Tag Archives: Millimeter Wave Technology

COVID-19, a Dangerous Conspiracy That’s Gotten Out of Hand

Ramola D | RAE (Report, Analysis, Op-Ed) | 4/12/2020

Curiously, while the New York Times publishes a Reuters piece last week blithely calling the linking of 5G to the CoronaVirus scam a “dangerous conspiracy theory,” nowhere does the writer mention the dangerous conspiracy behind COVID-19 itself, which could well be termed a conspiracy theory on its own merits, or, as many now see it, a false flag and pandemic hoax of megalithic scope not seen before on the face of the currently benighted Earth.

Now other media outlets have followed suit, and hints of further free-speech and press crackdowns threaten to stifle any journalism exploring this 5G connection.

Real journalism of course would expose the duplicity and lies behind these mainstream propaganda efforts and behind the protection of 5G and the telecom industry. Today, this kind of journalism flourishes only in social media, video platforms, private websites, and independent journalism platforms such as this one–and this exposure, thankfully, is well underway there.

Unprecedented Hoopla Surrounding “COVID-19”

While the nature of this virus as a bioweapon has been hotly pursued in media, with rumors of its origins variously from Wuhan, Chinese biotech labs, Harvard labs, UK labs, and the patent traced to the Pirbright Institute, a British animal institute funded by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust, both a part of the worldwide web of the Pilgrim Society, apparently the secret society to beat them all, little has been said about the falsehoods on which the entire #CoronaPanic has been based.

It is becoming evident however to seasoned observers, that:

  • The COVID-19 scare follows on the heels of SARS, Ebola, Zika, the swine flu, the bird flu—all of which were declared pandemics and spilled over worldwide, and none of which brought about the end of the world as we know it. See Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s article, Coronavirus Pt 1: How Soon We Forget – Same Playbook, Different Virus.
  • The COVID-19 scare is the only one to have effected this global lockdown, with governments readily complying, and airline, train, bus industries crashing as borders closed, and schools, Universities, places of employment all shut down.
  • The COVID-19 scare is the only one to invoke the social suicide of “social distancing” and the social oppression of “no gatherings even in homes.”
  • The COVID-19 scare is the only one to invoke “Stay Home Stay Safe” shut-ins and lockdowns as the entire world supposedly hunkers down in front of ipads, phones and TVs, transferring all social activity online while staying off the streets in supposed fear of a marauding virus with a plan.
  • The COVID-19 scare has effectively crashed millions of lives and small businesses, large businesses and industries, making a big dent in local and world economies. (Just take a walk to the nearest strip mall, village, main road in your town to see.)

Emerging Truths About the Virus, the Test, the Media Circus

Meanwhile, emerging steadily all around us, are the following truths, unearthed by citizen reporters and outspoken scientists:

FALSE REPORTS OF CRAMMED HOSPITALS: While corporate media propagandists roll out dramatic footage of crowded ICUs and overworked medicos, citizens with cameras find that emergency rooms are actually empty, hospital parking lots are empty, Urgent Care centers are empty: nobody’s crowding in with COVID coughs nor lining up for COVID tests. See Dana Ashlie’s compilatory video: More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t!

FALSE REPORTS OF COVID-19 DEATHS: While corporate media propagandists roll out escalating figures of infected cases and deaths, nurses and doctors on social media report that all deaths are being reported to the CDC as COVID fatalities if a test was administered and found to be positive before death—which could be due to existing co-morbidities or underlying chronic illnesses or emergencies such as a heart attack or stroke.

FALSE REPORTS OF DEATHS ON FALSE GUIDANCE FROM CDC: The newest guidance from the CDC in fact suggests that dying WITH COVID should be reported—deceitfully–as dying FROM COVID. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny mentions this deceit in her interview with this writer in Report #168, and Dr. Scott Jensen mentioned this recently on corporate news: Watch: Dr. Scott Jensen Reveals “Ridiculous” COVID-19 Guidance. Read the March 24, 2020 CDC Guidance here.

FALSE TEST WHICH CANNOT PROVE COVID-19: While corporate media propagandists roll out news of home-test kits Depopulationist Bill Gates is planning to hand out to millions and spotlight COVID-19 tests, hinting forced testing for all may be next, several doctors and scientists explain that the current nasal/throat swab test can only point to generic traces, past or present, of a flu or cold of some kind, and cannot specifically identify the COVID-19 virus or SARS-COV-2 virus or novel coronavirus, as this putative virus is interchangeably called. See Ramola D Reports, Report #168 | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID-19 Test Does Not Prove COVID-19–All Figures on Infections and Deaths are False!

FALSE FIGURES OF NUMBERS INFECTED BASED ON FALSE TESTS: All published figures therefore are completely false, since the test does not identify the virus or any specific virus.

FALSE REPORTS OF HIGH CONTAGION: The COVID-19 disease was downgraded by Public Health England from a HCID (High-consequence-infectious-disease) on 19 March, but this news has not been widely publicized. See Status of COVID-19. This means that COVID-19 is not medically considered as infectious and contagious as diseases such as measles and mumps which are considered HCIDs.

FALSE REPORTS OF NEED FOR DRACONIAN LEGISLATION: The Coronavirus Bill was rolled out in the UK on the 19th of March, the very day PHE downgraded COVID-19 from HCID, deeming it less contagious than other diseases. Regardless, the Coronavirus Act in the UK sped through the House of Commons and Lords at record speed, turning into law within five days. This can only be attributed to sinister political agenda for the imposition of draconian, totalitarian laws.

FALSE NOTIONS OF “SOCIAL DISTANCING” IMPROVING IMMUNITY: While the virus is being expected to die minus human transmission via over-the-top lockdowns and shutdowns, it is also being expected (as per WHO, IMHE models) to pop up again and again, warranting cyclical shutdowns and massive changes in the world.

Meanwhile, many of us know that true immunity and resistance to viruses comes from immune system pampering and support, via friendship and socializing, community connections, fresh air, exercise, nutrition, sunshine, most of which are being (outrageously) proscribed currently. “Social distancing” may in fact decrease immunity, as it plunges people into a large national depression. Those dependent on the care of others—the elderly, the sick, the very young children, the very people we are being told we are protecting with Stay Home house-arrest—are especially vulnerable, as the removal of support systems, friendships, social routines, and community impacts on their mood, their self-esteem, their capacity for resilience, and their immune systems.

COVID-19 and 5G: A Matter Still Under Enquiry, But Yes, There Seems to Be a Definite Connection

As for the Reuters/New York Times’ peeve regarding 5G—backed up by 5G telecom lobbyists whom no-one but Reuters and the New York Times would consider credible commentators on the subject—the matter of 5G causing the symptoms being decried as disinformation is in itself disinformation. For instance, Nick Jeffery, Vodafone CEO is quoted as saying reports connecting 5G to COVID-9 are “utterly baseless” stories which people should not spread. But how does he know?

Scientific and Military Medical Literature Exists Showing Deleterious Bio-Effects of Wifi, 5G

There is enough scientific and military medical literature out there—thousands of studies by many reports–to prove the deleterious effects of EMF and wifi radiation on the human body and on animals. See a sampling of this literature at Radiation Health Risks, Environmental Health Trust, Cellphone Task Force.

There is historical evidence of harm from military studies of Active Denial Systems or Crowd Control technology which is millimeter wave technology or 5G use on humans. See these declassified 2015 documents provided on FOIA request to this writer on studies done by the USAF and AFRL on millimeter-wave technology. See this 2020 article on 5G use as EU crowd control technology, disclosed by a Dutch minister. See this declassified AFRL document from 2002 describing studies of bio-effects on rats and humans: Biological Effects of Directed Energy.

There is also declassified historic military documentation pointing to Russian and American research on the human bio-effects from millimeter-wave technology which is 5G technology, which include damage to skin, organs, and depletion of ascorbic acid and oxygen. See this 1977 CIA-declassified document, to be further reported on shortly: Biological Effects of Millimeter Radiowaves, article by N.P. Zalyubovskaya

Vodafone Whistleblower Says 5G Rollout Is Expected to Kill People, COVID-19 Vaccines Will Have Tracking Microchips

A Vodafone whistleblower whose testimonial recently went viral on the Internet is on record as saying there is a connection between 5G—which needs to be rolled out globally to make the Internet of Things work—and the Coronavirus.

In fact, this whistleblower, who says he was a high-level business manager at Vodafone, says it is the high 5G frequency (from sub GigaHz to 60GHZ and over), close to classification as a weapon, now being emitted by 5G satellites, cell towers, and local base station antennas which causes cell poisoning leading to excretions of toxins as viruses—now being identified as the coronavirus. Professor Andy Kaufman has suggested a similar theory of excretion, while not pinning 5G as probable cause for the cell effects. The coincidence of 5g-rollout areas with high incidence of the coronavirus, says the whistleblower, points to this: Wuhan, Spain, Italy, London, the cruise ships, and the hospitals. “It has clearly categoricallly unequivocally been scientifically proven radio frequencies are what is killing people.”

In other words, it is 5G causing these symptoms, not the putative COVID-19 virus, but those running the banks and governments do not wish to stop the rollout of 5G—which they anticipate will indeed cause casualties and fatalities in large numbers soon, something they are still trying to conceal. In fact, he says “testing gives them the opportunity to contaminate you with the virus,” which is excreted near orifices such as the nose and the mouth. (Tests use nasal or throat swabs.)

The enormity of this deception has many disbelieving it.

The whipped-up furore and panic over a so-called “COVID-19 pandemic” then permits the rollout of the global fascist state—which accounts for the unusual lockdowns we are being subjected to. What is being rolled out, he says is a trifecta of change, a complete change of paradigm: a new level of oligarchic monopoly, a new blockchain global digital currency predicated on the vaccines, and a control system based on the tracking microchip delivered through vaccines—a complete disruption of society and economy and complete control of money flow.

Research by Americans for Innovation has unearthed a 5G link in the backstory of Professor Lieber’s Chinese espionage connections, as well as a nanoelectronics link in his work—it’s the combination of carbon nanotubes, 5G, and a coronavirus, they theorize, that causes the severity of symptoms. See Weaponized CoronaVirus is an Anglo-American Pilgrims Society Attack on Non-Globalized America While Blaming China—Will 5G Exterminate Humanity

Anna von Reitz has just published an article delineating a connection between 5G, a bio-engineered virus courtesy Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, and depletion of oxygen in the bloodstream or hypoxia, which is what COVID-19 patients are said to be dying of. Welcome to the Boer War – Antony Fauci and Glycoprotein 120.

Fauci, Birx, Francis, Gates–Pilgrim Society One World Fascism Conspirators?

The investigation continues.