Tag Archives: petition to end electronic harassment

Petition to Congress to Put an Emergency Order in Place to End Electronic Harassment Reaches 1,000 Signatures

While many suspect that the US Congress and US President are quite intricately involved in and perfectly cognizant of these programs (the President’s Surveillance program maybe?) permitting the use of EMF/scalar/sonic neuroweapons on Americans along with organized stalking COINTELPRO actions and massive character assassination and community-policing in-community, via classified programs of excessive/secret FISA-court-permitted “electronic surveillance,” it is nevertheless significant that hundreds of Americans today are aware enough or affected enough to sign this petition, and vital to note its importance in raising awareness about the pervasiveness of this c/overt abuse on thousands of Americans, and others worldwide. Linda Bressendorff, who started this petition on Change.org, reports today via email that a milestone has been reached:

Jan 13, 2016 — 1,000 signatures collected! I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported this petition. I could not have imagined when it started, that it would reach this point. It will be with great pleasure that I deliver these signatures to U.S. President Obama, The U.S. Senate, Attorney General of the U.S., and Secretary-General of the UN, Ban-Ki Moon.

I continue to hold out hope that the petition will draw the attention of the media. I have sent out numerous letters to various media outlets, which included links to the petition.”

From the text to the petition, which can be found here–please drop in and sign if you haven’t already, and if you are media, please contact Linda for more information–some excerpts:

Innocent citizens in the U.S. and in other countries around the globe are being Harassed, Tortured, and Murdered using “Direct Energy Weapons.”  A class of Military Grade Weapons that are capable of causing catastrophic damage to the human mind and body.

I am one of many victims that have been targeted. We have done nothing wrong, yet each day we awake to unspeakable horrors. Most of which, people wouldn’t believe. These heinous acts are in direct violation of a person’s Human and Civil Rights. The Authorities, Media, and Government have all failed to offer aid to victims. They deny and want you to believe that this problem does not exist. This dismissive attitude has given the ones responsible for these cowardly acts, permission to continue their “Reign of Terror.”

We demand that you launch a Full-Fledged Investigation into abuses involving: “Gang-Stalking,” “Electronic Harassment,” and “Direct Energy Weapons.” We are fighting a losing battle—WE NEED HELP NOW. Legislation must be passed and laws enacted to protect the innocent from being slaughtered. We request that Emergency Aid be provided to victims who have had to endure this unjust punishment continuously for lengthy periods of time. To those falsely diagnosed with psychiatric illness and institutionalized, an apology is owed. Aid and assistance must be rendered as they seek to restore their good names and good standing in their communities. Aid should also be extended to include families who lost loved ones to Forced Suicide.

We ask President Obama and Members of Congress to bring Perpetrators of this inhumanity to justice. Their punishment should be swift and severe. They should be made to feel the same pain and suffering they’ve caused. The iron curtain they so cowardly hide behind must fall, exposing them for who they really are. This hidden and shameful truth needs to be unmasked for all the world to see.

“The World will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” Albert Einstein

“The Rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” John F. Kennedy

Much gratitude to Linda Bressendorff for caring enough about this vitally important issue of unjust assaults on Americans via “electronic surveillance” cover-ups/loopholes and classified secretive human subject experimentation programs to bring it openly to public attention, and let’s hope ripples and consequences will spread far and wide to effect positive change sooner rather than later.