Daily Archives: January 14, 2017

Intel Agency Crimes: False Flags, Lies, Media Control, & Mind Control Psy Ops

Ramola D/1/13/2017

By definition, intelligence agents are liars. Alex Constantine

While analysts of previous false flag events and manufactured terrorism rally online this week to share analysis and commentary on the recent creation-of-chaos-and-terror shooting event on January 6 at Fort Lauderdale Airport in Florida, and while oddly McCarthyist frenzy mounts in mainstream CIA-controlled media to blame Russia for the hacked DNC and Clinton/Podesta emails released by Wikileaks–blowing the cover on a worldwide child trafficking operation now named Pedogate (a huge subject to be considered here separately shortly), reminders that we are surrounded by criminal Lies and Liars in high places surface all around us.

Luckily for the awakened and aware among us, there are several commentators speaking out, and as we step further into 2017, it seems like the holy water of Truth on all sides can no longer be held back, will no longer be held back, and will spill, despite manic attempts at “Leak Control” by those–in government, and particularly in the global and national Intelligence Community–who have been and seem to believe that they can continue to suppress, oppress, tyrannize, and endlessly deceive us. But not for much longer–if these avalanches of truth have anything to do with it.

“The Whole System Runs on Lies”

William Binney, NSA whistleblower and truthteller extraordinaire informs Robert Scheer, Editor in Chief at Truthdig, in this video conversation, that the recent Intelligence report promoted by ODNI/NSA/CIA/Military heads (caught out previously in lies), Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rogers  where allegations of Russian involvement are made “with high confidence” really suggests that “they don’t have a shred of evidence.” 

“They say, “with high confidence”–now that’s the first clue that they don’t have a shred of evidence that it’s true. Because if they claim some confidence level, that means they don’t have the evidence…unless they present it so you can look at it and say, is this beyond a reasonable understanding or point that would allow you to say, yeah, they probably did it..?…The point that I’ve been trying to make, on television and so on is, NSA should have a record. If it was a hack coming in across the network, NSA’s got a record of it. And if they transferred data out, and then transferred that data across electronically to Wikileaks, then they should have a record of that also.

Because they have so many collection points–they have tens of thousands of access points in the network that collect and sort data….They’ve deployed hundreds of trace route programs in the European area, that means they can trace the route of every packet that’s sent across the network–billions of them everyday. So the point is they should at least have a fragment–they might  not show every packet that went to Wikileaks from the Russians but they should have some of them…

The real issue is, who passed the data to Wikileaks? It’s not how many people tried to hack the DNC, because every country in the world tries to hack everything that’s available in the US–China, Israel, everybody! And we hack everybody else too–so hacking is done worldwide by everybody. That’s not the issue. The issue is, who passed the data to Wikileaks?…And so far, no one has produced a shred of evidence to show that anyone who has attempted that, which would probably be the major countries in the world, hacked the DNC and any other…Hillary, as Secretary of State, was a prime target for all governments around the world, so you know they were trying to get to her–so it’s not a question of who’s hacking who, because everybody’s hacking everybody! The question is, who passed the data to Wikileaks?” –William Binney

In other words, this most respected former NSA Technical Director and crack mathematician and cryptographer at the NSA is informing us there is no way a Russian hack and leak could Not have been picked up by routine NSA telecommunication protocols, in some material form, in some very concrete and definitive ways, had there really been one. To spell it out: the whole thing’s a lie. The allegation a lie, the “high degree of confidence” a lie, the earnest demeanor a lie, the joint Intelligence community leadership stance before the Senate Intelligence Committee a lie.

clapper.png“They’re always trying to divert attention from the main issue, the central core issues, the government’s always trying to do that–it’s like the Wizard of Oz, we’re not supposed to pay attention to the man behind the curtain–and that’s really the theme here, always being diverted to something that’s not relevant.”–William Binney

In response to Mr. Scheer’s noting that NSA would probably bring up “the compromising of methods and sources of gathering intelligence” (also a favorite CIA excuse) as an excuse for not providing detailed evidence, Mr. Binney goes on to say:

“Methods and sources are already compromised, they’re already on the Web. All you have to do is Google things like NSA and Treasure Map or NSA and any of the muscular programs–the Bull Run program or the internal tapping programs; you’ll see a lot of them referenced there though–Fair View, Storm Brew, Blarney; that gets involving all the companies in the US–service providers for the Internet, the phone companies, all–30 of them total, according to the Blarney slides–are participating with them, sharing all this data and information with NSA–so, you know, the data has already been out there…we’ve spent tens of billions of dollars every year to pick this data up.”–William Binney

Most revealing beyond that, for all of us interested in truth, transparency, and accountability in government, is the succeeding exchange, where Mr. Scheer emphasizes the aspect of Mr. Binney making these statements  with “their terminology–with high confidence, as somebody who was inside the system,” an insider who has worked at the NSA, and Mr. Binney responds:

binney“I mean, I know they lie to each other internally too–the whole system runs on Lies.”

“What do you mean, they lie to each other?”

“Yes. They lie to each other, in terms of what–why they want something done, or what they’re doing with certain money, internally; they move money around from program to program–and they don’t tell each other, they just take it, you know–and they lie to Congress all the time, they would have meetings before they talk to Congress saying, “What’s our story, our corporate position here?” So they would tell their corporate position. This is within the NSA.

This is what I call: Oversight is a joke.

Because the only thing they get fed is data they agree to tell them. They don’t tell them the truth. So, they’re lying to everybody. Why, they lie to Congress, they lie to the public, it’s a continuation of that foundation of lying.” –William Binney

Deception has been “Legalized”: False Flags and Mass Shootings

Deception is a way of LIEfe for the Intelligence Community, we are reminded, and deception of the American citizenry is increasingly encouraged at the national level by sweeping, unstopped, bogus Executive Orders and military Authorization Acts which permit military Psy Ops and social science Psy Ops to be freely run for “Behavioral Insights” on civilian populations. Which would include “weaponizing the narrative” or strewing propaganda — aka Fake News — like confetti over the heads of television-watchers and news-readers, in an astonishing inversion of normalcy that Professor Michel Chossudovsky takes apart in this article at Global Research: The War against the Truth, When the Lie Becomes the Truth. Is Obama Preparing War Against Russia?

At the end of Obama’s presidency, Fiction has become Fact. 

A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media.  

The Lie has become the Truth.

“Fake News” has become “Real News”. 

And “Real News” by the independent online media is now tagged as Russian propaganda. 

What we are dealing with is a War against the Truth. 

Concepts are turned upside down. 

Political insanity prevails. We are at a dangerous crossroads in our history  The dangers of global warfare are routinely obfuscated by media disinformation.”–Professor Michel Chossudovsky

Because deception is being “legalized” by Executive Order and by the NDAA, the Intelligence Community perhaps believes it is acceptable to run an endless series of deadly Psy Ops which include Active Shooter drills and enacted acts of terror which double ultimately as real terror productions, since communities and populations are indeed being terrorized.

This video blogger and Fort Lauderdale airport employee who handed in her resignation immediately following the airport shooting on the basis of her understanding that the entire shooting was a set-up, a false flag, an acted-out farce, but one with real repercussions of terror and endangerment on airport grounds, and Ole Dammegard, well-known investigator/reporter of false flags, interviewed by SGT Report, both highlight the essential role played by Intelligence agencies in this latest shooting, and in others.

Ole Dammegard, exploring both the Berlin truck attack and others, points to Freemason symbolism evident at the sites of these false flags, and states that those responsible for the creation and execution of these false flags are Intelligence agencies from a certain group of countries working together: the CIA, the Mossad, MI6, the French Intel group, and Saudi Arabian Intel.

In various interviews and analyses on Youtube and on his website, Ole Dammegard offers insights into the totalitarian, building-police-state rationale behind these apparently set-up and Psy Op-running events by this far-from-benign coterie of joint American, European, Israeli, and Saudi Arabian intelligence agencies.

Other analysts taking apart the Fort Lauderdale shooting include Dahboo7 of Underground World News, who posted a video of a witness reporting multiple shooters, and Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub who published an article highlighting the witness account of a pilot who reported shootings at two terminals, not one, as reported in mainstream media.

Taking apart the crisis-actor, staged-response scenario as evident in news interviews shortly following the incident also is Zachary Hubbard, who is writing a book on false flags. Youtube has several independent analysts working on this, as this playlist shows.

Many of us understand today that these horrific events, purporting to stem from ISIS-inspired terrorists, that appear to have escalated post-9/11, are being inflicted on us with criminal intent to deceive—all in the interests of further stripping us of our basic human rights and natural freedoms, and of bolstering, expanding, and entrenching the Security state, the Surveillance state, the Secret-Police’d state. The language of “paranoid conspiracy theory” long foisted on us by a fully-controlled corporate media seeking to deceive no longer works on the awakened. To be able to see through the deception is an act of clarity, not paranoia.

Operation Mockingbird & Controlled Media (Suppressing Media, Deceiving Media, Lying Media)

Which brings us to this ever-present question of Operation Mockingbird and its continuance in our midst. Beyond the recorded ’50s-and-upward history of CIA-control of the media as explored by investigative journalists and researchers such as Carl Bernstein in ’77 and Alex Constantine in ’97, we are still looking today, in 2017, at a landscape of Intel-run media.

“Further investigation into the matter, CIA officials say, would inevitably reveal a series of embarrassing relationships in the 1950s and 1960s with some of the most powerful organizations and individuals in American journalism.

Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were William Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System, Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the LouisviIle Courier‑Journal, and James Copley of the Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps‑Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald‑Tribune.

By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.” —Carl Bernstein, The CIA and the Media/Rolling Stone, 1977

“In 1977, the New York Times ran a front-page story, detailing a worldwide propaganda effort, with direct CIA ownership of some 50 newspapers in the US and elsewhere. In 1977, the Copely News Service admitted to working closely with the Company—23 employees at Copely alone were full-time employees of the agency….One CIA despatch, dated April 1, 1967, declassified nine years later under FOIA, advised “assets” in the media on “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report.” Features and book reviews “are particularly appropriate for this purpose,” the CIA despatch observed….The CIA’s mouthpieces in the press were directed to emphasize: “No significant new evidence has emerged,” “there is no agreement among critics,” or the ever-popular, “Conspiracy on the large scale suggested would be impossible to conceal”. –Alex Constantine, p 42, Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

Many of us understand today that The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, are compromised operations. How about NPR, Democracy Now, PBS, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian? Is it possible that all mainstream media is compromised? Many researchers point in that direction. These analyses and articles spell it out for us.

Amazon, ‘The Washington Post’, and that $600 million CIA Contract/Greg Mitchell, The Nation

The CIA, Amazon, Bezos, and the Washington Post: An Exchange with Executive Editor Martin Baron/Norman Solomon, Common Dreams

CIA and the Media: 50 Things You Should Know/James Tracy, The Event Chronicle

Excerpt: 45. Former CIA case officer Robert David Steele states that CIA manipulation of news media is “worse” in the 2010s than in the late 1970s when Bernstein wrote “The CIA and the Media.” “The sad thing is that the CIA is very able to manipulate [the media]and it has financial arrangements with media, with Congress, with all others. But the other half of that coin is that the media is lazy.” James Tracy interview with Robert David Steele, August 2, 2014,

FACEBOOK: A CIA-controlled Social Network Run By A Boy Tyrant/State of the Nation

The CIA and the News Media, an Eyeopener Preview/The Corbett Report

Systematic ‘Fake News’ Planted by Britain’s Intelligence Services

These Six Corporations Control 90% of the Media in America/Ashley Lutz, Business Insider, 2012

False Flag Terror and Conspiracies of Silence/James Tracy/Global Research

Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History/Victor Marchetti

Additionally, as explored by various journalists (to be further explored here), including Nick Turse in The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives,  and James Der Derian in Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-Media-Entertainment Network, there are Defense connections with media, with grant money and funding provided, including to public media such as PBS.

Given these facts, to what extent, really, can any of us believe anything that is published by these newspapers or broadcast on these networks? They’ve been “authorized” by the President and the NDAA and the CIA after all to spread Government propaganda (a.k.a Lies) like apple butter all over the place. Orwell’s Ministry of Truth is not really a new arrival, it’s been here all along apparently.

The Mind Control Psy Op and the CIA/DOD/NSA’s Interest in Denial of Contemporary Mind Control Experimentation

There are two Psy Ops in play here: the False Flag Psy Op—as explored above, and the Mind Control Psy Op.

What we’re being asked to believe, by the tenor of mainstream media coverage of Esteban Santiago, the supposed lone Fort Lauderdale shooter, as a sadly delusional, mentally-ill Army veteran given to hallucinations and sudden behavioral changes, possible victim of PTSD, who pulls out a gun to randomly shoot to kill in a public place, is that Mind Control experimentation and operations run by the CIA—which he purportedly reported, as personal experience—do not exist, could not exist, cannot be imagined to exist, and should, rightfully and rationally, only be ridiculed as impossible and implausible by the rest of us. The conditioned response we’re being led to espouse is that of the reasoning, science-minded skeptic: Mind Control by the CIA? Of course that’s a delusion. Off to the psychiatrist with his head!

Except: Every literate American—and citizen, worldwide–knows that Mind Control operations run by the CIA are not delusions.

Look up MK ULTRA—which became MK SEARCH, or look up PROJECT ARTICHOKE, PROJECT BLUEBIRD, MK DELTA. Read researcher John Marks’ book, The Search for a Manchurian Candidate, which expertly condenses hundreds of pages unearthed in the mid-70’s by the Rockefeller Commission along with interviews and other documentation into a few succinct chapters tracing the horrors of CIA Mind Control and Behavioral Control Experimentation run by psychopathic CIA doctors and crazed University academics (with then-CIA-head Richard Helms at the helm of this nefarious enterprise) in the deadly, unethical, and extreme use of toxic drugs, hallucinogens, electroshock, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, electromagnetic radiation attacks and other abuses, to create “the perfect agent” capable of forgetting whatever infamy the no-limits-CIA wished him or her to commit.

This historic background to Mind Control, of course, can today be researched extensively online and in books. Several investigative reporters and researchers have published books and articles on this subject, including Dr. Colin Ross, Walter Bowart, and others.

“The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government’s top-secret mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory and will of both individuals and whole masses of people.

The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war—a war which would take place invisibly, upon the battlefield of the human mind. … [p. 19]”–Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control/Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Information Service

“And, in 1974, the first victim of Parkinson’s disease treated by ESB walked gracefully out of a San Francisco hospital under his own power, thanks to portable ESB. He had a “stimoceiver” implanted in his brain … The “stimoceiver” which weighed only a few grams and was small enough to implant under his scalp, permitted both remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous telemetric recording of his brain waves. … [pp. 256-257]

And by the late 1960s, the “remote control” of the human brain—accomplished without the implantation of electrodes—was well on its way to being realized.

A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the University of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a way to stimulate the brain by creating an electrical field completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain with electric pulse levels which were far below those thought to be effectual in the old implanting technique. … [p. 257]

In 1975 a primitive “mind reading machine” was tested at the Stanford Research Institute. The machine is a computer which can recognize a limited amount of words by monitoring a person’s silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the discovery that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG) show distinctive patterns that correlate with individual words—whether the words are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).” –Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control/Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Information Service

MK ULTRA did not stop, either, in 1974 (when illegal domestic activities by the CIA in the investigation of Americans were exposed by Seymour Hersh and the subsequent enquiry and Rockefeller Commission set off some internal truth-telling at the CIA from more ethical CIA heads like James Schlesinger and William Colby, with the result that, despite Helms’ dastardly actions in destroying the most important records, some information on MK ULTRA’s projects and subprojects has come down to us); as many researchers note, it went underground—or more deeply undercover. This had been set in motion already, in the mid-’60s.  In the words of intrepid researcher and reporter Alex Constantine, author of Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997):

“In the mid-1960s, the Langley spychologists feared exposure. Newspaper reporters had caught wind of Auschwitzean behavioral modification research funded by the government. Congress was asking questions. The thugs at Langley scratched their heads. It was only a matter of time before an inquisitive reporter exposed the rot of mind control.

The solution: CIA scientists bugged out of the laboratory. The experiments were moved into the community, hidden, like the flying saucers, in plain sight. Eccentric religious groups were organized or co-opted by intelligence operatives, including the People’s Temple, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Ordo Templis Otientis (OTO), Finders, Solar Temple, and the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Movement, among others.” –Alex Constantine, p 152, “Cult Abuse of Children and Mind Control Programming,” Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

Studies of MK ULTRA and mind control today falsely assume that the experiments stopped after Congressional exposure, asserts Constantine:

“Most studies of Mind Control focus on experiments conducted 20-40 years ago—as if the CIA abandoned mind machines because a few loose secrets tumbled out in Congressional testimony. The clandestine operations branches are in fact very interested in EM brain manipulation. A 30-year lag yawns between declassified projects and the most advanced technology known to the American proletariat.

Contemporary military cybernetics dwarfs Orwell’s most totalistic techno-fantasies.” –Alex Constantine, p 78,3 Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

“Following public outrage, the CIA announced it had ceased its mind manipulation programmes. Victor Marchetti, a CIA veteran of 14 years who turned ‘whistle-blower’, exposed this to be untrue.

In 1977, Marchetti said the CIA claims to have ceased were a cover story. Under scrutiny, the agency were quick to downplay the success of MK-ULTRA – claiming no real advances were achieved. Miles Copeland, another long-serving CIA officer disputed this. Speaking to a reporter, Copeland revealed that ‘the congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing only got the barest glimpse’. Another source within the intelligence community says that after 1963, CIA efforts increasingly focused on psychoelectronics. Narcohypnosis had been drained dry.” –Richard G. Gall, Mind Control and MK ULTRA

Contemporary Non-Consensual Neuro/Mind Control experimentation Is Not a Chimera

From the mid-70s to the present time, word of MK ULTRA’s continuance has come to us in a steady stream from victim testimonials, reported by non-corporate journalists and researchers. Mind Control experimentation appears to have splintered in many directions and continued.

One of those directions, deriving from advances made in programming the minds of putative agents with hypnosis, pursued the powers of radio hypnosis, or subliminal hypnosis fed remotely into human brains via radio frequencies.

In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book … [Were We Controlled? presented] a sophisticated technique known as RHIC–EDOM … Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control–Electronic Dissolution of Memory. …

“Under RHIC, a ‘sleeper’ can be used years later with no realization that the ‘sleeper’ is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated kind of kamikaze operation where the life of the ‘sleeper’ is dispensable, RHIC processing makes him particularly valuable because if he is detected and caught before he performs the act specified . . . nothing he says will implicate the group or government which processed and controlled him.” …

What really happened, according to Lawrence, was that during the operation a small electrode was implanted inside Oswald’s mastoid sinus. The electrode responded to a radio signal which would make audible, inside Oswald’s head, certain electronic commands to which he had already been posthypnotically conditioned to respond. …

In 1975 the RHIC–EDOM story surfaced again. … The journalist, James L. Moore, said that the papers in his possession described the details of “a military technique of mind-control called Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control–Electronic Dissolution of Memory.” …

According to Moore, in the initial (RHIC) stage of programming the … [person] is put into a deep hypnotic trance, and conditioned to go into trance at the sound of a specific tone. “A person may be placed under this control with or without his knowledge, programmed to perform certain actions and maintain certain attitudes” whenever he hears the tone. …

The second part of the process, electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM), Moore said, “… By electronically jamming the brain, acetylcholine creates static which blocks out sights and sounds. You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank.” …

The claims of James L. Moore would sound fantastic were it not for the abundance of information to support the possibility of their validity. …” [pp. 261-264] —Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control/Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Information Service

Analysts examining the behavior of programmed assassins from John Lennon’s killer to various mass shooters today to various cases of homicides and suicides note the possibility of such radio hypnosis being instrumental in these cases. In such scenarios, suggestions fed hypnotically into the victim’s mind, become irresistible directives to action; after the action–the assassination, the mass shooting, the murder of family members, even children–the victim is deprogrammed with a post-hypnotic suggestion in order to “break the spell”.

The modern history of remotely affecting brains and behavior with energy weapons (involving microwave and radio frequencies, as well as ELFs or Extremely Low Frequencies) and Brain Computer Interfaces (involving implants) as exposed in studies, papers, and patents has been traced by various neuroexperimentation researchers, and can be studied in Renee Pittman Mitchell’s Remote Brain Targeting or Dr. Nick Begich’s Earth Rising: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace or Earth Rising II: The Betrayal of Science, Society, and the Soul–and other books and websites online.   The ways and means of affecting brains and engaging in Mind Control, including directly inputting specific human voices into human heads, with specific directives, instructions, and commentary, are multifarious today: synthetic telepathy or Voice to Skull, a military term, and microwave hearing, the Frey effect, the Neurophone, are not fantasies but patents acknowledged by the military. (Some links at end.)

“The intelligence agencies are capable of transmitting voices and images directly to the cranium’s sensory pathways. The onset of advanced radio frequency technology has given rise to a coming generation of “thought police.” They are a profound threat to a democratic society. Radio frequency weapons have eased the malignant growth of fascism wuthin the intelligence agencies. Anyone who falls into disfavor with this elite can be condemned to interminable physical and psychological torture. The victim is often murdered without a trace.” –Alex Constantine, p 292, “CIA, Mind Control, and the US Postal Service,” Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

It is an absolute disgrace and should be a source of shame to all of humanity that our governments–who are inarguably engaging in contemporary programs of non-consensual brain, mind, body, and behavioral experimentation and undisclosed physical/biometric surveillance to include neuro-surveillance and body-surveillance, as well as in field testing of “non-lethal weapons” as reported by thousands of articulate and often highly educated victims worldwide (the primary culprits in the US appear to be the CIA, DIA, NSA, DARPA, and other branches of the DOD, including the USAF, while country-specific Intelligence agencies such as MI5, MI6, the Mossad, DGSE, and others are involved overseas–and Universities and research institutions supported by Defense and CIA grants, both known and classified, are also involved)–are engaging in a mass cover-up of these crimes against humanity, employing mainstream media, Law Enforcement, and the political tool of psychiatry to do so.

This is an organized, systemic Military/Intelligence cover-up, and the false, untenable public cover story being used for this criminal cover-up–as revealed by many FOIA requests, including by this writer–is the usual bland “classification of technologies in the interests of national security”. 

It is only through this criminally deceptive means–a deception that has lasted more than 50 years–that such reliably-CIA-controlled media as The New York Times, which ran an extensive story on Esteban Santiago in the Sunday paper (Jan 8), covering his life and background in Puerto Rico, his abrupt change of personality from quiet and scholarly to abusive and violent post his Iraq war experience, and such agencies as the FBI, who were contacted by him in Alaska, when he walked in to report Mind Control neuro-operations by the CIA, can blandly present the very mention of Mind Control by the CIA as obviously delusional, obviously symptomatic of paranoia, obviously baseless in reality. Mainstream media news-readers and television-watchers, obviously, are being encouraged and trained and conditioned once more to fall in with this lie.

This planned and systemic criminal cover-up extends to the highest levels of government. United States government commissions and committees ignore the testimonials of victims, as recent events at the President’s Bioethical Commission and the Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Research Protections show. All in the interests of maintaining the National-Security cover-up apparently, and propelling the Mind Control Psy Op.

“There is a conspiracy within the intelligence agencies to conceal field-testing of highly-advanced mind control technology….The government still experiments on private citizens without their consent, often to death. They will continue to experiment and deny until forced to stop.” –Alex Constantine, p 294, “CIA, Mind Control, and the US Postal Service,” Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

Global Statistics for Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation

Meanwhile, the body count mounts. Human rights activists continue to work to record the claims of those being victimized by remote neuro-technologies.

“Forty years later, the Department of the Army sanctioned the torture of civilians in a 1972 report entitled Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, a review of Russian scientific literature based upon 500 studies on the biological effects of “Super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations”: “SHF may be used as a technique for altering human behavior. Lethal and non-lethal effects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures, definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears to be a change in mammals when exposed to SHF in sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.”

The purpose of invasive electromagnetic brain experimentation, according to the report—which seems on hindsight to have cleared the way for experimentation on unconsenting subjects—was perceived by the Pentagon as “the creation of one or more of several possible mental states in the conscious or unconscious areas of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission of one’s will to some outside force.” –Alex Constantine, p 77, “Oscillatori Telegrafica,” Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America (Feral House, 1997)

The most conservative reports place the numbers of non-consensual neuro-experimentees at about 2,000 within the US and 10,000 worldwide. Others suggest the numbers are much higher, ranging from 200,000 to 300,000 within the US, to millions worldwide. Some activists maintain that these finite numbers stem reliably from reports of those who know for certain they are being targeted and experimented on; others say millions, perhaps all 7 billion of us, are truly being experimented on (especially if you consider such technologies as nanotechnology from aerosols/chem trails, continuous ELF waves and pulses aimed at degrading brains, in conjunction with HAARP, and other remote mass brain stimulation technologies).

Some researchers maintain meticulous records of contacts from reporting victims, country by country (to be reported on here further). Even here, the ardent desire for Psy Ops by the military/Intelligence practitioners of military deception raises its ugly head: researchers and activists are often also contacted by fake victims, in apparent efforts to Deny/Degrade activism efforts, muddy the issue, and confuse the numbers.

In any case, it is an absolute fact that high numbers of people globally are reporting the experience of non-consensual neuro-experimentation and energy-weapons-usage to prominent researchers, writers, and human rights activists in this area (including to this writer), including the kinds of Mind Control mentioned aboveradio hypnosis and synthetic telepathy. Several articles here cover this subject, which will continue to be covered here. Notable in this area is the case of Rohinie Bisesar, the talented young Canadian woman jailed for a sudden fatal stabbing of a stranger, and who reported mental manipulation, bio-robotizing (external physical manipulation of limbs), and synthetic telepathy, whose story was covered here earlier.

The Mind Control Psy Op is Run by the CIA/DOD Complex and Mainstream Media

The Mind Control Psy Op suggests that it is delusional to posit that the CIA is introducing voices into anyone’s head, or exhorting anyone through this covered means to go fight for ISIS or radio-hypnotizing anyone to kill on command.

The fact is, patents for the remote manipulation of human brains have been registered since and past the mid-70s, when MK ULTRA was supposed to have stopped. (Please see links below.)

The fact is, there are thousands today, testifying to remote Mind Control.

The fact is, mainstream media which both pretends Mind Control is far-fetched, a “conspiracy theory” and that MK ULTRA is history, and not highly active today, is slavishly obedient to the CIA. And the NSA. And the DOD. That would cover DARPA, and the DIA.  All of whom–by many accounts–are the very parties engaging in Mind Control operations and experimentation today. Also the ones self-permitted to run military psychological warfare–or Psy Ops–on citizens today.

For all those who still read and absorb and look up to our long-established news agencies and outlets who are controlled by the CIA, it must be stressed that perhaps the only reason covert MK ULTRA-extending Mind Control programs have been relegated, historically and currently–by mainstream media analysts, journalists, and editors–to “fringe”, “conspiracy theory”, and “alternative” labels is because mainstream media, in the strong-fisted grip of the CIA/DOD complex, has been falling in line with CIA disinformation and propaganda directives and deliberately, strategically, unashamedly, and unethically feeding us with lies. For decades!

These too are crimes against humanity. Media is culpable, for the direct deception of humanity. As is organized psychiatry, for they work hand in hand, to keep the lie going.

To all unsuspecting consumers of mainstream media, who will believe anything because it’s been published by “leading newspapers” like the New York Times or the Washington Post, I would say: Call it Neuro Experimentation or call it Mind Control. Ignore it, and ignore reporting  victims, like many top human rights organizations (which perhaps take funding from the Military and directions from the chimera of “National Security”) have, inexplicably, been doing. But recognize, that with remote brain manipulation, all of us, and all of our children are most definitely in danger.

Incontrovertible fact: Past Nuremberg, past the Nazi atrocities of World War II, past the reported atrocities of MK ULTRA from the ’50s to the ’70s, past the ’50s to the ’90s history of secret and non-consensual military radiation experiments, chemical experiments, biological experiments, syphilis experiments, Tuskegee and Guatemala, reported by such journalists as Eileen Welsome and Harriet K. Washington, non-consensual human experimentation has returned, shamefully, to the American landscape, and the global landscape.

Inform Yourself, Inform the World

We are surrounded by lies, sanctioned military deception, sanctioned Intelligence deception, sanctioned mainstream-media deception. More than ever, we need to individually exercise discernment in our response to the toxic deluge of misinformation, disinformation and plain lies washing over us. We’re not merely in Orwell’s 1984, we’ve tunnelled through into 1984-squared.

To close, on the subject of “non-lethal weapons” being used on the streets, and rampant non-consensual experimentation, two more American whistleblowers offer insight into the world of deception we’re inside.

NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart’s recent interview on the Jeff Rense talk show (to be covered here separately shortly) offers unvarnished disclosure on the subject of Homeland Security which has morphed into Homeland Terrorism, the complicity of Intelligence agencies and military groups who have joined hands to direct criminal attacks with directed-energy weapons (DEWs) against non-criminal citizens, glibly naming them terrorists and spies and extremists and unleashing both undisclosed neuro/physical surveillance and undisclosed neuro-experimentation on them.

This video, Psy Ops Wars on Americans, by a former US Air Force Officer and whistleblower explains the Psy Ops further surrounding the Fort Lauderdale shooting, and this accompanying post at Facebook which he requested this writer to share discloses the radiation-weapon and neuro-weapon experimentation he has experienced and continues to experience.

Many analysts and alternative media researchers, as well as consciousness researchers tell us that the only way we can, as members of an exploited and acted-on public, put an end to this slide into complete totalitarian dementia, is by waking up individually and collectively and seeing through this charade for what it is. Our mere awareness can make a difference. Our collective awareness, they assure us, will inexorably lead to winds of change. It’s an optimism that might serve us well. Collectively we may find the clarity and courage to speak out with intent, challenge the prevailing narrative, and hold the criminals running this farce responsible. And accountable.

For all past and current victims of non-consensual neuro-experimentation, directed-energy weapons testing, and undisclosed “electronic” surveillance which doubles as covert neuro-surveillance and covert bodily-surveillance with electromagnetic weapons, nothing less than a second war crimes tribunal, Nuremberg 2.0, will do.

Those heads of Intel agencies who are currently spending a lot of time trying to divert attention to Russia — perhaps to build a case to further fortress and buttress themselves behind an even greater barrage of surveillance and security laws (if one can imagine that) — may well be seeking to deflect attention from the crimes against humanity they have already steadily been committing, crimes they continue to run undercover while blinding us with lies.

On his website, Ole Dammegard offers a list of suggestions for what any one of us can do, top of the list being, Wake up – inform and educate yourself about what is actually going on in the world. It is only by us being asleep that this madness can go on.”

The world needs to know and act on the truth. Please inform yourself, inform the world.


Hearing “Voices”/The Hidden History of the CIA’s Electromagnetic Mind-Control Experiments/Global Alert by Alex Constantine/1995

Hypnosis Comes of Age/George H. Estabrooks, Ph.D./Science Digest, April, 1971, 44-50

Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars/Richard Alan Miller/2001

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control/The Vigilant Citizen/Hidden Knowledge

Lists of Mind Control/Neuro Experimentation Articles:

Earthpulse Press/Dr. Nick Begich

Paul Baird/Surveillance Issues/Links

Renee Pittman Books

Mind Justice/Cheryl Welsh

Mind Control/Neuroweaponry/Electronic Warfare Patents:

Electronic Warfare Patents/Neuroweaponry/Omnisense

Mind Control Patents/Peace Pink/Soleil Mavis

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