Tag Archives: US Post Office

Newsbreak 125 | Ramola D: Nobody Needs to Wear a Mask at the US Post Office

(RAE) Report, Analysis, Op-ed, Video Link, Record | Ramola D | May 29, 2021

Consumer advocates and communications specialists at the US Postal Service have now shared 1) that state and local “mandates” regarding wearing masks and social distancing do not apply to the US Postal Service, 2) that the US Postal Service is “an entity of the Federal Government” and Postal Services are to be considered essential services under Federal Law, and 3) the US Postal Service is not compelling employees to enforce the state and local ordinances regarding masks on customers using the Postal Services.

In other words, that’s the documented policy–even though the reality is very different, with Postal clerks and Postmasters getting very vocal about customers “needing to wear masks to be in here” and, in extreme cases, such as I experienced, “needing to wear a mask to get services here.”

Two postal clerks at the Milton Post Office at East Milton Square, May 25, 2021, who denied services to this writer, demanding mask-wearing and refused to heed notice of medical exemption and ADA & civil rights violations

Vital to note though that the US Postal Service is telling us that state and local mandates do NOT apply to USPS — why? Because the state government is a corporation, and its orders and mandates refer only to State Government employees, not the free people of America, and because the USPS is also a corporation, albeit one contracted with the Federal Government, and keeps the mandates voluntarily “as a good corporate NEIGHBOR” and to be a “good corporate citizen and reflect the local communities of which we are a part” only.

The US Postal Service does not need to keep these “mandates” — that is important to note, for both employees and customers of the US Postal Service. Nobody needs to wear a mask at the US Post Office–and if employees are suffering from constant mask-wearing, they should question this “voluntary compliance” policy the US Postal Service has instituted, volunteering them as maskables-all-day, and take it all the way to the top, where decisions to mask the employees for no good reason but “neighborliness” are being made.

Excerpt, Email from Steve Doherty, USPS Strategic Communications Specialist, Atlantic-Northeast, May 27, 2021
Letter (excerpts) from C. Robinson, Customer Experience Specialist, Office of Consumer Advocate, USPS, to Lawrence Faust Berg, Jan 19, 2021/From Peggy Hall, The Healthy American website

Letter (EMAIL) from Steve Doherty, Strategic Communications Specialist, USPS Atlantic-Northeast:

Letter from C. Robinson, Customer Service Specialist, the Office of the Consumer Advocate/from The Healthy American:

On Tuesday afternoon, May 25, 2021, I was denied services, rather rudely, at the Milton Post Office at East Milton Square on Adams Street. I recorded this encounter, and have published it here:

Newsbreak 125/25 May 2021 Milton Post Office Experience, With Commentary

The denial of service at the monopolizing Post Office is no small thing, and that evening I wrote and emailed the Office of the Inspector General, left a complaint online at the form provided, and sent my letter also to Consumer Affairs for the USPS in Boston, also calling to leave a voice mail.

On Wednesday morning May 26, 2021, Mr. George Kippenhans of Customer Affairs in Boston called and apologized to me for the denial of services and the behavior of the employees, letting me know he thanked me for writing because he had received conflicting reports from the people at Milton but had spoken to the Postmaster of Milton, Ellis Chen, who he said would be reaching out to me. This did not happen, but a Robert Munroe titled Manager, Customer Services of Wollaston sent me an apologetic letter.

I should mention also that I received an email from the OIG’s office saying my complaint had been referred to and would be handled by Consumer Affairs in Boston–which turned out fine, thanks to Mr. Kippenhans, but I do wonder about why the main office at the USPS Postmaster-General would seek to take a backseat on a matter of national importance: shouldn’t all Post Offices nationwide be informed by the OIG they shouldn’t be discriminating against customers?

Dave/stand-in manager, Milton PO, May 26, 2021 who spoke to me when I returned

I returned to Milton Post Office on Wednesday afternoon, 26 May 2021 and spoke to a stand-in manager, Dave, about all of this, and he behaved in the most courteous fashion, receiving my printouts of the Mask-Free/Office of Consumer Advocate letter below and the Courtesy Notice to Businesses in Massachusetts I have published here for others to use as well.

Probably Dave (or other management) at Milton PO present & aware–although seeking to flee- at the yelling spree by the clerk pictured, May 25, 2021

However, I have to say it was salutary to discover (from playing back the video I had recorded on my phone) that it appears this same Dave had been present at the earlier encounter with the two loud clerks denying me services–and had not intervened then.

In fact it looked like he had been seeking to flee the scene as the counter-clerk came forward to berate me, in full earshot and obviously hearing what was being said.

In other words, Milton Post Office has it appears unilaterally made it their policy to demand masks of customers and deny them service if they don’t comply–and the stand-in manager and other managers are quite well aware of this. I can only hope that after this very public encounter, this too will change.

I did however receive a letter from Mr. Steve Dogherty, a Strategic Communications Specialist for the Northeast, with further information on the Mask policy for employees and customers, after I relayed to Mr. George Kippenhans my second experience of return–where I had indeed once more been asked to wear a mask first, and was in fact offered a mask, which I of course refused, asking to speak to the Postmaster.

All of these letters are in PDF below.

Letter to the US Postmaster-General/Ramola D

Online Complaint to the OIG-USPS (Office of Inspector General)/Ramola D
Letter to Robert Munroe, Wollaston Manager Postal Services/Ramola D

Letter to George Kippenhans, Consumer Affairs, Boston, USPS/Ramola D

Letter to Steve Doherty, Strategic Communications Specialist, Atlantic-Northeast, USPS/Ramola D

In conclusion: It is clear to me all sorts of deceptions are afoot. While courteous and conscientiously professional employees like Mr. George Kippenhans stand out for their sensitivity and awareness of American rights and freedoms, and are reassuring to encounter, it appears a certain coterie at the local Postmaster and Manager level does seek to play despot, using Postal clerks to “enforce” a non-existent requirement for customers.

Signage on doors requiring masks is indeed misleading and deceptive when customers do Not need to wear masks to enter or avail of the services of the US Postal Service.

Postal clerks demanding customers wear masks and denying stated exemptions in a righteous, bureaucratic fashion is fraudulent when customers do not need to wear masks by the US Postal Service’s own policies nor by local “mandates” when they exercise their right to not voluntarily comply with same for whatever reason of their own, including medical or religious exemptions.

My advice to all would be: Drop the masks if you don’t wish to wear them and sail freely into the Post Office. If you encounter the kind of incivility I did, do plan to record and publish the encounter, do question the Postmaster, and do call up Consumer Affairs and stand up for your rights and freedoms. Do use the letters and assurances here from various USPS personnel as well as the Mask-free letter and Peggy Hall’s letter to Postmasters on signage requiring masks (which I used in part in my letter to the US Postmaster General) posted at Documents at The Healthy American/thehealthyamerican.org (and vote Peggy in as President of the New American Republic we greatly need!)

No-one can prove to us there is a deadly virus, a pandemic, or a reason to asphyxiate ourselves — but there are certainly a lot of power-hungry profit-makers running pharmaceutical and eugenicist operations seeking to thrust gene-based operating systems on us via Vaccine Fraud & transform our world into a bio-digital nightmare — and that is the real danger to guard against and fight to keep from happening.


Businesses Have No Business Demanding Anyone Wear Masks: Courtesy Notice to Businesses, Massachusetts

Enforcing Mask Slavery and Succumbing to the COVID Psy Op: Hostility & Ignorance at Wollaston Post Office Followed by EMS/Police Stalking in Quincy

No President, Governor, or Mayor Can Mandate Wearing Masks, Taking Tests, Taking Vaccines, or Self-Isolating: These Are Not Laws Anyone Need Follow, They Are Outright Deceptions

CONFIRMED: COVID-19 Plandemic a Known, Live “Training and Simulation Exercise” under WHO, Treasonously Agreed to by 196 Countries

LETTERS FROM USPS Customer Service Managers referenced above:

Letter from Robert Munroe, USPS Wollaston Customer Service Manager

Letter from George Kippenhans, USPS Consumer Affairs Boston Director

Letter from Steve Doherty, USPS Strategic Communications Specialist, Northeast

Peggy Hall’s site where you can find her letter to the USPS Postmaster, as well as the Mask-free letter (latter posted above too):

The Healthy American/Documents (Scroll down to No. 14)

Newsbreak 125: Nobody Needs to Wear a Mask at the US Post Office

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