children induced to participate and indeed freely participating.

Professionals Participate in Hunting, Tracking, Targeting, Torturing: No matter that you are an engineer, physician, Public Health post-graduate, IT Project Manager, retired schoolteacher, or Principal of a school, you keel over and cell-phone track as commanded, in order to 24/7 hit with “Electronic Surveillance” the target as the local Badge-Flashers from Fusion Centers demand, or consent to wearing a neon cap on your head as the MISO Psy Ops “behavioral research and neuro modification” sappers demand. All that post-graduate education requiring critical thinking and independent enquiry goes directly into the toilet as you comply.

Children and teenagers participate in Hunting, Tracking, Targeting, Torturing: Especially egregious is the sight of children and teenagers employed to raise cell phones at people, watch, monitor, target, and track people, as well as engage in obnoxious street theater around people, as numerous targets have reported to this writer, and as I myself have experienced for several years now, as I drive and pick up my daughter from school everyday.

This means that kids are being trained to hunt down, disrespect, and subjugate adults with these wifi weapons.

Let that sink in. American kids are now being trained to become American hunters of adults, imbibe and assimilate lies about these Americans, and use wifi weapons to deliberately radar-flick, GPS-track for a satellite hit, and publicly mock and ridicule these Americans — whom they are being convinced to believe deserve and need their targeting, tracking, and torturing. Direct assault of American bodies with Anti Personnel Non Lethal Weapons is now being accomplished by conscripting children.

Children even younger–preschoolers, toddlers–are also being conscripted; these kids are being used in two ways: one, asked by an adult to stare, glare or raise an admonitory finger at an adult (I have been treated to this lunacy numerous times, I have witnessed the parent bending down to whisper to the child first); and two, kids are being Neuro-Modulated to full-face stare, cross the path, scream, yell, and otherwise mock or verbally assault the target: this steps right into the Satanic realm of where exactly all this deep dark Neuro Modulation and Neuro Modification experimentation research is headed: it is headed toward direct and complete Brain Control of not just toddlers and animals and insects as DARPA currently excels in, but TOTAL brain control of all humans, starting with the most accomplished and moral Americans–who have become the targets of the Satanists seeking to take them out first.

Shut Down These Classified and Cruel Targeting, Terror-Listing, BioHack/NeuroHack Weapon Testing, Brain Modification Experimentation Programs

There is only ONE way forward, if America–and the world–is to be saved. Declassify and open up the entire arsenal of these weapons and programs being used against Americans and people worldwide. Then SHUT DOWN these programs, BAN these Bio Hacking/Neuro Hacking weapons, remove them from use by anyone, including and especially the amoral criminals running/contracting with the Fusion Centers and the DOD, DOJ, and CIA.

Please see NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart’s many excellent letters and articles describing how all this can be done. (Appoint her National Security Agency Director or National Security & Human Rights Advisor.)

What is the point of Senate Intelligence Committees if they cannot oversee graft, corruption, and abuse and shut it down?

This is incredible abuse of Americans, on an absolutely incredible scale. And if the US MIIC is involved in running this selfsame program worldwide, then shut it down worldwide.

Is this the legacy America is going to leave this world?

Let me close by merely repeating what I wrote earlier:

This program of current-day Anti Personnel Non Lethal Weapon use on Americans is Extreme Abuse, Absolute Barbarism, Intense Sadism, and has no place in any civilized society; there is NO EXCUSE whatsoever that DOD, DARPA, DIA, USAF, Navy, USMC, SOF, NGA, NRO, DHS, FBI, CIA, or Local Police/Fusion Centers can give to Possibly excuse these incredibly ghastly and inhumane 24/7 bitterly egregious assaults on Americans, none whatsoever.

Further, Humanity is lost when humans can be so easily Bio Hacked and Neuro Hacked: Humanity does NOT need secret torture weapons of extreme human manipulation to be used on anyone, including citizens of other countries characterized as “adversaries,” moving forward.

Please read, watch, and listen to the print, video, and audio testimonials of the hundreds and thousands of suffering Americans and people worldwide whose lives, bodies, and brains desperately need saving today, their voices are all over social media today, and also at many human rights sites online, including my own, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and my Youtube channel, Ramola D Reports, which has sought to compile a 21st-century documentation archive of today’s targeted whistleblowers, activists, journalists, telling their stories and relaying their profoundly important advice as victims of these horrific weapons to the world.

How many cries, words, voices, tears, suicides, premature deaths is it going to take before America listens?

The day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. When that day comes, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nations to the changed conditions.

                      –President James Madison

No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.

                         –-Frederick Douglass

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

                       –Anne Frank

The time is always right to do what is right.

                        –Martin Luther King, Jr.


Please see the Memorandum to President Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance, published earlier.

With thanks to all reading this who will instantly take action to end these incredible atrocities and extreme crimes against humanity, now and forever.

Ramola D

26 June 2019,

Quincy, Massachusetts

United States of America

Karen Melton-Stewart

NSA Intelligence Analyst, 28 yrs, Retd.

and accidental Whistleblower but

unrepentant Patriot.

Rev. Dr. Millicent Black

MMFT, (SINCE 1990+)

Thomas McFarlan

Visual Artist, Journalist, Activist

Nina Sidorova

President of the Northern California Tenant Association, member of three Human Rights Organizations and Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights International

Bennetta McKenzie, Financial Compliance Auditor

BA in Accounting, MS in Accountancy

Financial Audit Executive

Rosanne Schneider
Author, Artist, International Business Owner, 15-year Home Hospice Volunteer

Tracy A. Wellons

Wrongfully Targeted

Biomedical Research Scientist



Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

Round-Table Podcast Discussions on Addressing Today’s Extreme Surveillance Abuse & Profound Human Rights Violations Associated With Wrongful Watchlisting, Monitoring, and Non-Consensual Experimentation & Subjugation with Inhumane Anti-Personnel EMF/Neuro DEW Targeting,Torture, & Terror Programs

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Deep State Treason:NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Reveals Massive Surveillance Abuse of Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond FISA Memo: #BIGGERthanReleaseTheMemo

Fascist, Predatory America — Karen Melton Stewart

Ramola D: Surveillance Targeting Has Permitted Clear-Cut TORTURE

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton Stewart: “Murder-For-Profit” Club

Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements of ¨GOG´S NeW GESTAPO* (¨Global Organized Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Slavery, Torture, and PsyOp Operations¨)

Murdering Americans, a Secret Make-Work National Industry — Karen Melton Stewart

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

NSA Whistle-Blower Karen Melton-Stewart: Department of Homeland Security (D.H.S) & the Terrorist Watchlist SCAM

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality 

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Cassandra | Tortured: “When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things” versus “Murder-For-Profit Club” Coined by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart

Cassandra | On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 26 June 2019: The Continued DEADLY Silence of Journalists on Electronic Warfare used for Torture, Mind Control, and Bio-Hacking and Tracking of Knowingly Innocent Civilians in Western Democratic Countries and Worldwide

Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Reports Neuro-Hacking, Hive-Minding, Brain-Cloning, Bio-Robotizing: Secret, Illegal, & Profoundly Inhumane US Govt. Neuro-Experimentation, Classic CIA Torture

Criminal & Unethical TORTURE Ongoing in Non-Consensual US DOD/CIA Neuro Experimentation–Ramola D Reports: Report # 98: Phillip Douglas Walker AKA Omni Reports Neuro-Framing, Bio-Robotizing, Extreme Neurotech Torture

An American Citizen Reports “Developed Dehumanization through Non-Consenting Implantation to the Human Body in Efforts to Maintain Terrorism”

“Electronic Slavery” in America: Military Neuro Weaponry Used Contractually by US Air Force Veteran to Abuse Exemplary and Highly Accomplished Tennessee Woman Pastor & Control Town

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today

Paul Baird | The Truth About Secret Weapons and the Involuntary Testing of Those Weapons on Civilians

Cheryl Welsh | Misled and betrayed: How US cover stories are keeping a Cold War weapon and illegal human testing secret

Mark Rich | Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties/New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

: This post may be reproduced-in-full and posted-online at any news and media site with link-back and attribution. Please share widely. Thanks, Ramola D.

Suzie Dawson and #Unity4J: Legitimate Questions, Unrevealed Allegiances, and the Public Media Ignoring of Deadly EMF/Neuro DEW Targeting

–Ramola D/Posted 12/27/2018

A few days ago, a young emerging writer, activist and friend, Cassandra alerted me on Twitter that Suzie Dawson of #Unity4J fame and “Being Julian Assange” fame, Occupy, Internet Party, #ContraSpin and #DecipherYou fame, and other journalistic work of renown, whom I have interviewed (in a 3-hour long interview where I was charmed and impressed by her warmth and brilliance and undoubtedly essential work in digging through some of Snowden’s documents as exposed by The Intercept and unearthing nuggets of importance regarding the NSA, the Five Eyes huddling of fascist global uber-surveillance, and other Intel agency shenanigans the world over), had blocked her on Twitter. She sent me the tweet that had got her blocked, which she’d responded to in a thread, where she had posted some of my article-links as well, and noted to me that she had no idea why she had been blocked for this tweet and this tweet thread.

Well, a brief glance yielded nothing to me in the way of clarity or speculation either as to why this particular tweet or tweet thread had been blocked.

So I resolved to address this in my own tweets later that day when I had a chance, and did so that night, posting my thoughts in a tweet as I retweeted Cassandra’s tweet thread.

This is the tweet by Suzie Dawson to which Cassandra responded to, after which she was blocked.

This is the full tweet by Cassandra in response to Suzie Dawson’s tweet which she reports got her blocked by Suzie Dawson:

Cassandra’s tweet thread reporting the blocking:

(I screenshot the rest of the tweets in Cassandra’s tweet-thread reporting Suzie Dawson’s blocking below).

Cassandra’s tweet-thread with links to articles can be read here:

My first response on Twitter to the blocking of Cassandra by Suzie Dawson on Twitter:

Interestingly, Suzie Dawson responded, and what followed was a conversation on Twitter that appeared to me increasingly misframed and misdirected by Suzie Dawson, which I sought to correct, to no avail, as a series of censuring and increasingly repressive tweets were sent my way.

Suzie Dawson responded to my tweet above as below. My response to her follows. I will replay the conversation below in screenshots, pardon occasional repetition.


This nasty crack from a #Unity4J journo who along with others has spent quite some time in articles and tweets rebutting and countering smear campaigns on Julian Assange lately from mainstream journos and publications like Barrett Brown and The Guardian seems amazingly shortsighted and thoughtless to me, particularly since the recent podcasts Suzie Dawson references here were made to counter false allegations and accusations, severely defaming and slanderous, made by a former colleague who bears all the marks of being an infiltrator, impostor, and counterintelligence operative–quite possibly from an overarching ZioNazi  or GCHQ JTRIG faction infiltrating activist groups to mow down legitimate activism, advocacy, and journalism on the vital subject of uber-targeting and extreme persecution of targets with EMF/Neuro DEWs.

Suzie Dawson blocked me shortly after that tweet above. The next morning I noticed a tweet in response to this last one from @BBFromPA, whom I don’t know and have never communicated with. I responded however to her chastising and misframing and deliberately obtuse tweet–which, like Suzie Dawson’s tweets, persisted in distorting what I had said on this thread from the very beginning.

Just for the record, my support of #Unity4J and Julian Assange, whose work with Wikileaks I have, like many other writers, activists, and journalists found invaluable in helping inform the world what secretive governments and militaries are really doing, has never been in question. I too had been dazzled at the promise of the #Unity4J interviews and vigils and covered some of the opening interviews, here, praising the work Suzie Dawson and #Unity4J were doing:

I have discussed the human rights ramifications of a journalist held in virtual captivity and curbed from open Internet communication while his work in releasing important information and videos has helped raise the consciousness of humanity with documentary filmmaker and Decency founder and activist Jeff Godwin:

While praising the work of #Unity4J in bringing together the valuable voices of  journalists, whistleblowers, and political commentators in supporting Julian Assange, I have also discussed the need for the US Government to back down from its stance of wishing to indict and prosecute Assange and possibly step forward to have him assist as a National Security witness, an idea put forward by NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart:

I re-published Jude Fleming’s letter to the Australian High Commission: Jude Fleming: Letter to the Australian High Commission, Ottawa/Free Assange

Three years ago, in October 2015, in keeping with the ethos of my site, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, which started off as a solutions journalism and petitions-posting site  (and has since morphed into an investigative journalism media site and blog) I started a petition for Julian Assange to receive medical care:

I posted notice of this petition on my site and asked people to sign and speak out: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Being Denied Medical Care/Please Speak Out

Here I wrote: “Please speak out and ask the Prime Minister of Britain to step up and act humanely and responsibly in this situation and immediately make arrangements to permit Julian Assange to visit a hospital for the medical diagnosis and treatment he needs. To all intents and purposes, he is being held as a political prisoner in the UK, and the UK would be contravening the Geneva Convention and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and every national and international coda of human rights by denying basic medical care to a prisoner.

In his unwavering pursuit of truth, as Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have exposed hidden information on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, active deception as revealed in US diplomatic cables, and continue to expose information vital to all peoples of the world, including the text of the most-secret TPP document, he has brought us to a more awakened world where more of us are focused on pursuing and supporting truth, transparency, and justice. Please speak out for someone who has unstintingly spoken out for all of us. Julian Assange needs medical care today, and he needs our advocacy. Please sign to make your voice heard.

After learning the next morning that Suzie Dawson had blocked me, I posted a few more tweets on the subject:

Thread I posted on RNM Mind-Reading, Game-Playing, and Restriction online, which includes tweets on #Unity4J and Suzie Dawson:

Unrelenting, world-informing activist, Cassandra, whose page on Twitter features Julian Assange, and the hashtags #ReConnectJulian and #TargetedLikeJulianAndWorse has worked diligently online to support Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and myself–a fiction-writer, poet, activist, mother, children’s and adults’ creativity workshop-leader, college creative writing and English faculty up to 2011 targeted extremely since 2013–as I have battled debilitating and ruthless targeting with inhumane stealth Electronic Warfare weapons, character assassination, employment sabotage, blacklisting, and social ostracism in my community for five years while pounding articles out, or posting and publishing others’ work , week after week, month after month, year after year, since late 2013–and lately, tweets as well, and podcasts and interviews since March 2017. Articles and podcasts ignored alike–I mean with no public acknowledgement, recognition, or address–by mainstream media and altstream media, including #Unity4J journos such as Suzie Dawson, Elizabeth Lea Vos, Cassandra Fairbanks, and Caitlyn Johnstone–despite my own support of them, openly in articles, tweets, and podcasts. Also ignored by so-called “adversarial journalists” as Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, and the entire Intercept operation–whose moderated community boards have been egregiously adversarial to “Targeted Individuals” including a targeted Time & Atlanta Journal journalist who reports cavalier responses there from Greenwald’s lawyer Mona Holland who has not merely been scathingly rude to  being-physically-irradiated-and-neuro-tortured-TIs but who has set up a False-Reality-Construct page on Wikipedia or Rational Wiki abusively decrying, mocking, and ridiculing those reporting targeting–as delusional and paranoid– including myself, by name–a rare recognition indeed of Ramola D, but one made primarily for public denigration. Also ignored by Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and Ed Snowden. Also ignored by whistleblowers such as Ray McGovern, Kevin Shipp, John Kiriakou, Thomas Drake, and Bill Binney, whom I have contacted, informed, and made interview requests to.  The Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Brigade has been in action for a very long time.

On this subject, and in stark contrast to the above-named, I will name three outstanding Government whistleblowers–also targeted extremely and being persecuted by the US Government, as I am, too (heart-hit with ultrasonics as I write, on Christmas Day, 2018, in Quincy, Massachusetts), and as Cassandra is, too–who have stood by me, supported me, recognized my work, validated me, done interviews with me, stood right beside me as we have each worked in our own intensive ways to inform the world of the horrors of ongoing EMF/Neuro DEW targeting, and given me the honor and privilege of their friendship and counsel: NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart, CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell, and FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee.

I will write more on all these matters at a later date, and return here to the point I am trying to make that as a supremely-targeted and extremely-attacked writer turned journalist, I have yet supported the freedom of the Press, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the #Unity4J efforts in a spirit of open-heartedness and intellectual allegiance, and so has Cassandra, as any cursory glance at her extraordinary online activism–singular in its insightful and incisive perception, acuity, and analysis–will readily demonstrate.

I had not known until recently what an extraordinary job Cassandra has done in helping broadcast my articles and podcasts online–while “journalists” working as journalists in new or old media online ignore with studied fervor anything associated with my name–in nominating me for a Project Censorship award, and in rallying others online to notice the vital subject and content of my reporting. I thank Cassandra hugely for this unswerving and selfless raising of public awareness on her part and especially for her kind and continued championing of my work, my name, and the notice of my own travails as a targeted, persecuted, and being-tortured American journalist and writer–ignored also by PEN American, I should add, of which writers’ organization “supporting persecuted writers” I am a member, and whom I have notified several times, to no avail whatsoever. I especially thank Cassandra, knowing after interviewing her and speaking with her, what she too, a young EFL teacher with degrees in Modern Languages and Linguistics, is being put through and has experienced, in the UK: extreme targeting with anti-personnel DEWs as well as neuroweaponry, orchestrated police set-ups, social isolation, and employment blacklisting. It is a testament to her personal sense of humanity, open-heartedness toward others, will, resolve, and intellectual fortitude and courage that she continues to speak for those who are targeted and voiceless, and those like me who are targeted and ignored, even as I strive to speak out myself and help raise to public recognition the voices of others targeted, used, abused, and exploited by a mercenary military and industrial and Intelligence complex keen to full-spectrum-subjugate humanity at the neuro/bio level of brain, nervous system, muscle, organ, cell, and DNA.

There is a much deeper story, I suspect, to the blocking of Cassandra’s tweets by Suzie Dawson–as also to the blatant and oddly obtuse misframing and acerbic responses she sent my way–and I will discuss this further below. But first I want to thank and honor Cassandra for her extensive and diligent activism and raising of public awareness about Electronic Warfare and Neurowarfare weaponry targeting–with all the Social and Psychological Psy Ops and Police State Persecutions that go with it–and particularly for her singular recognition and insistent publicizing of my otherwise-disappeared-by-most-so-called-journos work.



I am not new to online censorship. I have experienced this distinctive repression for five years now, since 2013, as I have sought to openly discuss and publish online the current-day horrors of post-9/11 and post-Patriot Act out-of-control-fascist-surveillance, where absolutely innocent people in America and worldwide, including myself, are being hit, egregiously and outrageously, and supremely invasively, with deadly and barbaric and Physical Torture-administering Electromagnetic/Sonic/Scalar Neuroweapons, coyly hidden by the US Department of Justice as “Anti-Personnel Non-Lethal Weapons” and undisclosed “Surveillance Devices” and “Crowd-Control Devices,” while the FBI rolls their targets-of-private-sector-vengeance (activists, whistleblowers, indy journalists, people of integrity exposing local corruption or smart moms like me with a history of anti-war and human rights and animal rights activism who speak out to School Board syndicated-criminals are their especial favorite) into “Countering Violent Extremism” and FISA-Warrant-Needed-Suspected-Terrorist and Federal-Magistrate-Judge-Ordered-”Endless Fake Investigations” programs, and the CIA/NSA Black Ops Conglomerate rolls in to poach off these innocents now wrongfully blacklisted and watchlisted and feed them like shrimp into their decades-long Neuro-Monitoring, Neuro-Surveillance, Neuro-Hacking, Neuro-Modification, AI and BCI-CBI, EEG Heterodyning, EEG Cloning, Bio-Robotizing, Zombie-Making, Mass-Shooter-Hypno-Patsy-Creating, Manchurian-Milling, Cybernetic-Hive-Minding, Neuro-Retardation, Neuro-Takeover, Neuro-Colonizing, Neuro-Cannibalizing, MK ULTRA-extended Neuro-Appropriation programs, all in the interests of Supercomputing, Singularities, Transhumanism, Supersoldiering, and Full Spectrum Dominance of All Humans on Planet Earth—and let’s toss in all Insects, Animals, and Reptiles, Plants, and Trees there too, anything with a Nervous System, Brain, or EMF field, really—and the US Navy and the US Air Force and the US Army, NRO, NGA, NASA, DOE, and other US Government agencies swoops in to cluster these innocents, numbered and named, true Nazi style, as Human Test Subjects, Fully Non-Consenting, now named “mentally challenged,” “incompetent,” “autistic” “schizophrenic” “bipolar” and other carefully-concocted loophole designations, in order to on-paper justify their Use, Abuse, Exploitation, and Criminal Appropriation of these innocents in such public-domain EMF/Neuro DEW Weapons Testing contracts as Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research contracts running field-weapons tests all over the USA—and apparently the entire world—using planes, drones, satellites, celltowers, vans, trucks, SUVs, cars, bikes, backpacks, walker-stalkers which include children and teenagers, and Project Minerva social engineering projects running self-permitted Psy Ops on whole populations, all under the guise of doing benevolent “research” intended to benefit these very innocents themselves. Yes, classification conceals crime, and the entire US government appears filled with criminals currently.

Every single reporting victim of this weapon use—in tandem with the Social Psy Op Program run on them involving massive employment and social and community Blacklisting, Character Assassination, and Life-Sabotage—has reported these crimes on their person, to me, to other writers, whistleblowers, human rights activists and journalists, and widely online in social media, on blogs, videos, Facebook, Twitter, elsewhere, as nothing less than Torture.

The physical use of physical weapons on a person’s body is indeed invasive of personal physical privacy, and is Torture; the remote neuroweapon use on a person’s brain with abusive V2K or synthetic telepathy, voiced or subliminal, and other military bio-communications technology streaming images, video, and other people’s brainwaves (EEG Heterodyning/Cloning) as well as deliberate harvesting and restreaming of one’s own anger or fear brainwaves into one’s own head is also invasive of personal physical privacy, and is Torture; every one of the military and medical “researchers” here as well as every FBI agent permitting these crimes should be prosecuted for torturing people—torture is a crime recognized as crime by US and international law.

None of what they are doing is legitimate—when reporting victims report this weapon-use as torture, then hello, let’s conclude, quite clearly, that all this “covered research” is nothing but a Cover Story for Nazi and Satanic criminals in high places to run Torture Operations on the populace—and get away with it.

These weapons clearly, are the ultimate weapons to destroy humanity with: they’re here, they’ve already been developed and fine-tuned (although, as per recent hints by US Airforce Secretary Heather Wilson, endless further finetuning in precision sensor monitoring via Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance contracts is forthcoming) and the Inhumanes Abusing Power in the military and Intelligence agencies, well-supported by their private-sector Defense and Security contractors, are doing a good job destroying humanity with them—starting with outstanding Americans whose brains, bodies, and entire lives they wish to damage.

By these means, the New World Order of George Bush and co. is already running its Fascism and Repression and Complete-Subjugation operations on humanity—and keeping the means, the remote Neuro DEWs and Remote Neural Monitoring and Covert Implantation and EMF/sonic/scalar weapons well-hidden.

My articles, videos, tweets, tweet-threads reporting my findings, speculations, opinions, and interviews with reporting victims and whistleblowers and scientists have all been censored online and shadowbanned and restricted. A cursory glance at the figures underneath my podcasts—even in comparison with similar videos by any other person such as Kerry Cassidy or Alfred Webre who have also covered similar subjects (although I do not in any way wish to suggest comparison with any extant alt media, including these above-named, regarding full-spectrum-in-terms-of-subject-matter or duration of their efforts)—will establish that.

There is indeed a singular Black Hole in operation online, whereby the work I do in interviewing those reporting targeting and persecution by fusion centers and Intelligence agencies, including whistleblowers, scientists, nurses, doctors, engineers, attorneys, in video and print journalism is simply disappeared online; only the rarest of alt media acknowledges or recognizes it at all. More often it is simply disappeared, as those who are targeted and persecuted in the USA, UK, Europe, entire Western world, Five Eyes countries—as well as elsewhere worldwide–are being disappeared. I emphasize the West because the West pirouettes the most in Government Propaganda media—aka mainstream media—touting “human rights” records, which is a bleak and macabre joke, because in-house-torture, all-locations-torture, and everywhere-in-sight-of-satellites, celltowers, drones-torture is being practiced, contracted, budgeted, taxpayer-supported, expanded, extended, entrenched, industrialized now by Western governments, starting no doubt with that beacon of human rights protection, US Inc.

Basic human rights and basic civil rights are being incontrovertibly violated, and extremely, by use of these anti-personnel neuro/bio weapons which permit remote access, invasion, and manipulation of human brains and bodies. My position on these weapons, as that of many of the whistleblowers (every “targeted individual” is a whistleblower) I have interviewed, is unflinching: they should be completely and absolutely banned.

By disappearing my journalism online, publishing notice of this weapon use on world populations—as also disappearing the groundbreaking journalism and notice of Paul Baird, Cheryl Welsh, Renee Pittmann Mitchell, Mark Rich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Gloria Naylor, Soleil Mavis, John Finch, Barbara Hartwell, Dr. John Hall, Roseanne Schneider, Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Vic Livingston, Deborah Dupre, Mojmir Babcek, Arlene Johnson, Harlan Girard, the original Eleanor White, and the original Julianne McKinney and many others via their websites, articles, and books—journalists today in both mainstream and altream media appear to be existing in a Twilight Zone of denials, refusals, close-mindedness, behind-the-times inability to cover modern weaponized neuro/bio technology and Electronic Warfare weaponry, of which today there is ample information online—as well as outright, lies, propaganda, and deceit, practiced ardently by the most obfuscating arms of the New World Order ZioNaziMasonicVaticanBanksterSatanic State we are all being oppressed by worldwide, including such POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece Con) pushers as the New York Times, The Washington Post, Wired, VICE, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, Motherboard, Wikipedia, and Rational Wiki.

When I first engaged with Suzie Dawson several months ago—almost a year ago, actually, I think in January 2018 (Suzie Dawson has blocked me on Twitter currently, wiping out the record there of her conversations with me then and later)—along with former Time and Atlanta Journal reporter E. Coady (Twitter handle @HeadlineJuice), Suzie was vocal in deprecating E and myself for critiquing and criticizing Glenn Greenwald for not publishing further on those spied-on and targeted, and not covering the testimonials of those reporting extreme targeting aka, in shortform for dismissal in media today, “Targeted Individuals.” (I, like many others targeted whom I know, have all written to Greenwald and received silence in return.) Readers may recall it was Glenn Greenwald who was given Snowden’s documents and published only a miniscule fraction of them, being ostensibly bought out for millions of dollars by Pierre Omidyar’s Intercept and the NSA and CIA behind him—on whom Whitney Webb published on January 26, 2018:, a story picked up and followed by FBI whistleblower and Newsbud publisher Sibel Edmonds,

Sibel Edmonds of course had earlier published on Glenn Greenwald, Paypal, and Omidyaar’s NSA and CIA connections at her site Boiling Frogs Post in 2013:

In looking back on this series of articles and interviews and all the information contained in them, I realize anew there is a lot of murky deception afoot. There are factions and unrevealed allegiances among these whistleblowers and publishers and journalists. I did not understand at the time the true nature of the politics behind Greenwald, Snowden, Omidyar and the Intercept, but now that I see a little more clearly Suzie Dawson’s own role in playing defense here—and the scales are rapidly falling from my eyes as it becomes obvious to me I need to express this in the simplest of terms—I will spell out in completely candid terms my own speculations shortly below.

In January 2018, Suzie Dawson (in her tweets to me and @HeadlineJuice then) defended Greenwald and Snowden while calling on the “targeted community” to support whistleblowers like Assange and Snowden. In the course of a heated exchange—which tapered off with an offer from me to interview Suzie Dawson and an acceptance by her—I remember writing through tears and recording that despite all evidence currently that journalists refused to cover targeting and uber-surveillance persecution being reported by those targeted (TI’s), I would myself cover till I died, while also congratulating Suzie Dawson for her earlier work reporting the Wikileaks documents covering DEWs, and her #DecipherYou project.

Snippets from that thread:

I eventually interviewed Suzie Dawson in an open-ended, non-confrontational conversation livestreamed by her on Jan 29, 2018 permitting her free rein to tell her story of targeting, activism, journalism and defending Assange and Snowden as the world’s most famous“Targeted Individuals.”

That interview, the fourth in my Changemaker series can be found here:

Over the course of this year I have supported Suzie Dawson’s #DecipherYou broadcasts, retweeted her tweets, and supported her #Unity4J campaign, as described below. I have indeed stood up for Julian Assange myself, although I found the September 2017 tweet from @AssangeDefence suggesting the US diplomats in Cuba reporting sonic weapon hits suffered from “paranoia” profoundly dismissive of Electronic Warfare weaponry and promotive of current false narratives afoot in suppressing the truth about EMF/Neuro DEW targeting.

Now, examining the virulence of Suzie Dawson’s misframing and insulting responses to me in defending Cassandra and her tweets calling for coverage and acknowledgment from #Unity4J journos of the larger spectrum of NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI EMF Neuro/DEW targeting which contextualizes Julian Assange’s own targeting and persecution, and of my work—as a journalist reporting such targeting by people all over the world—I do wonder about her unrevealed allegiances and unrevealed support base, as she continued in her responses to misframe and to fixate on defending Snowden at all costs and Assange at all costs and talking about #Unity4J as a “movement” that the persecuted targeted should emulate—including myself and Cassandra, two writers who report targeting and report on targeting, instead of simply answering Cassandra’s pleas and queries and notices regarding supporting my journalistic work or including me as an interviewee on #Unity4J vigil broadcasts or the possibility of #Unity4J journos covering the horrors of neuro/bio weaponry targeting, Surveillance Abuse, and Non-Consensual Military/Intelligence experimentation themselves.

While there are several glaring problems on this Twitter exchange with Suzie Dawson’s bulldog-behavior and repressive/patronizing attitude in striving to shut down writers and vocal targets of extreme EMF/Neuro DEW assault by government, fusion center, military and mercenary criminals in power such as Cassandra and myself, I will point out a couple especially egregious and unpardonable aspects. One, throughout this latest thread where Suzie Dawson apparently felt the need to keep responding obliquely and repressively to my clarifying responses to her inexplicable tweets, she appears to harp on building movements and starting campaigns and doing activism, while it should be fairly clear to anyone reading Cassandra’s tweets and my own that what we were really talking about was the need for more journalists and for #Unity4J journalists to cover the horrors of undisclosed targeting with undisclosed Spectrum weaponry which hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are reporting today. The notion of asking reporting victims to do their own activism—which they are actually doing, incidentally, since journalists for sure are not covering the crimes and violations of human rights they report, except myself and a few others—in itself being more than quaint. When did the Holocaust victims get asked to run their own campaigns? When will journalists like Suzie Dawson realize that what we are reporting are nothing less than targeted Killing programs, treasonous and Trojan and extreme, where every reporting victim is reporting extreme bodily harm, neuro and brain invasion, assault, injury, and persecution with the New Age Weapons of Mass Destruction, Electronic Warfare Neuro/Bio Weaponry, which crooked governments and crooked militaries and crooked Fusion Centers and crooked Intelligence agencies and crooked Law Enforcement are bending over backwards to hide? People are being experimented on with carcinogenic DEWs and torturous Direct Contact chemical and nano bioweapons and bio-robotizing neurotech and body-shocking, electro-vibrating, body-raping and brain-raping radio frequency weapons non-consensually unto death, targeted unto death, persecuted unto death. I myself, as a reporting journalist and victim both, am being heart-hit and face-hit and head-hit and back-hit and spine-hit not just on a daily basis or nightly basis but on an hourly and minute-by-minute basis. We are literally speaking from Inside the Holocaust. Anyone listening?

Two, Suzie Dawson reports being targeted, positions herself as a targeted and oppressed journalist herself, and says she supports and identifies with targets, and in these tweets to me, actually mentioned being an ally–whom apparently I had now alienated with my responses—and someone already working on the issue—to no effect that I can discern, from her recent journalism. Note that I have in the past thanked and praised Suzie Dawson for her work, including reposting her Twitter thread on DEWs not so long ago, with her predicting that this would be the year DEWs would be increasingly covered, and making noises about this future DEW coverage garnering eventual Pulitzers—completely forgetting and overlooking extant journalism and literature on this subject already published and online and in books, including my own, I may add—but then of course the Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Brigade no doubt understands that closed-eye attitude perfectly:

Note also that I supported and asked others to support Suzie Dawson in that post replaying her tweet thread where she mentions many different aspects of Surveillance Abuse, field weapons testing, community policing, fusion center mayhem, non-consensual military Intelligence experimentation on populations and other aspects of uber-targeting already reported—including by myself, seeing her as a sister journalist working to bring such crimes to the wider notice of mainstream and altstream media readers. An irony in itself, since I have most certainly covered these subjects way, way more than Suzie Dawson—despite her challenging tweets to me lately suggesting, wrongfully, that she has “discussed targeting extensively”and written much about it and that I have not read all her work covering this subject and have a “slanted perception” of her work. I challenge Suzie Dawson and her followers to examine the entire compendium of work I have on my websites—both my own and my reposting and recognition of others’ work–at and Youtube/RamolaDReports before she gets back on Twitter or online pronouncing to one and all on matters of covering, reporting, or discussing EMF/Neuro DEW targeting and State tyranny, suggesting her own primacy in this regard—she has simply not been covering the depredations of Surveillance Abuse and Military/Intelligence/Private Sector tyranny and terrorism against civilians as I have, choosing, like every other journalist in alt and mainstream media to turn away from covering this vital subject integral to all our freedoms as human beings in this benighted technology-driven century—and talks down to victimized and persecuted writers instead, telling us to “get on” with “building our own movement.”

However, what this brings me to is the note I recently received from Thomas McFarlan after I announced my intention to write further on the subject of Suzie Dawson’s repressive tweets to me, saying he wished to further inform me on her unknown-to-me intentions by letting me know that Suzie Dawson had recently reached out to him—with no previous contact efforts on his part—after reading an article he had recently published on Medium on targeting, and told him she wished to work further with him to expose “organized stalking” and help promote his article which she had found very impressive and so forth. Now this is all well and good and rather interesting all around but the question does cross my mind: why would Suzie Dawson not contact me on this subject at all, given my previous support of her work, and given my longstanding, quite-evident body of work online on this subject, but instead, a little while later, not having informed me of her interest in promoting McFarlan’s article or indeed any other effort on her part to further cover this subject, excoriate me repressively on Twitter for supposedly “berating” and “trying to shame” journos like her into covering targeting, and chastising me for being ignorant about her ongoing efforts and alliances in this area—which I was never informed about?

Over the last few months, Thomas McFarlan, newly arrived on the scene of journalism on targeting and Surveillance Abuse, has been publishing a few articles on the subject—which I have indeed found encouraging and helpful, given, as noted before, the dearth of journalism on this subject, even though I do not agree with his characterization of targeting as “security-service-stalking” or his focus on “organized stalking”: extreme-targeting is being run out of fusion centers and fusion-center trafficking into military, Intelligence, and mercenary private-sector EMF/Neuro DEW Torture, Terminal Experimentation, and Cheka/Stasi-style Social Terrorism projects; “gangstalking” or “organized stalking” is an aspect of these cybernetic hive-minding and Social Psy Op programs. One of his articles was noticed and promoted at Collective Evolution by Richard Enos whom he had contacted, and another, republishing portions of an article of mine (with my permission) was also noticed by Richard Enos.

Interestingly, both have let misspellings of my name stand, one as “Ramola Reports” rather than “Ramola D Reports” and the other as “Ramola Dharmaraj” rather than “Ramola D,” my publishing name. Is this an honest mistake or some kind of underground express ZioNazi Magick spelling trick I know little to nothing about–again, designed to Bury Ramola D at Any Cost Online?

Returning to my central question here, what really is behind Suzie Dawson’s repressive admonitions to me to cease bothering her—with a misframed and quite inaccurate construct of “berating journos”–while behind-the-scenes connecting and seeking to promote Thomas McFarlan instead? How is it Richard Enos or Collective Evolution has never republished my work except only after Thomas McFarlan contacted him? (And really, how is it no other alt media online ever bothers to republish or notice my work—which features the voice of important whistleblowers as well?) I bring these questions up for a reason, and I bring them up only because Suzie Dawson’s authoritarian and oppressive language to me in her tweets does make me wonder why she is so vehement in her uber-defensive attitude about Snowden and in her repressive attitude toward me—when I have been the lone, continually publishing journalist on the subject of targeting, “targeted individuals,” and all attendant crimes for quite a long time, almost five years now. Is the Bury Ramola D At Any Cost Brigade working overtime to bury me online? And is she working for them?

I have certainly experienced an uptick in repressive operations aimed at me lately, as for instance Katherine Horton’s recent smear campaign against me, apparently a counterintel construct seeking to defame and slander and tie me up in knots which I have written about—where I have made reference to the constellating of alt media around those who pose no significant problem to the controllers of controlled opposition working in our midst, whereas I do, being non-controllable as a writer, and further, non-belonging to the special tribe of operatives who all appear to have underground connections with each other—despite working in separate pods or cells but apparently all riding the ZioNazi underground express together.

So is that what we are seeing here unfold now? Is Suzie Dawson a sophisticated media quarterback playing defense for limited-hangout whistleblowers such as Snowden playing Oppressed, and possibly/putatively even more secretively limited-hangout whistleblowers like Assange, and reaching out to other new journalists riding the same Inner Circle Rothschild Circus while bumping off non-belongers-to-the-tribe such as yours truly and doing so in fact quite offensively? Is the whole spectacle of Snowden and his focus on spying via phone and email, landline and cell, computer and electronics the set-up snow job to detour attention from the Greatest Scandal of All Time—the ZioNazi Empire/Central-Bankster-Run Neuro Hacking and Bio Hacking of people’s bodies and brains worldwide, in hidden covers of Biometric Surveillance and Sources & Methods of Gathering Intelligence, with deadly stealth weaponry these Covert Factions assaulting all peoples equally worldwide wish fondly to keep stealthy forever and undisclosed to the increasingly-targeted, progressively-sickened, mind-controlled, brain-damaged, and bodily-subjugated world public?

These are the sorts of speculations not aired so often in media—which is maintaining all sorts of other pretences and deceits as well. And I raise these speculations openly not because I am convinced they are all true but because I too have started probing the field for subterranean connections and unspoken allegiances. In this quest, I have been working with Dr. Eric Karlstrom, retired Emeritus Professor in Geography from California State University, on the Global Gestapo series where we have been exploring different facets of this worldwide program of torture-targeting and surveillance abuse, where we especially examine the Segregating, Racist, and Gentile-Excluding Crypto-Jewish or Zionist Empire aspect of the Global Gestapo in Episodes 7 and 8:

For ultimately, the most hidden secrets are also the most egregious. Unrevealed allegiances and infiltration in every field are rife currently. Dual citizens from Israel run all our offices and councils and governments and insinuate themselves into every group. “We always lead our own opposition,” according to Theodore Hertzl, father of Zionism.

I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” –Joel Stein

Well, I am pretty sick and tired of the ZioNazi primacy carnage corporation. I have spent an entire lifetime chasing after literary journals, literary agents, and the bogus literary publishing industry, helmed in New York, which I now see clearly—from research, reading, and newfound awareness of the Crypto-Jewish/Zionist/Jesuit/Satanist/Eugenicist/Bankster aspect to the longstanding CFR/Tavistock and CIA-run Operation Mockingbird hold on journalism, literature, and publishing–is controlled from the inside and most definitely has a high Zionist profile. I have seen my manuscripts of poetry and fiction rejected year after year while seeing the publication of surprising text ranging from insipid to mediocre to absolute tripe all around me, and witnessing the cultivation of literary and teaching careers by those inside this Zio system, willing to be tokenized by this system, or willing to remain subjugated and hierarchized by it. I have had my manuscripts read and patronized by literary agents incapable of understanding what they were reading. Some careers are supported by the ZioNazis, some careers are interfered with and destroyed or seriously thwarted. My first collection of short fiction, Temporary Lives, which took over ten years of endless submittals to publish, was, notably, not reviewed by a single literary reviewer when it came out, even though it had just won the prestigious national AWP Grace Paley Award in Short Fiction (2008). And unlike other talented writers whose work sees publication much faster, I have several fiction and poetry manuscripts, acclaimed by highly-credentialled readers and well-known writers and academics, from one and two and three decades ago, still in search of publishers.

Now, after surviving five years of absolute carnage—with implants sharpshot into me, implants clandestinely implanted in me, remote radiation weapons sending microwave pulse hits into every part of my body, consistent heart-hits for over three years, massive migraines, electromagnetic rape, laser burns, millimeter-wave weapon burns and blisters, nanoweapon attacks, direct-contact chemical weapon attacks, continuous access by precision tracking radar and scalar pencil weapons, remote electro-shocks, remote electro-vibrations—along with all sorts of other indignities such as neighborhood and family character assassination and social and employment blacklisting and Psy Ops Gangstalking Even By Relatives also reported by others so persecuted by the Satanist Masonic ZioNazi crowd infiltrating fusion centers and local governments alike—through all of which I continued to read, research, do FOIA requests, investigate, discuss, speak, write, and publish on these crimes levelled at others as well, and in persistent danger for my life, which is continuously and egregiously attacked every single day, I have neither time nor patience for beating around the bush here.

Despite her statement regarding #Unity4J being a “single-issue movement,” the fact remains that Suzie Dawson and the journalists and public commentators she has featured on #Unity4J vigils—in their public #Unity4J silence on this subject–have established their absolute disregard for the reportage of extreme Surveillance targeting and persecution, as well as of the DE and neuroweapons being used to accomplish this tyranny, which I have been covering and exposing for years. Instead of disrespectfully snapping online on Twitter at writers like me who are still surprisingly alive to tell the tale of nasty targeting here, I suggest she come clean and break free of her unrevealed allegiances and biases if she wishes to be seen as a truly concerned investigative journalist and not the putative puppet of a secret and sophisticated Illuminati/Rothschild ZioNazi & Israeli Cons and Carnage Operation running Snow Ops on the entire world—of which Snowden and Greenwald and Omidyaar it seems are most definitely a part. (Just as an aside, Greenwald in particular has been informed about Uber-Targeting by several highly-educated people, including myself; two highly accomplished and intellectual people I know, one long-targeted, the other not, have informed me of conversations they have had with him via email and in person at a book-signing, informing him, and receiving cognizance of his awareness on the subject.)

The jury’s still out on Julian Assange—but I must note here he has never spoken publicly of EMF/Neuro DEW targeting and Brain/Body Control Weapons either, although he has indeed made one historic reference to “enforced telepathic readings”–about which he is wrong too, it’s not “only a few years left” to get to that point, we have been at that point for over three decades already. Remote Neural Monitoring, Surveillance, and Modification have been practiced for a while now—yes, people’s minds are being eavesdropped on and being read, via trauma-based mind control, courtesy the Paperclip Nazi #MengeleMen who litter our Universities, DOD, and Intelligence agencies. The 1992 John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA lawsuit offers massive disclosure on NSA Signals Intelligence which can pull this off from satellites. There is much other disclosure—covered elsewhere, and to be covered further as well elsewhere.

It’s that complete lack of truthful coverage on DEW targeting and New Age neuroweaponry that alt media journalists, mainstream media journalists, and indy media journalists alike are refraining from offering, that continues to keep the wider public in the dark about the true state of brain and bio hacking, now in late 2018 being used definitely as a tool of torture, terrorism, tyranny, eugenics, and genocide by Black Ops Banksters running governments worldwide.

However, I am no longer holding my breath and advise that no-one else sit around either waiting for the ZioNazi Underground Express and the Inner Circle Rothschild Circus to “reveal” and “expose” targeting in no doubt covered and constricted terms to the world–while creating fake superstar “truthtellers” who play to scripts and have been pre-marked for Pulitzers, in themselves questionable given their being-situated in the selfsame ZioNazi Industry of Publishing & Media Deceit.

I am already covering this subject—as a few others are–and aim to do so to the end. We, the truly targeted, the truly speaking-out, and the truly publishing for decades, have already exposed these crimes, and continue to expose them. Despite being censored, censured, banned, shadowbanned, proxied, spoofed, cyberhacked, cybersabotaged, hidden, shut down, thwarted, obstructed, restricted and perennially oppressed online. 

Note to the many ZioNazi infiltrators cybertrolling among the targeted in various guise, running Controlled Opposition ops in our midst as they gatekeep, reframe, misframe, misdirect, and attempt continuously to repress the whole Truth: I do not, cannot, will not ever again work with you.  My interest is Complete and Absolute Exposure of Every Single Covered Crime Being Indulged In by Tax-Paid and Fiat-Floated Criminals–which is resulting in the absolute persecution, extreme suffering, utter human rights violations, and killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent, beautiful, accomplished and wonderful human beings in America and worldwide, my sister and brother victims in this Publicly Unacknowledged But Extreme Third World War EMF/Neuro/Nano DEW Full-Spectrum Eugenics-Laced Lucifer-Driven Holocaust running worldwide.

As always I invite other new-and-true-media outlets to freely republish, in full, my many articles on the subject, with full accreditation and linkback. I do ask that you kindly get my name and the name of my sites and channels right. Thank you.

Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny: THE BIG ONE! 20 years in the making, from Anna von Reitz – please read

New beginnings, new energy, new shifts to individual empowerment–thanks so much for this post–glad to help spread the word. Re-blogging, with thanks!

Re-posted from Our Greater Destiny, with thanks. Judge Anna von Reitz is announcing a rather tremendous piece of news, about setting right long-standing fraud against Americans, but also people in other countries, all over the world.

Excerpt: “We, the living American People who claim our birthright political standing as American State Nationals—- Texans, Virginians, Ohioans, Wisconsinites, and so on— and who have moved back to the land jurisdiction of our native land, are the beneficiaries of our estates.  Those who additionally act as Fiduciaries in behalf of our states on the land are American State Citizens, obligated by oath and honor to act in the best interests of all and to meet The Prudent Man Standard in all those actions we undertake.

For many who have grown up listening to a constant litany of “National Debt” news, it may come as a great surprise to learn that you are, as American State Nationals, not in debt.  You are by far the richest people on Earth.

In fact, you and your States are the Priority Creditors of the entire world.

The debt that the rest of the world has owed us has been so insurmountable that it has served to quash business and growth, spawned a huge black market in counterfeit currencies and “derivatives”, and caused unnecessary suffering that needs to end.  So, in our own right and in your names, we’ve have moved to end it.

As your servants and as “Prudent Men” we have requested a worldwide accounting and set off of debts, meaning that our debts to other nations are to be set off against their debts to us.  What remains as “insurmountable debt” owing will be forgiven—written off, so that everyone can have a clean start.

This is being done to regenerate hope and economic freedom and to prevent any necessity of war or undue suffering.  It is well-within our ability and in our best interests to do this.

Our fortunes are so vast that it doesn’t even matter.

We are the beneficiaries of approximately 185,000 of the richest corporations on Earth, approximately 10,000 state of, county of, and municipal corporations in this country, and corporations like CANADA and AUSTRALIA that “own” entire countries, together with all their corporations under them.

Quite literally, we little pea-pickers and Indians have inherited the Earth.”

Judge Anna von Reitz: The Fifty States Claim Update



Pleased to post this optimistic and reassuring update from Judge Anna von Reitz, from her Facebook post on 9/3/2016. Many many thanks to Anna and her team for their work on all our behalf. (To understand more, please use the Search tool here with her name; also check the Ongoing Efforts page, to be further updated soon.) Also check in at or for the latest updates, and archived information. (Emphases in bold below mine.)


The Fifty States Claim Update

Facebook/Anna von Reitz

Yesterday, September 2, in the Three Days of Grace following September 1— the “Time of Resurrection” in the Year of Golden Jubilee— the actual States recorded Non-UCC liens against the bankrupt “State of_______________” organizations.

Those of you who have read “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” already know that a mostly foreign-owned corporate entity was formed under the agreements (treaties) ending the Revolutionary War and setting up the original “Constitution”.

The first company formed to “provide essential government services” under this arrangement was The United States (Trading Company) formed by a consortium of old colonial investment companies under the leadership of The Virginia Company. These mostly-British companies continued to provide the nineteen enumerated services stipulated in The Constitution for the united States of America until 1863 when this first version of “United States” was bankrupted by Lincoln.

The next corporate actor on the stage was The United States of America, born 1868. It took over as the service provider at the federal level in that year and published its corporate charter as the look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” called The Constitution of the United States of America.

This corporation was bankrupted and bought out by creditors in 1907 by a consortium of mostly-European banks calling itself “the Federal Reserve” which operated under the name “the United States of America” and the Constitution of the United States of America.

In 1933, FDR bankrupted the United States of America (Inc.) and all the “State of__________” franchisees “pledged” the “good faith and credit of their states and citizens thereof”. Millions upon millions of Americans were falsely presumed to be acting as “United States citizens” and were “attached” as sureties responsible for paying off the debts of this private, mostly foreign-owned corporation from 1933-1999.

Meantime, other service providers were named as successors to the service contract, and in 1944, the UNITED STATES (INC.) fronted by the International Monetary Fund, a French-chartered international banking cartel, began operations on our shores and opened up fifty STATE franchises.

These “STATE OF_____” franchises have created a multitude of Cestui Que Vie trusts named after living Americans and also “International Organizations” named after living Americans and used these as a means to attach and seize upon our assets—- our names, our patents, our copyrights, our land, our homes, our businesses, our very bodies— have been mischaracterized and our identities have been stolen so as to promote fraud and false claims in commerce against us.

In comments made July 4, 2016, President Obama expressed the hope that the Republic would finally prove to be “dead”.

Yesterday we proved that rumors of the Republic’s death have been greatly exaggerated.

With the UNITED STATES, INC. under liquidation and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. under Chapter 11, the federal side of the original equity contract was “vacated” last year, leaving international trustees — the United Nations— in charge. We protested and made new arrangements for new federal service providers, establishing new Sovereign Letters Patent and issuing a new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty, naming the Native American Nations our international agents for the American States.

This countered any claim that we were not internationally represented and also kept the original Constitution in full force and effect.

The entire aim of the IMF and the FEDERAL RESERVE and numerous other banking interests has been first to defraud and mischaracterize Americans as “United States Citizens” and/or “citizens of the United States” which most of us have never been, tax us and coerce us and charge us under false pretenses, and finally, at the end of the day, mount a “claim on abandonment”—– say that our States of the Union no longer exist, that we all agreed to give them everything in sight, voluntarily, in exchange for “benefits” that we also agreed to pay for.


Sideshow Shinola. Malarkey. Fraud. Attempted Identity Theft of our entire nation.

But yesterday, we supposedly “dead” States of America — the actual States owed the land jurisdiction of this country and every piece of dirt and stick of wood and block of cement standing upon the soil— issued our counterclaim and liened the rats and their trustees up the wazoo.

You may use the attached list of States and file reference numbers to look up the Non-UCC Lien filed for your State of the Union.

You will notice that I am named as the Executor. This is because each Constitution is a Will and it requires an Executor to execute and enforce it. As Priority Creditors, we are claiming the land jurisdiction and assets we are owed and which are insured and must be held harmless from any bankruptcy or liquidation of the “federal” service providers. The Remainder-man States on the land which were released from bankruptcy in 1999 have been re-populated by the grandsons of men who were in turn “grandfathered” into the protections of the original Constitution.

Each one of these men has formally expatriated from any presumption of “United States Citizenship” or being a “citizen of the United States”.

Check. Checkmate.

We are not going to endure another round of fraudulent involvement in foreign corporate bankruptcies. We are not going to put up with having foreign commercial mercenary armies operating under color of law on our soil. We are not assuming any debts or paying for any services beyond those which our states actually ordered. And no, we don’t care what happens to the “Federal Reserve” or the “IMF” or the “World Bank” or the “IBRD” or any of these other criminal banking cartels. We and our States of the Union are not their sureties, not their “citizens” and not their chattel.

We are their erstwhile employers, who have been grossly misrepresented, mischaracterized, and defrauded by our own employees.

It is time for this whole con job to end, the odious debts to be discharged, and all Americans to seize back their true identities.

The banking cartels were formed as corporations in order to avoid accountability for their actions. They have breached their charters and breached the public trust and operated as criminal cartels involved in inland piracy, racketeering, unlawful conversion, enslavement, human trafficking, gross fraud based on semantic deceit and more. These institutions deserve to go down in infamy, to be routed out, exposed, and liquidated for the benefit of humanity.

The media and education monopolies which have played footsie with these false “governments” need to be broken up and their assets sold off to American —not foreign interests. Only fools or traitors let foreigners establish monopolies and issue private scripts instead of public money. Only fools or traitors allow foreign corporations to dominate the American airwaves and buy up all the American newspapers, television and radio outlets. Only fools or traitors allow foreign corporations to control public education in America and dominate our universities. Only fools or traitors allow our public courts to be replaced with private courts operating as bill collectors for these same banks and corporations.

What all this adds up to is an attempt by certain parties to return to the days of Feudalism, supported by a virulent form of Commercial Colonialism and criminality that has pillaged humanity since before the Flood.

Now you finally have the chance to recognize it for what it is and put an end to it.

Source: Facebook/Anna von Reitz

Judge Anna von Reitz: Memorial Day–A Fitting Order Released

Re-posted from Facebook, with many thanks to Judge Anna von Reitz, who offers below, with preface, a Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation/Immediate Order to Cease and Desist, that she recommends we distribute widely to courts to end the corporate enslavement of people described here in her earlier posts and elsewhere online.

Update 5/29: This is the link to the signed pdf Notice, labeled Hague Notice of Fraud, Order to Cease and Desist on Judge Anna’s website.


Note from Judge Anna: Please assist in the distribution of this Judicial Notice and Order by making sure that the Administrators, Clerks, and Judges of your local organizations receive copies of it. The signed pdf version will be available on my website Thank you for taking action and objecting to this deplorable enslavement of people here and throughout the world by corrupt politicians, bankers, and some members of the Bar.

Memorial Day — A Fitting Order Released

Dear Friends,

Last night all Hell broke loose— but in a good sense. For many years people have sought to determine the source, meaning, and implications of the use of all capital letter naming conventions. Why should such a name as “JOHN HENRY DOE” exist? How is it different from “John Henry Doe”? Or “john henry doe” for that matter?

I have researched it and written memorandums on the results that show that the use of these different “stiles” were used in Ancient Roman Civil Law as a means of distinguishing between free men, bondservants, and slaves, with the “john henry doe” stile indicating a free man, and “John Henry Doe” indicating a bondservant, and “JOHN HENRY DOE” indicating a slave.

The implications of this ancient history taken together with the circumstance surrounding the end of the Civil War (with millions of freed slaves representing “abandoned property” at least to some criminally minded members of the Congress) and the adoption of the 14th Amendment to the Corporate “Constitution” in 1868 and “corporate citizenship” with it—– are obvious without a degree in rocket science.

And now, thanks to friends and fellow researchers in Australia we have the nails to this coffin and are enabled to issue the attached Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation and Order to Cease and Desist.

It is perhaps most fitting that this comes on the eve of the Memorial Day Weekend, when we remember all the good men and women who have fought and died for freedom, and our obligations to them to make sure that freedom for all men and women is secured against the schemes and crimes of perpetrators both foreign and domestic.

God bless you all and may you be assured that your cause is just and your vision righteous as you continue the work of restoring America and putting an end to the crimes and the breaches of trust that have plagued the entire world.

Judge Anna von Reitz

See text of Judicial Notice and Order Below———

Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation
Immediate Order to Cease and Desist

Issued to All United States District Courts and Federated State and County Courts Operating on American Soil and All Members of the American Bar Association and All Members of the International Bar Association and to the United States Congress
Copy: World Court, The Hague
Registration Number: RA 876 270 415 US
Order Number: Republic 49Alaska 5272016-000101

Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation:

GLOSSA, “American Sign language” Section 11:144 and 11:147: The Chicago Manual of Styles. [The use of all capital letters to express a name or other content.]

GLOSSA (American Sign Language) Definition from Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition:


11 Coke, 34. It is a poisonous gloss which corrupts the essence of the text.


The use of the above described language convention invalidates by fraud every contract and every court proceeding that has been addressed via its employment in America and elsewhere for the past century and a half. All such proceedings employing this form of text at any point in their process and all resulting judgments are null and void, ab initio, for cause.

All courts of all kinds, public and private, judicial and administrative, military, civilian and national existing within the borders of the organic states of the Union or operating upon American soil in any capacity whatsoever are hereby given Public Notice and Ordered to Cease and Desist the use of these fraudulent conventions immediately and to void all decisions tainted by its use.

By my hand: ______________________________ Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, non-negotiable, all rights reserved, for, by, and on the record of the Alaska State Superior Court.


NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Update 5/30: Opening paragraph of the statement below revised to include awareness of involvement of former President Bush, and the CIA’s MK ULTRA.

5/26: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart, who recently exposed the NSA, FBI, and Military groups as being involved in illegal targeting and electronic harassment of Americans, offers the following statement on the covert programs of assault and non-consensual human experimentation ongoing in the USA today, as text for a letter in process to be directed to “as many in authority or of influence we can find, who still care about America, and are the philosophical and moral progeny of our Founding Fathers – men and women of conscience and courage who will fight the real enemy within.

John Trumbull's painting, Declaration of Independence, depicting the five-man drafting committee of the Declaration of Independence presenting their work to the Congress.
Signing of the Declaration of Independence/John Trumbull’s Painting, 1819/Wikimedia Commons

Concerned or affected Americans who would like to add their names to the statement below are invited to leave a comment with their names. All names will be added to this statement on an ongoing basis. Updates to this letter project will be posted.


From Karen Stewart:

 “If ever a time should come when… vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”Samuel Adams

In response to my own unfathomable targeting for not only no just or legal cause, but for evil, psychotic reasons by those clearly employed by and acting on behalf of the National Security Agency, I began researching organized stalking and electronic harassment and found that it led to the sinister workings of a shadow government usurping our own by obvious design and long term planning, and covertly harming more people than I could ever have imagined; one which not only blatantly ignores the Constitution, but sees American citizens as “things” that it owns and can do with as it pleases, a government infused with those from private industry who knowingly and singularly serve profit interests above those of our country and certainly our citizens, while laboring furiously to gut every protection we have, simultaneously propping up a gangrenous and dying vestige of our Constitutional Republic, hoping no one will notice until it is too late.

I feel that now is the time to present this letter, with as many signatories as possible, to as many in authority or of influence we can find, who still care about America, and are the philosophical and moral progeny of our Founding Fathers – men and women of conscience and courage who will fight the real enemy within.

NSA Whistleblower, Karen Stewart: Synopsis of the Silent Holocaust Taking Place in the United States

Under former President Bush and now continued under President Obama, what apparently started decades ago as illegal and clandestine programs of experiments on human subjects, such as the CIA’s MK ULTRA, has resulted in the proliferation of Defense Contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and others, making secret agreements with Federal agencies such as DOD, DIA, NSA, DHS, etc., to allow them and related laboratories and universities to expand inhumane experimentation programs such as illegal experiments for Directed Energy Weapons on unwitting and non-consenting American citizens.

The scam goes like this, random people, or people who are dissidents or whistleblowers are purposely mislabeled as “terrorists” and put on an Enemies List, which is then turned over to Defense Contractors to target under perverted interpretations of NDAA and PAA.

This allows them to engage the Military and Law Enforcement in either the active harassment and torture of individuals illegally targeted for fraudulent cause, or it gives the Defense Contractors carte blanche to commit criminal assault upon innocent citizens while demanding (unconstitutionally) that Police stand down and do nothing to help their victims.

Police are even used as liaisons to citizen vigilante groups like Infragard, or other “civic minded” organizations who are lied to about the target (being a terrorist/traitor/criminal) and enticed/paid to stalk and harass them 24/7. Police are even used as liaisons to actual criminal groups used by Feds and contractors for the blatantly criminal activity such as vandalism, pet poisoning, assaults, to actual usage of mobile Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) against innocent civilian targets to harm or kill them. Civilians are paid to serve as proxies to give Feds and contractors “plausible deniability”. Police are paid to look the other way, either with cash bribes or “police toys”.

Many Federal managers, such as retired NSA Deputy Director Bill Black Jr., are even secretly investing in this DEW weaponry that they are helping develop through the torture of American citizens falsely labeled as terrorists to strip them of their Constitutional and Civil Rights.

We, listed below, are some of many who are being victimized by faux President Obama’s complete corruption of the Federal Government into an enemy of the real America and its real citizens. If America does not wake up, it is finished as a nation.


  1. Karen M. Stewart, Retired NSA Intelligence Analyst and Born Citizen of the USA (FL)
  2. Julianne McKinney, U.S. Citizen, Victim since initially tagged for experimentation under Projects BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE;
  3. Charmaine Thomas, Citizen of the USA (LA);
  4. Ann Marie Anderson, Citizen of the USA (AZ);
  5. Midge Mathis, Citizen of the USA (AZ);
  6. Kate Ryan, Citizen of the USA (MA);
  7. Christina Myers (Krabal) widow, Phi Theta Kappa, Historian, Citizen of the USA (NC);
  8. Thomas Allen, Citizen of the USA ( );
  9. Craig Alling, Citizen of the USA ( );
  10. Chris Myers, MD, Citizen of the USA (MD);
  11. Ramola D, Writer, American State Citizen (VA, Resident in MA/from India);
  12. Rosanne Schneider, Writer, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  13. Bonnie Kellerby, Citizen of the USA;
  14. Jeremiah Ivie, Baseball Umpire, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  15. Bryce Clark, Citizen of the USA (TX);
  16. Leila Said Gutowski, Nurse, Pastoral Ministry, Citizen of the USA (VA, Resident in CA);
  17. Dominic Friscia, Citizen of the USA;
  18. Gregory Mann, Former Marine, Citizen of the USA (MO);
  19. Keith Y, Born Citizen of the USA;
  20. Vanessa Reign, Citizen of the USA, Washington DC/London;
  21. Thursday Wellington, Citizen of the USA;
  22. Guy Potter, Citizen of the USA;
  23. Meryl Craven, Citizen of the USA (SC);
  24. Patricia Soos, Born Citizen of the USA;
  25. Dennis Carlson, Citizen of the USA;
  26. Jeannette Folmer, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  27. Chloe Violet Rose, Citizen of the USA (CA)
  28. District of Self, Kentucky;
  29. Kevin M. Mulvey, Producer/Creator (NY/NY), Citizen of the USA (MA);
  30. Timothy Small, Michigan;
  31. Bennetta McKenzie, US-Born American Citizen (IL);
  32. Dawn Engelbrecht, Citizen of the USA;
  33. Miriam Mesa, Writer, Naturalized Citizen of the USA (FL/from Cuba);
  34. Phiem Nguyen, Citizen of the USA;
  35. Sarena Tyler, Citizen of the USA;
  36. Chuck Kranz, Citizen of the USA;
  37. Adrienne Howard, Citizen of the USA;
  38. Teodor Porutiu, Citizen of the USA (NJ);
  39. Tamara Dawn Franz, Citizen of the USA;
  40. Julio L. Velazquez; Citizen of the USA (FL);
  41. Frank Allen, Citizen of the USA (MA);
  42. Thomas Francis Blackthorne, Citizen of the USA;
  43. Norman H.G. Smith, Citizen of the USA;
  44. Monica Riggs, Citizen of the USA;
  45. Nancy Parness, Citizen of the USA (NY);
  46. Ivan Rosa, Truck Driver, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  47. Alexander Rosa, Burger King Employee, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  48. Martin Rosa, Unemployed, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  49. Elizabeth Gaskins, Native American, Eufaula Seminole;
  50. Debra J. Metheny, Citizen of the USA (MN);
  51. Michelle Hinds, Citizen of the USA (MA);
  52. Michael Troncoso, Citizen of the USA ();
  53. Janet Wyatt, Healthcare, Citizen of the USA (TN);
  54. Kerri Moody, Financial Representative, Citizen of the USA (FL);
  55. Amy Bellina, Citizen of the USA (FL);
  56. Alan Bellina, Citizen of the USA (FL);
  57. Randall Counts, Citizen of the USA (IL);
  58. Laurie Johnson, Born Citizen of the USA;
  59. Cheryl Weinreich, Citizen of the USA (VA);
  60. Anonymous, Citizen of the USA (ID);
  61. Kenneth Rhoades, Citizen of the USA (MI);
  62. Linda Bressendorff; Citizen of the USA, Originally from Virgin Islands;
  63. Robert O. Butner Jr., Citizen of the USA;
  64. Sharon Sloan, Citizen of the USA;
  65. Christy L. Spector, Environmental Scientist, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  66. Ryan D. Spector, (Christy’s son), Citizen of the USA (CA);
  67. Vic Livingston, Journalist, Citizen of the USA;
  68. Stacy Olson, Citizen of the USA (MN, ND);
  69. Muguet Burgos; American (NYC, NY)
  70. Amy Maier, Citizen of the USA (NY), USMA Class of ’83;
  71. Eileen Coles, Citizen of the USA ;
  72. Mohib Jivan, Canadian Citizen, resident in CA;
  73. Honey Bancroft, Cook and Artist, Citizen of the USA (MA);
  74. Tracy A. Wellons, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  75. Barbara Hyseni, US Air Force Veteran,  Citizen of the USA (PA);
  76. Jamie Dimico, Born Citizen of the USA (NC);
  77. Steven Gammill, Citizen of the USA (FL);
  78. Marcie Schreck, Citizen of the USA;
  79. Debbie Bush, Citizen of the USA (CA);
  80. Melinda Ketcher, Citizen of the USA (MI);
  81. Susan Martin, Citizen of the USA;
  82. Terrie Brogden, Citizen of the USA;
  83. David Scott Baker, Citizen of the USA (KY);
  84. Brittany Puschell, Citizen of the USA (TX);
  85. Maria Metko, Citizen of the USA (NV);
  86. Lee Henderstein, Citizen of the USA (MI);
  87. Barry Pinion, Citizen of the USA (SC);
  88. Tiffaney Utsman, Citizen of the USA (NC);
  89. Bernadette Merenda, Citizen of USA (MA);
  90. Thomas Dickey, Retired, Citizen of the USA (HI);
  91. Mike Coppedge, Citizen of the USA;
  92. Kimberly Kay Rawlings, America;
  93. Nana Noles, Citizen of the USA;
  94. Crystal R. Starheart/Susan D. Elmes, Citizen of the USA;
  95. Charles Currier, Jr., Citizen of the USA;
  96. Eric Johnston, Modesto (CA);
  97. Miesha Johnston, Group Facilitator, Citizen of the USA;
  98. Brandon Luchini;
  99. Jeremy Richardson, Yakima (WA);
  100. Christopher Howard, HIV Survivor, Citizen of the USA;
  101. Terrance Bass, Applegate (OR), Citizen of the USA;
  102. Dianne Renee Chandler, (FL), Citizen of the USA;


  1. Harold Jon Ostgaard, Canada;
  2. Jake Maverick, Political Dissident, United Kingdom;
  3. Mariann Bakken, Political Dissident, Norway
  4. Anne Odegard, Norway;
  5. Andrea Sadegh, founder & team member of, Austria/Europe;


Update 6/10: Scope expanded to include international signers. To add your name/information in the format above, please leave a brief note in Comments, below. Due to increasing spam, not all comments can be published. Please mention explicitly that you wish your name to be added, along with your citizenship, location (state/country) –and occupation, if you wish. To share any other information, please contact by email:; new page to post all testimonials will be posted shortly. Thanks.

Update 7/18: Some related posts below.

Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults on “Targeted Individuals”

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons

Tim Rifat: Deadly Microwave Weapons Being Used Covertly as Dissident/Mass Behavior Control Weapons in UK and US

Robert Duncan, Regarding 6/10 NYT Article on Gang-Stalking & Targeted Individuals: “When Weapons Are “Field Tested” They Need To Be Very Secretive”

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad

Judge Anna von Reitz: We Are Determined There Will NOT Be a Third World War, We Want the Criminals Recognized as Criminals

Re-posted, with thanks, from Facebook/Anna von Reitz. Thanks also to Doreen Agostino of Our Greater Destiny for pointing to this post.


As news and rhetoric heats up on all sides regarding the imminence of a Third World War starting in the Middle East/Syria, I remind myself of Laura Eisenhower‘s words noted in this post: We Don’t Have to Engage in their Battles and Dramas. If we energetically create our own reality, we don’t have to pool our energy into anticipation of another war, but stay situated and calm within our own centers, our own space, our own fields of endeavor. If we’re being primed instead to engage in fear and terror as usual, as it seems all these terror-scenarios seem inclined to evoke, it’s doubly time then to stand back and look at what is going on in the world with clearer, awakened eyes. Judge Anna spells out here what is going on behind the scenes regarding hopes of financial “Resets,” replays what has happened here in the USA, and lets us know that, knowing this, we cannot let institutionalized fraud/deceit/oppression of the people happen all over again, we need to indict the criminals and prevent the horrors of a Third World War from happening.


Reset? Hello? This isn’t a “Reset”.

People have been anxiously milling around asking me to use my crystal ball. What insights I have are strictly the common sense and practical kind that result from looking at past history and interpreting the present chaos in terms of what are the likely motivations of the moving parties?

There are two groups. The group I am aligned with wants to see the prosecution of the banks and lawyers and politicians responsible for this mess. We want the criminals recognized as criminals and we want their crimes treated as crimes, similar to what Iceland has already done.

This seems to be a far more practical and just response than allowing the perpetrators to start World War III, kill off their Priority Creditors, and collect on the life insurance policies they have placed on each one of us, naming their own corporations as the beneficiaries.

Has everyone got the picture now? We are dealing with self-serving criminals.

Back in the 1910’s and 1920’s their Great-Grandfathers engineered the Great Depression. As a result, business in America went off the gold standard, then in 1971, the silver standard. Both. You have to ask yourself—why? What was actually going on?

The Emergency Banking Act (1934) and HJR 192 and other actions set up a fixed “dollar for dollar” exchange rate allowing the perpetrators operating the “Federal Reserve System” to exchange their Promissory Notes known as “Federal Reserve Notes” for our United States Dollars defined as one ounce of fine silver.

They traded their paper promises for our actual silver and gold, and when it was time for them to make good on their Notes, they declared bankruptcy and named us as their sureties— that is, they pretended to “represent” us and said we were responsible for their debts after they siphoned off the entire value of our National Credit, which by definition is equal in value to their National Debt.

As a result of this chicanery, lies, and deceit, all the gold was stolen out of Fort Knox, all our silver was stripped away, too, and landed in the pockets of the banks that colluded to create this situation in the first place: Federal Reserve, World Bank, IBRD, IMF are the principal culprits.

We know this. We have the records. We know what motivated them. We know who profited.

It wasn’t us.

So, folks, we have criminals in charge of private, mostly foreign-owned “governmental services corporations” posing as our government, and there is a pitched battle going on between these criminals and those well-intentioned individuals who have unknowingly been part of this crime syndicate as well as many others around the globe who are determined that there will NOT be a Third World War allowing these scam artists to kill off their Creditors in a repeat of the Great Depression and World War II scenario.

Sign me—– been there, done that, and am not doing it again.

Source: Facebook/Anna von Reitz


Judge Anna von Reitz: Note About the National Liberty Alliance

Re-posted, with thanks, from Judge Anna von Reitz‘s Facebook page/February 15.


Judge Anna addresses issues she has had with the National Liberty Alliance--many of us may have wondered why they were not working together. Apparently they had been, at one time. Her note below is quite illuminating–a lot of information here on the American Common Law Court System, and what it needs to become fully functional. “...(T)he Common Law Grand Jury is only about one-fourth of the Common Law Court System we are owed, and without the Common Law Judges (properly called Common Law Justices) and Trial Juries and Clerks and other members of the Common Law Courts including the Sheriffs operating the land jurisdiction of this country, the Common Law Grand Juries have no enforcement capability. They can hand down their findings, and the “District Attorney” can ignore them, so that the entire effort goes astray and has no teeth.”


About me and the NLA: I TRIED to work with NLA early on. I also in good faith delivered a wet-ink signed and thumb-printed and sealed copy of our affidavit of probable cause to John Daresh, but nothing was done about our affidavit—which has been published as “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” available on

When I attempted to contact NLA regarding their silence and inaction with regard to the grave accusations of criminality our affidavit raised, they hung up on me. A couple weeks later, Mr. Gary Jolly, contacted me and said something inane like, “we know who you are and we don’t trust you”— as if this was an excuse for failure to address capital crime?

I also rubbed them the wrong way when I revealed that the Common Law Grand Jury is only about one-fourth of the Common Law Court System we are owed, and without the Common Law Judges (properly called Common Law Justices) and Trial Juries and Clerks and other members of the Common Law Courts including the Sheriffs operating the land jurisdiction of this country, the Common Law Grand Juries have no enforcement capability. They can hand down their findings, and the “District Attorney” can ignore them, so that the entire effort goes astray and has no teeth.

Therefore I pointed out the need to elect people to fill the other, additional vacated Public Offices we are owed and to re-established the American Common Law Court System that is supposed to be in place and acting in support of the Common Law Grand Juries. Mr. Daresh and Mr. Jolly would hear none of it.

Three years have gone by with the Citizens Common Law Grand Juries being set up and spinning their wheels, accomplishing nothing much for all their work and good will. Meanwhile, those who waved good-bye to NLA and proceeded to set up their counties on the land and elect and fill the vacated Public Offices have made great strides. They are actively setting up and restoring County-level government and educating people all over this country, while NLA continues to accomplish…….what?

As a result of all this, I have grave concerns about NLA’s leadership. Some months ago, I heard that John Daresh is actually a Bar Attorney from New York named John Vidurek. So I asked him, up front, in good faith— just wanting to know the truth of the matter. He refused to answer me, but he did answer Rodger Dowdell in Florida, that yes, this is so. His given name was John Vidurek and yes, he is from New York and yes, he is a Bar Attorney.

To me, a Bar Card is a strong indicator that Mr. Daresh may not be operating in good faith.

A second indicator is that he has adopted a nom de guerre that has nothing whatsoever to do with his real name.

Third, why quote me out of context in a major Writ of Mandamus and not even bother to contact me, yet leave it seeming that I was involved? That doesn’t add up, either.

Fourth, why harbor vaguely stated and semi-threatening “suspicions” such as Gary Jolly expressed toward me? Honest men ask honest questions. They don’t hide behind vague insinuations.

A fifth concern about NLA leadership is the lack of progress by the CLGJ organizations in the states where NLA is in control of the CLGJ’s compared to what is going on in other states where people have struck off and done it without NLA’s “help and direction”. These spin off groups are miles ahead in addressing the real problems we are facing.

A sixth concern in NLA’s failure to admit and educate people regarding the fact that the CLGJ’s are just a part— about one quarter– of the Common Law Court System that we are owed and which we need up and fully functioning to give the CLGJ’s both teeth and administrative support. How can you run a wagon train with one-wheeled carts?

A seventh concern is NLA’s complete lack of response to a signed, sealed, witnessed affidavit of probable cause that has been exhaustively researched and demonstrated. We brought forward damning evidence of immense, systemic, institutionalized fraud— fraud against the Republic, fraud against the probate and bankruptcy courts, fraud against American States and American people—- and NLA puts the blinkers on and pretends it never heard a word?

So we are supposed to ignore capital level crimes, including war crimes, being committed by foreign banks and their storefront organizations run as “governmental services corporations” because……? Why?

If it is NOT the job of the CLGJ’s to investigate crimes against Americans, just exactly what does Mr. Daresh propose that their job is? To stand around issuing pointless documents filled with ignorance and outrage so that his buddies down at the local Bar Association can have a good laugh?

Daresh is a Bar Attorney. He knows better than to send a Writ of Mandamus to an Admiralty Court. He was playing everyone for laughs. He was saying, “Oh, look at this, boys! These people are SO clueless, SO dumb, that they are going to put their time and energy into doing this! Hahahahahah! — And for EXTRA fun, I am going to sign Anna’s name to it and take her work out of context, so everyone can laugh at her, too! Hahahahahahah!”

I believe that many, many of the people in NLA are wonderful, patriotic, well-intentioned, and determined. I believe that the vast majority are trying in good faith to make a badly needed difference and to fill in a very necessary Public Office—- but I also believe that they are being purposefully limited and misguided by leaders who have their own contrary agenda, which is simply to keep the horse in the barn and not let the CLGJ’s function as they could and ought to, and also prevent people from addressing the need to restore the ENTIRE American Common Law Court System which is owed and needed to make the work of the Common Law Grand Juries count.

The way things are run under Daresh, you might as well be riding unicycles. It’s entertaining, but without the other “wheels” of the American Common Law Courts in place—- the Justices, the Clerks, the Recorders, the Bailiffs, the Sheriffs operating on the land jurisdiction, and the Trial Juries—-you are stuck, chasing around in circles without enforcement, wasting your time. Apparently, that kind of window dressing role is what Mr. Daresh wants. Just “be there” appearing to do something and creating an illusion of remedy, while in fact providing no real alternative to the Admiralty Court and Administrative Court System at all.

If the CLGJ’s were operating as they should, as part of the American Common Law Court System, they would hand down orders to a Sheriff operating on the jurisdiction of the land of this country, and the Sheriff would bring the orders to a Common Law Justice who would issue the warrants for arrest and to Public Prosecutors who would prepare the discovery subpoenas and complaints, and this would all wind up in front of a Jury of Twelve Honest Peers who would review the facts and hand down a decision for the Justice to read in open court on the record and execute. That is how it is supposed to work.

As it is, the CLGJ’s are misguided to function as laughingstocks for the Bar Members and spend their days making pleas to District Attorneys who ignore the CLGJ’s just like they ignore everyone else, and writing Writs in Law addressed to Admiralty Courts that can’t even hear a Land Writ.

Sigh. So, there is my assessment of the current status of the CLGJ’s and their role under the limitations imposed by John Daresh and NLA—- and right where they are is where they are likely to stay, in my opinion, until or unless people wake up a second time and realize that they are spinning their wheels at a moment in history when they ought to be making desperately needed progress.

NLA could be instrumental in restoring the entire American Common Law Court System, in reviving and restoring the land-based government we are owed—- but that isn’t where the NLA leadership has gone and that doesn’t appear to be where they are going.

Source: Facebook/Anna von Reitz

Judge Anna von Reitz: Letter of Support to Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Grant County, Oregon

 Re-posted, with thanks, from Judge Anna von Reitz‘s Facebook page.


Letter of Support to Sheriff Glenn Palmer from Judge Anna von Reitz. Judge Anna notes that Sheriff Glenn Palmer has been “under a lot of pressure from the criminals operating the Federal Corporation and its “Oregon” franchise to stand down from his support of the actual Public Law of this country.” Her suggestion is for people to write in with letters of support (full note succeeding letter, below).


Sheriff Palmer and Sheriff Clarke in Oregon have both realized that the “Federal Government” corporation and its for-hire agencies have usurped unlawful jurisdiction, but they may still not realize exactly how or why, so I wrote the following Letter of Support to Sheriff Palmer to make it absolutely clear:

February 15, 2016

Sheriff Glenn E. Palmer
Grant County Sheriff’s Office
205 South Humbolt
Canyon City, Oregon RFD 97820

Dear Sheriff Palmer,

I want to thank and congratulate you on your strong stand in behalf of The Constitution and for honoring the guarantees that both the States of America and the living people are owed.

Although you are currently employed by a “governmental services corporation” that forces you to spend your time and effort on corporate law enforcement activities—- enforcement of “Public Policies” and “code” and “statutory law” and “regulations” instead of enforcing the Organic and Public Law we are all owed—- Sheriff Richard Mack brought this very issue all the way to the US Supreme Court in Mack and Prinz v. USA and it was determined that you have every right to exercise your office in defense of The Constitution.

If anyone tries to intimidate you or tell you that you can’t enforce the Organic Law of this country, you just waive that under their noses.

That said, it must be clearly stated that as things now stand, you are not occupying any Public Office. This isn’t your fault and I am not criticizing you. This circumstance resulted from the units of State and County governments choosing to “incorporate” as franchises of the USA, Inc. back in the 1950’s and 60’s.

When you take a company operating on the land and under the Law of the Land and incorporate it, the resulting corporation then has to operate in the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the international Law of the Sea.

The Constitution is the “Supreme Law of the Land” so far as the Federal Government is concerned, but without an unincorporated County or State organization to access that jurisdiction, you are stuck operating as you now are—- a mere employee of a governmental services corporation, placed between your stated and moral duty to enforce The Constitution and the Organic Law of this country and the demands of those operating the private corporation management for you to do nothing but enforce their edicts and regulations instead.

Mack and Prinz v. USA guarantees your right to enforce The Constitution, but a man cannot ultimately serve two masters.

The move is on to elect men like you to the true Public Office of Sheriff on the Land in restored Counties operating as unincorporated body politics owed absolute control of the land jurisdiction of this country once again. As a peace officer— as opposed to a “law enforcement” officer— you will be able to occupy the vacated Public Office of Sheriff on the Land and hold the highest peace keeping office in America. You will be able to deputize as many men as you need to deputize to guarantee The Constitution and enforce it and the rest of our Public Law. You will be able to commandeer whatever equipment you need.

The De Facto Rule of the Corporations as opposed to the Rule of Law and their usurpation upon our jurisdiction is swiftly coming to a well-deserved and ignominious end, as these organizations are being recognized internationally as the self-interested crime syndicates they have become. The banks that have been running these “governmental services corporations” as storefronts and misrepresenting them as if these organizations were in fact our lawful government have been caught red-handed in mammoth fraud, unlawful conversion of assets, and enslavement.

From the “Governor” on down, people have knowingly or unknowingly been impersonating lawful Public Officials and appearing to act in our lawful Public Offices, while in fact occupying private corporate offices instead. Many of them have taken secretive advantage of the resulting lack of accountability to plunder our country and our people. Those who have abused our trust and used these similarly named private offices as a means to abuse the power of Public Offices for private gain and purposes of plunder are guilty of terrible crimes. They will be prosecuted accordingly.

Please try to inform your fellow-Sheriffs of the facts so that no more of them fall into the trap of obeying unlawful and immoral orders. The Nuremburg Tribunal has been reopened to serve those who, like Sheriff Ward, continue to follow orders that are: (1) not issued by anyone holding valid Public Office; (2) violate the Organic and Public Law of this country; (3) result in harming innocent people and their public and private property interests.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652

***Please, take the time to add your voices. Send your letters and cards of support to Sheriff Palmer at the address above. He has been under a lot of pressure from the criminals operating the Federal Corporation and its “Oregon” franchise to stand down from his support of the actual Public Law of this country. He needs your support and he needs to know why he is right and why those criticizing him are wrong.***

 Source: Facebook/Anna von Reitz

Judge Anna von Reitz/Feb 10 Update: Where the Hammer Has to Hit First and Hardest…Local Counties That Have Incorporated & “Sheriffs” Who Have Failed to Enforce the Organic & Public Law

Re-posted, from this linked page at


Part of my interest in following the work of Judge Anna von Reitz is to find out, for all those who are being extra-judicially assaulted, all over the USA, with deadly, misnamed “non-lethal” military-grade EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweapons by a slew of secret agencies and corporations, in Secret Policing/Neuro-Experimentation programs that involve Intel, local Law Enforcement/Fusion Center, and Military action, and succeed the wrongful Watchlisting/Criminal Investigating/Targeting of innocent individuals and activists, what recourse there is for justice in this kept-secret/”classified” situation, and what steps to take to report these criminally inhumane actions, to whom, and how to secure redress. As many know, the corruption and criminality endemic in public affairs today in the US extends beyond this one contingency–and Judge Anna spells out below what some first steps should be, at the local level, in returning the continental land of the united States of America to real government.

If you are American, please read with commitment to explore further and take action–described below are steps any one of us can take. If you are an American County Sheriff, please read especially all of Judge Anna’s posts and addresses to County Sheriffs. “There are 3100 Counties in this country and they are all supposed to be Counties on the Land, not the Sea. There are 3100 County Sheriffs and only about 500 of them belong to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.”

Many Sheriffs, as she notes, believe they are rightfully enforcing the law of the land, while in fact enforcing corporate codes, statutes, and regulations instead, related to a corporation. Please see this post about the National Liberty Alliance, where 1000 Sheriffs have signed up to take their online course on the original Constitution for the united States of America.

Is there anything a County Sheriff can do, to restore normalcy, sanity, peace, and justice to the USA? Judge Anna believes so–and wouldn’t it be tremendous if all our County Sheriffs re-examined their oaths, and actually took steps to wipe out criminality and covert corporate action in their Counties?

Previous posts by Judge Anna explicating Jurisdictions of the Land and Sea, differences in the continental united States of America and the Federal United States of America, including Constitutions thereof, can be found at this continuously updated page here.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Update from Judge Anna — February 10, 2016

Well, Let’s See…..
What has Judge Anna been up to the last few days?

Besides lecturing, teaching, writing institutional framework documents, analyzing new forms of currency and barter platforms, reforming the Federal Postal District Courts, preparing the international criminal complaints against the FBI in the wrongful death of LaVoy Finicum, negotiating with leaders of the Bar Associations for stand-downs and cooperation with prosecution of those responsible for the false claims that have been made against American assets, collection of American assets that have been purloined, placement of international liens, collection of international liens, setting up informational resources for peacekeeping and law enforcement officers, setting up more informational resources for local organizers to restore their local county and state governments owed to the land jurisdiction of this country, exposure of commercial mercenary armies operating on our soil under color of law disguised as trademarked government agencies–FBI, BLM, and so on, that have been acquired by buy-outs and mergers of older governmental services organizations, assisting in the release of Americans detained in federal prisons, demanding correction of political status and the establishment of orderly protocols and agreed upon procedures to accomplish this without further delay or obfuscation, the end of “14th Amendment” citizenship presumptions, repudiation of the the so-called “National Debt” and so much, much more….. not much.

I must plead with everyone again, please, please, please DO NOT send me your individual cases. I can’t possibly reply and when I do pile through my huge pile of daily mail, it is heart-breaking for me to hear your pleas and know that for the most part, I can’t answer because (1) my jurisdiction is limited by geography and (2) there simply is not time. I am only one old lady and I HAVE TO keep my attention focused on the Big Picture of ending these evils once and for all for everyone, not just a few. Those who have gone through the court process of just minor cases know how time and energy consuming these are and also know that there are millions of Americans in the same boat.

My time has to be to spent resolving the fundamental issues so that criminals are brought to justice, misadministration of our government ends, the predatory banks are shut down and the vast majority of these vicious fraudulent court cases simply disappear as if they never were, so that unincorporated counties and states begin functioning and protecting the people again, so that we have peacekeepers instead of law enforcement officers, so that we have actual money instead of hot air, so that families can be families again and so much more.

There is a lot to be done. I am counting on all of you to grab an oar, educate yourselves, educate your friends, families, and neighbors, local politicians, sheriffs, police, military service members, clergy, teachers–everyone you meet. You are the heirs of the Republic. It is now yours. You have inherited it the same way you might inherit a house. It’s yours to clean up, care for, remodel, and repair.

The heavy lifting in our Republic is done by us, the free, sovereign, and independent people in whom the entire government of the land jurisdiction of the United States is vested. In our system, the people rule. The power is delegated from the people to the counties to the states to the federal government and at each level the amount of power is reduced.

In our system, the Republic System, all county governments function as assemblies of living people, all state governments are also assemblies of living people, all our offices are Public Offices, with Oaths, with Bonds. We honor and enforce the Organic Law of our nation— The Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution for the united States of America, the Land Act of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance, the United States Statutes-at-Large.

We are literally self-governing and we owe it to ourselves and our children to expatriate from any presumption of Federal United States Citizenship and provide ourselves with the government we are heir to and which we are owed without question or condition.

Our system is the exact opposite of the Top Down Federal Government model that has the President and the Congress dictating everything to “Federal States” which are franchises of the Federal Corporation –whichever one is providing services at any given time— and “Federal Counties” which are in turn franchises of the Federal States.

The fundamental news that everyone has to understand is that when you incorporate ANYTHING you remove it from the jurisdiction of the land and move it into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. You also move it out from under the Law of the Land (including The Constitution) and place it under the Law of the Sea, instead.

When the “federal government” incorporated after the Civil War it ceased to operate as a sovereign government and adopted the nature of a common commercial corporation. See the Clearfield Doctrine. The Public Offices were converted to private corporate offices. Same thing with the Federal franchises calling themselves “State of______” and “County of _________”.

The men you have elected in good faith to act as your Sheriffs and keep the peace and ensure your property and your rights? For years now, ever since the States and Counties incorporated in order to share in “Federal Revenue Sharing”— that is, kickbacks from federal corporate racketeering— the “Sheriff” has been “re-tasked” to enforce corporate policies and codes, statutes, and regulations instead.

Doesn’t that just warm your cockels, when you consider that on average these guys and their pensions and benefits are costing over $500,000 per year and they aren’t doing the job you thought you were electing them to do?

You’ve been paying in good faith for a Sheriff to protect you, and instead, getting a Code Enforcer bent on protecting the bottom line of a foreign for-profit corporation instead?

A lot of people have asked me where the hammer has to hit first and hardest. For my money, it comes down on the local counties that have incorporated and abused the public trust in this manner and upon the “Sheriffs” who have failed to enforce the Organic and Public Law while continuing to call themselves a Sheriff.

It’s high time that we all stood up and told these “counties” and these “Sheriffs” what we think of them and their private, for-profit governmental services corporations acting under conditions of semantic deceit and fraud and failing to do their duty owed to the people who have loyally paid their salaries all these years.

There are 3100 Counties in this country and they are all supposed to be Counties on the Land, not the Sea. There are 3100 County Sheriffs and only about 500 of them belong to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

Do you think it’s about time we made that number 3100 out of 3100 and got rid of the dead beats and corporate scum like “Sheriff” Ward who not only has failed to obey the actual Public Law, but whose incompetence has cost the life of an innocent American?

How about Governor Brown? Another corporate shill who took an Oath to the “Constitution” without mentioning which “Constitution” that was?

It’s time for people to restore their real government all across this great land. We have to either liquidate these “states” and “counties” as the criminal syndicates they have become, or hold additional forthright elections to fill the vacant public offices owed to the land jurisdiction counties and states on the land.

If the Federal corporation wants to pay for all these fancy offices for corporate shills to “serve” their Federal United States Citizens, well, by all means, it’s a free country. Let them. But don’t give them a penny toward their expenses for such an enterprise. After all, that’s not part of your contract with them. And feel free to kick them out of the buildings and premises that your labor paid for and bring suit against them for abusing names of States and Public Offices that belong to you for purposes of fraud.

You don’t have to worry about electing or not electing “Sheriff David Ward” –the Burns County Sheriff who refused to do his lawful job and cost LaVoy Finicum his life– just go ahead and elect your own Sheriff on the Land, Burns County, Oregon. Maybe his name will be “Sheriff Andy Coleman”. Who knows? But as long as Sheriff Andy knows his job and knows how to Deputize as many men as he needs to get the job done, “Sheriff Ward” and his ilk will be out of business soon enough and the real America we know and love can return once the Organic and Public Law is being enforced.

Once that happens, dear hearts, the Other Shoe drops—- and those fake “FBI” agents that have been terrorizing everyone, operating as commercial mercenaries under color of law on our soil? Threatening our people? Murdering our people? Trying to steal our land based on fraudulent claims made by foreign banks? They are going to be facing international war crimes tribunals and most likely, they are all going to be hung with piano wire. That’s a fact. I wouldn’t be one of those despicable men standing around joking about how they shot an unarmed and innocent American for all the tea in China.

We will ride these corporations out of town on a tide of commercial obligation liens that would make the Aga Khan blush. We will bring criminal complaints in our Common Law Courts and our Common Law Juries will learn how to investigate crimes and bring presentments once again to Sheriffs who don’t need a DA to tell them what to do. We will tear apart the Bar Associations and leave their members unable to hold any kind of court. Their shame will be set before the entire planet for all to see, right along with the banks and the politicians responsible for this mess.

We will clean house, America, and we will do a good job of it, right down to gunk in the corners. So get reading, get ready, get talking, and bring your mop and sponge. Turn off the Boob Tube. Forget their foreign elections. That’s not your government.


See this article and over 100 others on Anna’s website