Joint Public Cease and Desist Notice to Dr. Katherine Horton

Joint Public Cease and Desist Notice to Dr. Katherine Horton

Date: 11/21/2018

In light of Dr. Katherine Horton‘s recent inflammatory, defamatory, and libelous online publication

supposedly “blacklisting” writer and journalist Ramola D/Dharmaraj on her personal website in a subsection page named “Ramola Dharmaraj”,

on which page she has also published extensive and provable lies about Melanie Vritschan, founder of ICATOR;

and supposedly blacklisting journalist Thomas McFarlan in a subsection page named “Thomas Fontanez McFarlan”;

and misleadingly publishing photos and screenshots with absurdly incendiary text maligning Ramola D and Thomas McFarlan (along with many other prominent activists and whistleblowers) in a section page named “Blood on Their Hands (Blacklist)”– with subtitle “Those who refused assistance, sabotaged, or actively attacked”– on her website,,

wherein she has published a series of provable lies, slander, and vicious abuse against Ramola D, Melanie Vritschan, Thomas McFarlan, and CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell; AND in light of her recent extremely abusive emails to Melanie Vritschan, founder of ICATOR, wrongfully and maliciously calling Ms. Vritschan’s impeccable integrity into question, and irresponsibly leveling wrongful accusations of financial fraud and irresponsibility at her, among other abuses; AND inclusive of continually incendiary and wrongful accusations in statements on Twitter to common TI (“Targeted Individual”) followers against all named above, creating false narratives of non-existent defamation “attacks” against her we ask:

  1. That Dr. Horton immediately retracts and removes these abusive and slanderous posts and section pages on her website;
  2. That Dr. Horton immediately removes all photographs and screenshots of all named above—as well as all others from within the TI Community publicly “blacklisted” (in her verbiage)–from every page on her site;
  3. That Dr. Horton cease and desist immediately from further public libel and slander online of all prominent human rights activists working internationally and nationally on behalf of targeted victims; and
  4. That Dr. Horton refrain from such slanderous and targeted character attacks which call for response and waste everyone’s precious time, helping detract from the main task at hand, that of addressing the perpetrators of violence against targeted victims.

Compliance with Nos. 1 & 2 of the above requests will suffice for now to establish good faith assurance that Nos 3 & 4 will be complied with.

While it is one thing to express one’s opinion freely as opinion, it is quite another to use people’s photos and screenshots and slander them online with provably false accusations of “defamation-campaign-running,” “financial fraud,” “sabotage,” and “defamation.”


Ramola D/Dharmaraj, Author, Journalist, Poet, Human Rights Activist, Educator

Melanie Vritschan, Human Rights Activist, Founder and President of ICATOR

Thomas F McFarlan: Journalist, Human Rights Activist, Photographer & Graphic Designer

Paul Baird, BEc, LLB, Human Rights Advocate, Author,