Tag Archives: Satanism

Ian R. Crane | Population Cull via Vaccination

Ramola D | RAE (Report Analysis Op-Ed) | April 15, 2020

One and a half years ago, in June 2018, Ian R. Crane, broadcaster and journalist posted this highly prescient video covering, with Dr. Graham Downing, professor in Neuroskeletal and Functional Medicine, genetics expert and molecular biologist the intended 2020 rollout of 5G, the testbed of 5G in Sheffield, UK, where millions of trees were going to be cut, and the controversial scenario of population reduction via vaccines, a Davos-decided billionaire plan to reduce the world’s population in a completely eugenicist way, targeting certain populations, such as African and Asian for removal from the face of the earth.

Please watch this video and share widely to inform all on the facts regarding the very real Globalist UN & billionaire-club Depopulation Agenda, which has often been termed a “conspiracy theory” in corporate Zio-Roman-Pilgrim-Society “mainstream” Mindwash media, which publishes lies on a daily basis--but which Agenda is both historic fact and unfolding panorama of horrors, spearheaded by such stalwarts as Bill Gates.

Today we face the spectre worldwide of forced vaccinations via COVID-19, thanks to the very same billionaire club currently pronouncing edicts for one and all on such completely bought-and-sold media as BBC.

Believe Bill at your own risk: only if you want to wear a mask forever, “social-distance” forever, and be finished off eventually by a bio-engineered live virus inside the COVID-vaccine he wants so badly to inflict on one and all. Health Expert? Hardly. Bill has led the WHO Polio Death and Paralysis campaign in India and Africa, paralyzing about 500,000 young children with live virus vaccines–among many other vaccine-related crimes.

However, it’s reassuring to see, today, that the Trump administration is pushing back against the Fauci, Birx, and Gates crowd, with the latest news coming in from Dr.Rashid Buttar that the new Surgeon-General rejects Depop Bill’s model of “predictive contagion”:


This is great news and one can only hope that the Trump administration is working to halt the Global Mandatory COVID Vaccine plan which the WHO, CDC, Rockefellers and Bill Gates have been planning for decades, along with their GAVI ID2020 plan. If you haven’t heard of “Biometrics for newborns” via GAVI, read about it here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1238318823142350849.html

The Bill Gates & co. Global Vaccine Mandate plan needs however to be monitored closely, and raised-voices proffering dissent to these “offers-to-contract” as perpetual slaves are still needed worldwide — alt media needs to keep covering this, and everyone needs to speak out, because Bill’s scenario of future-life-permitted-only-by-certificates-of-immunity is still being aired on his propaganda channels, and the entire whale of machinating mainstream media is still printing propaganda about COVID19 vaccines being needed. Those who understand the Corporation-and-Media-Lie game suggest that every one of these rolled-out ideas for future enslavement are an “offer to contract”; it is up to each person on the planet to express dissent and refuse the offer; saying “I do not consent” is important.

Further, the #5G rollout which Ian Crane followed early is not being stopped, and the chatter now on the airwaves about “burden on the Internet” thanks to people staying home Needing a 5G rollout is ramping up. Cyclical disaster in other words: Fake pandemic to keep you home (while real deaths may be due to 5G rollouts worldwide) and then rationale for 5G presented Because you’re all working from home!

(See https://www.ibtimes.com/huawei-news-chinese-telecom-giant-warns-uk-against-backing-down-5g-decision-2958508)

And then we have the telecom-propped-up UK government like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth coming down on a BBC broadcaster for making reference to possible connections between 5G and the CoronaVirus:


5G is definitely a part of this “pandemic” scenario, please see the documents linked here and stay tuned for further video and print coverage.

Social Distancing is a Cover and a Lie

Professor Knutt Witkowski, epidemiologist and biostatistician had this to say about social distancing preserving the health of viruses:

“Going outdoors is what stops EVERY respiratory disease.”


The University of Surrey Innovation Centre referenced in Ian Crane’s video has long been working on AI and video and camera surveillance and machine learning issues, with “Reidentification” being a major problem tackled from different angles, as this paper, Leader-based Multi-Scale Attention Deep Architecture for Person Re-identification, suggests. (PDF of that paper here.)

Is Social Distancing all about helping AI with Reidentification and deep Facial and Gait Recognition for more intrusive video surveillance?

There are other possibilities. Those who are targeted and those who have studied bio-energetics both have incessantly reported the existence of unique bio-resonance frequencies associated with each human being, and also with organs. Declassified documentation including from Project Stargate CIA archives on non-lethal weaponry, neuroweaponry, parapsychology, bio-energetics, and information from military whistleblowers suggests these unique frequencies are being identified and used to monitor, identify, and invoke targeted frequency weapon attacks on people. It is possible therefore that social distancing in public offers a means to more easily monitor and collect these bio-resonance identifiers.

Is social distancing also a means of keeping people from influencing each other through contact, flow, and merging of subtle bio-field energy such as auras and ethereal body envelopes? Could it be a way to separate humans from the energies of Nature and the biosphere?

Those who are being social-distanced in hospitals and hospices and forced to die alone, minus the presence of their relatives and friends, are the ones especially being targeted by these wrongful rules made in the false name of public health. The elderly and sickly elderly are definitely being targeted, as reports pour in on social media of euthanasia, and no-resuscitation sign-offs being proffered to elderly in hospitals.

A couple Rothschilds

Make no mistake, we are dealing with an insane Satanic billionaire-club and their minions intent on depopulation, apparently by any means necessary. On all fronts, a population cull, covert and overt, is both underway and planned. The entire phenomenon of “targeted individuals” falls into place within this context of absolute mayhem, absolutely sanctioned by cultic cullers, intent on whittling away the world’s population–and neurodegrading all–while preserving themselves and their chosen compliants (well neuroteched and nanoteched for placidity) for slaves. It’s a Satanic and Satanist enterprise, and it needs to be resisted, individually and en masse, by everyone.

Silence and compliance–which many have been practicing for years, and is now being encouraged by the wearing of surgical masks over your mouth–becomes consent to Satanism, genocide, culling of all or some–there doesn’t seem to be any other way of viewing it currently.

Staying informed is the first step, speaking out and taking formal written action to break the fraudulent bonds imposed on all via birth certificates may have to be next, as many advise. There are other ways beyond that, it seems, to claim one’s freedom and create new worlds–but expressing dissent to crime, corruption, and entrenched Satanism has energetic power of its own and may be the primary power, along with spirituality and aligning oneself with God-power and God’s laws to bring this entire cabal down.

Read this document on Trusts and the Roman Canon–sent my way this week by :David-william: to understand the sweeping hold of Satanism on this planet and how we have all been defrauded of our living-being birthright.

Excerpt, Trust, It’s the Secret Trust, The law

Stay tuned to the Free Yourself series at my channel where many who have studied the laws of the land and sea speak openly about what needs to be done. (Subscribe to the channel for notifications–www.youtube.com/RamolaDReports–I plan to continue covering this.)

And do not forget to watch the Ian Crane video on Population Culling via Vaccines above, to see how the global vaccine push has been focused on sterility and population control–and achieved more than that, the death and damaging of hundreds of thousands of children’s lives–for almost a whole century now.

Screenshot from Ian Crane’s Population Culling by Vaccines video

Many thanks to Ian Crane for this early coverage.

Also see: COVID-19 and the Rockefeller Pandemic, by Kurt Nimmo, which cites the early Aaron Russo whistleblowing.







Jian Liang, Whistleblower on Targeting, Torture, Secret Technologies/MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, and the Secret Space Program

JianLiangCoverModified1Posted in excerpt below,  available in full here and provided here by way of Elana Freeland, author of Under an Ionized Sky and Chem Trails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, and Editor of this e-book by Jian Liang, MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program, is an extraordinary and chilling account of modern day MK ULTRA – the use of mind control technologies including radio hypnosis, the creation of alters, diagnosed as Disassociative Identity Disorder, of stealth radio frequency weapons to induce altered states such as instant sleep, of covertly-implanted nanotechnologies and microchips, and of sadistic enslavement for torture, rape, and sexual slavery in 2018 Los Angeles, California.

Jian Liang, a beautiful and highly accomplished Chinese-American IT and engineering professional, and mother of four children, recounts an extremely unsettling story of being targeted by senior managers in a major investment funds company for secret abduction, rape, and torture, and experiencing continuous brutality and sexual trafficking for years while all attempts to report rapes or seek medical help were sabotaged.

A long and persistent journey to gain evidence of nanotechnology and microtechnology implantation, as well as deprogram from the DID alter-creation programming in professional consultation with psychiatrists led to her gaining both solid evidence from radiological scanning and forensic toxicology as well as memory-recovery of terrible experiences of torture, sexual enslavement, Satanic Ritual Abuse by Iluminati Satanists and secret MILABS use in unimaginable Black Ops ,military genetic, breeding, drug trial, and espionage programs.

In testimonial to various sophisticated Black Ops Technologies reported here as well as elsewhere by various whistleblowers who have emerged in recent times, including Phillip Walker (Omnisense) of DeclassifiedDocuments.com, Cody Snodgres, and Dr. Millicent Black, Ms. Liang speaks of advanced and secret technologies she has come to know of as used in her subjugation and abduction, or witnessed, including teleportation, remote viewing, astral traveling, invisible cloaking, cloning, body disguising, soul extraction, and soul destruction.

In her introduction, Jian Liang writes:

“This book is a fictional representation of true events in which names,initials, and situations have been changed to secure safety for my loved ones, professionals who have helped me at great risk, and myself.

This is the story of American corporate and governmental life today, thanks to the Cold War that spawned the CIA Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra mind control programs. Even the secret space program now in operation began with Nazi physics and mind control. Because all of this has been cloaked for over a half century in “national security,” the American public is oblivious to the existence of the evils now embedded in the very structure of its institutions and government agencies, like the post-9/11 Department of Homeland Security.

It is long past time to awaken the public to what victims like myself are undergoing every day and night of the week at work and at home.”

This is a mindblowing testimonial and account and offers tragic insight into the criminal horrors and evils plausibly being perpetrated today in corporate America, and military America, and Illuminati Satanist America. The information presented here on radio mind control, hypnosis, and alter creation also offers insight into the phenomena of today’s crimes of plausibly mind-controlled mass shootings, stabbings, infanticides, homicides, and serial killings, which Belgian IT and Intelligence agency whistleblower Marc Delantre also recently has spoken about. The connection with the financial services and investment funds industry does bring up for me echoes as well of the case of Rohinie Bisesar, a financial services analyst in Toronto incarcerated after stabbing a stranger to death, who reported mind control, brain chip implantation, and bio-robotizing or body takeover.

Because the material in this text covers the unknown or little-known, I recommend you read with an open mind, and as Jian Liang advises at the end of her e-book, please indeed do your own research to further understand this subject and uncover the truth. As she notes, there is evidence and documentation for many of the technologies she mentions.

The technologies she speaks about are by nature remote Stealth technologies: radiation weapons, microwave and laser weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, nanotechnology weapons, neurotechnology weapons, cloaking and disguise technologies, radio frequency tracking technologies, radio hypnosis technologies, synthetic telepathy and microwave hearing, CyberKnife–robotic radio surgery, etc. The use of such weapons today by very dark forces practicing Satanism, child abuse, ritual abuse and human sacrifice, torture, sexual enslavement, and sex trafficking in powerful and depraved corporate and secret society circles as well as powerful and depraved military and government circles is not implausible.

The need therefore to continually expose such technologies, and learn and make needed social changes to end the incredible criminality in our world based on such accounts as Ms. Liang’s is therefore great. MK ULTRA may not have ended, but it absolutely should.

–Ramola D/10/13/2018

Excerpts from MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program:









Please download and share the pdf here: MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street and The Secret Space Program


Dr. Katherine Horton: “We Have Now de facto a 2-Tier Society…a System Inversion Where Absolute Scum Have Been Elevated by the Uber-Powerful Surveillance People Above Any Kind of Normal Society.”

(3) Real Talk Episode 3_ Dr. Katherine Horton on Financial Systems - YouTube - Google Chrome 2017-07-17 12.47.52aIn a powerful and hard-hitting Real Talk True Media conversation on a wide range of issues related to the current rise of the global surveillance state, budget monies which disappear into a black hole, and organized crime at the heart of the global financial system, Oxford-trained former CERN Particle Physicist and Systems Analyst Dr. Katherine Horton traces how trillions of dollars stolen from the public purse–as recorded by former Assistant Housing Secretary and President of Solari, Catherine Austin Fitts–as well as thousands of missing children today point to the existence of a parallel “spying civilization” which employs institutionalized secrecy to hide venal crime.

The end-result, she says, is a society out of kilter, which does not honor the innate power of human beings as creativity and change generators, but, in seeking absolute control, enters a spiral of inevitable systems failure. 

At heart of this bifurcated society is the funneling of vast public monies via the Security and Intelligence Agencies into the creation of a vast class of citizens–often uneducated, blue-collar, young, indigent, unemployed–being trained in cities and countries worldwide to criminally target, stalk, harass, and assault with microwave weapons those brilliant professionals increasingly identified by the Intelligence agencies as exceptionally bright, aware, creative, intelligent, and likely to effect positive change in their communities.  

These targets are then blacklisted, defamed, and slandered by Intel agents in local communities and clandestinely enrolled in highly lucrative (for the Black Ops military-industrial-academic-intelligence complex) contracts for Military/Medical/Intelligence weapons-testing, implant-and-sensor testing, and neuro-experimentation operations worldwide.

For every target, there are thousands of hidden targets and also for every target, there are thousands of children, being stowed somewhere, who have even less rights than us–who are literally being shredded in the most inhumane, psychopathic fashion.”

An essential problem, she identifies, are top-down managerial views of human activity and human beings as resources rather than non-linear creativity generators who can turn systems failures around and use their creativity and individuality to change our reality in ways that would benefit communities, societies, countries, and the world.

Stay tuned (you can subscribe to Real Talk True Media here) for the resumption of this riveting conversation in Part 2 later this week, where Dr. Horton will further examine how Switzerland lies at the heart of the problem and expand on solutions for meaningful global change we can collectively commit to.

In avid demonstration of the extraordinary defamation and slander tactics employed by today’s new criminal/crimIntel class, fully supported by the mushrooming State mechanisms of police-state repression involving Intelligence agencies, local police, and masses of citizens–including neighbors–being trained to act as Stasi troublemakers, stalkers, and discreditors, Dr. Horton reports today that she was recently verbally attacked and threatened by her neighbors in Zurich, Switzerland, in an extraordinary fit of what appears to be contrived street theatre.

Luckily for all of us, she recorded this conversation (linked below), conducted in German, which ensued when she returned to her flat after a walk, and spliced it together with an English translation and a series of pertinent questions addressed to the world.

With many thanks to Dr. Katherine Horton for her candid conversation on crime and financial systems, and for her video above illustrating what the highly-educated and exceptionally brilliant targets today of Intelligence agency criminality around the world are being subjected to within their own neighborhoods in desperate replays of 1930s and ’40s Nazi crime.  

The question of note today really is: Are people of conscience worldwide going to wake up and do something about all of this — or simply let the conglomerate of corrupt and criminal and well-padded Mil/Intel mechanisms worldwide roll over and flatten all of us?

To see Dr. Horton’s recent address to Americans of integrity and conscience on this subject, please see: Dr. Katherine Horton to All Americans with Integrity: Global Nazi Extermination Program Underway–Why You Need to Help Rescue Electronic Concentration Camp Victims Now!

–Ramola D/7/17/2017

RADCHICK/Radiation Research and Mitigation: NWO-Full Speed Ahead

VHF_UHF_LP-antenna1Re-blogged, with many thanks, from RADCHICK, Radiation Research and Mitigation, a highly informative blog run by ophthalmic photographer and nuclear radiation researcher, Cristina “Radchick” Consolo. A conversation between Professor Darrell Hamamoto of Asian-American Studies at UC Davis and Dr. Leuren Moret, on many subjects, including surveillance issues and technologies at the University of California, Davis, the curious circumstance of an antenna technology expert, Linda Katehi, with old Illuminati bloodline connections brought in as Chancellor of UC Davis, the widespread use of ELFs/ULFs in mind-control, the Jesuit and Skull & Bones connections, and the visible presence of the New World Order on the UC Davis campus.

Adding yet another layer of information to the recent story, reported here, of high radiation levels detected in a UC, Berkeley student housing unit, and attributed by staff there to Government and Law Enforcement satellite technology, Leuren Moret speaks also about how Katehi’s 19 antenna patents have been put to use.  “UCD and other UC campuses have increasingly been fitted with many complex antennas and antenna networks since Urban Shield. Many of the technologies are related to Katehi’s 19 patents. UC has become an EMF prison from the rooftops of the campus to the cell phones of the students, smart meters on buildings, and hidden antennas on cars.”

She also speaks of an integrated, hard-wired surveillance technology network on campuses connected to multiple HAARP arrays permitting the transmission of low-frequency waves on carrier waves, conveying mind-control frequencies of suicide, among other EMF waveforms associated with specific feelings or moods, which Professor Hamamoto corroborates from his long-term observation of UC Davis students. She reports a  huge spy network on campus, students being trained in group think, and “now being trained to overthrow their own governments.” Additionally, she discusses a rollout of Satanism on campuses nationwide since Fall 2015.

Especially enlightening in its exposure of the NWO takeover of University campuses, and in its insights into how secret societies in Intelligence and military departments are running techno-programs of destruction today, all across the country. Information that is coming of age today, as the “conspiracy theory” labels of yore fall away, here inside the heart of academe.


“We are talking about a system which is in serious need of investigation, by prying off the barnacles that are slowing down the ship…”

~ Professor Darrell Hamamoto, PhD 

On May 7th of 2016, an extraordinary conversation took place between Professor Darrell Hamamoto and Nuke Lab Whistle-Blower Leuren Moret, in the Asian Studies Department at UC Davis. This interview is astounding in its detail, scope, and massive implications. The model discussed, focused primarily on the faculty appointments at UC Davis and the current scandals playing out there, reveals quite vividly the darker underlying framework being used throughout colleges in the United States, including a broad network of surveillance – which is now fully integrated. By hiding our ‘true history’ and controlling the information shared through Universities and higher education, the Powers That Be are assuring the indoctrination of our future generation into complete acceptance of the New World Order Agenda. The process has been gradual. But it is apparent, if you know who, where, and what to look for.

Surveillance, Satanism, NWO controls such as Frequency Manipulation, Bloodlines and the CFR, the Heroin Epidemic, Deliberate Poisoning of the Food Supply, Radiation Sickness from Nuclear Pollution, and even the Wigner Effect – are also key components of this amazing and insightful interview.

Professor Hamamoto also discusses the repercussions of asking questions about his own institution, and both he and Leuren Moret offer hope in their candid exchange of ideas and information throughout their discussion.

Please visit there for the full post. The video is linked here below.


Dave Hodges: The U.N.’s World Religion Will Cut Out Your Soul and Reduce the Population by 95%

Re-posted for sharing, from The Dave Hodges Commonsense Show.  This is the first I’m hearing about 1000 Temples of Baal, but apparently this news is well-known, and the rest of the information regarding Global Depopulation is not new to me anymore, and is part of a post I’m currently preparing.  Global Depopulation is Not a conspiracy theory, please research with awareness.

The incredibly distressing information about child-abuse, pedophilia, and ritual sacrifice that many of us have already learned about in relation to Satanist and Luciferian practices engaged in by the Entrenched Criminal population masquerading under the misnomer “Elite,” continues to be shocking, but must be faced head-on by us if we are to become fully aware of what exactly is going on in our world–and Stop it from continuing. Are Americans aware that there’s an underlying philosophy of Satanism manipulating our surface reality in the USA? Why is this important–because our children, our children’s minds, and our children’s lives are at stake. Satanism is not just another religion–and it is using the facade today of Earth-worship, Nature-worship, and Gaia-worship–which is so extraordinarily insidious, since All of us care about Nature and the environment. We have got to dig deep to understand this affects every single one of us, and most especially, our children. Learning about it has to be the first step in taking action to resist the spread of this initiative.

While it is difficult for me to imagine Any religion trying to take over all the world’s many religions–and many populations–let alone a “religion” steeped in evil, the aspect of Nature-reverence gives me pause; obviously some mind-control at a very basic level is being pursued–I will research means of resistance we can each engage in as individuals, and post shortly.  Just sharing this information will help keep numbers of us informed.

Preston James has an excellent recent article at Veterans Today which discusses the weird, dual reality we are living in in the USA today–with the semblance of normalcy propped up by a corrupt, spineless, propagandaistic Mainstream Media, and a Shadow Government run by globalists, Khazarians, Zionists, and the foreign government of Israel–which is running the DHS and local law enforcement at the local, county level: Have You Become a Stranger in Your Own Land?


From Dave Hodges Commonsense Show, please click over there for the radio show, link below:




Much has been written about the 1000 UN sponsored Temple of Baals being constructed in China, UK and the US. What is not being talked about enough is the fact that this represents the establishment of a one-world religion and the elimination of all other religions.

This religion guided by Satan is pitting Muslims vs. Christians. It promotes pedophilia and every other perverted form of human interaction!

This religion will cut out our soul and be used to depopulate the planet by 95%.

When will this happen? It will happen  yesterday. This is already underway.

The interview with Dr. Broer commences about 8 minutes into the hour. Dr. Broer links the Temple of Baal to every occult practice and the elimination of all free will. This is spiritual genocide.

Spread this far and wide.

SOURCE: Dave Hodges Commonsense Show