Ramola D, Letter to the Ombudsman: Human Rights Violations on US Air Force Contracts, October 2nd, 2023

Report Posting Email Letter | Ramola D | October 13, 2023

This is a re-post of the Letter to the Ombudsman at the US Air Force named on a document received on a Freedom of Information Act Request made in 2014, posted here in 2020, but reviewed in its current form only in 2023, given past delays in information transmissions from the US Air Force and Muckrock to this writer, and changes made to documents made available to this writer. These matters, under enquiry still with Muckrock, will no doubt be revealed in full in time. As it stands, this writer can confirm that this letter was sent last week in October 2023 only because it was brought to her attention only recently as she sought to report documents received on this FOIA request properly, for history’s sake. In the process several important discoveries have been made, which will be reported on a continuous basis along with other FOIA request reports on this entire subject of Directed Energy Weapons testing, training, and operations on the populace, in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence and Brain Experimentation and the Surveillance State repressions and deflections of Fraudulent Psychiatry. It is notable that these Directed Energy Weapons contracts have used the term “Bio-Behavioral Research”: This will indeed be discussed further. The pathway to “Brave New World” takedowns of the entire human populace seems to be indicated right here.

All those targeted by secretive technologies, by dubious teams of researchers, and obvious full-spectrum social harassment, blacklisting, family- and life-takedown may therefore wish to further pursue the documents this writer has actually been given–late, from Muckrock, as published here: Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons and here: Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002–and also write (respectfully) to the Ombudsman therein listed, if they feel this contract (whose scope, location of operation, and connection to other contracts needs further investigation and reportage by this writer) applies in some way to them.

Because I have done a lot in the way of FOIA requests–and continue to do more–over the years, interviewed many reporting victims of these DEW and AI/Brain testing operations as I sought, myself, to, as a journalist, through print and video interviews and reports, reading and research, investigate what really has been transpiring and understand what these experimentations and operations really meant (matters I am still analyzing, assimilating, processing, reporting), I have sought to surface some of my own requests, complaints, and collective Memoranda (with others) and reportage in my letter to the Ombudsman below. I will continue to address this matter therefore and continue to report here any correspondence or communications I receive from any concerned or human rights focused parties in the US Air Force. I have called for a halt to all Directed Energy Weapons testing, training, and development operations on Americans and humans worldwide, collectively speaking, and will continue to do so both here and in further correspondence with relevant parties, going forward. It is an absolute shame these “human experimentation” operations have been conducted At All, and they need, in my opinion, to be Halted stat. People of soul worldwide including inside the closed/covered Military and Intelligence agencies are surely working with us who are on the outside as well to stop these operations. At least, that is my hope these days.

Please, therefore, write your own letters as well, share them widely, and start speaking out of your own souls and consciences regarding these “Research Experiments” essentially “Military Operations Other Than War” which Is War, before it is too late for All of us. My letters will continue to be collected and posted at Ramola D | Letters & Personal Reports.

Special thanks to all paying attention to this very critical subject, and please share this report widely.

Ramola D, Letter to the Ombudsman: Human Rights Violations on US Air Force Contracts, October 2nd, 2023

Barbara Gehrs

Ombudsman, US Air Force

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

                                                                                                               October 2nd, 2023

Ramola D

Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen

Pine-Haven, Quincy, Massachusetts

Dear Barbara Gehrs,

I am an author, journalist, and former George Washington University Creative Writing faculty writing to you in your named capacity as Ombudsman on the US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research Contract with General Dynamic Technologies granted by AFRL/RQHA in response to the solicitation BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002, Agency: Department of the Air Force, Office: Air Force Materiel Command, Location: AFRL/RQK – WPAFB, as reported recently at my website here and here.

This is a preliminary contact post recent disclosures of information on that contract, succeeding Freedom of Information Act requests. Information in documents obtained on the 2014 Freedom of Information Act request reported there, including information on Human Rights protections on this contract are being provided to me only now, hence this current request. I tried by phone to reach you last week but was unsuccessful (the phone number listed on the contract didn’t seem to work).

I am writing to ask if you are still the Ombudsman on this contract, past or present, and if I and others should direct to you our statements and affidavits on the harms and human rights violations accruing to us directly as a result of being non-consensually and unlawfully weapon-tested-on and weapon-trained-on by the US Air Force. Please inform us who we should direct our information to otherwise, we would greatly appreciate an email address, letter mail address, and phone number for an US Air Force Ombudsman, Human Rights representative, or any other relevant party we can write to and report our experiences to, as we call collectively for an immediate halt to these extremely harmful and life-destroying operations of war on us, an innocent and law-abiding citizenry. 

As a reporting and experiencing American journalist of much intense Directed Energy Weaponry and Neuroweaponry assault for nearly 10 years now, which has greatly harmed my life as all lives so wrongfully encroached on, I have written several times to various City, State, and US Government officials inclusive of the Attorney-General and Inspector-General at the Department of Justice, Special Agent in Charge, Boston FBI, and CIA, as also published much investigative reportage researching and interviewing reporting witnesses, Government whistleblowers, authors, journalists, and activists addressing these crimes. These letters, interviews, articles, and podcasts can be viewed at my website, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, and at my broadcast video channel Ramola D Reports on several video platforms including Odysee, Lbry, Bitchute, Brighteon.

I have also sought to comprehend the US Air Force’s involvement in the use of Electromagnetic Weaponry and Neuroweaponry on the American population through numerous Freedom of Information Act requests, most posted currently at Muckrock, and appealed, like many others to human rights bodies like ACLU and the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Torture for help. Please especially see the two Memoranda sent to the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in January 2017 and June 2019, endorsed by hundreds of other Americans, both civilians and veterans, as well as Government whistleblowers. My most recent letters and articles, to the CIA, to the Senate Intelligence Committee, and reporting the Second Worldwide DEW/Neurotechnology Conference can be seen here: Extreme Assault on Writing Arm & Shoulder: Letters Sent to CIA and US Senate Intelligence Committee, and “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes.

I am interested as the FOIA-requester in speaking with you or any other designated representative to address a few questions I have on this contract and others, so I can report accurately on the scope and nature of this contract, documents on which I have still not properly received, a matter I am investigating currently with Muckrock and with the FOIA office at Wright Patterson AFB. I am continuing to query the US Air Force on Freedom of Information Act provisions for further information on similar contracts past and ongoing presently nationwide, and if relevant, worldwide.

I would appreciate your immediate attention. Please email me at ramolad@everydayconcerned.net or/and at ramolad@hushmail.com with your advice. I may also be reached at XXX or at XXX; please feel free to leave me a message if I miss your call, I will call back rightaway.

                                                    Thanks very much.

                                                    Best wishes,

                                                  Ramola D/Dharmaraj


Ramola D

Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned CitizenReporter, Ramola D Reports on BitchuteBrighteonLbryOdyseeRumble
Author: For the Sake of the Boy, Temporary Lives, Invisible Season

Twitter: @SatyaCovertCAS (post @EccEveryday)

Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Thought makes the word come into power.

                                                         –Edmond Jabes


Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts | Updated October 12, 2023

Declassified US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research (DEBR) Contracts Reveal Weapons-Testing on Humans Using Counter-Personnel Radio Frequency High Power Microwave (RF HPM) Weapons | September 21, 2023

Documents Obtained on FOIA Request/USAF General Dynamics Contract BAA-HPW-RHDR-2013-0002 | Date of publication in question/To be addressed