America Should Prevent Jade Helm 2015: Not Likely To Be Benign in Any Way

That’s the message now from various other analysts who feel very strongly that an exercise or drill of this size in civilian terrain does not bode good at all–I post a few videos and articles here which essentially underline the Military question, and that’s what tips me off too, to the actual possibilities here.

PETITION TO STOP JADE HELM Take a moment to sign. (Same Care2 petition, currently past 500.)

The Military Question

Let’s remind ourselves at base that we are Not living in a calm, collected democracy where the thought of “martial law” is pure conspiracy theory. We are living in an unbalanced surveillance state where state-sponsored terrorism is rampant on the streets (this is what Organized Harassment/Gangstalking/COINTELPRO is; this is what militarized and bullying police behavior is; this is what setting up violent looters and rioters at a justifiable but initially mostly peaceful protest, such as at Baltimore, is); where Emergencies and Executive Orders are passed at whim; where political intimidation of activists and whistleblowers has become a norm; where secrecy permits targeting and assault with EMF weapons in secret, as well as continued clandestine MKULTRA experimentation; and where whole communities have been conscripted into compliance, snitching, spying, and surveilling their neighbors, by Joint Agency Fusion Center personnel convincing them they’re engaging in the noble task of collecting helpful Human Intelligence on their fellow community member (including this writer), now unfortunately labelled a dissenter/extremist/subversive/potential terrorist/spy and therefore subject to increased Patriot Act persecution. Anyone reminded of Nazi Germany yet? Anonymous spells out the connections in a video below.

By the Military question I mean that the Military is Already carrying out Urban Warfare and Assymmetrical Warfare and Unconventional Warfare on American civilans today, on those glibly labelled Targeted Individuals: a clandestine operation run with Intel agencies and fulfilling many purposes, for many different agencies and groups: the incineration of dissent, the extermination of outspoken community members, the testing and training for young “Warfighters” (odd military word) on weapons of Electronic Warfare–Directed Energy Weapons using EMF radiation or sonic energy. This is a surreptitious operation, where the Military is already mingling with and around civilians, unnoticed by most–and this is one stated intent of the putative Jade Helm drill.

Watch the longer documentary from Anonymous, Uncovering Jade Helm:

The Military Has Been Preparing for Years

The Military has been actually preparing for years for contingencies requiring martial law. See Suzanne Posel’s 2012 op-ed: Rex 84: Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America

That–Rex 84–is one of the subjects discussed by Chip Tatum, former CIA/Special Ops Pilot, on his Veterans Truth Radio show, introduced here by David Robinson, who also posts links to various relevant Military documents in this post:Explosive:Jade Helm 15 Ex CIA Whistleblower Gene “Chip” Tatum. Note that this podcast carries excerpts of audio from Military statements about Jade Helm in North Carolina to local councils, about the nature of this drill–listen, and judge for yourself what it really means.

The Military has hundreds of documents (I have been reading some of them)–dating back to the ’80s–detailing, discussing, plotting and planning Urban Warfare, Asymmetric Warfare, Unconventional Warfare, Information Warfare, and Special Operations. Much of this has been prompted by a dramatic focus in the last twenty-five years or so on invisibly-radiating Electromagnetoc/Scalar/Sonic Weapons which permit concealment, deception, and trickery, which forms of maneuver in fact are detailed in their many manuals dedicated to the use of the euphemistically labelled Non-Lethal Weapons in Electronic Warfare and Special Warfare. They place great store by something they call a Revolution in Military Affairs which seems to be their way of trying to combat the info-overload we’re all swimming in thanks to the Internet; it also expresses their fear at the transparency and information-spread the Internet permits. Read Mark M. Rich’s New World War online for some clear explanation of this orientation. (My Amazon review of this crucially important book is here.) The Military has set up whole battalions of personnel to engage in PsyOps and MilDec-Psychological Operations and Military Deception (Just Google the Journal of Military Deception)–aimed at civilians; this too is well-documented.

Urban Warfare/Information Warfare to them includes clandestine Computer Network interference, covert and overt Civilian Military Ops–conscripting communities; Special Operations includes undercover/covert Electronic Warfare on “dissidents” and “extremists” and “domestic adversaries” carried out, unbelievably, “under color of law” by joint actions and agreements with the Department of Justice and local law enforcement (See Nick Begich’s book Earth Rising for an excellent, researched description of this connection–more on this subject here shortly.)

Asymmetric Warfare involves Manhunting–essentially, a canned hunt of humans, or authorized murder of unarmed individuals who are in fact not engaged in combat with them–with these lovely lethal but invisible energy weapons. Again, Targeted Individuals are currently being hit. See Gregoire Chamayou’s book, A Theory of the Drone and this article on the book, Hunting Humans By Remote Control.

The focus on Electronic Warfare aims at Total Information Awareness and Full Spectrum Dominance of their “domestic adversaries” and others–they are aiming to know everything about you, 24/7, and attack you with radiation, 24/7–this program is underway as Low-Intensity Conflict (uncover/covert, on Targeted Individuals) currently; it is also Torture by any other name, which perhaps explains the Joint Agency inclusion of the CIA/MKULTRA in its administering.

The Military drill being proposed seeks to practice these fancy forms of warfare–Urban, Unconventional, Special--on civilians. These are code words for control and takeover of civilians.

The Military gets 57% of the annual Federal Budget.  It’s had plenty of time, all these years, using massive funds, to develop all sorts of deadly and classified weapons, and to grow an ego that’s threatening to swallow America.

Massive Military drills — and this one is being planned as a recurring, annual drill (listen to the Chip Tatum podcast)– are ways to plant an unmistakeable Military presence right in our face and attempt to establish Military Authority. Permitting such a drill establishes precedent and permits the Military to take over Civilian space. This is not “protecting the Homeland,” this would be “intimidating the Populace.”

The Military does have extraordinary, supremely unsettling documents detailing Resettlement and Internment Operations in the Homeland, which detail the extraction of dissenters and militants. There are videos online (on Youtube) showing the massive movement of Military and UN tanks, trucks, and equipment across country, as detailed in the (also-linked-above) Anonymous documentary.

Another video, from Dahboo77 issues this caution, about what to expect in martial law:

Lessons from Baltimore

While some people–particularly those lulled by the more “intellectual-seeming” Mainstream Media–I count the Washington Post, New York Times, NPR here–may find it hard to believe that we could Possibly be at this point, one only has to look to Baltimore and listen to the Military/National Guard spokesperson talk about “supporting” the City. As reassurance, she offers her audience a little note of cheer at the end:”This is not martial law. We are not at that point.” She repeats it: “We are not at that point.” Not at that point…?

Does that mean that point–in her configuration, and the Military’s–is still ahead of us–maybe just ahead…? How could that point even exist? Why would she even refer to it? She even tells us what martial law is–as if that word has any place in a democracy! (But of course, we are no longer a democracy!) Watch the raw footage from Dahboo77.

On the subject of the Baltimore riots, there’s also this video message, from Anonymous on Baltimore, and an article by Sonali Kolhatkar on the contriving of violence at the protests in Baltimore.

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