Anna von Reitz: Make a Video Deposition | Call to all Journalists, Podcasters Interviewing Doctors and COVID-Vaccine-Injured to Make Each Podcast Court-Admissible Evidence for Upcoming Court Action

Re-post of original at | Ramola D | March 6, 2022

Make Your Video a Deposition

By Anna Von Reitz

[Image:Video Deposition/]
Anna von Reitz

Now, I know you guys aren’t lawyers or judges and so, you aren’t thinking like lawyers or judges, but in the current situation, you need to do so.

Both you journalists and your sources need to start thinking in terms of collecting court admissible evidence.

We are now in the process of putting together one of the most damning criminal court proceedings in the history of the world and it grinds my teeth that so many great opportunities to nail down evidence and testimony are slipping through the cracks simply because people aren’t thinking.

It only takes a few seconds to turn a news story into a credible evidentiary video deposition and you can all contribute to actual court action — immediately and up front — by taking the time to do this little “extra” thing when you are making your videos.

You can self-declare a video deposition. Here’s how you do it if you are all alone and need to get your information in a form that a court can use.

Do your usual Selfie thing with you speaking directly into the camera. Speak clearly and run through this little Self-Declaration:

“My name is . I live in . I am an American (British, French, etc.) National.

I am providing my witness and testimony freely and voluntarily without duress and without any hidden purpose. In this presentation, I am telling the truth and the whole truth to the best of my ability to know the truth, in order to create and provide a video deposition for the use of courts and prosecutors worldwide.”

Do your video, create your link or copy, then send it directly to me, at, along with a scan of your picture ID or passport, which the court will use to validate your identity. You don’t ever show your ID as part of the video — only as an attached jpeg photo.

If you are a news source doing an in-studio interview, you can make it a much more formal deposition, by administering the declaration and having members of your team witness it.

Say that you are, for example, Del Bigtree, and you are interviewing a scientist with blockbuster information about vaccine adverse events — you just lead into the video deposition like this:

“This morning we are talking to Dr. Alan Christian Daley, a Senior Medical Doctor and head of the Microbiology Research Center at UCLA. Doctor Daley has more than thirty years of experience interpreting advanced electron microscopy and is a Histologist specializing in blood diseases and abnormalities. Doctor Daley is bringing us amazing and disturbing news about what he is seeing in the blood of people who have received Covid 19 vaccines.

Doctor Daley agreed moments ago to turn this interview into an official video deposition, giving his expert testimony in a form that can be used by prosecutors and courts.

So, without further ado, do you Doctor Alan Christian Daley, of Riverside, California, an American National, freely and voluntarily and without any fear or coercion or hidden purpose offer your expert witness and testimony regarding the facts and observations you are about to share, and affirm that you are telling us the truth, the whole truth throughout, to the best of your knowledge and ability?” He or she says, “I do, and it is my firm intention that this video testimony and the photos I am about to share should be used by prosecutors, courts, sheriffs, and law enforcement officials to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity.” From that moment on, the testimony is “live” and available as evidence in a court of law any court of law.

Once the interview is wrapped up, send me a copy and a jpeg of the witness’s ID to: Label it something like “Expert Witness Testimony” or “Self-Deposition” as the case may be.

Help me to help you, and help everyone else, too, by making the words and photos count.

Right now, we are collecting video depositions and evidence related to Covid 19 vaccines, related scientific evidence, and injuries and deaths following vaccination.

This is a way for you to not only be heard, but to make being heard count toward prosecution.

Make it more than a story or an interview make it a deposition.

Right now, we are dealing with the genocide. Right after that, we deal with targeted individuals and the use of directed energy weapons. Right after that, we deal with Chem Trails and weaponized geoengineering.

Everyone got the picture?

Thousands of people are now dying as a result of trustingly taking these undisclosed injections. We can’t possibly interview them or even their families within the time parameters we have, but if you do what I am suggesting, you can contribute your deposition and help us bring these criminals and their corporations to justice.

See this article and over 3500 others on Anna’s website here:

One response to “Anna von Reitz: Make a Video Deposition | Call to all Journalists, Podcasters Interviewing Doctors and COVID-Vaccine-Injured to Make Each Podcast Court-Admissible Evidence for Upcoming Court Action

  1. Pingback: Anna von Reitz: Make a Video Deposition | Call to all Journalists, Podcasters Interviewing Doctors and COVID-Vaccine-Injured to Make Each Podcast Court-Admissible Evidence for Upcoming Court Action — The EveryDay Concerned Citizen – New Human New

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