Reporter’s Note 15: Trench Line Warfare (Asymmetric, That Is–Which Is Not War but Battery): Shielding to Survive

Reporter’s Note | Ramola D | February 9, 10, 2024

I woke this morning to the sound of a drone picking up and hovering somewhere around, at about 4 minutes past nine am. The man next door instantly honked his horn, beeped his electronic device, started his car–in the driveway just beneath my window. This behavior of his has been going on for some time, as if he wishes me to equate his sound-making harassment to my waking.

Last night, as I switched off three minutes before midnight, I barely had time to settle the (infinite amounts of) shielding around me, especially over my left arm and shoulder and right arm, before a helicopter tick-ticked and wheeled directly overhead, as if I were back in Guantanamo and the helicopters needed to mark my going to sleep and waking up.

I say “Back” because this behavior–from local police contingents of some kind, whether City of Quincy Police, FBI, or CIA, or CFC–has been transpiring on and off before, for years; and no I have never Been to Guantanamo Bay, but like everyone else who is as extremely targeted and attacked on American soil as I am and have been for 10 years now, since late 2013, I have been given quite a few hints from the helicopter-runners that Guantanamo is on their mind. Carefully spelled out for me on the sweatshirt sleeves, gray on top and gray below, one afternoon a few years ago, on a young blond boy, tall, in a gray track suit haunting the bus-stop on Granite at East Milton Square, when I was dropping my child off for her Kumon classes ( a kind of Math she was personally interested in studying), the word “Guantanamo” spelled out on his sleeve, while he parked himself in front of me and looked at me meaningfully, unspeaking.

Like everyone else in the world with a soul and heart both, and conscience as well, I have deplored the US capture and hold of the innocent and the uncharged, suspected of crime and terrorism supposedly and held incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, for years and years, decades even, and the extreme torture and crime that has been reported there, especially recently by Abu Zubaydah, as reported last year (or year before) in The Guardian and noticed in my expose of John Kiriakou, a non-whistleblower from the CIA, who has deceived all of us. (Much like the CIA itself.)

None of us have understood why the phenomenon of Guantanamo even existed, or persisted, just as we haven’t understood why Julian Assange should be kept in Belmarsh, a maximum security prison, for years and years, after he reported on war crimes, as any journalist should.

But many of us have known that those miscreants running prisons and rumors and lies of terrorism have not merely sought but succeeded in bringing the concentration-camp aspect of Guantanamo to the continental United States and worldwide, through various military and treaty means.


When I woke this morning, it was after having been woken earlier and treated for hours to the insistent hit of RF pulses on my left shoulder, the shielding behind my left arm, the shielding behind my right arm. During this period of hours, heat and vibrations (10:45 am, 2-9-2024: Just adjusted the shielding at my left arm, back and shoulder as I am still being hit, from behind–my back to that selfsame house, the Mazzeo house, drive, shed, and the block behind) scoured my spine. A drone sounded above and it was apparent to me the slightest chink in the shielding, the slightest movement of limbs at night away from shielding was causing instant opportunistic pulse-hits on that shoulder and arm, and more besides. Vibrations sent to specific spots on my spine and back have been secured I suspect by the unlawful access to my physical body occasioned by the unlawful police and ambulance capture, transport, and incarceration I was subjected to on December 20, 2022 to and at South Shore Hospital, Weymouth: nano-cluster implants or a Klein-Walker implant or more than one, unlawfully implanted, unconsented-to, are responsible. Vibrations and heat sent upward are being sent from the basement of the houses next to us, that would be Active Denial System millimeter-wave pulses, a technology police have surfaced now as in their arsenal and use: and no, it is not acceptable, and no-one in the world has given consent to it, it is unlawful in every way and needs removal from every police station and every police contractor it has been handed to (audible hit on the shielding to my left, from the direction of the Le Ming house, as I write that: 10:54 am, 2-9-2024).

So what I am reporting now is: Yes, they are continuing, these “neighbors”–planted mercenaries–on this street, very close in, along with zoomers who come and park, and the network of drones and helicopters and other aircraft using EW avionics, are continuing their incredible assaults on my arms and shoulders, my heart, and various other parts of my anatomy.

The second time I woke I realized I was being probed at the heart–I moved instantly to shield there further–as well as on the right side, where my liver would be I imagine, and on the left, where my pancreas would be, and on the abdomen, where the colon is: very clearly these are attempts by the mercenaries using RF HPM weaponry to attempt to induce cancer in several organs or organ breakdown of another kind–in addition to efforts to “break my bones” apparently. Again, I could tell where these hits were coming from-the direction of the 3-4 houses (zoomer on street, 11:00 am, 2-9-2024) directly around and across from this house. The ones I have named in the Notice of Harassment and Deceit and above, and the one next to the one directly opposite.


Two nights ago as I fielded intense heart congestion frequency hits directly from the Le MIng house, as I stood at the sink, late at night, I looked across and witnessed the red behind the curtains and snapped a couple pics, three actually. [No idea what that blue fog in the pics is, possibly EMF radiation from a frequency generator.) This is how that house has looked when those “neighbors” moved in, a few years ago–I was hit intensely with just those kinds of heart-congestion frequencies right there at the sink for days, months, when they moved in –I was forced to shield at the heart to save my life then, and it is that knowledge of shielding which has kept me alive now, for years.

For those like me who are suspecting their sudden heart pains or congestion-feelings may be due to RF HPM weaponry from paid mercenary neighbors, please visit my Holistic Doctors, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, “Targeted Individuals,” & Remote Radiation Heart Attack Weaponry: How to Protect Yourself post, also a Newsbreak I did on the subject a couple years ago (at Ramola D Reports), and know that it is a combination of orgonite, stones or pebbles, metal pans of some kind, Reflectix or aluminium bubble wrap used in home insulation, mylar, stainless steel, aluminium, copper, magnets–not all but a couple of these as needed–and most importantly, moving away, which can save your life. Those using these weapons are clearly engaging in Crime.

Because these weapons are being hidden, because the complicit “Press” will not openly reveal them, because the unethical Military and Police factions we have will not confess their use, people like me are being persecuted inside our homes and neighborhoods in silence, invisibly, remotely, yet from close in. [And those in my family who are concerned for my life should know this is a situation which persists across nation-boundaries, and at all US airports, and inside planes, domestic and international, and which I have experienced–as indeed many others reporting this matter–in several countries now, including the UK and India, and at UK, French, German, and Indian international airports as well.]

I have published much evidence from US and EU Government documents of the existence, development and use of these weapons on people, in their homes and neighborhoods, I call this Criminal because that’s what it looks like to me; these are Human Rights and Law matters, which national and international human rights lawyers, including military and Intelligence lawyers, from every country in the world must step forward to address openly, to bring this carnage against myself and millions of others, to an end.

I am not the only journalist and writer reporting on this matter, those who have published books, articles, videos, and held international conferences have not been forgotten by me; their work needs to be brought forward, insistently, until the whole world wakes up. In the video accompanying the First Online Conference I was fortunate to hold on this subject in October 2021, I added in notice of as much of the earlier reportage as I could: Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals. I have also striven to call attention to the work of several reporters at this site–who have published websites, articles and books on this subject, especially Cheryl Welsh, Paul Baird, Gloria Naylor, Deborah Dupre, Dr. Nick Begich, Mark M. Rich, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilde, Dr. John Hall, Dr. Robert Duncan, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Mojmir Babacek, Ville Hellberg, Rudy’s Multilingual Blog, Rosanne Schneider, Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell, a few others.


I will publish below a few photos and excerpts from logs and video logs the last few days and from earlier, when I was struggling to survive.

Feb 1, 2024:

Feb 2, 2024:

1:45 am, Very sharply accessed at the left arm on implant site. Heard the neighbor (Mazzeo) stomp on driveway and do some scraping–at this time of night. At 1:35 am a helicopter flew over his house. Helis have been flying over house and yard all evening, have recorded a few brief videos to record what has been happening here all day on Feb 1. Much pickup truck and zoomer activity in the evening during and after I took a nap around 4–in pain from left arm hits. Now they have once more sharply accessed the arm causing pain.

1:51 am: Very sharply hit on my left arm again–from the direction of the Le Ming house–guess they’ve been woken up to rally and attack. Have been exploring the SAMSHA news for posting and am alerting my readers with a new Watch page.

2:44 am: Zooming car comes down Pine Street and parks nearby. My right cheek and jaw are being hit–shielding. The last time I experienced this I was trying to recover from hits post sending the first Memo to Trump online and by fax to the White House. HItting the jackpot it appears re SAMHSA and mental health.

2:51 am: Being accessed painfully at left upper arm. From street possibly. “Public Safety” and “Behavioral Health” running Deterrence and Pacification? They both need to be scuttled.

3:33 am: Just published the new Psych-BH-MH page and could not believe the time when I looked. It is 3:33 am on 2-2-2024, Mom’s birthday. Listening to Connie Francis is helpful, she is soothing.

1:46 am, Feb 3, 2024:

Published the New Gov Grants article on grants–massive LRAD hits and sound of drone throughout as I led up to end. Hits all night on my left arm and heart, back of head. Sliced precision strikes as if I were being beaten with thin iron rods over and over on my left shoulder and whole upper arm. Intense pull on the implanted device when I wrote of police technologies…pain and other situations being addressed with behavioral health and substance use grants. Massive hit from above on some steel piping inside the front of the house just now. 1:48 am.

I really don’t know what to do to get these evil evil people to stop.

–Private Logs, Ramola D

The last few days I have been working on some fusion center and police technology research, setting up a few watch pages, adding to one, updating my Notes and Updates pages–these, noted below. Is what I am doing–as a reporter and journalist–connected to the unconscionable remote RF HPM/ultrasonic/other AP-DEW/Neuro assaults on me? I am recording the facts as they occur.

The Commonwealth Fusion Center: 2019 State of Massachusetts Audit Reveals Active Concealment of Information by State Police, DHS, FBI

Psych-BH-MH Watch

DE Med/Neuro/AI Tech Watch

Ramola D | Notes & Updates

February 6, 2024:

February 7, 2024, 11:48 am:

Just used a strip of pain-relieving lidocaine-strip on the cracked nerve at my elbow–steady hits from Le Ming and the pickup truck artist who came zooming by and is now parked way down at the Murphys’ the way they have been parking to hit when I sat upstairs in the art room or down here, for years.

Shoulder also blasted.

Last night I shielded extra but was still hit. Was hit on the brain right side to induce sleep frequencies right away. 

Back to my fusion center article…

8:52 pm

Examining grant info online at and OJP–looks like DOJ has a bunch of Criminal Justice research programs involving Universities and “subrecipients” with human subjects involved. 

Soon as I started looking at this: sideswipes to right brain–knocking me asleep (Blondie’s house), intense heart hits and fibrillation feeling from Le Mings as I heated up coffee, sharp arm hits from Mazzeo and street–turned heater up (Old Boston furnace in basement) and wonder if the vibrations from it are also significant. 

Intense left arm pain and fibrillation feelings: attempts to give me the symptoms of a heart attack it seems like. 

So it looks like these people are keen to induce heart attacks and heart congestion and heart breakdowns and have me taken out of my own home again. 

No it’s not going to happen. 

[What I’ve figured out lately is that I am being especially targeted at the heart–in numerous ways–because perhaps my mother also was, from her 70s, she was told she had a heart “condition” and lived in fear of palpitations and fibrillations: well, they have defibrillators now (both in hospitals and currently police, EMS too) and was she hit with those? As I suspect I indeed am, as described here and earlier: these are external heart-hits, and I certainly have no ” heart condition,” the hits at my heart make audible pulse sounds on shielding; meters light up at my heart when hit. My mother’s medical records then are known to them–how invasive. These incredible criminals are running generational assault and battery with EMF Weaponry to mimic “genetic disorders” which then becomes a larger mythos to exploit, with everyone. In the same way I suspect the massive left shoulder and left arm hits I am still striving to shield from may have been–among other dark reasons–striving to mimic what my mother was forced to suffer for years–which I did not know was AP-DEW hits at the time–what doctors glibly called “frozen shoulder”, a term my sister used when she landed at my doorstep unannounced–a painful visit–on Dec 10, 2023, and proved she had not gotten educated yet about AP-DEWs and Neurotech being used on people (including herself, myself, our mother, numerous others we know); as a doctor then, did she believe our mother’s “frozen shoulder” is a genetic disorder I was now reporting? This is a larger question, and a larger scenario I am awakening to: those engaging in gratuitous violence on others using Invisible Stealth Technologies to Manufacture Symptoms of Disease or Disease are doing this to perpetuate a myth of genetics, and are resting easy in their recourse to plausible deniability there. They are seeking to create Patients, and More Patient Income for themselves. Doctors are being deceived, and helping to perpetuate mythologies themselves. Doctors need to wake up to the facts of AP-DEW/Neurotech use on people today–and not assist the perpetrators hiding in the shadows, who are not merely military and intelligence and experimenters in academe but private-sector Pharma/Neuro/Medical Device industrionnaires who have lost sight of ethics and conscience.

9:38 pm: Extreme hits to the device in my left arm–struggling to shield. Being blasted in the heart as well from directly opposite. Literally cowering behind a pile of shielding on the front couch.


11:21 am: The truck engine in the bozo’s driveway started up and running now–smell of chani floats up. He successfully knocked me asleep for a good 20 minutes just now–I have woken up and am writing again–the Fusion Center article has caused brain hitters on both sides–Le MIng and Mazzeo to come out in force to put me to sleep, literally. 

11:23 am: He drives out–after a full two minutes of harassment with V-8 or V-18 engine. Drone climbs overhead. Droning.

1:19 pm: I am being stalked in my home by the Mazzeo neighbor–hanging just outside, sending a sharp hit to my spine just as he uses his electronic device to beep–now his car door slams. This is obviously brazen–from right next door, hitting me audibly on my spine–on shielding–while beeping at me as well–inviting and provoking response from me. Since that is the name of the game isn’t it–to provoke and provoke and provoke the neighbor until she responds and screams at you to stop attacking her, that is what they are angling for.

A few minutes ago, sitting in the bathroom, I was hit sharply on the inside of my left upper arm from the direction of their shed or drive while the sounds of an airplane started up. Stalked in the bathroom.

Just prior, I was sitting here on the bed and being blasted in the face with microwave pulses. Unable to breathe, I went to the art room window and looked out–sure enough the Le Ming red minivan or SUV was parked hanging out in her driveway–no doubt she was sitting in there and blasting me. 

3:09 pm: Helicopter accessing orgonite at my cleavage. Just above–buzzing off–may have been a drone.

Drone–CIA. [My speculation.]

7:14 pm: Drones and zoomers all through while I worked on latter hours of that article. Black NSA SUV pulls out of drive beyond 146 as I look out of window. [NSA, after a manner of speaking: again, speculation.] Currently in the back bedroom and am being hit on my arm again. The loons have not been ousted yet. I disbelieve US Navy. 

7: 11 pm, 2-9-2024

Hits on the shielding behind left arm and back–left arm shielding hits seem to come from the Blondi/police clan. Kids on the street, audible. Car doors slammed earlier. 

Have been steadily amping up shielding as I sit here upstairs in the spare bedroom being progressively more accessed. 

Drones have been coming by, and a helicopter, a little off in the distance now.

Being sleep-hit and neuro-hit. Man in drive slams door. Zoomers on street,


(12:36 am, Feb 10 now: Zoomer tears down Elmwood with no shock absorber, hitting the gas, making a racket–past midnight.)


ELF’d skies (ELFs are being used to slow down brains; a lot of people witness that scalar radiation crimping in the clouds–evidence of EMF wave transmissions–and call it Mind Control, it’s Brain Attack really, I think it does seek to “pacificate” one and all, and it is being used by Those in the Shadows over blocks, neighborhoods, cities, towns, as many of us have observed.

Now it’s true those clouds seem to show high-frequency radio transmissions, not low, given the tight packing of waves, the shorter wavelengths; but how are these waves transmitted across vast distances? Are we looking at Carrier Waves here–is it GWEN and HAARP together, or is it simply 5G being pulsed out from a neighborhood installation on a light pole or a local cell tower?

I’ll admit I don’t personally know the answer but I am indeed being told that that latter is the most viable here of the explanations for this phenomenon–which is not merely in the clouds, it is merely being expressed in the clouds; the waves themselves are traveling through us: through everything, slowing and dumbing us all down–hence I suppose the general affinity for the term Mind Control which I still think is Brain Attack: Refuse to admit or permit your Brain to be Controlled by the NSA-CIA-US Airforce.]


From January 6, 2024:

Reporter’s Notes

Reporter’s Note 13: Further Arm Assaults Reported to the Secretary of the Air Force, Secretary of Defense, ODNI, IG, PCLO, Directors, CIA & NSA, Copied to the Fiduciary & Head of State, USA, and Massachusetts State Assembly Officers

Reporter’s Note 12: Left Arm Abuse Reported to the CIA Privacy & Civil Liberties Office

Ramola D, Letter to the Ombudsman: Human Rights Violations on US Air Force Contracts, October 2nd, 2023

Recent Enquiries and Responses Regarding December 20, 2022

Ending the False Psychiatric Profiling 2013-2023 of Ramola D, Investigative Science & Technology Journalist & Writer, Not “Mentally Ill”

Extreme Assault on Writing Arm & Shoulder: Letters Sent to CIA and US Senate Intelligence Committee

Intensified High-Tech Crime & Harassment in Massachusetts: Attorney-General Maura Healey Once More Apprised | Report, August 10, 2021

Letter to Attorney-General Maura Healey, August 3, 2021, post Letter of Notification 8 Feb 2021: Notice of Record of Crime in Massachusetts, August 3, 2021

Ramola D: Demand Letter (1) to Attorney-General William Barr To Be Removed Instantly From Fraudulent Watchlist & All Associated Fraudulent Surveillance & State-Run Domestic Terrorism Programs Inclusive of Unethical Non-Consensual Military/Intel/Academic Brain/Other Experimentation/Nov 19, 2019

Treasonous Betrayal–Local Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as “Surveillance”: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities/Feb 24, 2021

Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals

Newsflash Radio Chapter 1

American and Polish Broadcasts Honor Dr. Rauni Kilde, Visionary, Whistleblower on DEWs & Mass Mind Control Weapons, Voice for Humanity

Ramola D/Third International Day Against Mind Control, Feb 8, 2018/NTV

SHAMELESS TORTURE IN THE AGE OF ELECTRONIC WARFARE/Interview with Paul Marko/Pinecone Utopia/World Beyond Belief in late Feb/early March 2017–First interview about the entire targeting scenario which began in late 2013, initiated by local Freemasons and Luciferians:

[Unable to embed video/Being censored in real-time by the CIA Media Mafia sitting right next door/3:10 pm, 2-10-2024:]

Letter to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues/On Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation | March 3, 2016

Letter to SACHRP/Regarding SACHRP’s Responsibility to Protect All Human Subjects…Necessary Protections of the Common Rule | September 16, 2016