Tag Archives: Merrill-Lynch

Judge Anna von Reitz: “This Crime Syndicate Has To Be Taken Down”

Re-posted from Paulstramer.net, with thanks. An update from the previous post by Judge Anna asking for people to step up, and describing Merrill-Lynch’s part in constructive fraud, and a post below that, also from June 13, on the being-established People’s Law Firm and a request for donations; please help support this venture.

Beginning today, we must weld ourselves into one body and one mind.  All those who are ready to cut the cake and expatriate back to the land of your birth, that is, your states of the union—do so. All those who have been “voluntarily” paying federal income taxes—- revoke your election—  now.

(All sorts of strange things are going on currently, please check into Neil Keenan’s blog and Benjamin Fulford’s for the latest on the Khazarian Mafia, Rothschild shenanigans, Asian gold, the White Dragon Society, and more. (Stillness in the Storm usually posts Ben Fulford’s updates in full on Thursdays, also K’auilapele’s Blog. The note of urgency here in Judge Anna’s posts is quite in keeping with all of the sudden flurry worldwide.)


Progress and Flaming #@$!@s

by Anna Von Reitz
June 13, 2016

First, a big thank you to all the people who have answered the call already and stood up to claim their State of the Union and let the rest of the world know that America still exists despite claims by the banks and politicos claiming otherwise.  The majority of states are now covered and more information keeps coming in.

A big thank you, too, to those who have donated.  All these years I have never asked for donations until now, but the sheer magnitude of the information gathering and other work ongoing is too much for me and our team to handle without help.
Over the past few days we have discovered that Merrill Lynch has been the kingpin in a vast scheme to defraud Americans of their land and private property.  This crime syndicate  has to be taken down and the trust assets it has purloined under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure must be returned to the rightful owners. 
The banks and investment companies have made merry here and played their “war” games on our soil, but the hunters now become the hunted.  From here on, The People stop talking and start walking. The politicians protecting these criminals are on notice and so is the FBI.
We have been paying you jokers to protect us from such crimes and we see what we get.
When little old ladies— Great-Grandmothers—-have to come out of retirement and do battle with international crime syndicates it’s time to face the facts. The government is nothing but a governmental services corporation, and unfortunately, it’s not even doing its job.
We aren’t talking about a little lapse or a misunderstanding or a mistake.  We are talking about whole hog down and dirty—-government regulators in bed and copulating with the perpetrators of this whole mortgage foreclosure scam.
We are talking about the entire bank-owned court system being complicit and deliberately being run as a money laundering and human enslavement racket.
And we are talking about the entire “law enforcement” apparatus from the CIA and DIA and FBI on down doing nothing about it—standing around with their thumbs up their butts, whistling and turning their pretty heads the other way.
This entire country is —provably— being run by mostly foreign investment banks, con artists and grafters, and sadly, ladies and gentlemen, it’s all because we Americans have been asleep at the wheel for over a century.
These unspeakable vermin have been claiming “war powers” and creating “emergencies” for over a hundred years to promote their fraud and pad their profits. They have been lying to us and using our sons and daughters as canon fodder in their wars for profit.  They’ve been polluting the entire Earth for profit.  They’ve been defrauding little babies in their cradles for profit.
It is past time for us to launch our own version of an ’emergency’ and hold their feet to the fire. Beginning today, we must weld ourselves into one body and one mind.  All those who are ready to cut the cake and expatriate back to the land of your birth, that is, your states of the union—do so. All those who have been “voluntarily” paying federal income taxes—- revoke your election—  now.
So who is eligible to revoke their election to pay federal income taxes?  Anyone who isn’t on welfare, isn’t directly employed by the government, isn’t seeking any political asylum, and isn’t claiming any citizenship or volunteering to operate any of their franchises for them. African Americans who were never granted anything but “US citizenship” need to additionally claim their equal civil rights in order to revoke.
We need to cut off their funding and their tax rolls and cut them down to size.  We need to kick their butts so hard they can feel the jolt all the way to their split-ends, every day and in every way from now on.  And we need to invoke our court system— the one supreme court of the people— in every state of the union. 
Those of you who already know how to do this, teach the others.

If you can spare me a few shekels go to PayPal.com and donate to avannavon@gmail. I guarantee I will put every penny to good use.

See this article and over 200 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com

What Do I Need Money For?—– The People’s Law Firm

by Anna Von Reitz
June 13, 2016
We need funds to hire paralegals, clerks, office space, forensic auditors, comptrollers, private investigators, non-Bar lawyers and experts in both Admiralty and Common Law, travel expenses, court filing expenses, and the list goes on.
What I do to inform all of you is a service.  Free to all.
But the time has come to launch The People’s Law Firm.
If you want to be free you have to take steps to educate and extricate yourself from the Kingdom of Lies and come back to America.  
And if you want your property including title to it returned to you and your control, you have to take additional steps. 
And if you want your country returned to you—–because believe me, these vermin have put in place a scheme to steal the whole enchilada—–you need to have a law firm like no other defending your interests
And after that you need an honest banking system.
Now it may seem harsh, considering that you are already paying for all this and a lot more and have the right to assume that you are getting your money’s worth, but I am here to tell you that that just ain’t so.
The people you have trusted to serve your best interests have instead served their own.
Think about it.
Do you feel safe putting your funds in a bank run by these people???
Do you think for a nanosecond that they are here to help you in any way???
Instead, the pukes at Merrill Lynch have patented a whole system purposefully designed to defraud you and steal your labor and your private property—- a sophisticated factory-like process for fraud—-and their buddies throughout the banking system have all gone along for the ride.
Who cares if it is blatantly immoral and illegal and unlawful and worse?
It’s all in black and white, drawn up in their own words, sitting in the US Patent Office.
This is not a matter of my interpretation.  It’s not something subject to denial.
These banks have been so arrogant and so lawless for so long that they think they are going to herd us all up like sheep and we aren’t going to know who is doing it, how, or why.
They think that we are all going to fall for their crappola forever and live and die  as “livestock”—– until we are slaughtered for their profit and amusement.  Why not? They got away with it in 1907, 1910, 1913, 1920, 1933, 1940, 1944, 1951, 1965, 1976, 1999, 2001……they have been pulling their crap on us for over a century and over the course of that time, they have lost all respect for us.
Are you all getting the sense that I am angry?  That I am outraged by the evidence I’ve seen of what these banks have done and what these “government” regulators and politicians have allowed them to do?  Do you get the feeling that at this moment Granna Anna Meek and Mild would happily tear out every hair on all their heads?
You’d be right. And I wouldn’t stop with their heads, either.
And, finally, do you all understand and clearly grasp the fact that I don’t ask you to help fund things unless there is a REAL, REAL, REAL need do so?
That shoe you’ve been waiting for has finally dropped.  And it doesn’t have a thing to do with Iraqi Dinar.
We must all do what we can— work, research, educate, donate, and then do it all again.  And again.  And again.
You may not know it, but you and your family are in desperate need of an honest law firm and an honest bank—–and those are two commodities have to be built from the ground up, piece by piece, man by man, woman by woman.
If we don’t do it and you don’t help us, there isn’t anybody else. It’s me and you, Frankie. If we don’t do it, and you don’t help us, you’re all going to suffer through something that makes the Great Depression look like child’s play.

You can donate via PayPal via my email:  avannavon@gmail.com or you can send it to my attention:   Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

Source: Annavonreitz.com