Newsbreak 123 : Mask Hitlers in Stores/Banks in USA–Apple & H&M Illegally Cite “Store Policy” for Discrimination

Report, Op-ed, Video Link | Ramola D | May 21, 2021

Do stores have a right to refuse entry and services in the USA citing “Store Policy”? Not really, they’re discriminating if they do; if it were legal to cite store policy on anything and everything as a filter to deny entry and service, stores would be doing just that. You might have to wear a Roman toga to enter J. Crew or a snakeskin to be served at CVS. And how about Oompa-Loompa headknots for Stop n’ Shop and alligator tattoos for Walmart?

Newsbreak 123/Masonic Hand Symboling & “Security Industry Services” with the One Star insignia at Apple, well-masked to prove banditry in broad daylight

Citing “Public Health” for an unproved “pandemic” requiring a medical device which is voluntary and which nobody needs to wear–but which a lot of people have been Psy Opped into wearing because they just plain can’t think for themselves or bother doing the scientific research–which currently shows us masks are dangerous, should never be worn for long hours, and cause hypoxia, hypercapnia, and other horrors (the blue surgical masks have been shown to carry Morgellons-style synbio nanofibres)–does not change this.

Anthony Fauci of the CDC might stand on his head and give press conferences demanding people wear masks “to keep others safe” and wear 2, 3, 4 masks in fact to “keep others safe” or “wear then if you’re not vaccinated” or “wear them if you’re vaccinated” or “wear them as a precaution even if you’re vaccinated” or whatever else his propaganda repeaters in Media are saying he’s said lately, but the CDC is a private pharmaceutical corporation owning vaccine patents and Fauci comes from a Satanic bloodline, so why should anyone listen to what he has to say?

Image: Dawson County Journal/Fauci Admits Rand Paul Was Right: Mask-Wearing After Vax Was Theater
Authored by Thomas Lifson via,


No President, Governor, or Mayor Can Mandate Wearing Masks, Taking Tests, Taking Vaccines, or Self-Isolating: These Are Not Laws Anyone Need Follow, They Are Outright Deceptions

Masks are making people sick, they have provenly caused the deaths of children and of adults: nobody should be wearing them. People who wear masks on the advice of crooks playing scientist when they are in fact pharmaceutical salesmen and globalists with a depopulation death-wish for humanity need to wake up and read the real science: health does not come from mask-wearing, and masks are being used as a tool to coerce compliance and subjugation by crooked governments and their partners.

Stores who demand masks on your face in order to permit you entry are working hard to create apartheid and participating in Obedience Training for the Communist Globalist state.

Health and immunity come from all the many things the globalists, transhumanists, and satanists in government are currently working hard to remove and never mention: daily sunlight, good pure nutrition, organic foods, pesticide-free foods, clean water free of flouride and other neurotoxins, clean air free of aerosol’d nanotubes & nanometals & sprayed fungi, regular exercise, healthy social and cultural lives, communities which work together and are not activated to snitch and spy on each other, creativity for all, art, music, reading for all, wealth, land, farms, woods for all, schooling and education for all, critical thinking for all, independence of spirit, life, action, play for all, freedom for all (free of nonstop surveillance).

Blocking the sun, fluoridating the water, spraying & chem-trailing the air, masking your face, shutting down social and cultural life, shutting down businesses, revving up noise harassment in your neighborhood, subjecting you to nonstop surveillance, setting communities to spy and snitch on arbitrarily-labeled targets in your midst are all myriad ways local, state, and federal governments are destroying Public Health.

And inoculating people with toxic gene-based “operating systems” isn’t protecting Public Health either, it’s causing death and disability instead. No, it’s not really a vaccine, and a massive Coercion-to-Transhumanize Operation (all fatalities either collateral damage or covert genocide) is clearly underway.

Apple in Braintree and H & M in Braintree at the South Shore Mall refused this writer services on May 13, 2021: clear evidence of blatant discrimination which caused a public moment of distress; this writer stopped to record a brief public notice of discrimination before leaving the store entryway (video clip included in Newsbreak 123 below). Places of public accommodation actually cannot deny services and can be sued for doing so, and that Apple manager and H&M manager need to know that.

Rob Rubin of Transparent Media Truth and I discuss the phenomenon of mask-compliance in Massachusetts and California:

WATCH AT LIVE528/Newsbreak 123 at Live.Ahava528

WATCH AT BITCHUTE/Newsbreak 123 at Bitchute

WATCH AT ODYSEE/Newsbreak 123 at Odysee

WATCH AT BRIGHTEON/Newsbreak 123 at Brighteon

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