Press TV–Pam Bailey, Euro-Med Monitor of Human Rights: Israeli Violence Overshadowed By Paris Attacks

Excerpted from Press TV, please click over there for the full interview:


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Press TV has interviewed Pam Bailey, with the Euro-Med Monitor of Human Rights from Washington, to ask for her take on the ongoing Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Looking at the situation, as we have just said, 90 Palestinians have been killed since October; however, we are not seeing that much of an outrage when it comes to Israeli human rights violations be it through arresting minor Palestinians aged 12 to 14 or be it through the demolition of homes and of course these killings.

Bailey: Well, especially now. You know, now you have got everybody focusing on Paris and bombing Syria and it is sort of working out to Israel’s favor. So no one is paying attention which gives Israel a blank check to do whatever it wants. So Israel is really exploiting the opportunity at this point.

Press TV: Many have pointed out; you know not to diminish anything from the tragedy that took place in Paris, but the reality is that the Palestinians have to live through that horror day in and day out at the hands of the Israeli settlers and forces.

Bailey: Yes absolutely, again not to belittle what you said what happened in Paris is terrible, but you have the Palestinians who have been living through daily direct violence or structural violence for nearly decades now, but at least in Gaza 7 or 8 years. So it has become a daily reality for them and yet the world stage, you know the government leaders, the media and the public seem to swing from crisis to crisis as soon as it gets a little bit less urgent or as soon as another emergency happens…and then you have these used-long crises that were allowed just keep festering.


(Bailey:) No one seems to want to deal with the underlying cause and the underlying cause is the occupation and the blockade and I think the world is sort of throwing up their hands. They say it cannot be solved, they say it is because the two sides cannot come on an agreement, no partners for peace, no strong leaders, but the reality is the international community does not have the backbone.


(Full article at Press TV)




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