Daily Archives: May 18, 2019

UK Whistleblower Calls for Australian High Commission to Issue Witness Protection Order for Julian Assange and Reminds Jeremy Corbyn to Express Public Interest and Provide Witness Protection for Persecuted Whistleblowers Sabine McNeill, Melanie Shaw and Julian Assange

–Posted by Ramola D/5/17/2019

Expressing the public interest, speaking for millions of supporters of Julian Assange, and forthright in her approach to the Australian High Commission in London, whistleblower, child & human rights advocate, pharmacist by profession and powerful public speaker Neelu Berry has issued a call this week to both the Australian High Commission and the Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn to step forward to issue witness protection and safe passage to whistleblower Julian Assange and to other politically persecuted whistleblowers in the UK who are currently wrongfully imprisoned, Sabine McNeill and Melanie Shaw.

Neelu Berry, who is also publishing the ongoing work of redressal of cases of corruption and crime reported by UK citizens, has been working alongside Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis who has initiated and is commandeering the Mass Corruption Remedy Process in the UK as a revived function of the Equity Monarch Trusts, reported earlier here, and covered in ongoing conversations, with this latest, at Ramola D Reports.

In a verbal statement made over the telephone to Daniel Holden of National Intelligence at the Australian High Commmission, she demanded Julian Assange’s extradition to Australia and restitution in his job as a journalist, stating this was “a formal notice against all the corrupt officials in Australia who are continuing to ignore the public interest, to ignore the public demand for his immediate release from HMP Belmarsh, to silence him for the truths that he and WikiLeaks (have brought forward)”.

Statement to Australian High Commission, National Intelligence Office by Whistleblower Neelu Berry on Behalf of Millions of Supporters of Julian Assange

“We are the million supporters of Julian Assange and we demand his extradition to Australia on grounds that he’s been held a political prisoner by the UK state terrorists and this government in the UK is conspiring with the USA to end his life.

His life is in danger, he requires urgent medical attention, and the Australian government and the Australian Embassy in London will be held fully responsible for all the tortures he’s been subjected to in the UK and in the Ecuadorian Embassy over the last seven years, and the false prosecutions against him to persecute him for being a whistleblower of mass assassinations and massacres of civilians and women and children in the Middle East by the USA in conspiracy with the UK and the global media, so this is a formal notice of treason against all government officials who refuse to take appropriate action to bring Julian Assange to safety in his country where he is an Australian citizen.

The Australian government has so far failed in its duty to its citizens and has conspired with the UK and USA to terrorize him in the last seven years, and this is a formal notice against all the corrupt officials in Australia who are continuing to ignore the public interest, to ignore the public demand for his immediate release from HMP Belmarsh, to silence him for the truths that he and the work of WikiLeaks (has brought forward).

And the Australian government is part and parcel of the crimes of treason, of denying humanity the truth of the terrorism this planet is being subjected to by the USA UK pirate currencies in conspiracy with Ecuadorian–Ecuador and the Ecuadorian Embassy in London—government and Australian government and the Australian Embassy in London and I speak on behalf of the million supporters of Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.

And this is a demand for a witness protection order to be issued by the Australian Government to extradite him to safety where he can be rehabilitated, recuperated and restituted in his job as a journalist.”

Personal Liability Claim for Jeremy Corbyn, Opposition Leader for Failing to Enforce Witness Protections for Whistleblowers

In earlier calls made to the Australian Embassy and Jeremy Corbyn’s office, where Ms. Berry sought to relay the immediacy of the need for Julian Assange to be offered witness protection and removed from custody of the prison system because his health was in danger, she was met with cool disinterest and canned advice to call instead for an emergency vehicle from “police authorities,” obviously a meaningless suggestion.

On May 14 however, speaking to a person named Louie at Jeremy Corbyn’s office whose voice appeared oddly distorted, and who spoke repeatedly over her, Neelu Berry brought up the situation of Sabine McNeill wrongfully incarcerated in Bronzefield Prison since January this year, sentenced for 9 years (and who recently won permission to appeal her conviction in the Criminal Appeal Court in Royal Courts of Justice, London) after whistleblowing on crimes against children, and of Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison, and stated that “Jeremy Corbyn was personally liable for all the crimes committed by the prison service, the courts; as the Opposition Leader it’s his job to ensure that witnesses are protected and protected witnesses are not held in jails as political prisoners by the organized crime network in the UK.”

She also stated fearlessly and unequivocally that it was a “treasonous crime to deny remedy to whistlebowers in the UK, and Jeremy Corbyn cannot continue in his office if Julian Assange is not released” adding that Louie needed to send him this recording, and would be obstructing remedy if he could not listen to and convey concerns from the public to an elected public servant. To Louie’s neutral note that Corbyn did not have the authority to release Assange, she said “If he does not have authority he should step down because he has failed to protect Julian Assange,” as also Prime Minister Theresa May, she noted.

Especially powerful was her concluding statement where she urged Louie to pass on the information that this was notice of “personal liability of Jeremy Corbyn and he is unfit for office and he will be removed from office as of 24 hours from now if Julian Assange and Sabine McNeill are not released from these prisons, and Theresa May as well.

{Click on graphic for video link to Neelu’s conversation with Jeremy Corbyn’s office on Facebook.]

Australian High Commission Consul Says He Cannot Discuss War-Crimes-Whistleblower Julian Assange Because of the Privacy Act

In a truly astounding conversation with Mr. Gerrard Woodward, a Consul at the Australian High Commission on May 15, Neelu Berry, who introduced herself as a spokesperson for the millions of supporters of Julian Assange was first asked peremptorily if she was calling about a consular matter then told the Consul could not speak with her about this matter because of the Privacy Act.

Neelu corrected him, reminding him that Julian Assange was a whistleblower on mass massacres of civilians who qualified for whistleblower protections for protected witnesses under the Public Interest Disclosure Act and the Criminal Law Act of 1967, where “he is protected from any prosecutions pending the corruption investigations of the Mass Remedy Process of the Equity Monarchy Trusts.”

She also informed him that by refusing to act he was criminally covering up the fact that Julian Assange was actually a “protected witness who is being tortured in a prison in the UK–I have demanded his release and I have demanded the Australian Embassy is responsible for his false persecution.”

The consul sounded affronted when told he was criminally covering up and demanded to know his caller’s name and number and the exact allegations, at which point Ms. Berry, informing him he was threatening and intimidating her, referred him to Edward Ellis, the Equity Lawyer, on whose behalf she said she was speaking, which he did not seem to appreciate.

He also seemed to think it was critical to state that this was not the Australian Embassy but the Australian High Commission, to which Ms. Berry responded, classically: “It doesn’t matter what you call yourself you are failing to do what you’re supposed to do for the Australian citizen.”

Two matters of note: One, the Consul actually stated that if she had “imminent concern” for him being in imminent harm or danger, she needed to report it to the local police, not the Australian High Commission. Is there anyone in the UK or world who is not aware Julian Assange has been imprisoned? How exactly would reporting his situation to the local police—who arrested and assisted in incarcerating him—help? But of course, the Consul was striving to ignore it was Assange being spoken of here, and stated again he could not help with this.

Neelu responded: “You’re just proving to me that you’re subservient to the state terrorists in the UK, USA, and Europe, you’ve just confirmed that to me the Australian Embassy is subservient to criminals.

Two, the consul appeared irate and stated, “As a consul I am posted to the UK and under the Vienna Conventions I am an internationally protected person –and for you to ring up and make allegations against me, I can take action against you.”

Neelu pointed out that he had not provided any public service and was now “threatening (her) with legal action for demanding public service, for demanding the rescue of Julian Assange who is an Australian citizen,” and was proving he was not fit for public service. She also stated, “I hope this call is recorded and sent to the Commissioner for your immediate dismissal” stating “This is a criminal complaint this is a formal complaint, this is a formal complaint against you for embezzling public money.

The nature and tenor of this exchange suggests that the Australian High Commission—or this Consul speaking for them–has little interest currently in protecting Julian Assange. It also establishes that Neelu Berry is an outstanding advocate for humanity, willing and able to speak out for persecuted whistleblowers. Her emphasis on the need for witness protections for Julian Assange is an important one; it’s true, whistleblowers are protected on paper, they need to be protected in fact. Crime to cover up crime—incarcerating a whistleblower who published evidence of war crimes and much else does seem to be a way of drawing attention away from and concealing the massive war crimes of Iraq and Afghanistan wreaked by corrupt UK and US governments — when in reality, more of those actions should be exposed and prosecuted.

This conversation which Neelu notes comprises a complaint about the denial of remedy and public service regarding a whistleblower who should be protected is here:

Many thanks to Neelu Berry for her actions of speaking truth to installed bureaucrats, and her insistence on witness protections for whistleblowers.

(Information on Sabine McNeill above updated 5/18/2019.)
