Tag Archives: Global Stealth Military Subjugation

FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Pulls Back the Curtain on Criminal FBI-CIA-DHS-NSA Torture of American Whistleblowers, Select Journalists, and Thousands of Illegal FBI Targets of “Counter-Terrorism” and “Deterrence” with DEWS, Neurotech, Social Harassment: People of Integrity Must Rise

Report | Ramola D | March 24, 2022

Continued Physical Attacks on a High Level of Atrocity

Former Special Agent at the FBI, attorney, judge, Vietnam veteran, English professor, whistleblower, writer, and ardent human rights advocate committed to upholding the conscience of humanity, Geral Sosbee, has recently been reporting to me continued physical attacks on himself, coupled with numerous incidents of cyberhacking, phone interference, medical-care being refused, evidence of character assassination in retail stores, and social harassment.

Last July, I reported on continued attacks of FBI/CIA persecution of Geral Sosbee here: FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations: Egregious Assault and Persecution with Anti-Personnel DEWs, ELF Neuroweaponry.

Referencing previous coverage there, I wrote:

“More than anyone else, Geral Sosbee bears witness to the excessive crimes of covert and persistent torture and terror executed by FBI and Fusion Center operatives on whistleblowers and other targets–activists, journalists, writers, and numerous outspoken civic-minded Americans targeted for life-takedown by way of expressing their thoughts, emotions, integrity, consciousness, caring for humanity, animals, or the environment a little too freely in what has long-been apparently a repressive police state wearing the skin of democracy: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Ongoing Crimes of Persecution in USA Against Political Targets By FBI, Police, Federal Judges | 25 Oct, 2019

Sadly the situation has not changed now in mid-2021, despite my hope in titling a section “Extreme Persecution of Geral Sosbee Must Be Stopped.”

–Ramola D, FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations

It is frankly inexplicable to me how and why the FBI believes it should persecute Geral Sosbee for going on FIVE decades! using the horrors of “anti-personnel Directed Energy Weapons” (read, Extreme-Attack Human-Hacking Weapons), cruelly invasive neurotechnology, daily social harassment, threats, intimidation, and co-opted public-private-partners-in-crime (retail, utilities, services, medical care) to assist in thwarting, obstructing, irritating, harassing, provoking, and attacking his every forward movement in life, indeed his day, for years on end.

Journalist Also Attacked, as Also Thousands if not Millions of Unlawful FBI-DHS Targets: Homeland Terror, not Homeland Security

But then, I am acutely aware at this point–after 8 years of assault and battery with the selfsame DEWS and neurotech myself, egregiously exacerbated at whim, as reported most recently here, yesterday–that the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, Sheriffs, and local Law Effacement who are running “domestic operations” of ostensibly “surveillance, counter-terrorism, deterrence, community policing, and peace-enforcement” are in actuality an outright crime syndicate, raking in big bucks for targeting large numbers of outstanding people-with-conscience whom the very corrupt FBI (and Luciferians running them) would like to disappear, going to the extent of falsifying records, confabulating histories, and concocting profiles, while running COINTELPRO interference and harassment provocations for purposes of Parallel Construction–all while selling, that’s human-trafficking targets and police databases to the US Military and CIA, for free untrammelled use as non-consensual subjects in numerous horrific, persecutorial, inhumane, unethical, and terrifying 24/7 Weapons-Testing, Torture, Behavior Modification, Neuro Modification, Mind Hiving, and Neuro Control experiments and operations for a seriously demented Big Brother who is not merely “rogue” at this point but 100% Insane, hiding their witchery behind “classified” and “Top Secret” covers.

And also hiding it with Character Assassination of their targets, relying in fact fully on their MO of naming and labeling their illegal-targets Insane and Paranoid/Schizoid, and encouraging their local weapon-wielders and “community-police” co-optees to do the same.

By this means, tying down whole neighborhoods all across the USA–and using this selfsame Modus Operandi worldwide, in what can only be considered NWO Rockefeller/Khazarian Mafia/British Pilgrim Society Lockstep: this is Global Stealth Military Subjugation of the citizenry.

Note, the big bucks come from the Military, the big Defense contractor corporations, the Counter-Terrorism Budget, the vast and growing Human-Hacking-Weapons Industry aka the gruesome Electronic Warfare Clown Show camouflaged as Crowd Control Technologies and Non Lethal Weapons and Anti-Personnel Weapons, and the taxpayer--and go directly into the pockets of local weapon-wielders in neighborhoods, local utilities like National Grid and Comcast, also involved, and local city and state governments, police, Sheriffs’ and their precious “public-private partners” aka all co-opted and bribed local businesses who will terrorize, obstruct, mob, swarm, harass, and provoke the hapless target at will, continuously, for the FBI-DHS Nazi Wolf Contingent running Homeland Terror on one and all.

And it is only the insistent truth-telling of whistleblowers like Geral Sosbee which fully exposes and pulls back the curtain on this rampant US Government crime in our midst, as proved by the many reports he has provided to CIA whistleblower and independent journalist Barbara Hartwell and myself, reports also that he has continually published on social media, and reports he has posted online at his websites at Academia.edu and Indymedia.org.

Note, there is nothing LEGAL about this operation (just as there is nothing LAWFUL). Is Torture legal? Is Nazi Atrocity legal? Is 24/7 Assault and Battery with a slew of EMF Weapons and In-Community Harassment legal? Is criminalizing people who have committed no crime, are contemplating no crime, and are in fact quite removed from crime legal? This must be emphasized: the FBI is not going after CRIMINALS here, they are not investigating Crime, they are not preventing Crime–none of what they are doing is legal. In fact: none of these attacks on people by an unhinged military, Intelligence, and Security faction clearly missing brain cells, soul, morality, conscience, ethics, principles–nor their minions whom they clearly employ for lack of same, including, it appears, an elementary school education–are permitted by law, even if the laws of US Code/CFR have been twisted and distorted to permit black operations, classified operations, and “law enforcement operations” using Stealth Weapons. It’s still not legal to murder, kill, slow-kill, torture, persecute, and destroy people inside their homes, in their beds, in their living-rooms.

In addition however, it is critical to add, the depraved actions of assault on people seemingly actually permitted, mistakenly and foolishly–although undisclosed publicly, undiscussed publicly, and unacknowledged publicly–by a failed CFR, NDAA, Common Rule and Legal Counsel at DOD, DOJ, and CIA using Stealth Weapons are sickeningly inhumane and unethical. Clearly, judging by the sustained operations on the street (including, daily and nightly on my own street here in Quincy, Massachusetts) involving the FBI, DHS, Air Force–either US Airforce or FBI’s Air Force, DOD, CIA, possibly also NSA, DIA, Marine Corps–and declassified MOUs regarding “military operations other than war,” these bullying agencies mistakenly believe–possibly just on “Might is Right”– they have a right to be doing what they are doing and are continuing it. In secret, and there too’s the rub: Secrecy permits abuse, and they’re all chest-deep in it. Sadism, barbarism, and atrocity abounds, as recently discussed here:

The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden | Using Spectrum Weapons on the populace is easy to hide when the “Support Groups” help wheel-spin the disclosure to oblivion | The fallout is disappearance of journalism

And also here: News Report 8 | DEWs and Neurotech Being Used Worldwide as Crowd Control Technologies Without Public Consent

Human-hacking weapons themselves–which is what “non-lethal weapons” are–are profoundly inhumane, violative of privacy, and unethical–and should be banned.

Correspondence and Record of Crime Against Geral Sosbee in Texas

On Feb 6, 2022, Geral wrote:

“I learned yesterday from a doctor of audiology that my hearing is almost negligible even with hearing aids and that I will need surgical implants in my ears in a year or so. I cannot submit to surgery again for obvious reasons.

Of course, as I explained… if I have dementia (as threatened by fbi) then I won’t need to hear much of anything. Besides, the heart probably can’t last much longer.”

On Feb 9, 2022, Geral wrote:

“Character assassination against me is so intense that grocery store alerts all employees to stalk & harass me everywhere in the store; the mgr also stalks me, does not care what I have to say, even as he stations a security guard at entrance or exit every time I visit.

fbi is nervous because my work is gaining momentum.”

I wrote back:

“Absolutely outrageous. Needs to be reported.

Yes I am sure your work is being more understood and accepted now in today’s climate where everyone is targeted.

The very misled people at the FBI should know they just need to let people alone to live their lives in peace if they wish to retain or reclaim any bit or shred of their reputation–people think lower of them for the kind of thing they do to you and me.

Their greed for power and control over people shows them up as vampires!”

Armed, Secretive, Unscrupulous, the FBI-DHS-NSA-CIA Practices Deadly Retaliation

Geral wrote back, Feb 10:


Plus, I am certain that fbi agents monitor my reports and that I have become the poster boy for what happens to an agent who breaks ranks.”

[I include this because it is an insider’s insight into how the FBI operates — and in my view not just the FBI but the larger establishment of which they are a part: both criminally and insanely, attacking someone of integrity and principle who stood up to expose corruption, not just for a day, month or year, but a lifetime. Plus, it clearly establishes we are dealing, not with a shiny, above-board police force here but one quite treasonously and psychologically unhinged.]

In an email titled “Cardinal rule for fbi agents,” Geral wrote, Feb 10:

“”Don’t Embarass The Bureau”.

I violated that rule in support of my cardinal rule:

Don’t torture/murder anyone and don’t be a fraud.”

I wrote back: “The Bureau is not merely Embarassed by the current exposure of their crimes from all sides, it is being fully exposed…

But I can see how they decided to target you–for having principles!

The FBI is very connected — they must be — it seems to the larger power brokers of UK and world–Pilgrim Society et al–these people worship Moloch and Isis and other deadhead deities demanding blood sacrifice…..what can possibly explain their lunacy!”

Geral wrote, Feb 10:

“Evil is their character and ‘raison d’etre’.”

and “Like you RAMOLA, I have overriding principles: Love humanity, accept people as human beings and improve the human condition where possible.”

FBI-DHS-NSA Suppression of all Communities and Neighborhoods with Threats, Bribes, and Lies Has Stopped the Organic Rise of Human Rights Advocacy

Geral made a comment on the destructive actions of Law Enforcement in society in the USA and world, writing, on Feb 10:

“Strange Phenomenon:

That the world’s most terrible & destructive societal threats are largely ignored by governments. A small number of human rights activists, such as we, are making worthwhile history.

One might expect larger numbers of persons to rally in favor of Individual rights over group values, social & economic. Yet, programming of the masses stifles much innovation.”

Geral also sent me a link, Feb 10, to a page with links to two articles:

Embarass the Bureau, Save America, Two Parts — The two articles are Barbara Hartwell’s historic spotlight on Geral Sosbee, Targeted for Terror: EX-FBI AGENT’S GRUESOME ORDEAL/GERAL SOSBEE, and his own historic look at the Bureau, and how it has gone wrong, The Issue.

Barbara Hartwell’s article can also be read at her website: Targeted for Terror: Ex-FBI Agent’s Gruesome Ordeal. Opening excerpts below:

Continue reading here: Targeted for Terror

In his article The Issue, Geral Sosbee traces the rise of deceit, stealth operations against targets of FBI’s ire (“demonized radicals, political enemies and critics of the national government”), and COINTELPRO to J. Edgar Hoover, JEH. Opening excerpt below.

Continue reading here: The Issue.PDF

For further understanding of the kind of nonstop persecution Geral is being subjected to, see his posts at Academia.edu, including this one, fbi uses high technology and low-minded thugs, which I can certainly attest to. Opening excerpt below.

Extreme Sleep Deprivation with Radio Frequencies, ELF, DEW

(ELF is Extremely Low Frequency, which affects bodily and brain functions.)

On March 14, 2022, Geral wrote:

“Please note that fbi assaults on me with DEW/ELF now cause such extreme sleep deprivation that I can hardly stand. Also, the fbi threat to induce dementia may be executed now.”

On March 16, 2022, Geral wrote:

“Thanks… for your empathy for my sleep deprivation. Nothing works. I even went to a spy store to see what they might have. Fbi called them before I entered; then, fbi entered and the employee there was not helpful.

Re: the ELF assaults:

I notice that I am kept awake all night, every night. Then, the next day at around 6 or 7 am I get 2-3 hours of micro sleep, but no REM sleep. Thus, every day I am sleepy due to no REM sleep. I am exhausted all the time & have big pain in lower back due to DDD.”

Neurotechnologies at specific frequencies or DEW attacks could both achieve this end, of keeping one awake or asleep.

Online Visit from Ukraine Possible Sign of Global Interest in Reports on FBI Terrorism

Geral also reported on March 16 a visit from Ukraine recorded on his Academia website at the article “fbi uses high technology and low-minded thugs


RAMOLA, Someone from Ukraine studied my academia site on fbi, high technology, loss of hearing, etc.

This international interest in fbi domestic terrorism may hint as to global interest in our work.”

and “Visit by apparent Ukrainian may indicate they reject rule by USA/fbi. Maybe they are telling world that Ukraine prefers domination by Russia.

After I sent my last email to you, fbi sent electronic notice by locking & unlocking my car remotely for harassment.”

[I’m just wondering here if that was the CIA not the FBI…since it appears the CIA has connections to Ukraine. But then again, they do work together!]

And: “The Ukraine visit to my academia site tends to confirm that the fbi efforts to end my life is motivated by perception that my work (& yours) are impacting foreign relations.

If this be true, then we may be on the cusp of a global backlash against use of space based weaponry on the global village.”

On March 17, Geral wrote:

” Fyi: tonight I posted this:

So, don’t be surprised that as the int’l community discovers the complete murderous corruption of fbi (as I document) more & more countries reject USA & seek alignment elsewhere. See my half century study of fbi thugs at my sites



And, as we discussed downloading PDFs and publishing online, he indicated how his computers have over the years been continually tampered with and made defunct: “Everything is difficult for me, as I am not permitted to own a computer. Library computers pose another problem: fbi comes & harasses me and even turn librarians hostile.”

Stealth Heart-hits and Head-hits with Human-Hacking DEWs on Journalist in Lawless USA

On March 17, after an email from me explaining my current interest in American State Citizenship: death-hits from FBI-CIA-NSA-DHS in my past status, Geral wrote:

“You wrote: “am literally being attacked to the death, with several intense heart-hit occasions and continuous assault to lungs, head, heart lately. “

These pathetic psychos are allowed to torture & kill us. I am sorry that they hit you so hard. I don’t see how you can do so much work under such duress.

Re: laws.

Laws in USA mean nothing to fbi. They make the laws of public opinion by controlling the population & Congress.

We live in a lawless society where fed magistrate judges support fbi atrocities impliedly.”

I checked with Geral whether I could quote him on that and he said I was free to use any of his words from his emails. Given that at this point in my analysis of the Intelligence Community–after 8 years of being battered by them–I have come to the same conclusion (We live in a lawless society in the US of A), I think that bears repeating, in bold:

“Laws in USA mean nothing to fbi. They make the laws of public opinion by controlling the population & Congress.

We live in a lawless society where fed magistrate judges support fbi atrocities impliedly.”

Geral Sosbee has previously written about how Federal Magistrate Judges work with the FBI to approve their illegal and baseless watchlisting, terrorlisting, or opening-investigations on anyone whomsoever they please, if one of their malice-laden “confidential informants”–often of secret-society, corruption-concealing, Luciferian or Globalist bent–so require, never mind how upstanding a citizen that person may be, because after all it’s not Crime they’re going after: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets

Extreme Assaults to Sleep Deprive

On March 17, Geral wrote:

“..fbi is increasing psychoelectronic assaults on you & on me.

Apparently, you & I are especially targeted together. You are suffering attacks on your heart, etc.

I am being extremely sleep deprived. Never have the attacks been so severe.

I am so sleepy all the time that I cannot stand up, nor walk normally.

On an optimistic note, the fbi is nervous and lash out at us

Thank you for being terrific.


And: “I think that our focus on Ukraine has the Intel community in a quandary.

When the fools don’t know what to do with bad publicity from us they attack.

I wonder how much longer my heart condition can stand the torture. Also, my thoughts are with you as the attacks on you, dear RAMOLA, are a severe tax on your life.”

Bad Publicity for the Intel Community bothers them? I hadn’t known that — since they have spent nearly a decade pounding at me night and day whether I write or don’t write, speak or don’t speak, interview or don’t interview, although they do intensify their attacks when a podcast or article is released which is especially significant in disclosing their crimes or informing the world on steps forward or positive change through new science or consciousness science. Honestly at this point I don’t know if there is anyone in the world who has any respect or faith left in the US Intel Community–often referred to as the Deep State–people can see what they have done.

It is a situation however which must be changed. The great fear, indeed terror, induced in people by these entrenched agencies using “the power of the gun” to commit unspeakable atrocity against people, now with precision stealth technologies, must be ended. Such militarized subjugation will only increase if not openly exposed, challenged, and monitored-into-termination. People of integrity must rise.

Cyberhacking on Phone

Geral has also reported cyberhacking on his phone with words and spelling messed up–a frequent trick applied on my PC too. He sent me several examples including the one below. Later visit to a T-Mobile center, he reports, led to them informing him his language settings on the phone had been changed–by someone else, Geral says, not himself, also evidence of cyberhacking.

“Hacking my first dire should read our ,

Not ‘Pur’

On Sun, Mar 20, 2022, 5:18 AM Geral Sosbee wrote:


Pur work is causing f b i & fmj

to increase assaults. Now, apparrently everything I type on my phone is hacker. My latest Facebook entry in assaults by store employees:

While f b i & their insane fmj *monitor & supervise me 24/7/365 f b i also torture me constantly with DEW/ELF sleep deprivation. *Everywhere I go operative & employees of stores such as HEB & Sam’s club harass me for f b i. Any response from me could be used by fmj to arrest me.”


“Tic message is sento toshiw you what happens Beverly Time I try ti type anyrging. FBI hoodlums take River my messages and turno Thema vinto gibberish.



Geral also called me on Sunday, March 20, to document his extensive sleep-deprivation to the point of being kept up all night and being able to sleep only at 7 am in the morning, then sleeping through the day and waking at 7 or 8 pm at night. I noted to him “This is outrageous assault on your life and time” and he asked me to emphasize that “Please note that no rem Sleep is allowed. So I AM sleepy all the time.”

This is clearly intentional persecution–and it Must be stopped.

Medical Professionals Collude with FBI and CIA to Withhold Healthcare, Hand out Faulty Hearing Aids–or Steal X-Rays

My record of the co-opted doctor in Quincy handing over the most revealing X-rays showing evidence of a sharpshot RFID implant in my right arm–being activated to this day by Thug-Life Miscreants–to the very agencies engaging in stealth assault is here: Local Quincy, Massachusetts Doctor’s Office Colludes to Conceal Medical Imaging Evidence of RFID on X-Ray, Signpost to Ongoing DoD/DOJ/CIA Energy Weapon Assault: Crime on Many Counts

Geral wrote, on this subject: “The audiologist who apparently was turned against me now makes sure that I can’t hear even with hearing aids.

What a world, where top law enforcement agency turns most doctors & dentists against the Target.

However, I was born with a creative gene that allows me to overcome the hostility & insanity of our society.”

Massive Attack on Journalist Post Countering Major DIsinformation from Richard Lighthouse Playing Gatekeeper for Targets and Liar for CIA-FBI-NSA-DHS

Now in between this past week of correspondence, various dramas have been playing out here as well, including a rather incredible assault on me in the early hours of March 22–directly after I published an article countering the Disinfo being published to illegal-FBI-targets by Richard Lighthouse in clear protection of the illegal and unlawful FBI-CIA-NSA-DHS overt and covert construct of placing soldier mercenaries operating microwave weapons from houses and cars in multiple “fusion houses” in neighborhoods, which I mentioned in my response:

“It is all OUTRAEOUS Geral. This audiologist needs to be exposed.

Further, hope you will find another audiologist….I haven’t written the article yet reporting the crimes against you–will do so later today, have been super attacked yesterday after publishing this (and while)–but microwave migraines and projectile vomiting, the CIA thinks, is quite ok to do to a writer…..The “New Way” of Stealth Urban Spectrum Assault: Yes, Microwave Weapons Are Being Used From Neighboring Houses & Parked Cars, Utility Vans, Service Trucks

(Just like sending hard pulses to my upper arm while writing and now is ok, apparently. All OK, in the interests of saving their butts from FULL EXPOSURE)

So, they have now given me a NEW CRIME to report.

Yes, glad you have that creative gene and glad I have it too! (Will be great to quote you on that….)”

Just in case someone somewhere has missed notice of this gargantuan atrocity attended on my living self 2 nights ago when I posted that Substack to counter the Massive and ridiculous Disinfo from Richard Lighthouse regarding portable microwave weapons simply not existing–and neighbors not being involved (this is like the old Implants-don’t-exist canard while the CIA and DOD go out of their way to sharpshoot implants into people, break into houses and implant people, drug people in hospitals and implant people (then call it all Clandestine Sources and Methods and pretend it never happened): neighbors are most definitely involved and in fact account for 90% of the assault, whether using the weapons themselves or tracking, triangulating to permit others in training/operation to execute the hits from SUVs, pickups, trucks, drones, planes, celltowers, satellites), please read and share widely: Revealing the Hidden Hand Leads to Instant Malicious Retaliation–This is a testimonial to extreme US War Crime and Crime Against Humanity on its own shores, akin to the Chinese torture and organ-harvesting of the Falun Gong and Uyghurs: Clearly, I was hit by an Infrasound Weapon, whose effects could not be eluded–a powerful, silent weapon to enact extreme atrocity: is the Senate Intelligence Committee listening? This is the kind of crime they have permitted the CIA/DOD to engage in, using Covers. No need for Rendition to Black Sites in Saudi Arabia, this is the Domestic Torture Program, reserved for Americans inside America. Done in Stealth, for Plausible Deniability and casual dismissal of reporting victims as mental cases in hopes they won’t be believed.

Screenshot, Acoustic Weapons, a Prospective Assessment/Jurgen Altmann, posted here: Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non-Lethal Warfare · ClimateViewer News; PDF now posted here: Acoustic Weapons/Jurgen Altmann

Geral wrote back yesterday: “Thanks and Please know that I am sad that you are being torture ruthlessly. The vomiting is horrendous and tour life is being threatened by these psychopaths.

They seem to be hitting us at the same intensity. Today, the Sleep deprivation is causing problems all day.

So, it looks like the terrorists are attacking the two of US in a vengeance.


THANK you and I spray that you can resto from the assaults.

A s you can se the FBI is against playing with my typing.


Once again, thanks to Geral Sosbee for being unafraid to reveal the crimes executed on his being by agencies who prefer to worship secrecy and enact Terror than succeed in routing out crime (impossible since the latter emanates from themselves).

His testimonial as an FBI whistleblower is critical to the larger cause of the Full Disclosure of these horrific agencies who are expending all of their budgets in attacking the populace–for no reason but to quell any signs, expressed anywhere, of advanced consciousness, moral principles, integrity, humanity, intelligence.

People of Integrity Must Rise

Geral Sosbee has said to me he sends these reports not to complain but to document and record his persecution–in interests of exposing FBI crime against him. This too is my intention in documenting the crime, not just against myself but against whistleblowers like him, and thousands of innocent Americans and people worldwide who have been selected for life takedown by an armed-and-dangerous police-and-Intelligence-Military-Security faction whispering “Public Safety” and “Counter Terrorism” and “Deterrence” and “Surveillance” with a clownface on, practising brutal beatings-with-Energy/NeuroWeapons meanwhile.

This same faction has locked the populace into silence. ACLU, Amnesty et al are silent. Media is silent–and actually working for them to lie about these crimes. Co-opted, bribed, terrorized neighbors, workplace colleagues, friends, family, “public-private partners” are silent. Congress and local governments, appealed to by many, are silent. The entire country–and world–is being held hostage to this network of barbarians using the shield of Public Office to enact brutality and atrocity in secret on millions. People need to snap out of the thrall of subjection to this shield and rise to reveal the crime, expose the criminals, and end their reign. Nothing will change until that happens.

Sharkocracy Inc. Has Taken Over America (and World)