CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell: Political Persecution in America & War on Whistleblowers: A Continuing Saga of Terror & Torture

Barbara Hartwell | Republished Report from Dec 5, 2016 |

Posted October 3, 2019

Re-published with permission of CIA Whistleblower and Intelligence Analyst Barbara Hartwell, a detailed expose of the extreme human-rights-violative targeting, terrorizing, torture, and persecution unlawfully meted out for decades to Intelligence agency whistleblowers — in FBI whistleblower Bob Levin’s words, “sanctioned targeted individuals” — in the USA, and a tribute to their integrity, fortitude, and courage. This report was first published at Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA on December 5, 2016, and reprinted with gratitude. 

Political Persecution in America & War on Whistleblowers: A Continuing Saga of Terror & Torture


Barbara Hartwell

We are finding terrorists and bringing them to justice. We are gathering information about where the terrorists may be hiding. We are trying to disrupt their plots and plans. Anything we do … to that end in this effort, any activity we conduct, is within the law. We do not torture.

-George W. Bush

To me some things are actually black and white. We can’t stoop to their level by using torture techniques. It’s just simply WRONG.

-CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou

Whistleblowers come in here and say to me, ‘You will not believe what I am going through.’ And I can actually look them in the eye and say, Yes, I will. And I do. Because I know what the government is capable of doing.

-Attorney/Whistleblower Jesselyn Radack

“The central question of our time is to determine how many people globally have been murdered by fbi/cia operatives in covert, illegal, counterintelligence programs, etc., by methods (among others) described in our reports. As the crime of murder has no time limits for court prosecutions, we must prosecute the criminals in the fbi/cia who are responsible for the crimes suggested herein.”

 -Former FBI Agent/Whistleblower/Attorney Geral Sosbee

We must respect the sworn depositions and complaints of the often forgotten true patriots within the FBI, CIA and elsewhere who stand as government whistleblowers and sanctioned targeted individuals for the American people and our human brothers and sisters around the world, like Sibel D. Edmonds, Colleen Rowley, Barbara Hartwell, Geral W. Sosbee, and Bob Levin. Within my possession are numerous case files exposing local, state and federal corruption that would have already resulted in criminal convictions within the “harvested” private sector if not affected as ongoing COINTELPRO operations that have continued since 1956.

-Former FBI Agent/Whistleblower Bob Levin

Be it remembered, however, that liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker! But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us at the expence of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.

—And liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers.

 ~ John Adams, Essay on Canon and Feudal Law (1765)

In my last report, I explained that my best friend and professional colleague of many years, former FBI agent Geral Sosbee, had not been able to speak on the phone since August of this year, because of the fact that the assaults on him by directed-energy weapons had destroyed his hearing.

I had known of this for quite some time, at least going back about 3 or 4 years, as his hearing deteriorated bit by bit. Geral and I used to spend hours on the phone and although the conversations were many times a source of distress for both of us, given the subject matter, that distress was outweighed by the comfort and solace of knowing that there was at least one other person in the world who understands what you are going through, that being targeted by the government for political persecution.

We have both suffered decades of this targeting, retaliation against whistleblowers. And unless you have experienced it (I would not wish it on my worst enemies, no matter how heinous their crimes), there is no way to understand what it is like. The perps of these campaigns against targeted individuals, which are brutal beyond description, have one overriding agenda in mind:

To totally destroy the Target’s life. To ruin the Target, financially, to send him to the depths of emotional despair; to destroy his personal/professional reputation with smear campaigns, to sabotage his relationships, to leave him broken, battered, homeless, destitute and alone in the world. (More details to follow…)

I was pleasantly surprised that one day after I posted my report I received a phone call from Geral. Actually, the call was made by Geral’s wife, who is also a dear friend. She too has suffered greatly from the targeting of her husband. She has no connection (and never has had) to the government, nor to his professional endeavors. Do the perps care? No, for she is considered mere “collateral damage” in the war against Geral Sosbee.

They had called to thank me for my report. In order for me to respond, I had to speak to Geral’s wife, for he could not hear me. We were only able to stay on the phone for less than 5 minutes. Just hearing Geral’s voice was uplifting. But what he said left me in tears as I hung up the phone.

This was nothing new, he’d said it many times before: That he could not fathom the depth and breadth of the evil that has taken over our country. That the people who would do such things, as terrorizing and torturing their own citizens, destroying lives, killing people, it was something he could not understand. How can anyone be so evil? How can they live with themselves?

I’ve often heard similar statements, especially from those so targeted. Of course, we KNOW it is happening. We have experienced it firsthand. We have documented it, we have collected as much evidence as we could. We have reported it to various authorities. But it is still difficult, on a deeper level, to comprehend the absolute moral bankruptcy of the perps.

Geral filed a lawsuit, quite a few years ago, all the way up to the Supreme Court. He worked on this, while being harassed, persecuted and assaulted with high-tech weaponry, while being poisoned and drugged. All to no avail. His lawsuit was thrown out by the machinations of corrupt attorneys and judges.

He reported the crimes to members of Congress, to Senators, who are supposed to be his representatives. Nobody would help him.

He reported the crimes to the police. He was insulted, his sanity was impugned, he was threatened by these public servants. But no help ever came.

Going back to his years in the FBI (1971-1978), he reported the internal crimes through proper channels to the Inspector, who happened to be FBI Chief Ted L. Gunderson. His complaints were never even addressed, nor acknowledged.

Ted Gunderson, the same man who was planted on me in 1997, three years after I left CIA operations and went public with my testimony regarding CIA black ops, including (but not limited to) MK Ultra.

Ted Gunderson, the COINTELPRO Kingpin, Hoover’s right hand man, who after leaving the FBI in 1979, continued his counterintelligence operations against whistleblowers (CIA, FBI, NSA, Military, as well as journalists.

Ted Gunderson, who sold Stinger Missiles to Osama bin Laden (1979, while still officially employed by the FBI.)

Ted Gunderson, who married founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey’s ex-wife, Diana Rively, in 1998.

Ted Gunderson, who publicly denied having sold the missiles to bin Laden (aka Tim Osman, CIA asset) after I and other investigators exposed it on radio programs. We had the documents. Then later, when it was clear he could not defend the lie, finally admitted it, accompanied by his false claims that Barbara Hartwell is a “CIA disinfo agent”, that I am a “government spook” working for the “shadow government”. No, Ted, that was you, may you rest in peace and may God forgive you and have mercy on your soul.

As for the marriage to Anton LaVey’s ex-wife, he never did admit to that, even when I produced evidence in the form of a letter sent to me by Ted (on FBI stationery) in 1998. He and his entourage of stooges claimed (as usual) that I am a liar, the most evil “CIA disinfo agent” who ever lived.

“You admit you were once in the CIA. There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die.”

“Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.”

-Ex FBI Agent Ted Gunderson to Barbara Hartwell

Source: Open Letter to Barbara Hartwell from Ted Gunderson, published by Ken Adachi, Gunderson’s primary PR shill.

From Ex-FBI Agent Geral Sosbee:

“There are no alumni in the CIA. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent. If you attempt to get out or expose them, you either go to jail or you die”

…is the rule, but you are proof that he is wrong; the same applies to me and the assassins of the fbi who are trying to kill me in the only cowardly manner they know. My question for gun is why he does nothing to expose the crimes against Humanity that are currently on going; and further, with his vast experience as a fbi chief, why he has not confessed to the world of his many crimes against the American people.

ted gunderson, former fbi chief, verbally assaults a true American Hero, Barbara Hartwell, by the use of language that reveals gun’s own warped character.

Ted Gunderson (hereinafter referred to as ‘gun’) recently wrote the following words to my good friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell:

“Do the righteous people of the world a service and, like other slimy creatures, slither back into the hole from which you came.

Ted L Gunderson, FBI-SAC(Ret)”

Sosbee writes:

Such words as quoted above when directed against one of the true and great Defenders of Liberty (Barbara Hartwell) offend all sensitive persons who read them, but especially those of us who know and respect Barbara for her stand against government corruption. Indeed the ‘righteous’ as you call them reject the use of such descriptions above because no human being merits such a label.

However, gun is steeped in the use of labels, especially those that send good and innocent people to torture chambers, to prisons or to their deaths; gun is an expert by his own proclamation of his credentials (i.e.:SAC) in a) black operations, b) mind games, c) secret agent-provocateur dirty deeds worldwide.

No, gun, you are wrong. The world needs Barbara Hartwell more than you could possibly know/imagine; and as you have sold out to the evil forces of a corrupt government (the United States of America) in return for your petty benefits, you are the one who must someday atone for the atrocities you approved, directed, or condoned against men and women over the past half century.

Come clean, gun, about your knowledge regarding offenses and crimes against Humanity; help save the lives of targeted individuals; and renounce the fascist state that you presently support; then, maybe intelligent and informed people will listen to you.

You dare pretend to show a concern for the people of the United States when in fact you exploit the ignorance and fear of all who listen to you in order to further your own private interests and in order to perpetuate the destructive agenda of the cia and the fbi. The downfall of this country into a fascist state is in part your doing, gun, and you should not be proud of that, no matter how high an office you have attained.

Sosbee writes for the record on April 30, 2005:

gun indicates on his website that he was chief inspector for the fbi in 1973; in such capacity, gun had the responsibility to investigate Sosbee’s reports of fbi crimes during that year. Not only did he fail to perform his duties as chief inspector, he continued thereafter to serve in high level positions in the fbi at a time when Sosbee was being harassed for reporting the criminal conduct of numerous fbi agents as set forth in

In early 1971, the FBI’s domestic counterintelligence program (code named “COINTELPRO”) was brought to light when a “Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI” removed secret files from an FBI office in Media, PA and released them to the press. Agents began to resign from the Bureau and blow the whistle on covert operations. That same year, publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Pentagon’s top-secret history of the Vietnam War, exposed years of systematic official lies about the war.

Now, moving on to the issue of torture. Here, an excerpt from the NY Times:

Mr. Bush made that clear in an interview broadcast on Sunday. “We’re fortunate to have men and women who work hard at the C.I.A. serving on our behalf,” he told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “These are patriots and whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contributions to our country, it is way off base.”

These are “really good people and we’re lucky as a nation to have them,” he said.

Former intelligence officials, seeking allies against the potentially damaging report, have privately reassured the Bush team in recent days that they did not deceive them and have lobbied the former president’s advisers to speak out publicly on their behalf. The defense of the program has been organized by former C.I.A. leaders like George J. Tenet and Gen. Michael V. Hayden, two former directors, and John E. McLaughlin, a former deputy C.I.A. director who also served as acting director.”

The “patriots” and “really good people” from CIA? Can he be for real?

Good people do not engage in torture. Period. I don’t care WHAT they call it (“enhanced interrogation”); I don’t care WHY they do it. I don’t care if it is used on the baddest of the bad guys. TORTURE IS WRONG. All wrong, all the time, dead wrong.

I have spent a tremendous amount of time researching the campaigns against whistleblowers. I have read their testimonials, their articles and reports online. I have watched their videos and TV interviews, and listened to their radio broadcasts.

I had a friend who was ex-CIA. I haven’t heard from him since I last saw him when he visited me at my home in Maine (2007). He wasn’t a whistleblower, per se, as he had not gone public using his name. (He had a young child to protect and was in the cross-hairs of the Bush Crime Family, out of Kennebunkport.) I had used the name “Paul” (not his name) in some stories of him in my reports, with his permission.

He was another person targeted for persecution and neutralization. I don’t even know if he is still among the living, as I was unable to contact him. (If you are out there, Paul, please contact me by post.) I do know that he was very ill when last I spoke to him, again, a result of the assaults on his person by government perps, very similar to the assaults on Geral Sosbee.

Paul was introduced to me by a mutual friend in 2005. He, like most of us, was living in dire poverty, a result of the campaign against him. But he was a tremendous help to me, donating his time to help me with computer issues and sharing his expertise in other areas.

I remember when he said to me, Barbara, I am sorry but I can’t bear to read your website. It is too distressing to me. We could talk on the phone, and that was easier for him. Just as with Geral Sosbee, the conversations were distressing, but also provided some comfort.

I bring this up because I too find it difficult to read the testimony, or watch/listen to the interviews of people who have been targeted for persecution. I can only stand so much, because I know from my own experience what these people have been through, or at least some of it.

As for those who have been falsely/wrongfully arrested, convicted and railroaded into prison, that is a horror I can only imagine, but for which I have spent many sleepless nights and shed many tears over these outrageous and grievous wrongs.

The campaigns against whistleblowers follow a very definitive and specific pattern, in most cases, both those I have personally investigated/known and those I have researched.

Then, it also hurts to know that there is not much I can do, if anything, to help them. I have no resources, no money to donate to their cause. I only have this website (not high-traffic, not commercial) where I can express my support for them and hope that others may do the same, especially those who have the resources to offer material support.

If I don’t know the individual personally then I must in good conscience take great care not to misrepresent them in any way, but only to provide quotes and links to their websites, where the reader may learn about their cases.

Unfortunately, I myself have had my name and my case grossly exploited and misrepresented many times, either by government minions/stooges, or by amateur wannabes and publicity-seekers, ignorant and aggressive persons who don’t know what they are talking about. But they’ve done a lot of damage, nonetheless.

I have compiled a list of whistleblowers for this report, most of whom I do not know. But I have read their articles, perused their websites, listened and watched as they told their stories.

But before I get to them, here is my list of the most common tactics used against whistleblowers. I have also listed the quotes that I have heard repeatedly from persons targeted. These are generic and not to be attributed to any particular individual. But they tell a story that those targeted may most likely relate to.

I could not believe what was happening to me.

I have not done anything wrong, but I was harassed by my colleagues.

They are saying I am paranoid, delusional.

They are insisting I see a psychiatrist for a mental health evaluation.

My neighbors have me under surveillance, they are stalking me, and I hardly know them.

I am being followed everywhere I go.

They broke into my home and planted bugs.

They stole my car keys, house keys, documents.

They poisoned my cat/dog, they broke my heart.

I lost everything.

I was forced to live in my car.

They ran me off the road, they boxed me in with a team of agents.

They vandalized my vehicles.

They crashed my computers.

I could not find a job, no one would hire me.

I was driven to bankruptcy/financial destitution.

I was driven to homelessness.

I lost my home, forced to sell everything I owned.

My wife/husband divorced me.

Nobody would help me.

And in just about every case (thank God!), I have heard them say:

I have dedicated my life to fighting them, exposing them, seeing justice done.


The basic model for a campaign against a Target is: Isolation. Alienation. Deprivation. The goal being to disrupt and destabilize every area of the Target’s life.

Organized stalking aka gang stalking (on foot, in vehicles and/or cyber-stalking)

Recruit neighbors for citizen spies/”neighborhood watch”, harassment, creating disturbances

Inform local police that the “suspect” (Target) is “under investigation” usually by FBI

Blacklisting: potential landlords, attorneys, employers, so Target cannot find a place to live, hire an attorney, find employment

Tailed while driving/harassment on road

Electronic harassment/DEW: assaults on the person of the Target, disrupting electric/electronic systems, TV, computers, etc. in the Target’s home

Impugn sanity of the Target: delusional, paranoid

Home invasions, theft, destruction of property, leaving tokens or ‘calling cards’, moving items out of place so Target knows his home has been violated

Vandalism of property, vehicles, screws/nails in tires

Smear campaign: Calls, letters to employers, family, friends, colleagues, slandering the Target, outrageous lies, false accusations

Public libel/slander campaign: Fraudulent “reports” and articles, radio broadcasts, outrageous calumny against Target

Agent provocateurs/plants: sent to infiltrate/disrupt the Target’s life

Sabotage relationships: family, friends, colleagues, so the Target may be abandoned and/or betrayed by those closest to him

Driven into financial destitution/bankruptcy

Driven to homelessness

False arrests, set ups, Target framed

False police reports/criminal complaints against Target

Threats, criminal menacing

Harassment by phone calls and e-mails


Geral Sosbee (FBI)

Sherry Peel Jackson (IRS)

Wrongfully convicted, imprisoned

Bob Levin (FBI)

Jeffrey Sterling (CIA)

Wrongfully convicted, imprisoned

Karen Stewart (NSA)

See her interviews on radio/TV. Also see her letters, articles, flyers at The Everyday Concerned Citizen linked here: New Columnists/NSA Whistleblower Karen Melton Stewart/

John Kiriakou (CIA)

Wrongfully convicted, imprisoned

John Kiriakou has been imprisoned for more than two years. His legal battle before taking a plea that was a better alternative than the risk of a potential 30–year sentence impacted his financial well-being and his resources have been depleted. John was released from prison on February 3, 2015, and is under house arrest until May 1, 2015. In the meantime, he has many goals and plans to meet his mission of being a Force for Good.”

To me some things are actually black and white. We can’t stoop to their level by using torture techniques. It’s just simply WRONG.”

William Binney (NSA)

Thomas Drake (NSA)

Jesselyn Radack (DOJ, Attorney for whistleblowers, including Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake, John Kiriakou)

A former Justice Dept. ethics attorney, Jesselyn Radack blew the whistle when the FBI committed an ethics violation while interrogating John Walker Lindh back in 2001. After continued suppression of the truth by the DOJ, Radack resigned from her job and leaked important emails regarding Lindh’s case to Newsweek. As a result, the FBI targeted her consistently and made her a victim of shame and government retaliation. 

She has written a memoir, Traitor: The Whistleblower and the “American Taliban”, which details this time in her life. Radack is now a National Security and Human Rights director of the Government Accountability Project and is the attorney to whistleblowers such as Thomas Drake and John Kiriakou. Radack is a blogger on Daily Kos, focusing on news stories regarding whistleblowers within the national security and intelligence communities.

Whistleblowers come in here and say to me, ‘You will not believe what I am going through.’ And I can actually look them in the eye and say, Yes, I will. And I do. Because I know what the government is capable of doing.”

John Kiriakou, Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack are the subjects of this documentary that reveals the treatment afforded whistleblowers who don’t have the right connections. “A person never feels as alone as when the weight of the entire U.S. government is coming down on your head, when Espionage Act charges are being filed against you despite the fact you haven’t committed espionage, and when your personal, financial, and social life are ruined,” John Kiriakou, the CIA torture whistleblower, told Shadowproof. “Jim Spione documented the ugliness of the Obama Administration’s war on whistleblowers. And it was through that documentation that I realized I wasn’t alone.”

Kevin Shipp (CIA) 



The persons named here are only a few among those who have had the courage and integrity to stand up for themselves, their families and their country, to stand up for the truth, regardless of the consequences to themselves.

Through learning about their stories, I have developed tremendous respect and admiration for each one. I recognize when someone is telling the truth, when the person is sincere, and I have no doubt that these are decent, honorable people who have done all in their power to right the wrongs they have witnessed and experienced. They have paid a terrible price for their heroism.

As I watched their video presentations, listened to their radio interviews, I often found myself weeping at the evil done to them, but also cheering, and thanking God that in an incredibly corrupt government such as the U.S. has become, where moral standards have plummeted, where the Constitution is flagrantly and unapologetically disregarded, where the Rule of Law appears to have vanished into a black hole, where agents of the government are the most dangerous criminals we are likely to meet, still living among us there are these Liberty-loving Patriots, Defenders of the Constitution, Crusaders for Justice.

God bless them all.

Barbara Hartwell Percival

December 5, 2016


Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses

Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6: Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI

Ramola D/Washington’s Blog: NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad




One response to “CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell: Political Persecution in America & War on Whistleblowers: A Continuing Saga of Terror & Torture

  1. Dear Ms. Romola,

    You are a champion warrior for the truth. I appreciate your newsletters and all the other work you are doing on behalf of suffering and oppressed individuals. You have a powerful voice with all the poise and integrity of a queen. The Lord is with you valiant defender of righteousness.

    ” When I cry out *to You,* Then my enemies will turn back; This I know, because God *is* for me.” (Psalm 56:9).

    The Lord bless you and keep you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Sincerely yours,

    Laurie A. P. Copeland

    On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 3:49 PM The EveryDay Concerned Citizen wrote:

    > Ramola D posted: ” Barbara Hartwell | Republished Report from Dec 5, 2016 > | Posted October 3, 2019 Re-published with permission of CIA Whistleblower > and Intelligence Analyst Barbara Hartwell, a detailed expose of the extreme > human-rights-violative targeting, ter” >

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