Daily Archives: January 6, 2016

Toni King/Memory Hole Blog: The De-Authorization of James F. Tracy

Re-posted (in excerpt) from Memory Hole Blog. Source: The De-Authorization of James F. Tracy

Brilliant commentary on the attempted discrediting of Media and Communications Professor James F. Tracy whose investigative journalism on Sandy Hook (published on his blog) revealed so much that he was fired from his tenured position at Florida Atlantic University, while Amazon, revealing its backing, banned the (edited by) James Fetzer/ Mike Palacek book he and other experts contributed to, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control) (now downloadable free,) and a mass public effort began, to attempt to destroy his credibility. Questioning false-flag events, the “official”–CIA-controlled MSM–narrative goes, is tantamount to labeling yourself a conspiracy-theorist. Blogs–MSM also strives to suggest–are “fringe,” not proper forum for real journalism. 

Given that MSM has abandoned real journalism altogether, for paid regurgitation of government propaganda, in between the entertaining fluff of distractions, I think we can safely conclude that we are in a rather unique space today, where real journalism is transferring to alternative media and, yes, to blogs, websites, talk shows, news shows, and interview podcasts run by a wide variety of observers, analysts, citizen journalists, critics, activists, subject matter experts, and those investigative journalists who continue to be guided by ethics and backbone, rather than dollar signs or “intelligence” agencies. And are unafraid to ask–and investigate and report on and answer–the real questions.

Much as government today, with its excesses of surveillance, covert activities against the populace, censorship, and executive-ordered propaganda and Psy Ops (such as Sandy Hook?) is slowly but surely phasing itself out, as this article also notes.

Excerpt from close of article: “While the government palpates the body politic for signs of resistance, and mass media is busy scrawling politically correct ideas across the face of questionable national events that seem to demand some urgent action, emotion is pouring out of the populace, short-circuiting critical thought and inciting a righteous desire for state intervention. Finally, the government has what it wants: a mass of citizens are clamoring for the agenda it was pushing all along.

This is a blasphemous inversion of participatory democracy. American civil society has been co-opted by illegitimate power and must be abandoned. It will have to be constructed anew in a public space that remains outside the control of the government and its institutions, where it can be called upon to justify its democratic legitimacy to its participants.”


The De-Authorization of James F. Tracy 24

Submitted by Toni King

It took two weeks for the Sun-Sentinel newspaper to announce that James Tracy had stirred up a controversy. In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting incident, the academic had published a series of articles describing the neglect of major media to address discrepancies in their own reporting, as well as the appearance of their collusion with law enforcement and federal agencies in carefully managing a narrative that focused away from journalistic investigation. Tracy’s writings gathered conspiracy-400x264attention from independent researchers, but were little noticed elsewhere until, singularly, the Sun-Sentinel newspaper was roused to mount an exception to the Professor’s critique.

The problem for the Broward/Palm Beach counties publication was that Tracy, a PhD whose areas of expertise include media and communication studies, was the kind of authority the newspaper was accustomed to running to when it wanted to shore up its own credibility. What to do? Deciding to ignore Tracy’s observations helped the newspaper slip past the need to justify its own position, and move on to the only option left to it: discredit the man himself.

They began to cultivate a “Nutty Professor” trope. Because Tracy published his observations in a blog, he was portrayed as dwelling outside professional boundaries in the mad fringes of the internet, where, it was imagined, he compounded fantastical conspiracy theories from the innocent mistakes made inadvertently by the media in the early hours of the event.

In a string of articles, the Sun-Sentinel continued its defamation and was joined by larger establishment media in chorusing outrage that someone with professional credentials  had the temerity to ask questions. The rhetoric turned uglier as Tracy was labeled twisted, his ideas bizarre, and the drumbeat to remove him from his position increased. In the comments sections of online print and news sites, the outrage and derision slid into physical threat.

Still no one would grapple with the issues that Tracy brought forward. Instead, mass media led the country in a pageant of grief, and the ensuing emotional wave helped drown out any critical response.

The victims became the story instead of the crime. Abandoning real investigation, much time and production were spent dramatizing each family’s unique grief, with on-air journalists evincing tearful awe at every inspiring story. A narrative developed that the ordeal was so heinous and the grief so unique that, in order to spare the families of the victims more intolerable suffering, one must ignore the crime altogether.

Source: The De-Authorization of James F. Tracy

Please continue reading this excellent article at Memory Hole Blog.

Will Harader/Galactic Free Press: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

Re-posted from The Culture of Awareness, with many thanks to Wes Annac for posting. Originally posted at Galactic Free Press.

Excerpts:”One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Will Harader: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

By Will Harader, The Galactic Free Press, August 8, 2015

The astral realm may seem like some vague, faraway place, but it’s actually far closer than you think. In fact, the majority of people spend most of their waking hours living halfway within the astral plane without even realizing it.

Your mind isn’t separate from all the other minds in the world, and your mind is itself part of the astral plane. All minds exist in a subset of the astral called the mental realm. When you focus upon the “past”, your consciousness shifts to a part of the astral realm that stores memories, and there’s a collective aspect of this called the Akashic Records. When you focus upon the “future”, you project yourself onto the astral and you visualize your desires in your own little section of it.

There’s much talk about the Collective Consciousness, which is a very wonderful thing where everyone can work together to manifest beautiful dreams. Only problem is that it requires Consciousness, something collectively lacking at the moment. Instead, most people operate through the collective unconsciousness, a kind of nightmare where people work together to manifest what they don’t want. The collective unconsciousness is full of struggle, pain and conflict, which is reflected in the life of the individual. Nobody really suffers alone either, you carry the whole of Humanity along with you, in both suffering and in joy.

There are those who understand very well how this all works, and they willingly manipulate the collective unconsciousness for their own gain. They go by many names, and they fight to make sure Humanity stays unconscious as it means enormous wealth and power for them. Because they operate largely through the astral, the vast majority of people have no idea they’re even being influenced this way.

There’s various forms of occult magic that deal directly with the manipulation of the astral. There’s sigil magic, which deals with creating and putting energy into symbols. This may seem like something rarely practiced nowadays, but it’s actually going on all day, every day. In the business world it’s called branding, and instead of a sigil it’s called a logo. Through things like advertising, people are trained to associate the logo with positive thoughts and emotions. They start to favor certain products without even realizing why.

Every letter is a magic symbol, and you string them together to spell words. Words are abstract, astral creations that are charged not only with meaning, but certain emotions as well. One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

The idea of the collective unconsciousness is not some esoteric concept, it recently entered into pop culture, though under a different name. You probably know it as “the Matrix” a program designed to keep you working as a slave without you ever realizing what’s really going on. Of course, it’s really an astral program instead of a computer program, but there’s really not that much difference between those two things. Computers were designed to imitate the human mind.

Now the astral realm is either the bridge between the Divine and material realms, or the separation between the two. With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Individually, we can’t heal the whole collective, we can only heal ourselves. Not even Jesus or Buddha could heal the collective, what they did was pull themselves out of unconsciousness, and then offered their help to others. You can do this too, you can transcend the collective unconsciousness, become a bridge for the Divine and a brilliant Light among the collective. Each person who does this is an enormous benefit to Humanity as a whole, and they get the Joy of Divine Love for themselves as well. Not a bad deal if you ask me. The more people do this, the more the collective rises up and the unconsciousness is dispelled. And that’s only the Beginning…

The Galactic Free Press
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Source: The Culture of Awareness