Daily Archives: October 8, 2017

Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Weather Warfare – Playing God with the Atmosphere and Earth

–Ramola D/Posted 10/8/2017

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Professor Emeritus of Physical and Environmental Geography, California State University, publisher of the compendious research and information site NaturalClimateChange.org, returns to discuss the deadly reality of modern-day weather warfare being conducted by the US military, private industry, and Globalist mavens of Agenda 21/2030 who seem to be engaged full-time in destruction of Planet Earth.

Taking us through a presentation he gave a few years ago at a Commonwealth Club panel discussion in 2011, he details military and Air Force strategies and intentions as expressed in the 1996 Air Force document Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather by 2025, discusses long-term programs in modifying the weather inclusive of cloud-seeding and hurricane steering, names programs like Project Cloverleaf and the Shield Project, and names scientists like David Keith and Ken Caldeira who promote geo-engineering and run large-scale projects to increase the earth’s albedo, reflect sunlight, and create electrified plasma in the atmosphere.

Additionally, Dr. Karlstrom describes the mythology of global warming, which has been shaping our consciousness for a while now thanks to a sweeping Globalist political and intellectual campaign to essentially usher in carbon taxes and support Agenda 21’s intentions to move nation states toward global governance–a falsely-green global dictatorship.

Considering that our skies continue to be filled with chemtrails and smart dust, these are topics the Globalists fear to have exposed apparently–so predictably perhaps our audio and video was somewhat interrupted, often at key moments in the conversation.

Nevertheless, we both deem this important information to disseminate, and I post this video in the hope that this presentation, and Dr. Karlstrom’s intent to educate and open the minds of all regarding the fallacies of global warming, the manipulations of manic men in the military and science, and the deliberate machinations of those Globalists seeking to govern the world through mass deception will indeed reach the world with its urgency of message intact.

Dr. Karlstrom will return soon to discuss further Hurricane Harvey in detail, the whole chimera of Global Warming which all of us who have been educated to believe in this concept as fact may need to revise our understandings of, and related subjects, in future podcasts. Please subscribe to the podcasts, share widely, stay tuned! 

The presentation at NaturalClimateChange.org: http://naturalclimatechange.us/geo-en…

The presentation at 911Nwo.com: http://911nwo.com/?p=2180

Summary information on weather modification programs: http://naturalclimatechange.us/geo-en…

Also, on Hurricane Harvey: http://911nwo.com/?p=5133


My first podcast with Dr. Karlstrom on this subject, reported here: Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Hurricane Harvey was Weather Warfare Directed Against the American People by the US Government

Bye Bye Blue Sky reporter Suzanne Maher’s review of my recent podcast with Elana Freeland, also on weather warfare and related subjects: Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chemtrails, HAARP

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