Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

–Ramola D/Posted 6/30/2018

Preface: Massive Cyber Hacking, Sabotage, and Human-Rights-Violative DEW Targeting in Quincy, Massachusetts, USA

I’d like to preface this post describing Part 6 of my ongoing podcast conversation series with Barbara Hartwell, CIA whistleblower, with some information.


While many know that I am severely cyber-hacked and cyber-attacked on a continuous basis as I continue my writing and podcasting with absolute resolve, determined to get the true stories of the targeted and uber-surveilled and EMF-weapon-assaulted and neuro-weapon-attacked out there, so everyone can see and hear exactly what this incredibly lawless, barbaric, and inhumane Deeply Lawless State is doing, in the USA and UK and Europe, to its own citizens, in flagrant violation of all rights and laws of human decency, civility, and society—in addition to international human rights treaties and conventions–I have to note that my podcasts with Barbara Hartwell in particular, like my first podcast with Geral Sosbee, FBI whistleblower, and like my podcasts with Jeffrey Godwin, UK documentarian, activist, filmmaker, and with Dr. Eric Karlstrom, erudite and outspoken 9/11/Agenda 21/Current Power Structure researcher, have been especially severely attacked.

This is evident in the frequent interruptions on our podcasts whether I am using Zoom or GotoMeeting, in tampering with my settings on these applications, in cutting off of our meetings midway, sometimes frequently during the podcast, in introducing disruptive sound into my recordings including echoes, in disrupting the audio and video feed, in tampering with my camera settings, and in simply freezing my computer for days on end while I try to finalize and post the podcast.

This particular podcast was twice sabotaged; the recording I made on my desktop was mysteriously tampered with so as to make the file unusable: periodic static and knocks had been placed on the recording throughout. The recording on the server had had its settings switched and could not be downloaded for days. Both my computers were cyber-frozen as I tried to download the file. I spent two days with remote technical support to fix a variety of issues that had suddenly cropped up on my laptop including browsers crashing and files not opening. Then a few more days after opening the file while my pc was being frozen.

During this time of course, I was also blasted with microwaves on a continuous basis as I sat with my laptop; my chair, couch or bed vibrating with cluster ELFs, military radar flickering on my nerves, remote EEGs periodically grazing my skull (yes Virginia, I am speaking about covert, undisclosed, but highly evident-to-all-targeted remote neurotechnology, being used illegally and criminally on Americans), with the usual loony cars zooming up and down my street running their trying-to-track-and-hit DEW operations, courtesy General Dynamics Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research field-testing-of-directed-energy-weapons contracts, Quincy city government, and the local fusion center (which is headed by Massachusetts State Police)—who have all turned a blind eye when I reported this criminal non-stop zooming activity on my street to the local DHS, via FOIA request, and asked for information. (That’s a story in itself, and I aim to be a lot more outspoken about this shortly: DHS is most definitely NOT keeping the homeland secure, it is keeping the homeland terrorized.)

In addition, small planes, large planes, helicopters crossing this block at an angle on all sides as well as flying directly over my home, extremely loud weed-trimmers and lawn-mowers, neighboring construction workers embarked on a continuous program of extremely-loud noise barrage. Again, courtesy Quincy City Government, with Mayor Thomas Koch at the helm. This is Lawless America, and local governments have completely keeled over to Military Industrial Intelligence Complex criminality, and are partaking in it. Neighbors are all bought-in via the FBI/FMJ criminality Geral Sosbee describes, and permit the carnage. They are of course, also partaking in the criminality, by so permitting—and acquiescently engaging in noise-harassment themselves. And, although I have no sympathy for their choices to permit this unlawful activity of zoomers on the street, as well as EMF weapon use on my person, all no doubt presented deceptively to them by the lying FBI/DHS as perfectly legitimate and “electronic surveillance” and part of “an ongoing investigation” (now going on for 4 years) of this writer, it is clear they have been railroaded into subservience, in other words: terrorized, lied to, co-opted.

I will also note that several houses in my neighborhood have been taken over by groups of young, transient Special Ops worker-bees on the ground for the Rothschild Mafia (and CIA/DIA/NSA black ops) operating through the FBI/DHS/DOD running both DEW operations and cyber-hacking operations really close, from just next-door. Immediate neighbors have been especially co-opted, it is clear to see, and are partaking more closely in these operations, in avid collusion with the zooming thugs who frequently park in their doorways and pop into their parlors, the easier to run their little RFID scanners, Magnetic Squids harvesting brainwaves, and through-wall radar, not to mention heat-producing Active Denial Systems to burn spines, faces, and sleep-deprive with.

We are living in KGB, Stasi, Nazi Amerika—this is how DEWs are being tested and operated on the populace, and how Americans are being lied to, duped, co-opted as they blindly support this Communism and DEW Barbarism that has invaded our communities, and do not spare a thought for the gigantic corruption and criminality—bolstered by child-trafficking, Satanism, and child-sacrifice at its core—they are actually supporting. (Because yes, the FBI/CIA/DHS operation on the ground in the USA is most definitely focusing on attacking those in communities who are not and cannot be servile pushovers for the Globalist Communist Satanist Zionist agenda AKA the New World Order AKA Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 AKA the Green UN Agenda; the first step in an intended full-on takeover of the entire World, and what they are protecting is full-on criminality, Satanism, child-trafficking, drug-trafficking, ritual abuse of one and all, dirty ops in military underground bases, and human sacrifice: your neighbors and mine should know the truth of this.)

Why Are My Podcasts With Barbara Hartwell Being So Extremely Sabotaged?

I recently put out a Call for Support of these podcasts with Barbara Hartwell, and I thank all those who sent in donations; I have sent on your donations via money-order to Barbara, I know she is grateful. Truly, she is in dire straits as the CIA has pushed her into financial destitution, and she absolutely needs our humane support.

After this experience of extreme sabotage of our latest podcast, I have been reflecting a bit on why exactly these podcasts are being attacked so extremely—I am being given every indication by the CIA and FBI (operating as goondas in my neighborhood, with both SUVs/cars and helicopters/planes at their disposal) that they are literally having panic attacks at my podcasting efforts here.

I think the answer is here: Barbara Hartwell is a woman whistleblower of absolute uprightness, conscientiousness, integrity, conscience, high-intelligence, and spine who has a powerful voice both as a writer/journalist and a public speaker, a strong anchoring in her Christian faith, and, like other brilliant Americans being nastily targeted by the Crime Cartel inside the FBI/CIA/DHS/DOD, has great spiritual and energetic power to influence, plus of course, she is an insider with an up-front attitude about her problems with the CIA, nasty agency par excellence: she is telling the truth, reporting on her own experiences, whistleblowing about actual criminal activity in the CIA/FBI, and even more importantly, she is laying bare the skin and bones of the deep-dish pie the CIA and FBI build in their layered Containment Ops, Controlled Opposition Ops, Black Propaganda Ops, Public Hypnosis Ops, Psychological Warfare Ops, Information Warfare Ops, Media Miasma Ops, you name it, as they jump through hoops desperately trying to contain the information on the Internet and protect their nodes of info-dissemination, in other words, their precious little media cutouts who stand like bastions and guardians of the InfoGate, pumping out Disinfo nonstop and keeping their nasty & not-so-little arms/drugs/human/child trafficking operations well-hidden under the Lying Umbrellas of Counter-Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.

And Barbara Hartwell is naming names and tearing down the veils, pointing to the cutouts and pointing to the carnage with absolute, unabashed splendor, her instinct for truth unflinching, her voice brilliantly scathing: that is what they are freaking out about. Just look up her name on the Web and marvel at the incredible hatchet job done on her name; Barbara Hartwell has become the subject of a massive slander and defamation campaign stretching across Decades, which seeks to paint her as a liar and Disinfo agent, a CIA agent who destroys lives—when it is this precise species which has attacked her consistently and destroyed her own life.

The fact is, Barbara Hartwell is being slandered because what she is laying bare points to very subtle and nuanced Media and Public Mind Takeover via layered operations which include Mythologizing certain people—like famous Special Agent and top FBI man Ted Gunderson, who turns out to have been a CIA Spook—and Propping Up certain people in the Alt Media space as pillars of integrity—such as Ken Adichi and Don Stacey—also CIA plants–both of whom Barbara talks about in recent podcasts as well as this one, Part 6.

I recognize that as an interviewer and writer myself, I need to explore these characters a little deeper myself, to fully understand what exactly is going on in this mad mad world of CIA Disinformation, non-stop Spookdom, and extreme slander. I have come to know—as I think many viewers too have come to know—Barbara Hartwell pretty well recently through these podcasts, and also through exploring her website. I’ve learned for one that we are sister spirits, we are alike in our interest in learning the truth, in speaking our minds, in writing our thoughts—no holds barred. I am appalled at how she has been treated by the CIA after she left. I am both horrified and very surprised at the slander operations directed against her. And I am keen to get to the bottom of this and to learn and write more about the people she speaks about as well as the operations she points to. What for instance is the real truth about Edgar Hoover Right-Hand Man Ted Gunderson?

On this note, I thank investigative journalists Sherri Kane and Len Horowitz for their work in addressing these very subjects. I hope to highlight their work here as I go forward, and I will write more on these subjects myself as I learn the truth for certain. I also recommend to one and all these six podcasts Barbara Hartwell has graciously done with me: they truly help in reviving these old and prematurely-buried-by-slander stories, laying bare the current scenario regarding Psy Ops and Info Warfare being waged on all of us, and in returning to the world the very necessary and essential voice of Barbara Hartwell.

Corruption, Criminality, and Cover-Ups in the FBI and CIA

In this continuation of our earlier conversation on the practices of extreme and abusive retaliation against whistleblowers practiced by the FBI and CIA, as experienced in particular by CIA whistleblower Barbara Hartwell and FBI whistleblower Geral Sosbee and involving the “Black Propaganda” methods of character assassination, slander, defamation, and libel, Barbara expands further on these subjects.

Calling on her own experience of retaliation as well as Geral Sosbee’s in being so hounded and persecuted by the FBI and CIA over the years as to be prevented from finding a place to rent or living a normal life free of stalking, harassment, financial takedown, blacklisting, and poverty, Barbara Hartwell also mentions the cases of Jeffrey Sterling, still in prison after two years, and Kevin Shipp, whose home and family were targeted.

Bringing the situation to the present day, we discuss the identical targeting now being meted out to hundreds of thousands of (outstanding, high-IQ, high-integrity, highly accomplished, morally upright, conscientious, patriotic, critically-thinking, absolutely innocent) American citizens who have been placed not merely wrongfully but criminally by the FBI and local fusion centers on watchlists and terrorist lists, named glibly by the corrupt FBI as terrorists, extremists, potential terrorists, and other such Patriot Act confections, character-defamed in fabricated diagnoses as mentally unstable to their neighbors and communities, ostracized, surveilled, and then trafficked into military Electromagnetic weapons-testing and neuro-experimentation contracts, under which they are now all reporting physical torture and extreme bodily, psychological, and daily-life abuse—all for being awakened people who care enough about their country and community to speak out and take action against corruption or environmental damage or animal cruelty.

What this points to clearly is a complete failure of government and a complete failure of American communities both, where people have forgotten their innate rights or just hand them over freely to the corrupt State who comes knocking on their doors to “inform” them or “question” them and then co-opt them regarding their neighbor, who has been, Nazi-style, “put under investigation” for any number of fabricated reasons and always for an indefinite number of years. We have rights, notes Barbara, that are God-given and inherent, that should not be handed off when the FBI comes knocking.

She also notes the methodology being followed today is classic counterintelligence protocol, yet it is not legitimate counterintelligence, since the people being COINTELPRO’d are ordinary citizens with no links to espionage or terrorism. Further, she notes that those Americans who refuse to exercise their rights but cower in fear when the JTTF or FBI or other members of the bullying Police State approach with their slather of lies about a neighbor, and willingly comply with the surveilling and harassment instructions they are given, are indoctrinated to view the FBI as morally upright defenders of the Constitution when the opposite is true; these agencies (FBI, CIA) have currently become “lapdogs” to the Clintons and globalists who care nothing for the USA but seek centralized power through a One-World government. “The Government currently is essentially comprised of criminals.”

As always, Barbara illustrates the methodologies of containment, slander, persecution, and desperation practiced by the FBI and CIA with vivid stories from her own experience of being pursued and harassed by cut-outs and agents such as Tim White who harassed others including Geral Sosbee, and Don Stacey, and from her analyses of others’ experiences, including Constitutionalist Rick Stanley. As on her website, Barbara notes the importance of naming the names of the persecutors; we are in a war, she says, and we are fighting for our lives. Whistleblowers and targets know this. The path forward to justice is exposure, naming names, recovering your rights, and speaking out to combat the criminality.

Please support these ongoing conversations which bring alive in the current day the very important voice of a CIA woman whistleblower whose testimonial and insights are vital to the understanding of the Deeply Lawless State.

Please visit Barbara Hartwell’s website at http://barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com/ for more information.

My call for support of this series with links for donations is here: https://everydayconcerned.net/2018/06/21/call-for-support-please-support-my-ongoing-video-conversation-series-with-cia-whistleblower-barbara-hartwell/

Ramola D Reports can be supported on an ongoing basis via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RamolaD

I ask all reading to please share this page widely. If you appreciate my candor, my voice, and my work, please support my journalism with a regular subscription at Patreon (link above) or via Paypal here (link to the top right). Patreon subscription starts as low as $3 per month; I’d appreciate $15 per month. Tech support is a large part of what I absolutely need funding for; I truly appreciate all subscriptions. With your help, I will keep writing and podcasting and belting out the truth. For donations to Barbara Hartwell via my links, just write me a note mentioning the donation is for her, I will send on to her. Thanks! Ramola

PS: Any other CIA/FBI/NSA/other agency whistleblowers reading this and contemplating further truth-telling, please email me at ramolad@hushmail.com and consider doing a podcast or print interview, I will be honored. Just remember, to end the carnage, we have to collectively expose the Deeply Lawless State. 

3 responses to “Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA

  1. Freedomisntfree2016

    I recommend the book “Battlefield America” The War On The American People by John W. Whitehead with a foreword by Ron Paul

  2. I’m in Seattle at a women’s Christian program, and have been here 6 1/2 month’s. I am attacked 24/7 by DEW’S/ MICROWAVES/ and Frequencies. The so called Christian employees, as well as women who are in program/with children, torture me 24/7, around the clock
    These pathetic, satan worshipping gangstalking murderer’s sit in the parking lot, hitting my windows with microwaves and constantly setting their car alarms off, or tapping the horn everytime I move in my room or go out. All these so called Christian mothers are nothing less than murderer’s.

  3. Freedomisntfree2016

    These criminals are flipping out as those who dare to speak truth to power are remaining steadfast in informing the public of the ongoing civil war between these government networked criminals and U. S. Citizens being reduced to impoverishment and imprisonment, being fed a continuous fake news and all battling for resources. As the news of this special torture being meted out to us is leaking out, the public is indeed awakening as they are realizing the fake media is fluff, lies and distraction. I myself have been subjected to an internet networked “torture club” bought and sold as a whore through this criminal network that is a part of the”home business” surveillance peddled by a former Lockheed Martin employee that Karen Stewart unearthed that is an extension of the gangstalking network attacking us. I sleep in my car most nights, not allowed to sleep in my bed because of the home torture system torture chamber that uses the electrical outlets in my house and condo in addition to the brain “tuning system” attacking the nervous system causing horrible vibration of the nerves and muscles that Ramola reports. Ramola has reported the more we are attacked, the more determined we become to report these gross human rights abuses in the country that started out to be the leader of the moral God respecting individuals protected by the U.S. Constitution. Instead, we are being attacked by torturers and neighbors who in my case call themselves “the moral majority” “the judge and jury” and “the “security council”. Thank you Ramola for leading us and inspiring us to continue the “fight to the death” in the face of this egregious attack on all of humanity. The mistake my attackers made was believing I would die before understanding what this attack was upon discovering Everydayconcerned.net website and the other truthtellers known as whistleblowers, enemies of the state, threats to national security, mentally diseased and also “whores” who are being bought and sold on the internet such as my neighbors participated in doing to me. This is being done through use of thru wall radar, internet and other “communications” through the torture network.
    Dianne Renee Chandler
    Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Retired
    Former Pentagon Action Officer
    Former U.S. Army Contract Specialist, Acquisition Analyst, Contracting Officer Representative
    U.S. Army War College Graduate 2005
    Above Top Secret Security Clearance
    Attacked by the TREASONOUS US ARMY Special Ops from Redstone Arsenal Alabama

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