Ramola D | Post Youtube Censorship of Global Gestapo 12, Mission Statement Re. My Journalism and Human Rights Advocacy

— Ramola D/Posted October 2, 2019

Recently, a video podcast interview and discussion I conducted with Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Global Gestapo 12: Gloria Naylor and Stephen O’ Keefe – The CounterIntelligence Zionist Superstate was yanked off Youtube with a note to me saying this video had violated their community guidelines for hate speech.

Now on Vimeo and Bitchute:

Well, I looked up their community guidelines and learned that what they classified as hate speech – a patently obvious attempt after all, we know, by those seeking to control the public narrative to control free information-flow itself – involved inciting others to hatred and violence against any specific group. I recommend that everyone watch Global Gestapo 12 and figure out for themselves if any inciting or hateful speech was involved: it wasn’t.

Examining history and current affairs and speaking of supremacism, privilege, and imperialism is not hate speech, it is examining history and current affairs, period.

That this supremacism (under scrutiny here is what I mean) is Jewish supremacism and Jewish privilege and this imperialism is Zionist imperialism should hardly be an issue for contention, given that there are and have been multiple ethnicities across time who have exerted supremacism and imperialist hold over others: British Imperialism across the Asian and African world colonized by the “British Empire” comes to mind, and Brahmin Supremacism, Casteism, and continuing Privilege in India, where all other caste-communities have been kept down for centuries by the steel boot, albeit Puja-and-incense-stick swinging, of the Brahmin Priest Caste.

To call a spade a spade historically should be okay to do (you cannot call the British Empire the Anything-Else-But-British Empire), but as is also obvious and has been for a long time, mentioning the word Jewish or now, it seems, the word Zionist, seems to have the Hate-Speech-Accusers out in droves, blindly, in reflex, and armed with the Anti-Semitic-Label baton, ready to mow you down if you dare use these openly.

Hence, Jewish privilege, as journalist E. Michael Jones has stated quite eloquently. Only the Jewish can speak of the Jewish—in scrutinizing, critical terms. (Praise and acclaim A-okay, and accepted in fact as proper, subservient response.) Anyone else speaking of the Jewish in less than approving terms is to be cast as purveyor of “hate speech.”

I will not go into a detailed statement of my own thoughts and feelings about every Jewish person on the planet – which is what the baton-wielders here imply, that every Jewish person is slighted when the word “Jewish” is mentioned critically – since I quite obviously don’t know them all; however, people are welcome to go look at the history of my literary journalism in particular–some of it at my online journal of writer-interviews, Delphi Quarterly–where I have interviewed and reviewed the work of many contemporary Jewish poets and fiction-writers, count them among my friends, and look up to their work, to see what I think about these particular Jewish poets and fiction-writers, and thence determine if I have some sort of horrific bias about “the Jewish” en masse. (Obviously not–or I would be pinning ethnic labels on every writer and disdaining to interview or praise or platform them except selectively.)

On the subject of Zionist imperialism, I do not think I need to comment at all. Zionism is imperialism by its own admission. And truly Anti-Semitic. One only has to look at the notions of “Greater Israel” which seeks to subsume various other countries and cultures, and the actions of Israel in continually destroying the lives of Palestinians as it terrorizes, brutalizes, bulldozes, steals, and spills the blood of children, men, women, olive groves, ancestral homes in its subjugating, Occupying greed for more land, control, supremacy, power, military might, et al as it keeps building “settlements” for European and Russian immigrants to Israel, new and old, on the land of indigenous Semitic peoples, wrested from them—reported today on a daily basis on social media like Twitter, and by some intrepid news sites like Mondoweiss and Middle East Monitor. These are goals, philosophies, and actions of visible imperialism, racism, bigotry, and apartheid. Examining Zionist action is examining imperialist action, by Zionism’s own mandate.


I highly recommend Extraordinary Rendition (American) Writers on Palestine, an anthology where American non-fiction and fiction-writers and poets, including myself, under the editorial initiative of Sri Lankan-American writer Ru Freeman came together to comment on the actions of Israel in attacking Gaza in 2008 and again in 2014.

An excerpt from a story of mine, part of a compilation of stories from modern wars, is included in this anthology. I will publish this story in full shortly.

Have I been powerfully affected by the horrors I have seen on film, heard from news reports about Israel’s bombing of Gaza? Yes, I have. Do I tend to express myself intensely in fiction and poetry when powerfully affected? Yes I do, and this story will illustrate it.

To resume the saga of Youtube and Global Gestapo 12: I posted this video note (linked below), a heads-up to viewers at my Youtube channel to please go watch the video at Bitchute or Vimeo, and to read out my longer letter to Youtube, after I had sent them an appeal on their appeal form to protest the hate-speech takedown.

Video Note on GG 12/https://youtu.be/BLl2tyquHD8

This is my longer letter to Youtube:

The next morning I noted my video was back on Youtube and I believe I saw something like 357 views under it. I posted a link on Twitter, openly speculating if my video note had achieved the desired effect of convincing them GG12 was not running on “hate-speech,” and also noticed on my dashboard a note “Appeal Approved.”

Appeal Approved, lower right-hand corner

Quite literally, right after that tweet and a note to others, the video was yanked again. Later that morning I received a note from Youtube pronouncing their “decision” that the video would be taken down and kept down—community guidelines, hate-speech, blah-blah–the same lines as earlier.

Global Gestapo 12 was not, ultimately, entirely about what the title suggests it might be about. Our intention with this podcast was to examine the story that writer and professor Gloria Naylor published in her epic fiction-based-on-memoir work, 1996, of being covertly stalked and harassed by an entrenched government and NSA-connected network while she had settled in a remote rural spot in Georgia to work on her writing, and to examine as well the “Jewish mob stalking” that Stephen O’ Keefe, a Canadian visual artist reports online as typifying the “gangstalking” or organized-stalking and COINTELPRO he has been subjected to. The underlying substructure being the Counterintelligence Zionist Superstate, which Dr. Karlstrom has posited as being a primary component of the Oppression Mechanism which underlies the New World Order government in place today in the US and world.

While we covered some aspects of the above (I really would like to feature 1996 and Gloria Naylor again, separately, myself, on a different podcast–we didn’t do her work justice really on this one), I personally think the great power of this particular podcast was in the witness we bore to the execrable targeting programs using deadly electromagnetic neurotechnologies that the US government – or dark factions thereof – has unleashed on the US population, via a variety of means including wrongful watchlisting, military weapons-testing, military and CIA neuro-experimentation, neuro-monitoring, and neuro-surveillance, fusion center subjugation-of-neighborhoods, smear campaigns, discrediting reporting victims, and other such, all subjects of my reportage at this site for over five years now.

In fact, I think speaking openly about the counterintelligence Psy Ops among activist groups reporting targeting crimes – which began a few weeks ago when CIA Whistleblower and journalist Barbara Hartwell and I discussed Containment Ops in Report #144

and speaking openly about how targets are being killed, which I have reported on extensively regarding my own experience of being-extremely-attacked-with-spectrum-weapons – ramped up right after I questioned Midge Mathis of Targeted Justice on Twitter on her continued support of established agent provocateur, saboteur and Intel plant Dr. Katherine Horton (please read all my articles on Ms. Betrayer-of-Friendship and Profound Traitor Katherine Horton/linked on sidebar at ECC), and after I reported on “Freedom for Targeted Individuals” Ella Free’s betrayal of all targeted to Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times, reporting then as well my correspondence with Dr. David LaPorte, a psychologist academic apparently unable to think clearly, willing to ignore current reality in his determined quest to name all reporting victims of Military/Intel EMF/Neuro DEW Targeting “delusional”– is precisely what had the “watchers” from Intel sitting in the backrooms of that Youtube livestream seriously nervous.


I will excerpt and post a few key video snippets from that conversation shortly (Global Gestapo 12) but I invite readers to listen to the whole podcast. Video Snippet 1 on Infiltration will offer a taste of what we spoke about:

Cyberhacking is preventing me from embedding this Bitchute video so please click on this link to play it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZDxiYDvJZuoA/

It is not the “Zionist Superstate” but the targeted-killing and targeted-torture operations we are bearing witness to that is profoundly revelatory and powerfully disturbing — or should be, to anyone listening — in this podcast.

I was, after all, reporting openly – as I have on Massive Heart-Hits – that I have become the target of extreme heart-focused radiation-weapon attacks, and Dr. Karlstrom was acknowledging that targets are being human-sacrificed.

I think this was the real power of this podcast. I am not the only one being targeted so extremely by these weapons. I do speak for others when I speak openly about these crimes. We are being attacked, traumatized, terrorized, tortured in secret, with stealth weapons, whose effects are strokes, clots, cancers, arthritis, heart attacks, seizures, organ damage—all while Mengele-led, supremely unethical, enslavement-chasing neuroscientists in DARPA and the DIA, CIA, NSA, FBI non-consensually map our brains, read our minds, download our thoughts, and create digital clones of us—all in secret; in addition of course to various other researchers, academic, NIH- or NSF-connected, supposedly studying brain disorders or robotics. But I also speak specifically for myself: as a writer, journalist, broadcaster who does interviews, and who has increasingly sought to express her mind openly on these matters, who has been peculiarly extreme-attacked lately, right after exposing Containment Operations both in mainstream media and within the “TI community” all set up it appears just to keep these military and Intelligence experimentation programs going while placating targets into believing that all this group-formation and action is doing something major to end these profound, subjugatory crimes, a major portion of how exactly increasing numbers of Americans, Europeans, Australians, British, Asians—world citizens indeed–are being Electronically Enslaved.

On the Subject of Spy Agency Harassment, EMF/Neuro/DEW Targeting and Exposing It As a Journalist

Those who follow Suzie Dawson’s current broadcasts now purporting to challenge the spy agencies and expose spy harassment of her and other journalists and activists may be misled into believing, as Edward Snowden’s own aggrandizing by mainstream media seeks to have people believe, that “5-Eyes Government Harassment” means shady creatures following you, taking photos of you, possibly breaking into your home, vandalizing your property, and a few other harassive actions.

I have not watched all of Suzie Dawson’s videos but I have seen portions. Like Edward Snowden, whom FBI whistleblower and Newsbud journalist Sibel Edmonds thoroughly exposes as a Faux Whistleblower, set up primarily to deflect and deceive, Suzie Dawson appears to be a Faux & Figurehead Journalist-Exposing-Targeting.

Newsbud/Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Snowden PR Stunt 2.0- Real vs. Fake vs. “Expired” Whistleblowers/https://youtu.be/jUm6V-rZbjw

Her (Suzie Dawson’s) incredible ignoring of whistleblowers, writers, activists, and others, including writer/journalists like myself, profoundly important whistleblowers like ex-Special Agent FBI Geral Sosbee, retired NSA Intelligence Analyst Karen Stewart, and former CIA Intelligence Analyst Barbara Hartwell, reporting stealth assaults with anti-personnel DEWs—the mainstay of today’s Global Gestapo program of brutal and oppressive subjugation of society worldwide—as well as her recent insulting and offensive attacks on my and Cassandra’s journalism and reportage on these matters, was earlier covered here. Please take a minute to read those outrageously offensive tweets, which she really seems to have believed she could get away with, since, after all, she was speaking to a writer, she must have been assured, who is resolutely marginalized, disappeared, and silenced by the larger AngloZioVaticanNaziSatanist media and publishing industry which, conversely, is clearly currently sustaining and headlining her–as also Edward Snowden.

Before this lovely efflorescence of arrogant tweets, I had interviewed Suzie Dawson early last year, naively imagining I was beginning to connect then with a larger journalistic network on the matter of reporting the true crimes of targeting—now achieved with microwave weapons, sonic weapons, covert RFID implants, nanoweapons, chemical weapons, bioweapons—all stealth weapons, non-lethal weapons, crowd-control weapons, biometric surveillance weapons, invisible neuroweapons, and emerging technologies, which agencies of all Five-Eyes Governments are using on their citizens, and NATO countries ditto, and Commonwealth countries ditto–and have been, for some decades now, as reports from early reporters like Paul Baird, Harlan Girard, Bob Levin, and Barbara Hartwell establish.

Ramola D Reports/Interviews with Changemakers (4), Suzie Dawson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNULXByr5Ng

In this interview with me, Suzie D focused on Snowden and Assange, naming them the most Targeted Individuals on the planet. Yet neither has stepped forward to acknowledge and express solidarity with any so-labelled “Targeted Individual” who reports DEW/Neurotech crimes on their person – as the large bulk of reporting victims do.

To understand a little of what is going on worldwide regarding the free testing of microwave, millimeter wave and other weapons on humans worldwide, please see this Twitter thread:



To understand what kind of weapon-usage is being reported within the US and worldwide, and how the technology is being used, please see this list, recently posted (references to come):

Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) — Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons

There is a large and sweeping faction of journalists and whistleblowers who congregate around Suzie Dawson and say not a word about Stealth Neuroweaponry and Stealth Anti-Personnel DEWs being used on citizens. They include this lot:

There is also a contingent of journalists who purport to be alt-media or progressive media or inclusive media or truth-media but will not report on these Terrorizing DEW/Neuro/Bio Weapon, COINTELPRO, and MK Ultra crimes. (I’ll work on a graphic to show who I mean–but anyone can look around and see who this would be.)

Journalists are being threatened with the ultimate silencing of death, should they reveal what is really going on. I should know. I started documenting how intensely I have been attacked after podcasts and write-ups in this Twitter thread:


It is not a comprehensive documentation but an ongoing log. Hence my interest now in writing more revealing essays, starting with Massive Heart-Hits.

What people should know is I am being hit extremely whether I write or don’t, whether I broadcast or don’t. I was hit extremely right at the beginning of my targeting – when I barely understood what on earth was happening (I mean politically), why I was being hit with obvious electrical and electromagnetic weapons. I started writing, investigating, interviewing on these subjects only because I was hit; I had tons of other writing (novels, poetry, short fiction, children’s fiction, YA fiction) I had to set aside because I was hit. Had I not been hit, I would have continued that writing and never become a journalist in this space.

Finally, Mission Statement

So here is my mission statement. It is as I state in my intro-podcast at Youtube.

Intro at Youtube to Ramola D Reports/https://youtu.be/FWCBpzXzY6c

There is a need for Science and Technology Watch today, a need for commentary and analysis. There is a need for consciousness-science news dissemination. There is a need for news on targeting and non-consensual experimentation, surveillance and military matters involving the suppression and removal of human rights. These continue to be my interests and focuses. I am not a historian: my educational background is in Physics, Journalism, Business Management, Poetry and Fiction. Like everyone else who is educated and inquiring, I seek to study and understand history.

The focus on Zionism is probably one I will continue–along with others—since it appears that Zionist money-power drives media & public narrative in the West, along with others. While Dr. Karlstrom may be knowledgeable or focused on Judaism or Zionism or both being primarily responsible for the horrors of the Global Gestapo today, I myself am not focused on any one answer to the Who-Done-it of this conundrum and continue to be an open-ended, truth-seeking journalist.

I have to say that reading Anthony Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment opens my eyes to the entrenched and stratified power of the Eastern Skull And Bonesmen from Yale who have over decades and centuries established themselves and their friends in US government, politics, medicine, education, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, the military—in other words, everywhere.

Let’s not forget the Project Paperclip Nazis sitting inside the FBI, CIA, Universities, military and running what they seem to think is the Fourth Reich. The Satanists and Luciferians from the NSA and CIA and Zionist factions seem to trump and subsume all. I will continue to explore these matters on a speculative basis.

I am more focused however on the science and technology misuse and abuse which is being used today to remove our common human rights, on issues related to Surveillance, Intelligence, and military matters which encroach on human rights and civil liberties, and on consciousness science which offers ways in which each of us as individuals can begin to exercise our own powers of heart and intention to make positive change in the world, as my first interview with Michiko Hayashi, Director of the Emoto Peace Project on the power of water and human intention highlights.

Waves of Light 1/https://youtu.be/uNDz7wVbGIY

I feel that journalism needs to change: it needs to drop its layers of pretend-objectivity while always maintaining credibility via publishing/reference-to source; it needs to become more thoughtful, panoramic, analytical while also drilling deep. Real journalism, that is, not the sponsor-backed propaganda currently obscuring the landscape. As a writer who is working as a journalist, this is my orientation: to offer a platform for diverse voices reporting truth, to examine all reportage, and to unflinchingly publish my own analysis, commentary, and opinion, to always dive deep and think deeply and write deeply about what I see going on, neither holding back thought nor language in this quest—seeking objectivity in principle but understanding that all writing, thought, opinion is subjective, seeking more than that, truth, while seeing always through the filter of basic principles enshrined already in our common understanding of human rights for all, equality for all, justice for all, respect for all, human, animal, and environment. My journalism is human-rights and ethics-focused.

On the other hand: As a human rights advocate currently supporting and sending all donations to those who need it whom I know of, I have to acknowledge I cannot help everyone. I also cannot answer everyone’s emails and phonecalls, which I have been doing until lately, when the smear and character-assassination attacks have escalated. Like everyone else, I need my own time so I can focus on the work of journalism and writing I continue to do. In the age of DARPA’s Narrative-Disruption and Social Engineering where I am constantly interrupted with phone calls, Twitter attacks and other Psy Ops, I have to pull away and focus on my journalism. I also want to mention here that I am well aware of the chatterbot and neurobot endless-engagement-with-empty-discussion phenomena as well as smear-campaigns being run by the cyberwarriors and repressors (often posing as fellow human rights activists) in our midst: this is why I neither publish nor answer all comments on my website and videos, and will not respond to all querulous tweet responses on my tweet-line at Twitter.

As I noted at Massive Heart-Hits, there appear to be many who seek to attack and silence the voice of true journalism exposing targeting and Fusion Center crimes – count Suzie Dawson in that crowd (one can just read her repressive tweets to me, and watch her ignore my journalism, as well as all historic reportage on Neuro/DEW targeting on her podcasts–she is obviously not in the flow of history here, although she is apparently spotlighting herself as an exposer of spy agency targeting), plus all the other mavens who appear to have agendas of their own and attack freely on Twitter, but more viscerally, all the secret-society Intel-agency, fusion-center criminals who can ramp up stealth weapon attacks on anyone at any time, and do–because no-one would ever know–and currently have. All apparently just because their MockOp infrastructure, counter-intelligence-prong and Information-Warfare-prong-via-MSM both–was being exposed.

Now add Youtube to that set, and we see the larger Octopus come into view — essentially working to silence the reportage and the voice of whistleblowers as well, who have spoken out, many of whom I’ve been privileged to interview with and report on, and to prevent any powerful truths re. these ongoing targeted-killing operations from reaching the larger Youtube world.


As a journalist, I offer a public email for contact, if you wish to publicize or podcast your story or have important information to share: ramolad@everydayconcerned.net. I ask all wrongfully targeted to consider publicizing your stories, I ask all potential whistleblowers from inside the agencies and military to consider speaking out, for the sake of all humanity. I ask scientists and analysts and writers with interesting information to step forward, I ask other alt-media, true-media journalists to connect, I welcome hearing from all.

One caveat, I cannot promise to answer all emails, since I am compelled to practice discernment, given the nonstop Distraction and Disruption Ops I am also being subjected to. I will answer as best I can. I do not publish my phone number and ask those who have it to keep it confidential. Those who have my phone number in fact may wish to email me with their phone number so I know who they are, since my phone Contacts list has been wiped or hidden (constant cyberhacking, phone hacking), and I do not answer calls any more when I do not know who is calling.

I have a simple response to those who find my voice and work problematic: no need to leave snippy comments on my videos, just don’t watch ’em!

I speak and write for those who like to stay informed on the science/tech/military/surveillance matters I report, and who appreciate insight into this exceptionally insane world of targeting, unleashed on us by ruthless and too-wealthy tyrants who want to transhumanize and control us all to perdition. I write also, very seriously, to publish these targeting crimes broadly to the world, because they must be fully known and fully exposed in order for them to be investigated, scrutinized, terminated, and the victims assisted and compensated.

The subject of targeting however is not the sole field of my interest, as explained above.

And while I haven’t launched any major crowdfunding drives as yet, thank you all for support of my journalism and human rights work at Patreon.com/RamolaD or Paypal.me/RamolaD; many others are and have been supported through these donations. I am planning to launch more journalistic initiatives, and will look into both crowdfunding or membership-subscription options shortly.

Thank you very much for reading, please stay tuned.

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