Community Care or Deranged “Mental Health Team”? UK Police Carry Taser Into Home Break-In to Attack Whistleblower Patient with Kidney Failure

–Ramola D/Posted & Updated June 30, 2019

Concerning CCTV footage of the heavily manned Home Break-In under pretext of Mental Health Act provisions to “search and remove patient” meaning Edward Ellis on June 26—in one of several recent Mental Health Fraud sectioning attempts, reported here–reveals that one of the two police officers went in to the home carrying a Taser—in fact pulling it out of his vest just at the door as he entered–with apparent intent to use on a 66-year-old patient diagnosed with kidney failure.

That Edward Ellis is hardly subject for a Mental Health sectioning is a fact well-known to all in contact with him and familiar with his advocacy and anti-corruption work—while mysteriously unknown to his nephrologists apparently, who seem to have initiated these forcible-arrest attempts although their job is kidney-related and limited to diagnoses of a patient’s physical health, not mental.

Mental Health by Taser? The Terrorism of Mental Health Sectioning Revealed

Stills from the footage show a large gang of “Mental Health” workers, consulting and congenial as they congregate around someone else’s door and break into their home in an egregious invasion of privacy, and with intent to execute removal of the patient, their stated objective, with aggression, as witnessed by the Taser in Officer EO 4333‘s hand, held slyly behind his back as he entered.

The fact that one of these police officers—or as Neelu Berry puts it, impostor wearing the uniform of a police officer—carried a taser is shocking to the core: why would police require a taser to subdue someone like Edward, who moreover has been diagnosed with kidney failure?

Tasers are Powerful and Inhumane Electronic Control Devices: Essentially Neuroweapons Sending Electrical Pulses to Neurons Controlling Muscles

For those unaware, tasers are extremely powerful, dangerous, and in the view of many including this writer, completely inhumane high-tech electroshock devices wrongfully permitted for Law Enforcement use by reckless and irresponsible Criminal Justice officials, which have been known (in numerous cases) to cause cardiac arrest and death in addition to unconsciousness, when they propel at high velocity two electrodes into the victim’s body completing an electrical circuit and causing incapacitation or paralysis of the victim.

A taser can administer nearly 50,000 volts to the human body, and it is significant that their known effect on the recipient is completely predicated on his/her basic health condition at the time.The impact of a Taser shock depends a lot on the overall health of the person being shocked, what substances may be in his or her body at the time, and how long the shock lasts.”— Lauren Kirchner, The Very Real Dangers of Tasers

These articles discuss cardiac arrest, death, and UK Police use of Tasers despite all indications of their unviability for use on anyone in a humane and educated society:

How Dangerous is the Use of Tasers?/Guardian  

What Do Tasers Do To the Body?/Scienceline

The Very Real Dangers of Tasers/Pacific Standard 

Studies Show Tasers Have Harmful Effects on the Body and Mind/BigThink

Tasers May Be Deadly, Study Finds/Popular Science 

Tasers Can Stop the Heart and Kill/Medical News Today

Tasers have also been shown to affect the mind, affecting neurocognitive function and mental health (well-reported online including here: Taser’s 50,000 Volt Jolt Can Mess Up Your Brain/LiveScience) –so it literally makes no sense whatsoever that a Mental Health Team despatched by a Council or Hospital would involve, permit, condone, or endorse the firing of a deadly and potentially brain-damaging, mental-health-assaulting and cardiac-arrest-causing taser into the body of a kidney patient.

Does this Mental Health Team require education and guidance on critical thinking on Tasers–in addition to much else, as on applying their post-graduate training to evaluating the validity of Mental Health Interventions/Sectioning Terrorism on a more-than-mentally-sound whistleblower and kidney patient rather than blindly becoming the tools of oppressive higher-ups who seek to label people Mentally Ill to cover up their corruption and crimes? It would appear so.

Intimidation by Numbers, Intimidation by Taser, Intimidation by Mental Health Fraud

Both officers were also armed, and were accompanied by 9 other people, who lined up to enter the home one by one, after one of the men used a giant crowbar to prise the door open.

It appears this train of personnel lining up with their folders and handbags, laptop cases and cellphones to break into someone’s house and later stand around as if at a wake was perfectly aware they were engaging in seriously questionable behavior:Intervening as “Community Mental Health Care” to break into someone’s home who had no mental illness of any sort but was known to be a kidney patient is fraudulent in the extreme and one has to ask, who authorized this crowd to pursue, hunt down, and “remove” a patient needing care—physical care, not mental, that is—and why were there so many of them? Is this just “doing my job” for them?

In such outings and home-invasion programs, what exactly are they told about the person they seek to capture, using burly men and police uniforms with crowbars, guns, and tasers to do so? And why do they not question what they are told instead of meekly participating in a Crowd Intimidation and Police Intimidation action against a whistleblower?

Efforts to contact for comment the parties who executed this break-in attempt continue and will be reported as soon as contacted.

The seriousness of these wrongful attacks on the autonomy and character of a whistleblower however must be noted by all; the urgency of need to protect Edward Ellis from these potential attackers is high.

Requested Action by Concerned Citizens

Please add your voice immediately to speak to the administration at Queen’s Hospital and at the Brighton and Sussex University hospitals and ask why a whistleblower revealing multiple corruptions and injustice is being so inordinately persecuted; request that all arrest warrants and advisories they have given to detain Edward wrongfully on Mental Health concerns be nullified immediately; please write to your local newspaper and council and report this matter.

Please also ask your local Council and MPs why deadly neuroweapon tasers have been approved for use on British citizens, and why Officer 4333 was carrying a taser in his hand when he broke into a private citizen’s residence–indeed an older gentleman known to be suffering from kidney failure.

Neelu Berry advises that people can call 101 in the UK to ask for names of officers EA 4333 and EA 4142 Ilford Police and call House of Parliament on 0207 219 3000 which is the 24/7 number to complain to Health, Home, Local Govt & Justice Ministers. Reference: State Assassination Attempt caught on CCTV using Locksmiths, Mental Health Team and Fake Warrant as props 450 New North Road, IG6 3EB UK at 9.50am to 11.30am on 26 June 2019.

UPDATE: The Names of the Officers Have Been Identified from the warrant: EA 4333 is PC CABIE and EA 4142 is PC DAVISON

Please make a call or send an email; every call/email made serves as notice to safeguard human rights for all.


1. Neelu Berry reminds all that these are Mental Health Fraud attempts and disappearance and assassination attempts:

“6th Assassination Attempt 10am on 26 June 2019 under pretence of Mental Health Fraud to discredit the work and cause slow kill from denying Dialysis with Fistula in place for 7 months

At 13.44 you will see the officer pull out a Tazer to use on Mr Edward Ellis whilst the nurse smiles – lucky he was out and the others including me, Neelu”

2. In concern for Edward’s well-being, Neelu Berry made a call to the Care Quality Commission to report this incident, but was unable to secure assurance that the complaint was recognized or being investigated; that audio recording is here:

Egregious Sectioning and Kidnap Attempts on Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis As the Completing Mass Corruption Remedy Process Exposes Pervasive Crime & Corruption in UK Courts, Police Departments, and Hospitals

Biomedical Researcher Lynda Thyer Traumatized by Extradition Threat, Narrowly Escapes Kidnap Attempt as Cancer Cure GcMAF is Demonized by MHRA and Pharmaceutical Establishment Protecting Chemo Drug Profits

UK Whistleblower Calls for Australian High Commission to Issue Witness Protection Order for Julian Assange and Reminds Jeremy Corbyn to Express Public Interest and Provide Witness Protection for Persecuted Whistleblowers Sabine McNeill, Melanie Shaw and Julian Assange

Ramola D Reports/Report #83: Neelu Berry on Beating Global Slavery with Mass Remedies

Mr. Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, Reports the Launch of a Mass Corruption Remedy Process in the United Kingdom and Calls for Principled Independents and Empowered Citizens to Step Forward

Updates on the Mass Remedy Process in UK


One response to “Community Care or Deranged “Mental Health Team”? UK Police Carry Taser Into Home Break-In to Attack Whistleblower Patient with Kidney Failure

  1. Anne Morelle

    Thank you! This text isn’t a surprise for me§ It’s the seme here in France for TIs (targeted individual)

    Le dim. 30 juin 2019 à 07:22, The EveryDay Concerned Citizen a écrit :

    > Ramola D posted: “–Ramola D/June 30, 2019 Concerning CCTV footage of the > heavily manned Home Break-In under pretext of Mental Health Act provisions > to “search and remove patient” meaning Edward Ellis on June 26—in one of > several recent Mental Health Fraud sectioning atte” >

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