Tag Archives: Global Debt Facility

Judge Anna von Reitz Vs Karen Hudes: The Banks Running the Govt. Services Corporations, including the Federal Reserve…IMF…World Bank and IBRD, Have Operated as Criminal Syndicates And Must Be Liquidated

Re-posted from this page at PaulStramer.net, with much thanks.



Image of Federal Reserve, DC/from Nesara News

The banks running these governmental services corporations including the Federal Reserve System running the United States of America, Inc., and the IMF running the UNITED STATES, INC. have operated as criminal syndicates and must be liquidated. The same is true of the World Bank and IBRD, which knowingly made false claims against the interests of the Priority Creditors and knowingly received assets belonging to us upon the settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.

This post relates to the long-running conversation between Karen Hudes, Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and Judge Anna von Reitz, American Common Law Judge, Alaska State Superior Court, on the subject of central banks, long-running fraud and confiscation of gold from the 1930s, the role of the Federal Reserve and IMF, the covered-over issues of Government Services corporations such as US, INC. and the United States of America, Inc. operating c/overtly as US Government, other complex issues of fraud relating not merely to the US but also the rest of the world, and the recent commercial obligation lien placed on various entities including the Department of Justice, covered quite fully on Paulstramer.net and Annavonreitz.com, as well as other sites, and partially here.

I will post related links to articles posted here earlier covering parts of this conversation, and will add in earlier posts below. It’s quite a fascinating discussion, even if a lot of this reads like fiction–perhaps that explains why I’m drawn to it!–but it is directly related to efforts to restore the US Republic, which many of us are following with interest. Plus, I think we’re all being educated here on the hidden histories of central banking, central fraud, interlocking corporate cover-ups, and how the so-called “elite” conned the system–and created the system–to garner that lovely whitewashing name for themselves, while the world took bites of the proffered poisoned apple, and slept.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

More Bull From Karen Hudes — Round Eight

by Anna Von Reitz

My answers to Karen’s assertions are in different type and labeled.


Vatican agents dropping like flies:https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.2.16.pdf
Global Debt Facility
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: important
To: only1i@tutanota.com

Dear anonymous writer,
You are right that either Von Reitz or I am lying. Von Reitz is not a judge.


Who is Karen Hudes to say that I am not a judge? Last time I looked, it was up to Americans to select their judges, not people like Karen Hudes, who are working as undeclared Foreign Agents on American soil and operating private courts under color of law as public courts. FACT: I am the Worst Nightmare of all Bar Association Members—- a Common Law Judge operating the land jurisdiction of the United States. FACT: Amendment VII clearly gives me—not them—jurisdiction over all matters affecting living people and their property. FACT: Milligan Ex Parte, provides that where I hold court they have to shut down their “prize courts” and stop plundering the people, which means that they aren’t going to be able to seize upon our assets under color of law anymore. That’s a big “Boo Hoo Hoo!” for people like Karen, but the FACT that I am a Judge and an American Common Law Judge is very good news for America and Americans and the sooner they all get busy and fill all the vacated public office judgeships, the better.


http://thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7764 Von Reitz says I am bought and paid for by the bankers. After 21 years in the World Bank’s legal department, I have my World Bank pension.


Yes, I do say Karen is bought and paid for by bankers and it hardly matters what form the payment takes. For years she has struggled to do three things: (1) gain immunity from prosecution for bankers, despite their wrong-doing; (2) leave bankers in control of our assets, despite their wrong-doing; (3) give banker’s profit also despite all their wrong-doing.

You must know them by their fruits. Heaven knows they will never tell you the Truth. I am convinced that they don’t even know the Truth. They couldn’t find it with both hands and a flashlight.


The 188 countries on the Board of Governors run the World Bank, not the bankers. The World Bank and IMF were created in 1944 to take back the world’s wealth from the bankers. That is what I am doing. Jose Rizal, known in Rome as Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz, became Superior General of Jesuits from 12/14/42 – 9/14/46. At the end of World War II Jose Rizal and his lawyer Ferdinand Marcos, the royals, the countries, the banks all agreed to put the world’s assets in the Global Debt Facility (which von Reitz refers to as the “Unam Sanctum Trust”) for 50 years, ending in 2005.


Again, who gave any permission to place our assets anywhere? Did my parents or grandparents knowingly and willingly allow FDR to do this to their assets? No! It was done under conditions of fraud, deceit, and coercion. People in America didn’t even know and were not told what the “governmental services corporation” pretending to be their lawful government was doing behind their backs.


Under the Statute of Limitations, you lose all assets after 50 years if you have not been able to prove your claims. That is in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement:https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf


Again, there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATION ON FRAUD. We, the American people, were defrauded. Our political status was deliberately mischaracterized, our identities were stolen, and our credit was abused without our knowledge or permission. The banks running these governmental services corporations including the Federal Reserve System running the United States of America, Inc., and the IMF running the UNITED STATES, INC. have operated as criminal syndicates and must be liquidated. The same is true of the World Bank and IBRD, which knowingly made false claims against the interests of the Priority Creditors and knowingly received assets belonging to us upon the settlement of the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc.


The Vatican owns all of the world’s banks.


Gee, the Vatican only came into existence in 1929, yet it owns all the world’s banks??? Banks that have been around for hundreds of years? Maybe Karen would like to cough up the charters and sales agreements to prove her claim? And, if the Vatican “owns” all the banks, then it owns the World Bank, too, and the Board of Governors of the World Bank are in Francis’s pocket, and everything Ms. Hudes does and says is at the Vatican’s behest, right?….. So, who is the “Vatican Shill” by her own assertion?


Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich wrote about a super-entity called the “Network of Global Corporate Control”:http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf Glattfelder explains in this video how 60% of the earnings and 40% of the assets of the 43,000 companies on the capital markets are owned by the super entity.https://www.ted.com/…/james_b_glattfelder_who_controls_the_…


The study referred to above was a statistical analysis undertaken by a Dutch firm which— quite by accident– found a statistical correlation and algorithms connecting an alarming percentage of the world’s top corporations to each other. If they had listened to me or read their history they wouldn’t have needed advanced computer modeling to “discover” this connection. The Global Estate Trust is set up as a vast interlocking trust directorate—- it is linked together by design and definition! Of course, there is a “network of global control” and we know how it developed and why it exists. So what? The question is— is this network being used to good or bad purposes and is it preferable to having chaos instead? It is not against the law to form interlocking trust directorates. It is against the law to use those relationships for unlawful purposes such as fraud and money laundering and unlawful conversion of assets and similar crimes which the banks are guilty of.

And when I say, “guilty” I mean guilty. Ms. Hudes and her Bosses had ten (10) full days plus mailing time to reply to just five (5) simple claim statements contained as part of our Commercial Obligation Lien and they failed to respond. As a result our claims stand as Truth in Commerce and as international law while Karen is just huffing in the wind. I not only say they are guilty— they have admitted it.


Von Reitz has alot of bad things to say about the World Bank and the IMF. Many of these things are true, because the Vatican and its super-entity have appointed the President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the IMF. The Board of Governors fired the President of the World Bank, Jim Kim. And they just fired the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde. That is because Christine Lagarde tried to sign an agreement with Pope Francis without approval from the IMF Board of Governors.https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.1.16.2.pdf The Board of Governors has also fired the General Counsel of the IMF, who did not know the Managing Director of the IMF had no authority to sign this agreement with Pope Francis.


I have had a lot of bad things to say about a lot of banks—- the Federal Reserve Banks that started all this fraud, the IMF which continued it, Wells Fargo that brought self-serving false claims before the United Nations and tried to say that the united States of America no longer exist, the World Bank and IBRD which stole assets belonging to the Priority Creditors of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc.—-the American People— by claiming that we had “abandoned” those assets and that the heirs were “unknown”—-what a crock! They could all find us easily enough when there was a tax bill to be paid. Why is it that when the bankruptcy settlement was made, nobody bothered to contact the Priority Creditors? Fraud, fraud, fraud, and more fraud! There shouldn’t be a major bank left standing so far as I have been able to discover—not one, and the black-robed vultures in cahoots with them— the members of the Bar Associations worldwide including Ms. Hudes should be put out of business, too. Instead of trying to gain immunity for your bosses and some way to leave them in control and profiting out of their criminality, you should be contemplating how you are all going to save your lives and preserve at least some of your private property in the face of worldwide outrage. 29 bankers sentenced to prison in Iceland…..2000 bankers indicted in Spain…..


The world’s wealth still belongs to the world’s people. I have not sold my soul.


How so—-and why not? You appear to have sold everything else, every kind of loony story line there is, right up to the Gold Fairy, Wolfgang Struck. If you had had your way, the innocent people of this world would have been “struck” indeed!

“Come here, little girl, I’ve got candy! I will give everyone $100,000.00 worth of gold, so you can play in my casino! Don’t read the fine print that says you are giving me your name, your body, your children, your land, your businesses, your patents, your copyrights, and everything else in perpetuity in exchange for this gold….that I stole from your grandparents anyway. Don’t notice that this will destroy the BRICs Alliance as it is being born and tank the value of gold for years to come.”

That’s the kind of “fruit” you’ve been selling, Karen. Why don’t you just stop now. Sit down, shut up, admit the Truth and await your day in a real court? I have better things to do than keep people from being misguided by you.

End Anna’s comments.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel,
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666



Source: Paulstramer.net


Jan 30, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/Anti-Corruption Society: Americans Free At Last (The Ties Have Been Permanently Broken)

Posted Here Jan 31, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: (Jan 21) Letter to General Dunford, American Armed Forces and Board of Governors & Directors, World Bank/IBRD/IMF Re. Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien

Jan 23, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Notice to Pope Francis, the UN Security Council, Congress, and The World— Round Seven: Karen Hudes/World Bank/IBRD/IMF: There Is No “Interregnum”

The Ongoing Fight to Restore the USA: Collecting Judge Anna von Reitz’s posts



Judge Anna von Reitz: Notice to Pope Francis, the UN Security Council, Congress, and The World— Round Seven: Karen Hudes/World Bank/IBRD/IMF: There Is No “Interregnum”

Re-posted, with many thanks, from PaulStramer.net. Please visit there for the original post replete with many comments, including from Judge Anna. Thanks also to Arnie Rosner at Scanned Retina for pointing me to this post.


Judge Anna addresses the troubling news from Harney County, Oregon, where it seems the FBI have brought in 200 vehicles, pitched tents at the airport, and, according to many reports, infiltrated the militia groups there.

She reminds the world that the US Government as we know it is in reality the private corporation US Inc. which is owned by the IMF, which has been declared insolvent, which has committed massive fraud upon the American people, which has amassed a massive commercial mercenary army on the land of the continental united States (disguised as government agencies: the FBI, FEMA, IRS, DHS, CIA, etc.), which is separate from the sovereign inhabitants of the sovereign land of the continental USA, and which can be held fully culpable for any Waco-style attacks they may be planning.

She also notes that We the People (sovereign, unincorporated living people of the organic States) whom she speaks for recently concluded joint declarations of sovereignty with two American Indigenous nations, and offers clarity on her correspondence with Karen Hudes–wherein the group Ms. Hudes represents (who seem to be the globalists/internationalists/bankers) seeks to once more equate the US Govt (US Inc.) with the continental united States and its sovereign people, and to suggest that the government is in an “interregnum” state (apparently between being insolvent and being bought up by Jacob Rothschild or the World Bank), as they seek to replace the crashing US dollar or Federal Reserve Note with a new Treasury Dollar/backable by gold, all in very tightly committee-regulated/”certifiable” ways that will ensure that the everyday American (whose ability to be certified/permitted/touch this gold will apparently be restricted) is kept impoverished and debt-infested, in much the same way that he/she is today.

(Many thanks to Judge Anna for this translation of their conversation (see below), the whole of which I hope to post another day–it’s a rather fascinating ongoing conversation, which you can find in full at paulstramer.net and annavonreitz.com. As you will note, it is also a rather crucial conversation, even though no-one’s reporting it right now but blogs like this one–if you’re reading this, you know already that great currents of change are currently underfoot in the USA, and we’re fortunate to be able to witness it–always trusting that the most positive of these changes will prevail! Please pass on and share this information.)

(Highlights in red below are mine; all else from original post.)


Is The FBI Assembling Death Squads – A Commentary by Judge Anna Von Reitz

The following headline was published at the Common Sense Show website on Saturday the 23rd, 2016

The FBI Assembling Death Squads As They Bring In 200 Vehicles to Oregon


In a shocking development, the FBI has brought in over 200 vehicles to Burns, Oregon. To those that know their history, it appears that Burns, Oregon will soon become the next Waco.  If I had family (i.e. women, children and the elderly), I would have them leave the Burns, Oregon area as there is ready to be a good old fashion military battleground. ……

I forwarded that to Judge Anna hoping she would write something, and this is what she has sent back with instructions to make sure this goes viral and very quickly before these agents get violent.

Notice to Pope Francis, the UN Security Council, Congress, and The World—

Round Seven:  Karen Hudes/World Bank/IBRD/IMF:

There Is No “Interregnum”

23 January 2016

Everyone needs understand that our government is not in any “interregnum” as the result of a governmental services corporation going bankrupt. 

That is a problem for the owners and operators of that corporation.  It is not a problem for the lawful sovereigns of this country.  We are able and willing to appoint new federal entities to act as our agents in the international venue and we have done so.

This is the equivalent of dropping the employment contract of a criminal housekeeper and hiring someone new to do the job.  The IMF owned and operated UNITED STATES is insolvent.  It presumed upon us, stole our identities, racked up our credit accounts to the moon — and we have repudiated the entire circumstance and the associated odious debts.

Everyone on Earth can plainly see that the sovereignty of this country is fully vested in the unincorporated people and organic states and has never been vested in any incorporated legal fiction entity at all.   Ms. Hudes’ presumption that this country is in any kind of “interregnum” is the height of self-interested wishful thinking.

The “federal government” with respect to us is a provider of government services under contract, an association of states that has never been a sovereign government with respect to us or our assets to begin with.  

If any form of “United States” is in interregnum, it is the euphemistically named United States of America, Minor—-  composed of the seven (7) Insular states and the District of Columbia.  

It isn’t the Continental United States and any confusion with us will be summarily dealt with—most likely at the end of a rope for those promoting it.   

The sovereignty of our country has always been with the people and the organic states on the land, not with any incorporated vessel in commerce. 

Our country has never been bankrupt, hasn’t been at war in 150 years, and we are not obligated to explain our actions or inactions.

Suffice it to say that we have returned home to find that our hired help has acted in Breach of Trust, has misrepresented us and grossly abused our property and good name with criminal intent to defraud us of our inheritance and to institutionalize a multi-generational fraud scheme perpetuated by a joint collusion between the Federal Reserve Banks and the International Monetary Fund/World Bank/IBRD —all of which are in receipt of stolen goods belonging to us and our progeny.

As of the sixth of November 2015 we concluded Treaty negotiations with leaders of two of the largest American Indigenous Nations, the Lakota Sioux and the Athabasca.  As a result of our Declaration of Joint Sovereignty all the  Native Americans have regained their status as free sovereign people on the land, and as a further result, we have placed our international agency with these nations whose fate and future are allied most closely with our own. 

After a National Plebiscite allowing people to express their true political status under conditions of full-disclosure and clearing away five generations-worth of fraud, semantic deceit, and abusive criminality by a succession of bank-run governmental services corporations – we may indeed call for a Continental Congress of the organic states of the Union, in which knowledgeable Fiduciary Deputies acting under full commercial liability take up the issues posed by the present circumstance and 150 years of bad housekeepers and dishonest stable boys.  

For now let it be observed by the Holy See and the entire World that the British Monarch has acted in unrepentant Breach of Trust, that Dishonor of our National Trust is entirely the fault of a succession of such Monarchs since 1845, that all debts ever accrued by the organic states of the Union are limited to those services actually received and contracted for under the provisions of the Original Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America and that all other debts are not and never were our responsibility.

Let it also stand that as a result of this fundamental Breach of Trust by the British Monarchs we have been mischaracterized and defrauded and press-ganged and subjected to enslavement and peonage, that false titles have been imposed upon our assets and many false and infamous claims have been made against us and our property.  We have also been misrepresented as criminals and war-mongers and immoral libertines to the rest of the world.

All this has happened despite British assurances of perpetual friendship and amity, despite the many signatures and seals of British Monarchs and British Crown officials on Treaties, United Nations Declarations, Geneva and Hague Conventions, Trade Agreements, Pacts, and Alliances.  These perpetrators of fraud and criminality have betrayed and enslaved their own people since the 1867 Enfranchisement Act. They have betrayed their Allies in both War and Peace. 

The IMF-run governmental services corporation in America has amassed a huge commercial mercenary army on our shores, disguised as government agencies –BATF, FEMA, DHS, IRS, FBI, CIA, and so on– when in fact these are all nothing but private, for-profit corporations lacking any public office or authority at all. These are bands of armed thugs who are being instructed to bully and rob us by criminals pretending to hold public offices and by bankers who are running governmental services corporations “as if” they were actual governments.

Imagine that you pay ABC Housekeeping Services, Inc. to do your laundry, vacuum your carpet, clean the kitchen, empty the trash, and scrub down the bathroom once a week.  They subcontract the work out and hire DEF, Inc. to do the laundry; GHI, Inc. to do the vacuuming and so on. 

Then imagine that ABC Housekeeping Services, Inc. directs all these subcontractors to boot up, ambush you, rob you, beat you, and bring false charges against you—and also pretends that you asked for this “service”.

That’s what we have going on in America and we have reason to believe the same thing is going on all over the world.  

We would like to ask Pope Francis how much longer he expects people to put up with this before they take massive violent direct action against the clergy, the bankers, the lawyers, and the politicians responsible for this?  We’ve seen the French Revolution.  We’ve seen the Russian Revolution.  We’ve seen the Chinese Revolution.  We’ve seen two World Wars and countless police actions, and at the end of the day—- it is all because of this hideous fraud. 

This Babylonian Slave System has been instituted to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy and Rule Britannia and the Marseilles— and all these evils perpetuated from 1845 until now have been finessed by the British Government despite the fact that slavery has been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and despite the fact that war has been outlawed since the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928.   They just call it by a different name, put on a new uniform, create a new office for themselves and pretend that it’s all right.

All the purloined  and borrowed assets owed to the American people and the organic states of the Union must be returned to us, the lawful Entitlement Holders, First Copyright Holders, Heirs, and Beneficiaries and released to our control, free and clear, with interest— with no further obfuscation or delay.  That is our counter-offer to Ms. Hudes and the banks she works for.  

Any Waco-style attacks against Americans will be instantly recognized as criminal acts by those corporations and corporate officers responsible.  Not only the immediate field staff but the entirety of the corporate chain of command will be held individually and commercially 100% liable.  Those responsible for any such acts will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Public Law, up to and including Public Execution.  Their corporations will also incur an immediate and published lien of two (2) billion ounces of fine silver per American murdered by any “federal” employee or agent — one billion to be paid to actual government of this country and one billion to be paid to the victim’s family, plus any Bounty Hunter fees, court fees, or other expenses. 

We will happily bankrupt every corporation and liquidate every agency that promotes violence or criminality of any kind.  We will happily prosecute every banker, every attorney, and every politician responsible.  We do not recognize this as any kind of “war” but merely high level garden variety crime that has not been recognized for what it is and properly addressed.

We presented our complaints to Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 in his Extraordinary and Secular Role as Trustee of the Global Estate.  We have continued to press for a peaceful settlement in which the American assets are returned to the American people and their organic states for the past eight years.   This is not rocket science and we have not hindered any reasonable solution or refused any equitable settlement.

We have appointed Athabasca Chief Michael Young to act as our Agent and have appointed General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces to act as our Fiduciary Deputy to collect our gold and all other material assets which were illegally confiscated, mortgaged, and otherwise improperly entangled in the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and which have been received as stolen goods by the Global Debt Facility, World Bank, IBRD, IMF, FEDERAL RESERVE, BIS, etc.

The banks and trustees responsible have been notified and there is no excuse for continued attempts to avoid the truth and misrepresent the circumstance.

We remark with Mark Twain that rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated.  The lawful unincorporated government of this country is alive and well; the free, sovereign and independent people of the United States are here to rebut any claim that our sovereignty has faltered much less entered any interregnum.

As we have repudiated the odious debts compiled by the IMF dba UNITED STATES and refused any claim by the World Bank to act as Successor to Contract it should also be clear that we do not recognize any actions by Barack Hussein Obama creating bankrupt Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities named after us or any other American living or dead and styled like this: JACOB J. LEW. 

We do not recognize any franchises created by False Usufructs in our names and employed by the same False Usufructs under conditions of fraud and deceit to enrich themselves and the corporations they have employed as a means of theft and violence. Any and all such legal “persons” and all debts or charges associated with them are the responsibility of the corporations that created them and nobody else on Earth—least of all the victims whose names have been seized upon and copyrighted by criminals.

Since 1860 a succession of imposters have presented themselves as public office holders while in fact occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead.  This fraud and deceit has allowed them to abuse what appears to be public office for private gain and to coercively and abusively impose upon the people of the United States.

The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated under false pretenses and clandestine fraud by Northern Trust, Inc. and have functioned as Undeclared Foreign Agents on our soil for decades. They have been employed to act as private bill collectors and privateers while posing as lawful judicial officers and employees of our government while in fact being employed by bank-run governmental services corporations and used to promote racketeering and armed extortion under Color of Law.

Fraud begun during the Administration of Abraham Lincoln has led to 150 years of war, misery, and enslavement of hundreds of millions of innocent people worldwide— the American people among them.  Deluded victims of misplaced confidence we supported the perpetrators of these crimes and acted as their unwitting accomplices. 

May Our Father in Heaven and all the people we have harmed forgive us as we deal with this outrageous criminality in our midst.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger


Translation of Karen Hudes’ Correspondence to Members of the “Development Committee” dated December 28, 2015

Concerning the Global Currency Reset from the assets in the Global Debt Facility, as described inhttps://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.25.15.1.pdf  

Karen Hudes:  This is a draft of the fifth and eighth action items in the Letter of Intent. It was agreed with twenty delegations during the Annual Meetings in Lima, and subsequently cleared by email with the New York Missions and Tokyo Embassies, that any country which disagreed with my proposals would go on record in writing. The purpose of these measures is to frustrate the efforts of the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich to bring on another Dark Ages through quantitative easing.

Anna’s Translation:  We got the boys together and figured out that quantitative easing would bring on the Mother of All Depressions and because of our unlucky Derivatives positions and other misdeeds, we would not be able to benefit from that.  So we have to find some way to steal the assets owed to the Americans, use their assets to pay our debts, claim that their government is in “interregnum” because our own governmental services corporation went bankrupt, and use the American’s own assets to reboot another round of fraud and plunder against them.

Karen Hudes: Successive measures in the Global Currency Reset will be agreed transparently and peacefully in due course. In addition to discussions in the Development Committee, the United States will join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and a means of converting the excess liquidity of Federal Reserve Notes that were acquired through economic transactions (and not through black operations) will include allocating shares of the publicly traded companies that are in receivership in the Global Debt Facility.

Anna’s Translation:  The “United States” being referred to is the UNITED STATES, INC., an insolvent governmental services corporation operated by the IMF.  This corporation — once it is purchased by the World Bank using American credit and assets— will sop up all the “Federal Reserve Notes” issued after the Federal Reserve System was already bankrupted.  And on top of using our assets to do this after we, the Heirs,  have specifically told them NO, they propose to  seize upon American corporations—like the bogus public transmitting utilities recently created by Obama “in our names”— that have been improperly included in the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES to siphon off more profit for the perpetrators

Karen Hudes:  The Global Currency Reset is not deflating or contracting the amount of currency required for economic activities; Federal Reserve Notes will continue to circulate alongside Treasury Dollars and local currencies; excess Federal Reserve Notes will be retired in due course. Legal tender laws are no longer in effect; parties will decide which currency to use.

Anna’s Translation: The perpetrators will buy back their pal’s I.O.U.s called “Federal Reserve Notes” and issue new I.O.U.’s called “United States Dollars” printed up by the so-called “Global Debt Facility” all based on our credit and assets— not their own—and continue to bill us and blame us for this criminal chicanery and abuse.

Karen Hudes: The initial procedure for exchanging Federal Reserve Notes for uncut United States Dollars held in the Global Debt Facility will be as follows: residents of the United States will mail a notice to the Development Committee on a form to be published, the amount of Federal Reserve Notes that they propose to exchange (up to $1 million per resident), and the address to which the Development Committee’s certification for the exchange is to be mailed. In order to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for Treasury Dollars, certification will be required.

Anna’s Translation:  Government insiders and Federal United States Citizens (Congressmen, etc.) who stand to get burned by all this can write a note to the Development Committee and exchange their utterly worthless “Federal Reserve Notes” in quantities of up to a million digits for the new worthless I.O.U.’s, provided they ask nicely and get permission—a “certification”—look up the legal meaning of “certification”, folks— from the “Development Committee”.  

Karen Hudes: Although initially demand deposits, savings deposits, money market mutual funds and other time deposits can include Federal Reserve Notes, eventually these will have to be disaggregated since only Treasury Dollars will be eligible for exchange into aurum. The design and denominations of the aurum will be determined by the US Mint pursuant to the Monetary Agreement that will be entered into in due course.

Anna’s Translation: only those people who get permission from the “Development Committee” to exchange their Federal Reserve Note I.O.U’s will be able to get the new “Treasury Dollar” I.O.U’s and then be able to convert those into “aurum”— gold or gold-backed certificates. All the “little people” will be out of luck, forced to deal in more “federal funny money” and have to pay for all this fraud as a result. Same scam, different day, new names for the same old crappola.

Karen Hudes: Because of the corruption in the international financial system arising from the Network of Global Corporate Control, additional certifications for the exchange of Federal Reserve Notes will need to be determined after the United States has ended its interregnum pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of 1789. The amount of United States currency will be equivalent to its gross national product, and will also include local currencies in the villages, towns, and other local areas.

Anna’s Translation:  Because they all got caught making nasty they have to come up with something to blame so Karen hit upon the “Network of Global Corporate Control” as a name for the scapegoat Bogey Man.   Nobody will notice that they are the Bogey Man if they point fingers at another Bogey Man, right?  So after they have pretended that the American Government has collapsed along with their criminally mis-managed governmental services corporation and that the sovereign people of the United States all just “disappeared” and/or “volunteered” to act as slaves for them,  they will try to hold a bogus “Continental Congress” and pass it off as the real thing, just as they have pretended to hold public offices.  Using incorporated entities to merely “represent” the people they propose to re-instate their corporation as the de facto government, and then say that they will issue I.O.U.’s equal to a year’s worth of the GNP to float enough fake “money” to keep things moving.

These infamous scoundrels have claimed that we, the people, are “dead” because their nasty, criminal, incompetent, coercive “governmental services corporation” went insolvent and now the parent corporation of all this evil—- the UN Corporation, the IMF, and the UNITED STATES, INC. are having to come in and buy up the debts and spin off a new round of the same old fraud and they are proposing to keep our assets and use our credit to do all this in our names.

FINAL TRANSLATION:  Karen Hudes is trying to steal your country.  She proposes to use your own assets and credit to pay for bailing out her Bosses and the rats at the Federal Reserve who colluded with them to steal you blind ever since 1913.  She is pretending — in her own self-interest – that the lawful government of this country is gone and lacking sovereignty because an IMF-owned governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES is insolvent or because the so-called “United States of America, Minor” is bankrupt, either. 

Just more Shinola, in other words.  More attempts to confuse us with them. 

The actual sovereignty of our country resides in the unincorporated organic states and the people as it always has and never had anything to do with those merely “representing” us.  Now that we have stood up and are presenting ourselves, Ms. Hudes and her ilk must stand down and admit that we are still very much alive and that we have named other Parties to represent us in the international venue and have refused Jacob Rothschild’s offer to buy out the bankrupt UNITED STATES and run it as a Successor to Contract to initiate another round of the same old fraud.

The banks now owe us—the American People— the return of all our assets as we have detailed in our Sixth Round Reply to Ms. Hudes— free and clear, with interest.  No liens, no debts, no attachments, no retention of claims upon us or our lands, nor our resources, homes, copyrights, businesses, livestock, or anything else.  These banks either pay up peacefully or reveal to the whole world that they are nothing but crime syndicates subject to immediate liquidation. 


See this article and over 100 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com


Re-posted, with thanks, from Paulstramer.net. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for the latest updated and archived articles from Judge Anna, and also visit Judge Anna’s site for pdfs.

For articles by Judge Anna being re-posted here with brief commentary on an ongoing basis, in efforts to distribute the researched information and advice she is putting out, as well as as to publicize all ongoing efforts to restore the USA to peace and freedom, please check in at this page: The Ongoing Fight to Restore the USA: Collecting Judge Anna von Reitz’s posts.

On this subject, you can also check in at The Truth About US Govt. posts, an ongoing series which posts essays and articles from Judge Anna as well as other historians, investigative researchers, legal experts, and journalists on this subject, as well as my own notes as I follow along.


The Ongoing Fight to Restore the USA: Collecting Judge Anna von Reitz’s posts

Posted Here March 14, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Vital Information on the Current US Court System for Thomas Deegan, Ammon Bundy, and Everyone Else Facing Prosecution; Informing the Court with a Declaration of Political Status, and a Release and Discharge for the Judge

Posted Here Feb 20, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: We Are Determined There Will NOT Be a Third World War, We Want the Criminals Recognized as Criminals

Posted Here Feb 16, 2016: (Feb 15) Note About the National Liberty Alliance

Posted Here Feb 16, 2016: (Feb 15) Letter of Support to Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Grant County, Oregon

Posted Here Feb 15, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/Feb 10 Update: Where the Hammer Has to Hit First and Hardest…Local Counties That Have Incorporated & “Sheriffs” Who Have Failed to Enforce the Organic & Public Law

Posted Here Feb 15, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/ (Feb 11) Address to Pope Francis: The Need to Dismantle the Machine

Posted Here Feb 6, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Clarification–What We Have Done/Answers for Tom–And the Rest of the World, Too

Feb 3, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz Vs Karen Hudes: The Banks Running the Govt. Services Corporations, including the Federal Reserve…IMF…World Bank and IBRD, Have Operated as Criminal Syndicates And Must Be Liquidated

Jan 30, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/Anti-Corruption Society: Americans Free At Last (The Ties Have Been Permanently Broken)

Jan 29, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Information and Instruction Regarding FBI in Burns, Oregon

Posted Here Jan 31, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: (Jan 21) Letter to General Dunford, American Armed Forces and Board of Governors & Directors, World Bank/IBRD/IMF Re. Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien

Jan 28, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Essential Knowledge for Every American to Know

Jan 27, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: An American Amritsar

Jan 26, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Extra-Judicial Notice Issued to the Justices of THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES

Jan 23, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Notice to Pope Francis, the UN Security Council, Congress, and The World— Round Seven: Karen Hudes/World Bank/IBRD/IMF: There Is No “Interregnum”

Jan 22, 2016: Open Letter to Pope Francis and All Members of the Christian Clergy from Judge Anna – 22 January 2016

Posted here Jan 18, 2016: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger: Crucial Information For All County Sheriffs, Police Departments, Officers, Federal Agents–Specifics On Law Enforcement Versus Peacekeeping

Posted here Jan 17, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Why Unrest of Any Kind Defeats Both Versions of America

Posted here Jan 9, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Great Britain, Fiduciary Trust Fraud, The Federal United States, The British Crown, All Countries Once Under the British Empire

January 7, 2016: Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny/Judge Anna von Reitz: The Hunters Are About To Become The Hunted

Posted here Dec 23, 2015: Information of Interest Also to Targeted Individuals from Judge Anna re. Steps for Everyone to Take Today: Help Us Make Peace & Real Freedom in the World

Posted here Dec 21, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: There Are Two Systems of Law in This Country

Posted here Dec 2, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: The Jurisdiction of the Land

Posted here Jan 17, 2016: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Offers Some Clarity on Common Law, the Suppression of the lawful Common Law Court System, and the Current, Continued Use of Foreign Admiralty/Federal Martial Common Law Courts

Posted here Dec 20, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: Solving the Problem of Individual Freedom and Sovereignty

Posted here Dec 21, 2015: Dec 14, 2015 Letter to John Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon from Anna Von Reitz

Dec 19, 2015: Second Letter to Sheriff Ward from Judge Anna

Posted here Nov 24, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: An Open Letter to Sheriff Ward of Harney County Oregon- and to All County Sheriffs in America

Original note with post: Just a note to say I hope to collect more of Judge Anna‘s posts here and will update this post regularly with links, collected above.  As many know I have been trying to re-post some of her many valuable  articles. Not merely is she currently re-posting in article format much of what is contained in her American Affidavit, in efforts to educate us all on what has transpired historically in the US, she is also keeping us updated on her ongoing efforts to directly address those in power, to restore Common Law or the law of the land to the land of the continental united States of America, and retrieve coffers of gold (:-) for the American people.

(Odd as this may sound to those unfamiliar with this subject, gold from 1933 has become the center of some rather interesting debate. There is an ongoing conversation with Karen Hudes, ex-World Bank counsel, on the subject of the Global Debt Facility and the “world’s gold” and in reference to the recent commercial lien placed by Judge Anna and others on the American Bar Association, International Bar Association, and the Department of Justice, which has been recorded in various places, including Judge Anna’s site and PaulStramer.net. It’s hard to keep up! but I’ll aim to post on that shortly.)

I’m especially keen to post Judge Anna’s work here because there is no doubt about it, she is offering insight into a different system of law (the jurisdiction of the land–common law, natural law, organic law) which could very well be the absolute cornerstone to completely turning things around in the USA and elsewhere–and breaking out of the surveillance/police state modality with its rampant injustice, covert programs, military deception, and excessive controls and surveillance we’re caught up in today.

For those of us who are being unlawfully and illegitimately targeted, harassed, and assaulted MK-ULTRA-style in our homes with EMF radiation/scalar/sonic weapons hiding in our neighborhoods and communities under misnomers, euphemisms, and outright deceptions as “FISA-court-ordered electronic surveillance,” “concealed monitoring,” “consensual monitoring,” “threat assessment surveillance,” “radiation surveillance,” “non-lethal surveillance,” “non-invasive surveillance,” possibly also “Community-Based Participatory Research,” and many other Intel-concocted covers and lies, and enduring continuous radiation weapon assaults in continuous and unlawful invasions of privacy, intrusions into our homes, our bodies, and our brains, not to mention character assassination and employment sabotage in our communities–all under completely known and sanctioned yet undisclosed programs of collusion between agencies and the Department of “Justice”–and many many others suffering injustice today in the US, this is welcome news.

Is it possible that, despite the state of lawlessness we are seeing around us today–things may actually begin to change? I follow the work of those working to restore Common Law with much hope.  Please start following her brilliant work if you haven’t already, and please do share her work widely.  We are so fortunate to have her voice, her brilliance, her activism, on behalf of all of us who are fighting without cease for a free and peaceful world.