Tag Archives: 2023

World Banking Systems on Verge of Change: Choose Privacy

News Report, Op-ed, Links | Ramola D | November 29, 2023 | Updated November 30, 2023 | Updated December 3, 2023/Swiss Indo, Med Beds |

News from many sources lately point to world banking systems on verge of change, offering people worldwide an opportunity to re-examine their own status as private or public citizens, firm and free on Land and Soil Jurisdiction or floating still in Maritime/Admiralty, and make decisions regarding safeguarding the privacy and autonomy of their lives in face of encroaching CBDCs, One-Health, Digital Health, One-Mind, Pandemic Treaty tiedowns and other grasping totalitarian initiatives (all secretly featuring “Behavioral Health” labeling, profiling, and psychiatrizing in neon for the kind of Social Credit System made famous in China–attempting Human Bondage by many names–on which more soon).

Anna von Reitz: “We have Our Own New Bilateral Banking System Now”

If you haven’t been following the disclosures at Fiduciary of The United States of America (Unincorporated) Anna von Reitz’s desk in recent times, please listen to her November webinar conversations with Teri Kealoha Sahm, Washington State Assembly co-ordinator on November 6, 13, and 20, 2023 especially.

So much has changed lately, she reports, but it is all a labor of time and persistence; claims made against corporations (practicing crime and corruption) from 2015 have come to fruition only now, corporations are being liquidated, Boards of Directors being removed, banks instrumental in permitting the crime are being dissolved, and new banking systems are becoming operational on the land.

In her conversation on November 6, Anna gives us a sweeping panoramic overview of what has happened with the abusive administering of mRNA-based “vaccines” –with intent to change the human genome– to billions, almost three-quarters the world’s population, which has resulted in death, disease, disability and population collapse the world over, and led now to corporations involved being held to book for their crimes.

[This is a historic podcast and interview with a major speech by Anna von Reitz and significant statements from Teri Kealoha Sahm as well, to be transcribed to greater extent shortly–a few key excerpts are provided below. Also see all November webinars.]

Screenshot, November 6 webinar, Teri Kealoha Sahm and Anna von Reitz

The Population CollapseAnna von Reitz/Western Europe and North America also depopulating via sterility and vaccine genocide? Something to explore further. Eugenics, Genocide, Wipe-out of We the People, the Living People, the Non-Slaves, the Preferential Priority Creditors.


Tyranny, totalitarianism, social-credit behavioral-health schemes, one-child-policies and vaccine genocide are not futures to be welcomed by anyone, nor can they be by China, or for China. Thinking people worldwide can see that what is augured here needs to be halted at once, for China and for the world. We must speak for China too.

China’s working population will shrink in the coming decades and keep the nation’s economy from surpassing America’s, research firm says /Business Insider/August 7, 2023


Slavery via “Transhumanism” and Bioweaponry past the Slaveries of Incorporation, Deceit, Citizenship in a Corporation

Changing the human genome via mRNA vaccines–or claiming to–has been upheld in a Supreme Court decision–which tells us all exactly what the Maritime Court system is all about–and corporations like Pfizer, Moderna, Vanguard, Blackrock permitted to think of vaccinated people as “transhumans” and their private GMO’d property: this is obviously not the case, factually speaking, but apparently corrupt courts and corrupt judges acting on behalf of misled Transhumanists can persuade people to believe anything. This case, disputed as meaning the above, is back in the maritime (propaganda) news lately; what’s at question is patenting of DNA, real or synthetic. Some of the commentary on the 2013 Association for Molecular Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics Supreme Court case can be further followed here: https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/association-for-molecular-pathology-v-myriad-genetics-inc/

People as property, the notion of slavery from ancient times to the present, taking on neofeudalist shape currently within the pillared porticos of Public Safety, Public Health, Behavioral Health, and Global BioSecurity, is being run today with bioweaponry and neuro-bioweaponry: crimes against humanity calling for an absolute halt.

For too long countries have been enslaved, militaries and governments have been controlled.

Excerpts from Anna’s talk on November 6, 2023 below:

“It may surprise a lot of people to know the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ and numerous other alphabet soup agencies are under the control of another corporation, and that corporation is called the United States Inc.” (1:11:53) “Or rather United States Government Inc.–and they are nothing but corporations, big commercial corporations in the business of governmental services, and technically, they do not even have a contract. They have assumed contracts. Because they do work and they get paid, by other connivers, who have no authority to access our credit either.

And so now we get into the banking end of this.

“They were making false claims against us to the effect that we were their citizens. And they were creating all of these various trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles that they have registered, and they were issuing all these clearing-house certificates, and they were securitizing our land and soil, and they were securitizing our corporations and our businesses, and they were making all sorts of credit for themselves from their own operations based on our assets, and then they were cutting us out of the take.

“It was all theirs and it was spent by them for them for their own business interests and investments–So they were using us and our assets as collateral, they were getting banks to loan them all sorts of credit, based on our assets, and then they were spending all that credit just like a credit card hacker does when he gets hold of your credit card. In essence, these people registered our names as their flunkeys, then they seized upon all of our assets and commercialized them and securitized them to get credit, based on our stuff, our labor and everything else, for themselves–and then they spent the credit. But in fact those assets belong to us, and any credit based on those assets also belongs to us.

“But because we didn’t know what was going on, we didn’t know what they were doing or how they were working this, there was no way for us to come forward and complain about it. I mean the worst of this happened to us when we were just babies in our cradles and they mischaracterized us as British Territorial citizens–on purpose. So we had no way of knowing that anything had happened. We were too young.”

The primary crime–what Anna calls the “perfect crime” because no-one could address it, neither child nor victimized, uninformed parents–has been of registering babies as property and seeking to transform real lives into “legal fictions” or incorporated “individuals” also known as strawmen, the all-caps-name-fiction, on birth certificates thence securitized and traded as if owned.

Yet, she asks, how do you address crime like that–of credit stolen by “heavily armed credit card hackers ‘–when those doing the stealing own and operate a massive military mechanism, held against the people?

“You bring it forward by making a criminal complaint against the principals who have authorized and created all these corporations (engaging in the crime),” she states, “and you handle it legally and lawfully.”

Not with an AR-27, she notes, but with an accusation in claim, supported by the people.

“You handle it by accusing them of the crime and getting all the other people who have been victims to stand there and go yeah, they’re criminals, this is what they did to me. This is what they did to my country. That’s how you do it. And then you use the legal system, and the lawful system, you use the right of holding the general jurisdiction of your country–once you’ve reclaimed your birthright, you hold the general jurisdiction of your country over Them. And your imposition to do what you need to do which is: enforce your treaties, enforce your contracts, enforce your law.”

“So: If you’re dealing with criminals you have the law for a purpose–and if you look at the history of this, what’s missing is our own courts, what’s missing is our own police, our own sheriffs, our own deputies–that’s what’s missing in all of this.”

Taking “effective safe peaceable action” to bring an end to the crime and the criminals is the way forward she notes. And that indeed is what the Affidavit of Probable Cause is, she has stated earlier and often, a claim in writing made in 2015 from which further action has proceeded.

“We’ve been out there liquidating corporations right and left–getting rid of ill-gotten gain and unjust enrichment.”

A New Bilateral Banking System for International Trade and Land-Jurisdiction-Based Commerce

Speaking about the nullities of the “Quantum Financial System” and its intentions, still in fiat currency, of “digital currency” being turned down by several countries around the world including China, Anna von Reitz continues conversations begun earlier (on backing the US dollar with gold, covered here earlier) and informs us we now have our own new bilateral banking system–on Land and Soil, that is, outside incorporation, for all Americans and people worldwide.

Much has been lost over the years through the exploitations of the Birth Certificate, wars have been run by large corporations who have profited off of wars, around the world, Americans have been made to look like “thugs.” Yet it’s the large corporations and banks which have funded and benefited from war who have both attacked and “besmirched the reputation of Americans” and destroyed the world. These include government corporations and investment bankers.

Banks have been instrumental in propping up corporate fraud and harm to the world, she notes, and change has now come to banking. Grappling with the “mycellium-network” complex of banking in order to make change happen for the people and have the extant power structure address the claims made in the 2015 Affidavit of Probable Cause, she notes, has been a long and arduous process.

Those who have harmed others are the real thugs here, and they need to be reprimanded.

Excerpts from Anna’s talk below:

“I would like to address those who have been acting as thugs: Our country is ashamed of you.

“All the people that have been working for Larry Fink, we’re ashamed of you: You don’t deserve to be called Americans and work for Halliburtons, Blackrock, or any of the other Fab Five, Evergreen–nah, none of you.

“You all deserve to be out of jobs, your corporations need to be liquidated, defrauded and all those who have been contracting with you like the DOD and DARPA who have pulled this crap, with the phony vaccines, and have brought forward all these phony commercial claims and tried to Teflonize their butts, they all need to be scrapped too.

“They no longer need to exist: they are not serving the public, they have no public authority, they have no reason to be, they don’t even really have a contract. So they’re just operating criminally and this is happening, has happened all over the world, and we’re just now beginning to come up to speed and start liquidating these things and removing the boards of directors and really making some changes in all of this–And you the public, the members of the Assemblies, the people that are living here now in all of this, you really need to bring this information forward. Bring it forward to all your friends and neighbors, to your pastors, your ministers, your priests, your friends, bring it forward–show what is really going on here, let them see what has been going on here, see how filthy dirty it all is and how America has been blamed for the sins and the rapacious unjust enrichment of the Brits. And by the Brits I don’t mean the British people, I mean the British government.

“I’m talking about both Westminster and the Queen’s government that have all enriched themselves off of all the British peoples but off of all these other nations (of the world) they have basically defrauded and deceitfully stolen from–there’s no other word for it, it’s far beyond Grand Larceny or anything like that, it’s Identity Theft on a national scale. And they have practiced Identity Theft for at least a 120 years; and for some nations it goes back to the 1860s–

“–Sorry I got off on a rant there but I wanted to give people kind of a big picture overview of exactly what is so stinko about this and what the importance of this little book really is. We’ve been trying to get people to read this as a primer to see the scam and the fraud practiced against them and why they need to claim the birthright of their estates; but it also has utility beyond that because this was the publication of the claim against these rats and this was also the establishment of a public lien against them.

“And you have a copy of it right here in your hands. And what happens when we go to enforce all this? That was back in 2015, 8 years ago. Well there were a lot of other actions taken in the same time frame–when we were setting up the claims against these verminous corporations–and when we did so we got quite a pushback but we persevered anyway.

“And now we’re in a position where we foreclosed on a lot of corporations and we’re foreclosing on a lot more, And we’re getting to the heart of the problem with the banks–because none of this would have ever happened except the banks went along with it–you can’t have a credit card hacker unless you have a bank which gives your fund to this hacker. So the banks are the ones who actually greased the wheels and who made all of this fraud and impersonation and made this credit available, so where do you start.

“And you think about the immensity of what I have just told you: The entire world is in the thrall of a Crime Syndicate? Hello?

“So, it wasn’t like we could just wave a flag and twirl a magic wand and go, Well, there’s recoupment, there’s Remedy for you. No. No, it was very much a case of getting our ducks in order, getting organized, slogging our way through all of this, before we could actually address the banks — which we did–and we have now achieved something that is beyond all likelihood: We have our own new bilateral banking system–and it is operational, despite everything. It has begun.” — Anna von Reitz, Nov 6 2023 Webinar

Speaking further about people anxious about money in their new Global Bank account disappearing, Anna reassures all that they have done the right thing as they have gotten out of the old banking system which is likely to fail when corporations and credit unions go bankrupt, their money has been transferred into the new bilateral banking system (based on blockchain).

“Your money has been transferred into the bilateral banking system and you’re going to be very very glad that it has been. So those of you who have your accounts already set up, God Bless and Godspeed–those who haven’t bothered to set up an account, you know a master account with the global bank, do so! that’s where the first operational, that’s where the mechanism, is that will spread out to all of the other banks that are operating as sovereign banks that become the members of our network and adopt the bilateral structure.

“Now there’s going to be an uproar in the banking structure and there’s no doubt about that — there are things that have to be changed, there are things that have to be transitioned but if you have taken the situation in hand, if you have looked at it and made the most rational decision for you, then this is going to pass right over you, it’s going to go right over your head, and you will not be harmed, in fact you will be benefited greatly. And all those people who are looking at it and thinking, this is some sort of scam, no, you’re going to be looking at it in hindsight and you’re going to go, I cheated the hangman on that one, and you’re going to be very glad…and it’s not too long before it becomes apparent, the scale and the craziness that were built in and were ready to explode.

“Now we’re able to transition things now that we weren’t able to transition before–by transition I mean a way out of the dilemmas that we were facing. Now someone had already described this financial system as a 747 system headed for a mountain–there was no doubt that it was going to crash. Now we can avoid the crash and Transition without the crash, without destroying millions of lives, billions of dollars in assets — now we can say there’s not going to be a crash. Part of the assets that are being saved are the lifesavings of Americans.

“So that’s all very good news, that is all news that we can all be very thankful for as we are headed toward Thanksgiving. There remains an awful lot of work to be done–this is the cleanup job of all cleanup jobs. It is almost unimaginable.

“When you look at the financial system that the Rockefellers put together -and the way that they controlled everything through their pipeline technology in the banking industry like the oil industry built in the 19th century, you’ve got this incredible complex bunch of transfer conduits which have included securitization, brokerages, trade banking, resource banking, land banks–I mean we’ve got 15 kinds of banks before we even move on to specialty and private banks–and all of those systems are all layers, are all put together like mycellium, like spores, they have all these threads that go out–and that entire network, that entire structure also has big holes in it.

“Because when the 2008 thing happened, when the stock market and derivatives market and TARP all of that happened… it blew big holes in that mycellium network and all of that connectivity in that network had to be rearranged, had to be pitch patched together–it’s a mess, I just had a look very recently at what we were dealing with the whole time and it was a 19th century disaster waiting to happen –but we have succeeded in figuring out how to transition that into something that is clean, that is honest, that is transparent and that will work–and that is something we can be very thankful for because the only other alternative on the table was BRICS, and bear in mind that the perpetrators of all this criminality which is mainly in Europe, they intended to steal all our gold so that the Americans were left with no gold, and they were also planning to foist off this digital currency scam, where they were going to act as Central Bank currency providers they were going to just enter digits in a ledger and pretend that was money or credit, either one–it is neither–they were going to this QFS, digital currency–and that is even more vacuous and even more senseless than anything that preceded it.

“And people didn’t buy it. The Chinese looked at it, said You’ve got to be kidding me–No. The Russians said Nyet–you can offer it as a product but no-one in their right mind is going to do this. And so all of that got kinked up and did’nt work out either. For those of us who have a brain in our heads, those of us who have any practical sense at all, know that all of this work was staggering–and when you step back and you think it was all done by volunteers–it’s even more staggering.

“We’re about to enter a brand new world in terms of medical care, in terms of banking, in terms of science including basic science, it’s all going to be rewritten–and we’re finally going to get down to the truth. And we’re finally going to have the transparency that we need in order for it to function. But in order to keep the evil at bay and out of our lives, we’re all going to have to grow up, wise up, and look at the indoctrination we have suffered.” –Anna von Reitz

The indoctrination, Anna explains, is into the foreign system of expectation of authoritarian hierarchy which has typified our entire lives in schooling systems and on the corporate workfloor, but which we cannot expect to hold on to as we rebuild America and restore the American dream, “what is rightfully ours…as we work to develop our own institutions that are not part of the crime syndicate and that are separate.” “We also need to honor our birthright,” notes Teri.

A vitally important webinar for all to listen to, both offer invaluable advice for all, including military families, and people with generational family history in America, to truly understand what has happened and recognize the importance of reclaiming our true heritage as a free and honest people.

Interestingly, Anna also touches on the elitism and secrecy apparent in the US Government’s doings today with reference to John Quincy Adams, apparently an early proponent of same–this secrecy has of course now seeped into the very fabric of American life which today has become repressively militarized and criminal.

Med Beds and Miracle Cures: Direct Use of Electronic, Electromagnetic, Acoustic Technologies from Secretive Military and Mercenary Use on Americans

One point of note I must add a few words of awareness to is the subject of “Med Beds” and miracle acoustic resets for arthritis, which Anna mentions.

Indeed, Anna mentions various of the “Dual-Use” technologies–electronic, acoustic, vibrational–now being slid surreptitiously into the medical world as wholly beneficial and new; sadly it is these very so-called miracle technologies which have been weapons-tested to deleterious bio-effect on hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans, knowingly (as so-called “Targeted Individuals”) and unknowingly, in workplaces, neighborhoods, hospitals, nursing-homes, hospices today, to accelerated numbers over the past 22 years since 9/11, and earlier for at least 26 years since 1975 (and probably earlier, going back to the 1950s and the 1930s when the electrical nature of all living bodies was first being examined–and earlier still to risings in Nazi Germany), being used experimentally and non-consensually on those locked away in prisons and mental asylums and juvenile detention centers first–forgotten histories and ongoing disappearances we must continually address, write about, and bring forward if we wish to maintain a Truthful account of what has happened to and inside America–and thence to the world.

And what unfortunately is still happening, and needs to be halted cold.

As one who has been unlawfully hit with many of these technologies to harmful effect myself–matters I continue to report publicly including in my Reporter’s Notes lately–I can speak more fully to what Debra Schnelle and other whistleblowers surfacing these technologies/weaponries from the military world address, that these electronic and electromagnetic and acoustic weapons technologies, many if not all of them neurotechnologies, produce instant harm, physical, that is, impacting on and damaging all parts of the body and brain, capable (as she notes) of producing instant or overnight dementia (loss of physical memory), instant or overnight arthritis (worn out bones and joints), overnight sickness of every kind including virtually instant colds, coughs, fevers, sinus infections, “COVID”s. Ultrasonic bone conductance weapons harm and do not heal, acoustic neurotechnologies have been used by local law on people in neighborhoods since 1994, as the misnamed joint DARPA-DOJ Limited Effects Technologies (LET) Program documents. As also have Radio Frequency High-Powered Microwave Weapons and Active Denial Millimeter-Wave technologies.

Military technologies which a covey of so-called NSA and CIA whistleblowers, so-called journalists playing Media, Emergency Medicine physicians, and dangerously knighted Psychiatrists have sought to conceal for decades by terming their known “victims” “Mentally Ill” so as to permit continued remote-access battering and assault without reprieve–AKA Torture, a word no-one can actually take in–in interests of “National Security.” Exposed early by truly intrepid FBI whistleblower of integrity and courage, Geral Sosbee–my most recent News Report on his work and his testimonial here. The kind of thing journalist Eileen Welsome exposed in Plutonium Files, and not stopped yet–why not? (Agenda 21 & Smart City Electronic Concentration Camps is perhaps why not: institutionalized crime which must be uprooted.)

“MEDICAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES”: What is happening today is that the very same technologies, refurbished, are being released commercially in Health Care–but need to be very closely examined, analyzed, studied, and questioned. Med Beds — which may constitute vibrational foam mattresses or “memory foam”, which only make it easier for external access and transmission of high-frequency vibration — would send high frequency vibrations into the very structure of the cell, into and altering the form and nature of RNA and DNA: is this what we need for healthcare? No, vibrational therapies can be found in dancing, in exercise, in walking, in cycling, in a myriad of Sports activities, in massage, in acupuncture; no doubt Sports Medicine and Martial Arts practitioners, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic doctors, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Movement Healers, MFA Dancers and Professional Dancers from every Culture know a great deal more on this subject and can teach people how to use and transfer Energy through vibrations and movement, working at the slightly larger macro level of muscles rather than cells, waking up our bodies and our lives, bringing Dance, the power of Dance, Yoga, Movement into our world, making us active again, rather than passively shaking the souls of who we are out of us–telling us we are being “healed” by 5G frequencies vibrating us to death: I have been nonstop vibrated with high-frequency vibrations, ever since I finally escaped and returned home from my unlawful capture-and-abuse-and-incarceration, for no reason whatsoever, by “Medical” doctors & psychiatrists, police & ambulance & hospital staff including Security–using flagrant lies and massive fabrication on paper and no law nor healthcare protocol whatsoever–at South Shore Hospital and Bournewood Hospital December 20-29, 2022– with unlawful, non-consensual, abusive implants, syringe-shot and otherwise — and I can assure my readers 1) it stops you from thinking or being able to think, read, or write–at certain frequencies, accessing certain implants, 2) it is done in different ways, so surreptitiously that you do not know you are being “drug-vibrated” (vibrations at frequencies of drugs–to invoke effects of same, mostly to Haldol’ate you) again accessing implants you do not know are there–at certain frequencies, 3) vibrational foam exacerbates external access and permits DE weapon-wielders and DE weapon-system-managers (the DE Full Spectrum System includes celltowers, cell antennas on lights, 5G antennas, Smart Lights, sensors implanted everywhere–Quincy appears to have become a “Model” Smart City, like Lahaina, in Maui) to nonstop harass you, sleep-deprive you, damage your health, internally terrorize your cells, and psychologically terrorize, traumatize, and suppress you.

Any Miracle Cure promised by the use of technology including Resets with acoustic or ultrasonic frequency treatments smacks to me of Military Men selling snake oil to the masses after decades of developing “Dual-Use” as a term to cover over Hard Core Electrical and Energy Weapons Development; I fear this term, and some open lying by military advisors is leading thinking people astray: Question and tear down that term Dual-Use, question what every “medical” or “health” technology using electricity, using generators, using transducers, transmitters, emitters, repeaters, antennas, amplifiers is really doing: Over the past three months–at least–intense pulse hits with high-frequency microwave weaponry have attacked my left arm mercilessly, day after day, night after night, to the extent that indeed I am left with overnight, instant, and return “arthritis” I am compelled to heal continuously (with energy healing and Reiki from my own right hand, with therapeutic balms, oils, prayers, stone, orgonite, water, Ibuprofen and with movement, dance, stretches); in December 2021, after a rather unexpectedly significant visit to a Primary Care Physician (described more fully here and here) I witnessed on X-ray the so-called “arthritis” suddenly apparent, after almost 18 months of hardcore assault on my right arm and shoulder when I went in for an X-ray and was also treated to the sight of an unlawful, nonconsensual RFID implant in my right arm, removed shortly thereafter (the X-ray of same) by the resident physician proving herself keen on labeling me “Paranoid” instead.

For More on Banking, Please Consult the Assemblies

Returning to banking, the best places to find out more are the succeeding webinars in November and the State Assemblies themselves. Anna mentions a Global International Trade Bank on which she speaks further in succeeding podcasts.

“Welcome to the Bilateral Bank System where you can engage in international trade or land-jurisdiction based commerce — and imagine this, you can own and have control of your own deposits! You can enjoy privacy and security again!

In the world we are building, which is the only world in which we want to live, private property exists and is respected.

In our bank system, you don’t have to engage in maritime commerce to buy a carton of milk.

We don’t leave the foxes in charge of the hen house. We don’t leave you and your money at the mercy of political hacks and criminals with their fingers poised over a “delete” switch.

Welcome home.”

–Anna von Reitz, ‘Please Note: About the “QFS”

Also vital to note:

Report 298 | Breaking News! Anna von Reitz Reports the American Government has Backed the US Dollar with Gold | Global Banking and Economic Collapse Averted | US and Australian Debt Paid Off

Fiduciary Anna von Reitz Restores America & World, Calls on All to Participate in Renewal | Making History Canceling 2 1934 Gold Bearer Bonds

The Uprooting of Crime and Corruption from the British Empire | Historic Gold Agreements and Humanitarian Rescues of the World’s People From Long-term Poverty and Exploitation

Meanwhile in the UK, where much banking, housing and real estate fraud, theft of children by the “Care” system, child abuse, medical kidnapping, suppression of cancer cures, and forced poverty is being exposed by persistent and educated whistleblower activists, progress is being made as cases of fraud and corruption are being brought to the International Criminal Court and the attention of UK Parliament and the UK Monarchy, as covered earlier in many podcasts at this writer’s channel, including the Saturday News Panels of 2020 and 2021 and the very important July 2 2023 Newsbreak 161 podcast with whistleblower pharmacist Neelu Chaudhuri and former London CPA Lee Cant.

New monetary system replacements are on the horizon here as well.

Neelu Chaudhuri updates us all on the Swiss Indo Prosperity Payments with a press release dated November 18, 2023 at Facebook, in my Inbox a few days ago on November 25, informing all of a new monetary system to be launched on the 5th of December, 2023, from Cirebon, Indonesia, in a planned treaty event with the United Nations, with “immediate dissolution of the old debt and war based monetary system.”

A first announcement of the upcoming Swiss Indo 5th of December 2023 Treaty event with the United Nations was made on whistleblower pharmacist, musician, and investigative UK journalist Neelu Chaudhari’s channel earlier, with a representative from the Indonesian government.

Fascinating and complex, the UN Swiss Indo merger narrative comes clear when you listen closely to this speech (video below) and read closely the transcript provided below the video. [Unfortunately it doesn’t all come up roses: the UN appears to want to take over Swiss Indo and Indonesia both and the world besides; pay special attention to the new world currency “Estvo” mentioned, with its hierarchy of value across the world, West to East, North America to China and Japan and Hawaii, and notice the rather intriguing term “Human Obligation,” all of it given away with this statement, made early: “It should be known by all parties, that although UNS Swissindo Merger has the right to collect interest on Assets’ collateral, loans made through past agreements by IR. Sukarno, But UN-Swissindo will not collect from countries, Central Banks, Institutions or Individuals who in the past used the Asset collateral as loans.”]

Given the name of this new currency proposed with its almost-obvious throwbacks to the C’est Que Vie Trust and the NWO we know so well by now with its masks, vaccines, and eugenics schemes not to mention Mental Health takedowns for one and all–expanding widely and needing to be halted stat (Check back here at ECC for News on that subject), Swiss Indo by itself seems to be different from UN Swiss Indo, suggesting this merger may well be about slavery by a different name–but listen to the speech, follow the transcript.

More information on Swiss Indo: https://wke-uns.info/ | https://unosim.webnode.co.uk/ | Swiss Indo 2020 to 2023/

An early podcast with Neelu Chaudhuri and Lee Cant, describing Swiss Indo, and the store of gold waiting for (all) the world’s people through historic affiliations and agreements including the Green Hilton Agreement, past “the extorting of people’s lives” as Neelu Berry describes it, and the banks’ zero’ing out of actual money from Mr. Sino provided to the world’s banks for humanity–138 trillion dollars per country–in 2015, past the expiring of the banking licenses on August 17, 2015, can be found here: Report #87: Neelu Berry and Lee Cant on Swiss Indo, a World Humanitarian Initiative, Gold for all, and Bankers’ Nos



For Immediate Publication

18 November 2023


Please share far and wide, this email and attachments as an Invitation to anyone and everyone to Participate in the

Official Launch of Swissindo Prosperity Payments 1-11 for World Peace & Prosperity Treaty Event on 5th Dec 2023,  in Cirebon, Indonesia, at the home of Mr Sino, replacing the current Monetary System worth $ 500 Trillion, including debts, to $1 Quintillion, without debts.


These attached official documents of the New Monetary System since April 2013, are self-explanatory, and being ignored by banks for over 10 years.  Military Orders and Counter Terrorism Unit 2024, CTU-24 are mentioned.

These documents make ongoing debts and poverty as deliberate Criminal Acts of Mass Genocide committed by Banks and Governments against humanity, since 2013, with immediate dissolution of the old debt and war based Monetary System.

This Treaty Event will take place in Cirebon on 5th Dec 2023.

All are invited to participate. 


1. Chris Coverdale on UK Community Co-ops and Taxation Trusts to maintain Peace and Prosperity throughout the World – Playlist

2. Ex-Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld on UK Banking Frauds of £200 billion per year, ongoing, despite 49 years Jail for Lloyds Bankers in 2017 – Playlist

3. Trevor Mealham has managed over 100 cases against UK Banks on behalf of over 9000 victims of UK Banking Frauds

2023: Trevor Mealham at International Criminal Court, in Project Hague, to stop Terrorism by UK Bankers


Neelu Berry Chaudhari

UK London

Attached for publication:

00a 2010 06 14 12S portal original 140610 BEST EDIT 01 | Certification | Authorized Release by Swiss Indo | 120 Big Top, The Committee of 300, The International Organic Agency, The United Nations International

00b BUNDLE TREATY 05 DEC 2023 ESTWO 2013-2023 67p.pdf  | New World Alliance Plan and Payment Information By Country

01 2013 04 10 01 ESTWO 23p Exhibit A+B .pdf | More Payment Information 

02 ESTWO dokumen.tips_universalpubli-a-16042013aa-to-attackh-to-custodial-and-government 26p.pdf 

03 ESTWO sm dokumen.tips_the-swissindo-is-private-actually-absolute 16p ok.pdf 

04 2015 05 20 M1 offer Country Quota to World Leaders $138.99 Tn per country 6p.pdf  | Total Ownership document included

05 2016 02 11 DBLC indonesian.pdf 

06 2016 02 11 M1 offer DBLC All world Debts paid ENGLISH sm.pdf  | Acceptable certificate, Debt Burden Liberation Letter

07 2016 06 02 M1-MASTER-BOND-VOUCHER.photo -ENGLISH-UNSIGNED | Human Obligation, Voucher M1 Master Bond, English

08 2016 06 24 M1 Master BOND indonesian.pdf | Human Obligation, Voucher Mi Master Bond, Indonesian


10 Statement from UK PCC Anthony Stansfeld.pdf | Statement from the Police and Crime Commissioner – Fraud, 19 January 2018 | Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner, Thames Valley, 2013-2021

11 High Level Fraud 4 Anthony Stansfeld 220722 Statement.pdf | HIGH LEVEL FRAUD
The amounts of money lost through fraud runs into many billion. | July 22, 2022 | Anthony Stansfeld, Police and Crime Commissioner, Thames Valley, 2013-2021

[The attached documents can also be found currently here, along with the background and evolving international story of Swiss Indo : (On Wayback Archive, a public website for all to read, share, re-post: Swiss Indo 2020 to 2023/)]

Neelu Berry also reports that notifications are being sent to the Local Governments and Central Tax agency at HMRC to cease and desist in the collection of taxes.  “The same principles apply to 260 or so other UK taxes including tax on interest paid on bank loans.”

Templates from Chris Coverdale for letters people could send on taxes were censored online as his website was shut down.

More information as it unfolds to be posted here, Neelu Berry also has several places for updates online, including Facebook, see links at Swiss Indo reports here.

Newsbreak 161 | July 2, 2023 | Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Wrongfully Held in Prison Shines a Light on 100s of Cases in the UK | Please Sign the Petition For His Immediate Release

Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Imprisoned Without Cause, Denied Appeals in “Inversion of Justice System”: Whistleblower Pharmacist Neelu Berry Chaudhari and London CPA Lee Cant Alert World to his Work for Humanity

We are Declaring Ourselves Alive

Today, the primary crime has been revealed head-on, and people all over the world have been coming back on the land, by declaring themselves alive.

In America this can be achieved today with the One Page Declaration of Political Status, available at the American States Assembly web site; all over the world people can make their declarations with the Global Family Group, she notes, sharing their address: Global Family Group.

Recording and posting your documents–of declaration of political status, return to the land as a living man or woman, creditor not debtor, responsible for your own affairs, cancelling all prior powers of attorney, claiming in the present and for the future your own bodily self and DNA, standing with others on the land and soil or international jurisdiction from within your own geographical state–can be done now with the Land Recording Office of TASA, or with the Global Family Group if you live outside the USA. [The first step for all Americans is to connect with their own State Assembly Co-ordinators.]

[Live life claims as they have been termed are also being offered with other groups, including :Russell-Jay: Gould’s and :Lady: Crown’s Purple Thumb Community where you can stand with the Crown of the Mauri Nations (the indigenous tribes of Aotearoha/New Zealand and Australia), whose stand for life, sovereignty of all, and release from historic oppression is expressed powerfully in the Mauri Nation Statement from the Heart.

[Stills below from the Round Table Pod 14: Series on sovereignty with Lady: Crown Turikatuku III and Maja-Jingki: Burra, 30th September, 2020.]

People all over the world have already long been “living in the private”–which really means declaring, and proving yourself alive to the Crown Corporation, Queen, Pope (by mailing a letter back to yourself for instance, using Registered Mail), by establishing your status as Creditor not Debtor, and by thus breaking free of the bondage of the Birth Certificate system and the bindings of the 1666 C’est Que Vie Trust: from now on you are not merely alive, you are to be Seen as Alive, responsible, aware, educated, informed, capable of speaking for yourself, living in honor with all natural and common law, in possession of and capable of protecting your God-given and human rights with your voice, your speaking, your writing; as Teri Kealoha Sahm says “the way you show up”.]

The vital importance today of choosing Privacy, of making that step to declare yourself alive, an American in your state, or a national of whichever country you are geographically in, a Creditor, has to do with preserving bodily autonomy, sanctity of DNA, sovereignty of self and progeny in a world that is being tyrannically tilted by corporations–networks of corporations–toward full-spectrum-dominance via CBDCs–central bank digital currencies, Smart City surveillance, nano-bio-surveillance, medical “health” monitoring, community policing, nonstop “crisis management,” false “Behavioral Health” management, fake “Public Health” pandemics and dangerous gene-based “vaccines” constraining travel, health, and life, and other such.

Freedom comes with standing up to say No to the Bodily Takeover–also a Brain, Mind, and Life Takeover. It’s up to people to realize they have a choice and can make a change.

[The advantage of taking this step–which is really securing your birthright to a life free from harm, and a life that can be lived in expectation of abundance–is that your country then recognizes you as Alive, a Priority Creditor, and one to whom actual monetary value is owed, what is being termed “Pre-Credit” to secure your land and home, or to assist you in acquiring land and a home of your own: this, we are told, is what we can expect as we move forward, your mortgage ended, your home and land handed whole to you (although there may be steps to take by you here); I understand this is different from the “universal basic income” ideas presented elsewhere. Please follow the news and information shared by the American States Assembly, the webinars with Anna von Reitz, and know that very small steps need to be taken if you are an American–a simple declaration–and also if you are elsewhere (see the Global Family Group information).]

[Also see: WHO and Central Bankers’ Impending Pandemic Treaty to Establish Global Fascism at Speed | Reclaim Your Sovereignty.]