Tag Archives: Globalist NWO plan Hits Iceberg of Awakening

Preston James/Veterans Today: Has the Globalist NWO Plan become a Titanic headed for an Iceberg?

Re-posted in excerpt from Veterans Today, many thanks to Preston James for this thoughtful and hopeful article. I welcome this analysis: 2016 promises to be a year of greater and greater exposure of the crime and fraud underpinning our current reality.

Has the Globalist NWO Plan become a Titanic headed for an Iceberg?

Despite many years of post-WW2 hegemony over the World, it now seems certain that the Khazarian Mafia’s secret World Zionist System and their Globalist NWO Plan is now checkmated and has become a Titanic headed for an iceberg.

by  Preston James

The private City of London Banksters are also known as the secret World Zionists (WZs).

These World’s worst criminals and mass-murderers are the leaders of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

We now know for certain that the KM is a large, Worldwide inter-https://i0.wp.com/www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TITANIC1.jpg?resize=248%2C184generational secret Luciferian occult system of unimaginable evil based on ancient Babylonian Talmudism known as Baal Worship.

This secret inter-generational Baal worship is also the hidden cause of the Bolshevism, Nazi-ism, Mao-ism and the Neo-Bolshevism that now rules the USG and is a parasite upon the American People and most of the World.

The KM is characterized by the use of private KM central banking with fake money. They have used these debt-notes to entrap the World into debt-slavery.

They have created:  an elastic unlimited source of funny money they have used to buy, bribe and own elected officials; wars engineered for increased power, profit and cheap access to resources accompanied by mass-murder and maiming of thousands and even hundreds of millions; drug trafficking; pedophilia; sex-slavery; and secret Satanic rituals including child torture and their blood sacrifice.

The Select Few who are the KM leaders also serve as the top several Policy-makers in America and are best referred to as the “Select Few”. 

In 1913 the Khazarian Mafia (KM) was able to hijack the American Monetary Creation and Distribution System which then provided the KM with an unlimited means to buy, bribe, own and control almost every member of Congress and most USG Officials.

This 1913 KM hijacking of America resulted in  the UnConstitutional and criminal creation of their private Federal Reserve System. Today under existing RICO laws, the FRS easily meets all the definitions of a criminal RICO crime syndicate as does their owner and controller the Khazarian Mafia.

But neither the FRS or the KM has ever been brought to justice because of its massive unbridled money power to buy, bribe, corrupt and hire contract hitmen to sanction anyone including Presidents who come after them.

2-303x320That is, until recently until they KM used Israeli Intel and Dual Citizen Traitors in the USG to attack America on 9-11-01 and have now been exposed for this false-flag action designed to manipulate Americans into fighting another war for Israel, the KM, its associated large defense contractors and Big Oil.

These perps never expected to get exposed for this but they have.

Certain “loyal to America” sectors in the Pentagon and American Intel want them brought to justice one way or another for this mass murder of 3,000 Americans that day and the later deaths of 39,000 first responders and nearby residents that died from the air pollution it caused afterwards.

In addition there are about 70,000 locals that are fighting for their lives from strange cancers and lung disorders from the 9-11-01 attack and cannot get any justice because of a crooked Federal Judge who is owned by the KM and is an American Dual Citizen Traitor…

The new checkmate of the KM in Syria is now exposing the KM and it its constituents.

Excerpt from later in the article:

Despite over 50 years of the KM’s Controlled Major Mass Media which is actually an illegal News Monopoly and News Cartel, the alternative media of the Internet spreading truth to the American masses and neutralizing all this mind-kontrol.

Naturally the KM has started to realize this present threat to their World Hegemony and has taken massive steps to neutralize the truth nuggets which have been spreading from the Internet like wildfire.

But no matter how many repressive laws the KM uses its stateside Cutouts to pass, all are destined to failure because the American Public’s rage toward appointed and elected officials of the USG grow every day for neglecting to represent them and instead serving only wealthy special interests.

The KM has thousands on Internet trolls, stooges and sock-puppets. Many use “limited hangout” to gain credibility and then deliver bad payloads to neutralize truly important truth nuggets. But these efforts are losing effectiveness as many Alternative Media users become too sophisticated to be psyopped anymore.

What are these truth nuggets being disseminated by the Internet that are rapidly diffusing to the masses even in America?

Truth nuggets like:  the KM attacked America on 9-11-01 using Israeli Intel and Traitors inside our gates in the Pentagon including the Administration, JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA;  Sandy Hook was a two-day DHS/FEMA Capstone Drill which was actually a false-flag attack on the Second Amendment with no dead kids and nobody dead at all; or that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/Al Nusra, Al Qa Dae (aka “Al CIA Duh”) all mercenary groups created, trained, supplied, paid and commanded by Israeli Intel, the US Administration, a powerful Zio faction of the Pentagon now assisted by Senator John McCain (head of the influencial Senate Armed Services committee), and the Bush Crime Cabal aka the CIA, all set up to create much needed enemies to stoke the US and NATO military machine on behalf of the KM and its  main Action-Agent and Cutout Israel in order to further the Greater Israel Plan and make massive War profits for the large international Defense contractors who kick back plenty of money and perks to most members of Congress through K Street lobbyists and various foreign based espionage groups (which including at least one from Turkey).

The KM has now been quite unexpectedly checkmated in Syria by the increasingly powerful Russian Federation and its super-statesman Vladimir Putin. Putin is supported by over 90% of his citizens and a growing number of Americans view him as the ideal President, the type they long for.

This man Putin is actually working hard and very smartly to protect the interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Something we have not had since the Bush Crime Cabal aka the CIA assassinated JFK for the KM Banksters, Big Oil, Defense Contractors and the Pentagon.

Our Politicians in America are working very hard to protect the interests of the KM and the Israeli-American Defense Machine but they are presently failing. 

 Please visit Veterans Today for the whole, compelling article.