Tag Archives: Crackas with Attitude

Anonymous: “Crackas With Attitude” Hacking Group Penetrate US Police Databases

Re-blogged, with thanks, from Covert Geopolitics, on The Everyday Concerned Citizen.

Excerpt: “The group claims that by infiltrating JABS, they now have access to a long list of programs and resources, including the Enterprise File Transfer Service, Cyber Shield Alliance, DFS Test, eGuardian Training, IC3, IDEAFX, Intelink, Intelink IM, and Justice Enterprise File Sharing, Special Interest Group, Virtual Command Center, National Data Exchange, National Gang Intelligence Center, Repository for Individuals of Special Concern, RISSNET, ViCAP Web National Crime Database, Active Shooter Resources Page, Malware Investigator, Homeland Security Information Network, and eGuardian.”