Category Archives: Consciousness

Adam Trombly/Project Earth: (2012) Scientific Proof of the Presence of the “God Field” Confirmed by CERN

Re-posted (in excerpt), with thanks, from Project Earth, the website of physicist Adam Trombly (who was featured in Thrive, the movie). Please visit Project Earth for the full article. Adam Trombly is a scientist who is aware of what is happening on Earth and who has been working over the years on many initiatives to understand and change our present reality for the better. His essays and articles on his website are compelling reading; his talks and interviews can be found on his website as also on Youtube. The opening essay on his home page regarding the very-present dangers of Fukushima radiation is a must-read. This essay below, from 2012, on the subject of the discovery of the “God-Field” which was presented to the world as the discovery of the Higgs-Boson particle, is also on his home page, a couple excerpts below. It presents an understanding of our reality that is mind-opening; the Field surrounds us, defines us; we choose how to influence and shape the Field.

From his website: “Adam is an internationally acknowledged expert in the fields of Physics, Atmospheric Dynamics, Geophysics, Rotating and Resonating Electromagnetic Systems, and Environmental Global Modeling.

Taking the advice of his friend and mentor, R. Buckminster Fuller, Adam has maintained a “synergistic, global view” within a multi-disciplinary scientific background. From this perspective, Adam offers unique insights into the changes humankind has effected on our environment, and the adjustments our future requires of us now.”


Scientific Proof of the Presence of the “God Field” Confirmed by CERNdeepfieldinvert22

BY ADAM TROMBLY—In what could have been a Declaration of Global Energy Independence on July 4th, 2012, CERN Research of Switzerland announced the discovery of the “Higgs” boson, also known as the “God particle”. The real story is that an international group of scientists confirmed the existence of an All-Pervading Field of incalculable energy, which precedes and is the source of all mass.

The way the announcement was made by CERN left the impression that scientists had merely discovered yet another “particle”, another tiny piece of existence, which has little or no apparent relevance to any of our lives.

I wanted to shout; “It’s the Field! Tell the whole world about THE FIELD. The Field is the Context. The “particle” is just a moment, a by-product of the Field. There is no “God particle” separate from the “God Field”.

Some of us have been pointing out the existence of this All-Pervading Field for a very long time. We have even provided various forms of experimental physical proof of its reality going back to Nikola Tesla over a hundred years ago. Tesla referred to this Field as “cosmic energy” and drove an automobile powered by it. Heisenberg referred to it as the, “zero-point quantum vacuum fluctuation background field ” aka, the “zero-point field”.

Renaming this Field the “Higgs field” is really an attempt at rebranding by certain members of the scientific community. It is a strange egoic form of verbal idolatry. However, a change in nomenclature does not alter the fact that a small group of researchers have for over a century tried to expose the fact that we are always in the midst of this Field which is the source of unfathomable power and which is in fact our own Source and Substance.

Mass is not the source of energy; Energy is the source of mass.

It is in the midst of this Field of boundless energy that a vast spectrum of transitional states between quantum vacuum zero-spin space and quantum vacuum spin space arise in every moment. Spin can be induced in “empty” Space. Every atom and molecule, every boson, every fermion, every hadron, every quark, every sub-particle of a sub-particle, is being the dynamic modification of this All-Pervading Space.

There is this Presence, which is Infinitely Present Everywhere. Most of us have felt this Presence without any technology whatsoever. That is why the acknowledgement of the reality the Boundless Field of Infinite Space is really important news.

Now it all gets down to how we relate to Space. I mean this quite literally. The way that we relate to Space will determine what kind of future, if any, our species will have.

We could relate to Space as if we are separate from “It”. We could choose to feel like abandoned children, dis-integrated from our own Basic Nature. We could choose to relate to each other as totally separate “realities”. We could endlessly wage wars to secure the ever-diminishing stocks of fossil fuels, which were made obsolete by Tesla over a century ago. We could poison present and future generations of all species with “safe” nuclear technologies.

On the other hand we could relate to Space as the Source and the Substance of everything that appears. We could relate to Space itself as an Infinite resource from which we can learn to draw unlimited power. Instead of feeling separate and alone we could feel at one with our own Nature and with our fellow beings.

Which do you choose?

Our planet and all species have been subjected for long enough, to a world industrial system dominated by dissipative technologies, born of truly primitive subjective interpretations of “reality”. Our subjugation to the tyranny of these technologies has led to utter environmental degradation and the destabilization of the climatological and geophysical integrity of our entire planet.

The simple truth is this. There is this Presence, this Space, this Field, which is incalculably greater than mere physicality.

It is possible to induce spin in zero-spin Space such that the potential of Space forms transitional moments which “decay” into the vortical/torroidal expressions of energy we call “particles” aka mass. I know for a fact that many experiments have been carried out and many prototype technologies have been made in several countries that demonstrate the Presence of this Field with relatively simple means. No one really needs a twenty billion-dollar particle accelerator project to access this ever-present resource.

The official acknowledgement of the Presence of this Field ultimately signals the possibility of our emergence beyond an economy of mere consumption and parasitism. We can rise up from this difficult time into a period of unprecedented abundance for all the peoples of Earth.

Please continue reading the article in pdf format or online at Project Earth.

Lee Harris: Keep Your Own Center, Find and Focus on Your Own Light

Lovely February forecast and advice from astrologer Lee Harris on taking time this month to find your own center, your stability, to take time for your self, to focus on your own healing, energizing, and finding and emitting your own light as we rock further into this tumultuous year. Happy Valentine’s Day!



February will be a great month for you to practice observing yourself between negativity and positivity—between those two polarities. They both exist on the Earth, so we need not be afraid of either of them. They go hand-in-hand; they have a relationship with each other. But we are at a time now where more positive thought and more positive energy—and more positive light—is needed for our consciousness, for our planet, for the whole human race … with everything that is going on right now, with such a heavy focus on destruction and war.

The light that you yourself can find—and grow, and nurture, and emit—is a crucial part of what we are seeing taking place on Earth right now in this consciousness shift.

It’s very easy to feel small inside the consciousness shift. It’s very easy to think, “Well, I’m sitting in my house, by myself, and I don’t really see anyone. What part do I play?”

You play a HUGE part.

But I think what I want to remind all of you about—those of you out there who identify with the idea of being a lightworker—is that it’s not just about playing your part for others. It’s about playing your part for yourself. Many of you lightworkers know the old healer story of looking after everyone else at your own expense. There is a powerful alchemical shift that takes place in the body when you are able to give light to yourself and foster light for yourself, thus recognizing it will then emit to others. And that’s a very tricky learning, because it’s something that has been written out of our history; it’s not something that is very evidently taught in our culture. If we were to live in a society of people who are lit up from the inside, the current paradigm would no longer be able to exist. And there are some who would like this paradigm to continue to exist.

Please visit Lee Harris’ blog for the full, energizing post.


Paul A. Philips/New Paradigm: 9 Ways to Stop Co-Operating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

Re-posted, with much gratitude to Paul A. Phillips for this brilliant and much-needed and highly insightful post, from New Paradigm Alternative News & Natural Health. Please visit there on an ongoing basis for more wisdom and natural health information.

Profound advice, particularly Number 4, which I endorse whole-heartedly: Do Not Vote in Their Elections–Whoever wins is going to be backed and manipulated and robotized by the backroom rulers anyway, just as currently, and before, and before that Presidency too. Translation: War, war, and endless war. Not to mention: Transhumanism, and Real Robotizing, all coming to a Brain near you

This article addresses the often-asked question: What can any one of us—as powerless individuals–do, to stop this train-wreck from happening?

(Answer: We’re not powerless.)

Advice for healthcare workers, police, soldiers, voters, vaccinators, military recruits, consumers of entertainment, consumers of Mainstream Media news, consumers of WiFi, consumers of Apps,  consumers of junk foods, processed foods, GMOs, consumers of anything new, below.

Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm9 Ways to stop cooperating with the Ruling Elite’s Control System

-By Paul A Philips

Done sneakily, or under the illusion of democracy, in recent times more oppressive laws have been made than ever before. Between us being subjected to more and more ordinances, rules, restrictions and outright laws then demonising our dissention and opinion  should we object… It’s as if we can’t do anything right.

How long will it take for the masses to wake up to these grossly restricting laws and realize how un-free they are?  The masses’ unchallenging complacency with these laws have been made that much easier through social conditioning engineered over the years by the ruling elite.

In this charade the power-mad egomaniac manipulating controlling parasitical ruling elite impose themselves on almost everything for their ulterior motives; ownership, power, profit and political gain –and that’s it. It’s that straight forward. It’s that pathetic.

These forever increasing control mechanisms; regulations, rules, absurd mandates, threats of fines, intimidations, extreme petty police reprisals and imprisonment… are designed to sap the life-force from us while denying our true self-expression as we’re expected to bow down in acquiescence. –All designed to erode humanity into a subservient entity.

How do we break this manipulation? 

The road to achieving this involves refusing to cooperate with the ruling elite’s control system.

By refusing to cooperate we go into a different agreement which will manifest a different reality to the otherwise planned doom and gloom. So here are 9 ways to stop cooperating with the ruling elite’s control system.

1. Question everything

Remember, accepting the narrative given to you by the authorities and the general consensus of the masses without your questioning means going into agreement with a fake reality, thus having a disempowering relationship with the unreal.

Question the motives behind the mainstream media, the lawmakers, the politicians or corporations pushing their encroaching agendas. Question the education system. Question the military actions. Question yourself over the job you’re in and do you really want to do it… etc.

In other words question anyone and anything you hit upon contrary to your findings, or contrary to that which goes against your freedom.

When living life as an enquiry, challenging the official narrative, you can then act on your findings by spreading the word. Live your truth. Walk your walk and talk your talk.

2. Disengage from the imposing controlling matrix

Enough is enough. Break those imprisoning mental, physical and spiritual chains foisted on you by the ruling elite and their associates.  Don’t fall for their fear-mongering as you rebel. Fear is all part of the controlling matrix illusion. See it for what it really is.

The more you disengage the more confidence gained in your stand for non-cooperation.  

Break your agreements: If you’re unwillingly serving the ruling elite’s disempowering, destructive control system then walk away.

Healthcare workers, if you don’t like having an involvement in a system that seriously injures or kills numerous patients with medicines supported by a medical/pharmaceutical establishment that put’s profits over genuine welfare concern then walk away.      

Police, if you’re involved in policing unjust oppressive laws then walk away…

Solders, if you’ve worked out the war deception with all its illegal, immoral, indiscriminate activity then do what your heart tells you. Lay down your weapons and walk away…

-How are the ruling elite with their associates going to deal with us if we demonstrate our non-cooperation in high numbers?

3. Disengage from distraction

In our socially engineered society we have been manipulated to get caught up in distraction. Mindless entertainment, overly competitive sports… Then there are those economic, political, intellectual, religious, cultural and societal differences, race issues… etc serving as nothing more than distraction with more than their fair share of never ending dialectic conflict… -All designed to stop us seeing the big picture and rising up.

-It becomes a lot easier to disengage from the distraction when seeing the big picture. That it’s nothing more than a carefully cultivated control system…

The next 2 ways are indeed major examples of distraction. See them for what they really are. Then ‘throw down the ball,’ refuse to play these pointless, going nowhere, energy-sapping games, and move on: 


4. Don’t vote for any of the major political parties

By voting for one of these parties you’re only giving your power away to help the ruling criminals’ further advance their NWO agenda. Stop believing the Republican-Democrat or if you’re in the UK the Lib-Lab-Con sock puppet campaigning shows backed and financed by T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You).

It doesn’t matter who gets voted in. They’re all funded and backed by the ruling elite. So whoever wins the politicians who get in office will only be there to serve their lords and masters the ruling elite instead of the wishes of we-the-people.  

Yes, there are a growing number of people who know this, but many still don’t fully understand:   Any advantages of selecting one party over the other because of say a policy in your favour or to your advantage will only be a short term payoff. In the end if you vote for one of the major parties because of this then you’ll only have to suffer the far greater long-term cost for having chosen the party with their connections to the ruling elite’s agenda.

5. Stop giving your attention to corporate sponsored mainstream media news

Switch off the TV (Tel-Lie-Vision). Turn to alternative/independent media sources instead for the truth. Learn to discern the differences between disinformation and the truth as in the case of the internet. 

6. Refuse joining the military

Don’t become a sucker for the ruling elite’s war machine, secretly Activism, mass awakening, empowerment, conspiracy, ruling elite, vaccination refusal, NWO agenda, natural health, Paul A Philips, New Paradigm manufactured to line the pockets and favour the directions of bankers, corporations and politicians, while serving as a planned de-population agenda…

No matter which side or viewpoint you take no one ever wins and just like choosing a major political party, nothing ever changes. Understand the related big picture and then spread the word to others so that they too will see the deception and refuse to join.

7. Refuse vaccinations

With the current push for mandatory vaccinations refusal has never been so important. They cannot deal with us if we refuse in overwhelming numbers. Vaccines are NOT safe and have been known to be ineffective. You could end up seriously ill, brain-damaged or even dead from these fraudulent big pharma money spinners to which the revenue-raking government and their paid off media are only too happy to spread the related disinformation and lies…

8. Stop buying junk food and say no to GMO

Don’t let any greed-driven corporation deceive you with their deceptive marketing. Avoid junk food with its high sugar, salt and cheap/nasty trans-fats… for disease protection. Chemical laden, processed, irradiated or GMO foods should be avoided.

Don’t buy a microwave oven. Avoid cooking with microwave or non-stick coated or aluminium utensils which in effect turns the food into junk food that could lead to health problems through toxic contaminants.

Don’t cook food using high temperatures for too long. Extreme temperatures cause the nutrition value (vitamins and enzymes in particular) to denature and greatly reduce the food value.

-Junk foods and GMO’s are all part of the ruling elite’s destructive hidden agenda

9. Stop consuming 

As a consumer, ask yourself do you really need it? For instance, do you really need to become one of the ‘Planet of the Apps’ spending endless hours wasting time on health threatening low-EMF WiFi, covert spying electronic applications..?    

Get into the habit of no longer consuming things you don’t really need.

As a consequence of 1-9

The system and its unconscious nature will break down

Our non-cooperation will no longer give the ruling elite’s control system its power.  Non-cooperation will take us up and away from getting further dragged down towards the terminal precipice…

-Non-cooperation is the key to our freedom.


Source: New Paradigm Alternative News and Natural Health

Will Harader/Galactic Free Press: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

Re-posted from The Culture of Awareness, with many thanks to Wes Annac for posting. Originally posted at Galactic Free Press.

Excerpts:”One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Will Harader: The Astral Manipulation of the Collective Unconsciousness

By Will Harader, The Galactic Free Press, August 8, 2015

The astral realm may seem like some vague, faraway place, but it’s actually far closer than you think. In fact, the majority of people spend most of their waking hours living halfway within the astral plane without even realizing it.

Your mind isn’t separate from all the other minds in the world, and your mind is itself part of the astral plane. All minds exist in a subset of the astral called the mental realm. When you focus upon the “past”, your consciousness shifts to a part of the astral realm that stores memories, and there’s a collective aspect of this called the Akashic Records. When you focus upon the “future”, you project yourself onto the astral and you visualize your desires in your own little section of it.

There’s much talk about the Collective Consciousness, which is a very wonderful thing where everyone can work together to manifest beautiful dreams. Only problem is that it requires Consciousness, something collectively lacking at the moment. Instead, most people operate through the collective unconsciousness, a kind of nightmare where people work together to manifest what they don’t want. The collective unconsciousness is full of struggle, pain and conflict, which is reflected in the life of the individual. Nobody really suffers alone either, you carry the whole of Humanity along with you, in both suffering and in joy.

There are those who understand very well how this all works, and they willingly manipulate the collective unconsciousness for their own gain. They go by many names, and they fight to make sure Humanity stays unconscious as it means enormous wealth and power for them. Because they operate largely through the astral, the vast majority of people have no idea they’re even being influenced this way.

There’s various forms of occult magic that deal directly with the manipulation of the astral. There’s sigil magic, which deals with creating and putting energy into symbols. This may seem like something rarely practiced nowadays, but it’s actually going on all day, every day. In the business world it’s called branding, and instead of a sigil it’s called a logo. Through things like advertising, people are trained to associate the logo with positive thoughts and emotions. They start to favor certain products without even realizing why.

Every letter is a magic symbol, and you string them together to spell words. Words are abstract, astral creations that are charged not only with meaning, but certain emotions as well. One good example of a highly charged word in the collective unconsciousness is “terrorism”. There’s all sorts of chaos, confusion and anger floating around that word. The mere mention of it gets people all worked up and emotional, which is why rational thought regarding terrorism is so rare. Look at these highly charged words like terrorism, immigration, abortion and sex. Try to observe the emotions that arise without getting all caught up in those emotions. This is part of how you break free from their spell.

The idea of the collective unconsciousness is not some esoteric concept, it recently entered into pop culture, though under a different name. You probably know it as “the Matrix” a program designed to keep you working as a slave without you ever realizing what’s really going on. Of course, it’s really an astral program instead of a computer program, but there’s really not that much difference between those two things. Computers were designed to imitate the human mind.

Now the astral realm is either the bridge between the Divine and material realms, or the separation between the two. With a Conscious Collective, we create Heaven on Earth, with an unconscious collective, we create hell. Through the former, we share Love and Joy, through the latter, we share fear and suffering. You’ve been told that humans collectively loving each other and releasing all their conflict is an impossible pipe-dream but that’s little more than a lie that had to be told to help keep the Matrix in place.

Individually, we can’t heal the whole collective, we can only heal ourselves. Not even Jesus or Buddha could heal the collective, what they did was pull themselves out of unconsciousness, and then offered their help to others. You can do this too, you can transcend the collective unconsciousness, become a bridge for the Divine and a brilliant Light among the collective. Each person who does this is an enormous benefit to Humanity as a whole, and they get the Joy of Divine Love for themselves as well. Not a bad deal if you ask me. The more people do this, the more the collective rises up and the unconsciousness is dispelled. And that’s only the Beginning…

The Galactic Free Press
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Source: The Culture of Awareness

Preston James/Veterans Today: Has the Globalist NWO Plan become a Titanic headed for an Iceberg?

Re-posted in excerpt from Veterans Today, many thanks to Preston James for this thoughtful and hopeful article. I welcome this analysis: 2016 promises to be a year of greater and greater exposure of the crime and fraud underpinning our current reality.

Has the Globalist NWO Plan become a Titanic headed for an Iceberg?

Despite many years of post-WW2 hegemony over the World, it now seems certain that the Khazarian Mafia’s secret World Zionist System and their Globalist NWO Plan is now checkmated and has become a Titanic headed for an iceberg.

by  Preston James

The private City of London Banksters are also known as the secret World Zionists (WZs).

These World’s worst criminals and mass-murderers are the leaders of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

We now know for certain that the KM is a large, Worldwide inter- secret Luciferian occult system of unimaginable evil based on ancient Babylonian Talmudism known as Baal Worship.

This secret inter-generational Baal worship is also the hidden cause of the Bolshevism, Nazi-ism, Mao-ism and the Neo-Bolshevism that now rules the USG and is a parasite upon the American People and most of the World.

The KM is characterized by the use of private KM central banking with fake money. They have used these debt-notes to entrap the World into debt-slavery.

They have created:  an elastic unlimited source of funny money they have used to buy, bribe and own elected officials; wars engineered for increased power, profit and cheap access to resources accompanied by mass-murder and maiming of thousands and even hundreds of millions; drug trafficking; pedophilia; sex-slavery; and secret Satanic rituals including child torture and their blood sacrifice.

The Select Few who are the KM leaders also serve as the top several Policy-makers in America and are best referred to as the “Select Few”. 

In 1913 the Khazarian Mafia (KM) was able to hijack the American Monetary Creation and Distribution System which then provided the KM with an unlimited means to buy, bribe, own and control almost every member of Congress and most USG Officials.

This 1913 KM hijacking of America resulted in  the UnConstitutional and criminal creation of their private Federal Reserve System. Today under existing RICO laws, the FRS easily meets all the definitions of a criminal RICO crime syndicate as does their owner and controller the Khazarian Mafia.

But neither the FRS or the KM has ever been brought to justice because of its massive unbridled money power to buy, bribe, corrupt and hire contract hitmen to sanction anyone including Presidents who come after them.

2-303x320That is, until recently until they KM used Israeli Intel and Dual Citizen Traitors in the USG to attack America on 9-11-01 and have now been exposed for this false-flag action designed to manipulate Americans into fighting another war for Israel, the KM, its associated large defense contractors and Big Oil.

These perps never expected to get exposed for this but they have.

Certain “loyal to America” sectors in the Pentagon and American Intel want them brought to justice one way or another for this mass murder of 3,000 Americans that day and the later deaths of 39,000 first responders and nearby residents that died from the air pollution it caused afterwards.

In addition there are about 70,000 locals that are fighting for their lives from strange cancers and lung disorders from the 9-11-01 attack and cannot get any justice because of a crooked Federal Judge who is owned by the KM and is an American Dual Citizen Traitor…

The new checkmate of the KM in Syria is now exposing the KM and it its constituents.

Excerpt from later in the article:

Despite over 50 years of the KM’s Controlled Major Mass Media which is actually an illegal News Monopoly and News Cartel, the alternative media of the Internet spreading truth to the American masses and neutralizing all this mind-kontrol.

Naturally the KM has started to realize this present threat to their World Hegemony and has taken massive steps to neutralize the truth nuggets which have been spreading from the Internet like wildfire.

But no matter how many repressive laws the KM uses its stateside Cutouts to pass, all are destined to failure because the American Public’s rage toward appointed and elected officials of the USG grow every day for neglecting to represent them and instead serving only wealthy special interests.

The KM has thousands on Internet trolls, stooges and sock-puppets. Many use “limited hangout” to gain credibility and then deliver bad payloads to neutralize truly important truth nuggets. But these efforts are losing effectiveness as many Alternative Media users become too sophisticated to be psyopped anymore.

What are these truth nuggets being disseminated by the Internet that are rapidly diffusing to the masses even in America?

Truth nuggets like:  the KM attacked America on 9-11-01 using Israeli Intel and Traitors inside our gates in the Pentagon including the Administration, JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA;  Sandy Hook was a two-day DHS/FEMA Capstone Drill which was actually a false-flag attack on the Second Amendment with no dead kids and nobody dead at all; or that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Al Nusra, Al Qa Dae (aka “Al CIA Duh”) all mercenary groups created, trained, supplied, paid and commanded by Israeli Intel, the US Administration, a powerful Zio faction of the Pentagon now assisted by Senator John McCain (head of the influencial Senate Armed Services committee), and the Bush Crime Cabal aka the CIA, all set up to create much needed enemies to stoke the US and NATO military machine on behalf of the KM and its  main Action-Agent and Cutout Israel in order to further the Greater Israel Plan and make massive War profits for the large international Defense contractors who kick back plenty of money and perks to most members of Congress through K Street lobbyists and various foreign based espionage groups (which including at least one from Turkey).

The KM has now been quite unexpectedly checkmated in Syria by the increasingly powerful Russian Federation and its super-statesman Vladimir Putin. Putin is supported by over 90% of his citizens and a growing number of Americans view him as the ideal President, the type they long for.

This man Putin is actually working hard and very smartly to protect the interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Something we have not had since the Bush Crime Cabal aka the CIA assassinated JFK for the KM Banksters, Big Oil, Defense Contractors and the Pentagon.

Our Politicians in America are working very hard to protect the interests of the KM and the Israeli-American Defense Machine but they are presently failing. 

 Please visit Veterans Today for the whole, compelling article.

Steve Beckow/Golden Age of Gaia: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future and re-assuring! Re-posted (in excerpt) with thanks, from Steve Beckow’s article at Golden Age of Gaia. Please visit there for the full post. Thanks also to Wes Annac of Culture of Awareness for pointing to this post.

Posted Jan 1, 2016/Golden Age of Gaia/Steve Beckow

Happy New Year, everyone! My New Year started early when I watched Tomorrowland recently. (Yes, I know it’s been out for a while! I’m slow.) Every New Year brings us closer to the advent of Nova Earth, which I can’t help thinking Tomorrowland, with its talk of “other dimensions,” making the world work, etc., was a reflection of.

No, this is not an ad for the movie, but it is an ad for Nova Earth, our Tomorrowland.

In our world as it was, the dark cabal wanted to subject us to a nuclear World War III to have the place to themselves with the survivors acting as slaves. It’s the Sumerian Version of a New World Order.

In the world of Tomorrowland, the dark’s equivalent is bringing an end to life on this planet because people are irrevocably connected to greed, anger, predation, etc. The dark doesn’t want its brave new world infected.

By the end of the movie, George Clooney and his companions have brought about an end to the dark’s rule and begun a search for “dreamers,” people who can engineer the birth of a new Tomorrowland.

“Find the ones who haven’t given up,” Clooney instructs his new recruiters. “They’re the future.” (1)

You and I haven’t given up. We’re the dreamers.

Hope flows through a pipeline that’s clean but can’t get through one that’s blocked. That’s why we’re discussing cleansing ourselves of our vasanas and conditioning right now.

Many lightworkers have given up because it’s too long a wait, we’ve had no acceptable tangible proof that all this is happening, and other similar reasons.

Those lightworkers who are committed and/or who’ve cleaned their pipes so that hope can continue to flow, soldier on.

And they continue because there’s still gas in their tanks and that gas is hope.

That gas can be depleted by encountering continual cynicism from others, especially our family, who want to cure us of our “fantasies.”

The cynical call hope “hopium.” They ask us to “face up to reality.” They say we live in the future and not in the Now.

But our mission is to build that very future. And by and large we’re not cynical. We’re open … and hopeful.

We’ve satisfied our criteria for accepting that which doesn’t fit empirical-materialist criteria (only what we can see, hear, etc., is real).

After all, few of us have ever seen an angel or a galactic, whose messages we read on the Internet. Few of us have experienced the higher dimensions (in this lifetime). We’re all of us going on faith until things materialize.

But we’re attuned to the resonance of truth within our being. We can feel when something is true, whether or not we can see the one who spoke it or dictated it to a channel.  We’re also attuned to seeing our upsets lift in the face of truth, the truth having set us free. We draw upon these ways of being to keep our faith strong.

Pondering the truth when we see it leads us to commit to the vision that the unseen speakers set before us.

That vision is of a world that works for everyone, not like this world we’ve inhabited, engineered by the dark, which doesn’t work save for a privileged few. Not like the attitude that nothing can be done about the starvation, disease, and lack of opportunity that’s tolerated in – and even designed into – our world at present. (2)

And not like the attitude that we don’t matter and haven’t the worthiness to insist that wealth be redistributed, health care and education be available for all, and all beings have equal opportunity in a setting where barriers to advancement and satisfaction are brought down.

Who are we to talk, you ask? We are the free and sovereign citizenship of Planet Earth.  This is our planet.

Please visit Golden Age of Gaia for the whole, empowering post.

Source: Find the Ones Who Haven’t Given Up. They’re the Future – Golden Age of Gaia

Catherine Austin Fitts/Dark Journalist: COINTELPRO 2.0 Media Fairy Tales and False Memes

Fascinating conversation between Catherine Austin Fitts and Dark Journalist on the subject of Disinfo memes showing up in the blogosphere/alt. media/sometimes even corporate media world that take attention away from pressing issues. Memes such as the Flat Earth theory and imminent Cabal arrest, for instance, while devastating news such as the spate of holistic doctor deaths (covered here, post initial coverage from HealthNutNews in numerous posts) this summer falls by the wayside. The overall effect being distraction and restraint from action–too many are lulled into believing Someone Out There is taking care of the incredible mess we are in (and go back to the Box) while they could be taking active steps themselves to speak out or make change happen in their communities.

I especially appreciated Catherine Austin Fitts speaking out absolutely candidly about the horrors of chem trails, which, as she notes, are raining poisons down on all of us. (Something a lot of people, still craving “News” from the New York Times and the Washington Post, which continue to maintain a Controlled-Media silence on this as on other issues, still can’t take in.)

It’s going to take All of us–and each of us can contribute our own particular skill, but we need to wake up first. Totalitarianism is sweeping through our streets today–but we are not automatons, we can reject false flags, withdraw our consent, register our dissent, find our spine and speak out.

Dark Journalist, whose journalism comes across as probing, clear-sighted, truth-focused, respectful, covers a range of issues being currently folded under the rug of Mass Deception, well worth watching on a regular basis:

From Dark Journalist:

“The Catherine Austin Fitts Interview You Must See!
Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back popular guest Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts for her seventh visit to the show.

Together they delve deeply into a stunning analysis of Mainstream Media Manipulation of Financial, Geopolitical and Social Engineering along with the Centralization policy of Common Core.

They also closely examine False Memes that have been filtering into the Alternative Media, and explode programmed myths such as “Cabal Arrests” and “Flat Earth” as a distraction from real issues like the recent spate of Holistic MD deaths and the real danger of False Flag Incidents designed to implement Repressive Policies, Tighter Control of Free Speech, Entrainment Mind Control and Total Orwellian Surveillance.

From the rise of shadowy mercenary groups around the globe to the full scale implementation of Corporate Private Armies, Fitts sees America at a pivotal point of accepting Totalitarian policies or rediscovering it’s soul and purpose. What will America look like in 2020? She examines why we require not just financial solutions, but full transparency on everything from GMOs, Chemtrail Spraying, Black Budget Finance, Political Blackmail of Control Files, The Secret Space Program and more!  “


Elva Thompson: We Are Ready to Take Part in the Evolution of Our Life Wave–the Shift of the Ages

Lovely, sweeping, informative. Re-posted in part from Elva Thompson’s blog, please visit there for the full post and for her other inspiring posts.

The Winter Solstice is approaching; a time of dark sleep and mystery… where life seems to die in the frigid waste of winter … then magically re-invents itself into the living Green of Spring.

(Excerpt from first third of article)

Quantum physics is showing that our perceived world is an illusion and when we pay attention to it; investigate it, observe it, we find it is a contrived world made of fractal geometry based on the Fibonacci spiral and the Golden Mean. Is the energy of our un-coded DNA powering the geometric matrix…the outside world of Nature? [See my article Shattering the Illusion of Reality]

The in-breath

Our forgotten and neglected self: the Earth… breathes once a year: the in-breath takes place over the four days of the Winter Solstice-Dec 19-22nd, and the out-breath at the Summer Solstice-June 19-22. The collective resonance of human awareness at the Winter Solstice[in-breath] is critical to the well being of life on Earth… for ‘inner is outer’ and the ‘state’ of our planet is a mirror image of our collective consciousness. If the Earth breathes in hate, fear and service to self, she will breathe out the ‘enhanced’ same energies at the Summer Solstice.

Consciousness is like a field…it doesn’t care what seeds[thoughts] you plant in the soil, but it will return what you sow because that is the Law.

We as a species fail to realise that the physical world is a mirror image, a reflection of our violent, divisive state of consciousness, and as our collective negativity, our predilection for violence and selfishness accumulates within the energetic matrix of our planet, it will reach critical mass, and we as a species will hurtle like a train with no brakes off the life-cliff to extinction….or end up being ‘trans-human’, more machine like, more mechanical than we already are.

Being responsible for self

The mirror operates on a personal as well as collective level, and if our lives are miserable, unfulfilling and a revel of self pity, we only have ourselves to blame. Being responsible for the state of self, is a hard one to swallow for the fragile ego of Impostor Consciousness….it looks to place the blame for its condition at another’s door…and forgets the matrix Law of Correspondence: ‘as within…so without’ and ‘as above so below’.

The overseers of the Loosh Rote: the human farm

The handlers of the Loosh farm[see my article Meet the Firm] are well versed in Natural Law…they know how things work and use it to their advantage. The more stress, suffering, fear and death they can create for their satanic masters at the time of the in-breath …the better.

The modus operandi of  control

Earth’s electromagnetic grid is covered with power points. These are energetic acupuncture meridians in the body of our planet where the electromagnetic pulse is strongest and most vibrant. Ancient sites, castles situated on leys, temples of the sun, standing stones and indigenous sacred sites mark these points of power. Satanists use these electro-magnetic power houses at the solstices; new and full moons; eclipses and transits; celestial alignments, the quarters and eighths of the year for satanic festivals of ritual, torture/terror and sacrifice of children. The poisonous frequencies created by demonic rituals flood Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum, bathing all life in an energy matrix of stress and fear.

Millions of missing children

It is a sad fact that rampant paedophilia and child sacrifice amongst the elite is so carefully hidden from the public, and if a whiff of stench does escape from the cess pool of power and privilege, a complicit media with self righteous brooms, immediately sweep the truth under the dark, airless carpet of satanic  ritualised abuse and murder. A scapegoat is normally chosen to keep the public happy; but they are usually a minor cog in the paedo wheel; or deceased as in the case of Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith- or too senile to answer charges.

The matrix of fear

The matrix of fear created by the managers of the farm makes it easier to control the minds of the masses; to create chaos through colour revolutions, false flags, staged ‘cruelty events’ etc, that are all designed with one purpose: to shock and awe, and most of all, to whet the appetite of the unthinking and gullible herd for war…. the blood rite: the energetic fundamental of our sacrificial reality.

The reset Dec 21 2012-Dec 21st 2016

We are at the end of a Grand Cosmic Year…twenty six thousand years of incarnations on this plane, and we are ready to take part in the ‘evolution of our life wave’: the Shift of Ages. But we have an adversary that is hell bent on stopping us. Through the constant release of energetic terror into the grid via war, animal misery and satanic sacrifice, the cabal keeps the world fearful and enslaved…most of humanity are broken creatures, a mirror of a cow, pig or sheep on its way to slaughter.

Stepping up the violence

During the first three years of the reset, Dec 2012-15, we have seen a dramatic increase in suffering on this plane. War and atrocities of the most hideous nature abound and we are kept up to date by the shock troops of our bought and paid for media…so we don’t miss a trick of the specially calculated fear porn that is projected at us on a daily basis. The horrors, the devil’s elite perpetrate on mankind and the planet are designed to get us down; to destroy our immune systems with stress; and hurt out hearts with outrageous cruelties. The handlers of ‘the loosh farm’ play us like a fiddle knowing just what self-serving, fearful and divisive tune to play for the furtherance of the matrix game… ‘me versus you’ and ‘us versus them’.[See my article ‘The Game of Us and Them’]

2016: the last year of the reset

The cabal and their sheepdogs are stepping up the action for 2016 the last year of the reset. They are deliberately sabotaging our evolutionary shift through their distortion of the web of life. Many of us are aware of what’s going on….desperate farmers do desperate things and the cabal have thrown down the only card they have left: the Ace of Spades. The spectre of WW3 is ravening for release; civil war rages in Africa and the Middle East…and millions of desperate people are fleeing from their homes; the engineered droughts/floods; starvation, electronic surveillance and oppression, poison in our food and water, and the destruction of the animal and plant nations goes on unabated. And all the while the herd is caught fast within the serpent’s spell…lusting for everything, and trampling one another for a cheap TV.

Afraid humanity will unite

The truth is…the satanic elite are afraid of us, afraid the human family will unite, embrace love and through frequency modulation escape the farm. They are, therefore, hell bent on keeping us apart. They are throwing everything our way at the present time that is hurtful to the soul, and have brought, and are bringing millions of people to their knees.


The collectors of the ‘loosh’ are desperate….desperate to keep us in their electro-magnetic reality game for another cycle of twenty-six thousand years. And, as long as we succumb to their fear porn; divisive rhetoric that turns brother against brother; as long as we use intellect versus heart, as long as we are ego bound, instinct and pleasure driven, we will remain in the ‘loosh farm’ for another round.

The time is upon us….we’re here at the end of a Cosmic Year, we can either shift our perspective and choose love… or go down with the boat of ‘life after life’ upon the farm.

Sacred obligation

When we understand the sacrificial, blood soaked nature of our world, and wish to evolve into a different reality frame… a calmer panorama, the Winter Solstice and all propitious dates take on a deeper meaning. Our participation in energy modulation is especially important at these times and becomes a spiritual obligation….a personal and sacred responsibility to collective human consciousness, the planet, the creatures and ourselves. We can with mental vigilance and spiritual intent mitigate the effects of the satanic energy plot against us by reclaiming our own minds…choosing to live love not hate. cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Choose your company wisely in the coming days, guard your thoughts, avoid conflict and, above all else, to thine own self be true. Breathe in love, joy and happiness, for every laugh and every loving word and deed, is a nail in the coffin of the beast of Separation.

Stay in love with life and let the magic of the Winter Solstice re-invent you.

Visit Elva Thompson’s blog for the full post and other related ones.

Join the Nov 21 Planetary Meditation for Peace, Light, End to World Trauma, Disclosure

prepareforchange.jpgPlease join in as you can in the planned planetary meditation event being planned for November 21 by Prepare For Change. (Sat 3:12pm on the East Coast/US.)

If you’ve been following information online or over the years about ETs, positive and negative who have long been interacting with humans, Disclosure, and about a Resistance Movement working over time to unhand the Cabal, so to speak, you’ll also know there’s a lot of hope afoot currently about the imminence of the “Event”–a planned financial reset, mass arrests of top criminals, the release of free energy technologies, a Reveal about our “star” friends and families, and great changes in the way we live–please check in for updates  at Prepare for Change.

If this is all news to you and you’re rolling your eyes currently at encountering yet another UFO moment online, consider merely that this planned meditation seeks to unite our consciousness worldwide and send out powerful waves of hope for a true world peace, a “victory of the Light” in every way–of sanity, reason, brotherhood and sisterhood, compassion, awareness, caring, all those wonderful qualities of Life–over the craziness, fear-mongering, terror, terrorism, and acts of militarism, aggression, violence, greed, mania, abusive surveillance, control, and derangement we are currently seeing being played out daily all over the world–France, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the US, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia…everywhere. 

Meditation does work wonders, as many of us know. Please join us–meditation instructions and information below. 

The video and text posted below are from 2012PortalBlogspot, more links below. Please share widely.


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on November 21st. On that day, an important cycle will end and another one begin. This is the turning point where we can utilize our collective power of manifestation to use it as a pivot to trigger the changes we are all waiting for. Masses will gather on that day and invoke the presence and intervention of positive extraterrestrial Star brothers and sisters and subterranean beings of Light that will assist us in the process of liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will help to activate the Plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our activation on that day is our declaration of Victory of the Light. Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:……

We will be doing this meditation on Saturday, November 21st at 9:12 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 10:12 pm EET in Cairo, 8:12 pm GMT in London, 3:12 pm EST in New York, 2:12 pm CST in Chicago, 1:12 pm MST in Denver, and 12:12 pm PST in Los Angeles, and 4:12 am CST on Sunday, November 22nd in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:…


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process towards the Disclosure and the Event.

soulstar3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating

4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and connecting with Soul Star chakras of every sentient being on the surface of the planet, below the surface of the planet and throughout the Solar System. Visualize all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way. Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly. Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.

You can find inspiration about the Event in this article:…

Updates about the Event meditation:

The Matrix Program is Crashing, by Zen Gardner

Re-blogged, with thanks, from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth, please click over there for the entire post, which is re-posted from the blog The Vatic Project, with very interesting notes from both sites, along the way. Or click directly over to Zen Gardner’s site for the article alone, posted earlier this year, in February: The Matrix Program is Crashing.

Wonderful hopeful message from all these sites: Our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, actions, prayers are profoundly powerful vibrations that can bring and are indeed bringing positive change in our universe. The Matrix program we’ve been trapped in is absolutely doomed and is in its death throes. There are forces of Creation beyond us working all around us and for us and with us, and there are forces of positive shift we unleash with our own beliefs and positive actions. So, even as it seems the world is literally imploding with insanity all around us, what’s really happening is an insanity of reaction from the Fading-Into-History Controllers who are manically striving to hold on to their power, as our power, people power, and organic, awakening consciousness builds all around the world, and rises. It’s our star that’s rising today, not theirs.

Excerpt from the Vatic note: “Now this is very very interesting and a MUST READ.  Why?  Because, over time, we have done numerous blogs that support most of what he is saying down here.

For instance, we did a blog proving that a Vienna Linguist and a Russian Microbiologist mapped our “junk DNA” that no one was able to map, so they called it “Junk DNA”, but little did they know that the so-called Junk was really a 25,000 character alphabet and now we know with the right engine (vibrational factors) that we can communicate with our DNA and tell it what to do as well as communicate with the cosmic consciousness.

Belief is one of those vibrational conditions that make it all work. What you believe is picked up by your DNA and used in the cosmic arena of consciousness. That’s why prayer works and why these evil ones hate Christians, Muslims and real Jews.  We believe and pray and it works as scientific, peer reviewed research has proven.

Add to that the fact that every time this solar system revolves closer to the center of the galaxy, humanity has a leap in evolution with respect to their consciousness. ”

Excerpt from Zen Gardner‘s The Matrix Program is Crashing:

“Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer.

While this has been known for eons, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers.

Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.

Is This For Real?

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us. But our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition.”