Daily Archives: December 2, 2015

Amanda Froelich/Activist Post: Investigative Journalist For CBS News (Sharyl Atkisson) Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public

Re-posted from Activist Post with thanks to the author, Amanda Froelich, and to Activist Post, sourced from TrueActivist.com.

This article highlights an absolute must-watch video of journalist Sharyl Atkisson who speaks candidly about how mainstream media manipulates information, how the media is manipulated by industry, particularly the pharmaceutical industry, how fake grassroots movements or “astroturf” front companies actually push big-corporate interests, and how it’s propaganda, not news, that ultimately washes up on the shore of public consciousness. 10-minute long video, well worth watching.


Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public

141031_AttkissonVideo_Quinn1By Amanda Froelich

If you’re aware that only a handful of corporations (6, to be exact) control over 90% of the media, you’re one of the few. What this means is that everything you hear on the radio, read in the news, and see on television (including the ‘news’), is controlled by one of these six corporations: General Electric (GE), News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS.

This startling truth has become more commonly accepted in recent years, especially since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, was exposed.

 Popular avenues of information are now bombarded with clever marketing tactics telling the public what to think and what to buy, how to look, and where to spend hard-earned dollars. Such is evident once you wake up and note the blatant lies continuing to spam the TV screen and newspaper headlines – especially concerning the topics of health, food, war (“terrorism”), poverty, and more.

Sadly, people aren’t even aware of how brainwashed they’ve become. That’s where Sharyl Attkisson comes in.

For her eye-opening TEDx talk (below), the veteran investigative journalist (and former CBS News investigative reporter) reveals how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

It’s time the populace wake up and question everything with integrity. 

Please share widely.

From Activist Post: This article (Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com


Judge Anna von Reitz: The Jurisdiction of the Land

(Re-posted, in excerpt, with thanks, from PaulStramer.net.)

Two new posts from Judge Anna von Reitz at PaulStramer.net, please visit there for the whole posts. The first part of one post is below.

Please note, this information is related to the affidavit published by Judge Anna and the recent commercial lien filed, in relation to addressing the still mostly hidden status of the US as a corporation and restoring the government of the people, by the people, for the people, via Common Law courts. Partly covered here in The Truth About US Govt. series, an ongoing series. Please visit Judge Anna’s site for more information, and to read all her writings.

What is the plan? Show me step by step, is the question we get most often.

From the desk of Judge Anna Von Reitz
November 30, 2015
Big Lake Alaska

The answer is simple— the counties have to operate as counties on the land again, that is, as UNINCORPORATED Body Politics.  Any time you incorporate something, you move it off the jurisdiction of the land and into the jurisdiction of the sea—- and therein lies the rub. 

 Out of 50 “States” and 3100 counties all of them have incorporated and are therefore officially operating as “federal” franchises of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION—- like local Burger King franchises.  That does not prohibit any of them from ALSO functioning as states and counties on the land jurisdiction, but we’ve been such clueless dumb clucks that we weren’t aware of any need to do so.  We have been deceived and “assumed” that that “thing” calling itself “Jackson County” or the “County of Jackson” was our lawful county on the land — and that we didn’t HAVE TO do anything more or organize anything or operate any Body Politic other than that. 

 Now you can talk to the incorporated counties and their officers about this situation and encourage them to act in both roles—putting on one hat and singing the corporate song, and then putting on another hat and singing “Yankee Doodle”—- which is what they did for quite a number of years—- but in the end, no man can serve two masters.  It is best to just hold explicit elections for the land offices—- advertise public meetings to organize the county on the land, take nominations for the offices of the land jurisdiction— call your courts, etc., by recognizable names like, “Jackson County Land Office” and “Jackson County Common Law Court” and so on.  At first, everyone has to serve pro bono and as volunteers.  That in no way alters the lawfulness of the office or our actions. 

 And just let the incorporated “County” deal with its watery international issues and “US citizens” which are in reality few and far between. 

 Once you have elected one or two County Judges, a County Sheriff, County Clerk, Bailiff, Coroner, etc., and sworn them in, the Sheriff can in turn (just like John Wayne) swear in as many Deputies on the Land as he needs to enforce the jurisdiction of the land. 

 So what is the jurisdiction of the land?  It’s everything and anything that was not specifically delegated as an enumerated “power”—and responsibility—- of the “federal government”.  ALL other prerogatives are reserved to the States on the Land and the people.

Please visit PaulStramer.net for the whole post.

David Kravets/ArsTechnica: The National Security Letter Spy Tool Has Been Uncloaked, And It’s Bad

Re-posted (in excerpt), with thanks, from ArsTechnica.com, please visit there for the full article by journalist David Kravets. Thanks to Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg, for pointing to this post.

Thanks also to Nicholas Merrill, president of Calyx Internet Access, who challenged the FBI’s gag order on a National Security Letter he was served for a client’s records, and endured a 11-year legal saga in a First Amendment lawsuit (more on this from Wikipedia) before a judge ordered that the FBI’s specific informational demands be revealed.


Excerpt, from start of article:

The National Security Letter (NSL) is a potent surveillance tool that allows the government to acquire a wide swath of private information—all without a warrant. Federal investigators issue tens of thousands of them each year to banks, ISPs, car dealers, insurance companies, doctors, and you name it. The letters don’t need a judge’s signature and come with a gag to the recipient, forbidding the disclosure of the NSL to the public or the target.

For the first time, as part of a First Amendment lawsuit, a federal judge ordered the release of what the FBI was seeking from a small ISP as part of an NSL. Among other things, the FBI was demanding a target’s complete Web browsing history, IP addresses of everyone a person has corresponded with, and records of all online purchases, according to a court document unveiled Monday. All that’s required is an agent’s signature denoting that the information is relevant to an investigation.

“The FBI has interpreted its NSL authority to encompass the websites we read, the Web searches we conduct, the people we contact, and the places we go. This kind of data reveals the most intimate details of our lives, including our political activities, religious affiliations, private relationships, and even our private thoughts and beliefs,” said Nicholas Merrill, who was president of Calyx Internet Access innicholasmerrill New York when he received the NSL targeting one of his customers in 2004.

The FBI subsequently dropped demands for the information on one of Merrill’s customers, but he fought the gag order in what turned out to be an 11-year legal odyssey just to expose what the FBI was seeking. He declined to reveal the FBI’s target.

The NSL got a major boost in the wake of the 2001 terror attacks, as it became part of the USA Patriot Act. Between 2003 and 2005, the FBI issued 143,074 NSLs according to a Justice Department inspector general report.

Please continue reading at ArsTechnica.


Compilation of statistics, history, and information on National Security Letters at EPIC–Electronic Privacy Information Center.