Daily Archives: July 15, 2015

Jade Helm, Many Views: Guerrilla Warfare/AI Directed, Network-Centric Warfare/Geospatial Intelligence/Mapping Us

On the eve of the highly controversial Jade Helm–now slated to begin July 15, 2015 (already preceded by various recorded and reported drills)–there continue to be anxious ripples through the airwaves as many of us speculate on its true meaning, what it portends, what it may or will bring to the US. If you’ve seen some of the video online at Youtube with trucks and rail bins and heavy gear and UN trucks in long trains on the highways, you know it’s not a small operation.

(If you’ve seen some of the scarier videos and read the scarier speculations online too–Walmarts being outfitted as gas chambers, theories of sudden epidemic outbreaks decimating populations, followed by instant martial law, a UN takeover (hence the trucks), extractions of dissidents, then you know what you think too, regarding how all this may go down.)

Theories and speculations aside, you also know the central facet of Jade Helm, the slightly inescapable fact, is that we are, unasked, being gifted the raw (& overt) presence of the military via this yet-another but massive drill, right in our midst. Things may never be the same in the US soon enough–although one can only hope this works in the best of possible ways, if it means the rest of America actually begins to wake up to what is already happening to us, around us, and among us. There is So Much going on currently that is absolutely horrific and needs to Stop! (And The New York Times/The Washington Post/NPR won’t cover any of it!)

This Level9News video, which discusses Jade Helm as an Artificial Intelligence system-directed set of maneuvers, intent on gaining full-spectrum information on “the human domain” as it targets and tracks, directs, and attacks–or has its Special Ops forces do the latter–is discussed in many articles online. 

Links to/excerpts from some of the most thought-provoking articles that have crossed my path recently below, starting with the Level9News article.

The JADE In Jade Helm 15 Is An AI SOFTWARE Program

May 18, 2015 Headlines, Video


The DOD’s GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID is going to be the primary framework for network-centric warfare.

JADE = Joint Assistant For Development and Execution: BBN Technologies, Raytheon in conjunction with DARPA

“JADE” is an AI quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments.

The JADE II battle field system is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and and devise ‘new and better’ strategies to increase the ‘kill chain’. The II generation of JADE has the capability for two way communication with drones throuh the OCCOM technology which is one of the next generation integrations to this system.

In short, JADE HELM will not be battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software program based on a Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM.

Please get this information out, share, re-post. It would seem the Jade Helm 15 exercise is actually a system roll out and more diabolical than we originally imagined.

Re-posted from Scoop Feed.

Jade Helm, Terrorist Attacks, Surveillance and Other Fairy Tales for a Gullible Nation

By John W. Whitehead
July 06, 2015

“Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” ― Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly

Once upon a time, there was a nation of people who believed everything they were told by their government.

When terrorists attacked the country, and government officials claimed to have been caught by surprise, the people believed them. And when the government passed massive laws aimed at locking down the nation and opening the door to total government surveillance, the people believed it was done merely to keep them safe. The few who disagreed were labeled traitors.

When the government waged costly preemptive wars on foreign countries, insisting it was necessary to protect the nation, the citizens believed it. And when the government brought the weapons and tactics of war home to use against the populace, claiming it was just a way to recycle old equipment, the people believed that too. The few who disagreed were labeled unpatriotic.

When the government spied on its own citizens, claiming they were looking for terrorists hiding among them, the people believed it. And when the government began tracking the citizenry’s movements, monitoring their spending, snooping on their social media, and surveying their habits—supposedly in an effort to make their lives more efficient—the people believed that, too. The few who disagreed were labeled paranoid.

Complete article at The Rutherford Institute

Hundreds in Texas Organize ”Counter Jade Helm” Surveillance Operation

By Melissa Dykes

Activist Post Monday, July 13, 2015

Several hundred people in Texas have organized “Counter Jade Helm,” in response to the upcoming multi-agency, multi-state, artificial intelligence-run Jade Helm military drill set to begin on July 15th in Bastrop, Big Spring and Junction, Texas.

From what appears to be the official website CounterJadeHelm.info:

Counter Jade Helm, aka CJH, is a training exercise for the people. In response to the military’s multi-state training, called Jade Helm 2015, citizens will participate in an unofficial fashion to practice counter-insurgency, organizational and intelligence gathering and reporting skills.

CJH is not affiliated with the military’s training exercise. The objective is not to stop or countermand the military’s training, but to practice our own skills. Anyone can participate.

Groups within each state that will play host to the military are being established to streamline the process. Individuals not wishing to be affiliated with a group can also submit information to this website for analysis and publishing.

Complete article at Activist Post.

Jade Helm Arrives Early- History Awaits- Treason, War Games Initiated in Flint!

June 05, 2015

Truth and Art TV article
Contributed by Bernie Suarez

Even though many people talked about Jade Helm and many knew it was coming this summer, in an apparent surprise move the U.S. Army decided to move right into a peaceful small town of Flint Michigan with explosives. Calling it “pre-coordinated“, one of the Army soldiers deceptively wearing civilian attire brushed off the entire event as an innocent and harmless drill. Is anyone believing this?

Don’t see this blindsided attack on Flint Michigan as nefarious? Think this is okay and no big deal? Read history and find me any point in history where governments began martial law urban warfare drills for peaceful purposes or for practice against a foreign enemy.

The psychology of this illegal treasonous attack on American soil is probably the first thing people should be aware of. The main purpose of these drills is to get Americans accustomed to explosions all around them. This is classic learned helplessness and a psyop on America. Consider the secrecy of the exercise, the nonchalant attitude by the Army patsies on the ground, the lies, the mainstream media non-coverage of these events and the new attitude by Army that they can do what they want because police and politicians have “approved” it. This is all part of the new consciousness that Army has taken on. We can do it because the government has approved it. No mention of America, the Constitution or we the people or for that matter no mention of morality, history, freedom or the similarities to martial law.

This surprise new attack on America is clearly a historical turning point in our history and should serve as a powerful reminder that many troops in the Army appear to be prepared to commit more treason against Americans and the Constitution if and when asked to do so. This should also serve as a dividing line within the U.S. military. We now have to distinguish and identify who in the U.S. military is for America and the Constitution and who is a treasonous obedient soldier waiting to be told what to do just like the Nazis who committed crimes against their own people in Germany. There is no difference that anyone can point to and history is clearly repeating itself.

Complete Article at Truth and Art TV.

10 Ways to Use JADE HELM 15 Against the New World Order

Activist Post Monday, June 8, 2015

By Bernie Suarez

It’s been said, in times of great deceit truth is revolutionary. Here we are in 2015 and now that martial law “practice” drills or “urban warfare” exercises have begun let’s all think for a minute and consider where the lies and deceit surrounding Jade Helm begins.

First, it all starts with the names they use in substitution for the scarier more realistic and understood “martial law”. They instead use phrases like “urban warfare”, “military training exercise”. Call it whatever you would, it’s the same thing. It’s illegal practice for martial law which is when the military forces take on the role of local law enforcement.

Then there is the motto they’ve chosen – “Master the human domain”. Really? Is there anyone who thinks this operation is about defending freedom? Helping humanity? Anything good? The motto says it all. The intention is to conquer, to control, to defeat, and overcome human beings. Warning to all!

Then there is the supposed meaning of the acronym associated with JADE HELM – Joint Assistant for Development and Execution – Homeland Eradication of Local Militants. Whether this is the true meaning of this acronym or not it only shows how the Jade Helm psyop is already in effect.

On top of that, look no further than Wikipedia already shockingly characterizing the real live Jade Helm operation as “Jade Helm Conspiracy Theory”. So even as the treasonous participants set off explosions on U.S. soil rocking people’s houses, the exercises are STILL a “conspiracy theory”.

This gets at the underbelly of the Jade Helm psyop. It goes like this – ‘We are coming for you, we will set off ordnance and practice killing and rounding you up but if you identify what we are doing, YOU are a “conspiracy theorist” for jumping to any conclusions or thinking you know what we are doing’.

Is there still anyone out there that doesn’t think “conspiracy theorist” is the most overused phrase in America? That Wikipedia is already pounding away at the “conspiracy theory” psyop is only a clear attempt to hold on to the sheep that are still asleep in hopes of preventing mass awakening.

What we are seeing every day now is a real-time effort by the globalist control system at doing everything they can to prevent mass awakening. Unfortunately for the globalists, their brainless CIA, their dying mainstream media and the new world order, humanity is irreversibly catching on to what is happening; and the faster they move, the faster people are waking up. So let’s push the awakening even more by doing whatever little things we can do to accelerate the awakening in light of the Jade Helm 15 operation.

Read more at Activist Post.

The Impressive Capabilities of J.A.D.E. Helm, and Why We Should Know About Them [videos]

July 12, 2015

Thanks, LW29501 for sharing.

Since we’ve been discussing the plans the cabal/Illuminati/elite/globalists have for Humanity, I thought I’d share this highly detailed rundown on what J.A.D.E. Helm actually is, so those who are still unaware/unwary can familiarize themselves with what we might be up against this summer and the long range plans of the controllers.

Basically, what J.A.D.E. Helm was designed for, was to provide intelligence on US, —the People—to detect the patriots/insurgents/dissidents so we might be singled out and eliminated. The cabal wants only compliant sheeple for slaves.

The technology has been in the works for 20 years and now they are going to test it. The military doesn’t need to concern themselves with what they are truly doing, because their orders are to follow what the brilliant and strategic J.A.D.E. application tells them to do.

They don’t have to think. They don’t have to memorize. They don’t have to analyze. They just take orders—from the computer. Simple, right?

Complete article at Starship Earth, The Big Picture.

A second, very interesting video featuring a software engineer closely discussing the AI (Artificial Intelligence), computer systems, and predictive programming aspects of Jade Helm, from the military documents below. This conversation also focuses on how all civilians are targeted for analysis and processing within this AI Jade Helm scenario, and how our reactions to what the drill is doing will be included in the system’s sequences. (She closes by adjuring everyone in Jade Helm territory not to engage in any way with what’s going on, not be afraid/feel fear/show fear, nor sink into negative emotions of any kind since the whole thing is predicated on negative emotions and negative reactions. Isn’t that interesting?)

Jade Helm: The Hard Core Truth Finally Explained

Some interesting articles and snippets of video, including one comprehensive one put together by Pete Santilli (toward end of page) covering the UN presence, the Walmarts, and more at http://freedomslips.com/jadehelminfo/

Also check in for news at Intellihub News, ChemTrails Planet, and The Commonsense Show. (Listen to the Dave Hodges/Doug Hagmann conversation at The Commonsense Show.)

When the military marches openly into our home turf despite our many months of protest as they are planning to do currently (they already have a covert presence in our midst), I guess the best one can do is stay calm, stay positive, observe, record, post, report, protest peacefully when necessary–and know that all of this is going to be widely reported online–by all of us, any of us, with a cell phone, a small camera, a social media account–regardless of what the military is attempting to do, by keeping journalists and the media out.

To everyone in the Jade Helm states, I’d especially say: Hold fast, mentally, to a positive outcome--don’t imagine the worst. Let’s not give them anything to work with–remember, we Do live in a quantum universe, and our individual thoughts and emotions and actions count.

And if there’s anything any one of us can do to stop America sinking into this vast sinkhole of militarism and mania that’s trying hard to open at our feet, really, now is the time to wake up and do it.  Really, we shouldn’t be letting Any military drills occur in private civilian space At All.