Daily Archives: July 13, 2016

Linda Bressendorf: Latest Appeal to the United Nations

Re-posted, with thanks, from Linda Bressendorf’s petition update at Change.org, please visit there to sign and to send your own letter to the UN, as requested, if you can understand that humanity as a whole is facing a tremendous threat today, from covert and deadly neurotechnology weapons which are being deployed currently against people worldwide–including in the United States of America–as covert surveillance methods and covert, non-consensual military/Intelligence neuro-experimentation.


Included below her letter are natural healing remedies she is passing on, for all those who are being wrongfully targeted and inhumanely subjected to barbaric surveillance with covert directed-energy and covert, non-consensual neuro-weapon experimentation–an incredible travesty of justice and total failure of civil behavior taking place silently in our midst today, while the world watches, and does nothing–a situation that has to change, if humans wish to lay claim to their humanity.


Latest Appeal to the United Nations

Linda Bressendorf

Henrico, VA

Jul 2, 2016 — May God have mercy on the lost souls in charge of operations at the United Nations; an organization created in part to preserve the human rights of every person on this planet.

However, the UN has yet to assist a singled-out part of the population around the world. Day in and day out, these citizens are tortured and tormented beyond human comprehension. These innocent persons are relentlessly hunted down in what is a systematic, highly orchestrated, military-type operation which ends with them being eliminated from the face of the earth or completely isolated from the rest of society.

The only thing these individuals are guilty of is living their lives the way they see fit. In other words, they’re guilty of simply breathing air. These assaults/attacks are ruthlessly carried out using high energy weapons that directly target the human mind and body; penetrating human tissue and affecting the very molecular structure of the person.

The saddest and most disturbing part of this whole ordeal is that anyone placed in a position that can help us, has continuously refused our pleas.

The United Nations has received probably thousands of complaints over the years and still refuses to take a stand. They cowardly hide behind the ridiculous notion that these complainants are suffering from mental illness.

Members of the United Nations are in positions which call for them to have common sense, extensive knowledge, and possess logical thinking. How could they come to such an absurd assumption, and for such a long period of time? I have never heard of the United Nations lifting so much as a finger to help a targeted individual. Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark, and it stinks to high heaven.

During some of my time as a Targeted Individual, even while under severe attack; I managed to do research of my own. I don’t proclaim to have all the answers, but what I have learned has awakened me to ugly truths I never imagined or wanted to believe existed. I am now a much more enlightened individual, aware of the world we live in.

There is a secret global hierarchy that’s in existence. The select few at the top of this hierarchy retain power and control of the world and most of the people in it. The ones at the bottom are the rest of the population, the average citizens, who are kept in line (easily led or coerced by the ones at the top).

Those at the top consist of: The Mega Rich and Powerful known as (The Power Elite), Parts of the World Governments and Military, Large Corporations and Secret Societies. Professionals such as Psychiatrists, Medical Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, Physicists, Biologists, Philosophers, Computer Programmers, and Politicians are bought and paid for by The Power Elite.

Those at the top, who I’ll now refer to as-“The Powers That Be,” control and run the Media, deciding what stories will or will not be disclosed to the public. They control and run the Banking and Financial Institutions and many of the World’s Largest Corporations. These “Powers That Be,” operate in the dark, shielded behind an iron curtain, and away from the prying eyes of the public. They appear to be untouchable, but it’s all just an illusion that can vanish at any time.

The “Powers That Be,” is a decade’s long establishment that may be responsible for most of the world’s deadliest and disastrous tragedies. They are a menace to humanity, and the world would be a much better and safer place if they weren’t in existence.

Most targeted individuals, not all, are lacking financial resources, may be taking mind-altering drugs (Legal or Illegal) or are persons with chronic illness, which leaves their bodies and minds compromised in some way. Also, most targeted individuals appear to be-Independent Thinkers, Non-Conformists, and Individualists (unique in their thinking compared to the rest of the population).

What I didn’t know before my research is that there is an even more complex and diabolical reason we are hunted like animals, in danger of extinction. And that reason lies within our DNA structure.

At some point in time, “The Powers That Be,” came upon knowledge that some human beings possess qualities not inherent in the rest of the population. These qualities are known as: “High States of Consciousness.”

The same people with these High States of Consciousness carry within them an evolutionary-12 Strand DNA; which also stands apart from the rest of the population. They are Multi-Dimensional persons capable of deep Spiritual Awakening. This is what it all comes down to. This is the very reason people around the world are being maligned in such a cruel and brutal way. The people possessing these qualities are- (the Targeted Individuals of the World).

“The Powers That Be,” are shaking in their boots; in fear of losing power and control over the masses, and are willing to sink to the darkest depths of depravity to keep this from happening. They are afraid that those of us with these Higher States of Consciousness will somehow have an effect on the rest of the population.

They are afraid we will bring enlightenment and awareness to the masses, causing them to wake-up and see the truth for what it is. This could possibly cause a revolution and the toppling of their kingdom.

Ironically, experiments are currently on the way in an all-out effort to produce Supercomputers that have the same qualities I’ve been discussing. They are being referred to as- Spiritual Machines.

These Supercomputers will be enabled with High States of Consciousness, and possess a Human Soul/Spirit. They will be Multi-Dimensional, and they promise immortality to persons learning to shift their consciousness from one dimension to another. They are slated for release in the year “2045.”

There lies a possibility out there that a separate group exists carrying out non-consensual experiments on Targeted Individuals for research related to these so called: “Spiritual Machines.” What better way to learn and duplicate these unique qualities than to extensively examine the source?

I am awakened to the fact that certain members of The United Nations have chosen to align themselves with “The Powers That Be.” It is downright disgusting to think that these devils freely walk the halls of the UN.

There is a room located on UN premises, where a mysterious painting hangs. Some have pointed out that some of the symbols in the painting resemble symbols commonly used by “The Powers That Be.” These power-driven control freaks are sure that their plan for world domination will be a successful one. They are delusional, believing their own hype. They are playing God, destroying lives at will.

God exists as the highest form of energy in the Universe. He created the world for all to inhabit, not just a select few. The world is not now, or will ever be for sale.

FYI United Nations: Are you aware of the Treaty Of 1967? This treaty required that states parties not place in orbit around the earth, any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of Weapons of Mass Destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner. This is what constitutes: “Satellite-Harassment.”

The Strategic Defense Initiative, established under President Reagan, required that this treaty be modified. Satellite Harassment is the means by which many Targeted Individuals are being mercilessly tortured and tormented. I am clueless as to exactly what changes were made to the treaty, but there’s obviously a loophole somewhere in it which may allow for this type of harassment. The “Treaty of 1967” needs to be closely examined and modified once more to allow for closure of this loophole.

Are you also aware that “Directed-Energy Weapons,” which target the Central Nervous System, and cause Neurophysiological Disorders may violate certain Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980? Weapons that go beyond non-lethal intentions, and cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering may also violate the Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1977.

I shall take it upon myself to say that parts of the United Nations are very well aware of the above measures being put in place. Yet they act stupefied when they receive numerous complaints on the matter. They cry-mental illness, just as much as the little boy that cried wolf. Persons in the UN having knowledge of this inhumanity are also very much aware that targeted individuals are not suffering from mental illness. Someone’s obviously being paid a hefty price to look the other way, and has been for years.

It’s unfortunate that money and power are what’s most important in this world. As a little girl, my mum would occasionally say this to me: “The love of money is at the root of all -Evil.” At the time, I couldn’t possibly comprehend what she was saying. I have never been more aware of this saying than I am at this time in my life. It’s as though she had foresight of the beast that awaited me in my future. One so ferocious and hungry, it would try everything in its power to devour my soul, my very being.

The “Powers That Be” and anyone that aligns him or herself with this vapid bunch are in for a rude awakening when the rest of the world learns the absolute truth. I’ll close this letter the same as I started- “May God have Mercy on Our Souls.”

Linda Bressendorff- Christopher



Jul 11, 2016 — To those Targeted Individuals who are relentlessly tortured via–Voice to Skull, Remote Neural Monitoring (Satellite Terrorism), and those whose minds and bodies are under attack from Directed-Energy Weapons.

We are assaulted daily by dark and destructive energies meant to keep us in a constant state of fear, anger, sadness, despair, hopelessness.

Do not give in to these negative emotions. Instead, surround yourself with positive energies, and (as hard as it may be) try to remain positive. Listed below are possible remedies which focus on eliminating dark and destructive energies from our environment. They are worth giving a try……

*Crystal Based Pulsors-restores the body’s natural energy fields and protect it from electromagnetic fields.

*Flower Essences-counteract EMF contamination.

*Grounding and Earthing-connects us to the healing properties of the earth. Walking barefoot on the earth’s natural soil and eating foods that grow in the earth’s soil are other ways to stay connected to the earth.

*Crystals and Gemstones-repel and protect from negative energy.

*Reiki Hand Symbols-is an energy healing system.

*Biophoton Stimulator-aids in strengthening the Human Energy Field (Aura).

(Your life is worth fighting for–Never Give Up HOPE).

Source: Change.org