Daily Archives: March 7, 2018

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State

–Ramola D/Posted 3/7/2018

The Con’s on You, America, and the Deep State’s POPPin’ Alright

In the Bizarro world of Mainstream Media (ticking with Mockingbirds), Psy Op Propaganda Pieces have become the norm now—as far as Surveillance Abuse by this rogue Surveillance Abuse State goes, and journalists with conscience continue to hide rather than step up to reveal the ongoing Crimes Against Humanity being perpetrated on civilian populations—in the name of Surveillance or National Security or both.

Now Laura Yan of WIRED joins Mike McPhate of The New York Times and Justin Rohrlich of The Daily Beast as well as others behind them to pen POPPers for the Deep State—helping to dismiss the thousands of reports of Surveillance Abuse and Deep State/Military Crime surfacing nationally and internationally, labeling all reporting victims mentally ill, paid handsomely no doubt in Mocktails at a shiny bar in downtown Langley. (No matter if the coins pattering under the table have the telltale stain of blood on them, Mocktails are free.)

Meanwhile the platter of weapons (covert RFID (radio frequency identifying device) implants, DEWs (directed energy weapons), sonic weapons, scalar weapons, BCI (brain computer interface) weapons, through-wall radar, nanotech rain) being used on citizens grows as “Homeland Security” shapeshifts into Domestic Terrorism—spelled out recently by NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart in this summary of the DHS Terrorist Watchlist Scam—and facile, wrongful placement of “Non-Investigative Subjects” coded “Silent Hits” on the corrupt FBI’s corrupt KST lists (Known or Suspected Terrorist) also grows into the hundreds of thousands, as this ACLU report details.

Regardless, it has become convenient for the MockMedia to use the label “Targeted Individuals” and “TI Community” as shorthand for Mentally Ill, Paranoid, Schizoid, and to whip out articles every now and then to POPP this whopper home via the tried and true CounterIntel tricks of repetition and deception. In this light we have this latest which should have been labeled Mind Games: The Tortured (or Torturous? take your pick) Lies of CIA Minions, but apparently Ms. Yan was using the CIA AI Spell Check and couldn’t quite get there.

In any case, this morning after an astonished read of this platter of lies and shoddy reportage, I penned a quick comment setting WIRED straight on what the Mental Health label on reporting victims of DOD/CIA crime is really all about, and noted that my comment was registered online. Later today, while discussing Ms. Yan’s little shocker of a Mocker with Dr. Katherine Horton, Oxford physicist and whistleblower on targeting crimes by Intel agencies, we made the transcontinental discovery that my comment had been removed from the Wired website. I checked Disqus, whose id I had used for my comment, and my comment was still recorded there, but “Detected as Spam.” I made a couple of screenshots of the Disqus comment, and post them below as public record.

There’s really only one simple question for anyone contemplating this scenario to consider: Why would WIRED wish to remove—and indeed remove—my comment if it wasn’t hellbent on running a POPPCon on the American and world public, and my too-truthful comment wasn’t throwing a spanner in the works here? Do please read, ruminate, and decide for yourself.


My Censored Comment on Laura Yan’s WIRED Psy Op Propaganda-Piece for the Deep State, “Mind Games: The Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals”

I have an alternate title for this s/hit piece on whistleblowers reporting the crimes of the rogue Surveillance Abuse & Torture State that this DOD/CIA fiction writer obviously works for: Mind Games the CIA/DOD Like to Play on Americans to Avoid Any Exposure of Their Dirty Surveillance Abuse and Outright Torture with EMF and Neuro Bio Weapons. Laura Yan obviously wishes to go down in history with Mike McPhate of the New York Times and other sad pretenders to journalism as a govt. propaganda artist keen to cover up the crimes of this dirty govt. Psychiatry and mental health are age-old magick tricks and deadly State tools of oppression the CIA, KGB, Stasi, Nazis and others have used to dismiss the reporting witness of weapons-testing, non-consensual experimentation, and extreme abuse of civilians.

Please visit my site for the REAL journalism, documentary witness, and evidence of these crimes: http://www.everydayconcerned.net, and watch my interviews with whistleblowers at Ramola D Reports on Youtube, Vimeo, Bitchute, D-Tube.

“Targeted Individuals” are as far from paranoia and mental illness as Laura Yan is from Truth; they are reporting the serious crimes of the CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, USAF, DOD, NGA, DHS, and a host of other agencies, Universities, corporations. When people report serious crime–by these govt. agencies–the one and only fallback cover these thugs in power have is to call the reporters mentally ill. I am getting ready to expose this massive Psy Op the CIA/DOD is running on the American reading public–you can subscribe and follow at my sites to read it as soon as it is released.

Meanwhile, please read these and other articles at my site for the truth about the EMF/DEWs Laura Yan forgot to report (her piece is littered with flat-out lies, shoddy reportage, and complete lack of research, both about RFIDs/microchips and military remote-control neuroweapons):




WIRED has previously published more information on the weapons being tested on Americans and others than Laura Yan shows any awareness of. The party line with all mainstream media of course (which WIRED is now replaying wholeheartedly), is that no weapons exist, surveillance does not include implantation and torture and stalking, and so on. Dream on, America!

Note too that the elaborate comments posted here by various jokers congratulating each other on the acuity of their insight and depth of their caring for these sadly “mentally ill” TIs has the pawprints of CIA-NARRATIVE all over it….as a writer myself who has worked, taught, and continue to write in three genres–non-fiction, fiction, and poetry, I can assure you the CIA-NARRATIVE is rather easy to take apart–and I will take pleasure in doing so, in my upcoming article. Never forget however that the reason these Lies-in-Print by CIA/DOD agents or minions are published is primarily to cover up Ongoing Serious DOD/CIA Crimes.

–Ramola D/3/6/2018
