Daily Archives: June 17, 2015

Nassim Haramein: We Live in a Connected Universe/Laura Magdalene Eisenhower & Dr. Dream: We Have to Lay Claim to Our Sovereignty

“We Are Having More and More of an Effect” — Nassim Haramein, prize-winning quantum physicist and Director of the Resonance Project, talking about how our individual consciousness is making ripple effects in world affairs today, it’s our awakening minds and actions that are forcing the end to secrecy, at many levels, and making change for the better happen worldwide.

Our universe is connected at an energy level. Each of our individual thoughts and actions inform this field. The extent to which each of us can have an effect or are able to influence the morphogenetic field is dependent in many ways on our individual power, on how we approach the field. Realizing our connection to the universe–that we can actually influence the universe–in itself is transformative. In this time period, we/all of humanity, collectively, are on the verge of a major transformation, beyond which we are also likely to meet advanced societies much ahead of us.

On the more mundane subject of “agencies” (who act to suppress/surveil/repress consciousness and human endeavor–in many fields of physics, such as free energy, and his own research)–agencies are made up of ordinary people. We need to reach these people, in their humanity.

Just as Chi Masters from the martial arts are able to “manipulate” Chi to send an energy wave into space, as we get better at understanding this force, we too can begin to use this force.

These and other ideas are discussed in this fascinating talk with Nassim Harramein on the Truth Warrior/David Whitehead show:

Time to Lay Claim to Our Sovereignty

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and her partner Dr. Dream talk about “pushing the envelope” here in this interesting talk on energy dynamics, laying hold of our own power, choosing to act with integrity, and choosing to express ourselves.

We are living in intense and anxious times–but we also have great power within ourselves, and we can give ourselves permission to tap into our individual power, lay claim to our sovereignty, and speak and act fearlessly out of our deepest cores. Frankly, if we don’t–if each of us doesn’t dig deep Now and uncover our true selves and our greatest gifts, that we may be currently suppressing–if we don’t act in response to what we are seeing in the world today, to what is happening to us, and around us, to others, now, today, if we don’t “push the envelope”now with our pushback against external control, we will be giving our future away, we will be consenting to a very dark, bleak future, essentially just giving our free will away–which is what world controllers have been working at, for centuries, and what they want. 

This time period is a crucial time, for us to say Yes to our truest selves, to take our power back, and to act from that empowered space. We’re not going to be able to swing humanity’s liberation otherwise. It’s truly up to each and every one of us, in a very visceral way.