Tag Archives: sonic technologies

Report #33: Natalie Moore – Remote Control, V2K, Non-Consensual Neuro-Experimentation


Natalie Moore, author of Remote Control

In this open conversation on Ramola D Reports, London-based Natalie Moore, a young mother, former school administrator, and author of the ground-breaking book Remote Control–detailing in-depth her own experience of being the focus of organized stalking and electromagnetic weapon assault as well as sustained non-consensual neuro-experimentation in 21st-century London–connects from the UK to present her testimonial and discuss this harrowing, unjust, 20-year-long experience.

Starting from her teenage years in the late ’90s and spanning two decades across the birth of her son and several continents as she traveled to various places, only to find the remote EMF assaults followed her everywhere—whether to Barbados or Mexico or Cyprus—Natalie relates how she first started to be verbally harassed by random people in public places following on the death of her mother, and following a civic action of suing the local Council over a housing negligence issue, and how this harassment escalated to electromagnetic assault on her body as she was subjected to remote electrical shocks and vibrations and began experiencing V2K or Voice to Skull—a patented military neurotechnology—as well as other exotic sonic technologies, which projected voices into all sound vibrations around her, whether from a noisy hair dryer or the crashing of waves on a beach.

nmcoverSaying she wrote the book both for herself, to present her experience and to alert others in the UK about the actuality of these covert and remote assaults with sophisticated military technologies, Natalie delved deep into researching some of this neurotechnology, finding patents, and reading the testimonials of others with similar experiences—offering therefore a personal experience well-contextualized within the space of modern EMR neurotechnology.

Natalie hopes that this book will also alert those in communities around the world randomly being pulled into assisting and supporting the weapon-wielders and neurotech experimenters, possibly being told they are helping to “monitor” a dangerous or unstable or suspicious person in their neighborhoods, not knowing they are actually helping, with each tracking and monitoring action, to physically assault and mentally and neurologically attack this person’s body and brain and central nervous system, while also assisting Military and Intelligence perpetrators in engaging in continuous Psychological Warfare against citizens.

As many know by now, those reporting these Neurotech and Remote Control crimes are simply labeled delusional, in what appears to be a deliberate strategy of both psychological warfare and abject criminality, by police officers, social workers, mental health personnel, and ER medical personnel. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors especially need to be educated about the reality of these military weapons and technologies, and about the fact that a positive rash of non-consensual neuro-experimentation is currently going on worldwide, which represents, in Natalie’s words, “a global pandemic.”

Remote Control may be ordered from Amazon. Please read and share this vital book of our times—these articles, books, and videos featuring the experiences of reporting victims of non-consensual neuro-experimentation are vitally important in informing the world polity of what exactly is going on today, under the aegis of “surveillance” and “winning the war on Terror”–first step in putting an end to these horrific and inhumane experiments and assaults, and holding the responsible parties in Defense and Intelligence fully accountable. I hope to return with another conversation with Natalie Moore as soon as I have read her book—which just arrived on my doorstep this afternoon.

–Ramola D/Posted 12/6/2017