Daily Archives: November 10, 2015

The Matrix Program is Crashing, by Zen Gardner

Re-blogged, with thanks, from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth, please click over there for the entire post, which is re-posted from the blog The Vatic Project, with very interesting notes from both sites, along the way. Or click directly over to Zen Gardner’s site for the article alone, posted earlier this year, in February: The Matrix Program is Crashing.

Wonderful hopeful message from all these sites: Our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, actions, prayers are profoundly powerful vibrations that can bring and are indeed bringing positive change in our universe. The Matrix program we’ve been trapped in is absolutely doomed and is in its death throes. There are forces of Creation beyond us working all around us and for us and with us, and there are forces of positive shift we unleash with our own beliefs and positive actions. So, even as it seems the world is literally imploding with insanity all around us, what’s really happening is an insanity of reaction from the Fading-Into-History Controllers who are manically striving to hold on to their power, as our power, people power, and organic, awakening consciousness builds all around the world, and rises. It’s our star that’s rising today, not theirs.

Excerpt from the Vatic note: “Now this is very very interesting and a MUST READ.  Why?  Because, over time, we have done numerous blogs that support most of what he is saying down here.

For instance, we did a blog proving that a Vienna Linguist and a Russian Microbiologist mapped our “junk DNA” that no one was able to map, so they called it “Junk DNA”, but little did they know that the so-called Junk was really a 25,000 character alphabet and now we know with the right engine (vibrational factors) that we can communicate with our DNA and tell it what to do as well as communicate with the cosmic consciousness.

Belief is one of those vibrational conditions that make it all work. What you believe is picked up by your DNA and used in the cosmic arena of consciousness. That’s why prayer works and why these evil ones hate Christians, Muslims and real Jews.  We believe and pray and it works as scientific, peer reviewed research has proven.

Add to that the fact that every time this solar system revolves closer to the center of the galaxy, humanity has a leap in evolution with respect to their consciousness. ”

Excerpt from Zen Gardner‘s The Matrix Program is Crashing:

“Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer.

While this has been known for eons, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers.

Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.

Is This For Real?

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us. But our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition.”

Anonymous: “Crackas With Attitude” Hacking Group Penetrate US Police Databases

Re-blogged, with thanks, from Covert Geopolitics, on The Everyday Concerned Citizen.

Excerpt: “The group claims that by infiltrating JABS, they now have access to a long list of programs and resources, including the Enterprise File Transfer Service, Cyber Shield Alliance, DFS Test, eGuardian Training, IC3, IDEAFX, Intelink, Intelink IM, and Justice Enterprise File Sharing, Special Interest Group, Virtual Command Center, National Data Exchange, National Gang Intelligence Center, Repository for Individuals of Special Concern, RISSNET, ViCAP Web National Crime Database, Active Shooter Resources Page, Malware Investigator, Homeland Security Information Network, and eGuardian.”

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (9) Central Spot for Judge Anna von Reitz’s Writings

Please visit Judge Anna’s page on the website of Paul Stramer, who has collected all her important writings spelling out what has happened in the USA and what we can do about it, peacefully, to restore our rights and liberties. As an avid reader of her work, I can only state that her writing is absolutely crystal-clear and offers deep and compelling insight on issues of law, civics, and history that many others, historians, lawyers, etc. stumble to elucidate.

I will continue to make my own posts on these subjects in this series step by step as I seek, myself, to further understand this scenario of fraud, corruption, and subverted freedoms in the US, but this website of Judge Anna’s provides all the answers, I will probably check in there myself as I proceed.  As some may know, it’s her book and affidavit You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause that set me off on this series in the first place.

There’s a link at the bottom of that page for a sign-up to their mailing list so you can stay informed about new writings posted there from Judge Anna.

Paul Stramer: An Affidavit and Lien Has Been Filed Against the Cabal in Mesa County, Colorado — That Will Change Everything!

Thanks to Arnie Rosner at Scanned Retina for this find. Re-posting (in part) the commentary by Paul Stramer on the recent Affidavit and Lien filed in Colorado, by Judge Anna von Reitz and many others, posted earlier at Maine Republic Email Alert, re-posted here recently, which offers some insight into the grand import of this affidavit and this filing.

Also enlightening is the affidavit and lien document itself, which is linked in pdf. (It is very readable/from a non-specialist point of view, and spells out the nature of the fraud it points to–link below.)

“The Fat is now in the Fire – The Cabal is on the run, and can’t answer!
Posted: 09 Nov 2015 07:23 AM PST
Are you wondering if the battle for freedom can be won, short of a second American Revolution or civil war?   The cabal is on a timeline now they can’t avoid!

An Affidavit and Commercial Lien has been filed in Mesa County Colorado against the cabal that will change everything.  It CAN NOT BE ANSWERED because it is 100% true.  It is a true bill or affidavit of facts.

(Download the PDF Document:

This lien has an S.E.C. trace number of  2640220.

It MUST be answered by January 15th 2016, or the Lien Debtors must pay 279 Trillion dollars to the Lien Claimants, the American people.  This document can NOT be reviewed by any “court” as it is a commercial affidavit operating in the land jurisdiction, and under commercial law.

Over 50 claimants have spoken on behalf of the entire people or living American nationals who live on the land of the united States of America, claiming what has been stolen under the color of law by pirates operating in the jurisdiction of the sea, or Admiralty/Maritime law, who have conspired to trick the American living people into their ‘courts’ and jails with Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, Coercion, Intimidation and outright lies, and lack of full disclosure. These are all fraudulent contracts. They are null and void for fraud.

There is NO statute of limitations on fraud. Fraud vitiates and cancels all contracts that it touches.”

Please visit Scanned Retina for more, also Paul Stramer’s website.

Paul Stramer is hosting all of Judge Anna von Reitz‘s clear and profound discussions and writings analysing the real American history that’s been suppressed from us, network of fraud perpetrated on Americans, and insights into how to “restore the Republic” at his website, here.

Deborah Tavares: Military/NASA Documents Show Planned Pollution/Labeled Global Warming; Microwave Frequencies Are Being Used as Weapons On All of Us

Thanks to Lissa Humane for this find. Re-posting this video posted at her site, a new interview with activist and researcher Deborah Tavares on the subject of smart meters, microwave weapons, wireless routers which are putting out radio frequencies destructive to our DNA, planned pollution, global warming as base for ushering in fraudulent carbon tax credits and a One World Government, American apathy, and indoctrination of children in the false science of global warming.

She also speaks further about the 1954 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document–which can be found on her website, Stopthecrime.net–an operations manual for “planned global manipulation, enslavement, and genocide,” about the 1933 bankruptcy which led to the collateralization of all Americans as security against debt, the creation of the Federal Reserve, which kept power in the hands of a scant few/the banking cartel, the making of Americans into “enemies of the state,” covered here recently, and many other issues of current concern to all of us–flouride, aspartame, corn, TV programming, the intentional creation of fear etc.–and stresses the importance of waking up to these realities in order for each one of us to act through our understanding to prevent inaction or falling into fear, terror, and paralysis, and to retrieve our freedoms. “Our liberty is already lost.” Again, as noted by other analysts, this is about consent–we must withdraw our consent.

She calls for each one of us to expand our understanding, to spread this information, and to act based on what we know. “The lives of your children and grandchildren depend on what actions you take now.”

This interview is hosted on Non Human Entities: