Tag Archives: Pharaonic Syn-Bio Futures

REVEALED! The Great Virus Deception, A Historic Radiation Secret, Wild Bezos Dreams of Pharaonic Syn-Bio Futures Vs the Great Power of Human Energy Systems and Chi in Natural Healing

Report & Video Links | Ramola D | November 20, 2021


In a major interview on November 15, 2021 which was subsequently massively cyber-hacked in the producing, finalizing, saving, and uploading (evidence of the scrambled video on Bitchute, see Report 271, the first post) and which clearly hit a nerve in the cybertroll-cyberhacker world of Science Deceit which typifies Billionaire Alley and CDC Plaza running the ongoing COVID Pandemic-Forever-Fraud under the FDA-Pfizer-Moderna-Gates-Wellcome-WHO-WEF aerostat targeting billions today, Frances Leader, science researcher and writer spoke of The Great Virus Deception holding the world in thrall–with evidence piling up of no SARS-COV-2 virus in existence, in purified isolate form, as she herself learned from the MHRA, UK, reported here, as I myself learned from the CDC, Massachusetts Public Health, and the Office of the Massachusetts Governor, as biostatistician Christine Massey and a world team learned from 137 governments, universities, and Public Health departments around the world–while scientists like Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Thomas Cowan, and Dr. Andy Kaufman have amply clarified for all of us that Germ Theory has never been proved, no virus for any disease has ever been isolated, that what virologists mistake for viruses are exosomes–waste extrusions from detoxifying cells–and the concept of Viruses-Causing-Disease has been cynically adopted by the vast behemoth of the Pharmaceutical Industry (which seems to be running the world) primarily to make obscene profits for Mammon-worshipping billionaires and terrify world populations–who are told Virology is a difficult and complex science which needs only “Experts” at the CDC to interpret– into abject submission.

Frances has been following this epic disclosure, as have I, Dr. Robert Young and numerous other true-media researchers, writers, and organizations keen to expose the Germ Theory deception once and for all–or at least, to figure out what this is all about really–and reports that she has written a third article to report the lack of isolate of the putative Covid virus, each one being targeted by Facebook and Twitter for takedown.

Fact-Checkers Scramble to Take Down the Facts

Isn’t that interesting that as soon as the factual information of what several queried and FOIA’d governments and courts are forced to reveal–that the supposed deadly virus on which this entire scam of a pandemic is supposed to hang simply has never been purified, materially, in isolate: is not proved to exist, has no physical correlate, no scientifically discernible form whatsoever–is published, the “fact-checkers” over yon at Deception Central lit up by Facebook and Twitter scramble to take down the facts?

Frances Leader: NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT COVID19 EXISTS – A collection of the evidence — Hive
NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

MAJOR NEWS as COVID Crumbles in Canada: Public Health CMO Deena Henshaw and State of Alberta, Canada Forced to Retract ALL COVID Mask, Vaccine, Quarantine Mandates On Lack of Material Evidence to Prove COVID-19 Virus Exists in Canadian Patriot Patrick King Court Case

New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

Words on a Non-Existent Virus, Transhumanism & Freedom from Anna Marie Riezinger: NOTICE OF STATUS INVESTIGATION AND LIABILITY

Never forget what Dr. Wu Zunyou, the Chinese CDC Director said: “They didn’t isolate the Virus.” No, because none exists.

That is sadly however the current state of affairs — where mass media and tech platforms in service to industry agendas rush to hide the evidence of the truth from the public, and the large-scale deceptions of Pharma-CDC-FDA-WHO are permitted to rage on, unchecked.

From Frances Leader:

PLAGUE OF FEAR 2020 – Part 5 – Revealing the conspirators & their plans — Hive In Part I of this series of articles, I described the shocking effects we all experienced during the first half of 2020. The surprises, lockdowns & fearmongering in the media over the so-called Coronavirus outbreak.


The greater deceit, Frances notes is that viruses have never existed; no virus for any disease has been found, as Dr. Lanka, Dr. Young and others have noted. Disease has been created, she says, not by finite, findable germs but by electromagnetic radiation, from its early beginnings as radar, radio, and wireless in the early 1900s to its current forms as wifi, 4G, 5G.

Dr. Young has long noted the same, that all disease is the offshoot of chemical or radiation poisoning, which causes exacerbated conditions of acidosis in the body, producing the disease symptoms variously labelled as polio, measles etc. each of which does not have a distinct virus associated with it, as we have all been led to believe, but accrues from the excess of some specific acid clogging the interstitial fluid and blood in response to specific chemicals or frequencies of energy poisoning.

Why Viruses Do Not Exist!/Dr. Robert Young

The History of the Infection Theory/Dr. Stefan Lanka

This is a subject therefore deserving of further study, astonishing as it is to contemplate. While Terrain Theory seems intuitively comprehensible, that acidic conditions in the body lead to disease and ill-health, it is harder to imagine that all diseases we have known come from a few or singular sources like EMF radiation.

In several videos, interviews, and articles, Dr. Young has shown how the blood cells rouleau in the presence of chemical or EMF poisoning; Dr. Magda Havas also demonstrates this, using her own blood, viewed under a microscope. Pathological blood coagulation, as Dr. Young refers to it, leads to disease.

Frances addresses the EMF cause of illness through the timeline chart mapping the development of manmade EMF applications across time in her article The Virology of Deception:


Frances Leader/5G IS A WEAPON KEY TO THE GREAT RESET — Hive So you believe that electro-magnetic radiation is harmless? REALLY? Perhaps you need to read my previous research on the subject before I continue here: After absorbing all…

Jeff Bezos, the International Barcode of Life, Synthetic Biology Replacing Organic Life, and Pharaonic Visions of Humans Leaving Earth (to the Pharaohs)

A related subject of import which Fran Leader brings to our attention is a recent interview given by Jeff Bezos, one of the coterie of billionaires who have gained further billions from the COVID destruction of everyone else’s business and forcing shopping online, after his recent trip to Space (or what is being fed to us as being Space) where he uses the usual taglines of considering Earth a “tiny but beautiful” planet lost in an “immensity of Space” which we must all bend over backward to “Protect and Save” by moving toward a future where spaceships remove most of the inhabitants and “all heavy industry” (to Mars presumably) leaving the jewelled Earth to be caretaken by the billionaire-club visionaries.

Meanwhile the IBOL–International Barcode of Life project will digitize, quantize, monitor, surveil every existing species on the planet (all estimated .5 million critters) as a historic baseline probably while the brand new plaything of the idle, Synthetic Biology, will transform all organic life into synthetic creations, starting yesterday–taking us from a natural world with natural living beings to completely synthesized, artificially-engineered AI-driven and managed forms, no doubt cyborged from the start to permit lifelong manipulation. (By the Pharaohs–who, as Fran reminds us, see themselves as descending from the Pharaohs of yore and in charge of all God’s creation, which they are working hard to transform into an AI-driven Illuminati construct with pathogens and evil prominent.)

Replacing God with Artificial Intelligence seems to be the plan, as per Ray Kurzweil’s answer to the question “Does God exist?” relayed by Frances Leader–his answer? “Not yet.”

That frabjous Jeff Bezos interview in full–Our Future in Space/Ignatius Forum, can be found here:


In stunning contrast however to the Bezos vision of control and takeover–a small petty vision from small petty minds engaging in megalomanic dreams–is the great power inherent in our own human bodies and minds, says Frances, pointing to newfound discoveries from Russian research into electromagnetics pointing to the bioenergetics of human systems which EMF weapons seek to affect, and to the energy-medicine knowledge of the ancient Chinese who have mapped the energy meridians of EMF flow inside the human body and use acupuncture to send electrical currents and energy to whichever meridian is blocked and needs energy for healing.

Essentially then, it is the energetic nature of our human bodies which offers a key to health or conditions of health inside our bodies versus conditions of disease or ill-health.

As many energy-medicine practitioners tell us, it is our “energy bodies” first which manifest disease — a rupture or tear in our energy sheaths, which Frances says is like an oval egg about 6-feet wide surrounding our physical bodies (hence the 6-foot “social-distancing” prohibition, to keep us from intermingling our human energies with each other)–which is then transmitted to the physical body and manifests as disease.

Dr. Robert Young has addressed the causes of all disease as stressors which include chemical and radiation poisoning, unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions which impact as toxins to the body–all these start with negative frequency assaults on the human energy systems, as Frances explains.

The great key to life which Frances brings to us through this interview is her focus on Chi and how we can raise our Chi and the flow of electromagnetic energy through our internal meridians, sharing a quick and easy breathing technique (in the video) to raise your Chi and stimulate your entire energy profile, and recommending to all to explore Tai Chi and later Qigong, martial arts practices to power up our energy systems and restore health and long-term healing to our bodies. Tai Chi before QiGong, she cautions–and you Will see results. All fascinating subjects to be further explored in interviews, panels, and articles shortly.

Report 271 can be viewed at Screencast or at Bitchute for now and will be uploaded elsewhere shortly:

Frances Leader’s excellent blog at Hive Blog is here.

See her new article on Weaponized Electromagnetic Frequencies here.

Please share widely.