Tag Archives: 2019 State Audit Report

The Commonwealth Fusion Center: 2019 State of Massachusetts Audit Reveals Active Concealment of Information by State Police, DHS, FBI

Brief Report & Note | Ramola D | February 7-9, 2024

Given the incredible activity on my street lately–reported recently in a few Reporter’s Notes–with armed pickups, trucks, SUVs, sedans simply racing up and down the street (in Quincy, Massachusetts) at all hours of the day and night, including up to 3 am when I just happen to be awake reading or writing, and the constant flyover of drones and helicopters lately, sound of police sirens in the distance, bright white of satellites and the blinking red of celltowers in my windows, the constant circling of what I have surmised to be FBI surveillance planes visible just past the agile mercury flicker of drones buzzing through trees, I have become curious again as to what part local Fusion Center Contractors, the Boston FBI, local Police, and State Police versus larger agencies like the CIA and DHS and Military divisions like the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps play in this charade really, and why exactly is this happening?

Over the past ten years I have written about the reality of US Air Force Weapons Testing of high-powered microwave and millimeter wave weapons, as well as reported on other forms of DARPA-DOJ Limited-Effects Technologies being plied on the streets of the United States of America in testing operations.

I have sent in dozens of FOIA requests to numerous agencies about aerial and vehicular activity in this area–originally at Muckrock, where it appears efforts have been made to stifle my reportage, a matter I am still needing to continue to address with them, and later here at my site.

It is overtly clear though that systematic covert activity has been conducted in my neighborhood for about 10 years now that I know of, and continues to be conducted.

It is not activity that has human rights at its center, nor is it activity that has neighborhood calm, peacekeeping, safety at its center.

Screeching power saws, uber-loud leafblowers, tearing-down zoomers, burning-rubber vroomers, jeeps with horns blaring all the way down the street, and nonstop drones and helicopters along with crazed chem trail activity and military plane flyovers–and ludicrous street-theater actions from neighbors–are not indicative of Peace and Quiet on Neighborhood Streets.

Couple this with the known covert activity of microwave and other electromagnetic radiation weapon use in neighborhoods–related to the Weapons Testing noted here–and much else, much exotic technology being tested in secret and operated in secret, and the massive build-up of secret service-members, military sappers, Intelligence spies, academic researchers in AI, Neuroscience, Neurotechnology now crowding our living spaces, living and working among us, often revealing themselves as paid mercenaries, playing or hiding behind “Community Monitoring” and “Community Policing”–and what we have in evidence here is cultivated hostility and manufactured urban warfare by numerous paid parties being ignored and supported by local government and police.

What are Fusion Centers doing therefore, really? Their purported focus on Targeted Violence and Terrorism: has it turned into long-term Manufacture of Targeted Violence and Terrorism? Domestic Terrorism, that is, on our streets, in our neighborhoods, and inside our houses–all using the fancy military Full-Spectrum Multi-Domain networks of drone-plane-heli-celltower-RFID-WBAN-HAARP-GWEN-IoT-IoNBT-Vaccine & Syringe Implants-Signals Intelligence-EM Radiation Weaponry-Acoustic Weaponry-Neuroweaponry-Neighborhood Rings-Parked Cars-Portable Devices operating in plain sight, and run by the very “Peacekeepers” now turned Warlords on our streets?

2019 Audit Report on State Police-Fusion Center Operations (2014-2017) from the Office of the State Auditor

This 2019 Audit Report from the Office of the State Auditor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a chance find, reveals that the Commonwealth Fusion Center, the designated primary fusion center in Massachusetts, refuses to reveal most everything everyone wants to know about what they do actually, who works for them, the Suspicious Activity Reports associated with them, what exactly these SAR activities may be (Helicopter flew over just then, I would suspect a local Sea Street sent (Quincy Police) helicopter, 10:31 pm, Feb 7, 2024), what connection these have with the police and paramilitary actions we see in our cities and on our streets, where Public Safety fits in, where Military Weapons Testing fits in, where Mental Health, Behavioral Health, Public Health fits in, where non-consensual but apparently yet ongoing Brain and AI/Cybernetics/Robotics experimentation fits in, where Watchlisting and the FBI fits in, where the CIA and NSA fit in, and if indeed there could possibly be a single person in Boston or Massachusetts even faintly interested in being (or becoming) a Terrorist, given all the deadly, dangerous, and horrific firepower owned and operated by the Police in Massachusetts, and the US Military. Not to mention the whole history of Police mistreatment of civilians and their long-term build-up of Hostility and Antagonism toward the citizenry, their history of Harm and Oppression. Essentially, it appears, they are Against the People, not for them; “Policing” therefore needs close scrutiny and “Community Policing” as a concept and an action means only the turning of People against People. It is Communist.

Perusal of this brief and mystifying report–as also the National Network of Fusion Centers summaries–does however reveal who is involved, and how the concealing of information is accomplished across agencies.

State Police Runs the Fusion Center

Massachusetts State Police seems to own the Commonwealth Fusion Center. There is however an entity called the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security which supposedly directs the CFC. I wonder if this means a kind of confusion in creation or whether it just means that Mass Government runs both State Police and the Commonwealth Fusion Center (CFC). I was told in 2015 that the CFC was headed by the Head of State Police, and was sent this document–Commonwealth Center Privacy Policy dated June 13, 2013–which has a lot more information than it appears was provided on the 2019 Audit Report. [I had asked at the time (in November 2014) about whether the CFC/DHS was running any kind of investigation on me (I was told None), and I wrote back to ask why exactly the Legal Counsel from State Police was writing back to me (and not the DHS as I’d thought the CFC was run by).]

[As far as personal investigations go, looking anew at how agencies communicate with each other, certainly through databases, it cannot possibly be that the DHS or the CFC would not have had word or wind of (unwarranted) investigations on me, which the FBI probably certainly has–not that they have furnished me evidence of same yet–because there is absolutely no way I could have been uber-fixated on by numerous parties for 10 years, nor been subjected to such extended, extensive, and extreme Electromagnetic Weaponry and Neuroweaponry abuse, without fraudulent FBI watchlisting and CFC participation; these records need to be unearthed and published, and they will probably be completely false and fraudulent, as I suspect has occurred in everyone’s cases, who has been unlawfully targeted, watchlisted, thrown into incomprehensibly treasonous, torturous, persecutory (another helicopter overhead, 8:30 am, 2-8-2024 just as I write) sadistic, and vile “weapons-testing” and other biomedical and AI experimentation programs, without consent, without cause–and for years and years and years, without reprieve. Yes, these are human rights violations on a mammoth scale, and yes the whole world needs to know about this.]

How are Fusion Centers set up?

Interestingly, the DHS website seems to have a lot more information on Fusion Centers today than it has had in the past. It would have been invaluable though, to find a report from the State Auditor offering the truth of what is going on on the ground. [Truth, of course, is a little hard to find these days, from government agencies.]

The way Fusion Centers were set up initially and who they report to and what they actually do has been covered and FOIA-requested by others, including the ACLU and the Brennan Center for Justice. There is also a document, Fusion Center Guidelines (links below), from most likely 2005 (actually 2006, I learn later, from the State Auditor’s Report 2019) which details the plans for fusion centers–which number 80 now currently, inside the USA. [80 Fusion Centers countable as noted online at DHS February 8, 2024 also here.]

This guide also notes early history and provides insight into connections between agencies involved, while detailing how fusion centers have intended to target and isolate people on the basis of “Suspicious Activity Reports”–a matter which still needs close further investigating; there is something about Fusion Centers, even reading this Guidelines document, which becomes apparent as intrinsically unacceptable even as the whole notion of Information-Sharing, the premise of Fusion, seems superficially acceptable within a Law and Order context of routing out actual crime and actual terrorism, such as they exist.

Fusion Centers/DHS/Homeland Security

Ending Fusion Center Abuses/Brennan Center for Justice, 2022

Source: Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety & Security, 2007

Fusion Center Guidelines: “This document was prepared under the leadership, guidance, and funding of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.” (Created in 2005 most likely, available here: https://www.dhs.gov/fusion-center-foundational-guidance)

GLOBAL NATURE OF FUSION CENTER PLANNERS, STRATEGISTS, POLICY MAKERS, GOVERNANCE: While this aspect needs further research it is of note, and is brought to us from this document, the Fusion Center Guidelines (poss. 2005/no date marked) and the surfacing of a US DOJ “Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative.”

Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era

The Commonwealth Fusion Center Did Not Permit the State Auditor to Access or Audit Databases, Information, Activities

Reading through the Auditor’s Report, it looks like the Commonwealth Fusion Center:

  • Would not provide direct access to its information systems;
  • Would not share certain types of information regarding their activities;
  • Glibly stated they could not provide certain requested information because of state and federal restrictions on sharing threat and criminal intelligence information, including Mass. public records law;
  • Stated occasionally that requested information was not available (what did the State Auditor request I wonder?)
  • Could not help the State Auditor figure out from talking to a few “stakeholders” if the CFC was gathering and sharing information–on terrorism, public safety, and, curiously, “law enforcement”–with its public-private partners usefully;
  • Expressed concern about the confidentiality of the “criminal intelligence” information it dealt with;

CFC Watch Center is Located Inside Police Headquarters

The Audit Report reveals that Fusion Center operations are Police operations: a matter which has not been clear from the outset to most. At inception, the Department of Homeland Security, in its creation of fusion centers, has suggested a Security and Safety angle to all, premised primarily on fear of terrorism, post 9/11. But we learn here that it is State Police which is and has been running the entire “Watch” operation, fielding and disseminating “time-sensitive information on threats and suspicious activities.”

[This obviously brings up that whole question again: Who exactly are Police, in what form are they functioning in our midst? What we know so far: They are private, corporate”Polic-y Officers” working for Corporate Policies; they are Not always functioning as “Law Enforcement” since they do not always know the Law, or act in awareness and obedience to the Law–such as we have it; they Have been functioning as creators of Terror, on roadways, in neighborhoods–they have not behaved Lawfully, and some among them may believe their job is to scare, threaten, intimidate, and act unlawfully against people; curiously, this aspect of US Police has, it appears, become more evident across classes and races only with the advent of Fusion Centers, since 9/11; the history of Police does indeed involve repression, subjugation, riding roughshod over rights, particularly among certain groups, classes, races, ethnicities, personas: the Brown, the Black, the Indigenous, the Outspoken.]

Note that most of us don’t know either that the DHS in itself is a Police (Easy Monopoly on Terror) operation–This revelation on the DHS website will come as a shock to many: “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the largest federal law enforcement agency with approximately 80,000 law enforcement officers that carry out the Department’s missions across nine different agencies and offices.”

(Clarifies for me at any rate why we are looking at a Failed State here–Law Enforcers who don’t keep the Law, and 80,000 of them??)

The CFC Has Not Kept Proper Records of Watch Activities and Investigations (Its Prime Function, Supposedly)

The Audit Report’s mention of “classified data” in this report as in “CFC redacted personally identifiable information and other classified data” gives pause: why was personally identifiable information classified and what other classifed data could there be, in the CFC’s Watch Center activities?

(You would think they’d want to note down everything they could about any potential Terrorists they found, quite openly.)

Implication: It’s not Terrorists or Criminals the CFC has been routing. It’s You and Me, instead.

The State Auditor reports further that the CFC simply failed to keep proper records of its Watching activities and investigations and monitoring and sharing of supposedly time-sensitive information (Why on earth not?): ”Because CFC redacted personally identifiable information and other classified data, the data in the log lacked sufficient detail to allow for appropriate analysis of the timeliness of analysis and dissemination of (suspicious-activity reports) SARs. We could not determine who (e.g., federal, state, local, or private-sector entities) originated Watch Center activities, when the activities were assigned, when they were completed, or what were their final outcomes (e.g., CFC issued an alert, assisted in an investigation, or provided requested information).”

In other words, the most important information regarding putting suspicious-seeming people on Watches and opening investigations on them was simply not recorded?

Anyone Can “Report” You–as Indeed Everyone Has | And It’s State Police They’re Reporting You To

It is remarkable though, to learn in print from the Belly of the Beast here that “federal, state, local, or private-sector entities” are the ones originating Watch Center (CFC Police) activities and what these are:–this would trace back to the list of “stakeholders” or public-private partners listed in the Fusion Center Guidelines document–listed below. A wide range of police actions then are being initiated by these “entities”–threat assessments to checking extant police databases.

And the initiators look like informants from any and every field really, including the FBI, EMS-Fire and Ambulance and hospital ER staff, restaurants, banks, schools, utility companies, Government, motels, hotels, IT spies at employers, military bases, post offices, private security guards in stores, realtors, social workers, bus drivers, T and Metro staff.

How did these people become “Stakeholders” in the Auditor’s Report?

Excerpt, Fusion Center Guidelines/DHS

Involving Endless Numbers of Public-Private Entities in Fusion Center POLICE Operations: Communism, not Democracy, not a Republic

The fact that the entire CFC, FC, and DHS operation using fusion centers is more a Stasi and Communist operation than a mere Police operation focused on the nation’s safety becomes apparent in a study of what and who these Stakeholders are: “Functional categories…of entities” comprising “agencies and organizations (which) should be involved in the Center’s operations.” (See the Fusion Center Guidelines document, named as a 2006 production in the State Auditor’s 2019 Report) (Drones above, zoomers on the street, scalar hits all around, neuro sleep hits and pulse RF arm hits as I write in this extra section, 2:30 pm, 2-8-2024).

A section called Stakeholder Surveys–very thinly surveying a smattering of respondents among the Communist Private Sector and Police Sector in Massachusetts who have engaged in Fusion Center Police operations–notes that a majority of these were influenced in making decisions by FC general awareness bulletins and other information: This could mean the alerting system that CFC uses, to, for instance, alert and corrall store managers, other moms, yoga teachers to “watch out for” and actively harass and monitor named parties, Those Targeted, in fact, unlawfully selected for Social Isolation and Continuous Provocation and Pariah’zation:

Suspicious Activity Reports from Multiple Public-Private Informants: CFC and FBI Rush To Hide the Lies

First, Who Are The Suspects?

The Nationwide Suspicious Initiative-NSI-we’re told is a whole Program for paid mercenary operatives all across the USA in our workplaces, schools, stores and post offices to become self-important hounds for Police, imagining they are now Sunshade-Wearing Spies, scouting out possible makers of bombs and planners of demolitions–in actuality merely rushing around in racist fashion, picking on (Brown) school moms smarter than themselves or their wives–and a whole lot of Police parties in the country organized to form this New Era Bureau of Crime: DHS, FBI, State Police, Local Police, Tribal Police, Territorial Police (that last meaning who exactly?)

[Between Local Police and Territorial Police it’s possible we might find City Police, County Police, County Sheriffs–while the Olive-Insignia-Wearing District Court Men and Women in Black and White may be Municipal Police (The Pope’s Own Men-and Women?); I’m surprised this latter hasn’t been included.] (Some kind of helicopter or drone groaning and hovering above, 12:30 pm, 2-8-2024)

School Board Presidents and Treasurers, IT Spies At Work, Rushing To Report Moms, Colleagues to the Police

Moms across America who have been singled out by their own School Boards have then actually been reported to the Police–any of those parties named, the FBI, the local city patrolman, the County Sheriff–for daring to stand up for their children and speak out on matters of health or education, personal health choices, the dangers of vaccines and masks, the wrongfulness of extra babysitting fees during parent-teacher conferences; dads across America have been singled out by IT spies in their own workspots for things said in a private email, or telephone call, or in a store.

Being Brown, Black, Female, Outspoken, Indigenous, Upright, Smart or Smarter than the President of the School Board and the Principal or the Boss (and a whole lot nicer) no doubt brought all the White Supremacism to the fore, especially here, in apparently Over-Educated but Under-Enlightened White Bread Boston and Massachusetts.

Nothing Reviewed, Nothing Analyzed–Yet All CFC (Police) Quickly Shielded by the FBI (Shielding Itself)

Judging from the verbiage in the State Auditor’s Report, it sounds like the SARS that came in–by the boatload probably, since the Paid Informants were probably paid handsomely–were neither analyzed nor reviewed as their supposed protocols required, but were rushed directly to the FBI with false-claim tags of “connection to Terrorism”–or, conversely, not; date of transfer if transfer to FBI and date of closing if closeable were not provided; it is possible all were glibly named potential Terrorists and watchlisted at the Fusion Center itself, then handed off to other Police and Veteran contractors–the ones with the armed pick-ups who race up and down my street and yours, that is–to be DE Weapons-Tested on, interminably, as if in interests of “Public Safety.”  [The Brain/Artificial Intelligence/Other Biomedical and CIA MK-Psycho experimentation I suspect is being done post watchlisting by either FBI or CFC–direct line to the classified Black Opsters waiting like Vultures to feast on the unlawfully-targeted, and quick shuffling into Highly Classified, Over Top Secret banks of data too Clandestine to mention.) “Additionally, the date of transfer to the FBI—or, if a SAR was determined not to have a potential connection to terrorism, the date it was closed and the final outcome—could not be provided.”

Further it appears no data could be found to prove analysis by a “CFC intelligence analyst” or “supervisory review.”

Meanwhile, the FBI (sending a Letter, below) was quickly recruited to demand redaction of names of all CFC police involved in this unsavory non-activity, as well as redaction of much else, i.e., all SAR information entered into the famed e-Guardian (of FBI crimes) now claimed to be “FBI information”: Note that it is Legal Counsel FBI writing to Legal Counsel State Police to make this happen.

Legal Counsel in every Government agency, every Police organization, every Military division have a lot to answer for: it is their misguided, wrongful, and completely unlawful actions in recommending, advising, approving, permitting, authorizing all manner of questionable actions undertaken by these so-called “Authorities” in 20,000 cities across America which has led to the situation we have today, of those targeted being inhumanely persecuted: unfettered Fusion Center, Police, Military, Intelligence, Private-Sector crime.

We Must Focus Further on Fusion Centers To End Police and State Crime

There is much else in these two documents of interest, including information on databases and communications between agencies, which the Brennan Center report also addresses–but which will have to be shelved for now, in interests of Time, to be revisited at a later date.

The 2011-2021 Summary of Findings from the National Network of Fusion Centers Annual Assessments as well are of interest, especially in pointing to the astonishing number of high-level organizations coordinating with DHS to produce these reports, and the relationship of Homeland Security events to Intelligence events and FEMA events, matters to be more closely scrutinized shortly.

Some screenshots and two of the recent Assessment Summary of Findings is posted below. More has been unearthed in this first cursory examination of new and recent Fusion Center documents posted online, and will be shared soon.

National Network of Fusion Centers Assessment Summary of Findings

National Network of Fusion Centers Assessment Summary of Findings 2021

National Network of Fusion Centers Assessment Summary of Findings 2020



Massachusetts State Police Cite Public Safety in Not Disclosing Inventory of Non-Lethal Directed-Energy Weapons

FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use

Massachusetts Attorney-General Maura Healey’s Criminal Bureau Asserts Inability to Address Crime in Massachusetts/March 9, 2021

Intensified High-Tech Crime & Harassment in Massachusetts: Attorney-General Maura Healey Once More Apprised/August 10, 2021