Tag Archives: crowd control technologies

Dangerous Acoustic Weapons On Our Streets: Ultrasound, Infrasound, High-Decibel, Developed as “Non Lethal Weapons” for Military and Police Use

Report, Analysis, Op-ed (RAE) | Ramola D | July 19, 2022/Updated July 27, 2022

This 1999 report (PDF below) written by a German physicist Jurgen Altmann on a research project accomplished during “a one-month research stay at the Peace Studies Program of Cornell University, Ithaca NY, U.S., funded by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation…finished at Dortmund University with funds from the Ministry of Science and Research of the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany” was published in 2001 in the Science and Global Security journal (tagline “The Technical Basis for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation Initiatives”), which covers numerous subjects related to war, weaponry, arms, disarmament, and law, all it seems from the alarmist, non-humanistic and techno-Globalist perspective of needed weaponry for “global security.”

Bio-Hacking “Non-Lethal” Weaponry is Just Plain Inhumane

This is also the rhetorical thrust behind much of the published literature from military and criminal justice sources presenting “non lethal weaponry” as a welcome and civilizing tool for “peace enforcement,” “deterrence of crime,” and currently “crowd control technologies”; what it does not cover is the cruelty, sadism, grave physical harm, psychological assault, inhumanity, and unethicality these weapons comprise, as they exploit decades of intensive military research into the “human bio-effects” of weaponizing light, sound, the EMF spectrum, natural laws of the universe, energy, and quantum reality to cause maximum harm to humans–living children, men and women–while leaving minimum traceability and footprint.

Weapons therefore beloved of the stealth cadre: intelligence agencies, special forces, police forces all keen to operate in secret as much as possible, while rushing to legitimize their unapproved, unauthorized, unconsented-to assaults on the public as beneficial acts to safeguard “national security” and “public safety” and now of course “global security.”

And like microwave weapons, psychotronic weapons, nanoweapons, neuroweapons, and other bioweapons, increasingly being revealed today by military and intelligence whistleblowers, as well as victims–as unwilling, often unwitting test subjects and subjects of vendetta and retaliation from agency, government, and military perpetrators–as being just that, inhumane, cruel, and unethical, as much public reportage, including this Memo to President Trump in 2017 and this powerful petition exposing unlawful EMF weapon use on Americans reports.

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance

Helena Csorba: The Havana Syndrome…Caused by Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

Microwave Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Human Control Weapons: From Nazi Times to Russia’s Cheka to the Present “Havana Syndrome”: A Century of Victims

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Behavior Modification, Brain Modification, and Mood Modification Weapons Through Invasive Body Assault From a Distance

The US DOD has recently sought to change the term “non lethal weapons” to “intermediate force capabilities,” further burying the nature of these weapons perhaps, yet extant and historic literature on the subject uses that term with apparent intention to convey “survivability” — and a lot of the rhetoric on the JNLWC website echoes that notion, going so far as to iterate how “safe and effective” these weapons and devices are, to “deter” and “alter cognition, physiology, behavior” while not killing people outright. (Just burning, boiling, vibrating, and molesting people to bits: privacy rights out the window, bodily autonomy history, human rights a distant dream.)

Some of the portables exposed by the JNLWP/DOD web site; these acoustic weapons have gotten a lot smaller now: like frequency whistles for dogs, high frequency portables are being used on people

The US of course isn’t the only country pounding people with “non-lethal weapons” while pretending it isn’t, NATO countries are hard at it too, and there is a multi-pronged effort by all the elitist thinktanks and councils behind the world’s militaries and governments to couch “non-lethality” in the language of “humanity,” notice the title on this NATO document for instance–a document which lists the “non-lethal” weapons being tested and operated in Europe, again, without open public disclosure, discussion, or approval–the citizenry is secondary in this arbitrary authoritarian usage, and the language of this and other documents openly seeks to downplay the harms to human health while in actuality effecting grave crimes against humanity:

Military Acoustic and Directed Energy Weaponry Now in the Hands of Local Law Enforcement as Well as Private Contractors

This is a vast and pressing subject which people worldwide need to get informed about and address, individually and collectively; like mRNA vaccines, like CRISPr gene editing, like synthetic biology, like nanotechnology, like neurotechnology, a lot of very questionable assumptions ride on the elements of this technology — and it is their essential aspect as stealth weaponry in particular, as remote-access bio-hacking weaponry, and as profoundly health-debilitating and damaging weaponry that is their greatest danger— this military weaponry is now in the hands of local Law Enforcement, in the dystopian construct of the “Smart Grid,” and in the so-called “justice system” which seems to operate really as an industry of crime, in which spirit apparently full disclosure on the extent and use currently of this varied technology on the civilian population is being unlawfully withheld.

Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996

Affidavits, Letters of Validation and Support, & Legislation Efforts Attesting to Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation & DEW Use on Civilians

Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Feb 12 Canberra Protest Make People Sick | Police Questioned in Parliament Refuse to Elaborate

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

Our living spaces have now become a battlefield and the military mindset and “security” mindset of those who will freely use weapons on others while rushing to find rationale for their irrational attack, with weaponry, on those they wish to marginalize, discriminate against, and disappear out of sight has now fixated on Spectrum weapons, Nanotechnology and Neurotechnology as acceptable tools, shockingly, for the alteration of cognition and behavior: this is Cognitive Warfare, Behavior Modification, MK ULTRA in plain sight, Neuro Modification, Repressive Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism, Fascism all in one.

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up

It has led to absolute mayhem: where anyone can be unlawfully targeted and attacked, in stealth, under cover, while lies, deception, and covers keep the weapon-use on them secret, and co-opted physicians and psychiatrists are employed to apply that age-old trope, currently outmoded and invalid yet pumping on duplicitously (thanks to the Shallow State of Deep Eternal Lies) of “behavioral health” and “psychiatric disorder” to disappear their testimonial and keep these weapons and the entire “Smart Grid” of sadism, dark underbelly of “Surveillance” and “Public Safety” still secret.

Targeting is Real

It is an unprecedented and unconscionable war on We the People — and one which a large part of the population has been paid, bribed, co-opted, or terrorized into supporting. Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

It is increasingly important therefore to keep exposing the methodology by which these targeted abuses are being committed–by the very cadre purporting to protect and defend all of us–and to push for open and full disclosure and full accountability. The technologies in use therefore will continue to be exposed at this site.

Acoustic Weapons: A Prospective Assessment/by Jurgen Altmann

This report, which offers something of a historic look at the development of non lethal weapons and addresses in particular ultrasound and infrasound weapons, sirens, plasma weapons, acoustic bullets, and high-decibel weaponry offers a disturbing insight into the research background and context out of which this weaponry has arisen, where scientists it is clear have toyed with waveforms, intensity of beam, frequency and amplitude, interference and diffraction, wide area reach and precision targeting, vibration and time, killing mice, rats, chinchillas and various other creatures, even pulsating human cadavers in their quest to find the exact measurements to deafen, burn, rupture eardrums, destroy lungs, nauseate, confuse, disorient, incapacitate, and “deter” humans. It makes for very sad reading — and unfortunately plunges quickly into technical obfuscation, perhaps intentionally — but it is factual evidence of the existence of these weapons, and as such offers reference and proof.

Interestingly one of the weapons listed is notated as plasma weapons which have the effect of blunt-force-trauma. Excerpts to be posted soon.

Understanding the Sound Spectrum, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Military Usage Helps

The normal hearing range for humans is between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (20 KHz), or as the graphic below suggests, 16 Hz and 16,000 Hz; children and teens can hear from 15 or 16 Hz upward while hearing most usually drops as we age from 20 Khz to 16 Khz.

Image: Screenshot, San Francisco Audiology

Sounds above 20,000 Hz or 20 Khz are considered Ultrasound or ultrasonic in nature. Bats and dogs can hear these superhigh ultrasound frequencies although bats’ hearing goes higher. Dog whistles use frequencies above 20 Khz from 23 Khz up to 45 Khz. Bats sound out from 20 KHz to 200 Khz and use echolocation or return of ultrasonic signal to their ears to locate obstacles and zip around them. (Source: https://listverse.com/2022/04/09/10-loud-sounds-we-cannot-hear/)

Continuous ultrasound leaks from fluoroscent lights, automatic doors, electrical devices like public announcement sound systems, refrigerator hums have been known to cause headaches and nausea. (Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3406898/Is-noise-modern-life-making-ill-Ultrasound-public-places-triggering-sickness-headaches-pain.html)

Sperm whales, elephants, volcanoes, and earthquakes emit infrasound–sonics below the level of human hearing, super low frequencies which travel long and far and alert animals to imminent disaster.

The loudness of sounds — also known as sound intensity, sound power, sound pressure — is measured in decibels, a nod to Alexander Graham Bell, who invented both the telephone and the audiometer. Audiologists note that sounds above 80 dB can damage hearing, while weaponologists have figured out that loud sounds, consistently used, sporadically used, deliberately used, can cause disruption, irritation, anger, prolonged harassment: all qualities in fact which the non-lethal weapons makers work assiduously at invoking with their myriad forms of bio-hacking.

Just glancing at the list here marking the loudness and intensity of different common sounds, it can be seen that the sound power of certain implements like gas lawnmowers, chainsaws, jackhammers, leaf blowers, garbage trucks–also helicopters–is so high that a few minutes of these high-decibel emitters can be seriously destructive to hearing, mental concentration, and psychological well-being.

When Landscaping, Garden, Construction Tools, and Garbage/Recycling/Construction Trucks Are Used as Non Lethal Weapons

Fact also which points to the use of power lawnmowers, leafblowers, weed trimmers, chainsaws, jackhammers, and other power tools, along with loud noises on garbage trucks and recycling trucks in neighborhoods being deployed deliberately not merely as noise harassment but as “non-lethal” weapons of war, targeted to destroy, distract, disrupt, damage, and spew noxious vibrations into otherwise calm and peaceful atmospheres. Significantly, many US towns and cities have no rules or regulations regarding noise harassment, permitting corrupt parties–such as currently evident, sanctioned by fusion centers–to freely operate noxious power tools for long periods of time, with full intent to damage and disrupt, engaging in profound damage to health, disruption to neighborhood peace, and as audiology shows, damage to hearing as well: crimes against humanity parading under plausible deniability and “non-lethality.”

For instance, it has been quite common in this Quincy, Massachusetts neighborhood where I live, for particular neighbors–the ones playing “Neighborhood Watch” harassment to the hilt–to repeatedly operate their extremely loud leafblowers–at 115 dB–for over 15 minutes at a time, sending a high-vibration sonic blast across several blocks and assaulting every nervous system in earshot, effects which occur even with a 3-minute operation of this power tool. Children and the elderly in particular are at great risk of permanent harm to their hearing — but the effect on nervous systems, immune systems, and thresholds of irritation-tolerance is immediate, deliberate, and repeated. Add that kind of local noise assault to nonstop “plausibly deniable” construction, sidewalk replacement, road improvement, water pipe repairing, gas pipe repairing, tree-cutting projects and a carousel of continuous noise assault in targeted neighborhoods, such as this one, is being accomplished. Such assault is indeed engineered by those running Neighborwood Watch harassment projects among the citizenry, in guise of “Public Safety.” Local governments are permitting–and indeed, enacting–this atrocity.

Damage to hearing — especially to children’s ears — can occur with such persistent noise assault, as this study notes:

Image: Screenshot, https://www.noisyplanet.nidcd.nih.gov/kids-preteens/listen-up-infographic

Physically Harming People in a Hands-Off Manner, using Infrasound and Ultrasound

Physically harming people in a hands-off manner, using infrasound and ultrasound has been closely studied by the UK and US military, from the 1960s onward, with purported intent to produce disorientation and confusion in rioters and protesters, protect facilities, induce stress and compliance in prisoners under interrogation, induce vomiting, nausea, and defecation, and so on. Extremely low frequencies have been found to have seriously harmful effects to the human body, affecting all organs; they have been the subject of serious military study for a very long time.

The excerpts below from Acoustic Weapons/Altmann show a table summarizing the effects of infrasound and very low frequency technologies that have been studied and reported, some of which is further discussed in the text of his well-referenced report. Perusing this material reveals that US military scientists, physicists, biologists, and physicians have worked together in close collaboration to calibrate the human “bio-effects” noted here and to build this weaponology with these specific, drastic effects on human bodies.

Given the new “arms race” to build anti-personnel non-lethal weapons employing the EMF spectrum, sound, and neuro/nanotechnology worldwide, the recent news reports–from Summer 2020–of Indian soldiers being subjected to “food poisoning” later thought to be induced by electromagnetic weapons used on them by the Chinese military take on a whole new light when one learns that infrasound and low frequency weapons can indeed induce such intense symptoms of food poisoning, nausea, debilitation, fatigue, and complete incapacitation.

This has been reported in the media as due to microwave weapons or the millimeter wave Active Denial System as here: Daily Mail/China ‘used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive’ and force them into retreat in Himalayan border battle, but it seems more plausible that ELF or infrasound weapons were used, judging from this information–although a combination of DE weaponry may also have been used:

Secrecy Permitting Crime: Inhumane Weapons Operated in Silence with Plausible Deniability

Projectile vomiting, extreme nausea, disorientation and bodily debilitation through the use of infrasound ELF vibration weaponry–which literally vibrates, resonates and disrupts the cells, tissues, and cavities of the human body–has been reported by many Government whistleblowers and targeted activists and journalists, including this writer. Nausea, migraines, physical debilitation, bodily-vibration, and other symptoms of food poisoning as emanating from portable equipment operated by closely-seated co-passengers–let through by the TSA in the USA–has also been reported on airplanes, trains, buses, all public transportation inside the USA, inside Europe, on transatlantic flights, and in pretty much every country on earth, matters experienced also by this writer on various airlines, at various airports, and in various countries. There is no doubt these inhumane weapons are being used covertly and criminally to effect huge damage to health on many–while plying the careful labels of “non lethal” in addition to operating clandestinely under classified covers: the acme of corruption and a profound danger to humanity, as expressed in a Second Memo to President Trump in 2019:

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans

Documented Development Shows US-Russian Co-Operation in Inventing Weaponry to Attack People

While it seems completely counter-intuitive to many that the US and Russia would work together to develop weapons of war–as highlighted by Cheryl Welsh at Mind Justice and covered here earlier–it might make more sense to realize that all countries of the world have long been linked in world government efforts, while positing as their new enemy, We the People, pouring billions into developing “crowd control” “riot control” “human deterrence” weapons to quell the kinds of revolutions perhaps they envisioned on their way to full-on authoritarian world dictatorship–fingerprints of which we are increasingly seeing today. In other words, 80 to a 100 years of NATO/US/UK/Russia/China/India et al developing “non-lethal anti-personnel” weapons have been a lead-up to this moment in time, to permit assault and control of human bodies and brains in secrecy.

Some of the documented developments in acoustic weapons research, as per referenced literature in Acoustic Weapons–A Prospective Assessment (screenshots below) includes:

*High-power low-frequency sound beams for targeted areas.

*Precision acoustic “bullets” using high-frequency sound pulsed out from an antenna dish.

*Baseball-sized acoustic pulse of 10Hz propelled over hundreds of meters (Russian demo to CIA scientists, see screenshot below).

* High-intensity infrasound at 110-130 dB to cause nausea and intestinal pain

*High-intensity infrasound (90 to 120 dB) at very low frequencies to cause annoyance, anger, irritation, distraction

*High-intensity high-decibel sound at 140-150 dB to cause physical trauma and tissue damage

*Extreme high-intensity high-decibel sound at 170 dB to cause blast-wave-type trauma

*Low-frequency body-resonance frequencies to cause hemorrhage and spasms

*Audible-sound range frequencies (0.5 to 2.5 Khz) to create resonance of body cavities to cause nerve irritation, tissue trauma and internal heating

*High audible-sound and ultrasound frequencies (5 to 30 Khz) to overheat the body to near-lethal temperatures, cause tissue burns and dehydration

*High-frequency sound pulsed to create cavitation bubbles and micro-lesions in tissue

Acoustic weapons across the 3 ranges of infrasound, audible, and ultrasound continue to be researched and developed to increase distance of operation and finetuning of effects–which as the current arsenal displays, include effects beyond damage to hearing alone and include bodily tissue and organ damage and trauma, bodily incapacitation, overheating, spasms, hemorrhages. This information should be widely known and widely addressed by physicians, medical ethicists, bioethicists, and everyone really, since these weapons have the capacity of great harm and many report they are being deployed without disclosure on them today.

Excerpts, Acoustic Weapons/Altmann

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Infrasound Effects in Particular are Wide Ranging and Severe

While ultrasound and high frequency radiation have been found to be harmful, it appears the massive amount of research done on low frequency infrasound by the military proves that the effects of ELFs and infrasound on humans is particularly severe.

Infrasound and Audio Vestibular Balance and Nausea Weapons

  • For instance, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus) have been observed by use of infrasound, offering a means to measure vestibular balance changes.
  • Vestibular balance changes have been observed via eye movements or nystagmus with infrasound, particularly at high intensities or loudness above 140 dB.
  • Specific frequencies of infrasound and audio sound at specific intensities or loudness levels were found to elicit eye movements, nausea, giddiness, vertigo variously in guinea pigs, monkeys, and humans.
  • Vestibular balance changes through eye movements in humans were observed at infrasound levels 2 to 20 Hz at precisely 110 dB to 140 dB.
  • Nausea and giddiness in humans occurred with audio frequencies of 200 Hz to 2 Khz starting from loudness levels of 120 dB.
  • What is astonishing to note is how closely and intimately the effects of these infrasound and audio weapons have been studied by the military on the delicate inner sensory structure and balance of the inner ear and vestibular balance system to determine how exactly–with what precise frequencies at what precise decibel volume–humans could be made unsteady on their feet, giddy, nauseous, vertiginous, and keel over.

Infrasound and Low Audio Respiration Weapons

  • Respiration plummets and stops with high-intensity infrasound (165-172 dB) at 0.5 Hz, as observed in unethical animal experiments with dogs.
  • The greatest effects on respiration however occur in the low audio ranges (50-100 Hz) at high-intensity (over 150 dB), and can cause choking, coughing, high chest pressure, and major breathing discomfort.
  • What is unnerving to learn is that these respiration experiments have been carried out to determine “tolerability” “survivability” and “no permanent damage” but clearly show that major health damage is being caused, in addition to major bodily discomfort, intentionally, as in torture scenarios–which implies really that these frequency weapons have been developed for purposes of torture. Human rights law, animal rights law, bioethics, and medical ethics all need to intervene, to outlaw the use of such torture methodologies on humans or animals.
  • “Unpleasant but clearly tolerable” has been noted for below 50 Hz infrasound at up to 150 dB applied on human subjects who were observed gagging and unable to breathe, with “chest-wall vibration and some respiratory rhythm changes” at that frequency.

Infrasound and Low-Audio Vibration Weapons

  • Increased pulse rate, skin flushes, excess salivation, pain in swallowing, headaches, genital organ pain, eye field vibration, speech distortion, fatigue, and vibration are other effects observed to high-intensity (150 dB) low-frequency audio sound at 30 to a 100 Hz.
  • Vibration of the whole body was found below 2Hz; vibration inducing resonant amplification was observed with greatest discomfort occurring at 5Hz; head-movements observed at 4 Hz; voice wobbling at 10 to 20 Hz; blurred vision at 10 to 20 Hz; organ vibration and lung and chest constriction at 4-6 Hz.
  • Shortness of breath, stomach pain, and gastrointestinal bleeding was found on vibrational acceleration induced between 1-25 Hz. Vibrational acceleration was indeed studied to determine tolerance levels at different low frequencies: the extent of vibration which could be tolerated without lasting physiological effect–but which would indeed cause harm for a period of time: again, these sound like significant markers of Torture.
  • These infrasound and low audio vibration weapons have, it appears, been studied in light of usability as Torture Weapons. What else could be the reason behind calibrating at what level the human body would collapse versus tolerate excessive vibration of body, head, organs to the extent that visible movement and vibrational acceleration is observed and monitored–not to mention all sorts of other bodily harms along with such movement?

Infrasound Affects Brain, Emotions, Physiology

As this excerpt from a 1969 patent illustrates, infrasound–an inaudible set of frequencies and vibrations–can be used to affect brainwaves, mental concentration states, and human psychology, in this case through heterodyning or mixing two audible sound waves of slightly different frequencies to evoke pulses of infrasound–which could then noiselessly create the desired weaponized effect of harm. This article shows that infrasound effects of nausea, fear, disorientation, terror can be induced in film theatres where horror movies are being shown using subwoofer effects from sound speakers. (Infrasound: The Terrifying Tonality/Owen Wood, Of Note/Oct 30, 2019)

These are Human Rights and Civil Rights Issues: Local Police, Fusion Centers, Local Governments Should Be Compelled to Give Public Disclosure on Acoustic Weapons In Their Arsenal

There are multiple other patents and evidences of the use of infrasound and sonic weapons to affect brain functioning, beyond the scope of this article to consider–matters for subsequent coverage perhaps.

Suffice to say there is ample evidence from this one report alone that militaries in Europe, US, and Russia have been studying and developing different kinds of anti-personnel acoustic weapons and neuroweapons for over six decades now.

The effects of these weapons are to wreak insidious harm on the human body, untraceable harm, seriously discomfiting and torturous harm, bio-hacking harm, privacy-assaulting harm, and harm which can be, on paper, labelled as “temporary” and “non-lethal,” harm in fact which can be used for purposes of torture without public notice or consequence.

Ethicists and Activists Both Need to Examine Each of These Acoustic Technologies Closely and Compel Govts to Halt All Use of Unconscionable Torture Weaponry

This report–Acoustic Weapons, by Jurgen Altmann–therefore is one which ethicists and human rights lawyers need to study and be made aware of; millions worldwide are probably being targeted with these weapons and being made ill–as thousands of those who know they are being targeted suggest, while the weapons makers and manufacturers have brought these acoustic weapons into local police stations and convinced Law Enforcement their use is a matter of “Public Safety”, in other words, that it’s not merely acceptable but essential to use these horrific weapons which inflict intimate bodily harm yet 1) can be operated remotely from a distance–in the case of infrasound and extremely low frequencies, from a distance of hundreds of feet to hundreds and thousands of meters (from a satellite, a distant truck, a drone); and 2) inflict torture on the human body and brain.

Activists, human and civil rights and liberties groups need to question local governments and police worldwide to determine exactly what kinds of anti-personnel “crowd-control” “riot-control” “pre-crime” “deterrence” and “peace-enforcement” weapons they hold in their arsenal and are permitting military and intelligence agencies to operate, test, or use on their streets and through space–because herein lies the answer to the silent inhumane targeting of thousands of people wrongfully watchlisted by profit-seeking, grant-pursuing police and security agencies, and to the vaster, equally silent deterioration in health of millions, also targeted for slow degradation, in hidden programs of subjugation of humanity, now also being deceptively hid in “emerging technologies” and “innovations in medicine” as “health technologies,” matters which should be the true focus of “Public Health.”


A Remote Control that Controls Humans/Yuri Kageyama, NBC News, Oct 25, 2005

News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Public Consent

Video report and links | Ramola D | March 17, 2022

Report and commentary, in light of recent ADS (Active Denial System) use in Canberra, on a few declassified US/NATO documents and words from whistleblowers testifying to the use of Spectrum Weapons–anti-personnel Directed Energy Weapons–and Neuroweapons on people worldwide, at protests and in their homes, as partially-disclosed Crowd Control Technologies running sinister “Peace Enforcement Operations” by a coterie of factions in Intelligence, Security, Law Enforcement, and Military–without proper and full public disclosure, debate, nor consent.

(Effects of these nefarious and extreme technologies on the human body described candidly in this Second Memo to Trump in 2019: Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans)

These documents have been reported in the body of my journalism on Surveillance and Military activities over the past 8 years, while my reports have been disappeared from public view by a number of factors–including deliberate mainstream-media denial, COINTELPRO attacks to bury the journalism and the journalist, and the prominence of false support groups deflecting from the findings and disclosures of real journalism.

These documents and reports have been spotlighted recently in a few articles at my site and at Substack, all links below:

My Substack articles on this subject:

  1. Reporting the Journalism that’s been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments/March 14, 2022

2. The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden/Using Spectrum Weapons on the populace is easy to hide when the “Support Groups” help wheel-spin the disclosure to oblivion | The fallout is disappearance of journalism/March 11, 2022

The first Hidden Hand article at my site, detailing the COINTELPRO, infiltration, and smear ops running interference on the journalism, to disappear it altogether:

The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants/March 10, 2022

Disclosure on Crowd Control Technologies involving DEWs, Neurotech Discussed Here:

Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Feb 12 Canberra Protest Make People Sick | Police Questioned in Parliament Refuse to Elaborate

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Declassified Documents from DOD, DOJ, US Airforce, Army, Navy, NATO Reported Here:

The three major reports disappeared by Smear Campaigns and False Support Groups, courtesy NSA-CIA-FBI COINTELPRO, while the writer was under severe Spectrum Weapon attack by Hidden Hand criminals-with-govt-jobs throughout:

1. Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994 RAE (Report, Analysis, Op-Ed) | Ramola D | Posted December 1, 2019:

2. Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996 | Ramola D | Jan 30, 2020:

3. Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People/Published May 2021:

Other US/European documents of note (some linked in above reports):

1. The NATO document discussed in the video:

NATO Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations Technical Report, 2004:

2. US Air Force Research Labs document on Active Denial System 5G Tech of the kind used in Canberra/provided to Ramola D on FOIA request for all RFPs/Statements of Work on Non Lethal Weapons Testing:

Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Moving Small-Diameter 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy Spots (Active Denial System) Report | Air Force Research Laboratory Contract with General Dynamics, 2014:

3. US Air Force Research Lab document on DEBR research during the 7 years planes, helicopters, drones, satellites constantly flew over the writer’s house and yard while she was under severe Spectrum Attack from same as well as from neighboring houses and zooming-in cars, pickups, trucks, necessitating several FOIA requests to govts and military:

Directed-Energy Bio Behavioral Research Statement of Work, 2013 | Air Force Research Laboratory Contract 2013-2020 with General Dynamics:

4. US Army document disclosing much on Non Lethal Weapons in use by military:

Bioeffects of Selected Non Lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Non-lethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NEGIC-11 47-101-98)/US Army, 2006/Provided to Donald Friedman on FOIA request:

5. US Navy Office of Naval Research document revealing ADS weapons and “pulsed energy projectiles” using plasma:

Active Denial System and Pulsed Energy Projectiles Research Contract | Office of Naval Research | 2004 :

News Report 8 has been published at Ramola D Reports

at Brighteon: News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used as Crowd Control Technologies Without Consent

at Bitchute: News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used as Crowd Control Technologies Without Consent

at Odysee: News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Are Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Consent

at Rumble: News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used as Crowd Control Technologies Without Consent

The extreme hubris, aggression, and atrocity of using deadly electromagnetic weapons and neuroweapons on select members of the populace–now a global travesty–and literally pulverizing people to death in their own homes–while weapon-wielders are paid by Governments and Militaries to enact these profound bio-hacking crimes on people guilty of no crime–no whiff of Due Process in sight– was also discussed in these articles:

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations: Egregious Assault and Persecution with Anti-Personnel DEWs, ELF Neuroweaponry

Please share widely.

Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Feb 12 Canberra Protest Make People Sick | Police Questioned in Parliament Refuse to Elaborate

Report | Ramola D | Updated Feb 20, 2022 |February 17, 2022

Directed Energy Weapons have been used at the Feb 12, 2022 Canberra protest as photographs, news reports, and grassroots reportage show.

Images from the AussieCossack report, video link below:

2022 FEB 13 Aussie Cossack Police Parliament House deploy Sonic weapons against Women & Children

While LRADs are being seen as a visible acoustic weapon propped up in front of black-shirted police wearing ear plugs and battle gear and positioned in front of the Parliament buildings, it is clear from the reports of people present at the protest that many different effects have been suffered, suggesting the use of microwave weapons and aerosol chemical weapons as well.

The Feb 12 Canberra Protest brought together about a million Australians:

Long Range Acoustic Device Used Against Peaceful Protesters In Australia – Strange Health Issues/Red Ice TV/Bitchute

People have reported ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, feeling generally unwell, nausea, and headaches. One woman in tears points to burnt lips as an effect (Red Ice TV video above), saying many people suffered burns of different kinds, and a man reveals he woke up with intense headaches the day of the protest.

Such effects can be created by many means: ELFs–Extremely Low Frequencies pulsed remotely into one’s bedroom as this writer reported yesterday, as hundreds of thousands have reported worldwide for years, and been wrongfully dismissed by Government-protective media as “Mentally Ill” “Targeted Individuals”–and also by High Powered Microwave Weapons, which are known from NATO and European Parliament documents to be deployed on the populace.

The state of the art use of Microwave Weapons is such that pulsed microwaves can now be shot forth from portable “Manpads” and from emitters placed on antennas, as well as from handheld cellphone-style devices.

One person with a Trifield meter took readings of 12 to 20,000 milliwatts of power being pulsed into the crowd.

Australians are reporting lingering effects of fatigue, pain while some report a synchronized aerial chemical spraying has left people with radiation or chemical burns, some of them portrayed in this video:

MORE RADIATION BURN VICTIMS FROM MICROWAVE ENERGY WEAPON USED ON CANBERRA FREEDOM CONVOY | https://brandnewtube.com/watch/more-radiation-burn-victims-from-microwave-energy-weapon-used-on-canberra-freedom-convoy_S28vrCGl1M1tCvU.html

Police Inspector Crenshaw when questioned by a member of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee performed a classic Waffle on camera, twisting his mouth in clear discomfort to mutter about “police methodology…public interest immunity claims” in refusing to elaborate on the LRAD weapon he was asked about. Someone should inform him the police do not have immunity for torturing or physically assaulting the populace — even with so-called “Non Lethal Weapons” which actually inflict tremendous bodily and physical harm on people, as these reports show.

Australian Police have been caught out using LRAD technology/frequency weapons/Bitchute

Public Interest and Public Safety are clearly not being followed when large-scale weapons of mass illness are used on the people–but that is the canopy under which police and governments have hidden their long-installed and ongoing stealth use of these weapons on people for decades, while military and Intelligence whistleblowers like Tim Rifat, Carl Clark, and Barrie Trower in the UK and Dr. Paul Batcho, Bryan Kofron, Geral Sosbee, Barbara Hartwell in the US have testified to their use on people. (Some links in Targeting is Real, some here.)

MIMO Pad 5G Weapons Not Sound Weapons: Beamforming, Microwaving, Radiation Burns

These are not acoustic weapons but microwave weapons, informs this broadcaster, describing MIMO Pads: Not LRADS but MIMO Pads used in Sub 6G Radio Frequency Communications: Very high frequency weapons using Multi Input Multi Output Pads used in 5G and 6G Beamforming and Targeting for Precision Burn Attacks when operated as a military weapon at high milliwatt output as recorded by people at the protest–Video link below:


Microwave Weapons in Massachusetts (and the Whole of USA) Too

Notably, Massachusetts State Police, head of the local Commonwealth Fusion Center here in Quincy, Massachusetts, returned a response of refusal to answer “in interests of Public Safety” to this writer’s query on energy weapons used in Surveillance several years ago, in 2015, while continuing to participate in their use in Massachusetts on the civilian population, which she has consistently reported for eight years now, and apprised the Attorney-General and the world of in an explicit letter last year, to which the Massachusetts Attorney General responded she “could not help address.” In other words, anti-personnel DEWs, acoustic neuroweapons, and various other exotic weaponry are most certainly being used on civilians worldwide–in what this writer assesses to be Communist Military Subjugation operations for a Sub Rosa One-World Government–as numerous documents and whistleblowers reveal, but the local Law Enforcement will refuse to publicly address their use through FOIA request responses or press conferences. This is an indication of purposive police tyranny which seeks to be unanswerable to the people, a sign that the USA is a Banana Republic, not a democracy or Constitutionally-honoring Republic.

Organizations like ACLU have also proved their complicity with such planned negligence by their failure to take field reports–of the kind this writer has consistently taken, reported, and written about in articles and print interviews since 2014 and podcasts since 2017–and expose the deadly use of “crowd control technologies” AKA Spectrum Weapons and Acoustic Neuroweapons, among others, on Americans.

Media has proved its complicity through published verbal attacks on reporting victims of these Spectrum Weapon crimes.

Targeted Individuals are as Real as DEWs/Meme: Nick Myers
Directed Energy Weapon Terrorism/Omnisense

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People

Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Extrajudicial Targeting Technologies (Weapons Use/Tests/Abuse) — Biometric Surveillance, Non Lethal Weapons, Neuroweapons

Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996

DEW Use in Canberra Fully Exposes Worldwide Use of DEWS on People as “Crowd Control Technologies” and, Oxymoronically, “Peace Enforcement”

This public display of a large energy device and subsequent exposure of use on protesters marks a significant moment in the contained history of Non-Lethal Weapons which governments worldwide have developed over decades, are using definitively as “Peace Enforcement,” and which are anything but Non-Lethal, being supremely invasive and intrusive as bio-hacking and neuro-hacking weapons (not acceptable “police methodologies,” Mr. Crenshaw!) which deliberately destroy human skin, organs, cells, nerves, and DNA.

News reports from 2016 show Australian police buying up acoustic weapons from American weapons companies while not so long ago, the Dutch State Secretary revealed 5G would be used for Crowd Control and European documents reveal Neurotechnologies listed among Crowd Control Technologies:

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

The black-shirted police at the protest whom people report as being brutal in their attacks on Australians also are fodder for enquiry–are these NATO and UN police, as opposed to the blue-shirted Australian police? Is the thin skin of the One-World Government being stealthily run by the UN, NATO, WEF beginning to crack open and reveal the deadly danger all humanity is in, from a very powerfully armed and profoundly anti-human cabal whose weapon-use on people is not being fully disclosed–but which millions worldwide are already suffering the effects of?

This use in neuroweapon application has lately been covered up in the US as “Havana Syndrome” and was referred to last week by military neuroweapon maker Dr. James Giordano at a decoy Havana Syndrome conference as “confidential, classified” at one point and “part of the ongoing research, testing and development being done by governments” (paraphrased here) at another. This conference, as also Dr. Giordano’s other recent talks, have yielded vastly significant information for all regarding the definitive use of neuroweaponry (also energy weaponry) on the world populace; please stay tuned for further reportage.

Another Defense/CIA scientist, Dr. Robert Duncan has been more open about what the military and CIA are doing and reveals that profound human rights abuses are being executed on humanity, notwithstanding “Neuroethics” titles and fronts:

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

The canaries in the coal mine, the much-abused “Targeted Individuals” who are being literally tortured to death–in silence, in the middle of completely deceived neighborhoods–with various modalities of DEWS, neuroweapons and other exotic military technologies, as this writer has been industriously reporting for 8 years now, have been reporting this usage and warning the public, for decades now, at least 30 years.

Those reporting the criminal and stealth use of EMF weapons, DEWS of different kinds, acoustic weapons, and neuroweapons, have been targeted by Government-supporting Media for Life-Takedown as mislabeled “Paranoid Schizophrenics”–evidence of profound decay at the roots of Western Journalism

Please visit the posts here at Disclosure on Targeting for more information.


Not LRADS but MIMO Pads used in Sub 6G Radio Frequency Communications: Very high frequency weapons using Multi Input Multi Output Pads used in 5G and 6G Beamforming and Targeting for Precision Burn Attacks:

US and NATO Weapons Testing Thread | Ramola D | April 6, 2019

Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People | Ramola D | May 5, 2021

Trump Officials Suffered Sonic Attack symptoms on White House Grounds/American Military News/Feb 18, 2022

Havana Syndrome: Intellectual Trickery, Strategic Deceit | Enter the short-tailed CIA Cricket (spychogenic at head) | Plain Speaking | Ramola D | Feb 13, 2022

Massive amount of dead birds fall from sky in Mexico, Kentucky, Wales | Dahboo7 | Bitchute | Feb 13, 2022

Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals

Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis | May 10, 2021

China ‘used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive’ and force them into retreat in Himalayan border battle | Daily Mail, UK | 17 November, 2020

Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government” | April 9, 2019

Truth11 | Dave Hodges: Senior DARPA Scientist Warns of Widespread Lethal Attacks Upon the Public Coming from Microwave Towers | Dave Hodges | November 18, 2018

Newsflash Radio | Chapter 1 | COVID Scenario Today Is Preceded by the Global Uber Surveillance State

Please share this article widely, and please support my work, thank you. (Donation links on right-hand bar.)

5G Live Cellphone Surveillance, Active Denial Burning, & Neurotech Wake Up Call: Dutch State Secretary Reveals 5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control While EU Documents Show Crowd Control Tech Includes Neurotechnologies

Report | Ramola D | 3/9/2020

Where is the Public Assurance of Safety, Ethics, Privacy in Using Weaponized Brain Stimulation, Skin-Burning, Live Data-Scanning 5G and EMF Technologies On All?

Dutch State Secretary Mona Keijzer Reveals 5G is going to be used for crowd control

In a blockbuster reveal at a recent meeting on 5G, Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Mona Keijzer—perhaps the first public official to make a statement of this nature–stated that 5G will be used as a tool to ensure crowd control, with a rollout intended at the Amsterdam Arena where a 5G mast has already been set up for the June 22 Euro 2020 football champioship games.

Image: Screenshot from the Relevant Today video above | Amsterdam Arena with 5G masts

Amsterdam, along with other European cities, has been preparing to roll out 5G for the last few years, with the Amsterdam Arena working with the research institute TNO to equip the arena for 5G as this article from 2017 reveals:


Amsterdam is one of 13 European cities which will host football matches in the Euro 2020. Amsterdam wants to use the new 5G network to transmit high quality video images during the European Football Championships. The initiators believe it can also be used in projects on public transport and public order. “Euro2020 offers an excellent opportunity for a pan-European test with 5G”, according to the initiators. 

5G Rollout Globally is Blazing Ahead Despite Profound Health Concerns

It is true that some European cities and countries are currently putting the brakes on the Global Rollout of 5G past concerns about Huawei infrastructural tech and possible international IP theft through such tech – and perhaps now more cities will halt 5G launches as more concerning information surfaces regarding the “Coronavirus” outbreak in Wuhan, where 5G has been set up and rolled out over the past two years as well as in other places worldwide where 5G has already been rolled out, but the fact remains that overall the European, American, Australian and other regions’ rollout of 5G is not being stopped.

In the US, Digital Trends has this to say on March 3, 2020:

“AT&T won the cutthroat competition with Verizon to be the first carrier to offer 5G — sort of. Just months after Verizon launched a pre-standards version of fixed 5G, AT&T deployed mobile 5G NR in a handful of areas across the U.S. Who was first with “real” 5G, winning the race? Who cares? With either network, consumers enjoy blazing-fast speeds — and lots more.”

Despite continuous health concerns and impassioned call for moratorium from scientists, doctors, researchers, and activists, the commercial 5G Rollout in the Americas is blazing ahead, as also in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia where in many cities 5G has already been launched, with others engaging in pilots and beta tests.


Lifewire has published updated information on the 5G rollout.

Lifewire article March 6, 2020 on 5g US rollout
Excerpt, Lifewire article on US 5G rollout

5G Rollout in the USA

5G Rollout Worldwide

5G Will Be Used for Crowd Control

Defending 5G’s use for a variety of applications, Dutch official Mona Keijzer mentioned increased data, greater connectivity, competitive and greater speeds not merely “for fun” as in streaming films, but in use for crowd control.

(Rough Google translation and transcript from video below)

“I think it’s good to start with actually the question why are we here today, what is the importance of 5g –that is the subject where I am mainly concerned with this discussion, what is the importance of the multiband auctions. Because we all have more and more data, we consume the data that comes in all kinds of ways–in our email traffic, in our mutual communication, in streaming services, increasingly in new ways—-possibilities that the 5g technology gives us is going to be cloud control with more and more people. It is also important to join major events in a fast adequate way, respond fast to incidents, as with scanning someone’s heart in an ambulance so the hospital is ready for them. So Chairman, it is not something just for fun, such as when it comes to streaming good films for example. It is also that new opportunities will offer benefits as a society, it is also a topic wherever other countries are developing very hard.

There are also implications for crowd control, a connection between 5g and crowd control–at the moment there is at Amsterdam Arena a 5g mast placed already for crowd control. Using data driven assignments under the name of Location Based Service, the data from mobile phones from visitors can be scanned, then stored and analyzed. This is so applied for assuring safety and behavior –so scanning cell phones is therefore an essential part of crowd control.”

Live Cellphone Scanning and Surveillance Supposedly for Safety Reasons & Crowd Control

This KPMG video features an interview with an Amsterdam Arena data management consultant and describes this 5G cell scanning & monitoring along with “data governance” using Internet of Things sensors for high-speed real-time human-traffic management:

Crowd control in Amsterdam Arena using 5G for live cellphone scanning and IOT sensors

What is likely to happen after people’s cell phones are scanned involuntarily and their texts and emails analyzed (breaking all privacy laws worldwide)?

Note that while Ms. Keijzer’s remarks suggest that visitors’ cell phones can be instantly tapped and data analyzed by Location Based Services, they also suggest that 5G will be used for “assuring safety and behavior.”

How exactly will this be accomplished?

Will 5G be used then to bio-hack citizens–burn skin with high radio frequencies– with portable or parked Active Denial Systems–a documented military people-management technology, as many speculate?

Pentagon’s Millimeter-Wave (5G) Active Denial System is Now Portable

Military ADS use the same millimeter-wave technology as 5G, and their bio-effects have been extensively studied by the military worldwide, including by the US Air Force and Air Force Research Labs in multiple field weapons-testing projects, partially disclosed in the public domain. Millimeter-wave, high-powered-microwave, and acoustic weapons of various kinds (including to project sound and voices into people’s heads) to attack and bio-hack humans exist; portable weapons have been developed, and as this recently reported DARPA/DOJ document reveals, are being developed for Law Enforcement use just as much as the military.

Bio-effects of microwave and millimeter-wave frequency technologies include burning and itching of the skin and scalp in addition to known tumor formation, as many studies suggest. The Pentagon’s Active Denial System–now portable–takes skin-burning a few thousand steps further.

European Documents Reveal That Crowd Control Technologies Include Bio-Hacking and Neuro-Hacking Technologies: Active Denial “Non-Lethal” Tech and Remote Neuro Modification Tech

And then there is the quiet disclosure of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons and neuroweapons in documents published over the last 20 years discussing Crowd Control technologies. This is actually blockbuster information, because the existence of these weapons has been seriously downplayed, concealed, lied about, and glossed over by mainstream media for decades.

Declassified documents in recent times have slowly revealed that the military has been studying bio-effects of EMF radiation since the ’50s and ’60s, that, revealingly, the CIA and DOD have worked with Russian scientists in the development of psychotronic “psycho-correction” technologies for mind control as these archived news reports indicate, that DARPA and the DOJ have been developing and testing acoustic neuroweapons and other anti-personnel non-lethal weapons together for both military and law enforcement use, that many forms and technologies for effecting brain and behavioral control from ESP, remote viewing, and other projects have been studied and patented.

2008 Dutch Ministry of Justice Report Mentions Weaponized Neurotech to Modify Brains and Behavior

The Dutch article first reporting this information subsequently republished elsewhere notes a 2008 Ministry of Justice report which casually mentions technology to influence behavior by way of transcranial magnetic stimulation of brain regions while also mentioning remote blocking of moving cars (both privacy-invasive in different ways, not equivalent in intrusiveness). This is an astounding admission of neurotechnology to hack brains and neuromodify brains via TMS to produce a desired behavioral outcome as a Crowd Control weapon.

What it suggests is that neuromodifying technology — a powerfully unsettling concept to most — is being surreptitiously rolled out by Justice Departments in Europe without fanfare or public disclosure, that government officials think it is perfectly alright to suggest modifying brains–akin to lobotomizing people, now an archaic barbarism–is not grossly human-rights-violative, unethical, and inhumane, and can be used today on humans with nary a whisper of wide media coverage and open public debate.

“But perhaps it is also important to look back, as in a 2008 report from the Ministry of Justice, which can be found under ‘Judicial reconnaissance’, specifically under volume 34 n1, 2008, including page 8:

‘Technologies that are aimed at influencing behavior and maintaining safety. Examples of this are the remote blocking of moving cars, or the transcranial magnetic stimulation of certain brain regions.”We expect that the following applications in the field of monitoring and intervention as a technical reality will be feasible in 2022 (the short-term explanation indicates that we expect this earlier, within 5 years).”


2000 European Union STOA Report on Crowd Control Tech Discusses Human Rights Violations in Use of Neurotechnologies and Electromagnetic Weapons

This EU Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) document, “Crowd Control Technologies : An Assessment Of Crowd Control Technology Options For The European Union/(An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control)(EP/1/1V/B/STOA/99/14/01),” an Omega Foundation report to the EU reveals the shocking intended use of brain-modification weapons and electromagnetic weapons to supposedly disperse crowds, target specific individuals, and subject them to remote electroshocking or high heat or remote brain modification or race-specific DNA attack in the covert and misnamed “non-lethal” way. Excerpts below.

Profound Dangers of Millimeter Wave (5G) Technology to Human Skin, Immune System, Fertility, DNA

Can 5G alter DNA and cellular structure? Weaponized, beamforming 5G set to aim precision high-pulse beams at targets–both their cell phones and their human bodies and brains–comprise a genocidal military weapon, says weapons expert Mark Steele, intending to alter your DNA.

Josh del Sol, Take Your Power Back, interviews Dr. Martin Pall, April 28, 2020
Image: Josh del Sol interview with Dr. Pall

Studies on the helical-antenna-effects in spiral-shaped sweat ducts examine the correlation between 5g wavelengths and skin cell structure and suggest there is a profound danger to all human and animal life from the high-power pulsed frequencies operating at the extremely microscopic scale of cell structure, which is what 5G is. This presentation by scientist Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai is startling and dismaying in its revelations on how this works:

Further information on scientific research on the undeniably chilling roster of 5G health effects can be found widely online including here at the Environmental Health Trust website.

Are Governments Trying to Sneak 5G Crowd Control and Remote Brain Control Technologies Past Citizens By Keeping It All Largely Covert?

The profound and sinister implications of 5G intended for use as a Crowd Control weapon, both as a physically-impacting nonlethal technology and privacy-impacting cellphone monitor just as much as of a variety of pernicious remote neurotechnologies being slated for similar use as Crowd Control cannot be overstated.

Add 5G’s millions of base stations and satellites, inescapable blanketing presence of high-energy pulsed radiation and precision beamforming with ELF’s remote brain monitoring and modification (possible today through a variety of EMF, optical imaging, acoustic, and BCI technologies), and you get the horrifying formula for a telecom-assisted high-tech concentration camp replete with pre-crime surveillance and totalitarian Harrison-Bergeron-style thought modification.

Is this where we are headed? Those targeted by military, Intelligence, and security contractors wielding remote DEWs and neurotechnologies today know this reality is already here. Their testimonial—suppressed ruthlessly by mainstream media, who disappear all reporting victims as delusional “Targeted Individuals”-– is vindicated by these recent disclosures.

Anti-personnel crowd-control technologies using spectrum radiation and sonics are here, remote-access brain modification technologies are being used already – without public consent. Much is being kept hidden, and the implications are not reassuring.

Concerned readers may wish to research further, inform themselves further, and take steps to make their concerns known immediately in all public forums. Words count. Voices count. Intentions count. Very often, it’s not more than a small effort from a large intentionality which makes the difference. If we care about our physical bodies and brains—and our children’s’ and grandchildren’s—we may want to act Now.

5G will not be stopped by standing by, and remote neuro-modification to stop us thinking about 5G or anything else cannot be rolled back without people speaking out.

In the absence of mainstream media coverage of this critical issue, please share this information widely.

Reposting is fine, with attribution and linkback.


Public Disclosure on Neuro Weapons and Neuro Technologies In Use Today

Ramola D/No Longer True: The NSA “Isn’t Getting Violent Internally in the US”: Millions Today in US Are Targeted with RF/Scalar/Sonic Weapons, Nano Weapons, Neuro Weapons, Chem/Bio Weapons

Public Notice: The Remote Access of Human Beings is a Crime Against Humanity

Targeting is Real

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

Disclosure on Targeting

Documentary Evidence of Covert Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use By US Government on Americans Series (2) The Limited Effects Technology (LET) Program Report | JPSG, OOTW/LE Programs, 1996