Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

Report | Ramola D | Jan 30, 2021

Last week, concerted attack from Youtube and Twitter at my (unmonetized, public-education) channel Ramola D Reports on Youtube and my Twitter page @EccEveryday targeted videos exposing the grave dangers of the mRNA COVID vaccine and tweets exposing the use of synthetic proteins manufactured from computer-generated codes for the mythical SARSCOV-2 virus, proven never to have been isolated, genome-sequenced-in-fact-and- reality, seen, photographed, grown in a petri dish, re-infected anyone, or otherwise proven to exist.

Youtube also went on a takedown spree shortly after, removing other videos of interviews with doctors currently speaking out on many other channels besides mine, including on their own websites and podcasts, published and posted earlier.

Videos Exposing the Grave Dangers of Vaccines in General and the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Particular Removed from Youtube

To date, these are the videos featuring doctors and science researchers removed from my Youtube channel on the subject of the mythologies built up around the COVID-19 imposed-and-fictional-pandemic, the dangers of vaccines in general, the grave dangers of the experimental, unsafe, ineffective, and currently-proving-to-be-fatal-and-casualty-producing mRNA COVID vaccine, as well as on the real science on the safety of masks, and the fact that the SARSCOV-2 virus–apparently like all viruses–has not been proven to exist via a full genomic sequence in reality, and is therefore not being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, raising the crucial question: What IS in the vaccine then, if not that much-touted-virus, if antibodies are intended to be produced, and immune systems are supposed to be provoked?

Also removed from Youtube recently and earlier are News Panel and Newswatch shows highlighting the rollout of 5G concomitant with clusters of COVID cases marked in those very spots of 5G rollout and the mass worldwide protests across Europe, USA, UK, Australia against the life-destroying lockdowns and shutdowns.

Report 228, News Panel 15

Newsbreak 105

Report 227

Report 222, News Panel 12

Report 216

Report 199

NewsWatch 4 with Seven

Report 168

These videos can now be accessed at Bitchute and Brighteon. Clicking on the images above (not all images active yet) will lead to a separate page with video links. Please pick up video links for the main Ramola D Reports video channels currently from the new Ramola D Reports Broadcast Center page.

Newswatch 4 with Seven has proved a particularly sensitive video apparently and has been removed from Brighteon where I had great difficulty posting it to start with. This is very odd because Seven’s own posting of this video at Brighteon has been permitted to stand at her own channel there. Currently, this video is posted online here at this site, and can be downloaded and uploaded to anyone’s channel worldwide, with accreditation and linkback to this site, copyright remains with myself/Ramola D Reports. I will try to upload the video at some other platforms shortly.

Youtube’s “Medical Misinformation” Policy Seems to Embrace Medical Misinformation, Promote Medical Fraud, and Suppress True Medical Information

What Youtube stated in their notes succeeding the removal of the last few videos is that these videos went against their “medical misinformation” policy and professed virtuously and revealingly that their allegiances here regarding information on COVID-19 lay only with the WHO and the CDC.

However what they are actually doing is remove any conversation with highly experienced and qualified doctors and medical researchers questioning that narrative and exposing the grave dangers of the COVID vaccine and the deceptions surrounding the entire imposed-fictional-pandemic.

The language being used does point to the reality of what they are doing: They do not allow “claims” about the vaccines which contradict anything issuing forth from local “health authorities” or the WHO.

My local health authority is myself, hence “health authorities” in quotes; to most of us, health care is a personal and private matter, and each of us has our own approaches, methodologies, and protocols whether it is home remedies from the kitchen, herbs from a herbalist or naturopath, homeopathy, acupuncture, a favorite Chinese medicine practitioner, native American medicine from the wild garden, traditional soups and foods, old European herbal teas, Ayurveda, a favorite physician we can trust, etc.

Ramola D | Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

As I acknowledged on one of my early reports on the imposed-fictional-pandemic from India last spring, my healthcare is not your healthcare. We each do things differently. I may like rose hip tea, while you prefer raw red peppers for a natural consumption of Vitamin C, for instance.

What is happening now of course (via Big Tech & Bought Media) is a desperate push by globalists and governments to forcibly standardize healthcare and demand that we all keep to one uniform protocol emanating it appears from sets of people in WHO and the local “Public Health Department” who do not examine the raw data in published clinical studies from Pfizer as Dr. Carrie Madej reports she has, the deadly ingredients in vaccines and the falsity of the PCR Tests as Dr. Judy Mikovits has and Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny has, the facts about the SARSCOV-2 virus as Frances Leader has, and are clearly publishing fraudulent information and instruction to one and all regarding both the mythical virus and the experimental vaccine.

That Youtube has removed all these profoundly important videos I find gravely concerning. A false-reality- construct has been created by the One World Government globalists, and it is being upheld by Youtube. (My channel on Youtube built up over the last 3 years reaches over 15,800 subscribers. The other channels have much fewer subscribers. Disclaimer: All figures are probably being manipulated and are false, but this is what I have to go on currently.)

Twitter Removes Posts Pointing to the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine, 5G, Synthetic Nature of the mRNA Vaccine, Vital Fact That the Mythical SARSCOV-2 Virus Has Never Been Isolated

Twitter has locked my account for a week now for posting this tweet, which points to Youtube censorship of the truth regarding the vaccine and the virus, and earlier, locked my account for a week for daring to speak candidly about the synthetic nature of the vaccine based as it is on a mythical virus which is acknowledged by all medical professionals to never have been isolated–both tweets below.

Again, the language used by Twitter here, which suggests that they are kindly removing information which might endanger people’s health succeeds in doing exactly the opposite: they are in fact removing critical information and commentary on a highly unsafe and experimental vaccine which in fact is what is endangering people’s health.

For confirmation of the dangers of this vaccine, please see the videos linked above (at Bitchute/Brighteon), see the news reported daily now on deaths and vaccine injuries from the mRNA vaccines, and stay up to date on the numbers being reported even by the CDC on deaths and damages.

Screenshot/CHD Article from 1/29/21

NewsWatch 6 Reports on This Situation & The Grave Dangers to Everyone’s Health of Ignoring Crucial Information Regarding an Experimental Vaccine & a Never-Isolated Virus

While the tearing down of videos, websites, pages, and channels which numbers of broadcasters and journalists report currently is going on, pointing to massive censorship by the now phasing-out channels Youtube, Facebook, Twitter in clear intent to protect a massive false-narrative worldwide, I think it is important to note these takedowns individually and remark on their implications.

Freedom of speech and expression is under attack.

The publication of critically important truthtelling is under attack.

False-narratives are being protected.

False-reality-constructs are being shored up.

People need to make some efforts to search online to find the truth on any given subject, most especially this one, on the vaccines and the virus connected to COVID-19.

All this and more, including the huge protests in India of the proposed Farm Bills (to be covered separately shortly)–taking away grain-selling-rights from millions of small farmers in India and handing them over to centralizing, grain-grabbing billionaires--are discussed in this Newswatch, recorded last night, to be uploaded at Bitchute, Brighteon, and other channels shortly, but which can be watched from the linked page below now.

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D

NewsWatch 6 with Ramola D | Youtube, Twitter Remove Information on Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine


CODE RED: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death: Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

COVID Vaccine Intended to Destroy the Human Genome and Humanity

ALARM CALL: American, British, European Physicians, Nurses, Scientists, & Medical Journalists Report the High-Speed-Rolled-Out mRNA COVID Vaccines are Unsafe, Dangerous, & Unnecessary–“Do NOT Take This Vaccine”

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Adil: NHS Surgeon Fired for Revealing COVID-19 Is Not A Real Disease & Mere Cover for a Transhumanizing, Sterilizing GMO Vaccine

Dr. Rima Laibow, Open Source Truth: Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

BREAKING: Gemma O’Doherty Reports that UK Dept of Health Concedes SARS-COV-2 Virus Not Isolated, “No Information,” Meaning, It’s Not a Real Pandemic

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

BREAKING: Major Investigative Report by Association of French Reserve Army Officers Finds COVID-19 “Pandemic” to Have a Hidden Agenda for Global Totalitarianism, Nanotech Chipping of All, 5G Irradiation, & Genocide

One response to “Youtube and Twitter Remove Videos, Tweets Exposing Grave Dangers of the mRNA COVID Vaccine in Reprogramming Human Cells Without Informed Consent

  1. Thank you for this

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