Daily Archives: November 1, 2015

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (8) Stamper Commentary: We Are Currently (Still) Under “Martial Rule,” a National Emergency, And a Suspended Constitution, As Per The Emergency Banking/War Powers Act, 1933

This is the eighth in a series of short–or at least, focused–posts setting out in absolute simplicity what exactly the truth is about the US government, as uncovered by many researchers and writers, with reference in particular to the compilation of documents offered at www.Hudok. info by the West Virginia team who recently filed a lawsuit against the State of West Virginia, demanding that the State be returned to a form of constitutional government, and that citizens of the State no longer be considered “enemy combatants.” The first seven posts in this series are linked at the end of this one–please pardon the overlap in information, since each post links to a different source, and these issues are being variously discussed by various sources. Suffice it to say this is a hot issue today, all over the Internet, and it is a vital one to understand; most Americans don’t know anything about this history, and I concur with all those who believe that the more of us writing and talking about it, the better.

Name Fraud, Corporation Fraud, Tax Fraud

Many informed writers and researchers and talk-show heads have written about and podcasted about Name Fraud, about the US government being a corporation, not a legitimate government, about the Pope/the Vatican/the British Crown actually still owning all the once-British colonies, about how we Americans–and others–don’t really need to pay taxes, and so forth, and the rest of us have not known quite what to make of it all–hasn’t the whole of it seemed rather odd and far-fetched? But apparently they were all right, there actually has been a Massive Fraud perpetrated on the American public –– as well as the global public  — and the truth is contained in historic documents that apparently none of us have really read.

(I especially don’t get how lawyers who go to law school and supposedly read musty tomes could have missed this.)

Now, several people are taking the next step–from actually uncovering the fraud–to addressing the fraud, as the West Virginia group has done–and there is, it seems, potential here therefore to expose, challenge, and terminate the tyranny once and for all. So we really should All be madly interested in this subject. Please note, while things have certainly gone awry recently in West Virginia, observers note that what is going on is highly unusual; this story has been more fully covered at Hudok. info, Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth, Scanned Retina, and Maine Republic Email Alert. To stay updated, please keep checking in at Hudok. info. Also, please know the facts remain the facts; the history here, the truth here, remains incontrovertible.

Exploring These Considerations/Particularly For “Targeted Individuals”

It’s being posited by many ardent analysts of the suppressed American history here that today we can create the means to actually break the chains and change our society in the US and in the world–from a war-centric, highly-surveilled, controlled and authoritarian police state to a peace-centered, open, free, self-evolving, and freely creative one, the America of our dreams, which might have existed once, briefly–and perhaps we all need to find out what exactly to do in order to make this happen.

There are many blogs and resources online covering these subjects, I am exploring some of them, as also reading some books on these subjects–and just trying to make this information clear to myself, as much as to anyone else. As a writer being illegitimately “surveilled” 24/7 and c/overtly assaulted by the Covert Ops/Black Budget CIA/DOD/DOJ “National Security” cartel with EMR/sonic neuroweaponry (Directed-Energy, Quite-Lethal “Non-Lethal” Weapons)–since the Fall of 2013, I am doubly keen to offer this series in particular to all Americans currently being similarly assaulted, and being disappeared (from pristine status as upright, innocent citizens and individuals of talent and integrity) by deliberate State-set-up mis-diagnoses of “schizoid disorder” and the fringe label “Targeted Individual,” a misnomer used to conceal an unconscionable crime against humanity, in the particular hope that we can find a means here for America to expose and shut down this Absolute Crime of Abuse of Power and Criminal Corruption that is destroying thousands of radiant human lives.


Start of the National Emergency in 1933

Understanding what is going on today in the US–a President who constantly issues often-rabid Executive Orders and embarks on and continues wars without Congressional consent, a Congress that doesn’t read or write Bills and seems profoundly inept (corporate-sponsored Senators who don’t respond to citizen appeals as a matter of course), out-of-control Mass Surveillance and Intelligence agencies, militarized police, muzzled media, and DOJ-sanctioned Covert Ops openly targeting individuals with Directed-Energy Electromagnetic/Sonic Neuroweapons all over the US–apparently requires going back in time to 1933, 1917, 1913, 1871, and then way back, to 1776, and shortly after. Let’s start with 1933 and FDR.

President Roosevelt signs the Glass-Steagall Act alongside the bill's co-sponsors, Senator Carter Glass and Representative Henry Steagall, and others.

Image from FederalHistory.org/Roosevelt signs Glass-Steagall (Emergency Banking Act, 1933)

In 1933, a National Emergency was declared by FDR, shortly after he took office as President, which has never been repealed. Why did he declare this emergency? Supposedly because “an emergency” was being created after the Depression by people seeking to withdraw the silver, gold, and currency they had deposited in banks, for which they had been issued “claim checks,” thereby depleting (or so the Federal Reserve said) the reserves of the banks, and causing the panicked Federal Reserve to maneuver Roosevelt into stopping this practice, via declaration of a banking emergency, a bank holiday, a national emergency, and an amended Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, giving the President expanded war powers re. seizing citizen, not merely enemy, assets in a national emergency.

The site FederalHistory.org offers some interesting history and photos of this event on pages detailing the Bank Holiday and the Emergency Banking Act, but for an expanded and critical understanding of what exactly transpired, and how Americans were put on par that day–March 9, 1933 with the passage of The Emergency Banking Act, 1933 (often referred to as The War Powers Act, 1933)–with “enemies of the State” from that moment on, please see the Dr. Melvin Stamper commentary (linked below), Dr. Eugene Schroeder’s discussions on Youtube (one video below), also please look up War and Emergency Powers online. Some compilations of information can be found at Barefootsworld.net, APFN.org, SurvivalMonkey.com, and this pdf discussion on War and Emergency Powers by Moses Washington from TruthSetsUsFree.com, among other fine sites online.

The whole of this video below covers the history, but for a quick look, check in at the 37:5 minute mark and watch for at least 10 minutes.

Dr. Schroeder Discusses the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1994

Commentary on The Emergency Banking Act, 1933 (War Powers Act, 1933)

Excerpted from “A Lawsuit is an Act of War,” by Melvin Stamper, Phd, in the commentary on The War Powers Act, 1933, which was written by the Federal Reserve and presented by Roosevelt to Congress, who, like our current Congress, passed it apparently without reading it:

“In the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared emergency powers in 1933 that was supposedly to deal with a bank crisis that was in progress when he assumed the Presidency.  In fact, the crisis as sold to the President is a figment of the Federal Reserve bankers’ imagination. They had embezzled all of the Gold on deposit in their banks and were running scared when they thought that by claiming that the American people were hoarding gold, precipitating a banking crisis, they would be off the hook.  It suited Roosevelt’s plans to seize control of the nation for his socialist agenda by and maintain it by Executive Order, so he accepted the Federal Reserve Board’s request, which amended the 1917 Wars Powers Act, giving the President license over all the citizens of this country, rather than just an enemy.  We became the enemy of our country, and remain so to this day.  See Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition under Bank Holiday P. 146.

Congress returned from its annual recess and rubber-stamped Roosevelt’s Executive Orders and the Federal power grab began.  From that day to the present, the United States of America has been under emergency powers and Presidents and the Congress, to maintain and justify the enormous growth in the power of the Federal government, have systematically exploited its people.  The States cooperated with the Federal government because they benefited, right down to the County level from a massive increase in their tax revenues and powers.”

Here’s (part of) Section 5b of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1917, prior to change (by the Emergency Banking Act, 1933) in 1933, which suggests the President has rights over all transactions of all (US) residents from nations with whom the US is at war:

(b)(1) During the time of war, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of instructions, licenses, or otherwise—

(A) investigate, regulate, or prohibit, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit or payments between, by, through, or to any banking institution, and the importing, exporting, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion, currency or securities, and

(B) investigate, regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit, any acquisition holding, withholding, use, transfer, withdrawal, transportation, importation or exportation of, or dealing in, or exercising any right, power, or privilege with respect to, or transactions involving, any property in which any foreign country or a national thereof has any interest,

by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States;

Here’s the amended section, in The Emergency Banking Act, 1933, which now suggests the President has this power of seizure of asset/transaction over all persons resident within the United States, which obviously includes citizens:

“During time of war or during any other period of national emergency declared by the President, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, by any person within the United States or anyplace subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

Stamper Commentary again:

“The people of the United States were now subject to the power of the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, as amended.  For the purposes of all commercial, monetary and in effect all business transactions.  “We the People”, became the same as the enemy, and were treated no differently.  There was no longer any distinction.”

Implications of National Emergency and Emergency Banking Act, 1933

The implications of passage of national emergency, and of defining citizens/residents as “enemies” as denoted above are a suspension of the Constitution, and infinite powers offered the President to seize assets of residents anytime.  Please see John Hagan’s article on this subject. In 1933, Congressman James M. Beck, speaking from the Congressional Record, states:

“I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. it means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This means its death. It is the very doctrine that the German chancellor is invoking today in the dying hours of the parliamentary body of the German republic, namely, that because of an emergency, it should grant to the German chancellor absolute power to pass any law, even though the law contradicts the Constitution of the German republic. Chancellor Hitler is at least frank about it. We pay the Constitution lip service, but the result is the same.”

So, National Emergency=Dictatorship. The mention of Hitler above is obviously quite apt. This Congressman was one of the few who spoke out vehemently back then in 1933 about the proposed passage of the Emergency banking bill, which Congress was not allowed time to read and reflect on.

Other implications are martial law or martial rule, powers centered in the Federal government as opposed to the States, and civil courts now replaced by martial law or military courts. Stamper commentary again:

(E)mergency powers government(s) varies in the degree of the emergency declared. The most extreme form is called Martial Law. The benign, less restrictive form is Martial Rule.

Currently the U.S. is under the less restrictive form called Martial Rule.

Martial law puts all major resources in an emergency powers’ area; transportation, food, minerals, metals, communications, etc., under the direct control of the nations’ armed forces and its Commander-in-Chief, the President. A snow storm of Executive Orders, have been issued already so that in the event the President declares a National Emergency, all resources and citizens come under direct control of (FEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency and the severe Martial Law form of governance.


Image of Military Rule flag from, and described further at http://www.apfn.org/_private/flag.htm linked here/Click on image

In its raw sense, martial law governs via democracy, not a republic. ‘Military law’ uses municipal law. Courts are draped with quasi-civil (republican) forms of law, evidenced by draped military standards in courtrooms, i.e., the gold-fringed flag of the United States, mounted on a pole. Lawful civil authority never flies flags, only banners, which are always hung from the back of the flag with the red and white stripes hanging vertically. Banners are never hung on a pole. Banners on a pole never represent civil authority, only military Authority, on the march.”

Why do we need to excavate and understand this 1933 history today?

Because apparently the situation hasn’t changed. Every President since Roosevelt has had the opportunity to repeal the Emergency, but hasn’t. So do all those implications of emergency still stand? Many analysts consider so, and suggest it is We the People who need to wake up today and understand that we cannot keep giving our support, our assent, and our consent by means of our vote, and our participation in the credit-based economy commandeered by the Federal Reserve, and our silence in the face of the continuing infringement, abrogation, and violation of our rights by an increasingly corrupt Government: we have the power always to withhold our vote, withhold our consent and our participation, and speak out vehemently against the terminations and abrogations of our basic rights, as citizens, as residents, and as human beings.

“If we the people don’t exercise our powers, if we don’t know the truth, then we have a moral meltdown–we have to learn the truth and we have to act on it–each person being responsible, being moral, and acting on it.” Phil Hudok, talking about the War Powers Act, 1933, and how it was Never Repealed, which means we are still under an Emergency, under the notion that we are at War, and all the citizens of the US have been made the Enemy of the US:

The notion of National Emergency as reinforced by succeeding Acts and Orders, evidence of our continuing National Emergency et al. to be studied in further posts in this series. Please investigate further on your own too, and read (7) in the Truth About US Govt. series, links below, to find out what some folks are doing about all this. The first post in the series, (1), reviews an all-in-one book/affidavit to read to get fully caught up on the whole gory saga of historic fraud that’s been perpetrated on Americans, and citizens worldwide.


Breaking News: Landmark Win in West Virginia for We the People: In the Face of Jade Helm’s Secret Agenda, Urgent Need for US Citizens to Take Action Now in Their Own States to Help Restore Constitutional Government

Of Thumbprints, Names in ALL CAPS, Legal Fictions, and Name Fraud–David Robinson: Do Not Use Your Thumbprint — Ever!!!

Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny: Democracy In A Transparent World

Doreen Agostino, Our Greater Destiny/Before Voting Pls Read: Next Elections Every Vote SEALS The FATE of Humanity

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (1) Judge Anna von Reitzinger: You Know Something is Wrong When….: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (2) PL Chang: Proof That the USA is Controlled by Foreign Corporations

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (3) Doreen Agostino: CALL TO DUTY!

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (4) Judge Anna von Reitz: Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (5) Stillness in the Storm: Commentary on Beyond BRICS, Exposing the Rats–How the Cabal Maintains Their Power And What You Need To Do To Stop It – Un-Consent

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (6) SGT Report: The UNITED STATES is a CORPORATION — Sofia Smallstorm

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101:(7) Judge Anna: “Each and every one of us has more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.”

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (8) Stamper Commentary: We Are Currently (Still) Under “Martial Rule,” a National Emergency, And a Suspended Constitution, As Per The Emergency Banking/War Powers Act, 1933

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (9) Central Spot for Judge Anna von Reitz’s Writings

The Truth About US Govt–USA 101: (10) AL Whitney/Anti-Corruption Society: Our ‘government’ is just another corporation!