Tag Archives: Todd Giffen

Justice Dead in Oregon as Judge McShane Upholds Kasubhai’s Unsubstantiated Ruling on Legal Scholar Todd Giffen as Mentally Incompetent

–Ramola D/Posted 7/11/2019

In a rather brief and opaque statement on June 28, 2019 titled an “Order” Judge Michael McShane of the US District Court of Oregon, demonstrating that Justice is quite visibly dead in Oregon upheld Judge Mustafa Kasubhai’s inexplicable and baseless decision finding Todd Giffen mentally incompetent, and ordered he be “restored to competency.”

Liberty weeps as we know, and Justice too

Stating he found no error, and the Review and Recommendation by Judge Kasubhai is correct, flying therefore in the face of all evidence to the contrary presented by Todd Giffen and his psychologist of many years, Dr. Seth Farber, as presented in Dr. Farber’s recent letter to Judge McShane, as well as investigative reports and declarations by this science-and-technology reporter on the reality of the military neurotechnologies Todd has reported being used on him non-consensually (and thereby establishing, for all educated Americans, including judges and lawyers who are not immune from literacy that mention of such neurotechnology does not constitute mental illness); and, additionally, several Declarations by supporters pointing out Todd is highly versed in legal matters and scarcely schizophrenic as Dr. Cynthia Low the court-appointed psychologist glibly stated after 2 hours with Todd and no evidence, Judge McShane essentially added to the blanket railroading of Todd Giffen’s case by several parties here and established that he too is a compromised judge unable to make an independent review of the actual facts. 

In doing so he has also upheld the deliberate, planned Obstruction-of-Justice moves by US Attorneys Billy Williams and Joseph Huynh to persuade Judge Kasubhai to find Todd incompetent despite his being acknowledgedly articulate in court, noted by Todd and reported here earlier:

Despite lengthy objections to Judge Kasubhai’s ruling carefully detailed by Todd Giffen and sent in to Judge McShane, Todd notes that this brief order suggests he has “refused to look at any case laws or material or even ask that any witnesses be called to testify.”

Todd Giffen

Primary among his objections was the fact that he was not permitted to call psychiatrists and psychologists of his own choosing for the previous hearing, thanks to negligence and stalling by his court-appointed attorney Lisa Ludwig: “Under 18 USC 3006A I was reading the case laws, it states ‘defendant has an absolute right to examination by independent psychiatric experts of his own choosing separate from the courts appointment of any experts..’ Yet no motions were filed on my behalf, nor anyone hired.”

At that May 23 hearing with Judge Kasubhai, the speculation that Lisa Ludwig was in fact working with the judge and US attorneys against Todd Giffen as a “double agent,” does not appear to analysts of this case as an idle one.

Todd notes:

“Only one witness was present; the government’s own, this was done to knock out from the record all my witnesses and doctors.

My attorney refused to hire any doctors or my private investigator solely to help the US attorney and judge create the record which would have no details about my abuse in custody, so I could be committed and the judge would not look like he was making any mistakes.

This was all rigged, and a set-up as Seth Farber and all my witnesses wrote letters supporting me. Lisa Ludwig was available in April and May to work on my case, but pretended she had no time.

The reality is she denied me a service on purpose, which is why no private doctors or experts were hired, and at the last minute, she moved to block having to subpoena anyone to make sure nothing contradicting Cynthia Low would be present.”

Further, while the US attorneys submitted a Memo to the judge fixating on Dr. Cynthia Low’s faulty assessment of Todd and seeking to discredit Dr. Seth Farber (as reported earlier), sudden stating of need for a “forensic psychologist” in court and Lisa Ludwig’s failure to support Dr. Farber in court also sought to exclude Dr. Farber.

“My attorney had him present, but excluded his testimony entirely and refused to let him speak, so they could make it look like they allowed him to be called to talk – but in reality, they would not let him talk or have any witnesses there to back him up.”

Dr. Farber  also had pointed this out to Lisa Ludwig in his letter to her:

Excerpt/Dr. Seth Farber’s Letter to Lisa Ludwig, full letter here: Collusion, Conspiracy, and Sabotage…

Most egregious about the current ruling by McShane is his blanket dropping of the case and refusal to hold a rehearing, despite grave violations of judicial process and defendant’s rights. 

“…I looked up the case laws for 18 USC 3006 and I found out I have a right to hire my own independent psychiatrist regardless of what the court thinks.

United States v Bass (1973, CA9 Cal) 477 F.2d 723

Defendant with history of mental illness whose competency and sanity had already been evaluated by two court appointed psychiatrists, has right to hire his own psychiatrists of choosing under 18 USC 3006A.

United States v Pete (2016, CA9 Ariz) 819 F.3d 1121

District Court abused its discretion in declining to appoint neuropsychological expert to aid defense because (1) reasonably competent attorney would have found services of requested expert necessary to provide adequate representations; and (2) defendant was prejudiced by not having access to expert he requested because defendant requested expert services is furtherance of claim that would have, if meritorious, changed outcome of case.

So essentially McShane was required to heed my requests for additional doctor evaluations in my objections because defendant has an absolute right to be evaluated by his own chosen psychiatrist. The appeals court would deem my objections to the magistrate’s findings as making timely requests to be evaluated by my own doctor, because McShane had not yet adopted or made any decision about my competency yet, but I was allowed under 20 USC 646(b)(1) to submit new evidence and have a rehearing to do so.”

Notice must also be made of Judge Kasubhai’s lengthy and spurious narratives in his Review and Recommendations where he demanded Todd be seen as incompetent by his order and be “restored to competency” by the court’s willing henchmen aka psychiatrists, which Todd spent several pages refuting, and which this writer intends shortly to dissect and address in closer detail. 

One aspect of this missive can be commented on here, the intention throughout to shore up this manufactured notion of “incompetency” by projecting Todd as a manic and uncontrollable person given to outbursts, imagining covert government assaults, and therefore clearly delusional and incompetent:

Excerpt/Case No.: 6:18-mj-00236-MK, Document 67, REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION

Todd’s own recounting of his calling out in court at that Dec 5 hearing when his then-court-appointed attorney was Todd Bofferding, was reported earlier:

By all counts, Todd Giffen has been the victim of intense discrimination in the Oregon District Courts, and appears to be being held unlawfully in prison (for nine months) by way of a collusive mechanism involving corrupt lawyers and judges, US attorneys and court-appointed psychologists all keen to protect non-consensual military and Intelligence neurotechnology experimentation being conducted unlawfully on hundreds of thousands if not millions of people inside USA and also abroad, worldwide—which this reporter once more reported to President Trump this Fourth of July week, as reports of horrific invasion of bodily and brain privacy, absolute torture, and grave human rights violations pour in from Americans all over the US and worldwide. (Please see the many video interviews with reporting survivors at Ramola D Reports on Youtube, and print interviews and articles at The Everyday Concerned Citizen for evidence of such reports, including highly significant interviews with NSA, CIA, and FBI whistleblowers on matters of Surveillance abuses and non-consensual Neurotech/DEW use on Americans.)

Basic investigative journalism establishes without a doubt that the kind of invasive brain assaults Todd Giffen reports are being reported also by thousands of others, testified to as ongoing by military/Intelligence whistleblowers including Dr. James Giordiano and Dr. Robert Duncan, and indicated as plausible by several declassified documents reporting the studied bio-effects of non-lethal weapons which include microwave technologies.

Spectrum weapons-testing contracts running Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral research programs and sensing & tracking air/ground systems communications are currently being run nationwide by the US Airforce, Air Force Research Laboratory, US Marine Corps, and other agencies through Defense contractors like General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin.

Anti-personnel neuro-surveillance technologies are being tested by the National Institute of Justice, as per a Memorandum of Understanding in 1994 between DOD and DOJ and their own annual reports; and psychotronic/neuroweapon use by local Law Enforcement is being contemplated openly by a police chief in California, who reports, as does Dr. Giordiano, that these matters are being studied academically by the Department of Justice.

Does the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Attorney-General imagine their current secretive use of these neurotechnologies and anti-personnel “non-lethal-weapons” also putatively hidden in documents as enhanced surveillance, biometric surveillance, surveillance devices, electronic surveillance, crime prevention, and advanced technology on Americans, non-consensually and intrusively and inhumanely, is going to be kept hidden forever?

But perhaps the real truth here is that these agencies, as also the CIA, NSA, and Department of Defense know very well that what is being reported by Americans is true, and fear the avalanche of culpability and retribution headed their way once the extent of their criminality in wreaking absolute torture and bodily/brain invasion on their unconsenting and impotent victims is fully known to the American public, and prompts the full exposure and shut-down of all their Classified-to-Conceal-Crime “brain research” National-Security-lie programs–which appear to have transcended MK ULTRA in criminality currently, or at least, as much as has surfaced of those 1970s Church Committee findings on MK ULTRA.

Hence the shutting-down of any possibility for justice in the judicial system, and hence this absolute control of judges and attorneys, who are willing to sound delirious with stupidity in their pronouncements of orders which fly in the face of all reason, and unashamedly inflict further criminal violations of human rights and outright political persecution hand-in-hand with criminally unethical psychiatry in the attempt to “restore to competency” a quite mentally sound and competent reporter of their crimes.

Matters of collusion, conspiracy, and sabotage have been extensively detailed in this article which includes letters and complaints sent to Lisa Ludwig, Todd Giffen’s attorney and Judge McShane by Dr. Seth Farber and this reporter as well as Todd’s own analyses from his jail cell in Sheri­dan, Oregon:

Collusion, Conspiracy, and Sabotage Blatant in Todd Giffen’s Case by Federal District Court Judge Mustafa Kasubhai, US Attorneys, Defense Attorney Lisa Ludwig

Todd Giffen is currently researching options wherein he can appeal this second lax finding by Judge McShane, find a private attorney willing to take on his case, and is intending to sue Lisa Ludwig for essentially operating as a double agent on behalf of the US Government and helping to lose his defense by failure to provide assistance of counsel, interference with his “compulsory process clause rights,” “deliberate indifference/reckless indifference to Due Process,” refusing to call witnesses and private doctors he called for, while also failing to procure him basic medical care and protect him from harm in custody.


Collusion, Conspiracy, and Sabotage Blatant in Todd Giffen’s Case by Federal District Court Judge Mustafa Kasubhai, US Attorneys, Defense Attorney Lisa Ludwig

Unconventional Journalism in the Face of Unconventional Warfare: Is Fear of Deep State Crimes Surfacing Driving the Oregon Public Defender Sabotage of Todd Giffen’s Case? | May 23, 2019

Open Travesty of Justice at Todd Giffen’s Mental Competency Hearing May 23, 2019

Todd Giffen: Scholar, Researcher, Activist, Whistleblower, Targeted Victim of Government and Police Crimes

Investigative Reporter Statement by Ramola D for Todd Giffen

Todd Giffen, Whistleblower on Non-Consensual Govt. Neuro-Experimentation Held on Charges of Interstate Threat & Stalking (After Messages Sent to Senators) Reports Serious Statutory Violations in Extended Jail Stay, Unsafe Jail Conditions, Attorney Failings, and Wrongful Mental Competency Evaluation

Related Published Court Documents

Review and Recommendation, Competency May 28, 2019, Judge Kasubhai

McShane Order for Restorative tx June 28 2019, Judge McShane


Collusion, Conspiracy, and Sabotage Blatant in Todd Giffen’s Case by Federal District Court Judge Mustafa Kasubhai, US Attorneys, Defense Attorney Lisa Ludwig

–Ramola D/Posted 6/10/2019/Updated 6/11/2019

Following on the absurd finding of “mental incompetence” by Judge Mustafa Kasubhai in the case of Todd Giffen on May 23, 2019, reported here earlier, Dr. Seth Farber and this writer both wrote to his appointed defense attorney Lisa Ludwig, urging her to step forward to defend Todd adequately and file motions of appeal and reconsideration of his wrongfully-arrived at determination, and asking for her response. Which was not forthcoming, since Lisa Ludwig seems to have established a habit of refusal to acknowledge emails and phone calls, even from expert witness Dr. Seth Farber, whose testimonial at the court hearing she prevented from being aired and did not support.

Both letters are shared below, followed by excerpts from Todd’s own communications from Oregon’s Sheridan Jail on Corrlinks addressing the rather major factor of Lisa Ludwig’s lack of responsiveness and support in her supposed defense of Todd, much in line with the previous defense attorney Todd Bofferding’s words and actions against him, which got him fired for incompetence. Judge Mustafa prevented Todd from firing Lisa Ludwig, who  asked to be released from the case at the end of the court hearing and was asked to stay on, apparently in name only since she informed Todd Giffen she would not be filing appeals and motions for dismissal to assist him. Judge Kasubhai added to this betrayal by informing Todd he could not file any motions of appeal himself.

Currently however it appears that appeals filed earlier at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals have come through, after a long delay. From Todd, on the matter of appeals and the Writ of Mandamus he has filed:

“Typically an interlocutory appeal only takes 4 months, meaning by March or April we would have had a decision on the Dec 5th and Nov 5th orders. Todd Bofferding, Lisa Ludwig, and Judge Mustafa are all involved…. Now my appeals are finally being heard by Judge McShane- but he should have heard them back in December or January when I filed my own pro se appeals because Todd Bofferding, illegally, wouldn’t do it. The case law states an attorney cannot refuse to file an appeal when ordered by the client. Lisa Ludwig got involved in this by trying to get Mustafa to agree she didn’t have to file my appeals May 23. They love to delay and stall people filing appeals big time.”

The Nov 5th and December 5th hearings he refers to were those held shortly after his arrest when the US attorneys suggested he be evaluated for mental competency; these hearings and the background of Todd’s case were covered here earlier. It is important to note throughout that while the FBI, on US Capitol Police intimations arrested Todd last November on charges of “interstate threats and communications” in emails sent last July and August to US Senators, the language in those emails while carrying graphic imagery do not extend threats of violence as mis-characterized by the FBI in their warrant, but promise retribution via a jury trial culminating in an imagined death penalty for their inaction (Senators Wyden and Defazio) in the face of repeated appeals for help while he was being abused as a vulnerable person and non-consensual experimentee with radiation weapons, DEWs, and mind invasion neuroweaponry. That Todd is not in any way violent nor likely to be has been repeatedly stressed by his long time psychologist, Dr. Seth Farber.

Todd notes that all the attorneys assigned to him have been failing him one by one, starting with Kimberly Seymour, then Todd Bofferding, now Lisa Ludwig:

“So I originally ordered Todd Bofferding and Kimberly Seymour to file my appeals back in Nov, and Dec 5th. Todd Bofferding refused a direct order to file my appeals. (The case of) Sandoval-Lopez says an attorney cannot do that, or if they do, client is allowed to file pro se late. So Judge Mustafa refused to let me file mine–that’s why I had to go do a Writ of Mandamus.”

“The court of appeals told me to file a Writ of Mandamus. When I told Mustafa about what the appeals court said and (brought up) the case law (in court), he tried to cover up his wrong by lying in court saying he had no idea he received appeals. But Kelly luckily recorded his clerks on the phone saying they received the notice of appeals, and they were sent to Mustafa for review. He filed them way late in April. But why the appeals were really late is: Todd Bofferding was supposed to do it within 14 days or so of the judge’s decision Dec 5th and he knew that.”

Regarding Lisa Ludwig’s refusal to file appeals, Todd points out these are illegal abuses and defense counsel is required to file appeals: “On the record May 23, both she and Judge Mustafa said “there will be no appeals.'” But the US Supreme Court ruled long ago defense counsel was banned from refusing to file appeals and had to consult with clients to ask if they wanted an appeal done, and in cases where an appeal is prudent, mandatorily had to do it even without consulting with client.”

Having learned through Kelly Wallace’s investigative reportage that Judge Michael McShane oversees Judge Mustafa, this writer sent on to Judge McShane the complaint sent originally to the Oregon Commission about the blatant violations of judicial process in the competency court hearing, also included below. Dr. Seth Farber sent a letter as well at the same time protesting the violations of judicial process  by Judge Kasubhai and attorney Lisa Ludwig at the May 23 hearing  to Judge McShane, also included below. Todd has sent on to Judge McShane objections to the magistrate’s findings as well asking that Dr. Cynthia Low’s questionable evaluation be struck from the record, that he be evaluated by psychologists of his own choosing, provided medical care for his infections, and be released from custody immediately.

Excerpt: “The government has already covered up my health, inflicted injuries, denied me medical care for over 6 months, and this will continue.

6. The Due Process liberty standard under O’Connor v Donaldson requiring something more than just mental illness, such as dangerousness for commitment should prevail to protect citizens from slaughter in psychiatric facilities.

As Judge McShane is handling the review of the Nov and December orders now, and I want all other orders reviewed by Mustafa, he should nix the in-custody competency evaluation, thus nixing Cynthia Low’s report, and make proper findings that an outpatient examination should be ordered, and I should be released from custody immediately.”

Letter from Dr. Seth Farber Sent By Email to Lisa Ludwig, Todd Giffen’s appointed attorney, after the May 23, 2019 Mental Competency Hearing

5/26/2019 at 2:40 AM

Seth Farber, PhD


Dear Ms. Ludwig,

It seems to me that your negligence in Todd Giffen’s case has been so egregious as to constitute malpractice.

I do not know whether the law states only forensic psychologists/psychiatrists can give opinion on defendants’ “competence.” (Rule 72 does not state that.) Jim Gottstein, Esq., a renowned lawyer in his own field (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gottstein), did not think it did. Todd Giffen said it was an abuse of judicial discretion.

But the government attorney claimed that only forensic psychologists can assess competence and the judge did not permit either Ron Unger or myself to give an opinion as to Todd’s competence. If you knew this to be the case what was the point of our testimony?The only expert opinion that the Court heard was Dr. Low’s—and thus the judge had to base his ruling on her opinion.I had no idea I would not be permitted to say Todd was competent. It was your responsibility to find Todd a forensic psychologist who could give the judge another opinion. But you made no effort to do that. This is negligence.

If the judge was wrong and expert witnesses do not need certification in “forensics” to assess competence, why did you not object ? I checked with Todd–you did not object once..So Ms. Ludwig, either way you failed to represent Todd adequately. Either you should have gotten a forensic psychologist for Todd, or you should have repeatedly objected to the judge’s refusal to allow Mr Unger or me to opine on Todd’s competency.

Your own negligence was also evinced in the fact that I was given 10 minutes by you and Dr. Low spoke for over an hour.

It is ludicrous that a defendant who is a high-school dropout who knows the law better than many lawyers,who did not miss one word spoken in the Court, who submitted numerous motions to the Court and wrote his own habeus corpus petition, who probably has an IQ well over 135, is considered incompetent to understand the charges against him! This was an easy battle for you to win–had you cared, Ms. Ludwig. It seems like you don’t give a damn.

Clearly Dr. Low’s prejudice against the defendant, either for his “extreme” political views or his “mental disability,” prevented her from giving an objective assessment of Todd’s competence! And since you represented Mr. Ivers in 2018, you know a defendant can be “delusional” and competent.

Had you given me time I would have explained that to the Court. In NY that principle is codified in Rivers v. Katz.

Now you refuse to do anything more for Todd, even though the judge instructed you to comply with his requests. You should have filed on last Friday a motion for review by District Court judge and a motion for reconsideration. Please do it Monday. You should get Todd an expert witness who is allowed to testify on his competence.

Dr Peter Breggin is the only witness with forensic credentials who can explain to the Court why Dr. Low’s evaluation lacks scientific validity. This is necessary since she has misled and confused the Court,.

Please do your job or Todd’s supporters will be forced to take other legal measures.


Seth Farber, PhD

Letter from Ramola D Sent By Email to Lisa Ludwig, Todd Giffen’s appointed attorney, after the May 23, 2019 Mental Competency Hearing

Todd requires counsel to act on his behalf

From Ramola D <ramolad@hushmail.com>

To Lisa Ludwig <lisa@l2r2law.com>

Sent Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 12:52 PM

Dear Lisa Ludwig,

Like everyone else I am pretty horrified at the judge’s ruling that Todd Giffen is in his view mentally incompetent, and needs to be restored to competency.

Dr. Farber has reported that his evaluation and testimonial as to Todd’s competency and intellectual acumen was neither permitted nor accepted, his one remark regarding Todd being competent was objected to and struck off the record, with his defense counsel not objecting to this objection and strike-off.

It is also clear that Dr. Low’s faulty evaluation was the one that was let stand.

The situation points to malpractice on the part of many players, including the judge.

Todd’s counsel is required to speak and act on his behalf, to help him establish mental competency — which none of us can see as being in any doubt — in order to move forward to a jury trial where he can defend himself suitably.

I ask therefore that you kindly file motion for reconsideration of this judge’s wrongful decision immediately, so that it can be properly appealed. Anything less will comprise an abandonment of Todd’s defense, in my view.

In the past, when I have emailed you my Investigative Reporter’s Statement for Todd Giffen and my Declaration by Ramola D in Support of Mental Competence of Todd Giffen, you have neither acknowledged my emails nor affirmed that my statements and declaration were filed in the court and provided to the judge. You have also prevented me from testifying in court at this hearing, although your PI Maraed Walsh asked me to testify on Todd’s request and I agreed.

I request that you kindly acknowledge this email and let me know immediately your response to this urgent request to stand up for Todd, to truly act as his defense lawyer, to act for him and to appeal this reckless ruling by Judge Mustafa with its train of dire consequences impending.

I understand there is high urgency in terms of when this motion should be filed, and when immediate arrangements are made to ensure adequate evaluation, hopefully by Dr. Breggin, that can be used in court, so please let me know immediately your response.

Thanks very much.


Ramola D


Ramola D

Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist

Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen

Reporter, Ramola D Reports on Youtube, Vimeo, Bitchute

Twitter: @EccEveryday

Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Complaint (by Ramola D) about Federal District Court Judge Mustafa Kasubhai: Violations of Judicial Process in the May 23, 2019 Hearing and Faulty Ruling of Mental Incompetence of Todd Giffen

Date: June 3, 2019

Dear Judge McShane:

I submitted the following complaint to the Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability last week but was advised it is not within their jurisdiction to attend to matters concerning federal district court judges, so on the advice of a friend who called in to your offices on Friday, suggesting you are the right person to send this to, I am sending this complaint to you, to apprise you of this matter, which is an urgent and extremely important matter regarding wrongful judgement in the case of Todd Giffen, whose case I have been reporting on as an investigative journalist since I learned of his arrest, some months ago—and requesting that you take immediate action to stop this wrongful judgment from going forward. Great harm may be done by the US District Court system, unwittingly, to Todd Giffen if this matter is not attended to immediately. I will send as well my Declaration in Support of Mental Competency of Todd Giffen and Investigative Reporter Statement for Todd Giffen, for your review.

Complaint sent to judicial.fitness@oregon.gov,

Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 3:27 PM

My name is Ramola D/Dharmaraj…witness to Todd Giffen, Case Number 6:18-mj-236-MK and this is about his court hearing on May 23, 2019 where Judge Mustafa Kasubhai of Eugene, Oregon in the Federal District Court declared him mentally incompetent after a prejudiced hearing.

This is the gist of my complaint:

Judge Kasubhai has violated basic judicial process in the case of Todd Giffen by prematurely naming him mentally incompetent after a highly prejudiced and one-sided court hearing on May 23, 2019:

1) by, in court, not permitting Dr. Seth Farber, Todd Giffen’s psychologist who has spoken often to Todd and evaluated him before, to present evidence or discussion and analysis on Todd Giffen’s mental competency;

2) by, in court, sustaining an objection from the prosecutors on Dr. Farber’s own voiced assessment of clear mental competency, and in fact striking from the record Dr. Farber’s comment implying that Todd is mentally competent;

3) by, in court, giving Dr. Farber, Todd’s expert witness only 10 minutes to speak while the court-assigned psychologist was given 90 minutes;

4) by, in court, not including the evidence sent to him in an Investigative Report and in a Declaration by Investigative Science and Technology Reporter and Journalist Ramola D/Dharmaraj who has covered the subject of non-consensual government experimentation with anti-personnel radiation weaponry and neuro-monitoring neurotechnology for several years, a matter acutely relevant to Todd’s case since he claims being subject to same, a matter quite plausible given the historic and whistleblowing evidence of these technologies currently being tested on Americans, as per declassified documents, the words of military and University scientists, patents, and other reports;

5) without, earlier, first giving him a proper chance to be evaluated by his own clinical psychologist for many years but assigning a random psychologist Dr. Cynthia Low to examine him, which she did over a scant two hours, making use of previous records to write a report that is faulty in its conclusions, based as it is on inadequate information;

6) by, in court, suddenly making it a requirement that the examining psychologist needs to be “forensic” — an unheard-of requirement, never before aired in any other court case; On this matter, the fully mentally competent Todd Giffen writes:

My attorney was not thorough or prepared for a competency hearing May 23, 2019. She did not hire a forensic psychologist or psychiatrist to do an evaluation, get a report, and have the forensic doctor testify, for my defense.

The attorney and Judge did not notify me, or my expert witnesses, that a forensic doctor was required to testify on competency.

The attorney was given a list of my expert witnesses. Dr. Peter Breggin is a forensic psychiatrist, who is willing to testify and evaluate me, if he gets paid for his time. He told the attorney he was not available on May 23rd, but another date would be ok.”

7) by failing to ensure that the defendant, who is too poor to afford his own counsel, and is a reporting victim of much past abuse at the hands of police, hospital staff at Oregon State Hospital, and covered agencies of the government, was provided competent counsel: Lisa Ludwig has established she is not competent counsel, has failed to call Todd’s witnesses over two months, failed to ensure proper psychological evaluation, failed to provide him medical help when he needed it, and failed to abide by the judge’s ruling May 1 to get Todd the medical help he needed and a letter for the Marshalls to ensure it, and failed to communicate either with Todd or his supporters in a timely way. (Further, in court on May 23, this lawyer, Lisa Ludwig has stated she will not file motions to appeal or reconsider the judge’s decision, showing she and the judge are working similarly against the best interests of this defendant, who is therefore being discriminated against intensely by the court.)

In a letter, Todd Giffen writes:

“My attorney neglected my legal rights, causing vulnerable persons’ abuse and prejudice to my rights.

Main Case Law: United States v Gillenwater, 717 F.3d 1070, 1080 – states that a defendant must speak up if his lawyer or judge is abusing him, otherwise he loses the right to call witnesses or testify.

Under “18 USC 4247(d).” Under 4247(d) it says, “you shall be represented by counsel (it is not optional), shall be afforded opportunity to testify, subpoena and call witnesses, cross examine, and present evidence by proffer or otherwise.”

Case Law United States v. Sandoval-Lopez 409 F.3d 1193. The case law states “a defense counsel cannot refuse to file an appeal, reconsideration, or objections to magistrates’ findings” at order of their client, and they must file these things when it seems prudent to do so even if the client does not order it be done. If the attorney refuses to do it or failed to, the defendant may file pro se, against the attorney’s will, and even file late because it was the attorney’s job to do it. It is always ineffective assistance of counsel for an attorney to refuse to appeal, or to fail to when it was prudent to.

I have a right to object the Judges’ decision and file an appeal and other motions for reconsideration. The attorney told the Judge, she is not willing to file my appeal or motions as her obligation.”

8) by then ordering that the defendant could not any further file his motions pro se, or send his motions for others to file, the judge has effectively tied him unlawfully to incompetent counsel, a fraudulent ruling based on judicious malpractice, wrongful actions to exclude important expert witness testimonial, and cut off all avenues for him to appeal any of this himself.

9) by earlier seeming to work with the incompetent counsel to ask for case law to deem an articulate defendant incompetent: Todd Giffen writes:

“March 20, 2019 the Judge stated at the hearing, and on transcript record, that I was intelligent and can communicate effectively.

May 1, 2019, the Judge said my thoughts were focused and I was communicating well, and that the attorney for the government better have a good reason to show on May 23, that I was incompetent. He told the government attorney that they need a case law on an articulate person who was found incompetent. Why would the judge try to help the government attorney on case law and tell them what they need, to find me incompetent?

I believe the case has been one sided, which is illegal. The Judge is being unlawful and violating my civil rights. The statements by the Judge, about my intelligence and in communicating, clearly shows that he knows I’m competent and fit to stand trial.”

As a consequence, Todd Giffen, perfectly mentally competent–which requires awareness of legal and court procedures, and cognizance and assistance in one’s own defense, which he has demonstrated daily at expert-level throughout his incarceration–has been wrongfully and fraudulently named mentally incompetent by the irresponsible words and actions of this judge, and is in danger of being wrongfully psychiatrically committed and force-drugged for 4 months, all of which are both fraudulent and great crimes against humanity.

The faulty rulings of this judge in violation of basic judicial process and in encroachment and discrimination of the defendant’s basic rights to an unprejudiced hearing should be condemned and rescinded and this judge removed from the Bench. A fair hearing should be set up in its place, with Dr. Farber, Todd’s chief witness, being permitted to fully speak his mind and share his knowledge on Todd’s Mental Competency to stand trial, which he stands ready to do, with a new Judge, one who does not exhibit incompetence and prejudice, and with, if needed, a forensic psychologist whom Todd GIffen approves, Dr. Peter Breggin, who has already indicated he will testify if given enough lead time for court, and with new counsel who can indeed be expected to act on the defendant’s behalf properly.

It is a crime against humanity to name a mentally competent person incompetent, and thereby remove his civil and human rights and force him into a mental institution and fill him up with deadly neurotoxic drugs. It is lack of discernment and judgment to permit incompetent counsel like Lisa Ludwig to act as defense in any case when her failings are glaring and she has been complained about before by the defendant. This judge should be removed and this ruling dissolved immediately.

Thank you for your attention and do not fail to approach me for further information. My contact information is below. I enclose the Declaration I submitted to the judge for this hearing, which supports the information Todd Giffen is reporting; kindly be aware that as an investigative journalist, what I am researching and reporting overrides the faulty speculations of Dr. Cynthia Low, the court psychologist, of non-consensual government neuro-experimentation (this being the right terminology, not “Govt mind control” as prosecuting attorneys labeled it) being factual truth as we have it currently, from military insider sources, cited in my Declaration, and that therefore people reporting it, including Todd Giffen, cannot be deemed “delusional” as she suggests when they do; these are people who should be helped and supported, and not victimized further with faulty mental health assessments and destructive judgements.


Ramola D


Ramola D

Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Activist

Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen

Ramola D Reports on Youtube, Vimeo, Bitchute

Twitter: @EccEveryday

Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Letter from Dr. Seth Farber to Judge McShane on Todd Giffen’s Mental Competency Hearing with Judge Kasubhai

Seth Farber, Ph.D.
June 2, 2019

To the Honorable Judge McShane,

I am writing to urge you to review REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS,May 28, 2019 Re Todd Giffen, Case No.: 6:18-mj-00236-MK by Judge Kasubhai. I testified at Mr Giffen’s competency hearing. I was misled by Ms. Ludwig and told I’d be qualified as an expert witness.

I received my doctorate in psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 1984. I have had 5 books published, and numerous articles and I am an editor of the scholarly journal, The Journal of Mind and Behavior. I have practiced psychotherapy for over 30 years.

I think the document, REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS, May 28, 2019 Re Todd Giffen, Case No.: 6:18-mj-00236-MK by Judge Kasubhai, validates the claim I made in my letter (enclosed) to Mr Giffen’s lawyer, Lisa Ludwig: Todd Giffen was discouraged from procuring a mental health professional recognized as an expert by the Court to testify that he was competent.

In fact, Todd Giffen was deceived, wittingly or unwittingly, by his lawyer — and by Judge Kasubhai? He was told by Ms. Ludwig (as I was told) that the Court would recognize his psychotherapist (me) and Ron Unger, LCSW (a psychotherapist of Todd’s 4 years ago) as experts and would take our testimony into consideration.

The fact that Ron Unger and I were allowed to testify but not allowed to state an opinion as to Todd’s competency and the fact that neither of us was even mentioned in the Judge’s recommendations while Dr. Low’s report was taken as gospel means that Todd was denied his constitutional right to call expert witnesses.

Had he been told that my testimony and Mr. Unger’s testimony would be discounted by the Court (because we were not “forensic” psychologists), he would have demanded his right to be examined by an expert who would be recognized by the Court. But he was told and I was told the opposite by Ms. Ludwig who implied the judge had made the decision to recognize me as expert despite the Government’s objection.

I have testified over 40 times in Court in NY as a qualified expert witness. In most of those cases I spoke in opposition to a report by a Court-appointed psychologist recognized as an expert who concluded the respondent had “mental illness” that allegedly made him “incompetent” to be a parent. In none of those occasions were
the experts credentialled in “forensic psychology.”

It was and is my opinion after reading her report that Dr. Low was so biased against the defendant that she was unable to objectively assess his competency. I believe she was biased against Todd because of his “extremist” political views and because of his putative mental illness. The best way to determine whether Mr. Giffen understood the charges against him and the consequences would have been to ask him. This was never done. Nor was an effort made to assess his intellectual abilities.

Instead, Dr Low wrote page after page about his unstable childhood and his misdeeds as a troubled youth. This material is prejudicial and not probative. What does his troubled youth have to do with his competency now? Nor did Dr. Low even look at the motions Tod filed or his Habeus Corpus petition he wrote (without assistance) — that gives some idea of whether he has the capacity to understand the charges against him. These materials evince a person of far-above average intelligence who far surpasses the minimum requirement for competence. (This issue is independent of whether Mr Giffen is “delusional.” I have testified for several clients who were “delusional” and competent. As US vs. Ivers indicates, the Court recognizes they are not the same.)

Todd was examined only by Dr. Low. He was misled into believing that Mr.Unger and I would be permitted to present our opinions. Once he was told the Court would allow us to testify in Court, he assumed our testimony would have some weight, as did we. We are not even mentioned in the document written by Judge Kasubhai. We were all misled. Had Todd known our testimony was purely for show, he would have demanded the right to be examined by a “forensic psychologist” of his own choosing. I have no doubt that an unbiased psychologist would have found Todd competent.

Seth Farber, Ph.D.


Todd Giffen: Scholar, Researcher, Activist, Whistleblower, Targeted Victim of Government and Police Crimes

Todd Giffen, Whistleblower on Non-Consensual Govt. Neuro-Experimentation Held on Charges of Interstate Threat & Stalking (After Messages Sent to Senators) Reports Serious Statutory Violations in Extended Jail Stay, Unsafe Jail Conditions, Attorney Failings, and Wrongful Mental Competency Evaluation

Unconventional Journalism in the Face of Unconventional Warfare: An Update on Todd Giffen | May 23, 2019

Petition by Kelly Wallace Seeking the Release of Todd Giffen with 293 signatories

Investigative Reporter Statement by Ramola D for Todd Giffen

Declaration by Ramola D in Support of Mental Competence of Todd Giffen


Todd Giffen, Whistleblower on Non-Consensual Govt. Neuro-Experimentation Held on Charges of Interstate Threat & Stalking (After Messages Sent to Senators) Reports Serious Statutory Violations in Extended Jail Stay, Unsafe Jail Conditions, Attorney Failings, and Wrongful Mental Competency Evaluation

–Ramola D/Posted 4/6/2019

Todd Giffen

Todd Giffen, whistleblower and human rights advocate who has raised needed public awareness on extrajudicial anti-personnel “non-lethal” Spectrum weapon targeting responsible for the abuses of “Targeted Individuals,” as well as on crimes of non-consensual neuro-experimentation being conducted covertly today by US Military and US Intelligence agencies as well as hospitals, and reporting non-consensual victim himself of such criminal abuse, is currently being held in Polk County Jail in Oregon with a court date set for April 8, 2019, having been moved there from Multinomah Jail rather abruptly, it seems, all in the space of a few days after being moved up from the Southern Nevada Law Center, a private immigration detention facility owned by the private corporation Core Civic Tennessee—recently evicted from Indianapolis on grounds of corruption–where he had been moved by US Marshalls after a 4-month long incarceration in Seattle at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Seatac.

Kelly Wallace, human rights advocate and friend of Todd who learned of his incarceration a few weeks ago has been keeping the public informed about these events, noting in a recent round-table podcast at Ramola D Reports with Eric Jones of Courtroom Watch, Dr. Seth Farber, renowned psychologist and author and Todd’s psychologist, and Chris of Las Vegas, a former Law Enforcement officer from Nevada well-versed in both Law and Language, that the language used in Todd’s emails, while certainly on the questionable side, reflects his long frustration at being unable to persuade his representatives and Senators into taking positive action to stop the abuse and experimentation he has been reporting. One of the words discussed on this podcast was the word “rape” since Todd had penned language seemingly intending rape; Dr. Farber noted this language was used metaphorically, and Chris noted that it was an expression perhaps of frustration at government micreancy and corruption, a sentiment not unfamiliar to most in the US today. An earlier broadcast reported news of his arrest and incarceration (both videos below).

Arrest on Charges of Making Threats via Interstate Communications and Stalking

Todd reports that he was arrested by the FBI on his way from Oregon to the Million Mask March in Washington DC last fall on November 2 when he stepped off an Amtrak train in Chicago, and was transported back to Oregon. The criminal charge and affidavit document filed by Special Agent Damara Schlitz for the FBI states that he has been charged with making interstate threats via communications and stalking of the Senators and Representatives he wrote to via Facebook Messenger and email.

Piecing together what the FBI affidavit details and Todd’s own information, it appears that notice of Todd’s messages from July and August 2018 had been sent to the FBI after the messages were apprehended by US Capitol Police, with a couple sent to the Capitol Police Threat Assessment team by Congressman Peter DeFazio’s and Senator Ron Wyden’s offices, to whom they had been sent.

The criminal complaint and FBI affidavit citing some of the messages are public documents retrieved by Psych Rights from the PACER filing system and can be viewed here.

Unusual Statutory Violations: No Bail Hearing, Defendants’ Rights Ignored in Mental Competency Evaluation

It must be noted that Todd Giffen is a self-taught scholar of US Law and has a deep enough understanding of statutes, previous case law, and his Constitutional and civil rights that he is able to cogently advocate for himself in emails, letters, and filings—as this reporter has learned, perusing his emails and information sent over several days in March using CorrLinks, the email system set up by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to permit the incarcerated to exchange emails online.

Several statutory violations have occurred, Todd notes, as well as breaches in attorney-client relationship where his attorney has failed to advocate for him or assist him in filing appeals or calling expert witnesses to help establish his mental competency. He has been held without bail or a bail/detention hearing for 150 days in Seatac, and reports discrepancies in procedure in that a mental competency evaluation was ordered by the judge at a hearing on December 5, 2018, despite there being no preceding bail or detention hearing as required (his attorney disputes this, saying it is perfectly legal); the bail hearing that day was waived by his attorney; and this competency evaluation was commenced only late in his stay, beyond the time allotted legally for such evaluation, and constituted a scant 2-hour evaluation by a court-appointed psychologist over two days in late February which then yielded a report on March 11 pronouncing Todd incompetent and schizophrenic.

The Importance of Mental Competency and Implications of Incompetency

Much revolves around this issue of mental competency, which essentially points to a defendant’s ability to understand the legal process and assist his counsel with the defense of his case, and according to Criminal Defense attorney Chris Morales, is usually initiated by the defense attorney expressing doubts about the competency of his client to the judge. In a conversation with Kelly Wallace around the time of the March 11 report release, Mr. Bofferding, Todd’s attorney, informed her that were he found competent he could move ahead to a jury trial, but were he not, he would be sent to a psychiatric facility for four months to “restore” his competency with forced psychiatric drugging. If he refused drugs, he would be brought back to court for issuance of forced psychiatric-drugging via injections. This horrifying scenario is apparently the norm in the US and general Western criminal justice systems. According to MentalCompetency.org, “An estimated 60,000 competency evaluations are court-ordered each year. Approximately 20 percent of these evaluations lead to findings of incompetence—roughly 12,000 defendants are found incompetent to stand trial in the United States each year.”

Being pronounced incompetent—and needing to be “restored to competency”–also suggests that defendants are prevented from defending themselves immediately and subject to long psychiatric-facility or prison stay, to the clear benefit of the pharmaceutical industry, the hospital industry, and the prison industry.

Irregularities in the Mental Competency Evaluation Process

It is astonishing to almost everyone examining this situation closely that Todd Giffen could possibly be pronounced mentally incompetent and unfit for trial, let alone by a practicing psychologist supposedly trained in evaluating people’s mental soundness and levels of comprehension. While the language used in those messages to Senators presents as objectionable to many (discussed further below), the steady stream of information issuing from Todd from his jail cell over CorrLinks, inclusive of an emergency injunction appeal, a habeas corpus writ petition, and a complaint to the Oregon State Bar on his attorney suggests he is quite mentally sound, aware not merely of the legal process and keen to assist counsel in working on his defense, but cognizant of his Constitutional rights, protective case law, and questioning of his attorney’s strategies.

Citing specific cases in the past which have addressed competency evaluations, Todd Giffen writes in an email:

“Competency evaluations and such, can only be ordered in custody, if bail has been denied. Per United States v Song, 530 Fed Appx 255 (2012).

A competency evaluation if the defendant objects should not be done by the US attorney general, but by defendant’s own chosen doctor, per United States v Weathers (2004, DC NM) 374 F Supp 2d 957.

This means we should have the right to exclude the US Attorney General report from the record, because it was ordered illegally, and they have to allow my doctors to testify in the US Attorney General psychologist’s place.

This is because the competency hearing is considered a “adversial process,” meaning it is my side of the story, versus the US attorney general’s side (US Attorney’s office, etc).

They are not supposed to exclusively rely on the US attorney to provide all the witnesses and testimony which would make the process one sided.

Bail hearing, statute rights, and time limits must be strictly construed: United States v Al-azzawy (1985, Ca9) 768 F.2d 1141. Indicates also competency hearing statute has to be construed strictly.”

Dr. Farber, Todd’s psychologist reports from a conversation with Mr. Bofferding that the judge ordered a competency evaluation because Todd spoke out of turn in court, calling out and thereby disrespecting the judge. Todd responds he spoke out only after the judge had ordered a competency evaluation, because he felt his attorney was not speaking for him, and wished to protest that he had a right to call for his own psychologist to conduct a competency evaluation.

United States v Gillenwater, 717 F.3d 1070, 1080 – states that a defendant must speak up if his lawyer or judge is abusing him, otherwise he loses the right to call witnesses or testify. My attorney tried to say…that I had been found incompetent solely for one reason: I spoke out in court.

But I did this after the judge ruled I would be sent for a competency eval, without calling (my psychologist) to testify as he had prepared to be there Dec 5th.

This means I did not have an outburst, but an objection as the US Court of Appeals ruled I must do to preserve my rights for appeal.

Read Gillenwater. the case law states the right to testify comes from the 6th amendment, “compulsory process clause,” which says you have the right to “compulsory process for finding/bringing forth witnesses for your favor/defense.” This includes yourself, ability to call yourself as a witness, and calling other witnesses at the hearing.

You have the right also under the statute.Under 18 USC 4241(c) I think, or (d), which links over to your rights at “18 USC 4247(d).” Under 4247(d) it says, “you shall be represented by counsel (it is not optional), shall be afforded opportunity to testify, subpoena and call witnesses, cross examine, and present evidence by proffer or otherwise.”

Furthermore in Gillenwater, it makes note that previously, the court had held you also have a constitutional right to be present at your competency hearing.”

In a message relayed through his attorney at a court hearing held in his absence on March 20 at the US District Court in Oregon, it was Todd, ironically who informed the judge—through his attorney Mr. Bofferding—that due process and fundamental fairness were violated by the US Marshalls’ not transporting him there in time for the hearing, and the Eighth Amendment violated in subjecting him to the cruel and unusual punishment of holding him a month beyond the competency evaluation at SeaTac Jail, right after the US attorney Mr. Huynh had told the judge the medical evaluation had found Todd incompetent and “not fit to proceed.” Clearly, Todd is mentally competent enough to have a healthy recall of the law and his own rights—which must necessarily put the whole of this supposed 2-hour psychological evaluation pronouncing “unfitness” and “incompetency” into question.

Mr. Bofferding relayed that Todd and many supportive callers advocating on his behalf called for him to be released, and made some attempts to get the case dismissed on violation of due process but was unsuccessful. This March 20 hearing closed with intent to postpone the competency hearing to a later date when Todd could be present to discuss the psychologist’s report. The transcript of this court hearing was obtained at cost by the human rights organization Psych Rights and can be read in full here..

Complaints about Attorney Who Refuses to Let Defendant Testify, Call Witnesses, or File Appeals, Extended Jail Stay in Unsafe Conditions, Communications With Human Rights Advocates Prevented, Appeal Not Filed

Todd has reported via email from the Seattle and Nevada jails that this attorney has not been supportive, did not advocate for a bail hearing, nor ensured a competency hearing in time, permitted his overlong jail stay and exposure to dangerous inmates without advocating on his behalf in unsafe conditions where he reports gang member activity, whistling harassment, and on March 17 being threatened by an inmate after lockdown with razors, his bed splashed with water, and all his legal paperwork stolen—in an incident which caused him to press the panic button, in an emergency call for help which was left blithely unanswered by guards. Had his competency hearing been held in time, he says, he would not have been held so long in the jail, from where he wrote that he feared for his life. He also reported that he received no medical care in the jail for breathing and concussion symptoms from continued remote directed-energy technologies being used on him and that “upon arriving at Seatac, the psychologist Dr. Cynthia Low even told me “We don’t allow any inmates to receive physical care here. You won’t get any of the treatment necessary for your condition here,” then at all subsequent meetings with all doctors they ignored my medical state, refused to evaluate me, refused to diagnose me, discriminated on me, and waited for my death.”

He also states that the attorney Todd Bofferding refused to file his appeals, stating this was because Todd had been declared incompetent by the psychological evaluation, and says he openly threatened him with forced psychiatric drugging, telling Todd he would ask the judge to strap him down and force psychiatric medication on him, and is currently appealing to the Judge in his case, Judge Mustafa Kasubhai for a change of attorney. A call made at time of writing by this reporter to the attorney has not elicited comment yet.

In seemingly obstructive manner, Kelly Wallace has also reported that this attorney expressed skepticism about the authenticity of the over 150 signatures (from people worldwide familiar with Todd’s activism or in concern for his situation) on a Change.org petition she created for the judge to release Todd Giffen, saying they were not handwritten but electronic and so would not be accepted by the court because “We’re not millennials but all baby-boomers here,” and questioning whether any of them knew Todd.

Currently, further violations of due process and basic rights appear to be ongoing as Todd was made incommunicado for a few days recently, with the Polk County Jail’s computer systems and phones both suddenly breaking down, Kelly Wallace reports, as human rights advocates discussing his situation and seeking to advise him were cut off from communications with him—directly after putting money into the system set up to permit emails and phone calls. This absurdly timed breakdown merely adds to the train of indignities and encroachments on basic rights and denial of human services that Todd, and presumably everyone else held at Polk County Jail, have experienced lately. (At time of writing, phone services had been restored, shortly after this matter was reported in draft here.)

The latest news from Kelly Wallace who has been helping Todd with filings is that a clerk from the Oregon District Court called to say the appeal sent in had not been awarded a docking number nor sent to the Appellate Court of the Ninth Circuit Court in San Francisco as required but had been sent to the judge in Todd’s case, which sounds like another violation of process since the whole point of an appeal is to send it to an external court and judge who can address and act immediately on the appeal.

Provocative and Misleading Language Use in Messages Versus Primary Interest in Jury Trial and Not Violence

While Todd’s friends and psychologist Dr. Seth Farber advise that Todd issue an apology for his use of questionable language in order to persuade the FBI to drop the charges against him, Todd has long expressed interest in a jury trial and in bringing forward all matters related to unlawful targeting and non-consensual neuro-experimentation in this country, in interests of seeking justice and freedom from technology abuse for all “Targeted Individuals” who are really falsely-accused subjects of surveillance and of Fusion-Center-trafficked non-consensual military and Intelligence experimentation and testing with emerging brain and electronic technologies, as several reports by this writer and others illustrate.

Dr. Farber stresses that although Todd has used provocative language in his messages to Senators DeFazio and Wyden, he can testify that Todd is not and has never been interested in violence and has always been focused rather on addressing all abuses he reports against him and others legally through the court system. “I can testify in Court that having known Todd for 5 years and counseled him, he does not have fantasies of committing any acts of physical violence…(but of) revenge in Court.”

Indeed, Todd has apparently been striving to communicate with legislators for many years, reporting human rights abuses both he and other wrongfully targeted Americans have experienced, urging them—without success–to put a new law in place to ban non-consensual experimentation and end the Deep State abuse of their constituents.

The language of frustration he has used in these messages with words such as “rape,” “blood pouring,” and “kill” is addressed in a recent document he sent from the Seatac jail via CorrLinks to this writer, Dr. Farber, Kelly Wallace, Jim Gottstein of Psych Rights, and others, outlining his situation wherein he implies that these words he used related only to the court system’s death penalty and states he is well within his rights to promise a jury trial and the verdict of a death penalty (putatively pronounced by such a court proceeding) to elected representatives who ignore his pleas for justice in the face of long-term abuse with stealth weaponry and psychological harassment he has suffered for many years. “A person has a 1st amendment right to discuss abuse happening to them, and to provide an assessment of the law that a Congressman or Senator will receive the death penalty if the law was enforced after a jury trial.”

Dr. Farber notes that Todd wrote: “Pete, I am gunna rape you and your staff for vulnerable person abuse and end your career….Todd explains: “Vulnerable person abuse refers to ORS 124.100 a statute I intend to sue and bankrupt his staffers with for covering up and hiding my physical and financial abuse.

Todd clearly did not mean he intended to rape anyone–let alone the whole staff. Obviously what he intended to convey is “I will get back at you and your staff for vulnerable person abuse and I will end your career…” Todd explains…THROUGH LEGAL MEANS.” Dr. Farber comments, “Even as metaphor it’s poor use,” but he understands Todd “feels raped.”

Further, Dr. Farber states: “Language is equivocal. When a stand-up comic is doing a good set and his audience is laughing he will typically say later, “I was killing up there.” If he’s doing poorly he’ll say “I’m dying up here.” Todd–unfortunately–sometime uses language in this way in the wrong context…But because he has a brilliant mind and is an autodidact his idea of “making a killing” is Winning in Court. He’s not a fighter. I invited Todd to be a co-presenter with me (which he happily accepted) on 3 occasions at a large forum–he made a killing.”

Conflicted Mention of Mass Shooters; Reports of Neurotechnology Use

The primary reason for Todd’s arrest and incarceration, by record in the FBI affidavit is threats made via interstate communications and stalking but some of the information reported in the affidavit appears to point to a threat assessment of possibility for future violence.

In one of his messages to Senator Ron Wyden, Todd has mentioned other reporting victims of neuroweaponry abuse who ended up succumbing to Manchurian-candidate-style neurotech manipulation and engaged tragically in mass shootings, including Aaron Alexis, Myron May, and Esteban Santiago; he also mentioned the Unabomber and Miriam Carey and stated these were all false-flag operations (an opinion shared by many) and that he too was being abused in similar ways with neurotechnology .

FBI agent Damara Schlitz’s affidavit describes and projects Myron May and Esteban Santiago in footnotes as mentally ill with reported “delusions” of being targeted by Government—previous news reports in corporate or mainstream news media have also portrayed these men as delusional; deeper probings however into their lives and history of disclosure show that both Myron May and Esteban Santiago had complained of being abused with neurotechnology and ELFs by government agencies, as also did the Navy yard shooter Aaron Alexis.

In any case, the FBI—who is involved currently in studying and probably by this point operating neuro surveillance technologies with the Department of Justice on Americans as plainly detailed in this 1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the DOJ and DOD, and in 1990s Defense news reports of US government collaboration with Russian institutes in the study and development of “psycho-corrective” technologies—aka stealth neuro-modification technologies–has famously embarked on a duplicitous strategy of disavowing any knowledge of neuroweaponry, neuro-surveillance technologies, less-than-lethal anti-personnel weapons, and psycho-corrective technologies, and engaging in outright lies therefore in this matter, choosing, by insidious, weaponized strategy essentially treasonous to the American people, to dismiss all reporting victims of such neurotechnology or ELF/DEW usage on them as delusional.

Excerpt/Defense News 1993

Excerpt/Defense News 1993

Fortunately however—and probably decades after the fact–other public disclosure of neurotechnology usage is increasing today. Dr. James Giordiano, military neuroscientist and neuroethicist at Georgetown University has publicly discoursed on the current examination and use of Neuro Surveillance and Neuro Monitoring technologies by the Criminal Justice system in his lectures, as these two recordings (videos posted here) demonstrate: Predictive Neuroscience: Facts, Fictions, and Fears of Scanning Brains and Reading Minds and Predictive Neurotechnology – Minority Report and More.

Image: Still from Predictive Neuroscience: Facts ,Fictions, Fears

Dr. Giordiano has also specifically stated that the brains of certain selected targeted individuals are being studied—by the military and Intelligence institutions he represents—in his disclosive lecture on the state of neuroweaponry and modern neuroscience in the US today, From Bench to Battlefield; it is precisely this which several hundreds of reporting victims are calling attention to, that their brains are being non-consensually invaded and assaulted with military neurotechnology.

False Diagnoses of Schizophrenia Are Being Used in a False Reality Construct to Suppress All Disclosure of Inhumane Neurotechnology Use on Citizens

The inexplicable attitude by the FBI to publicly refer to all reportage of military bio-communications technologies reported both by mass shooters and reporting victims of such neurotechnology abuse as indicative of “mental illness,” “schizophrenia,” and, notably, “untreated mental illness” is evidenced in public statements made nearly after every mass shooting where the issue of hearing voices and directives, or being subjected to stalking and ELF or microwave weapon abuse has been raised, as in the cases recently of Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland shooter or Travis Reinking, held for the Waffle-House shooting.

This policy by the FBI is echoed at the level of police departments and therefore directs the responses of media, psychiatrists, and the court system, with all reporting victims of non-consensual neurotechnology experimentation being peremptorily dismissed as paranoid and delusional, requiring psychiatric treatment with anti-psychotics. Wrongful diagnoses of perfectly mentally well people reporting military technology use on them therefore is an ongoing subject of concern to this reporter and is a continuing subject of investigation at Ramola D Reports. Authoritarian Psychiatry KGB-style, as many psychiatrists themselves will readily admit, has taken up residence today in the USA, and becomes a tool of suppression of authentic reportage from the public in this scenario of non-consensual neuro/DEW experimentation which thousands of Americans (and people worldwide) are reporting today. The threat of Involuntary Holds, forced Psych-Commits, and forced Psych-Drugging is held over the head of every single reporting victim—as this writer learned one year ago at this time, compelled to notify local bodies in Massachusetts that Investigative Journalism is Not Untreated Mental Illness.

Interestingly, Todd reports an unusual encounter with a fellow inmate who was apprehended for exactly the same charges as himself, writing seemingly threatening emails to Congressmen Peter DeFazio and Ron Wyden, whom he believes is an undercover agent, and who gave him confirmation that he is indeed the subject of military experimentation with neurotechnology and remote brain surveillance which he terms part of Project Stargate or the NSA ESP program.

Inside the criminal complaint from (XYZ) is listed emails he sent to Peter DeFazio and Ron Wyden, including one that reads, “Time to die, Pete.” He said his emails were from a script he was going by. He said “they won’t let me hang anyone else in Oregon but you two,” referring to Ron Wyden and Peter DeFazio, who he refers to as his past friends, but they are extremely corrupt. He told me he knows a lot about the corruption of Peter DeFazio and Ron Wyden, knows them to be liars, hiding national security knowledge and abuses against Americans.”

He told me he’s an ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence Officer, a US Navy Ship Captain, Linguistic Warfare, and Blinding Laser Weapon expert. He told me the Secretary of Naval Intelligence is the highest up most powerful person in the world, even above the President…He shared the specifications on a technology invented during World War 2 that enabled the Germans and United States governments to communicate brain to brain, bypassing language barriers, and human sensory organs. Think about it, an Englishman speaks English, German man speaks German, but by communicating brain to brain they can understand each other without need for translation. This indicates the thought process of the brain are identical from each person in general, and can be read and then beamed into another (person’s) head, and understood by the receiving brain (telepathy)…He wrote me a letter and provided me some details, saying USCYBERCOM was responsible for doing it if I ever heard voices in my head. He wrote a letter sample I could send to them to help them investigate. He said they were good people.

He said the President is very aware of the technology and they’ve targeted him with it, and so the Secret Service actually provides protection from it, including scanning for ultrasound and electromagnetic frequencies which can be used to pass messages into the President’s head. He also described the technology being used to command legions of Armies, by passing messages and instructions directly into their heads, which can also be used for movie production in case people forget their lines, as the lines will be beamed directly into their heads.

Far from such stories being fantasy or sci-fi, and in support of remote brain technology experimentation reported by many today, the issue of “Neuro Cognitive Weapons” was recently mentioned by a Defense medical planner as being a subject of high concern by the US Navy Surgeon General at a conference on emerging biodefense technologies—obviously not demonstrating schizophrenia herself in doing so.


Todd also reports that both he and Tyrone Dew, another reporting victim of non-consensual neuro-experimentation, wrote to Esteban Santiago’s public defense attorney at the time of his trial, informing him about the existence of neurotechnologies which could produce the effects of voices and radio-hypnosis Santiago reported and acted on, as well as referred him to ex-DOD/CIA cybernetics scientist Dr. Robert Duncan for confirmation, in order to establish true defense for Santiago—as being under CIA or NSA Mind Control Technology, but that their reports went unacknowledged; in the usual Mass-Ignoring-of-CIA-MK-ULTRA-Present-day-Neurotechnology way, Santiago was considered mentally ill, and in the face of the death penalty, pled guilty and was condemned to life in prison.

False diagnoses of paranoia, delusion, and mental illness by any standard can be seen by any of us to be reckless, irresponsible, and fraudulent in the extreme, but it is precisely this False Reality Construct (replete with false diagnoses by either uninformed psychologists and psychiatrists or participating, complicit ones) in this age of indisputable advancements in DOD, DOJ, and CIA Neurotechnologies and Remote Human Access anti-personnel radar/sonic weapons that a collusion of “authorities” with FBI in the lead and surely CIA and NSA in the wings, not to mention US Navy, US Airforce, US Army, JSOC (Joint Special Ops Command) et al has succeeded treasonously in perpetrating on the American populace.

The Issue of Threat of Violence, Path to Future Violence Implied by FBI

Within the context of threat of violence, which is what the FBI has apprehended Todd Giffen on, an email from DOD/CIA scientist and whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan cited by Todd to Senator Ron Wyden has also been included in FBI agent Damara Schlitz’s affidavit, wherein Dr. Duncan appears to suggest that the government neurotechnology he is aware of is likely to work on influencing him toward violence against himself or someone else–”I know how angry you are. It is unlikely they will kill you but the torture sure feels like it. The real issue will be if they can get you to kill someone else or yourself. That will be your internal battle for awhile.”; Dr. Farber disputes this notion and states firmly that this was never Todd’s conundrum; his avenging and revenging fantasies were always about taking his abusers to court and seeing them prosecuted in a jury trial.

High Intelligence and Sanity Despite Repeated Childhood Abuse, Hospital Abuse, Whistleblower Retaliation, and Police Abuse

The notion of Todd’s mental competency, to be discussed in this upcoming hearing on April 8, Dr. Farber reaffirms really should not be in question, since, he notes, Todd is someone of high IQ and an enquiring mind.

Todd’s website Oregonstatehospital.net/Click to visit

Other reporting victims of non-consensual neurotechnology experimentation note that Todd has made a study of and has a deep understanding of civil rights and criminal law; his meticulous research into mind control technologies and whistleblower testimonial is published online for all to see at his websites including obamasweapon.com and oregonstatehospital.net.

Todd’s website Obamasweapon.com/ Click to visit

Todd’s intelligence and sanity are further supported by Cathy Meadows, a psychologist who spent five hours evaluating Todd in 2013 and reports on the tragic story of his repeated abuse earlier during extended stay at Oregon State Hospital, whom he has sued. In her report she states: “While he hasn’t yet gone on to any type of higher education, Todd scored on the 99th percentile in science, and on the 88th percentile over-all, on his GED tests. He is very, very intelligent and, therefore, had successfully learned to deal with any and all abuses he endured as a child.

This report in fact—a must-read for all interested in excavating the truth–makes it clear that Todd has been the repeated victim of whistleblower retaliation after reporting sexual harassment and abuse by a female medical worker at Oregon State Hospital. The video testimonial by his grandfather Clyde Giffen on his website and photographs posted there also bear witness to the inexplicably abusive treatment he was subjected to when young by local police. Examining all of these matters including noting that Todd was raised mostly by his grandparents after experiencing a variety of unsettling moves and abusive treatment after his parents’ divorce very young, it becomes clear that he has indeed been a vulnerable youth and adult who may have been opportunistically abused by “authorities.”

Stealth Neuro-Influence Technologies Step Into Focus

Ironically, incarcerating and seeking to psychiatrically commit Todd Giffen now after he sent those emails and Facebook Messenger messages to Senators—characterizing him as a potential threat and potential mass shooter—all of which is nonsensical according to his psychologist Dr. Farber, has succeeded currently in drawing attention to the stealth neuro-influence neurotechnologies which he is reporting, which may be entirely responsible for the content and controversial language of those emails.

Because indeed the power and danger of these neuro influence weapons using electromagnetic frequencies to alter cognitive processes and reshape behavior as well as commandeer human will and intention—as understood by scientist, whistleblower and reporting victim testimonial as well as patents, is apparently so extreme that it can induce word, phrase, and sentence choice and use, and could very well have induced Todd to express his frustration verbally in just such heightened and metaphoric yet socially unacceptable terms. While mainstream media today forbears from covering the facts about mind control or neurotechnologies today, an early op-ed in 1967 in the New York Times titled Push Button People highlighting neuroscientist Jose Delgado’s experiments with monkeys where mothers could be persuaded by implanted electrodes to reject their own offspring reveals that neuroscientists were well aware of the capabilities of EMFs and neurotechnology way back then.

Push1Push2If only the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD would come clean and confess and accept culpability for their use of these brain control technologies randomly, en masse, and specifically on the populace—in order to offer the public clear and truthful insight into the scope and capability of these neurotechnologies, this situation would never have come about.

It is to be hoped that Todd issues a meaningful apology to those Senators and is successful in having them and the FBI drop these charges of threat and stalking, and that his competency hearing on April 8, with Dr. Farber testifying in defence of his competence veers in his favor. Meanwhile, interested readers are encouraged to write formally to the court and speak on behalf of Todd, seeking his release and speaking for his mental competency and sanity, especially if they know him well and are aware that he is truly not an advocate of violence, but rather a victim of abuses as he states, and therefore really should be assisted, and not incarcerated by the very State which has unlawfully experimented on him.

Court information is as follows—many thanks to Kelly Wallace for her research and tireless human rights advocacy.

Honorable Magistrate Judge Mustafa T. Kasubhai .

Address: Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse Room, 5400 405 East Eighth Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 .

Chambers # 541- 431-4120

Case Management Information Courtroom Deputy: Jackie Klein # 541-431-4119

Case Administrator/Docket Clerk Information

Fax # 5414314109


Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program

Deep State Treason–NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Reveals Massive Surveillance Abuse of Innocent Americans, Civilians Worldwide Beyond FISA Memo: #BIGGERthanReleaseTheMemo

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart – Your Tax Dollars and FISA Abuse

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart: To the Authorities of Every Level of Government: Re-Declaration of Rights July 4, 2018

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

2016 BRAIN Initiatives: Neuro Crime, Neuro Warfare, DARPA/CIA Brain Experimentation, Neuro Ethics, and Non-Consensual Experimentees

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Washington’s Blog: The American Public Informs President Obama’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues About Ongoing Non-Consensual Human Experimentation in the USA Today

Documents Relevant to Todd’s Case:

Thanks very much to Psych Rights for obtaining these transcripts.

Transcript of Dec 5, 2018 Hearing, United States Vs. Todd Giffen

Transcript of March 20, 2019 Hearing, United States Vs. Todd Giffen
My Investigative Reporter Statement for Todd Giffen

Message from Dr. Robert Duncan and Todd Giffen: Subjects Needed for Research

sun_eclipse1Posted by request–please read, visit Todd Giffen’s website drrobertduncan.com for more information, please sign up for this study if you fit the criteria and would like to participate by sending a note to the email address provided below.

Dr. Robert Duncan and Todd Giffen are looking for a certain subset of “Targeted Individuals” to participate in a study of electromagnetic sensitivity using prototypes “to alleviate electromagnetic sensitivity or prove to the government that regulations must be passed to protect a certain population.” Tests are being conducted “for a double blind study for a particular group which will give us the data we need to proceed with this design.”

A message from Dr. Robert Duncan A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D. and Todd Giffen

December 12, 2016


Subjects needed for research

We have a limited number of prototypes for which we are collecting data to alleviate electromagnetic sensitivity or prove to the government that regulations must be passed to protect a certain population.

In this study we are conducting tests for a double blind study for a particular group which will give us the data we need to proceed with this design.

These are the qualifications that you must meet to participate:

  • You must currently and for the foreseeable future live in a house in the part of the United States that has moist soil. The house is necessary because if it is wired correctly, the third prong of your electrical outlet should be Earth grounded. Trailers and dry soil/sand will not work correctly for this study.
  • You must submit a $200 deposit for borrowing the prototype to ensure that theft does not occur of these prototypes. This is fully refundable – shipping costs within 90 days. We realize that some people may not want to give them back if they work for them.
  • Instructions of use are included with the device. Follow them exactly.
  • Send the survey results back in the pre-paid envelope provided.
  • Important! For this study we need “Targeted Individuals” that fit this profile exactly. The person must have a reasonably good bill of health including mental health other than hearing voices. The voices must say things like “We are giving you cancer. We are going to kill you. We are going to kill your family. You are ugly. Etc.” Typical psychological breakdown techniques. The voices should be somewhat mild to moderate. This is due to the sensitivity of the individual. The dampening algorithm and field cannot fully detune the fully tortured and scrambled individual. We need this data pure so please be honest or you will destroy the truth that we seek for further progress.

If you fit this profile and would like to participate in this study, send your name, email address, physical address, phone #, and a one paragraph description of your symptoms to HigherOrderThinkers@gmail.com. Your information will be recorded so you must feel comfortable with that.

Prick your finger. It is done. The moon has now eclipsed the sun. The angel has spread his wings. The time has come for better things.

Source: DrRobertDuncan.com