Tag Archives: Murderous Corruption

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

–Ramola D/6/12/2018

How the FBI (& DHS/NSA/CIA) Wrongfully Targets Innocent & Stand-Out Americans with COURT-ORDERS from Bought Judges For Purposes of Criminal Community Takeover

Posted below is critically important information from FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee from a very recent post he made on Portland Indymedia offering a sample court-order and discussing the modality by which the FBI, acting locally via Federal Magistrate Judges, wrongfully procures court-orders on innocent targets, which are then used like a weapon to defame, smear, dismiss, discredit, and socially-isolate the target locally, in ways which then ensure that all whom the FBI notifies will necessarily participate in community-wide actions to treat the target like a criminal—by constant and overt physical and electronic monitoring, surveilling, stalking, mobbing, harassment and coded Psy Op actions intended to provoke and stress the target in Mengele-style 24/7 Persecution Operations, which have in some cases led to the death by suicide of the target.

The targets here refer currently to the thousands if not millions of citizens both within the United States and worldwide who are being wrongfully put under surveillance (& then turned over like cattle into extremely inhumane non-consensual neurotech and DEW experimentation projects run by military/Intelligence divisions)—often for such “crimes” as speaking out at a School Board meeting or questioning drug-abuse at a nursing-home or reporting corruption on the City Council or marching in an anti-war rally or holding up signs at an animal rights protest, in other words for exhibiting untoward signs of integrity, spine, and conscience, qualities the current Virtue-Free corporate police state apparently desires to stamp out of all existence as it races to establish the Bankers, Queens, & Popes’ New World Dystopia where compliance is king and dissent discouraged.

The conversion of a society from a positive focus on communal good—inclusive of breathable air, clear water, nutritious food, creative lives, connected and caring community members with ethical watchdogs who’d ensure no diabolical projects like spraying nanotech or barium or lithium into the skies and seas would ever get off the ground—to a negative focus on Life for some and Persecution for others via scapegoated human/eco rights advocates and good people of integrity being targeted and tarred and used like lab rats in unconscionable brain and weapons-testing experiments involving microwave/sonic/scalar weapons can only be achieved by the compelled compliance of whole societies, not to mention the brain-entrained obliviousness of hundreds of millions—possible today through many means including media control, television programming, and HAARP’s scarcely-known ELF mind-control projects rippling across our skies.

Such a conversion—or should I say perversion–could only be emblematic of organized crime, and unfortunately for all of us, as per the investigations and whistleblowing of many government insiders and analysts, such a syndicate—bred by secret societies–has indeed set up shop inside, alongside, and above the FBI and CIA and DHS and NSA and is currently wreaking havoc inside the United States as well as overseas via Intel agreements. Geral Sosbee is one of those supremely important whistleblowers, whose voice is vital to enhancing our understanding of how these programs are being carried out, and like a few others, including Barbara Hartwell, Karen Melton-Stewart, Kevin Shipp, Cody Snodgres, unafraid to expand or speculate on the actions of this crime syndicate and its methods.

The disclosure in this post was sufficiently unnerving to the FBI that they deleted the first post, Geral reports; he has reposted the material, which includes organized links to other articles he has published. I have taken the liberty of re-organizing slightly by adding subheads. While those who have been targeted—for years, some for decades—know to some extent how these secretive Spectrum Assault and Psy Op and Persecution Op programs have been set up, the exact modality of terrorizing wreaked in neighborhoods and communities suggested here is enlightening.

oie_12234528LWhGfWHYAfter all, comprehending what’s being run behind the bland, lying facade of mainstream media covering for the actions of these out-of-control agencies needs to be the first step in challenging these actions. In any society, targeting the few while co-opting the many is only the prelude to a greater holocaust, as history teaches us. The co-opted many–including my neighbors and yours–need to learn the truth of this wrongful targeting, and the real consequences of their own buttoned-down compliance with unconscionable and persecutory “authority”–which helps usher in their own enslavement, if they do not withdraw their consent to this silent holocaust and Nazi concentration camp activity, and start instead to consult their own consciences and refuse to honor FBI/FMJ or FISA/NSL “court-orders,” however threatening, which order wrongful Persecution Operations–tantamount to stoning your neighbors but streamlined today into harassive Psy Ops and torturous Microwave/Sonic Assault–on anyone. However packaged and sold to them slyly as Neuro Behavior Modification or Social Research, or Mental Health Treatment, or Physical Therapy with remote medical devices or Community Policing. Much gratitude to Geral Sosbee for speaking out and sharing his understanding with the world.

–Ramola D/Posted 6/12/2018

Please note, Geral Sosbee favors the use of “fbi” versus FBI for this reason:

“The letters are intended to boldly impact and impress the viewer/reader by implying the great power and presumed prestige of the nation’s top police authority…

I always use the lower case and small font ‘fbi’ because my readers may deduce, from the context of my reports, that the fbi group (and individuals) are terrible thugs who control and shape destructive and insane public policy (and who program many irresponsible and subservient minds to obey).

The fbi is simply made up of very small, petty and vacant intellects (& criminal schemers) who deserve to be tried as felons for crimes against humanity.” (Pl. see full note here: Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial)

Murderous Corruption of FBI and their Federal Magistrate Judges (FMJ)

by Geral Sosbee

This post focuses on murderous corruption of fbi and their federal magistrate judges (fmj).

This report is inspired by recent attacks on me and my wife by the criminals in the fbi. Specifically, the fbi increases extreme assaults by DEW and ELF, causing incapacitating sleep-deprivation; the fbi sends 4 thugs to follow and harass my wife and me as we stroll in the mall.

True Nature of the FBI in our Society

For those who refuse to understand the true nature of the fbi in our society, I summarize the situation this way:

The top police in the USA are criminals, thugs, hoodlums, psychopaths, serial killers, torturers, and assassins; they lead and train all law enforcement in the USA and they (fbi agents, operatives, informants, murderers) shape the world culture by fbi’s own terrorist objectives and inhumane culture.

Many innocent, political and ideological Targets of USA’s Intelligence Community seek to stop the heinous crimes committed against them by government hoodlums, thugs, torturers and assassins, but all such endeavors fail to date.

Even pleas to Congress and SCOTUS are ignored. All authorities and the general population accept as public policy the destruction of lives and the outright murder, or forced suicide, of fbi Targets.

In my efforts to understand who authorizes the fbi’s assaults on me, I examine many theories and experiences as a layman and as an attorney. For related papers on fbi’s crimes and on the roles of federal magistrate judges, hereinafter referred to as fmj, (et al.) in the unconscionable crimes by fbi see my papers at:


See especially:




The FBI uses the FMJ Recklessly to Issue Secret Court-Orders Against the Innocent Target & Permit High-Tech Neuro/Chemical/Bio/Directed Energy Weapon Use on Target

Many individuals try to comprehend how the fbi is able to turn everyone in the country, and indeed the world, against a given Target. I have noticed that fbi assailants appear to engage in the assaults and attempts on my life as a sport whereas the thugs actually laugh and engage in silly antics as though they are gleeful in the attacks.

One explanation of how the fbi obtains illegal orders to torture, maim, falsely imprison and murder Targets follows:

The fbi controls fmj everywhere at will; the fmj owe their lucrative jobs and their careers in the judiciary to the fbi. So, the fbi uses the fmj to issue orders against the innocent Target and no one can stop the madness associated with ex parte meetings between fbi agents/assassins, fmj and their detestable operatives (and paid professional witnesses).

When the fbi obtains an order to surveil and “supervise” a Target, that particular Target is permanently entrapped in a largely invisible system that also uses high tech, deep space based weaponry, chemical/viral/biological agents to incapacitate and to torture the Target (see my reports on DEW, ELF, etc.). I am one such political Target.

Secret FBI/FMJ Court-Orders Turn American Citizens Into Second-Class Citizens and Experimental Rats/No Constitutional Safeguards/Extreme Persecution Invokes Suicide

The fmj issues an order on behalf of the fbi which is broad in scope and always secret, except when the fbi needs to show the order to public officials such as DAs, City Attorneys, State Attorneys, and other government officials tripartite. The orders of the fmj impliedly authorize the fbi to follow, harass, provoke, torture, and murder the Target. In some cases the Target commits suicide and the fmj knows about this consequence of the fmj orders. In cases where forced suicide results I maintain that the fmj and all fbi thugs involved must be prosecuted for murder.

The fbi/fmj Target becomes less than a second class citizen and is often reduced to the equivalent of an experimental rat. See my reports for the past 30 years.

Note that no one interferes with the insane fmj orders which are issued in violation of all constitutional safeguards. Corrupt public policy is thus forged in this manner.

Sample FBI/FMJ Court-Order Warning Communities Not To Ignore or Violate the Order to Monitor, Supervise, and Medicate Targets

While no copy of these fmj orders is readily available, here is a sample warning from the fmj to all who come in contact with the fbi and the secret court orders:


The following described individual whose photograph is attached is the subject of a FBI criminal investigation which is ongoing until further notice.

All directives by the FBI to monitor, supervise, and medicate the subject of this order must be followed in confidence.




Signed at ___ a.m./p.m. on this day of_,
______________ Judge Presiding”

By the authority of these fmj orders no one can argue with, nor contest the DEADLY orders which are honored globally.

For additional data see the reports and podcasts with
RAMOLA DHARMARAJ https://everydayconcerned.net/author/ramolad/

and reports by
BARBARA HARTWELL http://barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com/

Report #59: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower, Podcast 2 — Terrorism …
▶ 1:08:35
Apr 7, 2018 – Uploaded by Ramola D Reports
Engaging and insightful conversation with FBI whistleblower, attorney, judge, former college professor and Army …

Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime …
▶ 47:55
Mar 24, 2018 – Uploaded by Ramola D Reports
BETTER AUDIO HERE: http://Https://www.bitchute.com/video/8uvmuVKuwNii/ OR HERE: https://vimeo.com

Police Are Reminded Not to Interfere with the Secret Orders of a FMJ

All police and all private security companies are especially reminded not to interfere with the secret orders of a fmj. With any effort to defend the Target against the order, the licensed investigator or police officer loses his license or is fired through contempt orders.

Many FMJ Orders Allege Fraudulently That Target is Mentally Ill; FBI & Collusive Doctors Fabricate Records to Label Target “Paranoid Delusional”

Many fmj orders allege fraudulently that the Target suffers from a mental disease; The fbi fabricates records to present to the fmj whereby a medical doctor acting on behalf and at the direction of the fbi label the Target as “paranoid delusional disorder” (see my story in detail at part 20).

See also my reports at:





And see my post on committed to healing

and massive crimes by fbi, even as fbi officials pretend to uphold the laws:


Innocent American Targets Are Wrongfully Tortured, Labeled Insane, Psych-Committed, and Incarcerated

The USA’s intelligence community is quite adept at fraudulently placing political Targets in mental institutions, or in prison. Indeed, some medical and dental doctors actually torture the Target for the fbi and then label the Target insane.

See my reports on trauma and stress designed and induced by fbi :


fbi shows their recurring theme against all Targets with these words: increase their numbers, magnify their dangerousness:


On mental illness as alleged often by the fbi:

See “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (film) where a criminal pleads insanity after getting into trouble again and once in the mental institution rebels against the oppressive nurse and rallies up the scared patients; Nurse Ratched runs the psychiatric ward with an iron fist, keeping her patients cowed through abuse, medication and sessions of electroconvulsive therapy.

In Case of Target Deaths, Nation MUST Prosecute FMJ, FBI, and Accomplices for Murder

When a Target’s death results in such instances we must as a nation prosecute the fmj and the fbi and their accomplices for murder:

Prosecute fbi assassins:


American Courts and Laws, including Supreme Court, Facilitate Wrongful Detention of Targets and FBI/CIA Crimes Against Humanity: Torture, Maiming, Assassination, False Imprisonment

FBI, FMJ, and Accomplices’ Immunity Must Be Removed

Where detention of a Target is fraudulent, the immunity of the fmj and the fbi hoodlums (and all who assist in the dirty program) must be removed to allow them to be jailed, or treated as mental patients (including doctors, dentists and lawyers). These people are a dangerous threat to others, as documented by me and many other Targets for decades.

In my work I have also shown how other laws facilitate the fbi’s crimes against Targets. Often, the fbi intentionally sends an infected person to infect the Target; then all hell breaks loose for that Target.



In most appeals to SCOTUS the Target loses and the highest court in the nation gives its imprimatur to rampant crimes against humanity committed by fbi/cia, et al., including torture, false imprisonment, maiming, and assassinations. So, law is completely subverted in USA where our people are being murdered, or provoked into conflict, by the very authority responsible for protecting the public.

If ever a travesty were committed by SCOTUS against a representative of thousands of victims of a government organized crime syndicate, my case against fbi, doj, et al., which was summarily denied by SCOTUS, represents one such abomination. 

This case suggests that our nation is run by organized crime across the board (all three branches of government). Note that SCOTUS permitted the fbi to completely ignore my petition and SCOTUS removed fbi from the title of appellee (defendants) wherein I listed fbi, along with fbi chief Freeh, as appellees.

From: https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docketfiles/01-182.htm

Source: Geral Sosbee, via email 


Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial

Community Notice: Notice of Crimes Against Humanity/Patriot Act Crimes

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality

Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI/Includes Transcript