Daily Archives: December 15, 2015

Dr. Steven Greer: How the Secret Government Works — UFO Secrecy, Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, Scalar Technologies, Disinfo Tactics

This video of Dr. Steven Greer‘s recent workshop talk in Washington, DC offering disclosure on many issues surrounding the national security state and its connection to the tremendous secrecy built up around UFOs, ETs, and space-age technologies deriving from ET contact still being-kept-secret has been passed around on the Web for some time and can be viewed on Youtube.

Update and Correction, September 2016: The letter presented in Dr. Greer’s video and covered below as from the Strategic Studies Institute was apparently wrongfully attributed as such, and is in actuality, as per her own correction, a letter penned by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project.

I understand Ms. McKinney has now corrected Dr. Greer on the matter of authorship and intent of this letter. In a March 23, 2016 letter to him, notification of which was provided to me, she wrote:

 “I had intended this letter as a sardonic slap-in-the-face, drawn in part from my former role as Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project, affiliated with the Association of National Security Alumni.

In that capacity, I had had extensive contact with former satanic cult members and with so-called UFO “abductees,” as well as first-hand experience with the deceptive practices employed by the U.S. Government, especially in the intelligence and UFO-abduction fields. I employed the knowledge gained from those experiences in my letter to Metz and Kievit.” Julianne McKinney, March 23, 2016

While it appears from the correspondence exchanged between both and reported to me that accusations of CIA affiliation and lack of integrity were aired, I personally seek to stay somewhat neutral on this subject and post here only the most relevant information (in my view). I am sure Ms. McKinney or Dr. Greer would be able to publicly post further on this fracas on their own, should they wish, to clear up any doubts on their views or affiliations. If both parties would like to contact me, however, with specific intent to add more to this report, I will be glad to report further.

Dr. Greer’s March 24, 2016 response, as reported by Julianne McKinney, contained the following:

I very much apologize for the confusion on this matter. All I was ever given were the 2 pages I showed and was told it was FROM the Institute , not to it. I did not know about you at all!

I will certainly make this clear in the future.

However I am curious how you know – however sardonically you may have presented it- about the para-governmental involvement in hoaxing many UFO and Abduction events. That part of what you wrote is no exaggeration as I have multiple independent military and government sources who have specifically explained to me this ” stagecraft”- and some who have been directly been involved in those ops.

Like you, I am actually very skeptical of much of what is out there attributed to “aliens”. Many cases are attempts to hide advanced human electro-magnetogravitic aircraft that are highly classified.

There is also an enormous amount of psyops disinformation designed to, frankly, scare people and create fear and hatred of ETs- for future propaganda conditioning purposes to be announced.

Again, I apologize for the confusion as all I had has part of your letter (can you send me all of it? ) and it conformed with other evidence and sources who have confirmed to us the hoaxing of many UFO/ Abduction events ( as well as the so-called animal mutilation phenomena) .

There is also a very substantial op dealing with electronic, psychotronic and radionics warfare technology.

Any info you have on these matter(s) is appreciated. Dr. Steven Greer, March 24, 2016

The Julianne McKinney 1995 letter at core of this controversy was apparently long-posted online in full at MindNet Journal, but, by Julianne McKinney’s recent report to me, “no longer exists. This, after being left intact for ten years, but following my having brought this to your attention..”

Ms. McKinney also noted: “As it happens, I made a copy of that letter and am attaching it below, should you require continued access.”

Since Ms. McKinney has provided a copy of that letter to me, I will post it on this site, with a link below, for continued access by anyone interested. Should anyone find this problematic, please contact me.

I note further below which part of this post is part of my original Dec 15, 2015 post, when I did not have this information about Julianne McKinney’s letter. Thanks!

–Ramola D

All this below is my original post on this video, from Dec 15, 2015.

I waited to post it here because I wanted to view it myself, which has taken some time–it’s long, I could only watch it in snatches–and of course, I watched it primarily with an eye to further understanding how our highly-secretive Intelligence agencies–which are running extremely damaging Covert Ops on the American public today (see this post on “Targeted Individuals”)–are functioning, and why they think they’re inviolate and invincible.

They’re not of course, no-one is, they just don’t seem to know it. Exposure of their deeds and misdeeds, past and present, is today exploding all over the place, and we owe huge debts of gratitude to those like Dr. Steven Greer, who have spent years of their lives researching these heavily classified subjects, who have persisted in their questioning, and who have come forward with extraordinary courage and integrity to present their findings to the public, minus media fanfare, and often in the face of government opposition and intimidation.

There is quite some incredible disclosure in this video (more information on this in the Description section below the video at Youtube), and it’s highly recommended, on all counts. I’ll note below though what I found interesting in relation to the development and use of electromagnetic and scalar and RFID technologies that are implicated in today’s Covert Ops of Brain, Body, and Mind Control experimentation on Americans–and which seem to be part of the globalist push for same via similar Covert Assaults on populations worldwide. (An issue that our media should be covering in detail, but isn’t, because of course they’re either run by the CIA or gagged by the NSA or misled by PsyOps Disinfo from both–more below.)

Extreme Secrecy & the Deep State

Dr. Greer traces in the  opening parts of his talk (5:00 minutes on) how the Deep State as we know it today, with its penchant for black ops and unaccountability, started with the UFO issue in the late ’40s, during the time of the development of the atomic bomb, and the Roswell incident, and the extreme secrecy that came to be built around the UFO issue succeeding this time period. This segment is interesting not merely by way of the story behind Roswell–that the spacecraft was actually shot down–but by reason of the technology used: scalar, longitudinal electromagnetic technology, used in a kind of beam weapon, developed way back in the ’40s. (Around 13:00 minutes on.)

Scalar Technologies

In other words, Tesla’s scalar technology or the understanding of scalar waves by the military/Intelligence/industrial complex, which today is thought to be used in Remote Neural Monitoring weapons whose tracking beams appear to defy shielding of all kinds, was developed way back then, and was used in the ’40s. Scalar waves are superluminal (several times faster than light), and this information is classified (!) — it’s still not taught in schools. (Note that scientists do speak about it today though, including, notably, the late Konstantin Meyl.)

Projects Off the Books

Unacknowledged Special Access Projects and their off-the-books aspects, compartmentalized secrecy maneuvers, concealment from elected government, and atmosphere of threat and intimidation is talked about around 50:00 minutes on. Illegal, unconstitutional, criminal, dangerous, is how Dr. Greer describes these–and who can argue with that.

Scientists Forced to Lie/Or Paid to Lie

How scientists at Harvard and elsewhere have been strong-armed to maintain silence over UFOs and ETs, or have been on the payroll of Intelligence agencies such as the CIA to propel falsehoods and lies on this subject for years, including Carl Sagan, of Cosmos fame, is talked about around 1 hr:58 minutes on.

Technology Interfacing with Thought

Also fascinating is the discussion of electronics picking up directed intended thought, or brain-electronic interfaces, incorporated into ET navigation systems, covered around the 2:00 hour mark. As many of us know today, the Electronic Brain Link technologies developed by DIA and CIA and DARPA neuroscientists interested in “hiving minds” and controlling the brains and thoughts of individuals (part of Mind Hacking projects referred to by Dr. Robert Duncan in this post) are some of the technologies being covertly tested today on nonconsenting Targeted Individuals, freely supplied to unethical military/Intel experimenters as EMF weapon fodder by an unscrupulous security state (the way it’s currently working, first they target you, then they think you’re free game and can be experimented on)–and by a government that is no longer representative of the people, but rather, of criminally-active transnational corporations desperate to control the people. (We are currently inside the fascist New World Order, even if not everyone knows it yet–the question is, how do we get out of it.)

Extremely Micro RFID Chips and the CIA

Around 2 hrs: 47 mins is mention of Dr. Greer’s conversation with Air Force computer specialist William Pawelec, now an interview available on Youtube ( which warrants its own post another day) on the subject of CIA involvement in the manufacture of RFID chips in the ’70s and ’80s manufactured by Siemens in the billions–miniature, edible chips, some with Neurophone capabilities, permitting radio-control of thought and behavior. Dr. Greer notes that EG &G, a chip implant manufacturer near Area 51, makes chips that have been found implanted in victims of abductions — proving that these abductions were part of the PsyOps Psychological Warfare set up and run by the Deep State, to muddy the waters and deflect attention from report or anticipation of any positive UFO or ET experiences–but also proving that RFID chip implants have been planned for a long time, have been experimented with, developed, and fine-tuned covertly for years–in particular, by the CIA. RFID chip information is being followed on this site.

Open Admission of Directed-Energy Weapon Use on Americans/Abductions of Citizens/Psychiatrist Complicity/Controlled and Compliant Media

In reference to the Update and Correction, September 2016 information at head of this post, the letter presented by Dr. Greer at his webinar as emanating FROM the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, was covered in this section of my original Dec 15, 2015 post. As Julianne McKinney has informed me, this is her letter TO the SSI, and here below is the start of the letter, taken from MindNet Journal in August 2016, when it was still online. The link to the full letter, now being  stored on this site, can be found just below this excerpt.

"Homemaker's Recipe" for a Successful Revolution in Military 

By Julianne McKinney

January 1995


            Association of National Security Alumni
                Electronic Surveillance Project
                        P.O. Box 13625
                 Silver Spring, MD 20911-3625
                       (301) 608-0143
January 8, 1995

Steven Metz, Ph.D.  
LTC James Kievit  
Strategic Studies Institute
U.S. Army War College  
Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013-5050

Dear Dr. Metz and LTC Kievit:

I read your _Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of
War_  with great interest. Noting that you encourage discussion
and debate on this subject (and presuming that the average U.S.
citizen is not to be excluded from these discussions and
debates), I would like to comment on  this paper.

First, I noticed a rather curious omission in your paper, namely,
the impact of a "revolutionized" military upon the rights of U.S.
citizens as they might be inferred to exist under Article IX of
the United States Constitution. True, you have expressed some
concern about potential "ethics" violations resulting from
unconstrained evolutionary or revolutionary processes; however,
I see no reference anywhere in your paper to the military's
primary responsibility in upholding, protecting and defending
the U.S. Constitution.

Absent any such reference, your use of the term, "ethics,"
becomes relativistic, in my opinion--more suited, perhaps, to
discourses by followers of Nietsche. This is not a criticism,
incidentally. If you are unprepared to discuss an RMA in the
context of its impact on the U.S. Constitution, then I will spare
you the hassle, since what I am about to propose is similarly
bereft of any such considerations.

Full Letter at MindNet Journal/link no longer working

Full Letter posted here, as supplied by Julianne McKinney/September 2016

Please note, the discovery of this full letter by Julianne McKinney necessarily affects the nature of the information presented below, earlier, when further knowledge of this letter was not available. I am leaving this latter part of the post as is, just for the record, but to fully understand the scenario regarding this letter, please read the Update and Correction, September 2016 note added to the head of this post. Thanks!


This part of the post offers the original text about this letter from the Dec 15, 2015 post:

The most explosive information though from this talk, from the point of view of Disclosure of Directed-Energy Weapons being used today as means of Surveillance and as Assault on Americans and other populations, comes from a document (around 2 hrs: 50 minutes in video) from the Strategic Studies Institute, dated 1995. Please note there’s huge disclosure here too about other horrific CIA/NSA practices, plans, and intentions–Satanic cults, MK ULTRA trauma-based mind-control, false-flag alien invasion scenarios, complete with “stage craft,” planned abductions of citizens.Note the “Recipe” format, and the “ingredients,” which include imported mercenaries and a controlled and compliant media.

With regards to how Targeted Individuals are being assaulted today, note the verbiage re. Official Denials, Psychiatrists and Psychologists, and Government-Funded Brain research.

Text below thanks to Paul Getson from Real Hidden History on Facebook:

Strategic Studies Institute 
January 8, 1995 
Page 3 of 11 Pages
Ingredients (continued);
Imported East Bloc Mercenaries and Military Equipment
Imported Foreign National Scientists
A Controlled and Compliant Media
Decentralized U.S. Government Control
An Induced Crime Wave


1. Raise one or two generations of children under the auspices of government-approved satanic cults, such as COL (USA ret.) Michael Aquino’s Temple of Set. Violent sexual, physical and psychological abuse of these children over a period of 15 years will produce generations of dissociative automatons who will comply with instructions in obedient, unquestioning fashion. Their required adherence to cult tenets precludes any consideration of laws governing U.S. society, generally. Cult-programmed “graduates,” among other things, will be expected to participate in contrived UFO abduction scenarios.

2. Create a global UFO cult, which will involve the abduction of citizens so as to foster an illusion that this earth is facing an extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees-of-preference will have an expertise in computer technologies, since that expertise will be required in future technocratic R.M.A. scenarios. Use of experimental drugs, holographic projection capabilities, directed-energy technologies, induced auditory input, experimental aircraft, and special effects costuming and stagecraft, among other things, will be used to persuade abductees of the reality of their circumstances. Official denials regarding these events will employ reverse psychology, to ensure that all such denials are taken as official confirmation of an imminent and/or ongoing extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees will be persuaded to worship their anticipated extraterrestrial “conquerors” in cult-enforced religious fashion. UFO cult networks will be controlled by U.S. Intelligence to limit infiltration and ensure that dissidents do not disrupt UFO Cult long-term agendas. Dissociative satanic cult graduates will handle all such executions; i.e., when not actively lending logistical and theatrical support to UFO abduction operations.

3. Directed-energy surveillance and weapons technologies of all types will be used for purposes of spreading fear and confusion in the population at large (under deniable circumstances); for eliminating persons deemed “adversarial” to U.S. national security interests; and for spotting, assessing and manipulating potential recruits to R.M.A. causes.

4. Neurocybernetics and other psychotechnologies will be used to sow confusion and hypochondria in the population at large. The symptoms and effects produced by these and other directed-energy technologies will parallel the effects produced by various microbes, viruses and chemical imbalances, thus compelling a large segment of society to seek medical intervention, which in turn, will be a basis for their being used for medical experimentation under “voluntary” circumstances. Psychiatrists and psychologists will play an important role in these experiments, particularly where denying the efficacy of neurocybernetics/psychotechnologies is concerned. Citizens complaining of “hearing voices” will be used as a basis for (generously) government-funded, schizophrenic-related brain research, since comprehension and control of the human brain is critical.

The Strategic Studies Institute is located inside the US Army War College. This is one part of a much longer document. Perhaps Dr. Greer will post the whole document on his site sometime.

More on Dr. Greer’s solutions and action items in a separate post–they can be found at the end of the video.